Museum Studies Graduate Program Internship Agreement Form

Museum Studies Graduate Program
Internship Agreement Form
The internship in Museum Studies (MST) is designed to provide an opportunity for practical application of classroom theory
in professional fieldwork. Students will undertake projects approved by the site supervisor and the faculty supervisor, and
make periodic reports to the faculty supervisor on the experience. The student, the faculty supervisor, and the site supervisor
will share in the responsibilities of the experience.
1. The University will provide an internship manual. A statement will be available to delineate philosophy and objectives of the
internship, progression and scope of the internship, policies and procedures and the forms, records and reports to be
2. The supervising institution and the MST program will jointly agree upon placement of a student in the agency after
consultation with the student and in consideration of the needs of the student in relation to what the institution can provide.
The MST program maintains the right to reject and/or terminate any student-arranged internship that is not deemed suitable.
Students must attend a Pre-Internship Meeting and complete all of the required paperwork to initiate the internship agreement
before they will be registered by the MST Director for MST 600 Internship.
3. Upon selection of the agency for placement, a statement of internship goals and objectives will be submitted by the end of
the first week of internship. The statement of goals and objectives must be signed by both the student and the site supervisor,
and submitted to the faculty supervisor. Failure to submit the statement of goals and objectives in a timely manner may result
in the internship being terminated.
4. The student will spend a minimum of 10 consecutive weeks at 20 hours per week (variances must be approved) in
professional fieldwork and related studies for which 4 semester hours of credit will be received upon satisfactory completion.
This must be a block of time following the completion of 21 semester hours. The student is expected to follow the rules,
regulations and policies of the institution. Students will have the status of interns and are not to replace staff.
5. The supervising institution will assign a staff member qualified by professional registration, education or experience to
supervise the field work. The site supervisor must be given a time allotment for those responsibilities, and submit a summary
evaluation on the student’s work.
6. The student will participate in planning the internship experience, submit weekly reports to the faculty supervisor, and have
periodic conferences with the institution and faculty supervisors. The student will give a presentation summarizing and
evaluating the internship experience, and complete all coursework applicable to internship.
7. The faculty supervisor will visit the agency at least once during the term of the field training, contingent upon distance. If
the intern is not within the travel radius for a site visit, a telephone conference call between the faculty supervisor, the student,
and site supervisor will be conducted.
8. All parties agree to adhere to applicable state and federal laws during the duration of the agreement. The University does
not complete background checks on students.
WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY and ____________________________________________agree to the
provisions of the above statement, for the following student: ______________________________________
whose internship will commence: ________________________ and conclude: _______________________
Signed: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Signed: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
(Agency Representative)
Signed: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
(MST Director)