INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS SAM RASKIN Contents 1. Review of linear algebra and tensors 2. Quadratic forms and spaces 3. π-adic fields 4. The Hasse principle References 1 10 25 44 57 1. Review of linear algebra and tensors 1.1. Linear algebra is assumed as a prerequisite to these notes. However, this section serves to review the language of abstract linear algebra (particularly tensor products) for use in the remainder of these notes. We assume the reader familiar with these notions, and therefore do not provide a complete and detailed treatment. In particular, we assume the reader knows what a homomorphism of algebraic objects is. 1.2. Rings and fields. Recall that a ring is a set π΄ equipped with associative binary operations ` and ¨ called “addition” and “multiplication” respectively, such that pπ, `q is an abelian group with identity element 0, such that multiplication distributes over addition, and such that there is a multiplicative identity 1. The ring π΄ is said to be commutative if its multiplication is a commutative operation. Homomorphisms of rings are maps are always assumed to preserve 1. We say that a commutative ring π΄ is a field if every non-zero element π P π΄ admits a multiplicative inverse π´1 . We usually denote fields by π (this is derived from the German “KoΜrper”). Example 1.2.1. For example, the rational numbers Q, the real numbers R, and the complex numbers C are all fields. The integers Z form a commutative ring but not a field. However, for π a prime number, the integers modulo π form a field that we denote by Fπ , and refer to as the field with π elements. For π΄ a ring, we let π΄ˆ denote the group of invertible elements in π΄. Exercise 1.1. If π is a field and πΊ Δ π ˆ is a finite subgroup, show that πΊ is cyclic. Deduce that Fˆ π is a cyclic group of order π ´ 1. Date: Spring, 2014. 1 2 SAM RASKIN 1.3. Characteristic. For a ring π΄, we have a canonical (and unique) homomorphism Z Ñ π΄: π ÞÑ 1looooomooooon ` ... ` 1 P π΄ π times and we abuse notation in letting π P π΄ denote the image of π P Z under this map. For a field π, this homomorphism has a kernel of the form π ¨ Z for π either a prime number or 0; we say that π has characteristic π accordingly. We see that π has characteristic 0 if Q Δ π, and π has characteristic π Δ 0 if Fπ Δ π. We denote the characteristic of π as charpπq. 1.4. Vector spaces. Let π be a field fixed for the remainder of this section. A vector space over π (alias: π-vector space) is an abelian group pπ, `q equipped with an action of π by scaling. That is, for π P π and π£ P π , we have a new element π ¨ π£ P π such that this operation satisfies the obvious axioms. We frequently refer to elements of π as vectors. We sometimes refer to homomorphisms of vector spaces sometimes as linear transformations, or as π-linear maps. Remark 1.4.1. Note that the totality of linear transformations π : π Ñ π can itself be organized into a vector space Homπ pπ, π q, also denoted Hompπ, π q if the field π is unambiguous. The vector space operations are defined point-wise: pπ1 ` π2 qpπ£q :“ π1 pπ£q ` π2 pπ£q pπ ¨ π qpπ£q :“ π ¨ pπ pπ£qq. 1.5. Direct sums and bases. We will primarily be interested in finite-dimensional vector spaces, but for the construction of tensor products it will be convenient to allow infinite direct sums. Definition 1.5.1. Given two vector spaces π and π , we define their direct sum π ‘ π to be the set-theoretic product π ˆ π equipped with the structure of termwise addition and scalar multiplication. More generally, given a set πΌ and a collection Ε tππ uπPπΌ of vector spaces indexed by elements of πΌ, we define the direct sum ‘πPπΌ ππ as the subset of πPπΌ ππ consisting of elements π£ “ pπ£π qπPπΌ (π£π P ππ ) such that π£π “ 0 for all but finitely many π P πΌ. Note that this does indeed generalize the pairwise example above. Given tππ uπPπΌ as above, let ππ : ππ Ñ ‘πPπΌ ππ denote the linear transformation sending π£π P ππ to the vector that is π£π in the πth coordinate and 0 in all others. Proposition 1.5.2. Given tππ uπPπΌ as above and π an auxiliary vector space, the map: tπ : ‘πPπΌ ππ Ñ π a linear transformationu Ñ tππ : ππ Ñ π linear transformationsuπPπΌ π ÞÑ tπ Λ ππ uπPπΌ (1.1) is a bijection. Proof. Suppose that we are given a collection ππ : ππ Ñ π of linear transformations. Note that for every vector π£ P ‘πPπΌ ππ , there exists a unique finite subset π Δ πΌ and collection of non-zero vectors tπ£π P ππ uπ Pπ such that: ÿ 𣓠ππ pπ£π q π Pπ (if π is empty, we understand the empty sum to mean the zero vector). We then define: INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS π pπ£q “ ÿ 3 ππ pπ£π q P π. π Pπ It is easy to verify that π is a linear transformation, and that this operation is inverse to the map (1.1). Remark 1.5.3. The above proposition characterizes the direct sum by a universal property. This means that we have characterized the vector space ‘πPπΌ ππ by describing how it maps to other vector spaces (it would be also be a proper use of the terminology universal property to describe how to map into a given vector space). Notation 1.5.4. For πΌ a set, we let π ‘πΌ denote the direct sum ‘πPπΌ ππ , i.e., the direct sum indexed by πΌ with each “ππ ” equal to π . For πΌ “ t1, . . . , πu, π P ZΔ 0 , we use the notation π ‘π instead. Example 1.5.5. The vector space π ‘π consists of π-tuples of elements of π, considered as a vector space under termwise addition and scaling given by termwise multiplication. We represent an element π£ “ pππ qππ“1 of π ‘π by the vector notation: ¨ Λ π1 Λ π2 ‹ Λ ‹ Λ .. ‹ . Λ . ‚ (1.2) ππ Definition 1.5.6. For π a vector space, we say that π is finite-dimensional (of dimension π) if there » exists an isomorphism π ÝÑ π ‘π . A choice of such isomorphism is called a basis for π . The vectors π1 , . . . , ππ in π corresponding under this isomorphism to the vectors: ¨ Λ ¨ Λ ¨ Λ 1 0 0 Λ0‹ Λ1‹ Λ0‹ Λ ‹ Λ ‹ Λ ‹ Λ .. ‹ , Λ .. ‹ , . . . , Λ .. ‹ Λ.‚ Λ.‚ Λ.‚ 0 0 1 are the basis vectors of π corresponding to this basis. We say that π is the dimension of π and write π “ dim π . Remark 1.5.7. To say that π1 , . . . , ππ are basis vectors of a basis of π is to say that every vector π£ P π can be written uniquely as: 𣓠π ÿ ππ ππ π“1 for ππ P π. The expression of π£ as such corresponds to the expression (1.2) for π£. Notation 1.5.8. Any linear transformation π : π ‘π Ñ π ‘π determines a pπ ˆ πq-matrix π΄, i.e., a matrix with π rows and π columns. The πth column of the matrix is the vector π pππ q, written as in (1.2). 4 SAM RASKIN 1.6. Linear transformations. A subspace π Δ π is a subset closed under addition and scalar multiplication. Subspaces are the same as injective linear transformations π : π Ñ π . Dually, we define quotient spaces as surjective linear transformations π : π Ñ π . Notation 1.6.1. By abuse, we let 0 denote the subspace of any vector space consisting only of the element 0. Given a subspace π of π , we can form the quotient space π :“ π {π whose elements are cosets of π in π , i.e., an element π€ P π {π is a subset of π of the form π£ ` π “ tπ£ ` π’ | π’ P π u for some π£ P π . Addition and scalar multiplication on π {π are defined in the obvious ways, as is the homomorphism π Ñ π {π . The quotient space satisfies a universal property: giving a homomorphism π “ π {π Ñ π 1 is equivalent (by means of restriction along π Ñ π {π ) to giving a homomorphism π Ñ π 1 with the property that π maps to 0 under this transformation. Construction 1.6.2. Given a linear transformation π : π Ñ π , we can associate various other vector spaces: ‚ We define the kernel Kerpπ q of π as the subspace of π consisting of vectors π£ P π such that π pπ£q “ 0 P π . ‚ We define the image Imagepπ q of π as the subspace of π consisting of vectors π€ P π of the form π pπ£q for some π£ P π . ‚ We define the cokernel Cokerpπ q as the quotient π { Imagepπ q of π . Notation 1.6.3. A diagram: π π 0 Ñ π ÝÑ π ÝÑ π Ñ 0 (1.3) is a short exact sequence of vector spaces if Kerpπq “ π and Cokerpπ q “ π . In other words, we say that (1.3) is a short exact sequence if π injects into π , π surjects onto π , the composition π Λ π is equal to 0, and the induced maps: π Ñ Kerpπq Cokerpπq Ñ π are equivalences (it suffices to check this for either of the two maps). Remark 1.6.4. There is clearly no mathematical content here. Still, the notion of short exact sequence is regarded as a useful organizing principle by many mathematicians, and we will use it as such below. 1.7. Duality. The dual vector space π _ to a vector space π is defined as Homπ pπ, πq. Elements of π _ are referred to as linear functionals. Example 1.7.1. For π “ π ‘π , the dual is canonically identified with π itself in the obvious way: however, the corresponding isomorphism π » π _ depends on the choice of basis. We have a canonical map: π Ñ pπ _ q_ ´ ¯ π£ ÞÑ π ÞÑ πpπ£q that is an isomorphism for π finite-dimensional (since we need only verify it for π “ π ‘π , where it is obvious). Given a map π : π Ñ π , we obtain the dual (aliases: transpose or adjoint) map π _ : π _ Ñ π _ by restriction. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 5 Exercise 1.2. For π “ π ‘π and π “ π ‘π , show that the matrix of the dual transformation is the transpose of the matrix of the original linear transformation. 1.8. Let π , π , and π be π-vector spaces. Definition 1.8.1. A function π΅p´, ´q : π ˆ π Ñ π is (π-)bilinear if for every π£ P π the map π΅pπ£, ´q : π Ñ π is linear, and for every π€ P π the map π΅p´, π€q : π Ñ π is linear. Remark 1.8.2. We emphasize that bilinear maps are not linear (except in degenerate situations). Proposition 1.8.3. For every pair of vector spaces π and π , there is a π-vector space π bπ π defined up to unique isomorphism and equipped with a bilinear pairing: π ˆπ Ñπ bπ (1.4) π such that every π-bilinear map π ˆ π Ñ π factors uniquely as: / π bπ π ˆπ " π π | with the right map being π-linear. Proof. Define the set πΌ as π ˆ π . Define the vector space π Δ bπ π as π ‘πΌ . For each π “ pπ£, π€q P πΌ, we abuse notation in letting pπ£, π€q denote the element ππ p1q P π Δ bπ π , i.e., the element of the direct sum that is 1 is the entry π and 0 in all other entries. Define the subspace πΎ of π Δ bπ π to be spanned by vectors of the form: ‚ pπ£1 ` π£2 , π€q ´ pπ£1 , π€q ´ pπ£2 , π€q for π£π P π , π€ P π , π P π ‚ pπ£, π€1 ` π€2 q ´ pπ£, π€1 q ´ pπ£, π€2 q for π£ P π , π€π P π , π P π ‚ pπ ¨ π£, π€q ´ π ¨ pπ£, π€q for π£ P π , π€ P π , π P π ‚ pπ£, π ¨ π€q ´ π ¨ pπ£, π€q for π£ P π , π€ P π , π P π. Define π bπ π to be the quotient of π Δ bπ π by πΎ. We need to verify the universal property. By the universal property of direct sums, giving a r : πΔ linear transformation π΅ bπ π Ñ π is equivalent to giving a function π΅ : π ˆ π Ñ π : indeed, r Moreover, by the universal property of quotients, this map π΅pπ£, π€q is the image of pπ£, π€q under π΅. r sends each element of πΎ to 0 P π . It suffices to verify will factor through π bπ π if and only if π΅ this for the spanning set of vectors defining πΎ, where it translates to the relations: π΅pπ£1 ` π£2 , π€q ´ π΅pπ£1 , π€q ´ π΅pπ£2 , π€q “ 0 π΅pπ£, π€1 ` π€2 q ´ π΅pπ£, π€1 q ´ π΅pπ£, π€2 q “ 0 π΅pπ ¨ π£, π€q ´ π ¨ π΅pπ£, π€q “ 0 π΅pπ£, π ¨ π€q ´ π ¨ π΅pπ£, π€q “ 0 as relations in π . But these are exactly the conditions of bilinearity of the map π΅. Notation 1.8.4. Where the field π is unambiguous, we use the notation π b π “ π bπ π . Notation 1.8.5. For pπ£, π€q P π ˆ π , let π£ b π€ denote the corresponding vector in π b π , i.e., the image of pπ£, π€q under the map (1.4). 6 SAM RASKIN Notation 1.8.6. For an integer π Δ 0, we let π bπ denote the π-fold tensor product of π with itself, where for the case π “ 0 we understand the empty tensor product as giving π. Exercise 1.3. (1) Show using the proof of Proposition 1.8.3 that vectors of the form π£ b π€ for π£ P π and π€ P π span π b π . (2) Show the same using the universal property of tensor products alone (hint: consider the span of the image of the map π ˆ π Ñ π bπ π and show that this subspace also satisfies the universal property of tensor products). (3) If dim π ‰ 0, 1, show that not every vector in π b π is of the form π£ b π€. Remark 1.8.7. The construction appearing in the proof of Proposition 1.8.3 appears very complicated: we take a huge vector space (with a basis indexed by elements of π ˆ π ), and quotient by a huge subspace. However, things are not as bad as they look! For π “ π ‘π and π “ π ‘π , we claim that there is a canonical identification: π b π » π ‘pππq . In particular, the tensor product of finite-dimensional vector spaces is again finite-dimensional. We denote the given bases of π and π by π1 , . . . , ππ and π11 , . . . ,Ε π1π respectively. ItΕsuffices to 1 show that the vectors ππ b ππ form a basis of π b π . Given π£ “ π ππ ππ and π€ “ π ππ π1π , by bilinearity of π ˆ π Ñ π b π , we have: ÿ π£bπ€ “ ππ ππ ¨ ππ b π1π . π,π By Exercise 1.3, this shows that the vectors ππ b π1π span π b π . In particular, the dimension of π b π is Δ π ¨ π. Denote the given basis of π ‘pππq by π1 , . . . , ππ¨π . Define the bilinear map: π ˆ π Ñ π ‘pππq by the formula: ÿ ÿ ÿ p ππ ππ , ππ π1π q ÞÑ ππ ππ ¨ πpπ´1q¨π`π . π π π,π (Note that as pπ, πq varies subject to the conditions 1 Δ π Δ π, 1 Δ π Δ π, the value pπ ´ 1q ¨ π ` π obtains each integral value between 1 and ππ exactly once). One immediately verifies that this map actually is bilinear. The induced map: π b π Ñ π ‘pππq sends ππ b π1π to πpπ´1q¨π`π , and therefore spans the target. Therefore, since dim π b π Δ π ¨ π, this map must be an isomorphism, as desired. As a corollary, one may try to think of tensor product of vector spaces as an animation of the usual multiplication of non-negative integers, since dimpπ b π q “ dimpπ q ¨ dimpπ q. Exercise 1.4. Show that the map: Hompπ b π, π q Ñ Hompπ, Hompπ, π qq ˆ ´ ¯Λ π ÞÑ π£ ÞÑ π€ ÞÑ π pπ£, π€q INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 7 is an isomorphism. Exercise 1.5. For π and π vector spaces, show that the map: π _ b π Ñ Hompπ, π q π b π€ ÞÑ pπ£ ÞÑ πpπ£q ¨ π€q is an isomorphism if π is finite-dimensional. In the case when π is also finite-dimensional, understand the relationship to the matrix representation of linear transformations in the presence of bases (hint: note that the right hand side is then a vector space of matrices). Exercise 1.6. Show that the map: π _ b π _ Ñ pπ b π q_ induced by the map: ´ ¯ π b π ÞÑ π£ b π€ ÞÑ πpπ£q ¨ πpπ€q is an isomorphism for π and π finite-dimensional. 1.9. Suppose that π is a vector space. Define the tensor algebra π pπ q of π as the direct sum ‘πPZΔ0 π bπ . Note that π pπ q can indeed be made into a π-algebra in a natural way: the multiplication is given component-wise by the maps: » π bπ b π bπ ÝÑ π bpπ`πq . Proposition 1.9.1. Let π΄ be a π-algebra. Restriction along the map π Ñ π pπ q induces an isomorphism: » HomAlg{π pπ pπ q, π΄q ÝÑ Homπ pπ, π΄q. Here HomAlg{π indicates the set of maps of π-algebras. Remark 1.9.2. This is a universal property of the tensor algebra, typically summarized by saying that π pπ q is the free associative algebra on the vector space π . Proof. Given π : π Ñ π΄ a map of vector spaces, we obtain a map π bπ Ñ π΄ as the composition: π b...bπ π b . . . b π ÝÝÝÝÝÑ π΄ b . . . π΄ Ñ π΄ where the last map is induced by the π-fold multiplication on π΄. One easily verifies that the corresponding map π pπ q “ ‘π π bπ Ñ π΄ is a map of π-algebras and provides an inverse to the restriction map. 1.10. Let π Δ 0 be an integer and let π be a vector space. We consider quotients Symπ and Λπ of π uniquely characterized by the following universal properties: 8 SAM RASKIN ‚ A map π : π bπ Ñ π factors as: π bπ π $ /π Symπ pπ q if and only if π is symmetric, i.e., for every collection π£1 , . . . , π£π of vectors of π and every » permutation (i.e., bijection) π : t1, . . . , πu ÝÑ t1, . . . , πu, we have: π pπ£1 b . . . b π£π q “ π pπ£πp1q b . . . b π£πpπq q. ‚ A map π : π bπ Ñ π factors as: π bπ π Λπ pπ q # /π if and only if π is alternating, i.e., for every collection π£1 , . . . , π£π of vectors of π and every » permutation (i.e., bijection) π : t1, . . . , πu ÝÑ t1, . . . , πu, we have: π pπ£1 b . . . b π£π q “ sgnpπq ¨ π pπ£πp1q b . . . b π£πpπq q. Here sgnpπq is the sign of the permutation π. Definition 1.10.1. We say that Symπ pπ q (resp. Λπ pπ q) is the πth symmetric power (resp. πth alternating power ) of π . Notation 1.10.2. For π£1 , . . . , π£π P π , we let π£1 . . . π£π or π£1 ¨ . . . ¨ π£π denote the corresponding element of Symπ pπ q, i.e., the image of π£1 b . . . b π£π under the structure map π bπ Ñ Symπ pπ q. We let π£1 ^ . . . ^ π£π denote the corresponding vector of Λπ pπ q. Note that e.g. for π “ 2 we have π£1 π£2 “ π£2 π£1 and π£1 ^ π£2 “ ´π£2 ^ π£1 . Exercise 1.7. Suppose that π is finite-dimensional with basis π1 , . . . , ππ . (1) Show that Symπ pπ q has a basis indexed by the set of non-decreasing functions π : t1, . . . , πu Ñ t1, . . . , πu, where the corresponding basis vector is ππ p1q . . . ππ pπq . ˆ Λ π`π´1 π . Deduce that dimpSym pπ qq is the binomial coefficient π (2) Show that Λπ pπ q has a basis indexed by the subsets πΌ of t1, . . . , πu of order π, where the corresponding basis vector is ππΌ :“ ^πPπΌ ππ (i.e., the iterated wedge product of the elements ππ for π P πΌ, where we write the wedge product in the increasing order according to size of π P r1, πs). ˆ Λ π π Deduce that dimpΛ pπ qq is the binomial coefficient for 0 Δ π Δ π, and dimension π 0 for π Δ π. We define the symmetric algebra Sympπ q as ‘πΔ0 Symπ pπ q. Note that Sympπ q is a commutative algebra in an obvious way. We then have the following analogue of Proposition 1.9.1. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 9 Proposition 1.10.3. Let π΄ be a commutative π-algebra. Restriction along the map π Ñ Sympπ q induces an isomorphism: » HomAlg{π pSympπ q, π΄q ÝÑ Homπ pSympπ q, π΄q. Remark 1.10.4. This is a universal property of the symmetric algebra, typically summarized by saying that Sympπ q is the free commutative algebra on the vector space π . Construction 1.10.5. Elements of Symπ pπ _ q can be considered as π-valued functions on π , where for π1 , . . . , ππ P π _ the function on π corresponding to π1 . . . ππ is π£ ÞÑ π1 pπ£q . . . ππ pπ£q. Functions on π arising in this manner are by definition polynomial functions of degree π on π . Sums of such functions are called polynomial functions on π . 1.11. Bilinear forms. Let π be a π-vector space. Definition 1.11.1. A (π-valued) bilinear form on π is a bilinear map π΅ : π ˆ π Ñ π. Suppose that π is finite-dimensional. Remark 1.11.2. Note that Hompπ b π, πq “ pπ b2 q_ » pπ _ qb2 , so that bilinear forms may be considered as elements of π _,b2 . Given a bilinear form π΅, we obtain a second bilinear form π΅ π by setting π΅ π pπ£, π€q :“ π΅pπ€, π£q. We refer to π΅ π as the transpose or adjoint bilinear form. Remark 1.11.3. By Exercise 1.5, we have an isomorphism: » π _,b2 ÝÑ Hompπ, π _ q That is, bilinear forms are equivalent to linear transformations π Ñ π _ . To normalize the conventions: under this dictionary, the bilinear form π΅ maps to the linear transformation π Ñ π _ associating to a vector π£ the linear functional π€ ÞÑ π΅pπ£, π€q. Exercise 1.8. Show that if π : π Ñ π _ corresponds to a bilinear form π΅, the linear transformation corresponding to π΅ π is the dual: π _ : pπ _ q_ “ π Ñ π _ of π . Definition 1.11.4. A bilinear form π΅ is non-degenerate if the corresponding linear transformation π Ñ π _ is an isomorphism. Exercise 1.9. (1) Show that π΅ is non-degenerate if and only if for every 0 ‰ π£ P π the corresponding functional π΅pπ£, ´q is non-zero, i.e., there exists π€ P π with π΅pπ£, π€q ‰ 0. (2) Suppose that π1 , . . . , ππ is a basis for π and that π΅pππ , ´q is a non-zero functional for each π. Is π΅ necessarily non-degenerate? (3) Show that π΅ is non-degenerate if and only if π΅ π is. 1.12. Symmetric bilinear forms. We now focus on the special case where the bilinear form is symmetric. Definition 1.12.1. A bilinear form π΅ is symmetric if π΅ “ π΅ π . The following result records some equivalent perspectives on the symmetry conditions. Proposition 1.12.2. The following are equivalent: 10 SAM RASKIN (1) The bilinear form π΅ is symmetric. (2) π΅pπ£, π€q “ π΅pπ€, π£q for all π£, π€ P π . (3) π΅ P π _,b2 is left invariant under the automorphism: π b π ÞÑ π b π of π _,b2 . (4) The linear transformation π Ñ π _ corresponding to π΅ is self-dual. 2. Quadratic forms and spaces 2.1. Quadratic spaces. Let π be a field. Definition 2.1.1. A quadratic space over π is a pair pπ, πq where π is a finite-dimensional π-vector space and π P Sym2 pπ _ q. Remark 2.1.2. Given a quadratic space pπ, πq, we obtain a function π Ñ π by Construction 1.10.5. By abuse of notation, we denote this function also by π. Note that π satisfies the properties: ‚ πpππ£q “ π2 πpπ£q for π£ P π and π P π. ‚ The map π ˆ π Ñ π defined by pπ£, π€q ÞÑ πpπ£ ` π€q ´ πpπ£q ´ πpπ€q is bilinear. Definition 2.1.3. A function π : π Ñ π satisfying the two conditions of Remark 2.1.2 is said to be a quadratic form on π . Exercise 2.1. If π : π Ñ π is a quadratic form, show that π arises from a unique quadratic space structure on π . Example 2.1.4. Suppose that pπ, πq is a quadratic space with a chosen basis π1 , . . . , ππ of π . Letting π₯1 , . . . , π₯π denote the corresponding dual basis of π _ , we see that π is an expression of the form: ÿ ππ,π π₯2π ` π ÿ ππ,π π₯π π₯π (2.1) πΔπ for ππ,π P π. The corresponding function π : π π Ñ π is given by substitution in the above expression: ¨ Λ π1 ÿ ÿ Λ .. ‹ ππ,π π2π ` ππ,π ππ ππ . Λ . ‚ ÞÑ ππ π πΔπ In this case, we will write π as a function of π-variables in the usual way. Definition 2.1.5. A quadratic space structure on π π is a quadratic form in π variables. That is, a quadratic form in π-variables is an expression (2.1). Terminology 2.1.6. When referencing quadratic forms without mentioning an ambient vector space, we will typically mean a quadratic form in some variables, i.e., a quadratic form on some π ‘π . Terminology 2.1.7. We follow classical usage is referring to a quadratic form in one (resp. two, resp. three, resp. four) variables as a unary (resp. binary, resp. ternary, resp. quaternary) form. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 11 Remark 2.1.8. By definition, a quadratic form is a quadratic space with chosen coordinates. Historically, quadratic forms were the original objects of study. However, we will see that for some questions (e.g., representability by the form—see below), the perspective of quadratic spaces is much more flexible. In what follows, we will first develop the theory in the abstract setting of quadratic spaces, and then explain how to translate the questions of the theory into problems of the matrix calculus of linear algebra. This approach will not be ideal for all readers, some of whom will prefer to practice computing before developing the abstract (and simpler) setting. Such readers are advised to skip ahead to S2.6 and refer back as necessary. Remark 2.1.9. The definition of quadratic space allows to consider the case π “ 0 (and π “ 0). We refer to this as the zero quadratic space. This should not be confused with the zero quadratic form on a vector space π , which is defined as πpπ£q “ 0 for all π£ P π . 2.2. Morphisms of quadratic spaces. A morphism π : pπ, ππ q Ñ pπ, ππ q of quadratic spaces is a linear transformation π : π Ñ π such that ππ pπ pπ£qq “ ππ pπ£q for every π£ P π . Remark 2.2.1. Such linear transformations are often called isometries in the literature (this phrase also sometimes refers more specifically to injective or bijective morphisms of quadratic spaces). An isomorphism of quadratic spaces is a morphism that is a morphism inducing an isomorphism » π ÝÑ π of vector spaces. We say that two quadratic forms in π-variables are equivalent if the corresponding quadratic spaces are isomorphic. 2.3. Operations with quadratic spaces. We give some basic constructions of new quadratic spaces from old: direct sum, restriction, and extension of scalars. Suppose that pπ, ππ q and pπ, ππ q are quadratic spaces. Then π ‘π carries a canonical quadratic form ππ ‘ ππ defined by pππ ‘ ππ qpπ£, π€q “ ππ pπ£q ` ππ pπ€q. Next, suppose that π : π Ñ π is a linear transformation and ππ is a quadratic form on π . Define ππ by ππ pπ£q :“ ππ pπ pπ£qq. Obviously ππ is a quadratic form on π ; we say that it is obtained by restriction and sometimes denote it by ππ |π . πpπ£ ` π€q “ πpπ£q ` πpπ€q ` π΅π pπ£, π€q Finally, let pπ, πq be a quadratic space over π, and let π ãÑ π 1 be an embedding of fields. Then π bπ π 1 is naturally a π 1 -vector space and π extends to a quadratic form ππ1 on π bπ π 1 . For example, if we fix a basis π » π ‘π of π , then π bπ π 1 acquires a natural basis, and the quadratic form (2.1) defines the “same” quadratic form, where we consider elements of π as elements of π 1 through the embedding. Remark 2.3.1. It would be better to refer to pπ ‘ π, ππ ‘π q as the orthogonal direct sum, as in [Ser]. Indeed, morphisms pπ ‘ π, ππ ‘π q Ñ pπ, ππ q are equivalent to giving a pair of morphisms π : pπ, ππ q Ñ pπ, ππ q and π : pπ, ππ q Ñ pπ, ππ q with the additional conditions that their images be orthogonal, i.e., π΅ππ pπ pπ£q, πpπ€qq “ 0 for all π£ P π and π€ P π . 2.4. Representability. Suppose that pπ, πq is a quadratic space. Definition 2.4.1. We say that π represents π P π if there exists a vector π£ P π such that πpπ£q “ π (i.e., if π is in the image of the function π). Remark 2.4.2. If π represents π, then π represents π 2 π for any π P π: indeed, if πpπ£q “ π then πpππ£q “ π 2 π. Therefore, we may also speak about π representing classes in π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 . 12 SAM RASKIN Example 2.4.3. Suppose that π “ π is the trivial one-dimensional vector space. Then by Example 2.1.4, π must be of the form πpπ₯q “ ππ₯2 for some π P π, and we assume π ‰ 0 for conveninence. We see that π represents π if and only if π{π is a square in π. We specialize this to particular fields: (1) For example, if π is algebraically closed, π represents all values π P π so long as π ‰ 0. (2) If π “ R, π represents π if and only if π and π have the same sign. (3) If π “ Fπ , then π represents π if and only if π{π is a quadratic residue in Fπ . Indeed, here “quadratic residue” simply means “is a square.” (4) Suppose π “ Q. We introduce the following notation: for π a prime number and π ‰ 0 an integer, let π£π pπq P ZΔ0 be the order to which π divides π (alias: the valuation of π at π π), i.e., it is the unique integer such that ππ£ππpπq P Z and ππ£π pπq`1 is not. More generally, π for π “ π P Qˆ , let π£π pπq :“ π£π pπq ´ π£π pπq. (For example: π£π pπq “ 1, π£π pπ2 q “ 2, and 1 π£π p π q “ ´1). Then π as above represents π if and only if π and π have the same sign, and moreover, π£π pπq ´ π£π pπq is even for each prime π (if this is confusing, it is instructive here to work out the case π “ 1). We notice the following feature: π represents a particular value if and only if certain conditions are verified at each prime π, and there is an additional condition involving R (here that π and π have the same sign). This is the most elementary instance of the Hasse principle. (5) In general, if π and π are non-zero (the case where either is zero being trivial), then π obviously represents π if and only if π and π project to the same element in the (2-torsion) abelian group π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 . The above analysis amounts to saying that Rˆ {pRˆ q2 “ Z{2Z (according to sign), and Qˆ {pQˆ q2 is isomorphic to the direct sum: Z{2Z ‘ ` ‘ π prime Λ Z{2Z given by the sign homomorphism on the first factor and the parity of the valuation at π on the factor corresponding to a prime π. Exercise 2.2. This exercise is meant to flesh out (3) above. ˆ 2 (1) Show that there is a (necessarily unique) isomorphism Fˆ π {pFπ q » Z{2Z as long as π ‰ 2. ´ ¯ π (2) For π P Fˆ π , we use the Legendre symbol π P t1, ´1u for the resulting map: ˆ ˆ 2 Fˆ π Ñ Fπ {pFπ q » Z{2Z “ t1, ´1u. Here we use multiplicative notation for Z{2Z. ´ ¯ ´ Show that π is a homomorphism Fˆ π Ñ t1, ´1u. (3) Show that π´1 2 elements of Fˆ π are quadratic residues and an equal number are not. Exercise 2.3. Suppose that π “ Q, π “ π 2 and πpπ₯, π¦q “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 . Show that π represents π P Z implies that π ‰ 3 modulo 4. Of course, every quadratic form represents 0, since πp0q “ 0. However, the following condition is less trivial. Definition 2.4.4. An isotropic vector in pπ, πq is a nonzero π£ P π such that πpπ£q “ 0. The quadratic form π : π Ñ π is isotropic if there exists an isotropic vector in pπ, πq. We say that π is anisotropic if it is not isotropic. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 13 Exercise 2.4. Let π be a subfield of R (e.g., π “ Q or π “ R). Ε (1) show that πpπ₯1 , . . . , π₯π q “ ππ“1 π₯2π is anisotropic. Show that for 0 ‰ ππ P π “ R, the form: πpπ₯1 , . . . , π₯π q “ π ÿ ππ π₯2π π“1 is anisotropic if and only if all the ππ have the same sign (i.e., are all positive or all negative). Show that for π “ Q this condition is no longer sufficient. (2) More generally, we say that a form pπ, πq is positive-definite (resp. negative-definite) if πpπ£q Δ 0 (resp. πpπ£q Δ 0) for all 0 ‰ π£ P π bπ R, and merely definite if it is either positive or negative definite.1 Show that any definite form is anisotropic. (3) Show that a form πpπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ₯π¦ ` ππ¦ 2 is definite if and only if the discriminant β “ π2 ´ 4ππ is negative. Exercise 2.5. Let π be algebraically closed. Show that every quadratic space pπ, πq over π with dimpπ q Δ 1 is isotropic. Note that the property of being isotropic is preserved under extension of scalars, although the property of being anisotropic is not necessarily. Suppose that π P π and π : π Ñ π is a quadratic form. Define ππ : π ‘ π Ñ π by ππ pπ£, πq “ πpπ£q ´ π ¨ π 2 : obviously ππ is a quadratic form. Proposition 2.4.5. If π represents π, then ππ is isotropic. Moreover, if π is itself anisotropic, then this condition is necessary and sufficient. Proof. If πpπ£q “ π, then: ππ pπ£, 1q “ πpπ£q ´ π ¨ 1 “ π ´ π “ 0 so that ππ is isotropic. Conversely, if ππ pπ£, πq “ 0, then either π “ 0, in which case πpπ£q “ 0, or else: ` πpπ ´1 π£q “ π ´2 πpπ£q “ π ´2 ππ pπ£, πq ` π ¨ π 2 q “ π as desired. Remark 2.4.6. In this manner, representability questions can be reduced to the question of a form being isotropic, which can be easier to treat. We will develop these methods further below, proving in particular the strengthening Corollary 2.10.3 of Proposition 2.4.5. 2.5. By Remark 2.1.2, to every quadratic space pπ, πq there is an associated bilinear form π΅π : π΅π : π ˆ π Ñ π π΅π pπ£, π€q :“ πpπ£ ` π€q ´ πpπ£q ´ πpπ€q. Obviously π΅π is symmetric. Likewise, given π΅ a bilinear form on π , the function ππ΅ defined by ππ΅ pπ£q :“ π΅pπ£, π£q is a quadratic form, since: ππ΅ pππ£q “ π΅pππ£, ππ£q “ π2 π΅pπ£, π£q “ π2 ππ΅ pπ£q 1We remark explicitly that definiteness depends only on the form obtained by extending scalars from π to R. 14 SAM RASKIN and: ππ΅ pπ£ ` π€q ´ ππ΅ pπ£q ´ ππ΅ pπ€q “ π΅pπ£ ` π€, π£ ` π€q ´ π΅pπ£, π£q ´ π΅pπ€, π€q “ π΅pπ£, π£q ` π΅pπ£, π€q ` π΅pπ€, π£q ` π΅pπ€, π€q ´ π΅pπ£, π£q ´ π΅pπ€, π€q “ π΅pπ£, π€q ` π΅pπ€, π£q “ pπ΅ ` π΅ π qpπ£, π€q and the latter expression is manifestly bilinear as the sum of two bilinear forms. Observe that these constructions are almost, but not quite, inverses to each other: the quadratic form ππ΅π (associated with the bilinear form associated with the quadratic from π) is 2 ¨ π: ππ΅π pπ£q “ π΅π pπ£, π£q “ πpπ£ ` π£q ´ πpπ£q ´ πpπ£q “ πp2 ¨ π£q ´ 2 ¨ πpπ£q “ 4πpπ£q ´ 2πpπ£q “ 2πpπ£q. Likewise, π΅ππ΅ “ 2 ¨ π΅ if π΅ is symmetric bilinear (generally, it is π΅ ` π΅ π , as we have already seen). Therefore, we deduce that there is a bijection between quadratic forms and symmetric bilinear forms as long as the characteristic of π is not 2, with each of the maps above being bijections (though not quite mutually inverse bijections due to the factor of 2). Exercise 2.6. Show that the bilinear form associated with the quadratic form: π ÿ π“1 ππ,π π₯2π ` ÿ ππ,π π₯π π₯π πΔπ is given by the bilinear form: ¨ Λ ¨ Λ ˜ π1 π1 ¸ π π ÿ ÿ Λ .. ‹ Λ .. ‹ , ππ,π pππ ππ ` ππ ππ q. 2π π π ` Ñ Þ Λ . ‚ Λ.‚ π,π π π πΔπ π“1 ππ ππ Deduce that the assignment of a symmetric bilinear form to a quadratic form is neither injective nor surjective in characteristic 2. Exercise 2.7. If π : pπ, ππ q Ñ pπ, ππ q is a morphism of quadratic spaces, show that for every π£1 , π£2 P π we have: π΅ππ pπ£1 , π£2 q “ π΅ππ pπ pπ£1 q, π pπ£2 qq. Remark 2.5.1. The equivalence between quadratic forms and symmetric bilinear forms for charpπq ‰ 2 may be considered as an instance of Maschke’s theorem from the representation theory of finite groups, considering the representation of Z{2Z on π b2 given by switching factors. 2.6. Matrices. Suppose that π is equipped with a bilinear form π΅ : π b π Ñ π and a basis π1 , . . . , ππ . As in S1.11, we associate to π΅ a linear transformation π Ñ π _ , and using our basis we may view this as a linear transformation from π ‘π to itself, i.e., as a matrix. This evidently defines a bijection between pπ ˆ πq-matrices and bilinear forms on π ‘π . Exercise 2.8. (1) Show that the bilinear form associated to a pπ ˆ πq-matrix π΄ is given by: pπ£, π€q ÞÑ π€π π΄π£ where we consider π£ and π€ as column vectors, and the superscript π indicates the transpose of a matrix (so π€π is the row vector associated to π€); note that the result of the above matrix multiplication is a p1 ˆ 1q-matrix, i.e., an element of π. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 15 (2) Show that the matrix associated to the bilinear form π΅ above is: ¨ Λ π΅pπ1 , π1 q π΅pπ2 , π1 q . . . π΅pππ , π1 q Λ π΅pπ1 , π2 q π΅pπ2 , π2 q . . . π΅pππ , π2 q ‹ Λ ‹ π΄“Λ ‹. .. .. .. .. Λ ‚ . . . . π΅pπ1 , ππ q π΅pπ2 , ππ q . . . π΅pππ , ππ q In particular, the bilinear form is symmetric if and only if its associated matrix is symmetric (meaning that it is equal to its own transpose). Exercise 2.9. Suppose that π1 , . . . , ππ is a second choice of basis. Let π be the (invertible) matrix whose πth column is the vector ππ P π ‘π (written in coordinates relative to the basis tππ u). Suppose that we find that matrix π΄1 of a bilinear form π΅ with respect to the basis π1 , . . . , ππ . Show that π΄1 is obtained from π΄ as: π΄1 “ π π π΄π. Conclude that if charpπq ‰ 2, then equivalence classes of quadratic spaces over π are in bijection with the quotient set of symmetric matrices modulo the action of πΊπΏπ pπq by π ¨ π΄ :“ π π π΄π. We will also speak of the matrix of a quadratic form, meaning the matrix of the associated symmetric bilinear form. 2.7. A remark regarding characteristic 2. Quadratic forms in characteristic 2 behave different from in other characteristics. In many respects, they can be regarded as pathological. We note that they do arise in nature as the reduction modulo 2 of integral quadratic forms, and for some purposes they cannot be avoided. However, for the purposes of these notes, we will not need the theory. Still, the author has opted to include some finer material regarding characteristic 2 than is needed. The reader may safely ignore all of it, ignoring in particular the difference between the radical and the reduced radical, and the difference between various notions of non-degeneracy. The only loss to the reader would be a few fun exercises. 2.8. Radical. Let pπ, πq be a quadratic space. We define the radical Radpπ q of π as the subset of vectors π£ P π such that π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 0 for every π€ P π . We define the reduced radical Radpπ q as the subset of isotropic vectors in the radical of π . Clearly Radpπ q is a subspace, and one immediately finds that Radpπ q is as well: indeed, if π£, π€ P Radpπ q, then πpπ£q “ πpπ€q “ 0 and π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 0 so that πpπ£`π€q “ πpπ£q`πpπ€q`π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 0. If charpπq ‰ 2, then Radpπ q “ Radpπ q: indeed, for any π£ P Radpπ q we have 0 “ π΅π pπ£, π£q “ 2 ¨ πpπ£q. Construction 2.8.1. For every π£ P Radpπ q and every π€ P π , we have: πpπ£ ` π€q “ πpπ£q ` πpπ€q ` π΅π pπ£, π€q “ πpπ€q and therefore we obtain an induced quadratic form on the quotient space π {Radpπ q. Of course, more generally, we obtain such a form on the quotient by any subspace of the reduced radical. We define the rank rankpπq of a quadratic space pπ, πq as dimpπ q ´ dimpRadpπ qq and the reduced rank of a quadratic space as dimpπ q ´ dimpRadpπ qq. 16 SAM RASKIN Exercise 2.10. Let π be a perfect2 field of characteristic 2. Show that dimpRadpπ qq ´ dimpRadpπ qq must equal 0 or 1. 2.9. Non-degenerate quadratic forms. We say that pπ, πq is non-degenerate if Radpπ q “ 0, and we say that pπ, πq is strongly non-degenerate if Radpπ q “ 0 (equivalently: π΅π is non-degenerate). These notions coincide if charpπq ‰ 2. Remark 2.9.1. Unwinding the definitions: pπ, πq is strongly non-degenerate if for every 0 ‰ π£ P π there exists π€ P π with π΅π pπ£, π€q ‰ 0, and non-degenerate if for every 0 ‰ π£ P π , either there exists such a π€ P π or else πpπ£q ‰ 0. Remark 2.9.2. Clearly a form is (resp. strongly) non-degenerate if and only if its rank (resp. reduced rank) is equal to its dimension. Example 2.9.3. The 1-variable quadratic form πpπ₯q “ ππ₯2 for π P π is non-degenerate in the above sense if and only if π ‰ 0 (for π of arbitrary characteristic). However, for charpπq “ 2, this form is not strongly non-degenerate. Exercise 2.11. Suppose that π : pπ, ππ q Ñ pπ, ππ q is a morphism of quadratic spaces with pπ, ππ q non-degenerate. Show that π is injective. Exercise 2.12. Show that π {Radpπ q is non-degenerate when equipped with the quadratic space structure of Construction 2.8.1. Definition 2.9.4. Suppose that pπ, πq is a quadratic space and π is a subspace of π . The orthogonal subspace π K to π is the subspace of vectors π£ P π such that π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 0 for all π€ P π . Remark 2.9.5. If pπ, πq is strongly non-degenerate, then dim π ` dim π K “ dim π , since π K :“ Kerpπ Ñ π _ q and the map π Ñ π _ is surjective by strong non-degeneracy. Remark 2.9.6. If charpπq ‰ 2, then any vector in π X π K is isotropic. Proposition 2.9.7. Suppose that pπ, πq is a quadratic space and π Δ π with pπ, π|π q strongly non-degenerate. Then pπ, πq » pπ, π|π q ‘ pπ K , π|π K q. pπ K , π|π K q is strongly non-degenerate if and only if pπ, πq is. Proof. First, we claim that π X π K “ 0. Suppose that 0 ‰ π€ P π . Then, because π|π is strongly non-degenerate, there exists π€1 P π with π΅π pπ€, π€1 q ‰ 0, meaning that π€ R π K . Next, for any π£ P π , we claim that there exists π€ P π with π΅π pπ£, π€1 q “ π΅π pπ€, π€1 q for every 1 π€ P π . Indeed, π΅π pπ£, ´q : π Ñ π is a linear functional, and therefore, by strong non-degeneracy of π , it is of the form π΅π pπ€, ´q for a unique choice of π€ P π . Observing that π£ ´ π€ is obviously in π K , we obtain that π “ π ‘ π K . We then note that for any π€ P π , π€1 P π K , we have: πpπ€ ` π€1 q “ πpπ€q ` πpπ€1 q ` π΅π pπ€, π€1 q “ πpπ€q ` πpπ€1 q so that the quadratic form π is obtained as the direct sum of its restriction to these subspaces. The second part follows from Exercise 2.13 below. Exercise 2.13. Show that the direct sum of two quadratic spaces is non-degenerate if and only if each of the summands is. 2Recall that a field of characteristic π is said to be perfect if the map π₯ ÞÑ π₯π is an isomorphism. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 17 The following lemma is useful for verifying non-degeneracy computationally. Lemma 2.9.8. Suppose that π is a quadratic form in π-variables with associated bilinear form having matrix π΄, as in S2.6. Then π is strongly non-degenerate if and only if detpπ΄q ‰ 0. Proof. Indeed, for π “ π π , π΄ is the matrix associated to the map π π “ π Ñ π _ “ π π , so it is an equivalence if and only if its determinant is non-zero. Remark 2.9.9. Some authors use the term “regular” instead of non-degenerate. Remark 2.9.10. The reader may safely skip this remark. A more sophisticated variant of the above in characteristic 2: we say that pπ, πq is geometrically non-degenerate if Radpπ bπ π 1 q “ 0 for every field extension π ãÑ π 1 . Note that formation of the usual radical Rad commutes with extension of scalars, so this definition still gives the same answer in characteristic not equal to 2. Note that by Exercise 2.10 this implies that the dimension of the radical is Δ 1. We note that if π P π is not a square, then π₯2 `ππ¦ 2 is an example of a non-degenerate but not geometrically non-degenerate quadratic form. The reader may take as an exercise to show that geometric non-degeneracy is equivalent to strong non-degeneracy if dimpπ q is even, and equivalent to dimpRadq “ 1 if dimpπ q is odd. We remark that geometric non-degeneracy is equivalent to algebro-geometric conditions: essentially just smoothness of the associated (projective) quadric hypersurface π “ 0. 2.10. The hyperbolic plane. The most important example of an isotropic quadratic space is the hyperbolic plane.3 By definition, this is the quadratic space π ‘2 with the quadratic form πpπ₯, π¦q “ π₯π¦. We denote the hyperbolic plane as pπ», ππ» q. The matrix for the associated symmetric bilinear form is: ˆ Λ 0 1 . 1 0 Proposition 2.10.1. For every non-degenerate isotropic quadratic space pπ, πq is isomorphic to pπ 1 , π 1 q ‘ pπ», ππ» q for an appropriate choice of pπ 1 , π 1 q. The quadratic space pπ 1 , π 1 q is necessarily non-degenerate as well. Proof. Let π£ be an isotropic vector in π . We claim that there is an isotropic vector π€ P π such that π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 1. Indeed, by non-degeneracy of π, there exists π€0 P π with π΅π pπ£, π€0 q ‰ 0. Therefore, we can define: π€ :“ ` Λ πpπ€0 q 1 ¨ π€0 ´ ¨π£ . π΅π pπ£, π€0 q π΅π pπ£, π€0 q We then readily verify: πpπ€q “ ` Λ 1 1 πpπ€0 q πpπ€0 q ¨ πpπ€ ´ ¨ π£q “ ¨ πpπ€ q ´ π΅ p π£, π€ q “0 0 0 π 0 π΅π pπ£, π€0 q2 π΅π pπ£, π€0 q π΅π pπ£, π€0 q2 π΅π pπ£, π€0 q and: 3We note that there’s no substantive relationship here to the hyperbolic plane in geometry. Rather, π» is a plane because it is 2-dimensional, and hyperbolic because its non-zero level sets are hyperbolas. 18 SAM RASKIN π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 1 πpπ€0 q 1 ¨ π΅π pπ£, π€0 ´ π£q “ π΅π pπ£, π€0 q “ 1 π΅π pπ£, π€0 q π΅pπ£, π€0 q π΅π pπ£, π€0 q as desired. This gives an embedding of the hyperbolic plane into pπ, πq, and then we obtain the result by Proposition 2.9.7. Corollary 2.10.2. If π is non-degenerate and isotropic, then every π P π is represented by π. Proof. This follows from Proposition 2.10.1 upon noting that the hyperbolic plane represents every π P π. Corollary 2.10.3. A non-degenerate quadratic space pπ, πq represents π P π if and only if pπ ‘π, ππ q is isotropic (recall that ππ pπ₯, πq :“ πpπ₯q ´ ππ 2 ). Proof. The case that pπ, πq is anisotropic is treated in Proposition 2.4.5. If pπ, πq is isotropic, then by Corollary 2.10.2 pπ, πq represents every value. Exercise 2.14. Suppose in (slightly) more generality that pπ, πq is an isotropic non-degenerate quadratic space. Does pπ, πq necessarily contain a copy of the hyperbolic plane? 2.11. Diagonalization. Let pπ, πq be a quadratic space. Definition 2.11.1. A diagonalization of pπ, πq is a decomposition pπ, πq “ pπ1 , π1 q ‘ . . . ‘ pππ , ππ q with dimpππ q “ 1 for all π. Remark 2.11.2. In terms of quadratic forms in π-variables, a diagonalization of a quadratic form πpπ₯1 , . . . , π₯π q is an equivalence of π with a form π 1 of the type: π 1 pπ¦1 , . . . , π¦π q “ π ÿ ππ π¦π2 . π“1 Proposition 2.11.3. Let pπ, πq be a quadratic space over π with charpπq ‰ 2. Then there exists a diagonalization of pπ, πq. Proof. First, suppose that π is non-degenerate. We proceed by induction: the result is tautological if dimpπ q “ 0. If dimpπ q Δ 0 there exists π£ P π with πpπ£q ‰ 0, since otherwise π is identically zero and therefore π΅π could not be non-degenerate. Let π Δ π be the subspace π ¨ π£ spanned by π£. Then π K X π “ 0 by assumption on π£, and we obviously have a decomposition direct sum decomposition π “ π ‘ π K . Moreover, for π€ P π and π€1 P π K , we compute: πpπ€ ` π€1 q “ πpπ€q ` πpπ€1 q ` π΅π pπ€, π€1 q “ πpπ€q ` πpπ€1 q and therefore we obtain: π “ pπ, π|π q ‘ pπ K , π|π K q and obtain the result in this case by induction. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 19 In general, let π 1 Δ π be a subspace so that Radpπ q ‘ π 1 » π . Note that pπ 1 , π|π 1 q maps isomorphically onto the quotient π { Radpπ q equipped with its canonical quadratic space structure, and therefore is non-degenerate by Exercise 2.12. Moreover, we see that pπ, πq » pπ 1 , π|π 1 q‘pRadpπ q, 0q, each of which can be diagonalized. Corollary 2.11.4. Over an algebraically closed field π with charpπq ‰ 2, all quadratic spaces of the same rank and dimension are equivalent. Exercise 2.15. Show that the hyperbolic plane cannot be diagonalized in characteristic 2. Deduce that Proposition 2.11.3 fails for strongly non-degenerate quadratic spaces in characteristic 2. Where does the argument in Proposition 2.11.3 fail? Exercise 2.16. Deduce Corollary 2.11.4 from Proposition 2.10.1 and Exercise 2.5. 2.12. Transposes. Let pπ, πq be a strongly non-degenerate quadratic space and let π : π Ñ π be any linear transformation (not necessarily a morphism of quadratic spaces). We define the π-transpose π ππ : π Ñ π of π as the unique linear transformation such that the diagram: π ππ π » π_ π_ /π (2.2) » / π _. commutes. Here the vertical maps are defined by π΅π . Note that π ππ is uniquely defined because these vertical maps are isomorphisms by the assumption of strong non-degeneracy. Proposition 2.12.1. π ππ is the unique linear transformation π Ñ π satisfying: π΅π pπ ππ pπ£q, π€q “ π΅π pπ£, πpπ€qq for all π£, π€ P π . Proof. The commutation of the diagram (2.2) says that for every π£ P π , two certain functionals π Ñ π should be equal. Evaluating these two functionals on π€ P π , one finds that the bottom leg of the diagram gives π΅π pπ£, πpπ€qq, while the top leg of the diagram gives π΅π pπ ππ pπ£q, π€q. Lemma 2.12.2. In the above setting, detpπq “ detpπ ππ q. Proof. Immediate from the commutation of the diagram (2.3), since this gives detpπ ππ q “ detpπ _ q, and detpπ _ q “ detpπq. Exercise 2.17. Suppose that π “ π π , so that π΅π is given by a symmetric matrix π΄ (that is invertible by assumption) and π can be considered as a matrix. Show that the matrix π ππ is computed as: π ππ “ π΄´1 π π π΄. Deduce that the π-transpose associated with the quadratic form Επ 2 π“1 π₯π is the usual transpose. 20 SAM RASKIN 2.13. Orthogonal groups. Let pπ, πq be a quadratic space. We define πpπq as the group of auto» morphisms of the quadratic space pπ, πq, i.e., elements of πpπq are isomorphisms pπ, πq ÝÑ pπ, πq with multiplication in πpπq defined by composition. Note that πpπq acts on π .4 Example 2.13.1. Let π£ P π with πpπ£q ‰ 0. Define π π£ P πpπq the reflection through π£ by the formula: π΅π pπ£, π€q ¨ π£. πpπ£q Clearly π π£ is a linear transformation. To see that it lies in πpπq, we compute: π π£ pπ€q “ π€ ´ πpπ π£ pπ€qq “ πpπ€ ´ π΅π pπ£, π€q π΅π pπ£, π€q 2 π΅π pπ£, π€q ¨ π£q “ πpπ€q ` p q πpπ£q ´ π΅π pπ£, π€q “ πpπ€q. πpπ£q πpπ£q πpπ£q Note that π π£ pπ£q “ ´π£, and if π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 0 then π π£ pπ€q “ 0. Therefore, if charpπq ‰ 2 we see that π π£ is a non-identity linear transformation with eigenvalue -1 of multiplicity 1 and eigenvalue 1 of multiplicity dimpπ q ´ 1. Lemma 2.13.2. Let pπ, πq be a strongly non-degenerate quadratic space. (1) A linear transformation π : π Ñ π lies in πpπq satisfies π ππ π “ idπ . If charpπq ‰ 2, then the converse holds as well. (2) For every π P πpπq, detpπq “ Λ1. Proof. For (1), we use Proposition 2.12.1 to compute: π΅π pπ ππ πpπ£q, π€q “ π΅π pπpπ£q, πpπ€qq. We see that the identity π΅π pπpπ£q, πpπ€qq “ π΅π pπ£, π€q is equivalent to π ππ π “ idπ , giving the desired result. For (2), we compute: 1 “ detpidπ q “ detpπ ππ πqq “ detpπ ππ q ¨ detpπq “ detpπq2 using Lemma 2.12.2. det Remark 2.13.3. By Example 2.13.1, if charpπq ‰ 2 then the map πpπq ÝÑ t1, ´1u is surjective. We let ππpπq denote its kernel, the special orthogonal group. Exercise 2.18. The purpose of this exercise is to show that Lemma 2.13.2 (2) holds even when π is merely assumed to be non-degenerate. Let pπ, πq be a quadratic space. (1) Show that any π P πpπq fixes Radpπ q and Radpπ q. (2) Suppose that detpπ|Radpπ q q P t1, ´1u.5 Show that detpπq P t1, ´1u. (3) Suppose that pπ, πq is a non-degenerate quadratic space with π “ Radpπ q. Show that πpπq consists only of the identity element. (4) Deduce that (2) holds for π non-degenerate. 4In fact, πpπq acts in a way that commutes appropriately with addition and scaling operations in π , i.e., its action on π arises through a homomorphism πpπq Ñ πΊπΏpπ q. In this situation, one says that π is a representation of πpπq. 5The notation is a bit lazy. For clarity: in characteristic 2 we regard t1, ´1u as consisting of one element. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 21 2.14. Spheres. Let pπ, πq be a quadratic space and fix π P π. We define the associated sphere Sπ pπq as tπ₯ P π | πpπ₯q “ πu. Επ`1 2 ? Example 2.14.1. Let π “ R and let π “ π“1 π₯π . Then Sπ pπq is the usual π-sphere of radius π. Note that the action of πpπq on π preserves Sπ pπq. Proposition 2.14.2. Let pπ, πq be a non-degenerate quadratic space and suppose charpπq ‰ 2. Then for every π ‰ 0, the action of πpπq on Sπ pπq is transitive. Proof. Let π£, π€ P Sπ pπq. We claim that either π£ ` π€ or π£ ´ π€ is not isotropic. Indeed, we otherwise have: 0 “ πpπ£ ` π€q ´ πpπ£ ´ π€q “ πpπ£q ` πpπ€q ` π΅π pπ£, π€q ´ πpπ£q ´ πpπ€q ` π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 2π΅π pπ£, π€q so that π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 0. Then πpπ£ ` π€q “ πpπ£q ` πpπ€q “ 2π ‰ 0. Suppose that π£ ´ π€ is not isotropic. Then we can make sense of the reflection π π£´π€ P πpπq. We claim that π π£´π€ pπ£q “ π€. First, note that π΅π pπ£ ` π€, π£ ´ π€q “ 0 since: π΅π pπ£ ` π€, π£ ´ π€q “ 2πpπ£q ´ 2πpπ€q ` π΅π pπ£, π€q ´ π΅π pπ£, π€q “ 0. Therefore, we have: π£ ` π€ “ π π£´π€ pπ£ ` π€q “ π π£´π€ pπ£q ` π π£´π€ pπ€q ´π£ ` π€ “ π π£´π€ pπ£ ´ π€q “ π π£´π€ pπ£q ´ π π£´π€ pπ€q. Adding these equations, we obtain π π£´π€ pπ£q “ π€ as desired. Otherwise, π£ ` π€ is anisotropic, and the above gives that π π£`π€ pπ£q “ ´π€; composing π π£`π€ with ´ idπ P πpπq, we obtain the result. Exercise 2.19. In the above setting, suppose that rankpπq Δ 1. Does ππpπq act transitively on Sπ pπq? 2.15. Witt’s cancellation theorem. Suppose that we have an identification: pπ, ππ q ‘ pπ1 , ππ1 q » pπ, ππ q ‘ pπ2 , ππ2 q of quadratic spaces. What can we deduce about the relationship between pπ1 , ππ1 q and pπ2 , ππ2 q? Witt’s theorem addresses this problem completely. Theorem 2.15.1 (Witt). Suppose that charpπq ‰ 2. Then in the above situation, pπ1 , ππ1 q and pπ2 , ππ2 q are isomorphic. Proof. We proceed by steps. Step 1. First, we reduce to the case that ππ is non-degenerate. Indeed, choosing a complementary subspace in π to Radpπ q, we see as in the proof of Proposition 2.11.3 that π is the direct sum of its radical and a non-degenerate quadratic space, giving the reduction. Step 2. Next, we reduce to the case where ππ1 and ππ2 are non-degenerate. One immediately finds (supposing that ππ is non-degenerate) that Radpπ ‘ π1 q “ Radpπ1 q and similarly for π2 . Therefore, quotienting out by the radical of π ‘ π1 “ π ‘ π2 , we find that: 22 SAM RASKIN pπ, ππ q ‘ pπ1 { Radpπ1 q, ππ1 { Radpπ1 q q » pπ, ππ q ‘ pπ2 { Radpπ2 q, ππ2 { Radpπ2 q q Therefore, if we know the result for triples of non-degenerate spaces, we can deduce that: pπ1 { Radpπ1 q, ππ1 { Radpπ1 q q » pπ2 { Radpπ2 q, ππ2 { Radpπ2 q q. Since e.g pπ1 , ππ1 q is the direct sum of its radical and its quotient by its radical, and since the radicals of π1 and π2 have been identified, we obtain the result in the general case. Step 3. Choose π£ P π with πpπ£q ‰ 0, and let π 1 be the orthogonal complement to π ¨ π£, so that π “ π 1 ‘ spanpπ£q as a quadratic space. » Under the isomorphism π : π ‘ π1 ÝÑ π ‘ π2 , we have ππ ‘π2 pπ pπ£, 0qq “ ππ pπ£q “ ππ ‘π2 pπ£, 0q. Therefore, by Proposition 2.14.2, there is an automorphism of pπ ‘ π2 , ππ ‘π2 q taking π pπ£q to pπ£, 0q. This automorphism induces an equivalence between the orthogonal complement to (the span of) π pπ£q and pπ£, 0q. The latter is obviously π 1 ‘ π2 . Using π , we see that the former is isomorphic to π 1 ‘ π1 . We now obtain the result by induction. Corollary 2.15.2 (Sylvester’s theorem). Every quadratic form πpπ₯1 , . . . , π₯π q over R of rank π is Ε Ε equivalent to ππ“1 π₯2π ´ ππ“π`1 π₯2π for a unique choice of 1 Δ π Δ π. Proof. Diagonalizing π, it is clear that π is equivalent to such a form. Uniqueness then follows by induction from Witt’s theorem. Επ Ε Definition 2.15.3. For π a quadratic form over R equivalent to π“1 π₯2π ´ ππ“π`1 π₯2π , the pair pπ, π ´ πq P Z2 is called the signature of π. 2.16. Tensor products. We suppose in S2.16-2.18 that charpπq ‰ 2. Construction 2.16.1. Suppose that pπ, ππ q and pπ, ππ q are quadratic spaces. Recall that π 1 π΅π “ π 2 ππ , and similarly for ππ . We define a quadratic space structure ππ bπ on π b π by associating it to the bilinear form: π b π Ñ pπ b π q_ “ π _ b π _ obtained by tensor product of the maps π Ñ π _ and π Ñ π _ defined by 12 π΅ππ and 12 π΅ππ . Exercise 2.20. Show that the bilinear form π΅ππ bπ satisfies: 1 π΅ππ bπ pπ£1 b π€1 , π£2 b π€2 q “ π΅ππ pπ£1 , π£2 qπ΅ππ pπ€1 , π€2 q. 2 Deduce that ππ bπ pπ£ b π€q “ ππ pπ£qππ pπ€q. Exercise 2.21. Show that pπ, ππ q b pπ, πpπ₯q :“ π₯2 q » pπ, ππ q. Exercise 2.22. Go to the Wikipedia page for “Kronecker product” and figure out the relation to this construction. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 23 2.17. Alternating and symmetric powers. Let π Δ 0 be an integer and let pπ, ππ q be a quadratic space. We claim that there are natural quadratic space structures on Symπ pπ q and Λπ pπ q. (We remind that we have assumed that charpπq ‰ 2). First, note that (in any characteristic) we have canonical “norm” maps: Symπ pπ q Ñ π bπ and Λπ pπ q Ñ π bπ . The former is induced by the (unnormalized) symmetrization map: π bπ Ñ π bπ ÿ π£πp1q b . . . b π£πpπq π£1 b . . . b π£π ÞÑ πPππ and the latter is induced similarly by: π bπ Ñ π bπ ÿ π£1 b . . . b π£π Ñ Þ sgnpπq ¨ π£πp1q b . . . b π£πpπq . πPππ We remark that each composition: Symπ pπ q Ñ π bπ Ñ Symπ pπ q Λπ pπ q Ñ π bπ Ñ Λπ pπ q is multiplication by π! “ |ππ |. Exercise 2.23. What is the relationship between the above constructions and the connection between symmetric bilinear forms and quadratic forms? We now obtain a quadratic form πSymπ pπ q (resp. πΛπ pπ q ) on Symπ pπ q and Λπ pπ q by restriction of ππ bπ (as defined by Construction 2.16.1) along these homomorphisms. The following important exercise gives the interaction between symmetric and alternating powers and duality, and then describes the relation to the above constructions. Exercise 2.24. The following exercises (except (3)) work for both Symπ and Λπ : we write them for Symπ for definiteness. (1) Show that the map Symπ pπ q_ Ñ π b,_ dual to the structure map π bπ Ñ Symπ pπ q is injective and has image the subspace of functionals on π bπ invariant under the action of the symmetric group. (2) Show that the norm map Symπ pπ _ q Ñ π _,bπ factors through the subspace Symπ pπ q_ . (3) Show that the maps Symπ pπ _ q Ñ Symπ pπ q_ are isomorphisms if and only if charpπq “ 0 or π Δ charpπq, but that the maps Λπ pπ _ q Ñ Λπ pπ q_ are always isomorphisms whenever charpπq ‰ 2. (4) Suppose now that π Ñ π _ is a symmetric bilinear form. Consider the induced map: Symπ pπ q Ñ Symπ pπ q_ defined as the composition: Symπ pπ q Ñ Symπ pπ _ q Ñ Symπ pπ q_ (2.3) 24 SAM RASKIN with the first map given by functoriality6 of Symπ and the second map is the one constructed in (2) above. Show that if ππ is the induced quadratic form on π , then πSymπ pπ q is induced by (2.3). 2.18. The discriminant. Suppose that pπ, ππ q is a quadratic space and charpπq ‰ 2. Recall that detpπ q :“ Λdimpπ q pπ q is 1-dimensional. By S2.17, we obtain a quadratic space structure on this 1-dimensional vector space. Lemma 2.18.1. The quadratic form on detpπ q is non-zero if and only if pπ, πq is non-degenerate. Proof. Let π΅ : π Ñ π _ be defined by the symmetric bilinear structure on π giving rise to ππ . By Exercise 2.24, the induced map detpπ΅q : detpπ q Ñ detpπ _ q “ detpπ q_ is the symmetric bilinear form giving rise to πdetpπ q . But π΅ is an isomorphism if and only if detpπ΅q is, and since π΅ “ 21 π΅π we obtain the result. Suppose now that pπ, πq is a non-degenerate quadratic space. By Lemma 2.18.1, we obtain that pdetpπ q, πdetpπ q q is a non-degenerate 1-dimensional quadratic space. Obviously isomorphism classes of non-degenerate 1-dimensional quadratic forms are in bijection with the set π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 , where the quadratic form πpπ₯q “ ππ₯2 , π ‰ 0 has invariant the class of π in π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 . Definition 2.18.2. For pπ, πq non-degenerate as above, the discriminant discpπq P π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 of π is the invariant of pdetpπ q, πdetpπ q q as defined above. Now let us explain how to concretely compute the discriminant. Proposition 2.18.3. Suppose that π΄ is an invertible symmetric pπ ˆ πq-matrix and let π be the associated quadratic form πpπ₯q “ π₯π π΄π₯ in π-variables. Then discpπq “ detpπ΄q mod pπ ˆ q2 . Proof. By construction the map detpπ q Ñ detpπ q_ defined by π is given as multiplication by detpπ΄q. Therefore, the induced quadratic form in 1-variable is π₯ ÞÑ detpπ΄q ¨ π₯2 as desired. Remark 2.18.4. Recall from Exercise 2.9 that matrices π΄ and π΄1 define equivalent quadratic forms if and only if π΄1 “ π π π΄π, in which case: detpπ΄1 q “ detpπ π π΄πq “ detpπ π q detpπ΄q detpπq “ detpπq2 detpπ΄q showing directly that detpπ΄q considered modulo pπ ˆ q2 is a well-defined invariant of the underlying quadratic space. Remark 2.18.5. Suppose that π has and we realize π as equivalent to a form Επ Ε been diagonalized 2 . We see that discpπq “ ˆ q2 . π mod pπ π π₯ π π π π“1 Exercise 2.25. Let π “ Fπ with π ‰ 2 and let π1 and π2 be the binary forms π1 pπ₯, π¦q “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 and ´ ¯ π π2 pπ₯, π¦q “ π₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 for π P Fˆ π a quadratic non-residue (i.e., π “ ´1). (1) Show that each of π1 and π2 represents every element of Fπ . (2) Show that π1 and π2 are inequivalent quadratic forms. 6Functorial is a scientific word that here refers to the obvious map Symπ pπ q Ñ Symπ pπ q induced by a given linear transformation π : π Ñ π (similarly, Λπ is functorial.) INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 25 Exercise 2.26. Use discriminants to prove Witt’s theorem Theorem 2.15.1 in the case that pπ, πq is non-degenerate and dim π1 “ dim π2 “ 1. Exercise 2.27. (1) Show that the discriminant of the hyperbolic plane is ´1. (2) Show that if pπ, πq is a non-degenerate quadratic space with dimpπ q “ 2 and discpπq “ ´1, then π is equivalent to the hyperbolic plane. 3. π-adic fields 3.1. Recall from S2.4 that 1-dimensional quadratic forms over Q are of the form πpπ₯q “ ππ₯2 , π P Q, where the equivalence class of π is determined by the sign of π and the parity of π£π pπq for each prime π, where π£π pπq measures the degree to which π divides π. We want to formulate this information in a more systematic way so that we can generalize it to forms π of higher rank. To generalize the sign of π, we use πR the extension of scalars of π along Q ãÑ R. For each prime π, we will introduce the field Qπ Δ Q of π-adic numbers such that the extension of scalars πQπ generalizes π£π pπq from the rank 1 case. 3.2. We will give several perspectives on Qπ below: as a metric completion of Q, as a (field of fractions of) a kind of limit of the rings Z{ππ Z, and as infinite base π exansions of numbers. 3.3. Analytic approach. Recall that for π P Qˆ , we have defined in S2.4 the π-adic valuation π with π and π not divisible by π. We extend this π£π pπq as the unique integer such that π “ ππ£π pπq π definition to Q by setting π£π p0q “ 8. Lemma 3.3.1. (1) For π, π P Q, we have π£π pππq “ π£π pπq ` π£π pπq. (2) For π, π P Q, we have mintπ£π pπq, π£π pπqu Δ π£π pπ ` πq. Proof. The first part is obvious. If π, π P Z with π “ ππ£π pπq π1 , π “ ππ£π pπq π1 , then clearly πmintπ,π u divides π ` π giving the second part in this case. We can deduce it in general by either the same method, or by clearing denominators and applying the first part. ` Λ Example 3.3.2. We have π£π 1 ` pπ ´ 1q “ 1 Δ 0 “ maxtπ£π p1q, π£π pπ ´ 1qu, giving an example in which the inequality in Lemma 3.3.1 (2) is strict. We then define the π-adic absolute norm |π|π P R of π P Q as π´π£π pπq , where for π “ 0 we interpret as 0. π´8 Remark 3.3.3. The function |¨|π : Q Ñ R can only take the values in tπZ uYt0u “ t. . . , π12 , π1 , 1, π, π2 , . . .uY t0u. Warning 3.3.4. We have |π|π “ π´1 . From Lemma 3.3.1, we immediately deduce: Lemma 3.3.5. We have |ππ|π “ |π|π |π|π and |π ` π|π Δ maxt|π|π , |π|π u. Note that πpπ₯, π¦q :“ |π₯ ´ π¦|π defines a metric on Q. Indeed, by the lemma we have: |π₯ ´ π¦|π ` |π¦ ´ π§|π Δ maxt|π₯ ´ π¦|π , |π¦ ´ π§|π u Δ |π₯ ´ π§|π so that πpπ₯, π¦q satisfies a strong version of the triangle inequality. We therefore refer to the inequality |π ` π|π Δ maxt|π|π , |π|π u as the ultrametric inequality. We define Qπ to be the completion of Q with respect to this metric. 26 SAM RASKIN Exercise 3.1. (1) Show that addition and multiplication on Q are continuous with respect to the π-adic metric. Deduce that Qπ is a commutative ring with Q a dense subring. (2) Show that the inversion map Qˆ Ñ Qˆ , π₯ ÞÑ π₯´1 is a continuous homomorphism with respect to the π-adic metric. Deduce that Qπ is a field. We see that π£π and | ¨ |π extend to Qπ by continuity; we denote these extensions in the same manner. Since on Q these functions took values in the closed subsets Z Δ R and πZ Y t0u Δ R respectively, their extensions to Qπ do as well. We will also use the notation ππ |π to say that π£π pπq Δ π. Notation 3.3.6. By Lemma 3.3.5, we see that tπ P Qπ | |π|π Δ 1u forms a subring of Qπ . We deduce this subring by Zπ and call it the ring of π-adic integers. Note that π₯ P Zπ if and only if π£π pπ₯q Δ 0. Exercise 3.2. (1) Show that Zπ is open and closed in Qπ . π (2) Show that a rational number π P Q Δ Qπ lies in Zπ if and only if when π and π are chosen relatively prime π does not divide π. (3) Show that the image of Z ãÑ Zπ has dense image. (4) Show that the field of fractions of Zπ is Qπ . More precisely, show that Qπ is obtained from Zπ by inverting the single element π. Exercise 3.3. Prove the product formula, which states that for π P Q we have: ΕΊ |π|8 ¨ |π|π “ 1 π a prime where | ¨ |8 is the “usual” absolute value on Q, whose completion is R. Exercise 3.4. Show that if π₯ P Qπ is a root of a monic polynomial: π₯π ` π1 π₯π´1 ` . . . ` ππ with ππ P Zπ , then π₯ P Zπ . 3.4. Infinite summation in Qπ . We briefly digress to discuss infinite sums in ΕπQπ . :“ We say that a sequence π₯ , π₯ , . . . has convergent sum if the sequence π π π“1 π₯π converges in Ε18 2 Qπ . In this case, we write π“1 forΕthe limit of the sequence ππ . We will summarize the situation informally by saying that the sum 8 π“1 π₯π converges. Ε8 Lemma 3.4.1. The sum π“1 π₯π converges if and only if π£π pπ₯π q Ñ 8 as π Ñ 8. Proof. To check if the sequence ππ of partial sums is convergent, it suffices to check if it is Cauchy, which in turn translates to verifying that for every π Δ 0 there exists π such that for every π Δ π we have: π ÿ π₯π |π Δ π. π“π Ε π | π π“π π₯π |π Δ maxt|π₯π |π uπ“π , | By the ultrametric inequality, we have giving the result. Remark 3.4.2. This result stands in stark contrast to the case of R, where convergence of an infinite series is a much more subtle question. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 27 3.5. Some computations. We’ll now do some computations to get a feeling for working with Qπ . A first observation is that 1, π, π2 , π3 , . . . converges to 0 in Qπ . Indeed, we have |ππ |π “ π´π , giving the result. More generally, we see that a sequence tπ₯π uπΔ0 converges to 0 if and only if for every π Δ 0 there exists π such that for π Δ π we have π₯π P ππ Zπ . Indeed, ππ Zπ is the open (and closed) neighborhood of the identity consisting of all π₯ P Qπ with |π₯|π Δ π´π . Example 3.5.1. Note that the sequence π₯π :“ 1 ` π ` π2 ` . . . ` ππ is Cauchy and therefore converges in Qπ . The usual argument shows that this element is the inverse to 1 ´ π in Qπ . Clearly each of 1 ´ π and 1 ` π ` π2 ` . . . lie in Zπ . Next, observe that ππ Zπ is an ideal of Zπ with: » Z{ππ Z ÝÑ Zπ {ππ Zπ . Indeed, this follows since Z is dense in Zπ and ππ Zπ is an open ideal. Proposition 3.5.2. The topological space Zπ is compact. Remark 3.5.3. Note that this proposition does not hold for Qπ , since the sequence π´π (π Δ 0) does not converge to a limit. Proof of Proposition 3.5.2. We need to show that every sequence π₯π contains a convergent subsequence π¦π . There must be some residue class π1 in Z{πZ such that π₯π mod πZπ takes that value infinitely often. Choose π¦1 “ π₯π1 to be some element in our sequence that reduces to this element. Of the classes in Z{π2 Z, there must be at least one that reduces to π1 infinitely often. Call one such as π2 . Then there must be an index π2 Δ π1 such that π¦2 :“ π₯π2 reduces to π2 modulo π2 Zπ . Repeating this for Z{π3 Z, etc., we obtain a sequence π¦π that is obviously Cauchy and therefore convergent. 3.6. The π-adic numbers as a limit. Suppose we have a sequence: ππ ππ´1 π1 . . . Ñ π΄π`1 Ñ π΄π Ñ . . . Ñ π΄1 of commutative rings π΄π . We call such a datum a projective system. Ε Define Ε the projective limit limπ π΄π as the subset of the product π π΄π consisting of elements pππ q P π π΄π such that for each π Δ 1 we have ππ´1 pππ q “ ππ´1 . That is, elements of limπ π΄π are elements of π΄1 with a chosen lift to π΄2 , and a chosen lift of that element of π΄2 to π΄3 , etc. The commutative algebra structure on limπ π΄π is defined by termwise addition and multiplication. Example 3.6.1. We have a projective system with π΄π “ Z{ππ Z, where the structure map Z{ππ`1 Z Ñ Z{ππ Z is given by modding out by the ideal ππ Z{ππ`1 Z. Remark 3.6.2. We can also make sense of projective limits of groups, projective limit of abelian groups, projective limit of rings, etc. Proposition 3.6.3. The canonical map: Zπ Ñ lim Zπ {ππ Zπ “ lim Z{ππ Z π is an isomorphism. π 28 SAM RASKIN Proof. First, note that the resulting map is injective: an element π P Zπ goes to zero if and only if it lies in ππ Zπ for each π, but this implies that the |π|π Δ π´π for each π, so |π|π “ 0 which implies that π “ 0. To see that this map is surjective, let pππ q be an element of the right hand side, we ππ P Z{ππ Z a compatible sequence. Choose π₯π P Z reducing to ππ modulo ππ . Note that for π, π Δ π , we have ππ | π₯π ´ π₯π , so that |π₯π ´ π₯π |π Δ π´π . Therefore, this sequence is Cauchy and therefore converges to some π₯ P Zπ . Note that π₯ ´ π₯π P ππ Zπ since π₯π ´ π₯π P ππ Z for all π Δ π. Therefore, π₯ ´ π₯π P ππ Zπ , so that π₯ “ ππ mod ππ Zπ , as desired. Remark 3.6.4. One upshot of this construction of Zπ is that it is algebraic, i.e., it makes no reference to the real numbers (whereas the very notion of metric space does). Note that we can obtain Qπ from Zπ by inverting π, so this construction gives an algebraic perspective on Qπ as well 3.7. Infinite base π expansion. We have the following lemma that gives a concrete way of thinking about π-adic numbers. Proposition 3.7.1. For every π₯ P Qπ , there exist unique integers 0 Δ ππ Δ π defined for π Δ π£π pπ₯q such that: ÿ π₯“ ππ ππ . π“π£π pπ₯q The coefficient ππ£π pπ₯q is non-zero. We have ππ “ 0 for all π sufficiently large if and only if ππ£π pπ₯q π₯ P Z Δ Zπ . Proof. First, by multiplying by ππ£π pπ₯q , we reduce to the case when π₯ P Zπ . Reduce π₯ modulo ππ ; there is a unique integer 0 Δ π₯π Δ ππ with π₯π “ π₯ mod ππ Zπ . Take the base π expansion of π₯π : π₯π “ π´1 ÿ ππ ππ . π“0 It is clear that the coefficients ππ , 0 Δ π Δ π are the same when we work with π₯π for π Δ 0 instead. Moreover, the infinite sum obviously converges to π₯, giving the existence of such an expression. The remaining properties are easily verified. Remark 3.7.2. The proof shows that we could replace the condition that ππ are integers between 0 and π ´ 1 by the condition that the ππ P π where π Δ Zπ is a subset of coset representatives of Z{πZ. A common choice one finds in the literature instead of π “ t0, 1, . . . , π ´ 1u is that π is the set of Teichmuller lifts of elements of Fπ : these are defined in Remark 3.10.6. The Teichmuller normalization is important in the theory of Witt vectors. 3.8. Invertibility in Zπ . Here we will give several perspectives on the following important result. Proposition 3.8.1. An element π₯ P Zπ is invertible in Zπ if and only if π - π₯. First proof of Proposition 3.8.1. Suppose π₯ P Zπ is non-zero, so we can make sense of π₯´1 P Qπ . Then we have: INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 29 0 “ π£π p1q “ π£π pπ₯π₯´1 q “ π£π pπ₯q ` π£π pπ₯´1 q. Since by hypothesis π£π pπ₯q Δ 0, we see that π₯´1 P Zπ if and only if: π£π pπ₯q “ π£π pπ₯´1 q “ 0 as desired. We will give two additional and more explicit proofs below modeled on Example 3.5.1. Though one argument will be analytic and the other algebraic, we note from the onset that they are two essentially identical arguments packaged in different ways. Second proof of Proposition 3.8.1. First, suppose that π₯ “ 1 mod πZπ . Write π₯ “ 1 ´ p1 ´ π₯q so that we heuristically expect: 8 ÿ 1 1 “ “ p1 ´ π₯qπ π₯ 1 ´ p1 ´ π₯q π“0 Now observe that ππ | p1 ´ π₯qπ by assumption on π₯, so that the series on the right converges. We then easily compute: p1 ´ π₯q ¨ 8 ÿ p1 ´ π₯qπ “ π“0 so that on subtracting 8 ÿ p1 ´ π₯qπ “ 8 `ÿ π“1 Λ p1 ´ π₯qπ ´ 1 π“0 Ε8 π π“0 p1 ´ π₯q from each side we find: π₯¨ 8 ÿ p1 ´ π₯qπ “ 1 π“0 as desired. In general, choose π¦ P Z such that π₯π¦ “ 1 mod πZπ : such π¦ exists because π₯ ‰ 0 mod πZπ . Then 1 P Q Δ Qπ obviously lies in Zπ , so we see that π¦ is invertible on the one hand and π₯π¦ is too, giving π¦ the result. Remark 3.8.2. Here’s another presentation of the above argument: as in the proof, we reduce to the case where π₯ “ 1 mod πZπ . Then the operator π : Zπ Ñ Zπ defined as π pπ¦q “ p1 ´ π₯qπ¦ ` 1 multiplication by 1 ´ π₯ is contracting, since |π pπ¦1 q ´ π pπ¦2 q|π Δ π1 ¨ |π¦1 ´ π¦2 |π . Therefore, by Banach’s fixed point theorem, there exists π₯0 P Zπ with π₯0 “ π pπ₯0 q “ π₯0 p1 ´ π₯q ` 1 meaning that π₯0 π₯ “ 1 as desired. For the third proof, we use the following result. Lemma 3.8.3. (1) Let π΄ be a commutative ring, let π₯ P π΄ be invertible, and let π¦ P π΄ be nilpotent (i.e., π¦ π “ 0 for π large enough). Then π₯ ` π¦ is invertible. (2) Let π΄ be a commutative ring and let πΌ be an ideal consisting only of nilpotent elements of π΄. Then π₯ P π΄ is invertible if and only if its reduction π₯ P π΄{πΌ is invertible. 30 SAM RASKIN Proof. For (1), we explicitly compute: 8 ` π¦ Λπ 1 1ÿ π₯´1 p´1qπ “ π¦ “ π₯`π¦ 1` π₯ π₯ π“0 π₯ where the infinite sum makes sense because π¦ is nilpotent, i.e., it is really only a finite sum. For (2): first, note that if π₯ is invertible in π΄, then it certainly is modulo πΌ as well. For the converse, choose some π¦ P π΄ such that π₯π¦ “ 1 mod πΌ. Then π₯π¦ is invertible by (1), since it is of the form 1`pan element of πΌq, and every element of πΌ is nilpotent. We we find that pπ₯π¦q´1 ¨π¦ is the inverse to π₯. Third proof of Proposition 3.8.1. To show that π₯ is invertible, it suffices to show that π₯ mod ππ Zπ is invertible for each π: indeed, the inverses clearly form a compatible system and therefore define an element of Zπ “ lim Z{ππ Z. But for each π Δ 1, the ideal ππ´1 Z{ππ Z consists only of nilpotent elements, so to test if an element in Z{ππ Z is invertible, it suffices by Lemma 3.8.3 (2) to check that its reduction modulo π is. 3.9. Algebraic structure of the unit group. We want to describe Qˆ π in more detail. First, note that we have an isomorphism: » ˆ Qˆ π ÝÑ Z ˆ Zπ ` π₯ ÞÑ π£π pπ₯q, π´π£π pπ₯q ¨ π₯q. (3.1) Therefore, it suffices to understand Zˆ π. For each π Δ 0, note that: ` Λ π ˆ Ker Zˆ π Ñ pZπ {π Zπ q is the subgroup 1 ` ππ Zπ , noting that subgroup indeed lies in Zˆ π by Proposition 3.8.1. Moreover, the resulting map is surjective because Proposition 3.9.1. The map: π ˆ Zˆ π Ñ lim pZπ {π Zπ q π is an isomorphism. π Proof. If π₯ P Zˆ π is in the kernel of this map, then π₯ P 1 ` π Zπ for all π Δ 0, meaning that π₯ is arbitrarily close to 1 and therefore equals 1 as desired. Surjectivity is clear from Proposition 3.6.3: any element in the projective limit arises from an element of Zπ that obviously lies in Zˆ π. Remark 3.9.2. The π-adic exponential and logarithm functions introduced below shed further light on Zˆ π. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 31 3.10. Hensel’s lemma. Hensel’s lemma is a generalization Proposition 3.8.1, giving solutions to equations in Zπ by checking for their reduction modulo π. Ε Definition 3.10.1. Let π΄ be a ring and let π pπ‘q “ ππ“0 ππ ¨ π‘π P π΄rπ‘s be a polynomial. We define the formal derivative of π as: 1 π pπ‘q “ π ÿ πππ π‘π´1 P π΄rπ‘s π“1 Proposition 3.10.2 (Hensel’s lemma). Let π pπ‘q P Zπ rπ‘s be a polynomial with coefficients in Zπ . Let π pπ‘q P Fπ rπ‘s be the polynomial induced by reducing the coefficients of π modulo π. 1 1 Suppose that π pπ‘q has a root π₯ with π pπ‘qpπ₯q ‰ 0 P Fπ , where π is the formal derivative of π .7 Then there exists a unique root π₯ P Zπ of π that reduces to π₯. Remark 3.10.3. The hypothesis on the derivative of π is necessary: otherwise, consider π pπ‘q “ π‘2 ´π. Since π pπ‘q “ π‘2 , there exists a solution modulo π, but Qπ does not contain a square root of π: indeed, ? we would have π£π p πq “ 12 π£π pπq “ 12 , and π£π can only take integral values. Proof of Proposition 3.10.2. We use the notation π₯1 in place of π₯. For each π Δ 0, we let ππ pπ‘q P Z{ππ Zrπ‘s denote the corresponding reduction of π . We will prove the following statement by induction: pΛqπ : There exists a unique root π₯π P Z{ππ Z of ππ lifting π₯1 . Clearly this statement suffices, since the π₯π obviously form a compatible system and therefore define the desired π₯ in Zπ . Observe that the inductive hypothesis pΛq1 is obvious; therefore, it suffices to perform the inductive step, deducing pΛqπ`1 from pΛqπ . Let π₯ rπ`1 P Z{ππ`1 Z be some element lifting π₯π . Define the polynomial πpπ‘q as ππ`1 pr π₯π`1 ` ππ ¨ π‘q. π π rπ`1 ` π π¦ “ π₯π`1 obviously is It suffices to show that πpπ‘q has a exactly π roots π¦, since then π₯ well-defined and is the unique solution to ππ`1 lifting π₯π . rπ`1 ¨ π‘ since pππ q2 “ 0 P Z{ππ`1 Z. We Note that for each π Δ 0, pr π₯π`1 ` ππ ¨ π‘qπ “ π₯ rππ`1 ` πππ π₯ 1 pr π₯π`1 q ¨ π‘. deduce by linearity that πpπ‘q “ ππ`1 pr π₯π`1 q ` ππ ππ`1 π`1 1 π₯π`1 q is a unit in Z{π Z by assumption on π and by Lemma 3.8.3 (2). We see that ππ`1 pr Therefore, πpπ‘q is a linear polynomial over Z{ππ`1 Z with leading and constant terms lying in ππ Z{ππ`1 Z, giving the claim. Corollary 3.10.4. Let π be an odd prime. Then π₯ P Zˆ π is a square if and only if π₯ mod πZπ is a quadratic residue. More generally, π₯ P Qπ is a square if and only if π£π pπ₯q is even and π´π£π pπ₯q π₯ is a quadratic residue modulo πZπ . Proof. For π₯ P Zπ , the polynomial π pπ‘q “ π‘2 ´ π₯ has derivative 2π‘, which is non-vanishing derivative at any element of Fˆ π as long as π is prime. We deduce the first part then from Hensel’s lemma. For the more general case, we appeal to the isomorphism (3.1). Corollary 3.10.5. For π odd, the map: 7This condition is equivalent to saying that π₯ is a simple root of π . 32 SAM RASKIN Qˆ π Ñ t1, ´1u ˆ t1, ´1u ˜ ¸ ´ ´π£π pπ₯q π₯ ¯ π π₯ ÞÑ p´1qπ£π pπ₯q , π induces a group isomorphism: » ˆ 2 Qˆ π {pQπ q ÝÑ Z{2Z ˆ Z{2Z. Here the second coordinate of this map indicates the Legendre symbol of π´π£π pπ₯q π₯ P Fˆ π , this ´π£ pπ₯q ˆ π element being the reduction modulo π of π π₯ P Zπ . Exercise 3.5. (1) Show that Qπ contains all pπ ´ 1qst roots of unity. (2) Show that there is a unique multiplicative (but not additive) map Fπ Ñ Zπ such that the induced map Fπ Ñ Zπ Ñ Fπ is the identity. Remark 3.10.6. The map Fπ Ñ Zπ is called “Teichmuller lifting.” 3.11. π-adic exponential and logarithm. We now introduce π-adic analogues of the usual exponential and logarithm functions in order to better understand the structure of the unit groups Qˆ π. Note that this is in analogy with the case of the real and complex numbers, where these functions are crucial for giving a complete description of the relevant multiplicative groups. We will define exp and log in Notation 3.11.3 by the usual power series definitions after discussing the convergence of these series. Lemma 3.11.1. (1) Suppose that π₯ P Qπ with π£π pπ₯q Δ Then the series: 1 π´1 . 8 ÿ 1 π ¨π₯ π! π“0 (3.2) converges in Qπ . (2) For |π₯|π Δ 1, the series: 8 ÿ 1 ´ π₯π π π“1 (3.3) converges. 1 Remark 3.11.2. We note that in (1), π£π pπ₯q Δ π´1 is equivalent to π₯ P πZπ for π odd, and is equivalent to π₯ P π2 Zπ for π “ 2. We formulate the result in terms of the apparently too precise estimate of 1 π´1 since it is what emerges from the proof, and is relevant for generalizations of this lemma to finite extensions of Qπ . Therefore, we will continue to use this estimate below to indicate the radius of convergence of the π-adic exponential function, silly though it might appear given the above. Proof of Lemma 3.11.1. For (1): it suffices to see that π£π p π!1 π₯π q Ñ 8. A standard sieving argument gives: π£π pπ!q “ 8 ÿ π t πu π π“1 (note that this sum is actually finite). Therefore, we estimate: INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS π£π pπ!q Δ 8 ÿ π 1 1 “π¨ ¨ π π π 1´ π“1 1 π “π¨ 33 1 . π´1 On the other hand, π£π pπ₯π q “ π ¨ π£π pπ₯q, so we find: 1 π₯π q “ π£π pπ₯π q ´ π£π pπ!q Δ π ¨ pπ£π pπ₯q ´ q π! π´1 1 which goes to 8 with π if π£π pπ₯q Δ π´1 . π£π p For (2): we expand π£π p 1π π₯π q as π ¨ π£π pπ₯q ´ π£π pπq. As ππ£π pπq Δ π, we can bound π£π pπq by logpπq logpπq , so that: 1 logpπq π£π p π₯π q Δ ππ£π pπ₯q ´ . π logpπq As long as |π₯|π Δ 1 (equivalently: π£π pπ₯q Δ 0), the linear leading term grows faster than the logarithmic second term, and we obtain the result. 1 , we let exppπ₯q denote the result of evaluating the series (3.2). For Notation 3.11.3. For π£π pπ₯q Δ π´1 |π₯|π Δ 1, let logp1 ´ π₯q denote the result of evaluating the series (3.3) at π₯. 1 Note that exppπ₯q lies in the subset 1 ` πZπ of Qπ (for π£π pπ₯q Δ π´1 ), since the first term in the series (3.2) is 1 and the higher order terms are divisible by π (we see that for π “ 2, we even have exppπ₯q P 1 ` 4Z2 ). Note that π₯ P 1 ` πZπ is equivalent to requiring |1 ´ π₯|π Δ 1, so these are exactly the elements for which we can make sense of the π-adic logarithm logpπ₯q. Proposition 3.11.4. (1) For π₯ and π¦ of valuation greater than 1 π´1 , we have: exppπ₯ ` π¦q “ exppπ₯q ¨ exppπ¦q. (2) For π₯, π¦ P 1 ` πZπ , we have: logpπ₯π¦q “ logpπ₯q ` logpπ¦q. (3) For π£π pπ₯q Δ we have logpexppπ₯qq “ π₯, and for π£π p1´π₯q Δ and expplogpπ₯qq “ π₯. 1 π´1 , 1 π´1 we have π£π plogpπ₯qq Δ 1 π´1 Proof. These all follow from standard series manipulations. For (1): exppπ₯ ` π¦q :“ 8 8 ÿ π 8 ÿ π ÿ ÿ ÿ 1 1 π! 1 1 pπ₯ ` π¦qπ “ π₯π π¦ π´π “ π₯π π¦ π´π “ π! π! π!pπ ´ πq! π! pπ ´ πq! π“0 π“0 π“0 π“0 π“0 8 ÿ 8 8 ÿ 1 1 π π ´ ÿ 1 π ¯ ´ ÿ 1 π¯ π₯ π¦ “ π₯ ¨ π¦ “ exppπ₯q ¨ exppπ¦q. π! π! π! π! π“0 π,πΔ0 π“0 π“0 π`π“π For (2), we first claim that for a general field π of characteristic 0, in the ring πrrπ‘, π ss of formal power series in two variables we have an identity: 8 ÿ 8 ÿ 1 1 ´ pπ ` π‘ ´ π π‘qπ “ ´ pπ π ` π‘π q. π π π“1 π“1 (3.4) 34 SAM RASKIN Note that in the left hand side the coefficient of π π π‘π obviously has only finitely many contributions, so this is a well-defined formal power series. To verify this identity, we first apply the formal partial B derivative Bπ‘ to the left hand side and compute: 8 8 ¯ ÿ 1´π B ´ÿ 1 ´p1 ´ π qpπ ` π‘ ´ π π‘qπ´1 “ ´ ´ pπ ` π‘ ´ π π‘qπ “ “ Bπ‘ π“1 π p1 ´ π ´ π‘ ` π π‘q π“1 8 Λ¯ 1´π 1 B ´ ÿ 1` π ´ ´ “´ “ π‘ ` π π . p1 ´ π qp1 ´ π‘q 1´π‘ Bπ‘ π π“1 Therefore, it suffices to verify the equality (3.4) after setting π‘ “ 0, since the formal derivative computation implies that the coefficients of π π π‘π of the left and right hand sides of (3.4) are equal whenever π Δ 0. But we obviously have the desired equality after setting π‘ “ 0. We then immediately deduce (2) from the equality of the formal power series (3.4), since by convergence we can substitute 1 ´ π₯ for π and 1 ´ π¦ for π‘ into (3.4). Finally, for (3), we similarly use formal power series in a variable π‘. First, note that: 8 8 ÿ 1 ´ ÿ 1 π ¯π ´ π‘ π! π“1 π π“0 is defined in πrrπ‘ss (for π as above), since one easily sees that for each coefficient π‘π only finitely many terms contribute. Let πpπ‘q denote the resulting power series; we wish to show that πpπ‘q “ 1´π‘. One computes: π π πpπ‘q “ ππ‘ ππ‘ ˆÿ 8 8 1 ´ ÿ 1 π ¯π ´ π‘ π! π“1 π π“0 8 ÿ Λ “ 8 1 ´ ÿ 1 π ¯π´1 ´1 ´1 ´ π‘ ¨ “ ¨ πpπ‘q. pπ ´ 1q! π“1 π 1´π‘ 1´π‘ π“1 Multiplying by 1 ´ π‘, we see that this equation defines a recursion on the coefficients of πpπ‘q, and one finds that it characterizes πpπ‘q up to scaling. Moreover, 1 ´ π‘ is a solution to this equation. Setting π‘ “ 0, we then deduce that πpπ‘q “ 1 ´ π‘. One argues similarly that: 8 8 ÿ ´1 ` ÿ 1 π π Λ π‘ q “ π‘. ´ π π! π“0 π“1 Next, we claim that for π¦ P Qπ with π£π pπ¦q Δ 1 π´1 , we have: 1 . (3.5) π´1 Supposing this inequality for a moment, then applying this to π¦ “ 1 ´ π₯ we see that logpπ₯q “ Ε8 1 1 ´ p1 ´ π₯qπ is a sum of terms of valuation at least π´1 , giving that logpπ₯q has the same π“1 π property, as desired. From here, the rest of (3) follows from convergence and the properties of formal power series noted above. It remains to verify the claim (3.5). First, observe that it is true for π Δ π: in this case, we have π£π pπq “ 0, so the result is clear. To treat π Δ π, we first bound the left hand side as: π ¨ π£π pπ¦q ´ π£π pπq Δ π logpπq ´ . π ´ 1 logpπq We can now regard π as a continuous variable in R. The derivative of this function is then: π ¨ π£π pπ¦q ´ π£π pπq Δ (3.6) INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 35 1 1 ´ . π ´ 1 π logpπq π´1 This derivative is zero exactly for π “ logpπq , which is obviously the minimum for the function. π´1 Note that logpπq Δ π for all π. Indeed, for π ‰ 2 (i.e., π Δ π :“ the base of the natural logarithm) this ? is clear since then the left hand side is less than π ´ 1. For π “ 2, this says that 12 Δ logp2q, i.e., π Δ 2, which is clear. Moreover, substituting the value π “ π into the right hand side of (3.6) above gives: 1 π ´1“ . π´1 π´1 Since this π is past the minimum of the function, this gives the desired result for all π Δ π. Corollary 3.11.5. The exponential and logarithm maps define mutually inverse equivalences of 1 1 u and tπ₯ P Zπ | π£π p1 ´ π₯q Δ π´1 u, the former abelian groups between tπ₯ P Zπ | π£π pπ₯q Δ π´1 being considered as an abelian group under addition, and the latter as an abelian group under multiplication. 3.12. Squares in Q2 . We now discuss the consequences of Corollary 3.11.5 for the structure of squares in Qπ , generalizing Corollary 3.10.4. Proposition 3.12.1. π₯ P Zˆ 2 is a square if and only if π₯ “ 1 mod 8. Proof. To see necessity, note that invertibility of π₯ implies that π₯ P t1, 3, 5, 7u mod 8, and the only square in Z{8Z among these is 1 (since p2π ` 1q2 “ 4pπ 2 ` πq ` 1 and π 2 ` π is always even). 1 For the converse, first note that for π “ 2, the inequality π£π pπ₯q Δ π´1 translates to π£π pπ₯q Δ 2. log Therefore, by Corollary 3.11.5 we have an isomorphism 1 ` 4Z2 » 4Z2 , the former group being considered with multiplication and the latter with addition. Since the image of multiplication by 2 in 4Z2 is 8Z2 , it suffices to show that this equivalence identifies 8Z2 with 1 ` 8Z2 . Recall from the proof of Lemma 3.11.1 that we proved in general that: π£π p 1 π₯π q Δ π ¨ pπ£π pπ₯q ´ q. π! π´1 π For π “ 2, we obtain π£2 p π₯π! q Δ π ¨ pπ£2 pπ₯q ´ 1q. For π£2 pπ₯q Δ 2, this implies that for π Δ 2 we have: π£2 p π₯π q Δ 2pπ£2 pπ₯q ´ 1q “ π£2 pπ₯q ` pπ£2 pπ₯q ´ 2q Δ π£2 pπ₯q π! so that: |1 ´ exppπ₯q|π “ |π₯|π for all π₯ with π£π pπ₯q Δ 2, verifying the claim. Corollary 3.12.2. We have an isomorphism: » ˆ 2 ˆ Qˆ 2 {pQ2 q ÝÑ t1, ´1u ˆ pZ{8Zq ´ ¯ π₯ ÞÑ p´1qπ£2 pπ₯q , 2´π£2 pπ₯q π₯ 36 SAM RASKIN where 2´π£2 pπ₯q π₯ P pZ{8Zqˆ denotes the reduction of 2´π£2 pπ₯q ¨ π₯ P Zˆ 2. ˆ 2 Remark 3.12.3. In particular, we see that |Qˆ 2 {pQ2 q | “ 8. ˆ 2 Exercise 3.6. Show that Qˆ 2 {pQ2 q is generated by the images of 2, 3 and 5. 3.13. Quadratic forms over finite fields. Before proceeding to discuss quadratic forms over Qπ , we need to digress to treat quadratic forms over finite fields. The main result on the former subject is the following. Proposition 3.13.1. Let π be an odd prime. (1) Any form of rank Δ 2 represents every value in Fπ . (2) Two non-degenerate forms over Fπ are equivalent if and only if their discriminants are equal. (3) Let π be a quadratic non-residue modulo π. Then every non-degenerate rank π form π over Fπ is equivalent to exactly one of the forms: π₯21 ` . . . ` π₯2π or π₯21 ` . . . ` ππ₯2π . Proof. For (1), by diagonalization it suffices to show any form ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 with π, π ‰ 0 represents every value π P Fπ . π´1 Note that π₯2 represents exactly π`1 2 values in Fπ : the 2 quadratic residues and 0. Therefore, the same counts hold for ππ₯2 and ππ¦ 2 , since π, π ‰ 0. Therefore, the intersection: tππΌ2 | πΌ P Fπ u X tπ ´ ππ½ 2 | π½ P Fπ u is non-empty, since each of these sets has order greater than π2 . Choosing πΌ, π½ P Fπ defining an element of the intersection, this gives ππΌ2 “ π ´ ππ½ 2 as desired. For (3), we proceed by induction on π. The result is clear for π “ 1. Otherwise, by (1), π represents 1 P Fπ . Choosing a vector π£ in the underlying quadratic space π with πpπ£q “ 1 and decomposing according to orthogonal complements, we obtain the result by induction. Finally, (2) obviously follows from (2). 3.14. Hilbert symbol. Let π “ Qπ for some π or π “ R. For π, π P π ˆ , we define the Hilbert symbol of π and π as 1 if the binary quadratic form ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents 1, and ´1 otherwise. We denote the Hilbert symbol of π and π by: pπ, πqπ P t1, ´1u if π “ Qπ , and pπ, πq8 P t1, ´1u if π “ R. Remark 3.14.1. Of course, this definition makes sense over any field, but it does not have good properties: Theorem 3.14.5 will use specific facts about the choice π “ Qπ and π “ R. This failure represents the fact that our definition is somewhat ad hoc. Remark 3.14.2. The role the Hilbert symbol plays for us is that it is clearly an invariant of the quadratic form πpπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 , i.e., it only depends on the underlying quadratic space, not on π and π. Eventually, we will denote it by πpπq, call it the Hasse-Minkowski invariant of π, and we will generalize it to higher rank quadratic forms. Here we record the most obvious properties of the Hilbert symbol. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 37 Proposition 3.14.3. The following identities are satisfied by the Hilbert symbol for π a prime or π “ 8. (1) pπ, πqπ “ pπ, πqπ . (2) pπ, 1 ´ πqπ “ 1. (3) p1, πqπ “ 1. (4) pπ, ´πqπ “ 1. (5) pππ2 , πqπ “ pπ, πqπ for all non-zero π. (6) pπ, πqπ “ pπ, ´ππqπ . Proof. In words, (1) says that ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents 1 if and only if ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 does, which is clear. Then (2) says that ππ₯2 ` p1 ´ πqπ¦ 2 represents 1, which it does with pπ₯, π¦q “ p1, 1q, while (3) says that π₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents 1, which it does with p1, 0q. Next, (4) says that ππ₯2 ´ ππ¦ 2 represents 1, and this is clear because the form is isotropic and non-degenerate, therefore equivalent to the hyberbolic plane, and therefore represents all values. (5) follows because pπ, πqπ is an invariant of the equivalence class of the quadratic form ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 . Finally, for (6), we note that pπ, πqπ “ 1 if and only if π1 pπ₯, π¦, π§q :“ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ´ π§ 2 is isotropic by Corollary 2.10.3. Similarly, pπ, ´ππqπ “ 1 if and only if: 1 ´1 pππ₯2 ´ πππ¦ 2 ´ π§ 2 q “ ´π₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ` π§ 2 π π is isotropic. Therefore, it suffices to see that π1 and π2 are equivalent quadratic forms. But this is clear: swap the variables π₯ and π§ and change π1 to π by multiplication by π2 . π2 pπ₯, π¦, π§q :“ Remark 3.14.4. By (5), we the Hilbert symbol defines a symmetric pairing: ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ 2 Qˆ π {pQπ q Ñ Qπ {pQπ q Ñ t1, ´1u (3.7) and similarly for R. We will prove the following less trivial results below. It is here that we will really need that our field is Qπ or R. Theorem 3.14.5. Let π be a prime or 8. (1) pπ, ππqπ “ pπ, πqπ ¨ pπ, πqπ . (2) If pπ, πqπ “ 1 for all invertible π, then π is a square. Remark 3.14.6. We may view π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 as an F2 -vector space, where we change from multiplicative notation in π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 to additive notation for vector addition. Then Theorem 3.14.5 exactly says that for π “ Qπ or π “ R, pπ, πq ÞÑ pπ, πqπ P t1, ´1u » F2 defines a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form on the vector space π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 (which we note is finite-dimensional over F2 , of dimension 1 for π “ R, 2 for π “ Qπ and π ‰ 2, and 3 for Q2 ). 3.15. Consequences for quadratic forms. For this subsection, we will assume Theorem 3.14.5, leaving its proof (and a detailed description of how to compute with the Hilbert symbol) to S3.16. Let π “ Qπ or π “ R; in the latter case, the reader should understand π below as a stand-in for 8. As in Remark 3.14.2 binary8 quadratic form π, we let πpπq P t1, ´1u be 1 if π represents 1 and ´1 otherwise. So if π “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 , then πpπq “ pπ, πqπ . 8 We remind that this means that its underlying quadratic space has dimension 2. 38 SAM RASKIN Proposition 3.15.1. Let π be a non-degenerate binary quadratic form with discriminant discpπq. Then π represents π P π ˆ if and only if: p´ discpπq, πqπ “ πpπq. Proof. That π represents π is equivalent to saying that π1 π represents 1. Diagonalizing π so that πpπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 , we see that this is equivalent to having p ππ , ππ qπ “ 1. For convenience, we replace this expression by pππ, ππqπ , which is justified by the equality π “ π1 P π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 . Applying the bilinearity Theorem 3.14.5 (1) of the Hilbert symbol repeatedly, we compute: pππ, ππqπ “ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ “ p´1, πq2π pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ “ ¯ ¯´ ´ p´1, πqπ pπ, πqπ p´1, πqπ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ “ p´π, πqπ p´ππ, πqπ pπ, πqπ . Observing that p´π, πqπ “ 1 by Proposition 3.14.3 (4), we see that: pππ, ππqπ “ p´ discpπq, πqπ ¨ πpπq. This exactly means that πpπq “ p´ discpπq, πqπ if and only if π represents π, as desired. Remark 3.15.2. Here are some sanity tests to make sure that Proposition 3.15.1 accords with reality. First of all, for π “ 1, this formula says that π represents 1 if and only if p´ discpπq, 1qπ “ πpπq, but since 1 is a square, we see that p´ discpπq, 1qπ “ 1, so this is equivalent to saying πpπq “ 1, as desired. Next, if π is the hyperbolic plane, we have discpπq “ ´1 and πpπq “ 1, so Proposition 3.15.1 says that π represents π if and only if p1, πqπ “ 1. As above p1, πqπ “ 1 for all π, so this says that the hyperbolic plane represents every value, which is obviously true. Corollary 3.15.3. Non-degenerate binary quadratic forms π1 and π2 are equivalent if and only if discpπ1 q “ discpπ2 q and πpπ1 q “ πpπ2 q. Proof. Diagonalize π1 as ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 . By Proposition 2.12.1, π1 and π2 represent the same values, and therefore π2 represents π as well. By Proposition 2.9.7, π2 can be diagonalized as ππ₯2 ` π1 π¦ 2 . We now see that: ππ1 “ discpπ2 q “ discpπ1 q “ ππ mod pπ 1 q2 so that changing π1 by a square we can take π1 “ π as desired.9 Corollary 3.15.4. If π is a non-degenerate binary quadratic form other than the hyperbolic plane, then π represents exactly half of the elements of the finite set π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 . Proof. By Exercise 2.27, ´ discpπq P pπ ˆ q2 if and only π is the hyperbolic plane. Therefore, if π is not the hyperbolic plane, then p´ discpπq, ´q : pπ ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 q Ñ t1, ´1u is a non-trivial homomorphism by Theorem 3.14.5 (2), and π is represented by π if and only if it lies in the appropriate coset of this homomorphism. 9 This argument implies over a general field of characteristic ‰ 2 that two non-degenerate binary quadratic forms of the same discriminant and representing the same values are equivalent. Note that this is not true in rank Δ 3. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 39 Exercise 3.7. For π “ R, verify each of the above statements by hand (note that the Hilbert symbol for R is explicitly described in Proposition 3.16.1 below). Corollary 3.15.5. Any non-degenerate ternary quadratic form π represents every π P π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 except possibly π “ ´ discpπq. Proof. We diagonalize π as πpπ₯, π¦, π§q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ` ππ§ 2 for π, π, π P π ˆ . Fix π ‰ ´ discpπq. By Corollary 2.10.3, it suffices to show that ππ :“ π1 ´π2 “ ππ₯2 `ππ¦ 2 `ππ§ 2 ´ππ€2 is isotropic. Observe that the forms π1 pπ₯, π¦q :“ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 and π2 pπ§, π€q “ ´ππ§ 2 ` ππ€2 have different discriminants by assumption on π. Note that we can assume that discpπ1 q and discpπ2 q are each not ´1, since otherwise one of these forms is the hyperbolic plane, which obviously would imply that ππ is isotropic. Therefore, ´ discpπ1 q and ´ discpπ2 q are linearly independent when regarded as elements of the F2 -vector space π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 , since they are distinct non-zero vectors in a F2 -vector space. Therefore, by Theorem 3.14.5 (2), there exists π P π ˆ with p´ discpπ1 q, πqπ “ πpπ1 q and p´ discpπ2 q, πqπ “ πpπ2 q. Indeed, in the perspective of Remark 3.14.6, we are given linearly independent vectors and a nondegenerate bilinear form, so we can find a vector that pairs to these vectors in any specified way. But then π1 pπq ´ π2 pπq “ 0, so the form ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ` ππ§ 2 ´ ππ€2 is isotropic, giving the claim. In the special case that π “ Qπ (i.e., π ‰ R), we moreover obtain the following results. Corollary 3.15.6. Any quadratic form π over π “ Qπ of rank Δ 5 is isotropic. Proof. We can write π “ π1 `π2 `π3 where π1 has rank 3, π2 has rank 2 and π3 is otherwise arbitrary. By Corollary 3.15.5, π1 represents every value in π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 except possibly 1 (namely, ´ discpπ1 q). Therefore, since π ‰ R so that |π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 | Δ 2, by Corollary 3.15.4 there exists π in π ˆ that is represented by both π1 and ´π2 , meaning that π1 ` π2 –and therefore π itself–is isotropic. Corollary 3.15.7. For π “ Qπ , any form of rank Δ 4 represents every π P π. Proof. Immediate from Corollary 3.15.6 and Corollary 2.10.3. 3.16. We now will give explicit formulae for the Hilbert symbol. We will deduce Theorem 3.14.5 from these explicit formulae. We separate into cases of increasing difficulty: π “ R, π “ Qπ with π ‰ 2, and Q2 . Proposition 3.16.1. For π, π P Rˆ , pπ, πq8 “ 1 unless π and π are both negative. Proof. This says that ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents 1 unless π and π are both negative, which is clear. In order to compute the Hilbert symbol for Qπ , it is convenient to pass through the tame symbol. ˆ This is a rule that takes π, π P Qˆ π and produces Tameπ pπ, πq P Fπ . To define the tame symbol, note that for π, π P Qˆ π , we have ππ£π pπq ππ£π pπq P Zˆ π , since its valuation is 0. π£π pπq Therefore, we may reduce it to p πππ£π pπq q P Fˆ π . Then we define: Tameπ pπ, πq :“ p´1qπ£π pπq¨π£π pπq ¨ p ππ£π pπq q P Fˆ π. π£ pπq π π 40 SAM RASKIN Observe that the tame symbol is bilinear, i.e., we have: Tameπ pππ1 , πq “ Tameπ pπ, πq ¨ Tameπ pπ1 , πq P Fˆ π and Tameπ pπ, ππ1 q “ Tameπ pπ, πq ¨ Tameπ pπ, π1 q P Fˆ π. Proposition 3.16.2. If π is an odd prime, then: ˆ pπ, πqπ “ Tameπ pπ, πq π Λ . (3.8) Proof. First, we analyze how the tame symbol of π and π changes when π is multiplied by π2 . By definition, this is computed as: ´` ππ£π pπq Λ¯2 ¨ Tameπ pπ, πq. π Therefore, when we apply the Legendre symbol, this does not change the resulting value, i.e., the right hand side of (3.8) does not change under this operation. By Proposition 3.14.3 (5), the right hand side does not change under this operation either. Now observe that the right hand side of (3.8) is symmetric under switching π and π: indeed, switching π and π has the effect of inverting the tame symbol in Fˆ π , and the Legendre symbol is immune to this change. Therefore, we reduce to studying three cases: 1) π£π pπq “ π£π pπq “ 0, 2) π£π pπq “ 0, π£π pπq “ 1, and 3) π£π pπq “ π£π pπq “ 1. Case 1. π£π pπq “ π£π pπq “ 0. In this case, we see that the tame symbol of π and π is 1. Therefore, we need to show that their Hilbert symbol is as well, i.e., that πpπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents 1. By Proposition 3.13.1, we can solve ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 1 over Fπ , say with pπ₯, π¦q “ pπΌ, π½q. Choose a lift πΌ P Zπ of πΌ. We see that the polynomial ππ‘2 ` pππΌ2 ´ 1q satisfies the hypotheses of Hensel’s lemma and therefore there exists a unique lift π½ of π½ that is a solution to the equation ππ½ 2 ` ππΌ2 ´ 1 “ 0, as desired. Case 2. π£π pπq “ 0, π£π pπq “ 1. We find Tameπ pπ, πq “ π, so the right hand side of (3.8) is the Legendre symbol of π. To compare with the left hand side: note that if pπ₯, π¦q P Q2π then π£π pππ₯2 `ππ¦ 2 q “ mintπ£π pππ₯2 q, π£π pππ₯2 qu. Indeed, since π£π pππ₯2 q P 2Z and π£π pππ₯2 q R 2Z, so these numbers are not equal. Therefore, if ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 1, then 0 “ mintπ£π pππ₯2 q, π£π pππ¦ 2 qu “ mint2π£π pπ₯q, 1 ` 2π£π pπ¦qu, meaning that π₯ and π¦ are π-adic integers with π₯ a π-adic unit. Therefore, we can reduce an equation ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 1 modulo π to see that π must be a quadratic residue. The converse direction follows from Corollary 3.10.4. Case 3. π£π pπq “ π£π pπq “ 1. By Proposition 3.14.3 (6), we have pπ, πqπ “ pπ, ´ππqπ . Noting that π£π p´ππq P 2Z, Case (2) applies and we see that: ˆ pπ, ´ππqπ “ We then compute that: Tameπ pπ, ´ππq π Λ . INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS Tameπ pπ, ´ππq “ 41 π2 π “ ´ “ Tameπ pπ, πq ´ππ π giving the desired result. It remains to treat the case of Q2 . p2´π£2 pπq πq2 ´1 For π P Qˆ P Z{2Z. That is, for π P Zˆ 2 , let πpπq :“ 2 we have: 8 # πpπq “ 0 if π “ 1, ´1 mod 8Z2 πpπq “ 1 if π “ 3, 5 mod 8Z2 ´π£2 pπq πq. and for general π P Qˆ 2 we have πpπq “ πp2 ´π£ pπq We also set πpπq “ 2 2 2 π´1 P Z{2Z. So again, πpπq “ πp2´π£2 pπq πq, and for π P Zˆ 2 we have πpπq “ 0 if π “ 1 mod 4 and πpπq “ 1 if π “ 3 mod 4. Proposition 3.16.3. For all π, π P Qˆ 2 , we have: pπ, πq2 “ p´1qπpπqπ£2 pπq`π£2 pπqπpπq`πpπqπpπq . (3.9) Proof. As in the proof of Proposition 3.16.2, we reduce to the cases 1) π£2 pπq “ π£2 pπq “ 0, 2) π£2 pπq “ 0, π£2 pπq “ 1, and 3) π£2 pπq “ π£2 pπq “ 1. Case 1. π£2 pπq “ π£2 pπq “ 0. In this case, we see that the right hand side of (3.9) is 1 unless π “ π “ 3 mod 4Z2 . We treat separately the cases i) where π (or π) is 1 modulo 8, ii) π (or π) is 5 modulo 8, and iii) π and π are both 3 modulo 4. Subcase 1. π “ 1 mod 8Z2 . Then by Corollary 3.12.2, π is a square in Q2 , so ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents 1. Subcase 2. π “ 5 mod 8Z2 . In this case, π ` 4π “ 1 mod 8 and therefore is a square in Q2 , meaning that ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents a square and therefore represents 1. Subcase 3. π “ π “ 3 mod 4Z2 . Suppose ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 1, π₯, π¦ P Q2 . Let π :“ maxt0, ´π£2 pπ₯q, ´π£2 pπ¦qu. Then we have: πp2π π₯q2 ` πp2π π¦q2 “ 4π as an equation in Z2 . If π “ 0 so that π₯, π¦ P Z2 , this equation gives 3π₯2 ` 3π¦ 2 “ 1 mod 4, which isn’t possible since 2 π P t0, 1u for π P Z{4Z. If π Δ 0, then up to change of variables we can assume π “ ´π£2 pπ₯q, in which case 2π π₯ P Zˆ 2, so πp2π π₯q2 ` πp2π π¦q2 “ 3 ` 3p2π π¦q2 “ 0 mod 4. Now observe that p2π π¦q2 can only reduce to 0 or 1 modulo 4Z2 , and neither of these provides a solution to the given equation. Case 2. π£2 pπq “ 0, π£2 pπq “ 1. πpπq`πpπqπpπq . Let π “ 2π with π P Zˆ 2 . Then we need to show that pπ, πq2 “ p´1q We note that, as in Case 2 in the proof of Proposition 3.16.2, any solution to ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 1 must have π₯, π¦ P Z2 . 42 SAM RASKIN Therefore, if ππ₯2 ` 2ππ¦ 2 “ 1 does not have a solution in Z{8Z, then pπ, πq2 “ ´1. Note that any solution to this equation in Z{8Z must have π₯ “ 1 mod 2, so the first term is π ` 2ππ¦ 2 . From here, one readily sees that there are no solutions in the cases: ‚ π “ 3 mod 8 and π “ 1 mod 4 ‚ π “ 5 mod 8 ‚ π “ 7 mod 8 and π “ 3 mod 4 We compute the left hand side of (3.9) in these cases as: ‚ p´1q1`1¨0 “ ´1 ‚ p´1q1`0¨1 “ ´1 ‚ p´1q0`1¨1 “ ´1 as desired. We now treat the remaining cases: Subcase 1. If π “ 1 mod 8, then π is a square so pπ, πq2 “ 1 “ p´1q0`0¨πpπq . Subcase 2. If π “ 3 mod 8 and π “ 3 mod 4, then we need to show that pπ, πq2 “ 1 “ p´1q1`1¨1 . We note that: π ` π “ π ` 2π “ 3 ` 6 “ 1 mod 8 and therefore π ` π is a square in Z2 , so that ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents a square and therefore 1. Subcase 3. If π “ 7 mod 8 and π “ 1 mod 4, then we need to show that pπ, πq2 “ 1 “ p´1q0`1¨0 . We see that π ` π “ 1 mod 8, so as above, we deduce that pπ, πq2 “ 1. Case 3. π£2 pπq “ π£2 pπq “ 1. As in Case 3 for the proof of Proposition 3.16.2, we have pπ, πq2 “ pπ, ´ππq2 , and we note that π£2 p´ππq is even so we can compute this Hilbert symbol using Case 2 as: pπ, ´ππq2 “ p´1qπp´ππq`πpπqπp´ππq . Observe that p´1qπpπqπp´ππq “ p´1qπpπqπpπq . Moreover, it is easy to check that we have: p´1qπp´ππq “ p´1qπpπq ¨ p´1qπpπq . Therefore, we obtain: pπ, πq2 “ pπ, ´ππq2 “ p´1qπpπq`πpπq`πpπqπpπq . as desired. Exercise 3.8. Deduce Theorem 3.14.5 from Propositions 3.16.1, 3.16.2 and 3.16.3. 3.17. Hasse-Minkowski invariant. Let π “ Qπ or π “ R. As always, if π “ R, e.g. a Hilbert symbol p´, ´qπ should be interpreted with π “ 8. Theorem 3.17.1. There is a unique invariant ππ pπq P t1, ´1u defined for every non-degenerate quadratic form π over π such that: ‚ ππ pπq “ 1 if π has rank 1. ‚ ππ pπ1 ` π2 q “ ππ pπ1 qππ pπ2 q ¨ pdiscpπ1 q, discpπ2 qqπ . INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 43 Remark 3.17.2. This result is proved in elementary ways in [Ser] and [Cas]. We choose not to prove it here because a proper argument would require too much of a digression on Brauer groups. This is justified because Corollary 3.17.4 below gives an algorithm on how to compute it; the only question is well-definedness. Remark 3.17.3. We call this invariant the Hasse-Minkowski invariant of π. Ε Corollary 3.17.4. For π diagonalized as πpπ₯1 , . . . , π₯π q “ π ππ π₯2π , we have: ππ pπq “ ΕΊ pππ , ππ qπ . πΔπ Exercise 3.9. Deduce the corollary from Theorem 3.17.1. 3.18. Using the Hasse-Minkowski invariant, we can complete the description of S3.15 describing when a quadratic form π over π “ Qπ represents some π P Qπ . Proposition 3.18.1. A quadratic form π over Qπ represents 0 ‰ π if and only if one of the following results holds: ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ rankpπq “ 1 and π “ discpπq P π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 . rankpπq “ 2 and p´ discpπq, πq “ ππ pπq. rankpπq “ 3 and either π ‰ ´ discpπq or π “ ´ discpπq and p´ discpπq, ´1qπ “ ππ pπq. rankpπq Δ 4. Proof. The case of rank 1 is obvious: it is true over any field. The case of rank 2 is treated in Corollary 3.15.3, and the case of rank 4 is treated in Corollary 3.15.7. The case of rankpπq “ 3 and π ‰ ´ discpπq is treated in Corollary 3.15.5. This leaves us to show that a non-degenerate ternary form π respresents ´ discpπq if and only if p´ discpπq, ´1qπ “ ππ pπq. Let πpπ₯, π¦, π§q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ` ππ§ 2 . That π represents ´ discpπq “ ´πππ is equivalent to saying that πpπ₯, π¦, π§, π€q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ` ππ§ 2 ` ππππ€2 is isotropic, which in turn is equivalent to saying that π1 pπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 and π2 pπ§, π€q “ ´ππ§ 2 ´ ππππ€2 represent a common value. Note that discpπ1 q “ discpπ2 q. Therefore, by Corollary 3.15.3, saying that π1 and π2 represent a common value is equivalent to: pπ, πqπ “ ππ pπ1 q “ ππ pπ2 q “ p´πππ, ´πqπ . Using Theorem 3.14.5, we find: p´πππ, ´πqπ “ p´πππ, πqπ ¨ p´πππ, ´1qπ . Moreover, by Proposition 3.14.3 (6), we have p´πππ, πq “ pππ, πq “ pπ, πq ¨ pπ, πq, so that the above is equivalent to: ππ pπq “ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ pπ, πqπ “ p´πππ, ´1qπ “ p´ discpπq, ´1qπ as desired. Corollary 3.18.2. For π “ Qπ , two non-degenerate quadratic forms π1 and π2 over π are equivalent if and only if discpπ1 q “ discpπ2 q and ππ pπ1 q “ ππ pπ2 q. 44 SAM RASKIN Proof. By Proposition 3.18.1, two quadratic forms π1 and π2 with the same discriminant and HasseMinkowski invariant represent the same values. Choose some π that they both represent. Then π1 “ ππ₯2 ` π11 and π2 “ ππ₯2 ` π21 by our usual method. Then we have: discpπ11 q “ π discpπ1 q “ π discpπ2 q “ discpπ21 q P π ˆ {pπ ˆ q2 and ππ pπ11 q “ ππ pπ1 qpdiscpπ11 q, πqπ “ ππ pπ2 qpdiscpπ21 q, πqπ “ ππ pπ21 q so we obtain the result by induction. Remark 3.18.3. As a consequence, we obtain the following nice interpretation of the Hasse-Minkowski invariant: π has ππ pπq “ 1 if and only if π is equivalent to a form: π₯21 ` . . . ` π₯2π´1 ` ππ₯2π . Indeed, this is clearly only possible with π “ discpπq, and in that case, we see that this form has the same discriminant as π, and it obviously has ππ “ 1. 4. The Hasse principle 4.1. The goal for this section is to prove the following theorem. Theorem 4.1.1 (Hasse principle). A non-degenerate quadratic form π over Q represents a value π P Q if and only if the extension of scalars πQπ represents π P Q Δ Qπ for every prime π, and πR represents π. 4.2. We will prove Theorem 4.1.1 by treating different ranks π of π separately. Exercise 4.1. Deduce the π “ 1 case of Theorem 4.1.1 from the discussion of Example 2.4.3 (4). We will give two proofs of the π “ 2 case below, one from [Cas] using Minkowski’s geometry of numbers, and a second from [Ser] that is more direct. 4.3. Geometry of numbers. We now give a quick crash course in Minkowski’s geometry of numbers, following [Cas] Chapter 5. Definition 4.3.1. A lattice is an abelian group Λ isomorphic to Zπ for some integer π, i.e., it is a finitely generated torsion-free abelian group. The integer π is called the rank of Λ. A metrized lattice is a pair pΛ, πR q of a lattice Λ and a positive-definite quadratic form πR defined on ΛR Δ Λ b R. Z Remark 4.3.2 (Discriminants). Let pΛ, πR q be a metrized lattice. Let π1 , . . . , ππ be a basis of Λ. Then we can associate to this datum the matrix: Λ ¨1 1 1 π΅ pπ , π q π΅ pπ , π q . . . π΅ pπ , π q π 1 1 π 2 1 π π 1 R R R 2 2 2 Λ 1 π΅π pπ1 , π2 q 1 π΅π pπ2 , π2 q . . . 1 π΅π pππ , π2 q ‹ R R Λ2 R ‹ 2 2 π΄“Λ ‹. .. .. .. .. ‚ Λ . . . . 1 2 π΅πR pπ1 , ππ q 1 2 π΅πR pπ2 , ππ q . . . 12 π΅πR pππ , ππ q As in Exercise 2.9, a change of basis corresponding to a matrix π P πΊπΏπ pZq changes π΄ by: π΄ ÞÑ π π π΄π. ` Λ Because detpπq P Zˆ “ t1, ´1u, we see that disc pΛ, πR q :“ detpπ΄q P Rˆ is well-defined. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 45 Remark 4.3.3. Because πR is assumed to be a positive-definite quadratic space, pΛR , πR q is isomorphic to pRπ , π₯21 ` . . . ` π₯2π q. We can therefore talk about open sets in ΛR and volumes of such open sets, since these notions do not depend on the given isomorphism (i.e., they are invariants of Rπ under the action of the orthogonal group for the form π₯21 ` . . . ` π₯2π ). ˆ ˆ 2 Remark 4.3.4. The discriminant in the sense above refines discpπR q P R ` {pR Λq “ t1, ´1u, and therefore we see that (because πR is assumed positive definite) that disc pΛ, πR q Δ 0. Remark 4.3.5. If π is a finite-dimensional vector space over R, we say that a subset π of π is convex if π₯, π¦ P π implies that π‘π₯ ` p1 ´ π‘qπ¦ P π for all π‘ P r0, 1s. We say that π is symmetric if π₯ P π implies that ´π₯ P π . Theorem 4.3.6 (Minkowski’s theorem). Let pΛ, πR q be a metrized lattice of rank π and let π Δ ΛR be a convex symmetric open set with: b ` Λ volpπ q Δ 2π ¨ disc pΛ, πR q . Then π contains a non-zero point of Λ. Proof. For convenience, we use the language of measure theory. Note that π :“ ΛR {Λ inherits a canonical measure ππ , where the measure of a “small” connected subset π is by definition the measure of a connected component of the inverse image in ΛR . Indeed, one can choose a fundamental domain πΉ in ΛR for the action of Λ and restrict the usual measure on ΛR . E.g., choosing a basis π1 , . . . , ππ for Λ, we can choose πΉ to be: ÿ tπ₯ “ π₯π ππ P ΛR , π₯π P R | 0 Δ π₯π Δ 1u. Clearly π is an additive measure on the torus π , i.e., πpπ₯ ` π q “ πpπ q for every open set π Δ π and π₯ P π . We claim: b ` Λ (4.1) πpπ q “ disc pΛ, πR q . Indeed, choose an orthonormal basis π1 , . . . , ππ of ΛR , and define the matrix π΅ P ππ pRq to have πth column the vectors ππ written in the basis π1 , . . . , ππ . By the usual characterization of volumes in terms of determinants, we have: | detpπ΅q| “ volpπΉ q “ πpπ q. But for π΄ as in Remark 4.3.2, we obviously have π΅ π π΅ “ π΄, and therefore: ` Λ disc pΛ, πR q “ detpπ΄q “ detpπ΅ π π΅q “ detpπ΅q2 as was claimed in (4.1). Let π denote the quotient map ΛR Ñ π . Define the function: π : π Ñ R Y t8u by letting πpπ₯q be the number of points in 21 π X π´1 pπ₯q.10 Note that π is a measurable function. Then we have: 10One can prevent this function from possibly taking the value 8 by intersecting π with a large disc around 0, but it’s not a big deal. 46 SAM RASKIN ΕΌ ` Λ 1 1 πpπ₯qππpπ₯q “ volp π q “ π volpπ q Δ disc pΛ, πR q “ πpπ q. 2 2 π Therefore, πpπ₯q Δ 1 for some π₯ P π . Since π takes integer values, we must have πpπ₯q Δ 2, and therefore there exist distinct points π¦, π§ P 21 π with πpπ¦q “ πpπ§q “ π₯. Then we have: 1 1 0 ‰ π¦ ´ π§ “ p2π¦q ` p´2π§q P π 2 2 by symmetry and convexity of π , and also π¦ ´ π§ P Λ since πpπ¦ ´ π§q “ πpπ¦q ´ πpπ§q “ 0. Therefore, π¦ ´ π§ is a non-zero point of Λ X π , as claimed. Exercise 4.2. For pΛ, πR q a metrized lattice and Λ1 Δ Λ a subgroup of index π Δ 8, prove that: ` Λ ` Λ disc pΛ1 , πR q “ π2 disc pΛ, πR q . 4.4. Application of geometry of numbers to the Hasse principle. The above theorem can be used to prove Theorem 4.1.1 in the π “ 2 case in general: we refer to [Cas] S6.4 where this is effected. However, to simplify the explanation given in [Cas], we will only give the argument in a special case (that at least shows how things are done, and we’ll treat the general π “ 2 case by a simpler method following [Ser] in S4.6). First, note that any binary quadratic form πpπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 is equivalent to one where π£π pπq, π£π pπq P t0, 1u for every prime π. Indeed, multiplying π and π by squares, we easily put them into this form. Let πpπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 be a binary quadratic form with π and π square-free as above, and, moreover assuming: (1) π, π P Z relatively prime, (2) π, π odd, and (3) π ` π “ 0 mod 4. We will prove that if π represents 1 in every Qπ then it does so in Q. For each prime π dividing π, the fact that ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 represents 1 means that we can choose some ππ P Z with πππ2 “ 1, and similarly for each prime π dividing π, we can choose some ππ P Z with πππ2 “ 1. Indeed, this follows e.g. from Proposition 3.16.2. Then define Λ Δ Z3 as consisting of the triples pπ₯, π¦, π§q P Z3 with: $ π¦ “ ππ π§ ’ ’ ’ &π₯ “ π π§ π ’π₯ “ π¦ mod 2 ’ ’ % 2 | π§. if π | π if π | π We consider Λ as a metrized lattice by embedding Z3 into R3 in the usual way. By Exercise 4.2, we have discpΛq “ p2ππq4 . Observe that for pπ₯, π¦, π§q P Λ and π a prime dividing π, we have: ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ πππ2 π§ 2 “ π§ 2 mod π and similarly for primes dividing π. Moreover, we have: ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 0 “ π§ 2 mod 4 where the first equality follows because π “ ´π mod 4, so ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ ππ₯2 ´ ππ¦ 2 “ πpπ₯ ´ π¦qpπ₯ ` π¦q “ 0 mod 4 because π₯ ´ π¦ “ 0 mod 4. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 47 Therefore, by the Chinese remainder theorem and the square-free assumption of π and π, we have: ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ π§ 2 mod 4|ππ|. (4.2) Now define: π “ tpπ₯, π¦, π§q P R3 | |π|π₯2 ` |π|π¦ 2 ` π§ 2 Δ 4|ππ|.u Then π is obviously convex and symmetric, and moreover, we find: 3 π 4 p4|ππ|q 2 volpπ q “ π a a “ 23 ¨ 4|ππ| Δ 23 ¨ 4|ππ| “ 23 discpΛq. 3 3 |π| |π| Therefore, Minkowski’s theorem guarantees the existence of non-zero pπ₯, π¦, π§q in Λ and π . Then we have: ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ´ π§ 2 P 4|ππ|Z by (4.2), but lying in π implies that: |ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 ´ π§ 2 | Δ |π|π₯2 ` |π|π¦ 2 ` π§ 2 Δ 4|ππ| and therefore we must have ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ π§ 2 as desired. 4.5. Digression: Fermat and Legendre’s theorems. We now digress temporarily to prove two classical results. Theorem 4.5.1 (Fermat’s theorem). An odd prime π can be written as the sum of two squares π “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 (π₯, π¦ P Z) if and only if π “ 1 mod 4. Proof. Necessity follows from congruences mod 4. For sufficiency, suppose π “ 1 mod 4. In this case, we can choose an integer π with π2 “ ´1 mod π. Define the lattice Λ Δ Z2 to consist of those pπ₯, π¦q with π¦ “ ππ₯ mod π. Note that for pπ₯, π¦q P Λ, we have: π₯2 ` π¦ 2 “ π₯2 ` π2 π₯2 “ 0 mod π. Moreover, observe that the discriminant of the metrized latticed Λ is π2 . Define π Δ R2 to be the disc: tpπ₯, π¦q P R2 | π₯2 ` π¦ 2 Δ 2π.u Then the area of π is 2π ¨ π. Now observing that: 2π ¨ π Δ 4π because π Δ 2, Minkowski’s theorem applies, and we deduce the existence of pπ₯, π¦q ‰ p0, 0q in π XΛ. But then π | π₯2 ` π¦ 2 and 0 Δ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 Δ 2π, so we must have π₯2 ` π¦ 2 “ π. Theorem 4.5.2 (Legendre’s theorem). Any integer π Δ 0 can be written as the sum of four squares: π “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 ` π§ 2 ` π€ 2 , π₯, π¦, π§, π€ P Z. 48 SAM RASKIN Proof. First, observe that it suffices to treat the case where π is a prime. Indeed, it is a easy, elementary identity to verify that the product of numbers that are each the sum of four squares is again of the same form (one uses the norm form on the quaternions to actually reconstruct this identity in practice). By Proposition 3.13.1, we can find integers π and π with π2 ` π 2 “ ´1 mod π. We then define the lattice: Λ “ tpπ₯, π¦, π§, π€q P Z4 | π§ “ pππ₯ ` π π¦q mod π, π€ “ pππ₯ ´ π π¦q mod πu. Then for pπ₯, π¦, π§, π€q P Λ, observe that: π₯2 ` π¦ 2 ` π§ 2 ` π€2 “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 ` pππ₯ ` π π¦q2 ` pππ₯ ´ π π¦q2 “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 ` pπ2 ` π 2 qpπ₯2 ` π¦ 2 q “ 0 mod π. Observe that Λ has discriminant π4 . ? Now let π Δ R4 be the disc tpπ₯, π¦, π§, π€q P R | π₯2 ` π¦ 2 ` π§ 2 ` π€2 Δ 2πu of radius 2π. We recall 2 that in R4 , the disc of radius 1 has volume π2 . Therefore, π has volume 2π 2 π2 . Now, because π 2 Δ 8, we have: 2π 2 π2 Δ 24 π2 and therefore Minkowski’s theorem applies. Clearly any non-zero vector in ΛXπ solves our equation, giving the desired result. 4.6. Hasse-Minkowski for π “ 2. We now prove the Hasse principle for binary quadratic forms following [Ser]. Proof of Theorem 4.1.1 for binary forms. Let πpπ₯, π¦q “ ππ₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 . Up to rescaling, it suffices to show that π represents 1 if and only if pπ, πqπ “ 1 for all π and pπ, πq8 “ 1. As in S4.4, we can assume π and π are (possibly negative) square-free integers. Without loss of generality, we can assume |π| Δ |π|. We proceed by induction on |π| ` |π|. The base case is |π| ` |π| “ 2, i.e., |π| “ |π| “ 1. Then we must have π “ 1 or π “ 1, since otherwise π “ π “ ´1 and pπ, πq8 “ ´1, and the result is clear. We now perform the inductive step. We can assume |π| Δ 1. We first claim that π is a square in Z{πZ. By the Chinese remainder theorem and by the assumption that π is square-free, it suffices to show that if π is a prime dividing π, then π is a square mod π. If π “ 2, this is clear, since everything is a square in Z{2Z. Therefore, let π be an odd prime dividing π. If π divides π, then π “ 0 mod π and we’re done. Otherwise, π is a unit in Zπ , and therefore pπ, πqπ “ 1 implies that π is a square by Proposition 3.16.2. That π is a square in Z{πZ means that we can find π , π‘ P Z such that: π‘2 ´ π “ π π. Certainly we can choose π‘ with 0 Δ π‘ Δ |π| 2 . We claim that for π “ 8 or π a prime number,11 we have: 11 Not to be confused with our earlier use of π. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS pπ, π qπ “ 1. 49 (4.3) Indeed, first observe that pπ, π‘2 ´ πqπ “ 1 because: 1 1 π ¨ p q2 ` pπ‘2 ´ πq ¨ p q2 “ 1. π‘ π‘ Then we observe that: pπ, π qπ “ pπ, π‘2 ´ π qπ “ pπ, πpπ‘2 ´ πqqπ “ pπ, πqπ pπ, π‘2 ´ πqπ “ 1 ¨ 1 “ 1. π Moreover, we have: |π | “ | π‘2 |π| |π| π‘2 ´ π |Δ ` Δ ` 1 Δ |π|. π |π| |π| 4 where the last inequality holds because |π| Δ 2, and the first inequality holds because π‘ Δ |π| 2 and |π| Δ |π|. Then |π| ` |π| Δ |π | ` |π|, and therefore, since pπ, π qπ “ 1 for all π, by induction there exist rational numbers π₯ and π¦ such that: π π₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 1. (4.4) πpπ π₯q2 ` πp1 ´ π‘π¦q2 “ pπ‘ ´ ππ¦q2 (4.5) In this case, we claim: meaning that π represents a square, giving the desired result. More precisely: if π‘ ´ ππ¦ ‰ 0, we’re clearly done, and if π‘ ´ ππ¦ “ 0, then we have shown that π is a hyperbolic and therefore it represents 1.12 To verify this algebra, we compute: pππ qpπ π₯2 q ` πp1 ´ π‘π¦q2 “ pπ‘2 ´ πqp1 ´ ππ¦ 2 q ` π ´ 2ππ¦π‘ ` ππ‘2 π¦ 2 “ π‘2 ´ π ´ ππ‘2 π¦ 2 ` π2 π¦ 2 ` π ´ 2ππ¦π‘ ` ππ‘2 π¦ 2 “ π‘2 ` π2 π¦ 2 ´ 2ππ¦π‘ “ pπ‘ ´ ππ¦q2 . Remark 4.6.1. The end of the proof could be explained in the following more conceptual way. First, for a field π and fixed π P π ˆ not a square, to say that ππ₯2 `ππ¦ 2 “ 1 is equivalent to π “ p π₯1 q2 ´πp π₯π¦ q2 , and from here one easily finds ? that the solvability of this equation is equivalent to say that π is a norm for the extension πr πs of π. In this way, using the multiplicativity of the norm map, one sees that the set of π for which this equation is solvable forms a group under multiplication. Now, in the notation of the proof, we could have instead said that the identity ππ “ π‘2 ´ π says that ππ is a norm, and the identity π π₯2 ` ππ¦ 2 “ 1 says that π is a norm, which in turn implies that π ´1 is a norm, so this implies that π “ ππ ¨ π ´1 is a norm, as desired. Indeed, the elementary but random identity verified at the end of the argument translates to this argument. By the same method, one could verify (4.3) more directly. 12To deduce that π is hyperbolic, we need to be careful that in (4.5) we have π π₯ and 1 ´ π‘π¦ non-zero. But (4.4) and the square-free assumption on π force π π₯ to be non-zero, giving the claim. 50 SAM RASKIN 4.7. Quadratic reciprocity. We will need to appeal to Gauss’s quadratic reciprocity law below. We recall the statement and proof here. Theorem 4.7.1. (1) For π and π distinct odd primes, we have: ˆ Λ ˆ Λ π´1 π´1 π π ¨ 2 2 “ p´1q . π π (2) For π an odd prime, we have: ˆ Λ π2 ´1 2 “ p´1q 8 . π Remark 4.7.2. We note that the complicated-looking expression p´1q unless π “ π “ 3 mod 4, in which case it gives the value ´1. π´1 π´1 ¨ 2 2 produces the value 1 Proof of Theorem 4.7.1 (1). We follow the elementary proof of [Ser]. Let Fπ denote an algebraic closure of Fπ in what follows. Step 1. Here is the strategy of the proof below. We will write down the Gauss sum G´ P¯Fπ , and π´1 verify first G is a square root of p´1q 2 ¨ π, and second that G lies in Fπ exactly when ππ “ 1. ´ ¯ π´1 2 This means that p´1q ¨ π is a quadratic residue modulo π exactly when ππ “ 1, so that: ¸ ˆ Λ ˜ ¸ˆ Λˆ Λ ˜ π´1 π´1 π p´1q 2 π π p´1q 2 π ¨ “ . 1“ π π π π π ´ ¯ π´1 Then noting that13 ´1 “ p´1q 2 , we obtain the result. π Step 2. Let ππ P Fπ be a solution to π₯π “ 1 other than 1; such a ππ exists because π₯π ´ 1 is a separable polynomial over Fπ . We define the Gauss sum G P Fπ as: ÿ ˆπ₯Λ G“ ¨ πππ₯ . π ˆ π₯PFπ π´1 Step 3. We claim that G2 “ p´1q 2 π. Indeed, we compute: ÿ ˆπ₯Λ ˆπ¦ Λ ÿ ˆ π₯π¦ Λ ÿ ˆπ§ Λ ÿ 2 π₯`π¦ π₯`π¦ G “ ππ “ ππ “ πππ₯`π₯π§ . π π π π ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ π₯,π¦PFπ π₯,π¦PFπ π§PFπ π₯PFπ π¦ π₯, Here we have applied the change of variables π§ “ noting that: ˆπ¦Λ ˜π₯¸ ˆ Λ π₯π¦ π¦ π₯ “ “ . π π π 13Proof: Under an isomorphism Fˆ » Z{pπ ´ 1qZ, clearly ´1 corresponds to π of 2 if and only if 4 | π ´ 1. π´1 , 2 and this element is a multiple INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 51 Now observe that for π§ ‰ ´1, πππ₯`π₯π§ “ pπππ§`1 qπ₯ ranges exactly over the primitive πth roots of unity in Fπ . Because the sum of all the πth roots of unity is 0, this means that for π§ ‰ 1 the corresponding summand is ´1. Therefore, the above sum is: ˆ ´1 π Λ ÿ 1` π₯PFˆ π ÿ π§PFπ zt0,´1u ˆ Λ π§ ´ . π where ´ the¯ first term corresponds to π§ “ ´1 and the rest corresponds to π§ ‰ ´1. We note that Ε π§ “ 0, since there are equal numbers of quadratic residues and non-residues, so the π§PFˆ π π ´ ¯ ´ ¯ ´1 second term above is ´1 . Clearly the first term sums to pπ ´ 1q π π , giving the result. Step 4. Next, we recall a general technique for checking if an element of Fπ lies in Fπ . For π a field of characteristic π, note that by the binomial formula that Frπ pπ₯q :“ π₯π is a homomorphism. Then we claim that π₯ P Fπ lies in Fπ if and only if π₯π “ π₯. Indeed, this is obviously satisfied for elements of Fπ , and for degree reasons there are at most π roots of this polynomial. ´ ¯ Step 5. It remains to show that G lies in Fπ exactly when ππ “ 1. It suffices to check when G is fixed by the Frobenius in Fπ . We have: Frπ pGq “ ˆ Λ ÿ ˆ π₯ Λπ ÿ ˆπ₯Λ ÿ ˆ π´1 π₯ Λ π ¨ πππ₯ “ ¨ ππππ₯ “ ¨ ππππ₯ “ G π π π π ˆ ˆ ˆ π₯PFπ π₯PFπ π₯PFπ as desired. Proof of Theorem 4.7.1 ? (2). The strategy is similar to that of Theorem 4.7.1 (1): we find a convenient expression for 2 P Fπ and then test by the Frobenius when it lies in Fπ . Let π8 P Fπ be a primitive 8th root of unity. We claim that π8 ` π8´1 is a square root of 2.14 Indeed, we compute: pπ8 ` π8´1 q2 “ pπ82 ` 2 ` π8´2 q. Observing that π82 and π8´2 are distinct square roots of ´1, their sum must be zero, giving the claim. Now we observe that: Frπ pπ8 ` π8´1 q “ π8π ` π8´π which equals π8 `π8´1 if and only if π “ 1, ´1 mod 8. This is equivalent to requiring that p´1q 1. π2 ´1 8 “ 14As a heuristic for this expression, note that over the complex numbers π8 , and we have π8 ` π8´1 ? “ π8 ` π 8 “ 2 Repπ8 q “ 2. ? 2 2 `π¨ ? 2 2 is visibly an 8th root of unity 52 SAM RASKIN 4.8. Global properties of the Hasse-Minkowski invariant. We have the following result, which we will see is essentially a repackaging of the quadratic reciprocity law. Proposition 4.8.1 (Hilbert reciprocity). Let π, π P Qˆ . For almost every15 prime π, we have: pπ, πqπ “ 1. Moreover, we have: pπ, πq8 ¨ ΕΊ pπ, πqπ “ 1. π prime Proof. For the first claim, note that if π is an odd prime with π£π pπq “ π£π pπq “ 0, then Proposition 3.16.2 implies that pπ, πqπ “ 1. For the second part, we proceed by cases, applying Propositions 3.16.2 and 3.16.3 freely. Case 1. π “ π, π “ π are distinct odd prime numbers. Then we have: $ π´1 π´1 2 2 ’ pπ, πq2 “ p´1q ’ ´ ¯ ’ ’ ’ π ’ ’ &pπ, πqπ “ ´ π ¯ pπ, πqπ “ ππ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ pπ, πqβ “ 1 ’ ’ % pπ, πq8 “ 1. if β ‰ 2, π, π Then Theorem 4.7.1 (1) immediately gives the claim. Case 2. π “ π “ π an odd prime number. Then we have: $ π´1 p π´1 q2 2 2 ’ pπ, πq “ p´1q “ p´1q 2 ’ ¯ ´ ’ ’ &pπ, πq “ ´1 π π ’ ’ pπ, πqβ “ 1 ’ ’ % pπ, πq8 “ 1 ifβ ‰ π giving the claim. Case 3. π “ π is an odd prime and π “ 2. Then we have: $ π2 ´1 ’ 8 ’ &pπ, 2q2 “ p´1q ´ ¯ 2 pπ, 2qπ “ π ’ ’ % pπ, 2qβ “ 1 Then Theorem 4.7.1 (2) gives the claim. 15This phrase means “all but finitely many.” if β ‰ 2, π.pπ, 2q8 “ 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 53 Case 4. π “ π “ 2. Then we have p2, 2qπ “ 1 for π prime and for π “ 8 because: 1 1 2p q2 ` 2p q2 “ 1. 2 2 Case 5. π “ π is an odd prime and π “ ´1. Then we have: $ π´1 2 ’ pπ, ´1q2 “ p´1q ’ ´ ¯ ’ ’ &pπ, ´1q “ ´1 π π ’ ’ pπ, ´1q “ 1 if β ‰ 2, π β ’ ’ % pπ, ´1q8 “ 1 giving the result (one can alternatively reduce this case to Case 2). Case 6. π “ 2 and π “ ´1. Then we have p2, ´1qπ “ 1 for all π prime and π “ 8 because: 2 ¨ p1q2 ´ p12 q “ 1. Case 7. π “ ´1 and π “ ´1. Then we have: $ ’ &p´1, ´1q2 “ ´1 p´1, ´1qβ “ 1 ’ % p´1, ´1q8 “ ´1 if β ‰ 2 giving the result. Case 8. General case. By the bimultiplicativity of the Hilbert symbol (Theorem 3.14.5 (1)), we reduce to the above cases. Remark 4.8.2. Hilbert’s form of the quadratic reciprocity law should be viewed as analogous to the conclusion of Exercise 3.3. Corollary 4.8.3. For any quadratic form π over Q, we have: ΕΊ π8 pπq ¨ ππ pπq “ 1. π prime Corollary 4.8.4. If π is a non-degenerate binary quadratic form over Q, π represents π P Q if and only if it represents it in each Qπ and in R with possibly one exception. Proof. Indeed, we have seen in Proposition 3.15.1 that π represents π in Qπ (allowing π “ 8 to correspond to R) if and only if p´ discpπq, πqπ “ πpπq. Therefore, Hilbert reciprocity implies that if π represents π locally with one exception, then π represents π locally with no exceptions, and therefore, the Hasse principle for π “ 2 implies that π represents π in Q. 54 4.9. SAM RASKIN We now conclude the proof of the Hasse principle. Lemma 4.9.1. Let π be a finite set consisting of primes and possibly the symbol 8. Suppose that we are given π₯π P Qˆ π for every π P π (where Q8 is understood as R). Then there exists a prime β and π₯ P Q such that: 2 π₯ P π₯π pQˆ π q for all π P π π₯ P Zˆ π for all primes π R π Y tβu. (4.6) Proof. We suppose 8 P π for convenience (certainly it does not harm either our hypothesis or our conclusion!). Let π P t1, ´1u be the sign of π₯8 . By Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions, there exists a prime β such that: ΕΊ π ´π£π pπ₯π q mod π β “ π ¨ pπ´π£π pπ₯q π₯π q ¨ πPπ prime π‰π for every odd prime π in S, and for π “ 2, we impose the same congruence but require it to hold mod π3 “ 8. We now define: ΕΊ π₯“π¨β¨ π π£π pπ₯π q P Q. πPπ prime Clearly π₯ has no primes other than those in π and β divides the numerator or denominator of π₯, so the second requirement of (4.6) holds for it. We see that π₯ has the same sign as π₯8 . Moreover, for π P π an odd prime, we have: π₯π₯´1 π P 1 ` πZπ and therefore is a square. For π “ 2, we similarly find π₯π₯´1 2 P 1 ` 8Z2 , and again, therefore is a square. Completion of the proof of Theorem 4.1.1. Case 1. To prove the π “ 3 case of the Hasse principle, it suffices to show that any non-degenerate form π of rank 4 that is locally isotropic (i.e., isotropic over each Qπ and R) is globally isotropic (i.e., isotropic over R). Let π be such a form. Diagonalizing π we see that we can write π as the difference of two binary quadratic forms π1 ´ π2 . Let π be the set consisting of 2, 8, and the (finite) set of primes π with at least one of π£π pdiscpπ1 qq or π£π pdiscpπ2 qq odd. Because π is locally isotropic, for every π P π, we can find πΌπ , π½π P Qπ ˆ Qπ (with Qπ meaning R for π “ 8) not both the zero vector such that π1 pπΌπ q “ π2 pπ½π q. We define π₯π to be the common value π1 pπΌπ q “ π2 pπ½π q. We can take π₯π to be non-zero: indeed, e.g., if πΌπ ‰ 0 and π1 pπΌπ q “ 0, then π1 is the hyperbolic plane and therefore represents any non-zero value represented by π2 pπ½π q. Therefore, we can find π₯ P Qˆ associated with these π₯π as in Lemma 4.9.1. Let β be defined as in loc. cit. Observe that π1 represents π₯ in R and in each Qπ , π ‰ β. Indeed, for π P π this follows because π1 2 represents π₯π and therefore every element of π₯π pQˆ π q . Then for π R π, π ‰ β: by Proposition 3.15.1, INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 55 we needs to show that p´ discpπ1 q, π₯π q “ 1. Because π R π, π£π pdiscpπ1 qq is even, and therefore the ˆ 2 ˆ coset discpπ1 q P Qˆ π {pQπ q is represented by an element of Zπ . Then because π is odd (by virtue of ˆ not being in π) and π₯π P Zπ , we obtain the required identity of Hilbert symbols from Proposition 3.16.2. Now by Corollary 4.8.4, π1 represents π₯ over Q, say, π1 pπΌq “ π₯. By the same logic, we can find π½ P Q ˆ Q with π2 pπ½q “ π₯. Then π1 pπΌq ´ π2 pπ½q “ 0, proving that π was isotropic. Case 2. We now treat the π Δ 4 case of the Hasse principle. Again, it suffices to show a non-degenerate rational form π of rank Δ 5 that is locally isotropic is globally isotropic. We again write π “ π1 ´ π2 , where π1 is a non-degenerate binary form and π2 is a form of rank Δ 3. Let π be set consisting of 8, 2, and that finite set of primes for which π£π pdiscpπ2 qq is odd or ππ pπ2 q “ ´1. Because π is locally isotropic, we can find π₯π and π¦π vectors over Qπ with πpπ₯π q “ πpπ¦π q ‰ 0 for every π P π. 2 By the Chinese remainder theorem, we can find π₯ P Q such that π1 pπ₯qπ1 pπ₯π q´1 P pQˆ π q for every 16 π P π. As before, it suffices to show that π2 represents π1 pπ₯q over Q. By induction, it suffices to show that π2 represents π1 pπ₯q locally. This is clear for π P π, in particular, for π “ 2 or π “ 8. For all other primes π, we have: ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ 2 discpπ2 q P Zˆ π ¨ pQπ q Δ Qπ {pQπ q so that p´ discpπ2 q, ´1qπ “ 1 (by Proposition 3.16.2) and ππ pπ2 q “ 1, and therefore we obtain that π2 represents every value over Qπ by Proposition 3.18.1. 4.10. Three squares theorem. As an application, we now deduce the following result of Gauss. Theorem 4.10.1. Any integer π P ZΔ0 can be written as the sum π₯21 ` π₯22 ` π₯23 , π₯π P Z, if and only if π₯ is of the form 4π p8π ` 7q. Exercise 4.3. (1) Show that πpπ₯, π¦, π§q “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 ` π§ 2 represents every π P Qπ for π odd, and represents π P Q2 if and only if ´π P 22Z ¨ p1 ` 8Z2 q. (2) Deduce the rational version of Theorem 4.10.1 from the Hasse principle, i.e., the version in which π₯1 , π₯2 , π₯3 are taken to be rational numbers instead of integers. By Exercise 4.3, it suffices to pass from rational solutions to integral solutions. The following result gives a way to do this in some cases. Proposition 4.10.2 (Hasse-Davenport). Let Λ be a finite rank free abelian group equipped with an integral quadratic form17 π : Λ Ñ Z. Let ΛQ “ Λ b Q, and we abuse notation in letting π : ΛQ Ñ Q denote the induced quadratic form. Suppose that the quadratic form π is anisotropic as a quadratic form over Q. Suppose moreover that for every π£ P ΛQ :“ Λ b Q, there exists π€ P Λ with: |πpπ£ ´ π€q| Δ 1. 16We emphasize that we do not need Lemma 4.9.1 here: we are not imposing any conditions away from the primes in π. 17Since we’ve only spoken about quadratic forms on vector spaces before, this warrants an explanation: all this means is that πpππ£q “ π2 πpπ£q for every π P Z and π£ P Λ. 56 SAM RASKIN Then π represents π P Z by a vector in Λ if and only if π represents π with a vector in ΛQ . Proof of Theorem 4.10.1. By Exercise 4.3, it suffices to see that πpπ₯, π¦, π§q “ π₯2 ` π¦ 2 ` π§ 2 satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.10.2. Observe that π is anisotropic over Q because it is so over R (by positive-definiteness). Then for every pπ₯, π¦, π§q P Q3 , we can find pπ₯1 , π¦ 1 , π§ 1 q P Z3 with |π₯ ´ π₯1 | Δ 21 , and similarly for π¦ and π§. Then: πpπ₯ ´ π₯1 , π¦ ´ π¦ 1 , π§ ´ π§ 1 q Δ pπ₯ ´ π₯1 q2 ` pπ¦ ´ π¦ 1 q2 ` pπ§ ´ π§ 1 q2 Δ 1 1 1 ` ` Δ1 4 4 4 as desired. Proof of Proposition 4.10.2. Here is the strategy of the proof: we start we some π£ P ΛQ representing π ‰ 0, and we need to find some π£ 1 P Λ Δ ΛQ representing π. We know from (the proof of) Proposition 2.14.2 that we can obtain any such π£ 1 P ΛQ with πpπ£ 1 q “ πpπ£q by acting on π£ by reflections. So we expect to find our π£ 1 by such a process. On to the actual argument: Choose π€ P Λ with |πpπ£ ´ π€q| Δ 1. If πpπ£ ´ π€q “ 0, then by the anisotropic assumption, we have π£ “ π€ and we are done. Otherwise, since πpπ£ ´ π€q ‰ 0 we have the reflection π π£´π€ as in Example 2.13.1. So we define π£ 1 as: π£ 1 “ π π£´π€ pπ£q :“ π£ ´ π΅π pπ£, π£ ´ π€q ¨ pπ£ ´ π€q. πpπ£ ´ π€q By Example 2.13.1, we have πpπ£ 1 q “ πpπ£q. We want to show that this process produces a vector in Λ after some number of iterations. To this end, let π be a positive integer such that ππ£ P Λ Δ ΛQ . It suffices to show that: πpπ£ ´ π€q ¨ π P Z (4.7) and: pπpπ£ ´ π€q ¨ πqπ£ 1 P Λ (4.8) π£, π£ 1 , . . . since by assumption, |πpπ£ ´ π€qπ| Δ π. Indeed, we then have a sequence of vectors with πpπ£q “ πpπ£ 1 q “ . . ., and a strictly decreasing sequence of positive integers π, π1 :“ |πpπ£ ´ π€qπ|, . . . with ππ£ P Λ, π1 π£ 1 P Λ, etc., and eventually we must obtain an honest element of Λ. For (4.7), we compute: πpπ£ ´ π€qπ “ pπpπ£q ` πpπ€q ´ π΅π pπ£, π€qqπ “ πpπ£qπ ` πpπ€qπ ´ π΅π pππ£, π€q. Then πpπ£q “ π P Z, πpπ€q P Z because π€ P Λ, and π΅pππ£, π€q P Z because ππ£, π€ P Λ. Then for (4.8), we expand: π΅π pπ£, π£ ´ π€q ¨ pπ£ ´ π€qq “ pπpπ£ ´ π€q ¨ πqπ£ 1 “ pπpπ£ ´ π€q ¨ πqpπ£ ´ πpπ£ ´ π€q ` Λ πpπ£ ´ π€q ´ π΅π pπ£, π£ ´ π€q ππ£ ` π΅π pππ£, π£ ´ π€qπ€. Because ππ£ and π€ lie in Λ, it suffices to see that each of our coefficients lie in Z. For the first coefficient, we find: INTRODUCTION TO THE ARITHMETIC THEORY OF QUADRATIC FORMS 57 πpπ£ ´ π€q ` πpπ£q “ πpπ€ ´ π£q ` πpπ£q “ πpπ€q ´ π΅π pπ€ ´ π£, π£q “ πpπ€q ` π΅π pπ£ ´ π€, π£q so that πpπ£ ´ π€q ´ π΅π pπ£ ´ π€, π£q “ πpπ€q ´ πpπ£q “ πpπ€q ´ π P Z. For the second coefficient, we see: π΅π pππ£, π£ ´ π€q “ ππ΅π pπ£, π£q ´ π΅π pππ£, π€q and the former term is π ¨ 2πpπ£q P Z, and the latter term is integral because ππ£, π€ P Λ. References [Cas] J.W.S. Cassels. Rational Quadratic Forms. Dover Books on Mathematics Series. Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2008. [Ser] Jean-Pierre Serre. A Course in Arithmetic. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer, 1973.