POLYNOMIALS WITH REAL ZEROS Richard P. Stanley Department of Mathematics M.I.T. 2-375 Cambridge, MA 02139 rstan@math.mit.edu http://www-math.mit.edu/~rstan Transparencies available at: http://www-math.mit.edu/~rstan/trans.html 1 Rolle's theorem. If f is ontinuous on [a; b℄ and dierentiable on (a; b), and f (a) = f (b) = 0, then there exists a < < b suh that f 0() = 0. Corollary. If P (x) 2 R [x℄ and every zero of P (x) is real, then every zero of P 0(x) is real. 2 Let P (x) = an xn+ n n 2 + 2 a2x + 1 a1x+a0 2 R [x℄: Theorem (Newton). If all zeros of P (x) are real, then a2i ai Proof. P 1 ai+1; 1 i n n i ( ) Q(x) := xi )Qi ( But Q i ( 1) +1 1) 1) 1: (x) has real zeros P (n i 1) (1=x) has real zeros (x) has real zeros: (x) = n2! ai+1 + 2aix + ai ) ai ai 2 1 3 ai+1: 2 1 x 2 P Let P (x) = aixi have only nonpositive real zeros. Let i = mode(P ) if ai = max aj : (If ai = ai+1 = max aj , let mode(P ) = i + 21 .) Theorem (J. N. Darroh, 1964): 0 P (1) P (1) mode(P ) < 1: 4 Example. Hermite polynomials: bX n= k 2 Hn(x) = k =0 Hn(x) = ( 1) n! (2x)n 2k k ! (n 2k )! 2 d x x e e Hn dx By indution, Hn zeros. Sine e x2 H n 2 1 1 (x) has n 1 (x) 1 real (x) ! 0 as x ! 1; it follow that Hn(x) has n real zeros interlaed by the zeros of Hn 1(x). 5 400 200 6 -3 -2 -1 00 1 2 x -200 -400 3 2.2 0 -10 7 -20 -30 -40 2.3 2.4 2.5 x 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 Example (Heilmann-Lieb, 1972). Let G be a graph with ti i-sets of edges with no vertex in ommon (mathing P of size i). Then i tixi has only real zeros. 3x3 + 11x2 + 7x + 1 8 Let n 2 R [x℄: + a x + + a x n 0 1 T (x) = a Set ak = 0 for k < 0 or k > n. Dene AT = aj i i;j 1 ; an innite Toeplitz matrix. Theorem (Aissen-Shoenberg-Whitney, 1952) TFAE: Every minor of AT is 0, i.e., AT is totally nonnegative. Every zero of T (x) is real and 0. Gives innitely many onditions, even for ax2 + bx + . 9 Culture: Edrei-Thoma generalization (onjetured by Shoenberg). Let T (x) = 1 + a1x + 2 R [[x℄℄. As before, let AT = aj i i;j 1 : TFAE: Every minorQof AT is nonnegative. (1 + rix) x i T (x) = e Q (1 s x) , where ; ri; sj 0; j X 10 j ri + X sj < 1: Q (1 + rix) x i T (x) = e Q j (1 Note: sj x) AT easily seen to be t.n. for 1 T (x) = 1+ax; a 0; or T (x) = ; b 0: 1 bx A; B t.n. ) AB t.n. (by Binet-Cauhy) AT U = AT AU n x ex = nlim 1+ !1 n 11 Connetion with S1 (Thoma, Ver- shik, Kerov, et al). Let n ` n and n ~ = normalized irred: harater of Sn n Then limn!1 ~ exists if and only if ri = lim ni=n n!1 sj = lim (n)0j =n n!1 exist. 12 An appliation of A-S-W: Let P be a nite poset. Let i be the number of i-element hains of P . c0 = 1 c1 = 5 c2 = 5 c3= 1 Chain polynomial: CP (x) = 13 P ixi Theorem (Gasharov (essentially), Skandera) Let P have no indued 3 + 1. Then CP (x) has only real zeros. good bad Proof of Gasharov based on ombinatorial interpretation of minors of AC . 14 Speial ase: P is a unit interval order or semiorder, i.e., a set of real numbers with P u<v R ,u<v 1: 2.6 1.2 1.7 1.3 .5 0 Same as no indued 3 + 1 or 15 2 + 2. For any poset, dene the eny matrix NP by ( (NP )st = 0; if s < t 1; otherwise: 5 6 3 4 2 1 2 1 61 6 6 61 6 61 6 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 antiadja- 0 1 1 1 1 1 16 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 07 7 7 17 7 17 7 15 1 Fats. det(I + xNP ) = CP (x) P an be ordered so that NP is totally nonnegative , P is a semiorder. (Gantmaher-Krein) Eigenvalues of t.n. matries are real. Corollary. If P is a semiorder, then CP (x) has only real zeros. 17 Conjeture (S.-Stembridge) (implies Gasharov-Skandera theorem) Let P be a (3 + 1)-avoiding poset. Dene XP = 0 X f :P !P skt)f (s)6=f (t) Y t2P 1 xf (t)A ; the \hromati symmetri funtion" of the inomparability graph of P . Then XP is an e-positive symmetri funtion. Above onjeture, in the speial ase of semiorders, follows from: Conjeture (Stembridge) Monomial immanants of Jaobi-Trudi matries are s-positive. 18 Rephrasing of A-S-W theorem. Let P (x) 2 R [x℄, P (0) = 1. Dene FP (x) = P (x1)P (x2) ; a symmetri formal series in x = (x1; x2; : : :). TFAE: Every zero of P (x) is real and < 0. FP (x) is s-positive, i.e., a nonneg- ative linear ombination of Shur funtions s. FP (x) is e-positive, i.e., a nonnegative linear ombination of elementary symmetri funtions e. 19 Eulerian polynomial: X An(x) = x w w2Sn des( )+1 ; where des(w) = #fi : w(i) > w(i + 1)g: E.g., des(4175236) = 3. Euler: X j 0 j nxj = An(x) : n +1 (1 x) Theorem (Harper). An(x) has only real zeros. 20 Example. A5(x) P (x) = = 1+26x+66x2+26x3+x4 x FP = 1 + 26s1 + (66s2 + 610s11) + (26s3 + 1690s21 + 14170s111) + = 1 + 26e1 + (544e2 + 66e11) + (12506e3 + 1638e21 + 26e111) + Problem. (a) Let P (x) = An(x)=x. Find a ombinatorial interpretation for the oeÆients of the expansion of FP (x) in terms of s's or e's, thereby showing they are nonnegative. (b) Generalize to other polynomials P (x). 21 Let P be a partial ordering of 1; : : : ; n. Let LP = fw = w wn 2 Sn : P i < j ) w ( i) < w ( j ) (i.e., i preedes j in w)g: 1 1 WP (x) = X w2LP Note. P 1 xdes(w): = n-element antihain n and WP (x) = An(x)=x. LP = S 22 ) 2 3 1 4 w des(w) 1423 1 4123 1 1432 2 4132 2 1243 1 WP (x) = 3x + 2x2 : 23 all zeros real! Poset Conjeture (Neggers-S, . 1970) For any poset P on 1; : : : ; n, all zeros of WP (x) are real. (True for jP j 7 and naturally labelled P with jP j = 8.) Let Q be a nite poset. hain polynomial: CQ(x) = X x# ; where ranges over all hains of Q. Speial ase (open). Let L be a nite distributive lattie (a olletion of sets losed under [ and \, ordered by inlusion). Then all zeros of CL(x) are real. 24 abcd abc abd ab bc a b φ CL(x) = (1 + 6x + 10x2 + 5x3)(1 + x)2 Also open: All zeros of CL(x) are real if L is a nite modular lattie. 25 Example. If A is a (real) symmetri matrix, then every zero of det(I + xA) is real. Corollary. Let G be a graph. Let ai(G) be the number of rooted spanP ning forests with i edges. Then ai(G)xi has only real zeros. 26 Proof. Dene the Laplaian matrix L(G), rows and olumns indexed by vertex set V (G), by: L(G)uv = #(edges between u and v ); u 6= v L(G)uu = deg(u): 1 2 2 3 6 L(G) = 4 3 0 3 3 4 1 3 0 7 15 1 det(I + xL(G)) = 1 + 8x + 9x2 27 Matrix-Tree Theorem ) det(I + xL(G)) = X ai(G)xi: 2 Note. For unrooted spanning forests, orresponding result is false. I.e, if fi is the number of i-edge spanning forests P of G, then fixi need not have only P real zeros. E.g., G = K3, fixi = 3x2 + 3x + 1. 28 A-S-W gives innitely many inequalities for real zeros. Are there nitely many inequalities? Example. x 2 , b 4. + bx + : all zeros real 2 29 Let f (x) 2 R [x℄ have positive leading oeÆient. Apply Eulidean algorithm to f (x) and f 0(x): Sturm hains. f (x) = q1(x)f 0(x) + r1(x) f 0(x) = q2(x)r1(x) + r2(x) rk rk (x) = qk (x)rk 1(x) + rk (x) (x) = qk+1(x)rk (x) 1 2 Theorem. f (x) has only real zeros , deg(ri) = deg(f ) i 1 and the leading oeÆients of r (x); : : : ; rk (x) have sign sequene ++ ++ . 1 30 Theorem (soure?). Let Y V (y1; : : : ; yk) = (yi yj ); i<j k the Vandermonde produt. Let 1 f (x) = n Y i=1 (x i ) : All zeros of f (x) are real if and only if Dk (f ) := 2k X i1<<ik V (i1 ; : : : ; ik )2 0; n. 31 Dk (f ) = X i1<<ik V (i1 ; : : : ; ik )2 Dk(f ) is a polynomial in the oeÆients of f n 1 polynomial inequalities Dn(f ) = dis(f ) Condition learly neessary 32 Example. f (x) = x 3 has real zeros , dis(f ) b2 33 + bx2 + x + d 0 3: Distribution of real zeros (M. Ka, A. Edelman, et al.). Let the o- eÆients of anxn + + a1x + a0 be independent standard normals. 34 Density of expeted number of real zeros at t 2 R : s 1 n(t) = 1 (t2 1)2 (n + 1)t2n : 2n+2 2 (t 1) Hene zeros are onentrated near 1. Expeted number of real zeros as n ! 1: 2 2 En = log(n) + C + + O(1=n2); n where C = 0:6257358072 : Prob(all zeros real) = ompliated integral 35 Suppose the oeÆients ai are independent normals with mean 0 and varin ane i . Now En p = n: 36