HOPE COLLEGE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TECHNOLOGY TEAM Meeting Minutes January 2, 2013 Opening: This meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on January 2nd, 2013 at Hamilton Public Schools’ Administrative Building by Hamilton Superintendent, Dave Tebo. Individuals Present: Alex Klomparens, Ashley Blauwkamp, Kate Bauer, Krystal Hornecker, Susan Cherup, and Wendy Colsen A. Approval of Agenda and Minutes Neither a formal agenda nor the previous meeting minutes were needed for this meeting. B. Meeting Business • Request for Collaboration between the Tech Team and Hamilton Public Schools This meeting was requested by Mr. John DeNeef (father of Kyle DeNeef, a Hamilton 8th grader who often gives presentations on the iPad to current Hope education students) and Hamilton Superintendent Dave Tebo. In attendance were some of the Tech Team members as well as faculty advisor Susan Cherup and education professor Wendy Colsen. Superintendent Tebo and Mr. DeNeef proposed the following two opportunities for collaboration between Hope’s Tech Team and the Hamilton Public School District: 1) Data-Driven Analysis and Instruction Superintendent Tebo offered the Tech Team the opportunity to collaborate with Hamilton Public Schools in its efforts to analyze testing data and adjust instruction to better benefit students’ academic growth and development. The process would take place in two parts: (1) analysis of data (i.e., big-trend, yearly data like MEAP, Delta Math, or SRI score); and (2) locating resources (especially those using technology) that would supplement Hamilton teachers’ current instruction to better benefit students. The Tech Team could potentially be involved in both parts of the process. Professor Colsen discussed the possibility of incorporating both the data analysis and instruction components into her Curriculum and Methods (ED 310) and/or Secondary Principles (ED 360) courses, which feature segments on data analysis as it is. We discussed the possibility of expanding this authentic learning experience to other Hope education courses (e.g., Literacy I or II, Exceptional Child, etc.) in the future. This opportunity would benefit all parties involved: Hamilton Public Schools would benefit from more effective instruction on all levels, and Tech Team members would benefit from the skills and experience they could acquire, knowledge that would be highly advantageous to their development as pre-service teachers. The overall proposed plan is to have the Tech Team oversee a pilot program this semester. We envision a collaborative effort between the Tech Team and an individual teacher at Hamilton. We would start with a small amount of data and see how the process goes. If all goes well, the program would be expanded to include more of Hamilton Public Schools and more of Hope’s teacher education program. The next steps for this opportunity are: 1) Wendy will get in contact with Hamilton’s “data guru” and possibly obtain some of Hamilton’s data to see what Hope students could do with it; 2) Superintendent Tebo will write up a formal proposal for this opportunity; 3) Superintendent Tebo will talk with teachers who might be interested in collaborating with the Tech Team; and 4) Susan and/or Wendy will look into what grants (e.g., through Hope, MACUL, etc.) might be available to fund this initiative. 2) Professional Development Sessions with Hamilton Public Schools Superintendent Tebo also offered the Tech Team the opportunity to work with the Hamilton Public Schools District to provide a series of professional development sessions aimed at supplying K-12 teachers with the knowledge they need to fully integrate technology into their classrooms. This would be a similar opportunity as that available to the Tech Team from Saugatuck Public Schools. Two approaches to these professional development sessions were discussed: (1) the traditional session; and (2) the technology walk-through, similar to what the Tech Team has already done with Hope’s faculty. Superintendent Tebo leaned more towards the second option, so that the teachers would be able to choose the technologies about which they most wanted and needed to know more. We discussed the idea of having one or two Tech Team liaisons that would work directly with Hamilton Public Schools and report progress back to the Tech Team so that we could then have one or two liaisons do the same collaboration with Saugatuck Public Schools, thus dividing up the work. The next steps for this opportunity are: (1) Superintendent Tebo will write up a formal proposal for this opportunity; (2) We will meet with Hamilton’s tech support/IT team; and (3) We will recruit more Tech Team members so that upperclassmen can train underclassmen in these new professional development ventures. Superintendent Tebo said that for either of the above projects, Hamilton would be able to provide some form of compensation for the Tech Team members’ work. Contact will be maintained between the Tech Team and Hamilton Schools in the near future. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The details of this meeting will be covered at the first general Tech Team meeting of the spring semester on Thursday, January 17th at 7:00 p.m. This concludes our meeting. Respectfully submitted, Ashley Blauwkamp, clerk