Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica Volumen 27, 2002, 357–364 THE LAW OF THE ITERATED LOGARITHM FOR LOCALLY UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS I. R. Kayumov Kazan State University, Chebotarev Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Universitetskaya 17, Kazan 420008, Russia; Abstract. In this paper we prove a sharp version of the Makarov law of the iterated logarithm. In particular, we show that the constant in the right side of this law depends on an asymptotic behaviour of the integral means of the derivative of an analytic function. Also, we establish that this constant is equal to the asymptotic variance for some domains with fractal type boundaries. Let f be an analytic and univalent function in the unit disk D = {|z| < 1} . Makarov [5] proved that there exists a universal constant C > 0 such that (1) lim sup q r→1− | log f 0 (rζ)| 0 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ≤ Ck log f kB log 1/(1 − r) log log log 1/(1 − r) for almost all ζ on |ζ| = 1 , where ¯ 00 ¯ ¯ ¯f k log f kB = | log f (0)| + sup (1 − |z| )¯¯ 0 (z)¯¯ f |z|<1 0 0 2 is the Bloch norm. Pommerenke [8, p. 186] showed that this inequality is true for C = 1 and there is a univalent function for which the inequality is false for C ≤ 0.685 . Therefore, this result is not far from being the best possible. Przytycki, Urbański and Zdunik [9] established that√for some classes of domains with fractal type boundaries the equality holds with σ 2 in the right side of (1) where R | log f 0 |2 dθ 1 ¡ ¢ lim sup σ2 = 2π r→1 log 1/(1 − r) is the asymptotic variance. In the paper [9] the authors used another definition of the asymptotic variance. But, in fact, their definition is equal to our definition in the “fractal” case. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C55. 358 I. R. Kayumov The goal of this paper is to obtain a sharp version of the Makarov law of the iterated logarithm for locally univalent functions, i.e. for functions f for which f 0 (z) 6= 0 , z ∈ D . Let f be a locally univalent function in the unit disk D and p be a complex number. Then for all δ > 0 we define i h R 0 p log δ |z|=r |f (z) |dθ ¡ ¢ . βδ (p) = sup log 1/(1 − r) r∈[0,1) In other words βδ (p) is the minimal number for which Z µ ¶βδ (p) 1 1 , |f | dθ ≤ δ 1−r 0p 0 ≤ r < 1. If p is a real number then βδ (p) → β(p) where β(p) = lim sup r→1 as δ → 0, R |f 0 (z)|p dθ ¢ log 1/(1 − r) log |z|=r ¡ is the classical integral means spectrum [8, p. 176]. It follows from the integral means spectrum concept ( [2], [7], [8]) that there is a connection between geometric properties of domains and the integral means spectrum. On the other hand, Makarov [5] established that the law of the iterated logarithm is closely related to the boundary properties of conformal maps. This leads to the following natural question: Is there a simple relation between the law of the iterated logarithm and the integral means spectrum? A possible answer for this question is the following result which we will prove later. Suppose f is a locally univalent function in the unit disk and δ > 0 . Then p βδ (p) | log f 0 (rζ)| ≤ 2 lim sup lim sup q ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ |p| p→0 r→1− log 1/(1 − r) log log log 1/(1 − r) for almost all ζ on |ζ| = 1 . It is more convenient for us to formulate this result in the form of the following Theorem 1. Suppose f is a locally univalent function in the unit disk. Then the following inequality holds (2) lim sup q r→1− p | log f 0 (rζ)| 2 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ≤ σ (0+) log 1/(1 − r) log log log 1/(1 − r) The law of the iterated logarithm for locally univalent functions 359 for almost all ζ on |ζ| = 1 , where σ 2 (δ) = 4 lim sup p→0 βδ (p) . |p|2 We remark that Pommerenke’s result with the constant C = 1 easily follows from our theorem because it is known [3] that if log f 0 is a Bloch function then σ 2 (0+) ≤ k log f 0 k2B . Moreover, we will see that in many cases σ 2 (0+) = σ 2 . Further, it is convenient to use the following abbreviation: Z 2π Z iθ h(re ) dθ ≡ h dθ 0 The next lemma can be deduced from Makarov’s proof of the law of the iterated logarithm [5]. 1/k Lemma 1. Let Ck be a sequence of positive numbers and Ck k → ∞ . If Z 1 | log f 0 |2n dθ ≤ Cn n!A2n logn 1−r £ ¢ for all natural n and for all r ∈ 1 − exp(− exp en ), 1 , then → 1 as | log f 0 (rζ)| lim sup q ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ≤A r→1− log 1/(1 − r) log log log 1/(1 − r) for almost all ζ on |ζ| = 1 . Proof. We use Pommerenke’s version of Makarov’s law [8, p. 186]. Our proof is almost the same as Pommerenke’sRproof. Let us only remark that instead of R∞ ∞ in his proof we have to consider exp(en ) . e Proof of Theorem 1. Fix δ > 0 and ε > 0 . Then there exists p0 = p0 (δ, ε) > 0 such that µ ¶(σ2 (δ)+ε)|p|2 /4 Z 1 1 |f 0p | dθ ≤ δ 1−r for |p| < p0 . This implies Z Z 0 I0 (t| log f |) = Z Z Z 1 1 0p |f | |dp| dθ = |f 0p | d θ|dp| 2πt |p|=t 2πt |p|=t µ ¶(σ2 (δ)+ε)t2 /4 1 1 ≤ , t ∈ (0, p0 ), δ 1−r 360 I. R. Kayumov where I0 (x) = ∞ µ 2 ¶k X x 4 k=0 1 /k! = 2π 2 Z 2π ex cos θ dθ 0 is the modified Bessel function of order zero [1]. At the same time, Z 4n | log f 0 |2n dθ ≤ 2n n!2 t Setting t2 = Z µ ¶(σ2 (δ)+ε)t2 /4 n 4 1 1 I0 (t| log f 0 |) dθ ≤ 2n n!2 . t δ 1−r 4n ¡ ¢, (σ 2 (δ) + ε) log 1/(1 − r) and using the identity e= we obtain Z 0 2n | log f | µ 1 1−r n ≤ log log log 1 , 1−r ¶1/ log(1/(1−r)) µ ¶n ¢n 1 1 2 n 1 ¡ 2 log . dθ ≤ n! e n σ (δ) + ε δ n 1−r Applying Lemma 1, we get lim sup q r→1− p | log f 0 (rζ)| σ 2 (δ) + ε ≤ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ log 1/(1 − r) log log log 1/(1 − r) for almost all ζ on |ζ| = 1 and for all δ > 0 , ε > 0 . Hence, this result is true for δ = 0+ and ε = 0 . This completes the proof. If f is a univalent function and f (D) is a domain with rectifiable boundary then inequality (2) is trivially sharp. Non-trivial examples, which show that this inequality is sharp, be obtained by using lacunary series. Pcan ∞ Let log f 0 = k=1 ak z nk be a lacunary series with bounded coefficients and nk+1 /nk ≥ q > 1 . Since log f 0 is a Bloch function then σ 2 (0+) < +∞ as was mentioned above. In the other direction, Makarov [6] showed that if n k = 2k and ak = 1 for all k then σ 2 (0+) > 0 . Rohde [8] improved his result in the following sense. Suppose q is an integer, nk = q k and ak = a > 0 , then σ 2 (0+) ≥ a2 / log q . In [4] it was shown that if q ≥ 2 then σ 2 (0+) = lim sup r→1 B2 ¡ ¢, log 1/(1 − r) P∞ where B 2 = k=1 |ak |2 r2nk . We want to extend this result for the case q > 1 . To do this we need the following The law of the iterated logarithm for locally univalent functions 361 Definition ([10]). We say that a lacunary series satisfies condition (%, R) if it consists of blocks of terms of length R , separated by empty blocks of length % . Weiss [10] proved the following P∞ Lemma 2. Let f (z) = k=1 ak z nk be a lacunary series satisfying condition (%, R) , where (q %/3 − 1)−1 ≤ 14 (q − 1) and q −R/3 (R + 1)2 ≤ 12 . P ∞ Let M = sup |ak | , B 2 = n=1 |ak |2 r2nk , r ∈ [0, 1) . Then Z iθ 2 2 2 (1−ctR2 )t2 B 2 /4 πe ≤ et Re f (re ) dθ ≤ 3πe(1+ctR )t B /4 . Denote by %0 the minimal positive number for which (q %0 /3 − 1)−1 ≤ 14 (q − 1) and Now, we can prove the following q −%0 /3 (%0 + 1)2 ≤ 12 . P∞ Theorem 2. Let log f 0 = k=1 ak z nk be a lacunary series with bounded coefficiens for which nk+1 /nk ≥ q > 1 . Then σ 2 (0+) = lim sup 2 where B = P∞ r→1 k=1 2 2nk |ak | r . B2 ¡ ¢, log 1/(1 − r) Proof. It is clear that we can represent log f 0 as f1 + f2 , where f1 satisfies the (%0 , R) -condition and f2 satisfies the (R, %0 ) -condition. Let us estimate B12 and B22 . In fact, it is enough to estimate only B2 because B 2 = B12 + B22 . We have B2 ≤ M 2 ∞ X j(R+%0 ) X j=1 k=jR+(j−1)%0 r 2q k 2 ≤ M %0 ∞ X r2q j=1 Rj ≤ C log 1 /R. 1−r Evidently, without loss of generality, we can assume that p = t is a real positive number. Setting R = t−2/5 , we have ¶1/β ¶1/α µZ µZ Z Z βt Re f2 αt Re f1 0 t t Re f1 +t Re f2 , e e |f | dθ = e dθ dθ dθ ≤ where β = t−1/5 and α = (1 − t1/5 )−1 . Applying Lemma 2 with f1 and f2 and the estimate for B2 we obtain µ ¶Ct2+1/5 Z 2 2 1 |f 0 |t dθ ≤ CeB t /4 . 1−r Analogously, Z |f 0 |t dθ ≥ CeB This concludes the proof. 2 2 t /4 (1 − r)Ct 2+1/5 . 362 I. R. Kayumov Applying the law of the iterated logarithm for lacunary series [10] it is easy to show that if B2 ¡ ¢ lim r→1 log 1/(1 − r) exists then the equality in (2) holds. Other examples which show that (2) is sharp come from the theory of Julia sets. The idea for using Julia sets in the theory of univalent functions is due to Carleson and Jones [2]. They conjectured that the basin of attraction of infinity for an iteration z 2 + c for some c maximizes β0+ (1) in the class Σ . Let F (z) = z q + aq−1 z q−1 + · · · be a polynomial of degree q ≥ 2 and Ω = {ζ : F on (ζ) → ∞ as n → ∞} be the basin of attraction of ∞ for F . Theorem 3. Let Ω be a simply connected John domain. Then σ 2 (0+) = σ 2 = lim sup r→1 B2 ¢, log 1/(1 − r) ¡ P where B 2 = |ak |2 rk ; ak are the coefficients of log f 0 and f is the conformal mapping from D − = {|ζ| > 1} onto Ω . Proof. Our main idea is an approximation of the function log f 0 by lacunary series. Let ¡ ¢ q−1 ∞ X X F 0 f (ζ) f (ζ) − ζk = log = bj ζ −j . ψ(ζ) = log qζ q−1 ζ j=0 k=1 It is known [7] that log f 0 (ζ) = − ∞ X k ψ(ζ q ) = ϕ(ζ) + g(ζ), k=0 P∞ P∞ PN P∞ −jq k −jq k where g(ζ) = and ϕ(ζ) = . Fixing j=N +1 k=0 bj ζ j=0 k=0 bj ζ 0 ε > 0 , we will show that there exists N = N (ε) such that ≤ ε/(|ζ|2 − 1) . P∞ |ζg (ζ)| 2 1+α From Pommerenke’s result [8, p. 100] it follows that < +∞ for j=0 |bjk | j John domains, where bjk are the Taylor coefficients of log(f (ζ) − ζk )/ζ . This The law of the iterated logarithm for locally univalent functions implies that P∞ j=0 |ζg 0 (ζ)| = | 363 |bj |2 j 1+α < +∞ for John domains. Therefore, we have ∞ ∞ X X k=0 j=N +1 k jq k bj ζ −jq | ≤ ∞ ∞ X X k=0 j=N +1 jq k |bj |R−jq k v v u X u X ∞ ∞ X u ∞ u kt 1+α 2 j |bj | t j 1−α R−2jqk q ≤ j=N +1 k=0 ∞ X j=N +1 k ∞ X q k R−q qk rq ≤ εN,α = εN,α −q k )α/2 (1 − R (1 − r qk )α/2 k=0 k=0 ∞ X k k qk rq ≤ εN,α (1 − r)α/2 q αk/2 rαqk /2 k=0 = ∞ X k εN,α εN,α , q (1−α/2)k r(1−α/2)q ≤ C α/2 1−r (1 − r) k=0 where r = 1 < 1. R So, there exists N = N (α, ε) such that |ζg 0 (ζ)| ≤ ε/(|ζ|2 − 1) . Consider now µZ ¶1/p µZ ¶1/s Z Z 0 iθ t ϕ t g t ϕ pt g st |f (Re )| dθ = |e | |e | dθ ≤ |e | dθ |e | dθ , where s = 1/ε , p = 1/(1 − ε) . Since |ζg 0 (ζ)| ≤ ε/(|ζ|2 − 1) then it follows from the result of Clunie and Pommerenke [3] that ¶t2 /4 µ Z 1 . |eg |st dθ ≤ C R−1 It is easy to see that ϕ is a lacunary series with Hadamard gaps. Applying Theorem 2 to this series we see that µ ¶t2 p2 σϕ2 +ON (t2+1/5 ) Z 1 |eϕ |pt dθ ³ , R−1 where R |ϕ|2 dθ 1 2 ¡ ¢ σϕ = lim sup 2π R→1 log 1/(R − 1) Thus, µ ¶t2 (σϕ2 +O(ε))+ON (t2+1/5 ) Z 1 0 iθ t |f (Re )| dθ ≤ C . R−1 Arguing as above, we obtain ¶t2 (σϕ 2 +O(ε))+ON (t2+1/5 ) µ Z 1 0 iθ t . |f (Re )| dθ ≥ C R−1 Obviously, σϕ → σ as ε → 0 . Hence, σ(0+)2 = σ 2 . 364 I. R. Kayumov Corollary. Let Ω be a simply connected John domain. Then p | log f 0 (Rζ)| lim q ¡ σ 2 (0+) = ¢ ¡ ¢ R→1 log 1/(R − 1) log log log 1/(R − 1) for almost all ζ on |ζ| = 1 . Proof. This formula immediately follows from Theorem 3 and the well-known law of the iterated logarithm for Julia sets [9]: √ | log f 0 (Rζ)| lim q ¡ = σ2 . ¢ ¡ ¢ R→1 log 1/(R − 1) log log log 1/(R − 1) Note also that this equality follows from the classical law of the iterated logarithm for lacunary series [10]. Therefore, we see again that (2) is sharp. Acknowledgements. 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