Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 3 (1986) 485-495 485 ON SOME NEW N-INDEPENDENT-VARIABLE DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF THE GRONWALL TYPE EN HAO YANG Department of Mathematics Jinan University Guang Zhou, China (Received June 26, 1985) ABSTRACT. In this paper we shall establish some new discrete inequalities of the Gronwall type in N-independent variables. They will have many applications for finite several difference equations analysis. Their consequence for the case of involving independent variables and for numerical N 3, generalizes all of the known theorems obtained by Pachpatte and Singare in [I]. An example, to which those results [I] are inapplicable, established in is given here to convey the usefulness of the results obtained. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Inequalities of the Gronwall type, difference equations. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 26D05, 26DI0 and 26D15. PRELIMINARIES. 1. It is well-known that the discrete inequalities of the Gronwall type played a vital role in the theory of finite difference equations and numerical analysis (see [2-8] and [9-12] and the references therein). Singare [I] variables. have established new discrete some Recently, Pachpatte and inequalities in three independent inequalities involving more than one independent variables are Discrete very useful in the study of many important problems concerning discrete versions of some partial differential and integral equations in several variables. The aim of this paper is to obtain several N-independent-variable inequalities which extend all results obtained in [I] for the case of N 3. discrete In what follows we shall make use of the following notations and definitions. Let be the infinite set consisting of the integers o use the convention of writing N b j6Z O, a if Z is the empty set. x, and by xi, k (Xl,X c jZ j 0,1,2,..., and we shall =_ I, For simplicity, in the sequel we will denote (x ,x2,... ,x ,Xn), (xi,xi+l,...,Xk) and xj+ 2 respectively, here i,k are integers from 1,2,...,n with i ,xj), (xj, the multlple-summatlon symbol < k. by xj, xj, n) N and Further, we denote n o 486 E.H. YANG x.l xj.-I Xk- x,k by yj=O yj+l=O where No’ xi’ Yl j <i< < j <_ k < k, and Moreover, we define n. +I A.() and so on, where ".+,+) Z. 3 (. 3 are numbers from xj,xk,... A X. (-) N and j,k,..., are integers from O We write also here that 1,2,...,n. = /k(r)L(x) /k L r Xl2" "’’r L(x) for, any real-valued function on shall define a class of functions on E:f: f(x) N n NOn’ < r < n, x N n O In addition, we by O /(r)f(x) O, here O,r=l,...,n-l,and _ (n)f() O] It is obvious that the following properties are true: (1) (2) (3) if f(x) f(x), g(x) if > K and c is a real number, then 0 K then f(x) + g(x) K. K. all functions of the form .rl r2 x xI x are < cf(x) the in < i i 2 class rk- 1 x. K, here < ik_ <_ < (k Xk_ I 2 r h _> 0 and ,,...,n) ih(h=l,...,k-l) are integers with n. 2. LINEAR INEQUALITIES. THEOREM I. for K. x N n O Let u(x) p(x) and . - and let f(x) be real-valued non-negatlve functions defined be a real-valued positive and nondecreasing function in Suppose further that the discrete inequality u(x) f’(:m) + p(y)u(y) (2.1) y,l is satisfied for all u(x) -z x e Who O f(O,x2)yl O= Then we have the inequality 1 + G(Yl, + p(y) x n @N O (2.2) DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF THE GRONWALL TYPE 487 where x,2 G( Y2 (2.3) and herein A (k) :[’(k, 0 ,’k+ 2) k k’ o, ;k+ < for < k (2.4) N n-l, x n. We define a function PROOF. U(x) N on n by the right member of (2.1), so that o by definition U(Xk_ l,O,k+ I) f(k_1,O,k+l)) O, (2.5) U(Xk_l,Xk+l Xk+l) since f(x) U(x)> O, Xk6 N o I_ x k_ n. is nondecreasing. Further, we can obtain from the definition of A(’)(,,) A(n)u() U(x) that, p(,,),() + (2.6) _Z p(x)U (m_l, Xn+l) since (n) f(x) is valid for (2.6) < 0, p(x) < k < 0, (2.1), and (2.5). n-i and x e Zl (-)u (,_ ’",:+ u(,_,,, Keeping > Xn_ fixed obtain the inequality in N n O A(’- Xn - By applying (2.5) and (2.7), we derive from +) (2.6’) set In view of the fact that Yn p(x). and sum over Yn (2.6’1 0,1,2,..., Xn-I to (2.8) 488 where E.H. YANG gn-1 (2.4). is given by We may rewrite the last inequality as ,(n-2)U(n_2Xn_l+l x / (n-2) U(x) n U(Xn-2’Xn-1 +l’xn & en_l(Sn_l,O) (2.5) and (2.7). since and sum over Keeping _---_ + now (2.9) P(Xn_l’Yn)’ and Xn_ 2 fixed Xn in (2.9), set x Yn-I n-l to get the inequality Yn_l 0,1,2,..., Xn_l-1 x,n-1 g’n- (Xn-2’ Yn-1,0) 2 ,,,n-2’ t,(x) y, n-I (2.10) + here gn-2 is given by (’’’ Yn-1 )’ P (2.4). If > n-2 I, then by using a similar argument as used above for (2.8) to (2.10), we can obtain x,n-2 _A(n-3)U.(x)_ _z gn_3(n_3,0,n_l) U(x) gn_2(Xn_3, Yn_2,0 Xn + y,n-2 x,n-I gn-l(Xn-3’Tn-2,n-l’O) + + y,n-2P(Sn-3’n-2)" Continuing in this way then we obtain ,/(I)U(x)__ G(x) + y, u() G(x) where is defined by U(Xl+l’x2) (2.3). p(x 1,’2) Obviously, the last inequality can be rewritten as x,n Z. 1 + G(x) u(,,) + y,2 y x2 fixed in (2.11), set x successively in (2.11), we then get and then substitute Keeping xl-I P(xl’Y2)" (2.11) y I), 1,2,..., Xl-I 1 + Yl=O Thus the desired bound for immediately. G(Yl,X2) p(y) + ) u(x) (2.12) 2 in (2.2) follows from (2.1), (2.5) and (2.12) DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF THE GRONWALL TYPE EXAMPLE I. 489 Suppose that the discrete inequality x,3 ).. z_ v(x,x2,x3 functions + +x2x 3 N3o’ (Xl’X2’X3) holds for non-negative a xix 2 where defined + > a N on y,l 0 3.o Q(y,y2,Y3)v(yI,Y2,Y3 (*) is a constant, v and Q are real-valued Then, by Theorem here have we the nondecreasing function f(xt,x2,x3) a + x2x 3 + 4 XlX2(>O) K, since the following conditions are satisfied :(1)f(x 1,x2’x 3) +6x21 +2Xl) x2(1 +lCXl (2)(x,x2,x3) + x +6x z x_ O, +x > o, for (xl,x2,x3) so that, ()(,,,o,,, 3) (,o,,, 3) I +4x f(xl,x2,0 v , (*) from Q(yl,y2,y 3 (*) lle note here that the above inequality I a + ,3 + o, (,,,o,,, 3) ](2)f(xl,x2,O Hence we derive the desired bound on - N3o +6x21 + 4Xl3 XlX 2 such that )t for (xl,x2,x3) (:N 3.o can not be treated by means of the known results established in [1]. THEORE 2. LeC u(x), f(x), p(x) be he same as in Theorem 1, and let a real-valued non-negative function defined for x N II o 3 ,I O Jl (y)f(O,Y2) + q(x) be Suppose ChaC Che inequaliCy Then we also have x,n u(x)- F(x) N z,l y,l is satisfied for all x x,n I z =0 1 +G(Zl,Y2) p(z)+q(z) + z,2 t2.14) 490 E.H. YANG for all x e N F()= n o here f(O,,) x,n-2 G )f(y,o,,,))+ + y,l -_ + x,n-I (n-2)f(n-2’O’Xn) >_ V(x) We define two functions PROOF. F(x) is given by )f (y 2’ o ) y,l + yI I, and is the same as in above Theorem and W(x) (n-l)f(n_l,O). on N n o (2.15) by the right number of (2.13) and the following equality (x) V(x) q(y)V(y) + (2.16) yl respectively, so that by the definitions: (f(x) is nondecreasing) w(o ,o, J+l )= v(-J-l’ o V(Xj_l,Xj+l,j+l) w(~j-l’ where xj e N n +t, j+l j=l,2,...,n. o’ /(r)v(x)= - x_ V(x) w() j+l )= f( j- t,o, j+l )>o > O, > o, (2.17) (2.t8) (2.9) In addition, we obtain here r)f(x)+ y, and r+--- P(Xr,Yr+ 1) u(xr,v r+ l - x,r + y,n (2.20) z,l z,r+l x,n (r)w(x) /(r)V(x) + y,r+l q(Xr’gr+l)V(Xr’r+l)" for Letting r n in the above (2.20) and using z()v(,,) since p(x), q(x) r A(n)f(.x) < x N _z p(,,),(), are non-negative and u(x) < z_ n,x V(x) < 0 N (2.21) n o we then derive that n o (2.22) W(x). Now by (2.21) we obtain for x Nn o DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF THE GRONWALL TYPE > and V(x) Zh()w( o r+ 2 q(x) since 0 w( _< r _< where < W(x). It is clear from (2.17) that, (r)v(}r, O,r+2) o, r+ 2 gr(xr,O,xr+ 2 ), v(Xr,O, r+ 2 N n-l, x 491 n gr and o’ j=l,2,...,n, is given by (2.24) (2.4). Now by following the same argument as used in the proof of Theorem I, and using (2.17), (2.24), we get from (2.23) Xl-I W(X) z_ f(0,x2 I + G(Yl,2) Substituting this bound for W(x) in Keeping for x Nn O rewrite it as follows h(), (2.26) is defined by fixed in the above (2.26), set Xn_ to get the h(x) (2.25) y,2 (2.22), and then (’-)v(_,./) Z%(-)v() where the function _ (p(y)+ q(y) + yl= O estimate /,,(-)v(,) A(-)v(_l,o) Xn Yn and sum over Yn 0,1,2,..., Xn-1 n(E,,_,>n + ")n .A(n-1)f(n_l,O h(Xn_l,Yn)" + )n Keeping Yn-I now Xn_2, 0,I,2,..., fixed Xn Xn_1-1 the in last inequality, set Xn_l= Yn-l and sum over to get the inequality (n-2)V(x-z (n-2)f(xn )7, x,n-I 2,0 x n + n + t(x y, rl-I n- 2 Yn- i ) y,n-I (n-I)f( x c,.,n- 2 Yn- I’ %..] 492 E.H. YANG Continuing in this way then we, obtain z()v(,) - v(+,’) _= Z()(,o,’3) + y,2 Z()f( I,Y2,O,x 4) x,n-I x,n Z (-) f(,g, _, o)+ y,2 x fixed in (2.27), set 2 successively in (2.27)to derive the bound for Keeping Yl Xl (2.27) (,y). y,2 and substitute V(x) such that 0,I,2,..., Yl xl-I (2.28) h(y), F(x)+ V(x) +... + y,l V(0,x 2) f(0,x 2), where F(x) is given by (2.15). Hence the desired bound (2.14) follows from (2.13), (2.28), and the definitions of V(x) and h(x) immedi- since in Q.E.D. REMARK i. ately. f(x) al(x I) (0, ), Aaj(z) _> 0 the Theorems 1,2 of [I] respectively. for all 3. 3 and n Letting a.3: No 1,2, where + a2(x2) + a3(x3) in No, j 1,2,3, z above Theorems then we derive A NONLINEAR GENERALIZATION. THEOREM 3. let W(z) u(x) > u(x), p(x), Let f(x) and be satisfied for all u N x 0 be the same as in above Theorem I, and n where 0 u is a positive number. 0 Let be a real-valued continuous, positive and strictly increasing function defined on (u the interval o ). u(x) holds for x N n o - Suppose further that the inequality Then for 0 f(x) p(y)W(u(y)), + (3.1) y,l < x < X (this is 0 < x < Xi, i 1,2, i n) we also have the inequality u(x) z- K -I K f(O,2) + y,l where K -I denotes the inverse of K (YI’2 + P(YI’ Z2) (3.2) ), (3.3) z,2 and r () and f(xj the function 0, xj+ 2) by G*(x) to_ ds ( is obtained from W[f(xj, 0, xj+2)] for r G(x) r _x o u o by replacing all of its denominators respectively, here 1,2,...,n-|. Here x N n o DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF THE GRONWALL TYPE is chosen so that the expression contained in the brackets -I the domain of PROOF. as long as 0 i,O o+l < x R(x) Define a function R(O for j K < {...} in (3.2) belongs to X. N on )= f(x~j-l’ O n o by the right member of (3.1), so that u( j-I ,O o+l o+l )A u (3.4) o 1,2,...n, and y,r+l 1 - r- n-l,x /(n)R(.)= ,/(")f(x)+ p(x)W[u(x)] p(x)-wER()] -Z A since (n) f(x) < 0, p(x) > 0, u(x) < R(x), and W(z) from (3.6) that, (n-l)R(n_l .(n-I )R (x) Xn*l [ (_,/)3 since 493 (3.5), keeping Xn_ R(xj_l xj+l, xj+ I) > Uo, fixed in (3.7), set W(z) and - is n o x increasing. n No (3.6) We can observe p(x), (3.7) is increasing. and sum over Xn Yn N Yn Using (3.4) and 0,1,2,... ,x n -i to derive the inequality A (’-)(n-Z ’) A (’-z)(,<) p(x , [(_,o)] ,[()] n-I ,n yn) (3.8) Replacing now the left member of (3.8) by the smaller term (n-2)R(n_2,Xn_l+l,x n) [(-, -* , n)] and Yn-i then keeping Xn_ 2 0,l,2,...,Xn_l-I and Xn fixed ,(n-2)R(x) ’[()J in (3.8), set Xn-I Yn-I and sum over to get the estimate A (n- S" (,.,_ , 0, <,_,) [" (r,_ O. ,.)] . y,n-I P (i,n_2 x,n.l >,n-I Yn_ 1). A ’’- l (._2, y._ ,o) ,, ,’[r (.n-2’ y n-I ,o)] 494 E.H. YANG Proceeding in this way we then obtain /k(1)R(x) G-(x) 3 + 2 P(Xl G*(x) is obtained from (3.9) implies the following G(x) where x N n o (3.9) by the method as described in above. o Z-2 where (Xl+l x2). Keeping now Yl O,1,2,...Xl-1 to x and su over x 2 Obviously, fixed in the last inequality, set Xl Yl obtain the inequality n ";’ y)l and hence we have for R(X) K- K -I 0 < x < K[f(O,x("2)) R(x) xe N o X immediately. + G’)(-(yl, + Hence the desired upper bound on definition of Z,2 P(YI’ Z2 u(x) in P(YI’ Z2) (3.10) (3.2) follows from (3.1), (3.10), and the The choice of X N n O is obvious. REMARK 2. By applying the same argument as used in the proofs of Theorems 2 and 3, we can easily establish an extension of the Theorem 4 of [1], which yields an upper bound for the solutions of the following inequality Here x N n O and u(x), f(x), p(x), and W(z) are the same as defined in Theorem 3. Because the proof of this result is not difficult, so we leave it here to the reader. 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