Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 3 (1986) 497-516 497 LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS CONTAINING WEAKLY CORRELATED FORCING FUNCTIONS NING-MAO XIA East China Institute of Chemical Technology Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China (Received March 20, 1984) Thls paper concerns linear random boundary value problems ABSTRACT. that contain random variables In the boundary conditions and weakly correlated processes in the When the correlation length differential equations. the solution solutions are derived. and out, pointed is the formulas for e is smmll the density the structure of function of the The discussion is given in terms of second order equations, but extensions to higher order problems are readily apparent. Random Boundary Value Problems, Differential Equations, WORDS AND PHRASES; Stochastic Differential Equations, Density Functions, Asymptotic Approximations. KEY 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I. 34F05, 34KI0. INTRODUCTION. For many years it has been of interest to find conditions under which the disof tribution the solution of random a differential equation tends to a normal distribution. In 1930, while studying Brownlan motion, Uhlenbeck and Ornstein [I] established x(t) that the solution of certain initial value problems has approximately a normal distribution. In 1966 Boyce [2] obtained a similar result for a class of linear self-adjoint boundary value problems L[x] f(t), 0 < t < (I.I) with boundary conditions U.[x] at the end points. The operator m e[x] (1.2) O, j0 L has the form (-l)J["j (t)x(j)](j)" (1.3) Randomness entered the problem (I.I), (1.2) only through the forcing function f, which we assumed y() as to be weakly correlated with correlation has a property that the distribution g O. length function of e y(t)/e,r << I. The solution approaches normal N.M. XIA 498 When f, o,...,m_l,m are small weakly independent correlated processes, Purkert and vom Scheidt [3,4]; Boyce and Xia [5] found a similar and better results by combining the methods of [2] with perturbation and Chebyshev-Hermite polynomial expansion. Here we extend the results of [2] in another way, our problem need not be selfadjoint and the random parts of the forcing terms need not be small. (x) 0 we can always rewrite equation (I.I) into a standard linear m so instead of (1.1) in this paper we consider a general linear system with When system, random boundary conditions and with weakly correlated processes in the forcing terms. In Section 2 we will define the problem and derive the functional form of the Section 3 contains some preliminary results that are required later. solution. main results of this paper are in Section 4, e that is when 0 The we can find the asymptotic approximation for the density function of the solution which has a nice structure, namely it consists of three functions, one is deterministic; one can be obtained in terms of the random boundary conditions; and the other, contribution of the random forcing terms, has the normal distribution. of 2. which is the The usefulness expression is illustrated by the examples in Section 5. his STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM AND THE FORM OF THE SOLUTION. Although we section the same methods consider the can be applied higher to random boundary value linear order problem of problems, in this the second order differential equation. d(t) (t)(t) + (t)(t,) + (t) dt Dx(0) + x(1) A(t), B(t), DI D2 where a21(t) DI (2.1 b) are deterministic are C(t) B(t) a22(t) 2 x 2 matrices (bll(t) b21(t) b22(t) ) (2.2) d 22 2 x vectors (Cl(t),C2(t)) !(t,m), (m) T are random x(t) 2 x (x(t),y(t))T, vectors defined on an underlying probability (,F,P) space (t,) We (l(t,m),2(t,m)) T () are interested in the case in which (e(m) (m))T l(t,m) weakly correlated with the same correlation length has bl2(t) (2.3) (I) d k 21 C(t), x(t) and (), (all(t) al2(t)) A(t) (2.1 a) been defined (t l,t2,...,t n) l(t,) and e. and 2(t,m) The term "weakly correlated" by Purkert and vom Scheidt [3,6,4] in the following way. be an n-tuple of real numbers and let e are > 0 be a positive Let S constant. LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS Let S (til ti2 this necessary. Then always S til _< ti2 _< be a subset of S, and suppose that ,tik) can ordering 499 be by attained relabeling g-neighboring is said to be elements the <_ tik; of S if if (2.4) A single element subset is always e-neighboring. S, g-neighboring, with respect to if any larger e-neighboring subset of S. S The subset It can be shown [6] that S disjoint maximally e-neighboring subsets in a unique way. into h(t,m) process S is maximally is e-neighboring but is not contained in can be separated Then a stochastic is said to be weakly correlated with correlation length e if, for each n, <h(t l,m)...h(tn,m)> <.> where <h(t11,m)---h(tlp l,m)>’--<h(tkl,m)-’’h(tkpk,m)> denotes the mathematical expectation and the n-tuple (tll’ "’’tlPl into the maximally e-neighboring subsets k iZ=1 Pi (t S k 1’ (2.5) has been separated t with kPk n. In this paper we assume that l(t,m) 2(t,m) and have the property (2.5), and without loss of generality we also assume that <l(t,m)> <2(t,)> 0, Otherwise we can redefine For the case n C(t) (2.6) 0 so as to include (t,m)>. the condition (2.5) reduces to 2 <i(tl,m) i(t2,)> i Itl t21 R.(tl,t2), (2.7) i. 2. < 1 Now we consider the form of the solution of problem (2.1). matrix of fundamental the homogeneous system corresponding to Let (2.1). (t) Then be the (t) satisfies d(t) A(t)(t), dt where is the and nonsingular 2 x 2 2 x 2 (0) (2.8) I identity matrix, (t) (ij(t)) is a uniquely determined matrix. With the assumption that -i (i + 2(I)) exists we can easily find the funda- mental matrix of the homogeneous system corresponding to (2.1 a) and the boundary condition (2.1 b). (t), Let this fundamental matrix be then (t) satisfies d(t) dt A(t)(t), DI!(0) + D2!(1) I (2.9) and is given by !(t) !(t)[D1 + D2!(1)] -I. In order to find the solution of (2.1), we set (2. lO) 500 N.M. XIA (t) where (t) If we (t)(t) (2.11) T (kl(t),K2(t)) substitute (2.11) 2 x is a into vector to be determined. (2.1 a) and use (2.9), we have d(t) (t)(t,) + (t). (t) at -I [I + 2(I)] In the case d(t) -I exists we find that (t)[(t)(t,) + (t)] dt -I [I + 2(1)](t) [(t)(t,) + (t)], and then K K(t) (t)) K2(t t -I()[B()(,) + C()]d () + DI(0) 0 (2.12) $-l(T)[()(,m) 2(I) + ()] d t t (t) (t)[() + I(0) -I()[()(,) + ()] d 0 (2.13) D2(1) f -l()[B()(,0) + C()] d] t where the boundary condition (2.1 b) has been used to obtain the last two results. 3. SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS. In order to obtain the density function of the solution (t), we first rewrite it into the following form t f -1()()dz (t)[() + I(0) (t) D2(1) 0 t + I(0) / $-l()g(rl(,)d 2(11 0 ft -l()()dz f g-l()() d] t (t)() + 6(t) + ](t,), (3.1 a) wher e (t) (l(t),62(t)) (3.1 b) t (t)Dl(0) is a deterministic l(t,) 2 x f -l()C()d (t)D2(1) 0 vector, and (Yl(t,),Y2(t,o)) f -I()C() d t T (3.1 c) t (z)B(z)(z ,)dt 0 (t)D2(1)j t is a random 2 x vector. -1 (Z)(Z)(z LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS 501 If we set nl(T) rl(T) n3(T) r3(1) 1 (t) Dl(0)- ()B() (3.2) In2(T)n(1) rr2())() (t)D2(1)-I(1)B(T) then (3.3) n3(t,) + Y2(t,m) where t nl(t, ] [nl(1)l(I,) 0 2(t,) f + rl(1)2(T,))dl, [n2()l(, ) + r2()2(,)]d, t (3.4) t [n3(T)I(T, ) + r3()2(,m)Id, n3(t, 0 f (t,0) [n()l(T,m) + r()2(,0)]d. t l(t,) From now on we always assume that processes correlated e 0, l(t,) with n2(t,); 3(t,) and and 2(t,) are independent weakly e, then we can show that as the same correlation length and (t,) will be independent and they will have the normal distributions. In order to prove this and then to obtain the density function of x(t) and y(t), the following properties are required. [Property i] If we have t Al(t) [n21()Rl(,T + r21(1)Rm(I,I)]d 2 0 0 (3.5) Bl(t) 2 [n22(T)RI(,) + r22()R2(,)]d / t then for n < R__J__I /A--- ] 2n 2n + (2n)’ + 0(e) 2nn! > n2 rl 2 2n 2n + (2n)! 2nn! > O(e m) n A3 I! l(n- AI I)! 3/2 I/2 + 0( 3/2 B3 (2n + I)! n (3.6 b) 3.6 c) + 0() 3!2 A3(t), B3(t (3.6 a) (2n + 3!2 and 0 1,2,... i where # (n I)! BI 3/2 are the corresponding main parts of denotes the term with the order d > m 1/2 3/2 + 0( <i> and (see [5,2]). <n32> (3.6 d) respectively, 502 N.M. XIA [Property 2] If I,K 2 K (i 1,2,... and KI + K2 then t K t /... /...f 0 [...]dl...dKl t_St 0 g-neighboring + K2 0(e +K2 is ). (3.7) K2 K1 [...] where the integrand any fixed number between Proof: is any function having continuous derivatives, and t is I. and 0 K Consider the case 2, K 2 for simplicity. Then the region of integration is {i,2,31 G3 From 0 <__ The the Z <__ region G IIe [0,t], 12 (i,2,3) of definition e, 0 __< 2 i e [0,t], 13 e It,l] is g-neighboring <__ > and if i know we g-neighboring e; then 2 > I o e, _< i- 2 i < that _< 2 then 0 if 3 e. can be divided into two parts G I) (J G 2) G _< (3.8) where G I) {II,12,131 G 2) {Ii,12,131 Ii e [0,t], 12 e [0,t], 13 e It,l] (3.9 a) and Ii e [0,t], 12 e [0,t], I e [t,1] 0 <__ 3 i __< e, <__ 0 NOW we consider the distance between the point point (t,t,t). T __< 2 i Because of (3.8) we may assume }. (3.9 b) e P (i ,2,3) P e G 1) in G and the and then from (3.9 a) we find that t <_ 13 <_ 12 + e, t < < t e t _< e 13 <_ _< 12 2e t t, _< 12 e _< II _< or + e, t e _< 12 / (Ii t 2e t _< I _< t. p(P,T) is An estimate for the distance O(P,T) _< t) 2 + (2 t) 2 + (13 t)2 _< / (2e)2 + e2 + e2 0(e). From this estimate we have G3 .fff G3 did2d + 0(e) fff G3 did2d t, LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS <--I[’’’]]P T "’[ d’rld2d’r3 503 + O(e) j’j’j" dl:ld’r2dl: 03 03 0(e 3) 03 where is a ball, with center at (3.7); for other Thus we have proved [Property 3] If < KI,K2 t 0 0 t (K + K 2)/2 > ,KI + (3.1o) have the same properties as in (3.7). t [0,I], B(t) e e C of different CI[0,1], For K I,K 2 use KI K K2 or 0 In 1,2, I K2 C(t) > 0 (3.11) e CI[0,I], l(t,m), 2(t,) KI,K2 0,1,2,... for orders derivatives, then we have the conclusion that for Proof: g-neighboring then If we assume that the coefficients of equation (2.1 a) have the A(t) expectations i is K2 o(e where we assume that the integrand and matical (Zl (KI + K2)/2 t [Property 4] < /--. 2 t properties that and with radius max(P,T) the situation is similar. and 1,2 KI,K2 .... K K (t,t,t) T is < Now obvious. and all the mathehave continuous > 0(e). we consider (3.11) < order to find the contribution of > (2.5) and consider all different maximally g-neighboring subsets we (ll,...ipl),... K ’(KI’ (il’ ’TiP.) boring subsets are g-nelghboring subsets (iI ( iPi riqi+ ’KPK with y" IPi KI+ i of two distinct kinds. for which least at ’ iqi ’ iqi+1 ’ iPl ii I’’’’’ zi Pi e [t,l]. "’’ ip e These maximally g-neigh- The first kind consists of all maximally one of its subsets has the property that )’ ’ iqi ii e [0,t], and The second kind consists of all maximally g-neighboring subsets for which every subset has the property that iI K2" il"’’’iPi e [0,t] or [t,1]. i Because of (3.6) and (3.10), we know that all integrals on the maximally boring subsets of the first kind have the order e; integrals on the maximally g-neighboring subsets of the second tribution of < For example, when >< K >, 2, K 2 2, kind are just the con- then we have the conclusion (3.11). we consider g-neigh- and if we notice that all the N.M. XIA 504 t t > < AIBIZ f <[...]> dld2d3d (3.12) 0 0 where <[...]> <[nl(l)51(l) + rl(l)52(l)][nl(z2)51(2) + ri(2)52(2)] [n2(3)51(3) + rz(E3)Z(3)l[n2(E)l(g) + For simplicity we only pick the first term in the integrand, that is t t A1BI 2 f fff nl(l)nl(2)n2(3)n2(g)<l(l)51(2)l(3)51(g)>dld2d3dtg 0 0 t t t t f fff AIBI E2 00 t t R123 t t f f nl(El)nl(2)<51(l)51(2)>d1d2"f f 2 t t 0 0 A1B1 n2(B)n2(Yg)<l(3)l R3g R12 t t AIBIe f f ft ft A1B1 f ft nl(l)n(3)<l(:l)l(:3)>d:ld:3f0 ft z’ nl(l)nl(2)n2(3)n2()<l(l )l(2)><l(3)l(g)>dId2d3dg 0 0 (R12 x R3) [ R123g t t + nl(2)n2(:g)<l(2)l 0 R2 R t t Z f fff nl(l)nl(:2)n2(:3)n2 (g)<l(:l)l(3)><l(z2)l(g)>dYld:2dr3d:g 0 0 t t A1Blg (R x R2)f R12g t t + Z AIBIg f f nl(l)n2(T)<l(l)51()>dl d Jf nl(2)n2(3)<l(2)1(3)>d2dT 0 t 0 t Rlg R23 t t z AIBI f f ft ft nl(l)nl(2)n2(z3)n2( )<I(I)KI())><I(2)KI (z3)>did2d3dg 0 0 (Rig x R23) R123g t t z f f ft ft nl(zl)nl(2)n2(3)n2(zg )[<I(I)I(2)I(3)I(g)> 0 0 AIB2g R123 <l(-rl)l(,r2)><l(’r3)l(’r4)>- <l(’[1)l(’r3)><l(2)l(Tt)> <1 (’rl)1 (’rg)><l (’r2)E1 (’r3)>]d’rldr2d’r3dEg tt + 2 AIB e f f 0 0 R12 nl(Yl)nl(z2)<l(Yl)l (Y2)>dzldY2 f f t t R3 g n2(3)n2(E)<l(3)l(Z)>d3dg LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS t t + 2 AIBI E f f nl(II)nR(T3)<l(l)l(3)>dId3 0 t J It 0 nl(2)n2(4)<l(T2)l()>dI2d R2 RI3 t t +------ f f AIBIE 505 nl(l)n2()<l(l)l()>dId4 ff nl(2)n2(3)<l(2)l(3)>d2d3 0 t 0 t R23 Rl (3.13) are maximally g-neighboring of where RI234,RI2,...,R23 I,2,3,; I,2;---;2,3 respectively, and (2.7) has been used to obtain the last result. By means of (3.10), we can have t t (3.13) / z AIBI E nl(%l)nl(%2)<l(%l)l(%2)>d%Id%2 0 0 RI2 f f n2(IB)n2(%4)<l(%3)l(I4)>d%3d% W + O(E). t t After using the same procedure for other terms in (3.12), we find <--_. 4. > B <--_><--_> + o( ). THE DENSITY FUNCTION AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE SOLUTION. In this section we will consider the density function of the solution if we notice that the situation will be simple when interest is in the case when In nl(t,) pl(vl,v2) We introduce a new function P where p have for nl n2 (Vl) x(t), I, (t) and so our main we first consider Yl(t,m) or (Vl’V2) P nl (Vl).P n2 such that (4.1) (v2) + Pl(Vl,V2) and so on. is the density function of Because of (3.!I) we 0,I,... K1,K2 K f f v f f t which are defined by (3.4). n2(t,) and or (0,I). t E to find the density function of order 0 t K2 Pl (Vl v2 ,v2)dvl dv2 KI K2 Vl v2 P r2 (vl ,v2)dvl dv2 (4.2) K f f Vl K2 v2 Pnl (vl) Pn 2 (vz)dvldV2 506 N.M. XIA KI Klf IK2 > n2 >4 1 > o(). Then from (4.1) we know when e is a small number but not zero Vl pQl,B2(Vl,V2) e/ v2 () P p AIB Vl () + r2 PI( e/Al B v2 AIg’ BIe and from (3.3) we have PYI (v) Pnln2 (z,v-z)dz e/AIB (.v z )dz P (z____) /Ale P2 /B-7 f Pl e/AIB z v + (4.3) Z)d z /A-- /le () Under the assumtion that the density function of (t)(m), easily find the density function of and (t)a(0) Det (t) (al(m),ae(m)) -I pa(a,8), we pas(e,B)[Det (t)-l[ pala2(a l,a 2) where is T (4.4) the is Pal a2 function of density (t) is the determinant of the inverse matrix al() Then the density function of Pal(al) f can that is al(m) a2(o) -I is Pa la2(al,a2)da2 (4.5) J Pa(,)l Det (t)-l[ Because of (3.3) and (3.4) if we for every [0,I], then t PI + YI (w) al() and da 2 (a assume (m) that Yl(t,m) f j pal(W- v)p (TAe)p I + e/AIB + Yl is f f Pa the density (w v)pl( function of z 2 (v (t,m) Z)dzd v /B e ,/i e /Ale Pal independent of Pal (w v)PyI (v)dv e/AIB where is will be independent and we have v z (4.6) _dzdv /A--- /Big al + YI- The second integral can be LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS 507 written as pal(W_ ’A1B /AIBI where - z/Ale, S T If we can expand pal(W- v- z v)Pl(A_ f Z)dzd v CBI pu (w- TB-- pul(W TB-z)/B-Ie. pa into a Taylor series in - C 0 i,j dSdT (4.7) SA--)pI(S,T)dSdT (v- SIe) SA--)PI(S,T)/IB S, T ijSiTj and allow the following analytic procedure, then after using (4.2) we have F. (4.7) 0 i,j SIT3pI(S,T)dSdT C*ij 0(). Thus (4.6) becomes (w) Pal +Y eAIBI f f P*I (w- v)p i z_____)p I-- 2 (v Z)dzd v + 0(e) ,/BI e and from (3.1a) we have Px(X where e’Al BI 61 x, f pal(X- 61 -v)p are the first component of I (/_z_ _ A_ )P (t) (t) 2 (v-______Z)dzd v /le + 0(e) respectively, and Px (x) (4.8) is the density function of x. In order to obtain the asptotic approximation for [see [5]], ing facts #A exp(- (v I) 1 we need the follow- 2 I Vl P Px(X), )[I Hl (vl) + + e (4.9) 2 2 v2 P i where H r2 exp(- A---)[1 + # H2 (v 2) + ...] (v2) 2 H2 are certain polynomials of degree denote some polynomials with the order I, 2 respectively and the dots e. To substitute (4.9) into (4.8), we obtain Px(X) I + 12 + 13 + 0(e). (4.10) 508 N.M. XIA where 11 2AIB--2gAIB 2 13 v)exp[- _PI (x 61 (x 61 ] 2/AIB 61 (x Pa Pa z2 (v- z) 2 (I + v)exp[- v)exp[- BI )dzdv, l_z + ,(v -, z) 2 ]HI’l z--)dzdv’ 2’I B1 2-e x2 z) BI 2) ]H2 + (v (V 7. Z)dzdv. Ble From the fact exp[- 2gAIB 2 W.C. where 2-e z2 (v- + BI z))] 6(z,v- z) 6 denotes weak convergence, and lim I e 0 Pa (x 61 12 and ( O) is the Delta function; we have v)6(z,v z)dzdv pal(xand if we can show that e are bounded as 13 then in (4.10) we can 0, keep the first term as the main term. In fact for lim Iz +0 if we set lira aoll I H or 0 a constant, we have o 61), aoPal (x /0 ZI and for 12 or for ,2,... 13 2 where we can use the similar way to 0,I obtain the conclusion. Thus as e 0 we can consider obtain the asymptotic formula for Px(X) nl(t,) and n2(t,) to be independent, and we x(t) f f Pel (x 2g/A- 6 v)exp[- 2 (z + (v ’I BI z) 2 ) ]dzdv (4.11) /2e(A1 + B l) 61 where The x(t), pa 61 v)exp[- 2e(A + B1)]dv, can be evaluated in terms of (3.1b) and (4.5) respectively. asymototic formula for y(t), which is the second component of the solution can be obtained in a similar way. By solution. that and J" Pal (x means of these asymptotic we formulas can find the If we recall the functional form (3.1a) of the solution (t)(m) is the solution of the equation dx( t dt A(t)x(t), Dlx(1) + D2x(1) (m)" structure x(t), of the and notice LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS (t) 509 is the solution of the deterministic equation dx( t A(t)x(t) + C(t), dt and that (t,m) .p.D x(O) + .X.X( (Yl(t,m),Y2(t,m)) T .qO; (nl(t,m),n3(t,m))T+ (n2(t,m),n(t,m)) is the solution of the equation dx( t where x(t) 0 p.Dx(O) + x( A(t)x(t) + B(t)(t,m), dt is a 2 x 0, vector with zero components, then we can say that the solution has such kind of structure that it consists of three functions, the first one is (m); (t,m). the contribution of contribution of the second one is deterministic, and the last one is the When e 0 every component of the last function has the e(A + BI) normal distribution with the mean value zero and the variance and it can be divided into two independent normal random processes. 5. THE JOINT DENSITY FUNCTION AND THE EXAMPLE. D I, D2 If the matrices (2.1b) have the forms in the boundary condition (5.1) 0 0 d21 d2 then we can find the joint density function of the solution x(t) (x(t),y(t)) T. fact under the assumption (5.1), the solution is x(t) where (t)[(m) + (t) + (t,m)] (5.2) t 6 , (t) , f (t)l ft 62(t) * (t o) m l(T)d 0 I (t,), Y (t,w) 2 m2(T)d i n* () (,,oa) + (n * () (%,m)+ 2 r* () ( ,))d 2 / (5.4) r*2 () 2 (%,m)) d / and I()C(%)= * n (:) -I(’r)B’B"(’r) (5.5) _m2(% l-ln:(’r) * ()’\ -r*2(%) ] (5.6) N.M. XIA 510 ] (,m), If we know the density function of ] pe(w -, p+,(wl,w2) pas, where p, w2 B)p],(e,B)dsdB, (m) are the density functions of (m) the independence assumption of and then (t,) (5.7) *(t,m) and has been used again. But compare (5.4) with (3.4), we can find the fact that forms except * respectively. similar * * * n I, r I, n2, r2 that the r functions n a, w2 B)P respectively, and r2 n2 i, n2; Y*, Y* have repalced been have the Z by It follows that p+],(Wl,W2) A*B* / / Pes(Wl 8 )p * /A* YI /A* B* e ’)dad8 + 0(e), /B* * Y2 e pa+,+l,(w ,we) + 0(e). In a similar way we have the asymptotic formula exp[- - f i p=(w (wl ,w2 Pa+*+y 2-’ and 2n e/A’B* ) (5.8) is the density function of ( * (t), 6 * (t) )T * (t) 6 *2 2 (5.9) wl w2 Px w2 e2 + 82 "’) Px(X,Y) Pa+6,+,(wl,w2)[Det -l(t)[[ where , 6" A * B x(t) v_i(t)(x) y x( t) y( t) can be evaluated by T; and (5.3), (5.5), (5.6) and the 2 formula , n * n2, (3.5) which likes , r 1, r * but the functions nl, n2, rl, r2 need to be replaced by respectively. 2 Now we consider the first example ()y 0 -2 x(0) (), x -3)(y y(1) + (-i B(m), 0 I (t,) 2(t,m + (0) (5.0) LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS where length l(t,), 2(t,) are independent weakly <l(t,)> 0, <2(t,)> 0, correlated processes with correlation , RI(T,T) R2(,) I, I, p8(,8) and 511 exp (- 2 + 82 ). 2 (5.11) It is easy to find that (ll(t) 12(t)) (t) 21(t) -I (t) e 2e + 2e -t e -2e-t+ 22(t) 2t -t -2t 2e e -2t -e -t e -2t -t+ 2 e-2t ) (5.12) -I + e A B A (222(I) -t 21(I)) + 2e (21(I) B (222(I) 21(I)) + 22(I)) e-t(21(1) 2Z(1)) and 21(1) -r2 \-n2 et(222(I) 22(1) 21(1)) + (21(I) 22(I)) / ml e 2 t et(222(I) m2 e 21(I)) + 2(21(I) 22(I) Then * AI(t) e 4t 2e 2[--- 3t 3 7 2t + e ], 2 , e B (t) (222(I) 21(I)) 2e (222(I) #21( I) (21( I) 22(I)) 2[ 2 + e (21(I) 22(I)) 2 e e 2e3t(222(1) 2t (q21(1) 4t( 222(I) 21(I))(@21(1) q22(I)) 21(I)) 2 2 #22(1)) and Pxy(X, 0.0309425e y) 2(1 + * eAl(t))(l + 3t t exp{-[ * eBl(t)) (1.5 + e (2x + y- 2) 2(I + * eAl(t)) 512 N.M. XIA e 2t 2 , + (x + y- 0.5)) 2(I + 0.3678794et(2x + y- 2) 2 0.2706705e2t(x + (-I- B1(t)) + y- 0.5)) ]}, (5.13) where 4t * AI(t) 2[ 4 B* 2[ e 2e3t + 3 2 l(t) e e 7 2t ]] 2(t- I) + 4 e 3(t- I) e 4(t-I) ]. The results of evaluating (5.13) when for (solid curve), 0 t -0.6860 appear in Figure 0.5, y 0.4 (shorter (longer dashed curve), and g 0.2 dashed curve). In Figures 2, 3, and 4 we show some level curves of the density function p: 0.04, t 0.5, 0.005, t 0.5, g 0.2, 0.5, 0, 0.2, 0.4 (Figure 2); 0, 0.2, 0.4 (Figure 3); (Figure 4). 0.01, 0.03, 0.05 p The second example is x + 3 + 2x f(t,) (5.14) f(t ,m) where m, <f(t,)> (1) a(), x(O) 0 and correlated weakly a is B(m) x -3)Cy with the correlation length I. Rf(t,t) + (t) y(t) We introduce a new function (y) (-20 process and rewrite (5.14) 0 (1)fCt’m) (5.15) (00)(y 0 + (B(o)" (0 I)(y(1 This equation has the same fundamental matrices as in the first example, then we have q21 (1) *ll(t) *12(t) ’22(I) @21(t) ,22(t) ,22(I) Z(t) where .ij are the components of From (3.1) we can obtain (t) ’22(I) / and can be evaluated by (5.12). LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS _xCt) 513 + %(t) (m) Y2(t,m where YI (t,m) 2(t,) 1I t ..,-1 ()B() f( ,t)d (t)Dl(0) 0 -l()B()f(,)d (t)D2(1) t =(*ll(t) ’12(t) 921(t) 922(t) () It/ (e )f(,)d: 921(I))e 2 + (921(I) x(t) 912(t)92(1)]() t 922(I) {[911(t)922(1) 912(t) f [(2922(I) 922(1))e]f(I,)dl of the equation (5.14) has the structure 922(1) {[911(t)922(1) x(t) 2T 2(1) / [(2922(1) Then the solution e 912(t)921(1)] f (e 1; e 12(t)lB(t)} + )f(1;,t)dl 0 921(I))e 21 + (921(I) 922(I)) e ]f(,m)d}. t ((), ())T. f(t,). The first term is the contribution of and the second term, which contains two integrals, is the contribution of When the correlation length A e 921( 912(t) 922( 2[ 911(t) 0, e(A mean value zero and the variance the second term approaches normal with the + BI) where 2 t f e (e 92(t) 2 --Z 922(I) f [(2922(1) 2 922(I) 921(I))e + 2 e 2t 2( e3t 3 2 921(1)) 2 4 e(4 3 (2922(1) I)] + (921(1)- 922(I))e ] t 92(I) (2922(1) 2 Rf(,)d 0 921(I) 2 e 4t 21911(t)- 912(t) 922(I) ][ B 2 2 4t) Rf( 922(I)) 2 (921(I) 2 92(1))(921(1) 2 )dr (2 2t) (3 22(1)) e 3t) e 514 N.M. XIA P X 4.00 P=IO.O X DENSITY FUNCTION P(X,-O.6860) FIGURE i 6.00 LINEAR RANDOM BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS -7.00 -3.00 5.00 1.00 X 515 9.00 FIGURE 3 --" 0.4 :oo 9-) // e -4.00 -2.00 0.00 X FIGURE 2 0.0 2.00 4.00 516 N.M. XIA p -8.00 -4.00 " 0.05 -2.00 0.00 X 2.00 4.00 FIGURE 4 REFE RENCE S On the Theory of Brownian Motion, Phys. Rev., I. UHLENBECK, G.E. and ORNSTEIN, L.S. 36 (1930), 823-841. 2. BOYCE, W.E. 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