Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 3 (1986) 439-446 439 ON SOME RESULTS FOR X-SPIRAL FUNCTIONS OF ORDER MILUTIN OBRADOVI Department of Mathematics Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy 4 Karnegieva Street Ii000 Belgrade Yugoslavia and SHIGEYOSHI OWA Department of Mathematics Kinki University Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577 Japan (Received March I, 1986) ABSTRACT. of order The results of various kinds concerning h-spiral functions in the unit disk U are given in this paper. They represent mainly the generalizations of the previous results of the authors. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. %-spiral of order , starlike of order subordination, univalent. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION. 30C45. I. INTRODUCTION. . Let An denote the class of functions of the form f(z) z + k=n+l akzk which are regular in the unit disk U (n {z. zl N {1, 2, 3, }) (1.1) < i}. For a function f(z) belonging to the class An we say that f(z) is -spiral of order if and only if Re for some real lei% (lI zf’(z) f(z) } > cos% < /2), for some (1.2) (0 _<_ < I), and for all z U. 440 OBRADOVI and M. S(a) the class n and S%(a) instead We denote by we write A of all such functions S(a), of A I and has been considered by Libera [I]. S%(a) , S. OWA Sn(a), and S Sx S(0) We note that S0(a) n S (a) In the case n i respectively. The class S0(0) and S where S denote the classes of functions which are -spiral, starlike of order a and type (i.i), and starlike, respectively. - Let f(z) and g(z) be regular in the unit disk U. Then a function f(z) is said to be subordinate to g(z) if there exists a regular function - w(z) in the unit disk U satisfying w(0) that f(z) 0 and lw(z) < I (z U) such g(w(z)). For this relation the following symbol f(z) is used. In particular, if subordination f(z) g(z) g(z) is univalent in the unit disk U the g(z) is equivalent to f(0) g(0) and f(U) g(U). 2. RESULTS AND CONSEQUENCES. First we give the following result due to Miller and Mocanu [2]. . LEMMA I. and let u Let (u,v) be a complex valued function, C, D C XC (C is the complex plane), D uI + iu 2, v v I + iv 2. Suppose that the function (u,v) satisfies the following conditions: (u,v) is continuous in D; (i) (I,0) (ii) D and Re{(l,0)} > 0; Re{(iu2,vl)} __< (iii) v I <=-n(l + 0 for all (iu2,v I) E D and such that u)/2. 1 + pn z n Let p(z) such that (p(z),zp’(z)) + Pn+l z n+l + be regular in the unit disk U D for all z s U. If Re{(p(z), zp’ (z)) > 0 (z U), then Re{p(z) > 0 (z e U). By using the above lemma, we prove THEOREM I. Let the function f(z) defined by(l.l)be in the class S %(a) n and let n 0 < Then we have __< (2.) 2(i ) cos (z 2B(I- a)cos + n U). RESULTS FOR k-SPIRAL FUNCTIONS PROOF. 441 If we put 28(I (2.2) a) cos I + n and Be il f(z) + B, (i- B)p(z) (2.3) z B satisfies (.2:1) then p(z) where p(z) i is regular in the unit disk U and + pn zn + Pn+l zn+l + From (2.3)after taking the logarithmical differentiation we have that zf’ (z) Beil zp’ (z) B ei (I- B). (2.4) f(z) B)p(z) + B (I and from there e iX zf’(z) e acos -(2.5) cos X + 8{(1- B)p(z) + B} f(z) Since f(z) e Re { e SX() n il B)zp’(z) (i iX then from (2.5)we get B)zp’(z) (i cos X + (z > 0 g U). (2.6) B)p(z) + B} B{(I Let consider the function (u,v) defined by (u,v) (it is noted u D B)v (i iX e cos X + B)u + B} {( zp’(z)). Then (u,v) is continuous in p(z) and v (I- )cos I > 0. (- {-B/(I-B)}) C. Also, (I,0) e D and Re{(l,0)} Furthermore, for all D such that v I < -n(l (iu2,v I) + (i- )cos Re{(iu2,vl)} (1 ) cos Re { nB(l )cos (1 (I B) {482(i 28{(1 < 0 u22)/2 we have (i- B)v I B)iu 2 + B} B{(l B(I- B)v 1 x + 8{(I < + B)2u + B 2} B)(I + u) 2{(i 2 2 c) B)2 2 cos X 2 B)2up + B 2} 2 2 -n }u 2 + B 2} } M. 42 OBRADOVI and S. OWA a)cos I <__ 0o Therefore, because 0 < B < i and 28(1 n the function (u,v) satisfies the conditions in Lemma i. This proves that Re{p(z)} > 0 for z s U, that is, that from 8e il Re B > z e U), which is equivalent to the statement of Theorem I. COROLLARY I. I(0) n/2 cos I in Theorem i, we have 0 and 8 Taking a Let te function f(z) def;ned by (i.I)be in the class Then Sn f(z) Re{[-- z --I I } (z > U). 2 0 in Theorem i, then we have the former result If REMARK I. (n/2 cos %)e 0 in Corollary i, then we have the given by the authors in [3]. If earlier result given by Golusin [4]. Let 8 be a fixed real number, 0 < 8 < I, and let the THEOREM 2. function f(z) be in the class z[ g(z) =< where 0 < (I Sl(a). Let f(z) z (i )/(i e) and function g(z) is in the class (z e U), z)2Ue-il cos I i 8 y(l (2.7) ). Then the S(8). Let 8 (0 < 8 < i) be a given real number. Then from (2.7) PROOF. by using the logarithmic differentiation and some simple transformations, we have that e il zg’ (z) 8 cos g(z) zf’ (z) + acos f(z) zf’ (z) a cos f(z) l} + (i l} + y)ei l+z cos I g i {B 2 a i(l cos l i z ) sin I. (2.8) 443 RESULTS FOR %-SPIRAL FUNCTIONS From (i0) we have Re [ei% zg’ (z) g(z) Re {e zf’ (z) il + cos I cos I f(z) i z > 0 (z because of the suppositions for y, f(z) and E U), (2.9) given in the statement of Theorem 2. Thus we complete the proof of Theorem 2. COROLLARY 2. , Let 0 < 8 < and let f(z) e S Then the function g(z) defined by f(z) g(z) SI(B). belongs to the class PROOF. __< 8 Since 0 < , it follows that I __< (I 8)/(1 ) and I in Theorem 2. Also, we have we may choose y REMARK 2. (2.10) z)2(-B)e-il cos (i In particular, for I if f(z) e S () and 0 __< 8 __< , 0 in Corollary 2 we have that then the function f(z) g(z) z)2( (I 8) belongs to the class S (8). This is the earlier result given by the authors [5]. Letting 0 in Theorem 2, we have , COROLLARY 3. Let f(z) e S () and let 0 function g(z) defined by g(z) z[ f(z) z i (I z) 2 =< 8 < I. Then the M. 444 S*(8), belongs to the class i- (i OBRADOVI AND S. OWA where 0 < y =< (i B)/(I ) and ). In order to derive the following theorem, we shall apply the next result given by Robertson [6]. LEMMA 2. Let the function f(z) belonging to A be univalent in the unit disk U. For 0 t =< i, let F(z,t) be regular in the unit disk U with F(z,0) f(z) and F(0,t) 0. Let p be a positive real number =< for which F(z) F(z,t) lim t +0 F(z,0) zt p exi, sts. Further, let F(z,t) be subordinate to f(z) in the unit disk U for 0 < t < i. Then F(z) Re < 0 (z f’(z) u). If, in addition, F(z) is also regular in the unit disk U and Re{F(O)} # O, then f’(z) Re F(z) } < 0 (z e U). (2.11) Applying the above lemma, we prove THEOREM 3. Let the function f(z) be in the class A, and let the function g(z) defined by g(z) f(z) I z cos k cos =< (2.12) e < i. If the function i G(z,t) i s + be univalent in the unit disk U, where and 0 ds 0 cos { is a real number with lI < /2 G(z,t) defined by -i% (i- te )f(z) -cos (i- t 2) iz 0 f(s) ds s } (2 13) - RESULTS FOR h-SPIRAL FUNCTIONS is subordinate to g(z), that is, fixed and , s(). G(z,t) 445 g(z), in the unit disk U for and for each t (0 __< t __<_ I), then f(z) is in the class PROOF. It is easy to show that G(z,0)g(z) and G(0,t) 0. We choose p I and F(z,t) to be the function G(z,t) defined by (2.13)in Lemma 2. Then we have G(z) G(z,t) lira t +0 G(z,0) G(z,t)/t lim t +0 zt -e-i%f(z) (I (2.14) cos)z From (2.o14)we know that G(z) is regular in the unit disk U and cos Re{G(O)} Since I cos A f’(z) g’(z) # O. ecos e cos i z it follows from (2.11)in Lemma 2 that g’(z) Re G(z) } < 0 (z e U), which is equivalent to Re {e i zf’ (z) cos f(z) } > 0 (z U). Consequently, we prove that f(z) is in the class S If we put COROLLARY 4. 0 in Theorem 3, then we have - Let the function f(z) belonging to the class A be univalent in the unit disk U such that (i- te- )f(z) where % is real such that class Sl(0) II f(z) < n/2 and 0 (z __< U), t < i. Then f(z) is in the This is the former result due to Robertson [6]. 446 M. For OBRADOVI and S. OWA 0 in Theorem 3, we have the following result for starlike functions of order . Let the function f(z) be in the class A and let COROLLARY 5. the function g(z) defined by f(z) g(z) I ds 0 (0 < < i) s be univalent in the unit disk U. If G(z, t) ds 0 s - g(z) in the unit disk U, then f(z) belongs to the class S (e). This is the previous result given by Obradovi [7]. REFERENCES i. Libera, R. J., Univalent l-spiral functions, Canad. J. Math. 449 19(1967), 456. 2. Miller, S. S. and Mocanu, P. T., Second order differential inequalities in the complex plane, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 65(1978), 289- 305. 3. Obradovi, Mo and Owa, S., An application of Miller and Mocanu’s result, to appear. 4. Goluzin, G. M., Geometric Theory_of Functions of a Co_m_plex Vari_a_le, Moscow, 1952. 5. Owa, S. and Obradovi, M., A note on a Robertson’s result, Mat. Vesnik, to appear. 6. Robertson, M. S., Applications of the subordination principle to univalent functions, P_acii_c_.J._M_a_t_h_. 1!_(1961), 315- 324. 7. Obradovlc, M., Two applications of one Robertson’s result, M__a_t__V_es_nih_, _(3) (1983), 283- 287.