361 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vo!. 9 No. 2 (1986) 361-364 A NOTE ON THE INVERSE FUNCTION THEOREM OF NASH AND MOSER MIKAEL LINDSTROM Department of Mathematics bo Akademi SF-20500 bo, Finland (Received September 9, 1985) ABSTRACT. The Nash-Moser inverse function theorem is proved for different kind of differentiabilities. K[’.’Y Continuous convergence, WORDS AND PHRASES. 1980 MATHE[ATICS coreflective subcategory, graded space, a*-di fferentiability. SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 58C15. smoothing operators, tame map, INTRODUCT ION The purpose of this note is to formulate the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser for different differentiabilities using a categorical approach. The proof is based on the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser in the version of Hamilton [I] formulated in the category of graded Frchet spaces which admit smoothing operators and [2] tame maps. Our proof is using the same technique as Schmid [3] C-differentiable c uses when he proves this theorem for a stronger notion of differentiability, called From our formulation it is the F-differentiability than the Coo-differentiability. C possible to derive the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser for natural differentiabilities stronger than the C C differentiability 2. THE INVERSE FUNCTION THEOREM OF NASH AND MOSER. Let LC Further let tinuous linear mappings. K on morphisms and such that the identity mapping endowed with continuous convergence For any pair E,F E obj(LC) E k-linear mappings from (ekc(E k into [2], we let F [2] and con- denote a coreflective subcategory of which is closed under finite products and the coreflector F)) . denote the category of locally convex limit vector spaces and Lk(E C X (Cc(X F)) LC K s is the identity C (X,F) is a limit space and F) LC C C (X F) is F E obj(LC) be the space of all continuous endowed with continuous convergence. We write e k(E,F) DEFINITION. Let E and F be locally convex spaces and let U be open in E MIKAEL 362 A mapping F U f LINDSTRO differentiable of is said to be Cp class if there exist f unc t ion s Dkf Df such that Lk(E,F) U x E U and for each f 0,I k ,p h E E each and each k we O,|,...,p-| have lid t-|(Dkf(x+th) t+0 IN k < p and such that for each k (I) Dkf(u) is called f every Lk(E,F) c Dk+|f(x)h the following two conditions are satisfied: Dkf (2) dfferentiable of Dkf(x)) Lk(E,F) U Cp if it is differentiable of class class C for IN p Coo( By Keller [2] the chain rule is valid for vergence follows that for any continuous map k Ux E /F (x,hl defined by ,hk) As the limit structure since is a finer limit a From the universal property of continuous con- structure than continuous convergence. tinuous. is continuous. U- g g(x)(h Lk(E,F) k) h the associated map U x is always finer than h E i is con- we have that differenti- c C a implies differentiability of class C The latter is exactly c the cDncept of differentiability used by Hamilton [I] to prove the inverse function ability of class theorem of hash and Moser. We first recall some definitions that will be needed. Let (li’II E r)riN E on II’112r )rCIN and A grading on be a Frchet space. E are equivalent if for some II..x.. r2 _< c llx llr+s2 is an increasing sequence of norms E which defines the topology on E X with a constant llXllr IN s < cllxli2r+s which may depend on c (II’II Two gradings rEIN r and A graded space r is a Frchet space together with an equivalence class of gradings. We say that a graded E space admits smoothing operators if we can find linear maps such that for some all i,k f IN Let E < F and t is tame if for every x < E Oo, x ctr+kllxll i < k and and some constant be graded spaces and U c E open in c may depend on t E xll i < We say that a map we have the growth estimate U, where the constant S ctr-kllxlli+i k which may depend llSt(x) E U we can find a neighbourhood x n C IN such that for every all liSt(x) lli+ r U for on and f U- F and a number f(x)II n < =(llxli n+r k. r + I) for n In the proof of the inverse function theorem of hash and Moser we shall also need the following result (Lemma 2, [3]): The composition of two continuous tame maps is continuous and tame. U THEOREM. Let be open in E (I) f (2) DKf (3) For each U- F U (4) The map (5) Vf U xF E and F be graded spaces which admit smoothing operators. and assume that is differentiable of class Ek- F is tame for every x f U U Vf E the derivative L (F,E) is tame. Vf(x) k Df(x) C and tame. IN. E (Df(x)) -I F is an isomorphism. is continuous. Let 363 INVERSE FUNCTION THEOREM OF NASH AND MOSER Then for any we can find open neighbourhoods of U is a bijective map from f that E U x C differentiable of class Dkf f(x 0) of -1 such U V is are tame for all k t IN E for all V y is differenti- f Further the assumptions (4) and (5) imply that Now we have that Df(x) F U Vf Fk V f are continuous and tame, since are tame, and the family of inverses V and x and the inverse map Vf(f-l(y)) is continuous and tame. E and all Ca of class F and assumption (2). C Ux F Vf D- D(f-1)(y) Ek U The maps able of class also onto and the maps a Furthermore we have the formula PROOF. V is differentiable f is an isomorphism for every x t U E -F are continuous and tame maps. E Consequently the conditions of the inverse function theorem of Nash-Moser are fulfilled (theorem 1.1.1 p. 171 in [I]). V and f(x 0) of and tame. on Cc Vf E U is bijective and lim t/O t-1(f-1(y and assumption (4) follow that to be true for f-1 Dk+If -I map k V Df E F ak+1 Vf(f-1(y))w From the formula L (F,E) V Df is tame since -Vf(x)[D2f(x){u,Vf(x)w}] Thus the derivative D(Vf) h(,) is defined by 0.3.5 in [2] h and Vf holds, Df is continuous f Further Assume now it are tame. f-1 ? Vf U x E E and F. w e oc (E F,E) L((F,E) o(idE, ) for D2f(x) Vf(x) and Since the category c is a coreflector it follows that h u can be factorized according to e c (E,F) Since p and consequently the map is differentiable of class Vf holds for all F,E) is continuous for under finite products and Thus it is true for - Lc(E U Uo (D2f--) theorem x By theorem 5.3.1, p. 102 in [I] we have that Vf is weakD) U E F E is continuous and the formula p ly differentiable and that h of is continuous k( By induction on where IN is clearly tame so we only have to show that [D(Vf)](x){u,w} U From the definition of the c-differentiability follows that the -I is differentiable of class C Vf Since Df -I if Df k C is V f f-1(y)) + tw) Dkf-1 f U there exist neighbourhoods by the proof of theorem 1.1.1 p. 186 in [I]. By induction V is differentiable of class U w f F and x V we will prove the remaining part that f k V and F E is tame for every k k we have that C U f Furthermore the formula y E V for all Then for every such that h K By is closed is continuous. C is bilinear it is differentiable of class is differentiable of class C a by induction a Thus the theorem is proved We shall now consider examples of coreflective subcategories of closed under finite products and the coreflectors identity mapping EXAMPLE Cc(U Let C (U,F) C F) Kc E Kc be the category Let Ka be the category K LC The coreflector ?e LC K e it is characterized as foilows: a filter for some filter which are fulfill the assumption that the is continuous. EXANPLE 2. spaces [2]. LC 90/. is the identity functor 1LC ?C of equabIe locaiIy convex Iimit vector is the identity on morphisms and on objects F G which converges on E converges to zero in to zero in E E e iff MIKAEL 364 Let EXAMPLE 3. M KM LC G E} E EXAMPLE 4. vector spaces. objects Eb E be the category KM F on E converges to zero in for some filter Let E The coreflector E M LC b Kb for some bounded subset converges to zero in Example G < F G and E of bornological locally convex limit is the identity on morphisms and on it is characterized as follows: a filter iff B < iff it is characterized as which converges to zero in be the category b [2]. The corflector of Marinescu spaces is the identity on morphisms and on objects follows: a filter N{G K LINDSTRO B c E F on E converges to zero in i.e. some set B such that VB E gives us the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser by Hamilton [|]. From example 3 we derive the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser for the (C C M A in Keller [2]). In [4] Kriegl has discussed smooth mappings between locally convex spaces, where a mapping is called smooth iff differentiability of class its composition with smooth curves are smooth. He has compared this concept of smooth- ness with different C -differentiabilities (see [2]). From [2] and [4] follow that a mapping between Frchet spaces is smooth iff it is C c -differentiable. Thus the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser is valid for this concept of smoothness. REFERENCES I. HAMILTON, R.S. The Inverse Function Theorem of Nash and Moser. New ser. vol. 7, 65-222 (1982). 2. KELLER, H.H. Differential calculus in locally convex spaces. Lecture Notes in Math. 417, Springer Berlin, 1974. SCHMID, R. The inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser for the F-differentiability. Proc. of the 2nd school on convergence spaces, Schwerin, 1983, 3. Conversence 4. Bulletin of AMS, Structures and Applications, I__I, Berlin 1984. KRIEGL, A. Eine kartesisch abgeschlossene Kategorie glatter Abbildungen zwischen beliebigen lokalkonvexen Vektorrumen. Mh. Math. 9__5, 287-309 (1983).