373 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 2 (1986) 373-380 K-COMPONENT DISCONJUGACY FOR SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS JOHNNY HENDERSON Department of Mathematics Auburn Unlverslty Auburn, Alabama 36849 (Received October 3, 1985) BSTKACT: DisconJugacy of the dlfferenttal equations Yn )’ YI’ f(x, a solution z(n) o(X) (n) component of the kth lj(I.I), YI’ Yn (x’ Rmn ): (a,b) order system of nth order ruth y(n-l)), ’ f(x, Y (I.I) Rm is defined, where are continuous. Given a k-component dlsconJugacy of the variational equation of Y0(n-l)(x)) ?n..i=ifyi( x’ 0(x), Z (i-l), (1.2), is also studied. Conditions are given for continuous dependence and dlfferentlabillty of solutions of (I.I) with respect to boundary conditions, and then intervals on which (I.I) is k-component dlsconJugate are characterized in terms of intervals on which (1.2) is k-component dlsconJugate. System of differential equations, variational equation, k-component disconJugacy (right dlsfocallty), continuity and dlfferentlabillty with KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. respect to boundary conditions. 1980 MS SUBJECt CLASSIFICATION: 1. 34BI0, 34B15. INTRODUCTION. In the past several years, a number of results have been proven concerning the dlsconJugacy of an order scalar ordinary differential equation when certain nth dlsconJugacy assumptions are made for the corresponding linear variational equation. in this paper we investigate similar concepts for systems of ordinary differential equations. In particular, we shall be concerned with solutions of boundary value problems for the ruth order system of y(n) order differential equations nth y(n-1)) f(x, ,Y’ where we assume throughout: (A) f(x, (B) __f (x, Yt I’ Y ): (a,b) n YI’’’’’ Yn ): (a,b) Rmn+ R Rmn/ m R is continuous; m, < J < m, < i < n, are continuous, JOHNNY HENDERSON 374 (C) (D) x (a,b) < and < k m such that k [c,d], for (i-l) (x)} (Yrjk I all Y0(x) solutions of the linear of z(n) ,Rather (I.I), 0(x) n i=l fYi (x, Y(x) ’z0’ < i < n, denotes the (a,b), for I nth -0 Z (i-l) Jacobian matrix m m (I.I), k < Yk (xj) Yk(X) Given a solution k, < m. we will be concerned with the Motivation for our and Sukup [4]. We say that (I.I) is k-component n, points a < x < < x < b, < mq partitioning n, and solutions k k (1) It follows that < be given. m dlsconJugate on (atb), if given 2 < q (a,b), positive integers ml, (x) and Z (x) of (I.I) satisfying and (1.2) ’Y] [I-2], Spencer [3], considerations here are papers by Peterson < n. order equations called v(n-1) (x)) (x), than with the dlsconJugacy of Let <i< and given by dlsconJugacy of one of the components of the system (I.I). DEFINITION. such that we will also be concerned with order system of ruth the variational equation along fYi (x)} Y then there is a subsequence converges uniformly on each compact subinterval of Given a solution Y0(x) will k X (x)} of (I.I), a point r [c,d] C (a,b), M > 0, a compact subinterval ^ then (a,b); If there exist a sequence of solutions u where Yk-l’ Yk+l’ Solutions of (I) extend to and Ym Rm’ Ym )’) (YI’ If (YI’ (m-l)-tuple will denote the on (Note: Ylm ); Y! (Yil’ where 0 z Zk(X). 0(x) of < i < mj-I < < q (I.I), k-component dlsconJugacy of (1,2) along is defined similarly. In this paper, we first sh that If the syst (I.I) Is k-component dlsconJugate, for some < k < m, then solutions of certain boundary value problems for (I.I) can be differentiated with respect to boundary conditions. partial derivatives as functions of problems for the system (1.2). x The resulting are solutions of related boundary value The main results of this paper appear in section 3, where we show that intervals on which (1.1) is k-component dlsconJugate can be characterized in terms of Intervals on which (1.2) is k-component dlsconJugate. Then in our last section, we state without proof some analogues of the results in section 3 in terms of k-component right dlsfocallty for the system (I.I). 2. CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. Our first result is concerned wih the continuous dependence of solutions of (I.I) on boundary conditions. Its proof is a standard application of the Brouwer Invarlance of Domain Theorem. THEOREM I. < a < Xq < < x v i),<, 1_< i_< , _< i_< n, Z!i)(x)" lira m, the system (I.I) is k-component be a solution of (I.I). Y (x) Let < k b, a e (a,b), positive integers ()(x)- clJ n, Z(x) (1)(tj) c Zk Y(i)(x) < Yk there exists a unique solution (Vi) < Assume that for some dlsconJugate on (a,b). 375 SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS DISC()NJUGACY FOR iJ , < ..... < < mj i < I, < Zd) of (1.1) satisfying 0 partitioning ml,...,mq 0<i<. < _< q _< 2 Given n, points n, and q, imply I-I) (a) and q uniformly on each compact subinterval of (a b) for O<i<n-1 ::,.0+ In addition to the continuous dependence in Theorem I, connectedness properties have played an important role in establishing dlsconJugacy or dlsfocallty results in [5], Peterson [2], and Sukup [4l. the papers of Henderson (a,b). dlsconJugate on xI, ’4, a, and Xq, the set {v Sp (mp-1) k v i)(xj) 0 < show that if z sup 0 {ol[o,y be as in Theorem I. (rap-l) < i (Xp)] C. Sp} q’ P’ i-l).a.( V 2} is an open interval. (xp), ] S is open. $ P z’ > z0’ then o’ Sp. and P < o0, o’ and that , ,k(t) (x )_(t) (_,k ), Vk(1)(Xp) Yk(1)(Xp) 0 < < m-2, p i z0’ P We will make the ’ > z0 We suppose that there exists _< _< It suffices to then z’ V (x) of (I.I) satisfying Now, from the definition of Let {z) Sp such that > 0, 0 {wkP (x)) Yk (mp-I) _< _< %- 0 and (mp-I) (x) v k condition (D) i {Wk(X)} (Xp) p < ’. and 0 w i and ], is uniformly bounded on there exists a subsequence uniformly on compact subintervals of N (a,b),for < < q, if for some [Xp, Xp + is uniformly bounded on boundary conditions that it ollows from the [Xp, Xp (x)} such that I _< i _< n. + ]. {w(i-l)(x)}’" ujk By converges In particular, this convergence is uniform on any compact subinterval containing a, and consequently, of (I.I) converges uniformly to a solution the subsequence No(X) N(x)} on compact subintervals of (a,b). P of solutions i uk S there exists a strictly monotone be the corresponding P, z’ and z(1.1)< z0satisfyingz N sequence n, < (gu)i-l)(a) i-l)(a), <_ (1)k (xj)- yk(1)(xj), < < mj-l, w(i)(Xp), yk(i)(Xp) _< _< mp 2, Wk(rap-l) (Xp) -. Now (m -) creaslng sequence q, p’ mp {zl[yk (}. v-) () t-} _< p _< Then, for (i.I), is a solution of (m p-I) Then there is a solution -< m, the system (I.I) is k-component Yk inf 0 k_ the argument for the first case. ! < It follows immediately from Theorem PROOF. O k be a solution of (I.I) and let mq V (x) (Xp) (Xp) Yk(1)(Xp), v (x) Let ml, _< _< n, and < Assume that for some THEOREM 2. Thus, it follows that 0 S P which is 376 JOHNNY HENDERSON contradictory to the fact that is not on uniformly bounded on (m -1) P (x +6 k (x P or (ii) v k is open. P Hence, [Xp, Xp + ]. (mp-1) (x) < (m P -1 Ince, for each e N Yk p Wuk there exists a sequence that (i) S (rap-l) Yk P + Xp with (Xp+j) and 6j+0 ymp wj k on (1) llm w / (mp-I) (Xp+dj) =v (x + 6 ), for all x P k P Yk(1)(x) p ujk(Xp + J) and hence by Theorem (Xp+dj) -1) (x) 0 < < i {wuj k compact subinterval of v > 0, {w (m -I) P (x)} uk (m-I) < (rap-l) wj k (x) < (mp-I) (x) Yk < v it follows (m p -1) (x) k (mp-I) (x) < wj k We then have by continuity that J (i) (x)} I, and < (x) p e (x) k p such that, either for all (m -1 P (mp-1) (x), {6j} given m -2 p converges to < < (a,b), for 0 i Yk(1)(x) uniformly on each n-l; a contradiction. This completes the proof. Our next result deals with differentiation of solutions of (1.1) with to boundary conditions in the presence of k-component dlsconJugacy. The proof follows along the lines of those given in Henderson [5-6] and respect Peterson [I] and we will omit it here. THEOREM 3. Let _< k < m be given and assume that (I.I) and the variational equation (1.2) along all solutions Y (x) of (I.I) is k-component dlsconJugate on (a,b). Let Y (x) be a solution of (I.I), and let 2 < q _< n, points a < x < < xq < b, a (a,b), and positive integers partitlonlng ml, ..., n be given. For < p < q, let S be as in Theorem 2, and for mq each p s (x,s) denote the corresponding solutlon of (1.1) where v (mp-1) k (Xp,S) V ’rhen -------x,s) exists and Z (x,s) V_(x,s let S p 7 s is the solution of (1.2) along V (x,s) condl tlous z (xj (x p zk 0 O, 0 (m -i) P (x) p 0 < < i i < s. s and satisfies the boundary < mj , < j < q, p, m-2, p =I 3. INTERVALS OF K-COMPONENT DISCONJUGACY. In this section, we determine subintervals of (a,b) on which (I.I) is k-component disconJugate in terms of subintervals on which (1.2) is k-component disconJugate. like those in Peterson Our arguments for this characterization are much [2] and Spencer [3]. For notational purposes, given a (a,b), let Y (x; a, solution of the initial value problem for (I.I) satisfying (vii, Vim) <_ <_ i n. Then, under our assumptions (A) Vl, Y(i-l)(a) V denote the V i (D), for each DISCONJUGACY FOR SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS < < < < and n (x; =, nd is a solution of (1.2) along Y < O, < ,, n, DEFINITIONS. (i> < Let n k(t Deflne U(-l)(a) k < o(X) o (ll) Given a solutlon o be esbllshed In i() < that this pape= Is o parts. It,b), o(X) proo The of b. o(X)) on (t) ma n(t) we set ((t; In o(X> 0())} Similar to the argument In Spen=er 0(x))}" (t; Inf me in, i [3], whi=h wlii we first prove eorem o me how ha trit Inequali Is not possible, hence the equaii will oe4. ?ROOF. i!k! Let inf 0(x) Ineal It, +), [t,+), solution Z (x; Y0(x)) i i 2 m-i, 2 and let 2q 2, > E 0 be given. tExl < xq < < ,, p, rti=ionlng 0(x)). 0, 2 i 2 n, and ose In [9], It follows at ere Is order zero at x vn=iCIk UIk(x;a, + x" Now for suitable consents in" V V n), where i-l)(a) [7], Muldowney [8], Y0(x)) W (x; su=h at of (1.2) Wli-l)(=; 2 I2i, ,n Clk _< i i n. For Vi, ti’ consider n the difference quotient Y (x;a,( ! Vl),Vlk+hC1k,...,( Vn),Vnk+hCnk Y1(X;’( Vl)’Vlk+hC1k’ Ym(X;a,( Vl),Vlk+hClk ,( By adding and subtracting, to quotient, tes of Vn), Vnk YO(X) solution zi)(x; 0()) -0, Henderson a solution < tn < Yo(X) and points t_< t < 2 i in, wk(x; 0(x)) s a slmpie ze=o t h +, and a non-trlvlal i22q. along ! esbllshed. Then on the variational equation (1.2) along a By dlseonugay arguments similar and Peterson points mq ml, e of i-i)(=; of (i.i), su=h mat 0 Y0(x))} ,etlo, 0 (> >i" 0(x> there exist positive integers (t>i. ((; The. bgi.. {(t; -O, (a,b). t (t; (i.i), deine (1.2) Is not k-component dls=onJugate along The In =esuit exists (I I) Is not k-component dlseonugste on If (I.I) Is k-component dls=onug, te on [t, ti. satisfying n) O(i-l)() V ..., mv) Iv be given and let m (t,b) t Inf Yn VI, ( e , V I, (x; (x; a, V l’***’ Vn) m, U 377 + e hCnk), form Vn)’v+hCnk)-Yl (x;a’ VI"’’’ Vn Vn),v+hCnk)-Ym(X;a Vn) e Jth V I, component, yj(x;a, VI,...,( Vs), vs k we obin n m + of e hCsk,... YO(X)) O, , an od h O, JOHNNY HENDERSON 378 i_{ (x;a,( V1),Vlk+hC1k,...,( Vn),Vnk+hCnk )- h + Vl)’Vlk Ulkl(X;a Y (x;a Ikl V2)’V2k+hC2k + Ikg’ V2)’V2k+hC2k’ V V )} n V Vnk + hCnk)] Clk Ulkm(X;a’( Vl)’Vlk Vl’’’’’ Vn-l’( Vn)’ Vnk + Vnk + Unkl(X;a’.. Unkm(X;a’ VI"’’’ Vn-l’( Vn)’ Cnk < < v m, 0 is between ukv and nkl, nkg Hence, hCuk. Vn )’vnk + hCnk) ,( where for each 0, the d.fference h as quotient (3.1) converges uniformly on compact subintervals to Ulk m(x;a, V 1,..., V vnt=lCik Uik(x;a Vl, I (x) difference Vn). Y (x;a,( VI,... Vn Y (x;a, and -= < O, Pk(i) (t) < Vl),Vlk PROOF. if ns+ > n, for some .i (t) < +e, < Let - Let inf Zo(X) 9q)}, {(ml, _< k m + ),Vnk P(-l)(a) hCnk _< i _< n, -O, and since e > 0 was arbitrary, we have {nlk(t; where o(X))} Then {n (t; inf o(X) and assume that 9q 91, n l(t) ik(t) < 10(x)}" o. On are positive integers partitioning ordering by q-l} (nl, ..., Uq) > (91, 9p), n 9i, _< i <_ s, and i such that ms+ I. _< t points y ml V t be given. < (Xq) (m q. )(x I) .=oo o x1 1,...,gq) is the last tuple for such distinct solutions, (Xl)" w heo=, y < Xq < < 0 9q), W (x) of hence That being the case, it follows from the argument used in the , m. m , (Xq), n(t) < o, there exist a last tuple (91 o, a c It,o), and distinct solutions Y (x) and Since we are assuglng that < sufficiently small, the hClk,...,( _< q < n, we define a lextcographical n > 91, or if there exists s {1, n, h n l(t; Y0(x)) }. Inf THEOREM 5. v + V 1,..., V {n k o(X) the set Thus, for satisfies the conditions It follows that k Unkg(X;, n) < i < 9q S k’)() V ) , ,ouo o .), DISCONJUGACY FOR SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS If for each s S S s’ and If we set (x,) V v (Xq,S) k V 8s (x,) Z v above that z [t,). (mq-1) < . (s-s,) s (x,) Z (1.2) along is the solution of _< i _< O, i vmq-l" (Xq,). (Xq,S’) then < 0, (Xq,S--) k k (a,) i)(xq,) q-l, (mq-l) (x,), and satisfies < o q such that such that, for the kth component, (m -I 0 _ denote the corresponding solution of (I.I), Y (x) V (x,s) and W (x) V (x,s’). and Theorem 3, we conclude that there exists an s,s’ From the connectedness of which is between V (x,s) S, we let s then there are distinct 379 (xj,) n, 0, m-2, and 0_<i<_mj-l, But we also have O, which contradicts the dlsconJugacy of (1.2) Thu, ou= .s.upio. () f.e .d i- Yo(X) ((t; 0 ()))" 4. RIGHT DISFOCALITY AND INTERVALS OF RIGHT DISFOCALITY. In this section we present analogues of the results of section 3 in terms of what we call k-component right disfocality. Much of our notation is that used by Muldowney [10]. DEFINITIONS. Let z We say that a function < _< i n, y(J)(t i) and A partition (Zl; i; ...;T) Is nd if + m ! , (tl, y(x) ...; an l, s where in) has ) Tj i < t t in W (x) (a,b), some (vl; mj ...; TI, ) -= Y (x) W(kJ-l)(x) and has k(x) {nj}j. then it follows that w For a sequence of integers let m + (mj) J=l + m For a sequence mj - > n n < or t Wi-1)(a) zeros at n < s zl* t _< tn, <_ 2 s and ...; m) dlsfocal on Z (x) of (I.I) such that Z (x) satisfies is an increasing partition of n O, (ml; We say the system (I.I) is k.-component right (a,b), 0 <_ mj _< n-+l, if given solutions Y (x), their difference t provided J, then either is the multipllclty of m (a,b). if t occurs m times in z. i is obtained by inserting -1 semicolons. z Increasing partition of with y(t i) provided _< _< m-l, 0, 0 of be an n-tuple of points from zeros at n j, points in J 0, _< , (a,b) _< i < n, where with O. satisfying >, >_, > (4.1) be a sequence of nonnegative integers satisfying n, m 2 {nj}= k-component right satisfying (4.2)}. + / m < n2, m_ / m < n_l, m < n. (4.2) (4.1), d.efine 8k(t)- sup{t > t (I.I) is dlsfocal on [t,t I] for all sequences {mj} satisfying (m I; ...; m) Given a solution Y (x) of (I.I), 8k(t; defined similarly for the variational equation (1.2) along Y (x)) is Y (x). In much the same manner as Peterson [11] has proven for scalar equation can be characterized In tes of 8k(t; Y (x)) as sted In e following 8k(t) eorem. JOHNNY HENDERSON 380 < Let THEOREM 6. k < (a,b). m be given and let c Then, either (x) of (1.1) such that the variational equation (I.2) has a noutrivial solution Z (x) satisfying the conditions (1) there is a solution (x) along i-)() k(i-t) (c) z k(i-1) (d) where here c; Y (x)), a d <_ n- J+l <_ , (n+ Bk(c) (ll) o in-.i, 0 n-J+1 [c,d], and i _< n+l, satisfies nn_j+ 2 < J _< nn_J+l, 0), or inf {Bk(c; (x))}. Y (x) REFERENCES I. PETERSON, A., Comparison theorems and existence theorems for ordinary differential equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 55 (1976), 773-784. 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