Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 2 (1986) 223-244 223 CONCEPTS OF GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND THE THEORY OF FOURIER SERIES M. AVDiSPAHid Univerzitet "Dzemal Bijedi" Gradj evinski fakultet A. Zuanida 14, 88000 Mostar Yugoslavia (Received April 26, 1985) The aim of this article is to unify a large part of present knowledge about ABSTRACT. the behaviour of Fourier series of functions of generalized bounded variation. The connections between various concepts are discussed, particular attention being payed to those due to Waterman and Chanturiya. Exploiting the existing interactions and utilizing the power of one or another approach to some typical questions of the Fourier theory, a number of previously unnoticed results are obtained in the course of this exposition. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: abo te convergences Fourier series, generaZized bounded variation, Gibb " I0 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I. uniform and phenomenon. 42C10. INTRODUCTION. One of the features which distinguish Jordan’s class BV among the other standard classes of functions in analysis is that the Fourier program can be carried out in it in the "most classical sense": the Fourier series of any function of this class is every- where pointwise convergent; in case of a continuous function the convergence is uniform; continuity of a function may be characterized in terms of its Fourier coefficients, etc. (As it is well known, the Fourier program in its "original sense" failed dramatically already in 1876, when du Bois-Raymond constructed a continuous function whose Fourier series diverges at a point.) Another interesting occurrence is that already in order to characterize continuity, Wiener came out of the class ol variation of a higher order. BV and introduced the concept Later investigations in Fourier analysis on the one h,,d, and a mathematician’s always present desire for more elegance and/or more generality in treating a particular problem on the other hand, have lead to further interestig generalizations and new classes of functions. Domains of validity of many classical theorems were extended, sometimes to their "natural borders". After the sec- tion on notation, we survey some of these concepts and relationships between them in sections 3 5. In I0 sections which follow thereafter we try to picture the present state of the Fourier theory of functions of generalized bounded variation, treating AVIDISPAHI M. 224 topics as: pointwise, uniform, and absolute convergence, summability, order of magnitude of Fourier coefficients, continuity, determination of a jump, Gibb’s phenomenon, conju- gate series, Parseval’s identities. It is often indicated how to derive some recent results from each other and from However what is being said in this the older ones, usually enriching their substance. direction is, as a rule, a sample rather than a detailed account of such possibilities. OTATION AND CONVENTIONS. 2. We consider real-valued 2.1. a, b (a<b) endpoints M(f) inf f, 2.2. a sup f (b an(f) n denotes, as usual, the n-th cosine (sine) Fourier coeffi- bn(f)) n f cient of a function (f) and O (a + b2)i/2n n S (x) (f) and those n (6,f) f(6) f n If(x+h) f(x) {f e C: 6a, (6) If g C: 2.4. o(a)}. f(6) (x). m defined on [0,], m(O) 0 f C g Lip is sup 0x2 (,f) sup 0 LP: {f lip (a,p) 2.5. The norm of (2 a ! I, Lip (a,p) 0 0}. as Integral moduli of continuity of P For 0((6)) f(6) 0 < a ! I, this class is denoted llfll P if(x+h LP: {f P inf L f(x) iPdx)I/p are given by 0 <p < O(a)} P o(6a)}. (6,f) 0f2 p f m (6,f) The best approximation of order E (n,f) if(x n to T (x) n f L g p L in p is IPdx) I/p where the infimum is taken over all trigonometric polynomials n, n 2.6. (C,a), a [2] p.76) and 2.7. A Tn of degree not higher 1,2, than -i, denotes the 6a(f) (a(f)) n n Cesro summability method of order the corresponding Cesro means of a ([I], pp. 96-97; S(f) ((f)). is the class of functions with absolutely convergent Fourier series. class of regulated functions (Dieudonn [3], p. 139), sided limits at each point. For W n subadditive, we set H {f or I. Given an arbitrary nondecreasing continuous function and n(X,f) and Sn(f), Sn(x,f) are denoted by (f) f is sup h 0 is the Fourier series of S(f) analogously- The modulus of continuity of 2.3. S(f) Partial sums of is its conjugate series. or simply is an interval with the For bounded functions, m(f) f(a) f(b) f(1) I If 2-periodic functions. we write f g W we always suppose is actually the universal class of this paper. W is the i.e. unctions possessing the one- f(x) (f(x+O) f(x-0))/2 GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES 225 Symbols for the classes of generalized bounded variation and related notions are 2.8. to be found in Sections 3 and 5. GENERALIZATIONS DUE TO N. WIENER, L.C. YOUNC, D. WATERMAN AND Z.A. CHANTURIYA. 3. The classes of functions of bounded variation of higher orders were for the first time introduced by Wiener in his paper [4]. Various definitions of this notion appear [5]. We choose be of bounded p-variatlon on I0,2I, pit and in the literature, but they all yield the same classes of functions, A function DEFINITION 3.1. V to belong to the class V (f) P is said to , ..If(li)IP}I/P Z sup f if P i where the supremum is taken over all finite collections of I of [0,2] V (f) The quantity nonoverlapping subintervals is called the p-variation of P on [0,2]. f of p-variation see also [6-12]. For a detailed study Wiener’s concept has been genralized by Young [13] in the following way. Let DEFINITION 3.2. creasing from V(f) 0 to {I.}i over all systems (u) Clearly, [0,2] is the supremum on of nonoverlapping subintervals of u gives the Jordan’s class BV It is customary to consider convex functions O, (x)/x 0 (x/O+) nonnegative, continuous sup {x: @ f -variation of a function (If(l i )I) i P (0) The and strictly in- of the sums Z V . be a continuous function defined on [0, ) 0} on. (x) and (x)/x V (u) up and ={f: V(f)<=} gives Wiener’s satisfying the conditions: (x+) Such a function and strictly increasing from the point We suppose that complementary to [0,2]. x is nondegenerate, i.e. in the sense of Young is defined by @(y) is necessarily inf {x: o x o 0. max{xy (x)> 0}= The function (x)}. xZO It is also convenient to suppose that tive constants x and o (2x) ! d(x) d (d for 2) 0 satisfies the condition V There exist posi- such that x ! x o since this condition is necessary and sufficient for the space The classes 42: V to be linear. have been thoroughly studied in Musielak and Orlicz [14] and Lesniewicz and Orlicz [15]. Another type of generalization, directly influenced by the convergence problems in the theory of Fourier series, appeared in DEFINITION 3.3. Let to infinity, such that variation on Z A {% n Z I/% Waterman’s paper [16] in 1972. be a nondecreasing sequence of positive numbers tending diverges. n [0,27] (or to belong A function f is said to be of A-bounded ABV) if to the class If(In)I/ n for every choice of nonoverlapping intervals is called the A-variation of f In case I A [0,2]. n {n} The supremum of these sums one speaks of harmonic bounded AVDISPAHI6 M. 226 variation and the class HBV. Am Let in {An+m}, A function 0,1,2, m AcBV) A-variation (to belong to VAm(f) if f e ABV O, as is said to be continuous m ([17]). ABV, properties of A-variation function, A BV, Properties of functions of the class C ABV as Banach space, etc., have been investigated in e.g., has shown in [18] that ABV BV [18],[19], [20], [21]. W is precisely the intersection and Perlman, the union of all spaces and that no one of these results can be improved by taking countable inter- sections or unions of If and xy < inequality ABVs. Young’s complementary functions, are (x) + (y) (Young’s inequality) that it follows directly from the V# cHBV I (I/n) if Actually, more can be said. Z (I/n) < THEOREM 3.1. PROOF. V HcBV. implies There exists a decreasing sequence of positive numbers slowly that @(__I )n n Z ([22]). lapping subintervals of [0,27]. Z n m+l -< If(In) < I n n+m nZ (If(In) l) +Zn Let f V# For every If( I n )I 0,1,2 n be n tending to 0 so sequence of nonover- one has _< (n+m)en+m ((n+m)len+m) m and {I e _< V(f) + C. 0 (m ), Hence nZ f implying -< n+m em+l(V(f)+C) H BV. C Recently Schramm and Waterman [23] have combined concepts of and A variation into DEFINITION 3.4. A function f is said to be of A-bounded variation (f for every system {I of nonoverlapping subintervals of [0,27] #ABV) if n n n The supremum of these sums, V#A(f), is called the #A-variation of f An intermediate step was Shiba’s [24] introduction of the classes (#(u) u p on [0,27]. ABV (p) p > 1). Finally, Chanturiya’s generalization [25], whose connections with that of Waterman are going to play the central role in the course of our narrative, is described in DEFINITION 3.5. The modulus of variation of a bounded function f is the function with domain the positive integers, given by f(n) where Nn {Ik: n p n k=Zl k=l,...,n} subintervals of [0,2hi. is an arbitrary finite collection of n nonoverlapping f GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES 227 The modulus of variation of any function is nondecreasing and concave. Vc V[n-l(I/n)] {f: W and f(n) for which f the class of functions 4. VIii of an integral argument with such properties, then by function 0((n)) (n ). Given a one denotes We note that o(n)} ([25]). vf(n) RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WATERMAN’S AND CHANTURIYA’S CONCEPTS. Using a simple averaging argument the possibility of which lies in the heart of {In Definition 3.3 (Independent permutations of and {I k} pointed out in [26] the following inclusion relation between are admissable!) we have Waterman’s and Chanturiya’s classes. ABV THEOREM 4.1. n V n i11/x. Analogously we obtain for the new classes given by Definition 3.4. i Vine-l( CABV THEOREM 4.2. )] n Z 1/I. l i=l Let {I PROOF. f and i} n overlapping intervals I i [0,2] By Jensen’s inequality we have CABV 6 be an arbitrary collection of n (i--E1 If(Ii) I/I n k=El i/k k (If(Ii) l)/l. n i--El n Z k=l n Z i/l k k=l i/l k This yields n i--El If(li) I. -< C-I( n )" kZ=l kl /k n 1/1 k and in the next step, proceeding as in Theorem 4.1., n i If(li) ! Cn-l( n k I/I k The result in the opposite direction we shall need in a slightly more precise form than it was stated in [26]. THEOREM 4.3. If kl A(I/Xk)f(k) < ’ f then f e A BV. c PROOF. n If(Ik) kl Ik+m CA. Ak+m -< as m - By Abel’s partial sunation and the facts that one obtains I k Ak-t illf(li) (A. )9 (k) + f kZl Ak+m )f(k+m) f + (n) k--Zn+m AI k k__Zn+m (A + n-I- < )f(k) A is continuous in im+ vf kl (A variation, i.e., is nondecreasing and If(Ik) .)f(i) < o(I) A n / , AVIDSPAHI M. 228 COROLLARY I. i) v(k)/k --El k ii) k__El (k)/k 2 < i) If II0 COROLLARY 2. ii) dx I If /I i) log--7--Cx] dx 0 0 < a < I, then dx < - l n=l yields {n a} BV V. c V#c HcBV then l-a(x I(I) < Now the assertion follows V[n-l(I/n)]. Vc from Corollary I. i), since Follows in a similar way from Corollary I. ii). ii) COROLLARY 3. i) C f If k=El A(l/k)kmf(I/k) and {n Lip a ii) PROOF. , < V[v]c {n a} C BV; HcBV V[]c implies l-a(x 0 PROOF. l+a < (R), 0 < a < I, implies C BV ii) AcBV; f o(kf(I/k)) f(k) Follows from Theorem 4.3 and the fact that i) then 0 < a < 6 > l-e, for , < ([25],Th. 4). Immediately from i). An especially interesting case is given by 6 < 0 < a For THEOREM 4.4. {na}BV V[n Vl/(l_a Let i) f E {na}BV m d k kl= a k K d < f(Ik) k Vrna(f)t {I and let lapping subintervals of [0,2w]. numbers {nB}c BV In particular, Lip All inclusions are strict. PROOF. one has a k From k Hence m V f dk k(l-a)(p-l)d k k I Therefore a d m l-a a m is independent of the choice of intervals dp l-a {I d m it follows < K k} < K p-I I for every adk < m p =I/(l-a) For __k Cml-adm KP-IV{na (f) {n }BY. m k and the constant one has what implies Lip(l-a) The inclusion In the interval [0,] Vl/(l_a Let us show that is obvious. we shall take the points x o O, x n k=l klog s I/(l-a) (k+l) f (0) f(Xn f() lim s n/ n The function O, (/s) (/s) l-a l-a n k=El k__Zt (-I) k+l (-1) kl-alog(k+l k+l kl-alog(k+l f Lip(l-s)# s /s, n n n m < d P ii) S - be an arbitrary finite collection of nonover- We may suppose that they are denumerated so that the descend. for every k} (l-a) {na}BV is defined by where 229 GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES I and to be linear on each (/s)l-c If(Ik) f 1,2 k is extended to [0,2] by Now 0 < x _< for f(-x) f(x+) [Xk_l,Xk], k llkll- kl-log (k+l) Figure k (/s) ka I interval kl f(x") ({f(x) I x on I k k I k m) (n klog(k+l) one can always find k Lip(l-a) l-a x’, x" Really, for any two points Lip(I-a). f n [f(Ik) n Hence so that {na}BV. f [0,2], not contained II k such that O x"l ! x’ and However, in the same f(x’), O See Figure I.) (Geometrically it is obvious. Since O (with the Lipschitz constant independent of k), the assertion follows. iii) V[ na] Vl/(l_a I/2 i-I and iv) f(2) f(O) [1,2], where V[nU]{n } C BY since the values of 5. 0 B and linear on the intervals f f(I/2 i-l) f: example that the inclusion is strict is provided by the function f(3/2 i+l) An follows straightforwardly from the Hider inequality. [I/2 i 3/2 i+l] I/i [3/2 l-a i+l i=1,2 follows from Theorem 4.3. This inclusion is obviously strict, lie in the open interval. BANACH INDICATRIX. In 1925 Banach [27] introduced, for a continuous function [m(f),M(f)] which f(x) [0, m] setting if and only if /M(f) BV Nf the Banach indicatrix of [0,2] m(f) Nf(y) and a continuous function If f F on [29]; rediscovered in Tsereteli [30]). theorem is also valid for f [31]. Nf(y) otherwise. Nf: for He proved that W there exist an increasing function [(0),(2)] Defining Nf such that N F f F- on (Sierpiski one obtains that the Banach since that variation of a function does not vary for mono- tone transformations of the argument. Lozinski and [0,2] x (see also Natanson [28], p. 253 ff., who called N (y)dy < f f). the function equal to the number of values of y, if this number is finite, f f This generalization of Banach’s result is due to The approach presented here is from [32]. M. 230 be an increasing concave function on [0,), (0), (x) Now let (x+). (x)/x +0 AVDISPAHI (x/), [32] have recently proved the following Asatiani and Chanturiya theorem. THEOREM 5.1. If W f and I M(f) (N f (y))dy < re(f) (5 I) f then the modulus of continuity of satisfies Z [2(n) -(n-l) -(n+l)] . (5.2) for which (5.2) is valid but (5.1) is not. C f There exists a < f(n) n=l Theorem 5.1 and Theorem 4.3 imply {f THEOREM 5 2 PROOF. /M(f) (Nf(y))dy W: < } Now I/K (n)-(n-l) would have K If there were a constant is concave. { COROLLARY If COROLLARY 2. (f COROLLARY 3. {f p k W: K n Hence IM(f) NfI/p (y)dy } < n N follows from the fact that n for every [(k)-(k-l)] n/K (n)/n /0 (n/). trary to the assumption that > n+l (n)-(n-l) n so defined, possesses all the n such that n (n) and where c It suffices to check that the sequence properties required by Definition 3.3. then we n for every n, con- n n Finally {n l-I/p m(f) c k I/k=(n)/ BV. (Zerekidze [33]; Garsia and Sawyer [34], p.591) I M(f) m(f) W: {f W: NfI/p(y)dy IM(f) m(f) 6. A BV m(f) log < } Nf(y)dy V P < } p > I. H BV c POINTWISE CONVERGENCE OF FOURIER SERIES. In the question of convergence of the Fourier series of functions belonging to the classes V and V[], Salem and Chanturiya, respectively, have concentrated their attention on continuous functions of the class and uniform convergence of their series. The concept of A-variation again (and harmonic variation, in particular) has originated Waterman’s from Goffman’s and investigation [35] of the conditions under which a Fourier series converges everywhere for every change variable. (According to their own words, they were inspired by the possibilities hidden in Salem’s method of [22].) The next result, obtained by Waterman ([16],[36]), is the farthest reaching result on the conver- gence of functions with bounded generalized variation. THEOREM 6.1. bounded. If f HBV, then the partial sums of its Fourier series are uniformly The series converges everywhere and converges uniformly on closed intervals of points of continuity. If ABV HBV, then there is a continuous f ABV whose Fourier series diverges at a point. Using Theorem 4.2 and 4.3 we state three corollaries, the first two of them in parelal form. COROLLARY I. evzadze [37]), All funcitons of the class everywhere convergent Fourier series. V[] with Z (n) < n2 have 231 GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES COROLLARY 2. If f e If E V and I -I () < =, then the Fourier series of f converges eve rywhere. COROLLARY 3. -I < n , the partial sums of the Fourier series of i__sii/ i f c ABV are uniformly bounded, the series converges everywhere and the convergence is uniform on the closed intervals of points of continuity. In virtue of Chanturiya’s result that Z condition @() , < I -I < is equivalent to Salem’s Corollary 2 is the known result, obtained in an interesting man- ner (Koethe space setting) by Goffman [38]. However his method gives no information regarding uniform convergence (what is the initial Salem’s result and the omitted part of Corollary 2.) By a result of Sevast’yanov (see Section 7 for more details) Coroand 2 are in fact equivalent. llaries Corollary 3 is new. Unfortunately, the substance of Shiba’s paper [39] on uniform ABV(P) is unknown to us, but we expect that the convergence of funcitons of the class corresponding result is in accordance with Corollary 3, i.e. If f ABV (p) n C and Z n( i:i I/ i I/p < =, then the Fourier series of f converges uniformly. In view of Theorem 4.4, everywhere convergence of the Fourier series of a function {na}BV < I, follows already from Hardy-Littlewood’s result concerning the 0 < classes Lip(I/p,p) ([40]) and uniform convergence, if f is continuous, from Yano’s f observation [41]. (For other proofs in case of Wiener class V c Lip(I/p,p) see P Young [9] and Marcinkiewicz [8].) There is an interesting estimate, due to Bojanid and Waterman [42] of the rate of convergence in this case. THEOREM 6.2. If f e {na}BV, V() For denotes =0 (i.e. {n}-variation BY) f I, then n V(E) kE__ (n+l)l- general result (classes ABV 7. < < (2-)(i+2/) iSn(x)_f(x)l where 0 < of gx(t) f(x+t) + f(x-t) 2f(x). this is an earlier result of Bojanid [43]. which can be closer to HBV) see Waterman For a more [44]. UNIFORM CONVERGENCE. As an application of his convergence criterion, Salem [22] has proved ready noted in Section 6) that all continuous functions of the class convergent Fourier series if the function tion r. @(I/n) @, complementary to (7.1) V@ as Salem’s classes.) was an open question whether the condition (7.1) is definitive. log -d < For a long time it It was answered in positive independently by Baerstein [45] and Oskolkov [46] in 1972. that (7.1) is equivalent to 0 it was al- @, satisfies the condi- < (Later on, we shall refer to such classes i V@ s have uniformly Oskolkov has shown (7.2) AVIDISPAHI M. 232 and this is further, according to the result of Chanturiya [47], equivalent to -I Z (7.3) < For the deviation of Vn f from the partial sums of its Fourier series Oskolkov C gave the estimate ls n(f)-fll < v c(/"> 0 is an increasing function on [0,), with Here he supposes merely that In case not necessarily convex. (f) og:d = #() #(0) 0, one obtains the earlier result of Stechkin [48]: If f BVoC E then llf-Sn(f)ll ! C(/n) log(V(f)(/n)). ([2], Using a nonincreasing rearrangement f V Nf @ (() he constructed a convex function f a function p.30) of the Banach indicatrix of i 0 (iM(f) and showed that the criterion of Garsia and Sawyer [34], Theorem I) is a consequence of Salem’s result. du N re(f) log such that Nf(y) dy < (Till then, the cases of the See, e.g., Goffman [38], Garsia-Sawyer class and Salem classes were treated separately. Waterman [16].) In view of the fact that O(n vf(n) -I (I/n)) for V f and equivalence of (7.1) and (7.3), Salem’s theorem follows from Chanturiya’s result [47]: CV[v] Fourier series of all functions of the class converge uniformly if (and only if) Z v(k__) < (7.4) k2 However, (7.4) is equivalent to (7.1). such that f 6 V# one can construct Sevast’yanov [49]). and (7.1) is satisfied. Since all the conditions above on E v(k)/k 2 < (If f f yield part statements are corollaries of Theorem 6.1. HBV corresponding sufficient What is new here, are the estimates, the most general one being THEOREM 7.1. (Chanturiya, [47]) n(f) ll ! C If min l<_m ! [] f E C[0,2], then {m (I/n) f m k I/k + [(n-l)/2] 2 k=+l f(k)/k n>3 It implies the estimates of Lebesque and Oskolkov. 8. SUMMABILITY OF FOURIER SERIES. The usual task of summability in Fourier analysis is to recover a function from its Fourie series by some regular method, since, in general, the series fails to converge. However, in the class ferent: HBV this is not the case and our question here is quite dif- Can one state some assertion, stronger than convergence, about the behaviour of the Fourier series of functions belonging to certain subclasses of what extent stronger? ation" of f and, if so, to HBV It is natural to expect that this depends on the "order of vari- The methods which we consider are Cesro methods (C,), -I < < O. The central result in this direction is the following theorem due to Waterman [17]. 233 GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES 8.1. THEOREM (C,a-l) everywhere S(f) The Fourier series of onlinuity of of a function bounded and is uniformly (C,a-l) If f {n a} BV, f S(f) then c {na}BV f a < I, is 0 bounded on each closed interval (C,a-l) is everywhere summable to and the summability is uniform on each closed interval of continuity. f boundedness and convergence, by a well known convexity theorem ([I], (C,a-l) From p. 127), (C,B) B summability for a-I follows. V {na}cBV Analogous to Theorem 3.1 one realizes that 0 < a < i. I (I/ka) < if Therefore, as the first corollary of Theorem 8.1 we can state a theorem of Akhobadze [50], proved independently and at the same time as Theorem 8.1. COROLLARY I. If is (C,-) V f Z (i/k and l-a O< a )< i, then the Fourier series of I @(I/k Akhobadze establishes also that the condition f e sufficient in order that the assertion holds for every f e C n ABV Waterman proves that there exists (Asatiani, [51] If f C n v[J uniformly (C,-) summable to f. COROLLARY 2. is l-a) < V is continuous. is necessary and and, on the other hand, whose Fourier series is not (C,a-l) {na}BV. ABV bounded at some point, if S(f) f summable everywhere and the summability is uniform if Z and (k 2-a <=, 0< a i, then According to Theorem 8.1, if in Corollary 2 we let out the assumption of continuity of the we have f - (C,-a) everywhere summability in conclusion. Corollary 2, so en- riched, and Theorem 4.2 imply COROLLARY 3. If then ()n i=Zll/%i n S(f) and I -i i n=l ABV f (C,-a) is everywhere summable to and the summability is uniform on f each closed interval of continuity. In a similar way, using the results of of Section 5, one can state corresponding (C,8) assertions for the classes defined by means of the Banach indicatrix. bility for 4.4, V f B P -l/p, > Young [9]. was proved by summa- which is an immediate consequence of Theorems 8.1 and It follows also from a more general result of Hardy and Littlewood [40] on the classes Lip(i/p,p) (see also [2], p. 66). In the end we mention Asatiani’s extension of Chanturiya’s theorems on uniform con- vergence. THEOREM 8.2. If f C and m lim min n- l_<m<n-I series of f {f(I/n) k I is uniformly i/k I- + n-I 1 (C,-a) The condition above (with m km+ f(k)/k2-} summable to and O, 0 -< f fixed) is also necessary for uniform summability of all Fourier series of functions of the class 9. . i, then the Fourier H (C,-a) n VIii. ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE. Bernstein has proved that the Fourier series of n -/2 f(i/n) (see [2], p. 241). f is absolutely convergent if The condition is best possible in the sense AVDISPAHI M. 234 , -i/2m (l/n) Z n that if f e H then there exists 1/2 and there exists BY, the condition Now if posed on its modulus of continuity may be significantly weakened. of Zygmund ([2] (Stechkin [52]; A f such that see [53], p. 14 f.). In particular Lip a A for a f e Lip 1/2 \A (This was already proved by Bernstein.) Namely, by a theorem p. 241) in this case i/n/2(l/n) Z (Hence BVc Lip a S(f). is sufficient for absolute convergence of A 0.) for all That this condition is also definitive (and for every uniformly bounded complete orthonormal system!) was proved by Bochkarev [54] ([54a]) in 1973. (It is understandable that his method has become fundamental for necessity type results of this kind.) The question arises: I/ n Hence, the fact that V 2 ABV f HBVoH ’ is of generali?ed and by HIder inequality Z I/ with convergence of the Fourier series of absol,te for What is an apprepriate condition if Trivially, Lip I/2 bounded variation? H f a V ABV 2 if does not contribute to n (Both in [20] and[16] theorems have been stated!) A Siasz has noted that what is actually needed in Bernstein’s theorem is the conver- gence of the series I’ n -112 I02 (]/n,f) Stechkin [55] gave a criterion in terms of the best approximations to Sasz’s theorem from and deduced E it f in L2-metric by means of the Jackson type relation O[m 2(I/k,f)]. 2(k,f) (9.1) In [56] McLaughlin has generalized Stechkin’s result to {’k Let THEOREM 9.1. sequence of natural numbers and Z k-/2[E2(m(k) {akt where Assume that {m(k)} is an increasing be an orthonormal system. f)]B < 0 -< 2. then Z If kla m(k) ]B < denotes the sequence of Fourier coefficients of f for {k The theorem and the relation (9.1) stress the importance of the estimate for 2(1/k,f). The essential result for our purposes here is due to Chanturiya [57]: (n)+n 2 (l/k where W f Cn-1/2(k=Z(n) f) max {m: (n) and (k)/k 2) i/2 f (9 2) f(m)/m_> f(I/n)}. Now from Theorem 9.1, (9.1) and (9.2) one obtains immediately Chanturiya’s theorem announced in [58]. THEOREM 9.2. Let Z n=l For n f 6-3 .n+/-(n) (kL (n) 6 THEOREM 9.3. 0, B =I ([57]) H V[v], 2 (k)/ k2 3/2 < (n) o(n). then Z n=l B 0 If 6 n 0 B n < < 2 . this yields the sufficiency part of For a Fourier series of the class H m be absolutely convergent it is necessary and sufficient that l-2a n=l ]2(l-a) ![() n and V[n a 0 < a < I/2, to GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES nong 235 a number of corollaries which one can state for particular classes, we point to Lip a n V[n COROLLARY I. ([59]) Cor. I.) A B 0 < for I/2, a > O. A (a,B as above) and furBy Theorem 4.4 this is equivalent to Lip a n {n }BV n < to Hirschman ([60], result due was an earlier a what A V 2) (p ther to Lip P Lemma 2d). Similarly ([59] COROLLARY 2 I/2 V[n f If Z O k then for in [6] (a special case of Th. 6 P (Corollary 2 may be obtained from Theorem 9.1 via (9.1) and 10(3).) 2/(3-26), there). Theorem 3) Golubov’s result on is equivalent to V Using Theorem 4.2 and 4.4 it is also possible to deduce some informations (in ABV. various forms) about the classes i0. ORDER OK MAGNITUDE OF FOURIER COEFFICIENTS. ml(,f) A standard argument (see [61], p. 80 f.) leads to the relation O(6f([I/])) f2 0 [I/ if(x+h)_f(x)id X Let We repeat it. f for bounded 2 kl [l/h] 0 < h ! Then If(x+kh)-f(x+(k-l)h)l dx 2 ! [I/h] vf([I/h] +|) (10.1) Since vf(n)/n f(n)/n ! f(n+l)In is nonincreasing, we have Further [I/6] [I/h] (l+lln)f(n+l)l(n+l) ! (l+lln)f(n)In. implies vf([I/h])/[I/h] ! vf([I/6])/[i/6]. ! Hence ml (6’f) <spi 0 6 g2 if(x+h)_f(x)id x Since the absolute value dominated by 0 ml(/n,f)/(//), V[] of the classes 0(6f([1/6])). of the n-th Fourier coefficient of n f is always it follows that the Fourier coefficients of functions (n)/n (see also Chanturiya [59]) are of the order From this and the results of Section 4, follow all known estimates for Fourier coefficients of functions of generalized bounded variation. Pn 0(1/ ABV, e.g., one obtains In case of n i=Z1 I/i). This was independently proved by Wang [62] in 1982. [23] and this author Littlewood [40]) and hence O n(f) For f O(n -I/p) Lip(a, p) if [20], Schramm and Waterman 0n(f) f e V O(I/n a) (Hardy and Lip(I/p,p) (Marcinkiewicz P [8]). Waterman’s result o(na-l), if iM(f) llp(y)dy Nf m(f) {n f a < Wang [20] has proved on summability (Theorem }c BV or if 0n(f) 0 I a < I. f(n)/n o(I/ n i__E1 8.1) implies ([2], In particular, 2-1/p < I/ i) or if for f 0 (f) n f V o(n p.78) that On(f) -I/p) I) with (P if I @(I/n I-I/p) <. A BV, in general. c Hence func- tions of Salem classes and of the class of Garsia and Sawyer have Fourier coefficients of order o(I/log n). (See Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3 in Section 5). M. 236 REMARK. AVDISPAHI In case of Fourier coefficients one can use the presence of the factor cos nx (resp. sin nx) in a relation analogous to (I0. I) to eliminate (a modification due to [63]). [zumi on the right hand side The group theoretic nature of the argument was ([64],3.22) in 1947. Vilenkin’s observation escaped notice of Taibleson [65], Edwards ([66], p.35), Benedetto ([67], p. 120). noted already by Vilenkin Another information on the magnitude of Fourier coefficients is contained in the estimate of the rate of approximation of a function by trigonometric polynomials in L2-norm (kn 0) I/2 0(2(I/n,f)). (10.2) (See section 9, relation (9.1).) Clearly, V for all a kn n P! 2 P Lip(I/2,2) f if 0(|) Ok Hence one has the latter estimate {na}BV, and then, via Theorem 4.4, for all a ! I/2 (and This is significantly better than Shiba’s result in [68]. i/2). tion of the estimate for l(i/n,f) and the fact that is bounded tinuous) does not lead to satisfactory results in (10.2). Vine], A simple applica- (eventually con- We have already seen the advantages of Chanturiya’s approach in matters of absolute convergence. Sacrificing (n), 2(I/n,f) we illustrate the principle on which his estimate of (9.2) in Section 9) relies. If(x+k/r)- f(x+(k-l)/n)l, dk,n(X) /20 If(x+/n)-f(x)IZdx dk, n (x) since (k)/k f I/n k O[ ( n (k)/k2 k=l,2,...,n. /20 (kl dk,n2 if we denumerate that these numbers decrease when 2(,f) (see relation Let us denote k I/2 {d (x))dx =0( k ,n increases. Then nI (x)} nk=l k (k)/k2)’ for each particular x so Therefore ]’ (I0.3) and, in general, 2(6 0[(6 f) [I/6] k1 f(k)/k2) I/2 ]. 2 ((9.3) follows, of course, from (9.2), for For n {na}BV, 2-2a 2 k=n Ok a 9.(k)/k decreases.) i/2, this gives us, for example, (via Theorem 4.4 again) 0(I) and this is also better than the corresponding result of Shiba. II. CHARACTERIZATION OF CONTINUITY. Of the following five conditions n k 2 0 sin k o(i) (11.1) n k k2 p n k!n kPk k Ok o(n) o(n) o(Zog n) (11.3) (11.4) (11.5) 237 GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES the first three are equivalent (Tanovid-Miller [69]). They imply (11.4) and this one By a well known theorem of Lukcs ([2], implies further (11.5). f cient to insure continuity of p. 60) (11.5) is suffi- is supposed merely to be regulated. f if Wiener BY. [4] has shown that (Ii.I) and (11.3) are also necessary for continuity of f Sidon [70] has indep@ndently established the same for (11.4), which is, in case BY, trivially equivalent to (11.3), because of Hence (11.5) is also necessary 0(I). ko k in this case, what is known as Lozinski’s theorem [71]. necessity of (Ii.I) if V Co f lim h/O + (i Of 2 which holds for This is contained in a more general result if(x+h)_f(x) lqdx )I/q V f If(Xk+O)-f(Xk-O)I q)I/q (Z k (Golubov [7]). < q ! p P (see [4], p.77 the bottom, and p.78, < 2 ! p P relation (21); see also Golubov [72]). Actually, Wiener has proved the In view of (10.2) condition (11.2) is obviously fulfilled if particular, by (9.2), (II.I) {f tinuity of functions of the class ABV also for the classes Lip(I/2,2). f n with 2 k 9(k)/k < } [# I(I/ i I/li)]2 (Chanturiya [73]). Therefore e.g. (See Theorem 4.2) f e V On the other hand, there is no necessary condition for the continuity of in terms of the absolute value kl kI sin kx BV k k(x+logk)k sin of its Fourier coefficients. Ok (The function with a jump at O, and Hardy-Littlewood function V2 In (ii.5) are necessary and sufficient conditions for con- Lip I/2 fl(x) f2(x) I/k .) 0k(f 2) have V2 2 Let us now prove THEOREM 11.1. Each of the conditions (II.I) the continuity of PROOF. {n f I/2} BV. C For the necessity part it is enough to prove Sufficiency is clear. n k If(x+k/n)-f(x+(k-l)n/n)l 2 4n In k 0sin2 Then k Given I/2 g d k ,n 0, (x) o(I) nk /20 (kl and then (II.I) will hold. 0(I) n n maX{no,nl }" 2 _< no (I/n) k=Zl + C x < V(no)I/2 For n > n d 2 (x) k,n n k__Zn O +I as x n since n n {dk, n (x) }k=l let (See Theorem 4.4 be as in Section 10 part i) of the proof x) such that (f;[O 4]) {k Further there exists n k=Zl dk’n (x) and (independent of O kno +i dk, (x)/kI/2 Let x uniformly in n (See Definition 3.3) uniformly in If(x+k/n)-f(x+(k-l)/n)12)dx For every there exists (11.5) is necessary and sufficient for + n such that f(I/n) for we have then 2 n k=Zn +I O (x) n kl /2dk ,n (x) dk,I/2 -< K dk,n(X)/kl/2 no2 + C, uniformly in x. n n AVDISPAHI M. 238 COROLLARY ([32], Theorem 6) fM,f,t NfI/2 (y)dy {fe W: In the class < } conditions m(f) (11.5) characterize the continuous functions. (11.1) Still easier than Theorem 11.1 one proves the theorem due to Cohen [74], saying that such characteriz&tion is possible in the class U2/(U) _< 0 O(I) (u/O+). For Uo In fact, given C n f V_ take no x and if $ e > O, there exists u eV(f) for every f(I/n)_ so that n kl dK,n(X) _> n V$ no satisfies the condition such that O for Uo _> n u2 no. e(u), Then and the assertion follows immediately. DETERMINATION OF A JUMP. 12. By the theorem of Lukcs the jump of an integrable function at a point x of its o discontinuity of the first kind may be determinated from its Fourier series using the first logarithmic mean In case BV f ([2], {nb cos nx p. 106, f.) of the sequence n na sin nx }. n o o the logarithmic mean may be replaced by (C,I) method (essentially Fejr [75]; see Czillag [76]) and indeed by any (C,) > O. In some sense we have completed this picture proving ([77], Theorems THEOREM 12.1. {kbk(f)cos kx ABV HBV If kak(f)sin and 2) kx] If (C,) is HBV, then the sequence f summable to (f(x+O)-f(x-O))/ then there exists a continuous function f for every x. n ABV k kbk(f) such that O(n). ([78], Theorem 3) THEOREM 12.2. {kbkCOS kXo then the sequence > for every If l-I/p ( B) V and every {nB}BV I, (f p P kaksin kXo {kbkCOS kXo (C,1)-limit of f (C,) is f e V[n ], 0<8<I) or summable to (f(x+O)-f(x-O))/ x. is, of course, equal to kakstn kXo S’( n Xo) lim n+l (C,1) result is established, it turns out that it is possible to Therefore, once the take any of expressions: lim n s(2r-1) (xo) n n lim n 2r-I g(2r) (xo) n n x for the determination of the jump at implied by [77]. (C I) r=l 2 2r (s(k)(x) n O since the summability methods here involved are is the k-th derivative of [79]. GIBB’S PHENOMENON. x converging at O classes is due P It is a corollary of our Theorem 12.2. A sequence of functions x V (C,I) in the case of An earlier result on the effectivness of 13. A similar defini- n cases.) ton applies to other to Golubov S (x) to limit s {f (but not necessarily O if to every .Ifn(X)-Sl < for x defined in the neighbourhood of a point n 0 IX-Xol for x # xO (e) there is a < and is said to converge n > n .o and a n O and uniformly at n (e) O o such that 239 GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES p.58). If lim f f n+ for each sequence fn(Xn)/S An equivalent definiton is that is defined in the neighbourhood of n the absence of the Gibb’s phenomenon at the point {f vergence of If THEOREM 13.1. x at n (ibid., p. 61). o f lim S (x,f) n+ n f(x) f(Xo), (Waterman’s formly at g(x) An inspection of Waterman’s by Theorem 6.1. x f is continuous at is large enough and n is arbi- close enough to x S(f) Hence k is continuous at k Xo converges uni- converges uniformly at x is known to show Gibb’s phenomenon. at S (x,f) n The behaviour of o (0) The func- Xo. HBV. and belongs to Xo d the same as the behaviour of the partial sums of the series 14. Sn(x,f) Xo f(Xo+0)-f(Xo-0)=d has a jump f k(x-x o) sin d (x) S(g) Hence shows Gibb’s phenomenon S(f) and Gibb’s phenomenon is absent. o Let us suppose now that tion o idea is repeated in the proof of Theorem 14.1.) x o and only there. for every provided x and continuous at o We have proof of this fact in [36] shows that if trarily close to (Zygmund [2], is equivalent to the uniform con- is of harmonic bounded variation, f at every point of discontinuity of PROOF. x x Xn/Xo near x sin k(x-x o) k o is then which k S(f). Hence so does CONJUGATE SERIES. Another among the classical theorems about functions of bounded variation which ad- HBV mit to the whole class Young’s is theorem on the convergence of the conjugate series. THEOREM 14.1. (f) HBV, a necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence of f If is the existence of the conjugate function x at (x) lim g/O f e f(x+t)-f(x-t) dt 2tan(t/2) (f) which represents then the sum of PROOF. x(t) x(+O)=O, for at x. (x f(x+t)-f(x-t) Let us denote We may assume x, i.e. of the limit at f h) h x (t)(t/2) 2tan dt" otherwise both the series and the integral are known to diverge. n 0 n Given (x,n/n) =-!n fn (x) /In < 0 0 < 6 < n /n f + n < Ix(t)l In 2g cos nt + o(1) + ! n x(t) /n 2tan(t/2) dt 1-cos nt 2tan(t/2) dt + o(1) < e for sin2nt/2 dt 0 x(t)2-a2) dt by Riemann-Lebesgue. dt n 0 nt ll-cos 2tat/2) Idt 6 3 2tan(t/2) such that n Further II 1-cos nt f/n x(t) cos nt fn @x(t) -r2) dt n/n e > 0, we can chose i21 x(t) and f... Itl ! n/n n 2 f,ln -< 2 0 o(i) 11 + 12 + o(1) Then tdt < g. (n/) for every AVIDSPAHl M. 240 / The method of estimating Waterman’s proof is essentially that of /n of Theorem 6.1 in [361. 6 /n [n/]. E+l where may (k+l)/n f k/n kZ--I I’ Clearly necessary, we way, N cos nt x(t)2tan(k/2)dt N (t) cos nt f(N+i i/n I[ + 2ta t/2) dt + i, in the same and removing the last term in o(I) ,ssume x After an obvious change of variable to be even. one obtains II N _I / 0 t+k -) x-n kE--I n (-l)k cos nt dt t+k tan---n] The ab,olute value of the integrand her, is dominated by N-I l__ --)cot ik__Zi [x (t+k n 2n t+(k+l ) x-- )ct’t+ t+k 2n n (k+l 2n .! Let us write the general term of the sum indicates summation over odd indices. where in the form x(t+(k+t)) n[*x (t+k____!) n cot n + in n x (,t+(k+l) )tcot--n t+k cot n t+(k+l) ]" 2n By the mean value theorem t+k 2-I co t-n N Choosing cot t+(k+l 2n such that o sin I/k kN o +I t+k [co t n k-Z-I lx( t+(k+l)) 4n 2 Sk , 2 N-} 2n 2 co < r 4 .t+k 2 -----n N-I 2-z iki if 6 sup 0<t< /(n+l) h Ix(t+(k+l))ln kZ--I I/k2 o o(I) as n since @ -t+k t+(k+l)n .t+kn ! Nx()]cnln n kl lX) -x(I t+(k+l))[ < V H(Ox ;[0’6]) < [mx (t+kn. T n k2 Further (Waterman [21]). is sufficiently small Hence < N tt+(k+l )--}l 2n The first summand after the inequality sign is clearly O. 4k2 we have l<k<N tinuous at < 4n2 (x) (x,/n) /n the proof is complete." o(1). The earlier extension of l(x,h) Since Young’s (x,/n) theorem to the classes V O(I/n) P for - + e" is con- < p>[, is due to Marcinkiewicz [8]. THEOREM ]4.2. f If HBV g and g W, then both S(f) and (f) are uniformly con- vergent. PROOF. Already f, f(xo+O)-f(xo-O) > 0 W imply that what contradicts the fact that for ([61], p. 592). and are continuous. Really, if, e.g., n(Xo,f)/ -" Hence n(Xo,f) ((Xo+O)-(Xo-O))/2. The n(X o,) (Xo,f) is completely analogous. by Theorem 6.1. f then, by Lukc’s theorem But if f, Now C and f HBVO C S(f) proof implies uniform convergence of converges uniformly, then so does S(f) (f) 241 GENERALIZED BOUNDED VARIATION AND FOURIER SERIES PARSEVAL IDENTITIES. 15. Zygmund ([2], K p. 157) calls two classes of functions, if for any pair K e complementary the Parseval formula K g K and /2f(x)g(x)d x a(f)a(g) 0 + + k=Zl{ak(f)ak(g) bk(f)bk(g)} (15.1) lolds, in the sense that the series on the right is summable by some method of summation. require that this series converges, as we shall do, examples of complementary [!- we (L,BV), (L p,L q) classes are L 15.1. ]IEOREM f for [/p+I/q =I I, and p (Llog L,L)([2], pp.159 and Waterman [36] has generalized the first result to 27). ABV L, g HBV and ABV if are complementary classes, dBV then there exist such that the series in (15.1) diverges. We would like to point out another, less known, type of "Parseval identity" due to 9 ]. Young TItEOREM 15.2. f V If V g P l/p+l/q Z 1, and q discontinuity, then the Stieltjes integral ! S 0 2 fdg n =l have no common points of exists in the Riemann sense and (15.2) we obtain the interesting V If g n[an(f)bn(g)-an(g)b n (f)]. 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