341 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 2 (1986) 341-346 THE MAXIMUM TERM OF A POWER SERIES G.S. SRIVASTAVA Department of Mathematics University of Roorkee Roorkee, India and O.P. JUNEJA Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India (Received March 30, 1984) ABSTRACT. n Let Izl in the disc be a power series, representing an analytic function anZ 0 < R. f(z) A characterization for the type of such functions was obtained by the authors [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 81(1981), I-7] in terms of the maximum term and It is proved in this paper by means of an example, that a similar relation does rank. not hold in general for lower type and sufficient conditions have been obtained for the validity of the corresponding result for lower type. Alternative coefficient characterization for type and lower type have been given and a necessary and sufficient condition for the analytic function f(z) to be of perfectly regular growth has been obtained. Analytic function, order, type, lower type, maximum term, and FEY WORDS AND PHRASES. index. .ntra AMS SU{iJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE i. 30B10. INTRODUCTION. Let f(z) R(0 < R < ). N(r) max{% n>0 n n For n an z 0 0 m(r) be an analytic function with radius of convergence M(r) R, we set r la n Ir }. M(r) Then max If(z) m(r) and modulus, maximum term and central index respectively. ined as lim sup r+R I$+ I$+ M(r) log x , where x Rr/(R-r). When 0 Further for 0 < 0 < =, the type 0 < N(r) max {la n Ir and are called the maximum The order 0 of f(z) is de- (I.I) can be replaced by m(r) in (I.I) [l,Lemma2]. and lower type t of f(z) are defined as M(r) T lim sup log m(r) 0 r/R inf 0 0, m(r) X T t (1.2) G. S. SRIVASTAVA AND O. P. JUNEJA 342 f(z) The function . side of (I.I). T < is said to be of regular growth if limit exists on the left hand f(z) Further, 0 < t is said to be of perfectly regular growth if Maclane [2] obtained the following formula for the order lanl lg+ lg+ sup log of 0 f(z): P (1.3) p+l n Further, Bajpai, Tanne, and Whittier [3] obtained the following coefficient charac- T terization for and t: lim sup [log+ n inf (p+l) B where p+I (R/p) n (i) conditions that p. (lanl B R n)] T (1.4) t Pn The expression for the lower type Xn+l function of n. - loglan/an+ll n+l n (n) (ii) and holds under the t is a non decreasing In a recent paper of [4], we obtained a formula for the type M(r) N(r). and Thus we have (p+l---) p+l pT (-) lim sup N(r) x r/R x m(r) {I+ oN(r) T in terms of (p+l) (1.5) In this paper, we show by means of an example that a corresponding result for lower type We shall obtain the corresponding result for lower does not always hold. t In the process, we also obtain formulae corresponding type under certain conditions. to (1.4) without any additional conditions on % n or a’s n Izl < R thus improving upon (1.4). WE PROVE THE FOLLOWING; 2. THEOREM I. T type f n f(z) Let and lower type {r and k} 0 n a z n be analytic in {n Let t denote the sequence of principal indices of N(r), i.e., the sequence of jump points of N(r) n +lim sup for k r r < k 1,2,3 k rk+ n Then k lim inf k where k} and of order x R k (R--k)[ IOg+ log m(r k) ({ank Rp+lk) (p+I) (2.1) (2.2) t (Xk)P rk/(R-rk) Before providing the above theorem, we give an example to show that (1.5) does not always hold for the lower type. EXAMPLE. Let us consider the function seen that m(r) e 2 f(z) is analytic in n r 4 Izl f(z) n 0 < I, of order for -I/3(2 n-l) < r < e -I/3(2 2n z p =I. n e e n) 4n Then it can be easily Further, N(r) 4n 343 MAXIMUM TERM OF A POWER SERIES Hence, from (2.1) and (2.2) above, we have (for R and p I) N(r) ]p+l x log m(r) + 7(r) x- lim r.+R I/4, t T > 2/9. 0.+I (@_ P 8 g However, in this case (R) Hence we see that although limit exists on the right hand side of (1.5), the equality fails to hold for lower type t The above inequality can be generalized as follows: Let THEOREM 2. f(z) (0+I) be defined as before. p+l (pt) R < lim inf Then N(r) r->R In order to get reverse inequality for THEOREM 3. {r f(z) Let n (0+I) 0 where x (2.3) we prove t be defined as in Theorem I. R tending to (p+l) +-xr log re(r) Then for any increasing sequence we have p+l 0t (--) N(rn_ I) > lira inf (x) l x + p+l log m(r n rn n p+l n (2.4) N(rn) R r /(R-r ). n n n The following corollaries are immediate consequences of Theorem 3. COROLLARY I. We have ()o+I p+l ot () N(rn-I max {r lim inf p+l n+ x n n {I + __n_nX r log m N(r n (rn p+l (2.5) n where the maximum on the right hand side is taken over all increasing sequences such that r R n COROLLARY 2. as n p+I () {max {r lim inf n-= n N(rn_ N(rn {lim inf N(r) rR x n =. We have (p+l) P where {r Rr/(r-r) and {r m(r) + 7x logN(r)" 0+I (2 6) is as defined above. n Lastly we state two theorems. THEOREM 4. If f(z) satisfies the condition of Theorem ing sequence of positive real numbers N(r N(r n-1 {r n then p+l pt (-) THEOREM 5. If f(z) lim inf r/R n such that as n- N(r) x and there exists an increasr n lim r+R N(r) as =, n and (2 7) + x lo(r) N(r) satisfies the conditions of Theorem growth, then R p+l (2. 8) and is of perfectly regular m(r) + x logN(r) (2 9) exists. Conversely, if limit in (2.9) exists and equals A and N(r) satisfies the con- G.S. SRIVASTAVA and O. P. JUNEJA 344 dition (2.7), then f(z) is of perfectly regular growth and 3. for k r _< _< k r r < Qk(r) Further, for fixed case r a non k r k k < k for r P(r) decreases for P(r) r for r Qk(r) Since (3.1) R-r R log (R/r) as r/R lank l-0/(0+l)nk RI/(0 +I) it r P(r) r k increases for while if rk+l, r k (3.2) has an absoute maxima for then the function rk+ I-0 for the function decreasin function of r r + n k log r) 0 r* k r < r [Rr/(R-r) ]0 is a differentiable function of I-0 R (R_-) ()n k -0(loglank can be easily seen that k P(r) + n k log r Differentiating, we have rk+ If lank P(r) Then [Rr/(R-r) ]0 It is clear that rk+ Qk(r) where k (2.10) log log m(r) P(r) Let us set P’(r) r (-). PROOFS OF THEOREMS. THEOREM I. r AR p () T t rk+ I. r k r e k r <_ r rk+ I, r <- r k only. k* then In P(r) In every case, we have for rk+l, P(r) e e(rk), or P(rk+l). P(r) e (3.3) (3.4) Thus (3.3) and (3.4) give lim inf P(r) rR lim inf k- P(rk) (3.5) lim inf P(rk). (3.6) But we obviously have lim inf P(r) Thus (3.5) and (3.6) lead to (2.2). To prove (2.1). we note that for r k lank log P(r) [Rr/ since for fixed P(r) k r < rk+l, + n k log r k (R-r ) k has an absolute maxima at r r k. The above inequality, after simple calculation leads to T lim sup P(r) r+R < lira sup (--) 0 log(l an k+ R nk) k 0+ The reverse inequality is trivial since T lim sup P(r) >- Jim sup k- rR P(r) i+I (.7) is 345 MAXIMUM TERM OF A POWER SERIES (,--) l.im sup k- [’ (3.8) ] 0+I Thus we gel (2.1) on combining (3.7) and (3.8). This proves Theorem I. The result (2.1) is an improvement over the corresponding resul (1.4) of REMARK. Bajpai e.al. [3]. I is easy o verify ha for THEOR 2. and O, u (1) p+l" () pu 0 > 0 The inequaliy (2.3) now follows on making proper substitutions for and proceeding To prove (2.4), we pu TBEOR 3. N(rn lira inf x log m(r r N(r + n Then for u 0 < N(r log m(r R-r n-I [-r0+l n q n no(E) n > q, we have for E n 0+I n + N(rn n ] 0+I This leads to a-r a I (p/ log m(r n) > [rn{N(-rn_i) n]N(rn)" (3.9) From the relation [5,p.196] log M(r) log m(r o) fr N(t)d t + o < r ro O <r R, (3.1o) we have log m(r log re(r) n) + r n N.(t) t dt -> log m(r + N(rn) log (r/r) n n log m(r n) + N(rn){lg(R/rn R-r Using (3.9) and the fact that log (R) as r-R, we get 1/(p/l) log m(r) > Let {s n R-r R N(rn)[rn{N(rn_1)} be a sequence defined by s n It is clear that x log(R/r)}. R O sR(q-E) .I/(p+l) ] n > no exp[--[, as s /R n n+. If r s satisfies n < r < Sn+l’ Rr/(R-r), lOgxpro(r)- > N(rn) .R-Sn+ l]p tRn+ ]P N(rn) [R-Sn+. R Sn+ (p+l)r n log(Rls n) oR (p+l)r (R-s n pR2 n) R-s R -s n R n then for G.S. SRIVASTAVA and O. P. JUNEJA 346 Proceeding to limits as O 0+I R(q-_ (R-s n) 0 o+1 (q-c)R R, we get r 0 (0--f) which yields (2.4). 0+1 Ot & (-) q The inequality obviously holds if As already mentioned, Corollaries q 0. This proves Theorem 3. and 2 are direct consequences of Theorem 3. Theorem 4 follows on combining (2.3) with (2.6) under the condition (2.7). Hence we omit the proofs. Lastly we prove THEOREM 5. f(z) Let us suppose that is of perfectly regular growth, i.e. T t. Then from (1.5) and (2.3), we have lira sup r/R _< N(r) m(r) + 7x logN(r) x-- -.-N(r) lira inf r/R x l+ 7 x p+l (o+l.P+l _) (0__) lo$ re(r) 0+1 -- N(r)’ that is, limit exists in (2.9). Conversely, let lim N(r) + r+R x x log m(r) r N(r) 0+1 and suppose that (2.7) is satisfied for some sequence (1.5), we have (__) O+ i.e. T t 0+I AR (0+I---) (-). ThiF proves Theorem 5. Ot (-) ot (o+1. o+1 (-) =A {r }. n Then from (2.8) and A, REFERENCES I. SONS, L.R. 306. 2. MacLANE, G.R. 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