409 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 2 (1986) 409-411 A DIGRAPH EQUATION FOR HOMOMORPHIC IMAGES ROBERT D. GIRSE and RICHARD A. GILLMAN Department of Mathematics Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho 83209 (Received November 20, 1985 ABSTRACT. The definitions of a homomorphism and a contraction of a graph are generalized to digraphs. (D) e(D). grap, digraphs. Solutions are given to the graph equation KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Homomopms of graph, onaios of 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 05C20 By a graph G we mean a finite graph with no multiple edges or loops. If graphs H. An elementary homomorphism of a graph G is G and H are isomorphic we write C an identification of two non-adjacent vertices of G and a homomorphism is a sequence of elementary homomorphisms. A homomorphism of G onto H preserves adjacency. Likewise, an elementary contraction of G is the identification of two adjacent vertices of G and a contraction is a sequence of for every homomorphism of G, G. elementary contractions[l]. Thus of G there is a related contraction This contraction is constructed as follows: e of the complement is a sequence of elementary e be sequence of elementary contractions homomorphisms I, e2, "’’,n so we let el, e z, ...,e n where ei identifies the same vertices in C that i identifies in G. Recently [2] the graph equation (C[ e() was studied. In this paper, we generalize the definition of a homomorphism and its related contraction to digraphs and find general solutions to this graph equation. In doing so, we find an easier proof of the result given in [21. A digraph D consists of a finite vertex set V(D) together with a set E(D) of ordered pairs of distinct elements of V(D), called arcs. Again, if D is isomorphic By an elementary homomorphism of D we mean an identification of two mutually non-adjacent vertices of D (neither uv nor vu are in E(D)). Similarly, an elementary contraction is an identification of two mutually adjacent vertices of D (both uv and vu are in E(D)). A homomorphism (contraction) of D is to D 2 we write D 1 D 2. again a sequence of elementary homomorphisms (contractions). e of D related to the homomorphism The contraction of D is defined as for undirected graphs. ROBERT D. GIRSE and RICHARD A. GILLMAN 410 We will use the following notation as need arises: Ib(u) is the set of vertices v of D such that vu is an arc of D, Ob(u) is the set of vertices v of D such that uv is an arc of D, and A(u) is the adjacency set of u in the graph G. THEOREM I. u I and u Let be an elementary homomorphism of D identifying vertices E 2. eE(Ul). I) E(u Let u PROOF. if and only if Ib(u e(D) Then (D) 9E(). is an arc of vv’ vertex v of the arc uv must be in I) Oh(u2) V eE(D) (D) or is an arc of I) Ob(u2). Ob(u2). Excluding and Ob(u I) # E(D) if and only if Hence there is a one to one correspondence of those arcs in 9E(D) E(D) without u as an endpoint and those of Ob(u 2) First suppose that Ob(u u as a possible endpoint of an arc, we have vv’ Ib(u I) Oh(u2) (Ob(Ul) Ob(Ul) . Ob(u2))c The without u as an endpoint. or In the first case, uv is ,not an arc of the symmetric difference. The latter case implies and in the second case, uv is an arc of both. that uv is not an arc of (D) but is an arc of e(D). Thus for every vertex in Ob(u V e(D) has one more arc than E(D). The same holds for vertices in Ib(u I) I) Oh(u2) Ib(u2). V Thus if Ob(u and hence E(D) the eE(D). I) Ob(u Now let Ib(u 2) or Ib(u I) Ib(u identity map from V(E(D)) onto V(E(D)) E(eE(D)) then UlV from u. If uv is in and 2) and Ob(u and hence need only consider arcs to and u2v are arcs in D. are not arc of D and subsequently uv is in E((D)). (D), uv is an arc of uv will be an arc of IE(E--) Ib(u2) IE(@()) I) Ob(u2). We will use I) eE(D). Thus ulv and u2v By the same argument, if This holds for arcs vu, so ee(D). E(D) 0(D) (D) COROLLARY I: is a sequence of elementary if and only if homomorphisms, each of which satisfies the conditions of Theorem I. A digraph D is pseudo-complete n-partite if there is a partition u,u’ such that in V implies u and for some u’ VI, V2, Vn are mutually non-adjacent, if i u is an element of V and v is an element of V., ij, then either uv or vu is an i v and v’ are in ij, and uv is arc of D, and finally if u and u’ are in Vj, Vi, an arc then uv’, u’v, and u’v’ e(D) (D) THEOREM 2. are also. for all homomorphisms of D if and only if D is pseudo-complete n-partite. If D is pseudo-completely n-partite, every elementary homomorphism Ib(u identifies two vertices u and u In the same partition set and thus Ib(u I 2 Hence (D) and Ob(u e(D) for every elementary homomorphism and thus PROOF. I) Ob(u2). I) Conversely, partition V(D) according to the relation: Ib(u We need only and Ob(u for every homomorphism of D. u and u V. are in 2 show that if u Suppose u I and I u 2 n-partite. Vj, i and u 2 is in V 2) I) j’ ij, then either I) Ob(u2). UlU 2 or u2u I is in E(D). are mutually non-adjacent and let e be the elementary homomorphism Theorem 1 and hence is in if and only if Ib(u is in V 2 identifying them. and u 2) Since (D u and u E(), Ob(Ul) 2 Oh(u2) and Ib(Ul) are in the same partition set. Ib(u2) Thus if u I by is in ij, there is an arc between them and D must be pseudo-complete VI 411 DIGRAPH EQUATION FOR HOMOMORPHIC IMAGES If, for every vertex u of D, Ib(u) represented by a graph G. COROLLARY 2. is a symmetric digraph and can be This leads to the following corollaries to Theorems land 2. An elementary homomorphism graph G satisfies E(G) COROLLARY 3. Ob(u), D eE(G) E identifying vertices u and v of a if and only if A(u A homomorphism I) A(u2). of G satisfies (G) e(G) if and only if is a sequence of elementary homomorphisms, each satisfying Corollary 2. COROLLARY 4. (G) @(G) for every homomorphism of G if and only if G is complete n-partite. A study of the equation (D) O(D) would be interesting, yet is apparently difficult considering the work done in [2] for graphs. and (D) 8(D), We conjecture that if D D nontrivial, then D is a symmetric digraph. REFERENCES Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley, 1969. i. HARARY, F. 2. GIRSE, R. D. 3. GIRSE, R. D. and GILLMAN, R. A. Homomorphisms and Related Contractions of Graphs, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci., submitted. Homomorphisms of Complete n-Partite Graphs, Internat. J. Math Math. Sci., 9(1986), 193-196.