Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1986) 39-46 39 Vol. 9 No. BANACH SPACES OF FUNCTIONS ANALYTIC IN A POLYDISC LEON M. HALL Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401 U.S.A. (Received March 8, 1985) ABSTRACT. in This [aper is concerned wlth functions of several complex variables analytic the unit olydlsc. Certain Banach spaces to which these functions might defined and some relationships between them are developed. belong are The space of linear functlonals for the Banach space of functions analytic in the open unit polydisc and continuous on the unit torus is then described in terms of analytic functions using an extension of the Hadamard l)roduct. KS/ WOiIDS AND P,RASES. Banach space, linear functional, analytic lSO MATHE/4AICS L’UBJECT CLASCFICATION CODE. ]. function. 4615 INTRODUCTION. In 1950 A. E. Taylor [I] studied Banach spaces of functions analytic in the unit disc. One of his principal results was a representation of linear functionals in terms of functions analytic In this paper, the results of Taylor are the unit disc. in extended to functions analytic in the unit polydisc in n-dimensional complex space. The goal is the representation theorem for linear functions, Theorem 4.5, in which the functlonels are expressed in terms of a Hadamard product. Taylor’s results have proved to be very useful in work involving certain singular linear differential operators. His representation theorem for linear functionals was a key part of the work of Grinur and Hall in [2], and of subsequent work of Hall in [3] and [4]. The following notation will be used extensively: open unit disc in the complex plane C, U unit circle in Iz e C: + U n I n Z+ C, (i2) I-6}, e 0 (1.3) i, (1.4) onnegatlve integers, U n n IZl (ii) U .. U, (n col)ies of U) the unit polydisc in C ..... [ [ I I 7 Z+ ... ... (n I colies (n + of copies (n copies o ) the of I ), Z + ). unit torus in C n n, (1.5) (1.6) (i 7) (i 8) L.M. HALL 40 ,z (Zl,Z 2, If z ...,z w ). Further, if z e C el z z an Zn and I on C n n 2 2 n lal which are analytic in U u (z) g’ where x (x g(z) w f(ze TM) f(zle e U g, where The operators ./ If f n U A fa by n A x ,x n) e IR ix I z2e 2 ..,z e n n and 7. w define z e A An by An n e (ZlW 1 ,z2w 2, by z the class of functions Z n+ for each a e A n by by and (1.9) iXn) (l.10) f(wz) and g(z) (l.ll) and 7. are easily seen to be linear. w x then f has the power series expansion Z f(z) Denote define zw by zw and define the function u n ix 7. f + i x2,. I n e Z (c1,2,...,c) + n + Denote + 2 n" and n are in C n n Also define the operators z Ux f n II by ,w (Wl,W 2, and w n y(f) ya where is the functional defined by (al!e2!’’an 1) Ya (f) II -i Zn Zl If f and g are in A n (1.12) f z EZ n+ (1.13) n z--(0, ..,0). with power series Zzn f(z) ae and g(z) f z aEZ n+ + gez (1.14) define the Hadamard product of f and g by Z H(f,g;z) H(f,g;z) is clearly in A n, and the following also can be proved: y((7"w f) H(f,g;z) H(7. f,g;z) w where Izil lil (2#)n for l=l (1.16) Ya (f) w (1.17) H(g,f;z), (1.18) aH(f,h;z) + bH(g,h;z), H(af+bg,h;z) H(f,g;z) (1.15) fgz Z n+ (1.19) H(f,g;wz), 17. Zl n)g(1 f(l E Zn.) dl n i dn (i20) "’’--n n n. Equation (1.20) can also take the form (2) H(f,g;z) where r. 1 _. i@ n 0 f(rle and z e U n. rne n z g I (e 1 -i8 1 z n ,----e r n -i8 n d@ I. .dO n (1.21) BANACH SPACES OF FUNCTIONS ANALYTIC IN A POLYDISC 2 SPACES OF TYPE 41 A k. An Let B be a nontrivial complex Banach space, each element of which belongs to A. Such a space will be called a space of type B may also have one or more of the following properties. PI: The least such constant will be denoted P2: for all e. P3: P4: U Zn B for all e U f X Tr f will be denoted B if f e B and r denoted Z n+. AI(B) B and x is a real n-tuple. (rl,r2,..,r) n ll[rfll Allfll. constant A such that if f e B and e E There exists a constant A such that The least such constant B if f AI Ifl Iye(f) There exlsts a constant A such that Also < A A2(B). llUxfll r. with 0 lu Ifl There exists a i. l The least such constant will be A4(B). Ak B will be called a space of type if B is of type A and also satisfies axioms Pl,...,Pk. Let B* denote the space of continuous linear functionals on B. Yn Then by PI’ e B* and t can be shown that supl A (B) 1 (B) Other relations satisfied by the constants and (2.1) are supllTrll, r A4(B) 1 IyeIl, <_ A (2.3) I(B)A2(B), (2.4) 1 < A (B) 4 Let B be a space of type A I. (2.5) For any fixed g e N(g;z) An IH(f,g;z) sup and z U n define I. (2.6) The following are clear from the properties of the Hadamard product. N(g+h;z) < N(g;z) + N(h;z) (2.7) N(ag;z) N(T g;z) N(g;wz), W THEOREM 2.1. (28) A 3. Let B be a space of type lwl (2.9) i. Then the function N(g;z) has the properties: N(g,z) N(g;(r N(g,z), where g e N(g;(r I z e U n and z r. (2.10) n r )) is a nondecreasing function of each r., i=l n I where 0 n ,m, (2.11) i, ,rn )) 0 for all (rl, rn if and only if g 0. (2.12) L.M. HALL 42 A{ Let | denote the set of all nonzero elements of B and define, for f PROOF. (2.13) A where g is fixed in m Also define (2.14) M(z) n x n be fixed. n M(f;zeXX). M(U f;z) Let z e U and z e U N(g;z) and also, for x e R Observe that M(z) (2.15) Then f 1 I%1 Izln, Hence, for fixed z e U IM(f;z) is bounded as f varies over 4. n U f varies over all of as f varies over all of Now for x e R U (U f), x x proved. M(z) if x is chosen carefully, and (2.10) is and so by (2.15) we get M(z) i and 0 for k=l,...,n, k the points on the tori IM(f;z) {z: . _< r < i k and z be Then let z Also suppose f e r. < R < 1 r R i l respectively, at which and {z: (RI’’’’’Ri’’’’Rn) Next, let R since f IZkl (rl,...,ri,...,rn) and r IZkl } assumes its maximum value. with 0 rk}, The maximum principle for polydisc functions now yields I(f;Zr) But IM(f;zR) M(z R) M(ZR) Finally, if g I;zl. IM(f;Zr) e < M(R), (2.18) M(R), and (2.11) is proved. 0, N(g,r) 0 for all r. If g e Let f= u (2.17) M(R) and so IM(f;r) <_ which implies M(r) ! for this e Then H(f,g;r) . ye(g)r I I 0, then a ...r n n ye(g) @ 0 for some which is nonzero if r k M e. 0 k=l,...,n, and the proof is complete. 3. THE SPACES B’ AND B Suppose B is a space of type A 3. Two related spaces which will be used later in characterizing B* will be defined as follows: B’ {FeAn: N(F;r) is uniformly bounded in r, 0<_rk<l k=l,...,n}, (3.1) BANACH SPACES OF FUNCTIONS ANALYTIC IN A POLYDISC B 0 {FEAn: For F e B 1 43 H(f,F;r) exists for each f e B}. lim r(l (3.2) ,i) sup{N(f;r) define N(F) r 0 N(F) k=l,...,n} < i, k By (2.11) we have N (F;r) lim r (i, (3.3) I) If B is a space of type A then B’ is a Banach space with norm N(F). 3 From the properties of the Hadamard product and N(F;r), and from theorem THEOREM 3.1. PROOF. 2,1, B’ is clearly a normed linear space with norm N(F). To prove completeness proceed as follows. Let {F N(F.) B’o be a Cauchy sequence in N(F J conslder, for i, and N(F.) m Let 0 < r -F m )rel H(u ’ note that convergence a A 2(B)E. Consder {a }, e e A2(B)E n Z, and is bounded. which yields (3.5) a z + and it will be shown that F e B’ and lim F. for fxed IH(f,F Since _< ae=lim, y(Fj) 3 Next deflne Z A, Now define + ’((Fj)r 0 we obtain F(z) Clearly F e Z m n and that the science is uniform in Fm (34) m is also a Cauchy sequence for each Using the above argument with _< k F -F ;r) m e {ya (F3)} 1 for k=l,...,n and Z+, g 17(F Thus, > J, Then there is a J > 0 such that if bounded by, say, Eo is r F. and f e < ;r) -H(f,F;r) ZIy(f)resuply(F (3.6) a 0 uniformly in s, lim[7 (F0)-a e e j+ lim H(f,F.;r) j (3.7) H(f,F;r). Further, for f e B which implies IH(f,F;r) < E Ifl Finally, for e > 0, choose or N(F;r) < E. Hence, F e B’. such that if j,m > jo(e) jo(e) then N(F.-F m < e. For f e B (3.5) yields IH(f As m (3.4) ylelds F -F ;r) m IH(f,Fj--F;r) < N(F -F _< ellfll m )I Ifll if < El Ifll __> j0(e), (3.9) which means N(F.-F)3 < e and the proof is complete. THEOREM 3.2 If B is a Banach space of type and is a Banach space of type A4 with norm N(F)t, A3 then B 0 is a linear subset of B’ 44 L.M. HALL PROOF: Clearly B 0 is a linear subset of H(f,F;r) deflne a functional of f over B. For f e B and F e B 0 let r(f) Then lr(f) sup and since F e B A. N(F;r), (3.10) 0 then N(f;r) is bounded as a functlon of r by the uniform boundedness 0 is a linear subset of B’o 0 0 In order to show that B is closed in B’, let {F0} B and F e B’ be such that principle. Thus, B lm N(F -F) j For f 0 6 B IH(f,F;r)-H(f, F ;0)I<IH(f,F-F.;r)I+IH(f,F.;r)-H(f,F.;0) For f B flxed and (3.11) If I+IH(f,F. ;r)-H(f,F. ;0) <2N(F.-F) large enough so that 2N(F.-F) 0 choose Ilfll < /2 and choose r and Q close enough to (i,i,...,I) so that IH(f,F.;r)-H(f,F.;0)<e/2 4. Therefore lim r, 0+ (i,... ,i) IH(f,F;r)-H(f,F;p) 0 and F B 0. .REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS. In thls section a series of results which culminate in a representation of the space B* and ts relationship to the spaces B’ and B THEOREM 4.1. Z G(z) eZ and IGI B’ and Then G PROOF: n e U A G n <_ N(G) since IGII IYl IA2(B)- E f y(z)w (- sup N(G) SUp IH(f,G;r) Iy(Trf) [H(f,G;r) A N(G;r) <_ r The passage from y(u) Also y(G) G Let f e An I f G w H(f,G;w). (4.2) 4(B) [y[ A 4(B) and G IYI B’. Ifl I. (4.3) Also, 4(B) II l- A to G given by (4.1) defines an operator F: B* B’ where G. THEOREM 4.2. by {u (4.1) + B then llfll-- and z e U B* let Then [ f e B and w Hence N(G;r) F(7) y(u )z If y n 4(B) Iyl I. IY(ue) y(T f) If f A n will be proved. A 4. Let B be a Banach space of type e 0 IFI }, PROOF A e 4(B). n Z+ A 4. Then F is a linear operator F has an inverse if and only if the linear subspace of B spanned Let B be a Banach space of type is dense n B By Theorem 4.1 F is linear and IY(Irf) NOW choose y so that I1tl <_ IFI A4(B) By (4.2) IIFII I111" Ilrrfll so that ((rrf[( I[fll IIGtl < Ilfll i and (</rf) (4.4) _< Ilfll Ilrll. BANACH SPACES OF FUNCTIONS ANALYTIC IN A POLYDISC litr II Then Ilrll Suppose F(y) A4(B) 0 Then y(u if and only if (u if and only if Ilrll,. and Ilrll Hence Z n+ 0 for all a e e 0 for all 2n+ 45 and hence saying that F is equivalent to saying y 0. -I Thus F -I exists exists is total in B which is equivalent to the subspace spanned by {u {u being dense in B. For f e B, H(f,F;r) defines a linear functional with norm N(F;r), so if F e B (4.5) H(f,F;r) llm y(f) 0 r+(l,...,l) The passage from F to y given by (4.5) defines an element of B* corresponding to F. defines an operator .% B 0 B* where A(F) y A 4. Let B be a Banach space of type THEOREM 4.3. FA(F) IA()I <_ (F) A Then 0, and 1^() I, for is a linear operator, (4.6) F, for F e B <_ N () F e B O. A deflnes an injective mapping, with bounded inverse, of B Thus PROOF: y(G) y(u Also, since A(F). Let F s B 0, H(u lim r >(i IH(f,F;r) A(F) i) y and F(y) , F;r) (4.7) onto a subspace of B*. Then y (F)r lim r+(l, lfll IFII < G. 0 y(F), i) Iy(f) it follows that < and so F(A(F)) lfll IFII F. where Thus, from (4.6) (4.8) If the space B satisfies an additional axiom, viz., If f e B then P5 B’ and B then B*, 0 THEOREM 4.4. T r f B and lim r+(l,...,l) llTrf-fll__ 0 turn out to be isometrically isomorphic. A4 Let B be a Banach space of type B 0 also satisfying P5" Then B’ (4.9) A is bijective and isometric, and (4.10) -i PROOF: (4.11) By (1.19) H(T f,F;p) r H(f,F;r) -H(f,F;0) H(T f,F;r) and so p H(f-[ f,F;r) + H(] f-] f,F;0) + H(T f-f,F;0) p (4.12) ;)1 (4.13) r p p Therefore, if f e B and F e B’ IH(f,Ftr) and by P H(f [-I If-r fll 5 lim r,p+ (i,... ,i) so F g B Irrf-rpfl + 0 Since B 0 IH(f,F;r) B’ already, this means B’ H(f,F;p) B o O, (4.14) L.M. HALL 46 From P5’ lim r+(l analytic in w then IITrll I1=11. if Iwl ITwfll lTrfll by P3" Hence (see r i) This yields A r. B*. Now suppose f e B and < 1 i=l ..,n, and ]" f is w from the maximum modulus theorem ITrfll [3], p. 211) for functions with values in a Banach space continuous function of i is a nondecreasing 1 and by Theorem 4.3 .’ is isometric. 4(B) Then [A(F())] (f) H(f,F(y);r) lira r(l, i) (4.15) y(T f) lim r(l, (f). r ,i) As a corollary of Theorem 4.4 the following theorem provides a representation of B* in terms of the Hadamard product_ Under the hypotheses of Theorem 44 every linear functional y e B* THEOREM 4.5. is representable in the form 6. ,i) I, 0 < r i < T e i is uniquely determined by y and 1 i) )n lim r(l where, 0 H(f,F;r) lira r+(l y(f) x...xT I < 1 f(l e If (n)F --, () i n n i=l, Y (4.16) ,n and F B 0 F uniquely determines and N(F). Equation (4.16) can be expressed in terms of real integrals using (1.21). REFERENCES I. TAYLOR, A. E. 2. 3. 4. 5. Banach Spaces of Functions Analytic in The Unit Circle, I, II, II (1950), pp. 145-170; Studia. Math. 12 (1951), pp. 25-50. GRIMM, L. 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