145 Internat. i. ath. & Math. ci. (1986) Vol. ’. No. BASIC SINGULARITIES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAL WAVES WITH SURFACE TENSION M. A. GORGUI and M. S. FALTAS l)epartment of Mathematics Fculty of Science Moha -rem Bay Alexandria, EGYPT (leceived September 6, 1984) T], ABSTRACT. study f linearzed interface wave problems for two superposed fluids often lnw) Iv,s the co)siderti,)n of dil-ferent types of singularities in one of the two paper the line and poLnt singularities are investigated for the case when each fluid is of finit constant depth. The effect of surface tension at the fluids. In [his surface of separation is i)luded. KEY W(W{DS AN{ PHRASES. Innnal waves, surface tension, basic singularities. 1980 MS SUJ/’CT CLASSIFICACfON CODE. 76 B15, 76CI0. 1. INTRODUCI’ION. The study of internal waves in two fluids problems has attracted many authors in It is found useful to permit singularities of one type or another to occur as an idealisation of, or an approximation to certain physical situations. Prorecent years. blems dealing with the generation of waves at the interface of two non-mixing fluids involve the (’onsideration of singularities of different types in the fluids. In the case when bodies are present, waves may either be generated by the movement of the body or reflected from it. The two cases are essentially the same and the resulting motion can be described by the use of these singularities in a suitable way. For example, Gorgui [1] has investigated into these waves using a distribution of sources on the surface of the body. The different types of singularities that can be used in two fluids problems have been presented by Gougui and Kassem [21 and Kassem [3] in both the effects of surface the authors considered the cases when the lower fluid is of finite constant depth and the upper fluid is of infinite height. While in [3] tension are neglected. In [12] the author considered the cases when the two superposed fluids are both of finite thickness and obtained the potentials for motions resulting from mu|tipoles submerged in one of the two fluids. In this paper we give a complete survey for the basic line and point singularities when the superposed fluids are as in [3] of finite constant thickness confined between two rigid horizontal planes but we here take surface tension into consideration. M.A. C)RGUI and M. S. FALTAS 146 In tle two and dimensiona| motion, the line singularities considered are wave multiloles singulariti,s. sourcL, s Restriction is made to symmetric (or vertical) multi- pol,s, bu the corresponding antis>mmetric (or horizontnl) multipoles can be found For axisymm.tric motion, the point singularities considered are multipole These tme hnrmoni singularities are described by harmonic ptential similarly. sin.ul,lril ies. functins which satisfy tw inearised conditions at the surface of separation, and uniquenes. is ensured bv rcq,iring that there are only outgoing waves in the far field. ThL, methoI used is an extension of that used in [2] or 131 The results obtained by Rhles-RI,inson 2. STA[’E,IENT OF [4], Gru Ka.sem [21 and Kassem [31 can be deduced as special ,nd THE PROBLEM. Wc, a,e concerned wth tl,e irrotational, incompressible and inviscid motin of the two, supcrlosed non-mix,., liquids under the action of gravity and surface tension. Each Takin the ori.;{n 0 at the mean level of the intc, rf,ce and the axis Ov pointing vertically downwards into the lower fluid, let the fl[d is f infinite horizanal extent. two, planes y fluid, be confined betwe,n rigid horizontal The motion is it is due to an os- o In two dmensional motion we consider the, two fluids. cillatin singularity in one of -h’ h, y simple ha-monic with a small amplitude and angular frequency the singularity is eithc, r a line wave source or multipole and in axisymmetric motion In each case, the velocity potentials of the lower and upper it is a p,int multipole. 2 luids are simple harmonic with period plex valued potentials arc, e i o t ’ the real parts. e and it is more convenient to use the corn- -i o t of which the actual velocity potentials These potentials satisfy a boundary value problem in which - 0, V V ’ (2.1) 0 in the reqions occupied by the fluids, except at the singularity; D-- 0 on y h, (2.2) - -’- - 0 on y -h’, (2.3) -Ty 0 Dy by and the linearized boundary conditions DY 8Y K + K where (s I) o g M T on y s(K’ + y + M g is the gravity, T is the surface tension, 0 are the densities of the lower and upper fluids respectively. are applied for each singularity considered. limiting conditions that or ’ (2.4) 0 and so These conditions They are supplemented by the two general behaves like a typical singular harmonic function near the singularity and the radiation condition that both functions represent outgoing waves in the far field. 3. SUBMIIRGED LINE SIN(’ULARIT[ES. Without loss of generality, the line singularity is place at the point (o, _+ We consider only singularities symmetric in x namely, a wave source and vertical 147 BASIC SINGUI.ARIT[ES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAL WAVES (R, 0) We define polar coordinates multipoles. in the xy plane based at the singu- larity positi()n by the equations y +_ R sin 0 x R cos 0 according as the singularity is in the ;ower or upper fluid, so that R denotes the distance from the singularity. Wave source singularities (i) ’ and lere arc solutions of the boundary -value problem stated above having a logarithmic singularity at the source. with If the source is at (o, ) then l,g R ]1/2- + (y- n) [x R as (3.1) Let log R + c log ’ ’= [ + (y + )2 ,’ obvious that B(k), A’(k) on y + y) + B’ sinh ky} cos kx]dk, o, -) is the distance from the image point We choose as given above are harmonic. B’(k) c ’ f(k) It is A(k) such that the two integrals converge and the boundary conditions -h’ h, y y) + B sinh ky} cos kx]dk, cosh k(h log R + f If(k) + {A’ cosh k(h’ o R’ where R’ + f’[sf(k) + {A o and y are satisfied. o Under suitable conditions concerning differentiation under the integral sign and using the relat-ions ay (l(g R) the conditions (2.2) e B -t cos 0 R of e _foo o e -k(y- n) cos kx dk k(y y n) cos kx dk, y n (2.3) are satisfied if -k(h + e -k(h + n) n) ’ B’ k cosh kh e -k(h’ + n) k cosh kh’ and the interface conditions are sa[isfied if I+(- c A sinh kh + A’ sinh kh’ cA cosh kh -A’ [sc + ’ e k cosh kh’ s( O, + (B- B’) k(l + B k 2) sinh kh’] (i + B -kn k 2)(’ e k B’) from which we have AA AA’ (I + B k 2) e -k ’(l + sinh kh’ sech kh + k 2) e -k sinh kh tanh kh’ + [s__ cosh kh’ F( (I + B k 2) sinh kh’] )--cosh kh’ F(k) c k where F(k) ( + I) e -kn cosh kh ’ O. k(k) e -k(h n) e -k(h + n) -k(h’ + n) cosh kh sech kh’ c(cosh kh sinh kh’ + s cosh kh’ sinh kh) K l-s’ k(1 + B k 2) sinh kh sinh kh’ ,(3.2) M l-s M.A. GORGUI and M. S. FALTAS 148 F(o) =-2, therefore, the integrals involved in the assumed expressions 2c + 0(k 2) in the A A’ converge if we choose f(k) such that k A f(k) dF(o) o and if neighbourhood of k d-- o, Since for h(l + a) + h’ a’ iee., o Hence t B -2 --] CL O -2 cosh k(h- ) F(k) -. e -kh k sinh k cosh kh sc 2[(I + 8 k 2) sinh kh’ A A’ -2c cosh k(h kA f(k) The condition imposed on B’ o cosh k(h- ) cosh kh’] cosh kh ) does not specify it completely. This introduces no difficulty since it is the velocities in which we are really interested. f(k) found convenient to take A(k) Now, k has a simple zero at duces simple poles for the integrals in ,’ m, say, on the real axis of tion of the contours of the integrations. A A’ B’ B It is 2c k this intro- Below this pole we make an indenta- Substituting in the above assumed forms for we get + log + [{k(l + 8 k2)sinh kh’ 2 cosh k(h ) cosh k(h- y) k cosh kh ’ I-A-[I 2c e sc cosh kh’} -kh sinh k sinh ky] cos kx]dk, k cosh kh n) cosh k(h’ + y) cos kx] dk. cosh k(h Two other alternative forms which will be useful in the subsequent work are log R I) log R’ + 2 + (2s -k(y + ) 6cosh k(h 2 0’ 2 log R cosh K(h’ e fo 6 -I -kh 6 (I 2 ) co__sh + S k2 )slnh2kh 6 kh____’cosh cosh kh ksinhcoshkkhsinh ky + 8 k2 + y)cos kx dk + 2 cosh k(h where 6 (I y) cos kx dk + 2s f cosh k(h e o k(h e ) cosh k(k -kh’ + y)] cos kx dk (3.4) cos kx dk sinh kh sinh kh ) x cosh k(h -kh’ + [e-k(n 6 f=o [el y) n) cosh k(h’ + y)] cos kx ]dk (3.5) + s cosh kh’ sinh kh In the above expressions we neglected the constants cosh kh sinh kh’ 6 2s log h’ + 2s 2 log h’ + 2 (I 6 (1 + + 8 k2 )sinh kh k2 )sinh sinh kh dk kh sinh kh’ dk in (3.6) and ,’ respectively. BASIC SINGU;ARITIES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAL WAVES By putting 2cos kx 0’ integrals in + e k these integral tend to m cosh m(h y) m sinh mh C(o’h h’) .ic m ,ana rotating the contours in the indented e into contours in the first and fourth quadrants so that we must include the residue term at C(n;h,h’) 149 e imlx cosh m(h’ + y) e m sinh mh’ C(o;h,h’) imlx [e -m(h- ) n n + (-I) n em(h- ) ]sinh mh’ sinh mh mP)sinh2mh sinh2mh + c(h sinh2mh + h’ (I + 3 (3.7) s sinh2mh) When the source is at (o, -) in the upper field, we have ’ Assume the forms log R + log R ’ + (y + [x R as )2]1/2 [s f(k) + {A cosh k(h fo log R + a’ log R’ + f (3.8) o y) + B sinh ky} cos kx] dk, If(k) + {A’ cosh k(h’ + y) + B’ sinh ky}" cos kx] dk, where R’ as above to Ks the distance from the image point - (o, n) and proceed et the potentials 2cs 0’ )2] L + (y [x cosi k(h’ -[i tog n) cosh k(h + [(k(1 + B )sinh kh k + y) + e -kh’ ksinh cosh kh’ cosh k(h’ y) cos kx] dk c cosh kh) sinh ky3 cos kx k A cosh kh’ Jdk and the other two alternatives forms are 2s log R (1 + B k2)sinh kh sinh kh’ cosh k(h’ 2s y)cos kxdk + 2s cosh k(h + [e -k(y + ) ’ tog RR’ + 2s cosh k(h’ cosh k(h’ o e k2)sinh2kh cosh kh n)S---- e -kh’ + )cosh k(h- y)] cos kx + y)cos kx dk + 2 f cosh k(h’ + 2 f o (I + 8 (6 cosh k(h’ [( e cosh k(h’ -kh’ snh kn sinh ky k cosh kh’ -kh’ + y)] cos kx dk n) dk (3.9) n)cosh k(h’ + y) + [e -k(n-y) cos k dk + (3.10) These potentials have the outgoing waves -C(o;h’,h) C(o’h’,h) where C(n’h,h’) Ixl (ii) Multipoles singularities as Here singularity. ’ s cosh m(h m sinh mh s cosh m(h’ m sinh mh’ is given by Y) + y) e e i mlx] (3.7). are harmonic in the regions occupied by the two fluids except at the In the neighbourhood of this point M.A. GORGUI and M. S. FALTAS 150 cos(n + 1)0 0 o, 1, 2 n Rn+ (3.11) We consider first the case when the singularity is at (o, n) in the iower fluid. try as solutions cos(n + I)._ + 0 f=o o Rn+ , fo o A’ + y) cosh k(h’ y) + B sinh ky] cos kx dk, [A cosh k(h cos kx dk, and use the representations n+ (-1) f k n e n)cos k(y kx dk y n cos(n + 1) 0 Rn+ ! Conditions (2.2) fo k n e n) -k(y cos kx dk, y (2.4) are satisfied if kne-k(h- B o) cosh kh n n+ A’ A sinh kh + -cA cosh kh + _co__s(n + I)0 n + R - ?; O k where P(n) (-I) n n sinh kh’ sc cosh These determine A, B, 0 + . A’, A xl k n e (-I) k2)sinh kh’ ]A’ n+l n! ck n e-kO which when substituted in the above assumed forms, give f o n k e -k(h O) sinh k cosh kh cos kx dk n +o-k P(n) [e -k(h- n) + (-1 )n + + l[c(s cosh kh’ , cos kx dk e k(h sinh kh’) (3.12) rl) cosh k(h’ + y) cos kx dk, (3.13) k(l + 8k2)sinh kh’] e"kO n) -k(h e k(l + gk2)sinh kh’] cosh kh is given by equation As +(-I) n! B k(l + B kh’ + [cs cosh kh’ and n (3.14) (3.2). we have the outgoing waves (n + I) C(n + h, h’) cosh m(h m sinh mh y) cosh 0 ~-(n+l) C(n+l; h h’) m sinhm(h’+y) mh’ where C(n; h, h’) is given by equation (3.7). e imlx eimlxl If the singularity is at (o, -D) in the upper fluid we try as solutions where m 0 f A cosh k(h-y) cos kx dk ,= cos (n+l) 0 [x 2 + (y+ o Rn-I + q)2]. fo [A’ cosh k(h’+y)+B’ sinh ky] cos kx dk; Proceeding as above leads to sc kn 7 --[e k(h’ D) + (-i) n+l e-k(h’ )] cos k(h-y)cos kx dk (3.15) BASIC SINGULARITIES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAI WAVES o (-1) n+l cos(n+l)e Rn+l n + e-k( h’- kn 151 ) sinh ky cos kx dk cosh kh’ Q(n) cosh k(h’+y) cos kx dk, (3.16) where [c(cosh kh Q(n) + (-l)n+l[c s sinh kh) cosh kh k2)sinh kh] e -kn -k(h’ ) h2)sinh kh] ecosh kh’ k(l+ B k(l+ 8 (3.17) The contours of the integrals in (3.15), (3.16) are indented below the simple pole at k m to give the outgoing waves cosh m(h-y) im e n sinh mh cosh m(h’ +y) -s(n+l) C(n+l; h’, h) n sinh mh’ s(n+l) C(n+l), h’, h) @ Ixl as eim[x[ +. SUBMERGED POINT SINGULARITIES. 4. Ix We now define cylindrical polar coordinates (r, , y) with the origin 0 at the surface separating the two fluids and the y-axls pointing vertically downwards. @iso (o, We define spherical polar coordinates (R, 0, ) based at the singularity taken at +/- ) by the equations r R sin 0 R cos y . We consider only point singularities for which Oy is an axis of symmetry so that the ,’ velocity potentials are independent of When the singularity is at (o, ) in the lower fluid the boundary value problem for ,’ is given by (2.1) en (cs ) Rn+l as R (2.4) supplemented by the limiting condition [r 2 + (y-n) 2]1/2 o, n=o ,1,2 If we try as solutions Pn(COS O) Rn+l ’ A’ + f [A cosh k(h-y) + B sinh ky] o cosh k(h’+y) Jo Jo(kX)dk, (kr) dk, and using the representations (-1) n! n o knek(Y-n) P n (cos O) Rn+l conditions I ’I of e-k(Y-n)J (kr)dk, y > n, (2.2), (2.4) are satisfied if B= kne-k y-n n!cosh kh A sinh kh + A’ sinh kh’ -c kn B + A cosh kh + [sc cosh kh’ (-I) n! k n e -kn k(l + Bk2)sinh kh’]A’ (-l)nn. Solving these equations and substituting, we obtain the expressions (4.1) 152 M.A. GORGUI and M. S. FALTAS (cos 0 + n+l where A - k k n e -k(h-) sinh ky s’ J (kr) dk, k(h-y Jo(kr)dk, is given by (3.2), P(n) (1)(kr) 2 Jo(kr) Ho (4 3) (3.14) and as before the contour of inte- is given by k m of A that the radiation conditions are satisfied. en=ureq (4.2) [e -h(h-) +(-) nek(h-n)] cosh k(h’+y)J (kr)dk gration is indented below the simple root which kh n --P(n-l)cosh ! kn ’:,:- o f n o on the positive real k-axis, For, by putting (2)(kr), + Ho rotating the contours in each integral into contours in the first and fourth quadrants (where H(1)(kr),, Ho(2)(kr) k we obtain the diverging waves m C(n; h are respectively small) and including the residue term at cosh m(h-y__) sinh mh h’) Ho(1)(mr) m(h’+y) H!I) (mr), m’- cosh -C(n; h, h Sinh where C(n; h, h’ is given by equation (3.7) In a similar manner we calculate the velocity Dotential when the multiDole singularity is at (o, -) in the upper liquid. These are as r .sc , n [ek(h P (cos 8) n R n+l + where - fk R [r 2 nl-.T + (-I) ) n --F-. n k o + (-l)ne-k(h’ fOOo kne-kh osh kh’ )]cosh k(h-y)Jo(kr)dk (4.4) n .inb ky Jo (kr)dk n --Q(n-]) (V+)] 1/2 and + y)rosb k(’ + y)J:(kr)dko coh k(h’ O(n} is iven by (3.17). (4.5) This motion has the diverging cylindrical waves C(-; h’ as r+. ’ C(n; h’ rosb h) _s m(h_-,__)_ (1) Ho inh mh h) + y) s cosh m(h’ s inh mh (mr), HI) (mr) 5. SUBMERGED SINGULARITIES; THE LOWER FLUID IS OF FINITE CONSTANT DEPTH AND THE UPPER IS UNBOUNDED. A statement of the boundary-value problems for the velocity potentials the different types of singularities can be easily written down. ,’ for These of the present case are similar to the corresponding ones treated in sections 3 and 4 with condition (2.3) replaced by V’+ o as y and the radiation condition taking the simplet forms C cosh m(h my -C ’~ singularities, and e as Ixl for line e im im y) e Ix[ the forms Ixl BASIC SINGUIARITIES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAI WAVES (I) (mr), y) H C cosh m(h ’ my H A simple root of the equation A 0 The determination of 4#’ 4#, (mr), is a constant multiplier and where now (5.1) for each singularity can be carried out independently. This was done by the second author [5], where he assumed _ in the above sections. (a) 4#, h’ They may also be determined by letting priate forms. is a m k(l + Bk 2) sinh kh. (cosh kh + s sinh kh) c (I) C for point singularities, where r as -C e 153 ’ to have the approin the formulae obtained The velocity potentials for the different cases are as follows: Line singularities (o, n) For a wave source at (i) log R +(2s R’ + 2 i) log (I + Bk 2) cosh k(h- n) cosh k(h- y) A o 2. e -k(y + n) -Is k + f cos kx dk = in the lower fluid, o s6 cosh k(h e Y)I n)cosh k(h- 2 where now o to =, 2 7o + A o e-kn 6-I (I +B k 2 (5.2) cos kx dk, cosh kh log R -kh sinh kn sinh ky cosh kh ) sinh kh cosh k(h ekYcos kx dk 6cosh k(h- q)] e ky cos kx dk, cosh kh + (5.3) The path of integration is along s sinh kh k indented below the simple pole at Im(k) o m. These potentials have the outgoing waves m sinh mh Ixl as eimlxl, y) cosh m(h -C(o) emy C(o) m eimlxl, where ic C(n) m [e n -m(h hc n) n) + (-i) n em(h + (i + 3Bm z) sinh 2 mh (5.4) sinh mh The above velocity potentials can be written in slightly different forms suitable for use in the next section. log R- l-s R’ + -+ log These are (i + 2 8k2)cosh k(h- )cosh k(h- y)cos kx dk -kh + ]-s fo --k- Is2- 6(sinh log R * Is 6 o 2 6(sinh kn + 2s 1o R [e -ky 2s o + s cosh kn)(sinh ky + s cosh ky) cos kx]dk (5.5) (|+Bk2) sinh kh cosh s cosh When the wave source is at 4# kq kn)e (0, -) e ky k(h-)ekYcos kx dk 2 + ls e -kh k cos kx]dk. (5.6) in the upper fluid, -kn (1+Bk2)sinh cosh k(h-y) ]cos kx dk, kh cosh k(h-y)cos kx dk + 2s f o e -kh k (5.7) M.A. GORGUI and M. S. FALTAS 154 R’ + log R A e -k(n -y) (l+Bk 2) 2s sinh 2 kh e -k(n -y) ; + 2s cos kx de sinh kh m (5.8) cos kx dk. or as in the previous case, 2s 4 I--- h,g R Is 6e-k(sinh ’ 2s e L kv + 6ek’Y-n’cos / 2s o 7+ __ x k o (5.9) (l+Bk2) ek(y-n) sinh A -kh e ky) cos kx] dk, s cosh 1-s + 7+7 log R’ + 2s l,g R a (l -kn (l+Bk2)sinh kh cosh k(h-y)cos kx dk -kh kh cos kx dk 2s e + 7+7 f o -k (5.10) kx) dk These potentials have the outgoing waves m(h-y) -C’(o) _cosh sinh m m Ix as my -m-- e imlx e C (o) where -2 C’ (n) (ii) e imlx sc m n e n! -m sinh2mh (5.1) + (l+3Bm 2)sinh2mh hc Mul tipoles singularities (0,n) When the singularity is at _cos(n+l)R + n+l Bk2)] [K + k(l + , i foo o n n e-k(h-) sinh ky_ sinh kh k cos kx dk n A-- n. [(-I) n+l a -k (h-n) e-kn n.o -[ e-k(h-rl) k c k in the lower fluid, [sc_k(l+Bk2) + (-1) n+l e k(h-.) e__]dosh kh jekYcos cosh k(h-y) cos kx dk, (5.12) (5.13) kx dk, which have the outgoing waves cosh re(h-y) (n+l) C(n+l) as e m sinh mh Ix im Ixl (n+l) C(n+l) e my m e im Ix C(n) is given by (5.4), and when the singularity is at (o, where in the upper fluid, 2 ,= k sc n cos(n+l)0 Rn+l e ky e + - -k cosh k(h-y) cos kx dk _. o k cos kx dk, and have the outgoing waves cosh m(h-y) (n+l) C (n+l) as (b) , Ixl m s inh mh where C’(n) n e (5 14) k(l+Bk 2) sinh kh] -kn[c(cosh kh- s sinh kh) (5.15) eimlxl (n+l) C (n+1) is given by emY e imlxl m (5.11). Foint singularities For a singularity in the lower fluid, P (cos n Rn+l + fo kn e -k(h n) sinh ky cosh kh Jo(kr) dk o - k n [(-l)n[K + k(l+Bk2)] BASIC SIN(,ULARITIES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAL WAVES . e k(l+Bk 2)] [sc k o c n -[e 155 -k(h-) osh -k(h-n) cosh k(h-y) kh + (-I) n ek(h-) (5.16) Jo(kr) dk ekY (5.17) Jo(kr)dk, with the outgoing waves cosh m(h-y) C(n) (mr), - - C(n) r as (I) H m sinh mh -C(n) I) --emY H m (mr) being given by (5.4). When the singularity is in the upper fluid, 2 sc fo n! , n -kn cosh k(h-y) + Rn+1 ky . k n e Jo(kr) -kq (5.18) dk, [c(cosh kh- s sinh kh) k(l+k 2) sinh kh]" (5.19) J,(kr) dk, , r ’ have the outgoing waves m(h-y)H(1) cosh m s inh mh C’(n) C’(n) e P (cos 0) e and as n k emy -C(n) (mr) H m (I) (mr) being given by (5.11). SUBMERGED SINGULARITIES. BOTH FLUIDS INFINITE. 6. Here also the boundary value problem for the velocity potentials to the corresponding ones i’n ’ is similar sections 3,4 except that conditions (2.2) and (2.3) are V o as y , replaced by ’ o as y respectively, and the radiation condition takes the forms ce-mY e imlx xl as my e iml xl for line singularities, and the forms Ce as -Ce -my H! I) ’~-Ce my (mr), H! I) o, for point singularities, where r (mr) C is a constant multiplier and m is now the simple zero of the equation k(1 + Bk 2) ’ The evaluation of (see [5]). c(l + s) o for each singularity can be carried out independently They may also be evaluated by letting section tend formally to infinity. h in the results of the previous The velocity potentials for the different singu- larities are as follows: (a) Line singularities. (i) Wave source. The ve]ocity potentials are lo R ’= 2 -l+-. ] 1-s $ log R’ 2 R + -[-$- c0 .(l o 2 l+s + Bk2)e -k(y + n) k(1 + 8k 2) Bk2)e k(y- n) + ,k 2) c(1+s) (I + k(l for a ave source in the lower fluid and cos kx dk, (6 I) c(l+s) cos kx dk, (6.2) - 156 , o 2s 2s ]-7 log R + ’= M.A. GORGUI and M. S. FALTAS (i + Bk 2)e -k(y + n) k(l + gk 2) c(l+s) I--S ]-+ log R’ log R + k(y (I + p, k2)e ,o o _2_s__ l+s (6.3) cos kx dk, k(l + Bk 2) n) (6.4) cos kx dk, c(l+s) for a wave source in the upper fluid. (ii) Hultipoles singularities. The velocity potentials are Rn+I , (_ln+l, + 2(-1)nc n k n! o e [k(l + Bk 2) + K]k b o n! k(l + Bk 2) n e -k(y + n) (6.5) cos kx dk, c(l+s) k(v- n) (6.6) cos kx dk, k(1 + .k 2) -c(l+s) if the singularity is in the lower fluid and -2sc F =---i ,= cos(n+1)0 R n+l k n e -k(y + n) cos kx k(1 + Bk 2) .I b kn[k(1 + + (6.7) dk, c(1+s) f k(1 + Bk 2) Bk 2) K] e k(y- n) cos kx dk, (6.8) Jo(kr)dk, (6.9) c(1+s) if the singularity is in the upper fluid. (b) Point singularities If the singularity is in the lower fluid (cos 0) qb’ Rn+l 2c(-1)n+1 n! n + Bk 2) + +---.F- #[k(l o k(1 + Bk 2) (-I) F k n e k(y K]k n e -k(y + n) c(l+s) n) k(1 + Bk 2) Jo (kr)dk (6.10) c(l+s) and if it is in the upper fluid, -2 sc n! n o (cos 0 Rn+1 -k(y + q) k oo k(l + + e . (6.11) Jo(kr) dk, Bk 2) c(l+s) k o n [k(l + B k2 k(1 + k 2) K] e k(y n) (6.12) Jo (kr)dk. c(l+s) 7. SINGULARITIES AT THE SURFACE OF SEPARATION. Clearly the results of the previous sections are not valid for coordinates based on the singularity at the urgin. Here we use o. Then it may be shoen that the poten- tials are as follows (a) (i) Lie singularities - Wave source Both fluids of finite depth , where A 2cs + (k(1 + 8k2)sinh kh’ [2c + (k(l + is given by k2)sinh (3.2). kh 2cs cosh kh’)cosh k(h-y)cos 2c cosh kh)cosh k(h’ kx]dk, + y)cos kx]dk ! (7.1) BASIC SINGULARITIES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAL WAVES |57 Lower fluid of finite depth 2s log R + -ky f o [e + 2s ’= 2 log R -1 where 6cosh k(h-y)]cos kx dk, (7.2) (I + k2)(cosh kh Io sinh kh e + 2s + cosh kh s sinh kh)cosh k(h-y)cos kx dk + Bk )(cosh kh (i ky kh)sinh kh e s sinh ky cos kx dk cos kx dk & s sinh kh, and (5.1). is given by Both fluids infinite 2s % T ’= (ii) 2 -+- (i + Bk 2 log R- 9o l-sl f(l log R 2)e-ky k(1 + 8k 2) + cos kx dk, c(1+s) k2)kY k(1 + Bk (7.3) cos kx dk, c(l+s) Multipo]es Both fluid of finite de_ For multipoles corresponding to I, 3, 5, n 2m+l ook ook k(l + Bk2)sinh kh’]cosh k(h-y)cos kx [2sc cosh kh’ A’ (2m+l)! and for the multipoles corresponding to =k---sinh (l+s) (2m)! where 0, 2, 4, ...(odd multipoles) n ook kh’ cosh k(h-y)cos kx dk, ) 2m (7.5) j O, I, 2 kh cosh k(h’+y)cos kx dk, (m ---sinh A is given by (3.2). Lower fluid of finite depth O, I, 2 Similarly for even multipoles (m k (2m+l)! ,= kh]cosh k(h’+y)cos kx dk, (7.4) 2m (l+s) (2m)! o -c 8k2)sinh k(l + [2c cosh kh . dk,I 2m+l (2re+l) c (even multipoles) k(l + Bk2)]cosh k(h-y)cos kx dk, [2sc A k (2m+l) 2m+l o (7.6) 2m+l [2c cosh kh k(l gk2)sinh / kh]ekYcos kx dk, A o and for odd multipoles c(l+s) (2m)! ,= where - k f ---cosh k(h-y)cos -c(l+s) (2m)! k 2m k 2m sinh kh e kx dk, (7.7) kycos kx dk, (5.1). is given by Both fluids infinite For multipoles qb q T}n-71-j-! " k2m+ o o tk(l+ k(l+Bk 2) k (2m+l)! I, 3, 5 corresponding to n 2m+l k? cos kx dk, c(l+s) [k(l+ B k lk(l+Bk 2) 2 sc]e (even multipoles), we have ky (7.8) 2c ]e c(l+s) my cos kx dk, M.A. GORGUI and M. S. 158 (;ALTAS and for odd multipoles -c(l+s) k =-G)F- / o e k2m (2m)’ -ky ’os k(]+k 2) c (l+s) (b) 2m o e kx dk, c(1+s) (7.9) ky (m cos kx dk, k(l+lk 2) o, 1, c(l+s) Point singularities Both fluids of finite depth 2m k -;!- ’= 2-mb-i F --&--k o 2m k(l+Bk2)sinh kh’]cosh k(h-y) 3o(kr) dk, [2sc osh kh’ (7.10) k(l+Bk2)sinh kh]cosh k(h’+y) [2sc cosh kh c(1+s) (2m+l)! k I, 3, 5, ...(odd multipoles) 2m+l sinh A o k2m+ +s (2m+l) -c A Jo(kr) dk, A and for multipoles corresponding to n where (even multipoles) o, 2, 4 For m,ltipoles corresponding to n kh’ cosh k(h-y) Jo(kr)dk, sinh kh cosh k(h’+y) (7.11) (m Jo(kr)dk, o, I, 2 A o (3.2). is given by - Lower fluid of finite depth For even multipoles" (m (2m)! F k o,i,2,...) 2m k(1+Sk 2)]cosh k(h-y) [2sc 2m (2m)! k f--[2c cosh kh- k(l+Bk2)sinh Jo(kr)dk, khJekYcos (7.12) kx dk, and for odd multipoles +s c k2m+ cosh k(h-y) k2m+ ky (2m+l)! ’= where (7.13) +s) (2m+l)! F -c A Jo(kr)dk, A sinh kh e Jo (kr) dk, (5.1). is given by Both fluids infinite For multipoles corresponding to n 2m (2m)! (2m)! o o k 2sc]ekY [k(l+Bk 2) k(l+Bk 2) k 2m (even multipoles), we have o, 2, 4, J (kr) dk, c(l+s) 2c]e -ky [k(l+Bk 2) k(l+Bk 2) (7.14) Jo (kr) dk, c(l+s) and for odd multipoles ([+s) (2m+l) -c c(l+s) (2m+l) k2m+l o ’k2m+l o ekY k(l+Sk 2) Jo (kr) dk, c(l+s) e-kY k(l+k 2) (7.15) Jo (kr) dk. c(l+s) (m o, I, 2 ). BASIC SINGUI.ARITIES IN THE THEORY OF INTERNAl. WAVES It should be noted here that there is a non-uniqueness for that any multiple of a slope potential may be added. to a continuous interface B 159 o to the extent The forms given above correspond slope t the orgin, where the interface elevation is always finite. 8. CONCLUSION. A complete survey for a|l the basic singularities that can be used in two fluids Results of Gorgui and Kaseem [2] and problems with surface tension is presented. Kaseem [3] can be recovered by putting B o in the appropriate forms and also those of Rhodes-Robinson [4] can be obtained by putting s o. REFERENCES 1. GOR(;UI, M. A. 2. GORGUI, M.A. and KASEEM, S.E. Basic singularities in the theory of internal waves. Quart. J. Mech. App|. Math. 31(1978), 31-48. KASEEM, S. E. Multipole expansions for two superposed fluids, each of finite depth. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 91(1982), 323-329. RHODES-ROBINSON, P. F. Fundamental singularities in the theory of water waves-with surface tension. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 21(1970), 317-333. FALTAS, M. S. Internal waves in two-fluids problems. M. Sc. Thesis. University of Alexandria, Egypt, (1977). 3. . 4. Wave motion due to a cylinder heaving at the surface separating two infinite liquids. Jour. Nat. Sc. Math. XVI (1976), 1-20.