Internat. J. Hath. & Math. Sci. (1986) 161-174 Vol. 9 No. 161 THIN CIRCULAR PLATE UNIFORMLY LOADED OVER A CONCENTRIC ELLIPTIC PATH AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS W. A. BASSALI Departme,t of Mathematics Faculty of Science Kuwa it UniVersity Kuwait, P.O. Box 5969 (Received April 29, 1985) ABSTRACT. Within the limitations of the classical thin plate theory expressions are obtained for the small deflections of a thin isotropic circular plate uniformly load- ed over ellipse c,ncentric a and four supported by columns the mo,aents the vertices at recta,g[e whose sides are parallel to the axes of the ellipse. of a Formulae are given for and shears at the centre of the plate and on the edge. Limiting cases are invest igated. KEY WORDS AND PIIRASES. of Deflections circular plates, four point supports, free boundary, uniform loading on a concentric ellipse 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 73N. |. INTRODUCTION. The technological importance of thin elastic plates is sufficiently well estabThin slabs of material are structures which are require no elaboration. lished to widely used engineering work in and their flexure has transverse been extensively studied by many authors both theoretically and experimentally when the boundary of the Support of circular discs at a discrete simply supported or free. slab is clamped, number of points is of interest to the designer of reflecting surfaces and receivers, particularly when structures. The the surfaces deflection are surface parts of a of thin astronomical circular and plate aeronautical subjected to a symmetrical loading and supported by equally spaced point columns along the periphery of the plate has been considered by Nadai and Woinowsky-Krieger [2]. [I] whose results are quoted by Timoshenko When the boundary of the circular plate is free and the plate is supported at interior points and acted upon by two types of normal loadings distributed over an eccentric circular patch the solutions have been obtained by the author [3,4], using the complex variable approach of Muskhelishvili, references previous work are given at the ends of these papers. point supports Kirte[n, Pel[, have also Woolley been discussed aad Davis [7] Thin circular plates on multi- by Yu and Pan Kirstein to and [5], Wooley Leissa and [8,9] Chantaramungkorn, Karasudhi and Lee ill] and Williams and Brinson [12]. We[Is Vaughn [6], [I0] There is good a,reement between the theoretical results of [3] and the experimental results from the 162 W.A. BASSALI tests reported in [7]. ost of the results in [5-I0,12] are special cases of [B]. of an ela,;tically restrained circular plate subject to uniform, . parabolic loadings over method is In f papers [I-15] complex variable methods were applied to study th,, bending qarieq ,f concentric ellipse. linearly vac/ing and Frishbeir and Lucht [16] used the //L// complex potentials to derive the solution for a clamped circular plate which transv_.rsely and uniformly loaded over the area of a polygon. expressions are for obtained the deflection at any point In this paper, of a thin circular plate which i ,niformly load,’.d over a concentric elliptic patch and supported by four equal concentrated forces loc,ted at the corners of a rectangle whose sides are parallel to the axes of the ellipse. Formulae are given for the boundary and central values of the The limiting cases in which the radius of the plate m,,ents and shears. the eccentricity of the ellipse 0 or its minor axis 2. BASIC EQUATIONS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. If 2h Let C 0 denote the boundary of a thin circular plate of centre is the constant thickness of the plate, oo, are investigated. an radius c. 0 then its flexural rigidity D is given by [2] 2Eh3/3(I- 2 D where E (2.1) is the modulus of elasticity and of the plate. is Poisson’s ratio for the material The mid-plane of the plate is chosen as the plane to the classical small Z bending theory of thin plates the deflection plane in the downward direction OZ 0 of a and the notation used is that of [2]. According O(x,y,Z) rectangular Cartesian frame at any point x + iy z re i0 w of the mid- satisfies the biharmonic equation DV 4w p(z z), (2.2) where 61 V2 p(z,z) and x2 2 + Oy 4 2 2 2 zz r2 + r r 2 + r is the normal load intensity at the point 2 0 (2.3) 2 z. The general solution of (2.2) may be written as z(z) + w where the (z), (z) plate and point (r,v) W zi(i) are functions of + ,(z) + o(i) + W(z,z), which are regular in the region occupied by z is a particular integral of (2.2). The moments and shears at any of the mid-plane of the plate are give by M r -I 2 + r d + -D(vd M M -D(d F Qr 2 + (l-o)Dr r- (2.4) 2 vr-2d d + r -2 d 2 )w )w -D[vV 2 + (l-v)d 2]w, -D[V 2 + (v-l)d"]:;, l(d-r -I )d’w -Dd("2w)’ Qo [2] -Dr-ld’ (2w)’ (2.5a) (2.5b) (2.5c) (’2.6) THIN CiECUI,AR PLATE LOADED OVER A ELLIPTIC PATH AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS d’ 0/.Jr, where particular integral 51 + r we have -SDz[ Qr- + 02W/z], =-4(l-v)D[z2" + 2iM " + .(z), (z) and [3,p.730] ’ -4(;+ )D[2Re Mj M bl In terms of tLe complex potentials 0/3’ W(z,z) 163 + z (2.7a) 2(,, + W" )/ r 2 ], (2.7b) 03W/3 z 2 O]/r (’2.8) where accents denote differentiation with respect to z The condition- for the circ,lar edge (Ir)r=c ( Qr O, (V r) r=c C [2] (2.9) 0 S [ to be free are r=c Substitution from (2.5a,c) and (2.6) in (2.9) leads to [f (d d’)w] r 0 r=c [Fr(d d’)w] r=c d + vr -2d,2 (2.10) 0 whe re f (d,d’) d F (d,d’) r d r 2 + or 3 + r -1 -ld2 r-2d + (2-v)r (2.11a) -1 dd’ 2 + (-3)r -3d,2 (2.lib) From (2.)a) and the first equation of (2.9) we see that (-l)(d2w) r=c v($2w) r=c v[d’(V2w)] r=c (-l)[d’d2w] r=c Equation (2.5b) and the second equation of (2.6) then give 2 (M) l-__y__ r=c D[d2w] r=c (Qo) r=c I-.__ _D u c [d,d2w] r=c (2.12) from which we deduce that (1 + ) c (Qv)r=c (d’Mo)r= c (2.13) This relation and the second equation of (2.9) serve to determine the periphery values of the shears in terms of the moment values. 3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. The problem to be solved consists of determining the deflection surface of a thin circular plate of centre 0 and radius c subjected to the following conditions: (1) The boundary (2) The total normal load C of the plate is free. L Poab is uniformly distributed over the area of the ellipse 2 x a + y b 1(0 _< b a c) z/ 2/ (3.14) (3. lb) W.A. BASSALI 164 (3) L/4, The plate is supported by four eqval concentrated forces, each of magnitude P(z% and located at tle points I ’ 2 Y3 se s ;,2,3,4), where 0 c, /2 The four points of support 2 2 2 2 2 s cos y/ a + s-sin y/b is less ,% 0 y ’ Y4 0 we have two supports at -Y lie in tIe loaded or unloaded region according as or greater than I. For y (0,_+s). we have two supports at Symmetry with respect to both axes See Figure I. show tlmt it is sufficient to find the deflection Deflections, quadrant. 4. at any w point moments and shears at the four points in the positive z +/- +/-z, are the same. METHOD AND SOLUTION. Iet F denote the boundary of the ellipse (3..b) and let the indices ruler to the loaded region inside respectively. F and the unloaded region between The particular integrals uniform intensities of normal loading W (z,) W point on F Pl P0 pOz22/64D, W2(E,) 0. C, 0 P2 may be taken as (/.l) moments and shears at any slopes, [2w/z]2 [Fw/Oz] 2 [$3w/z2]2 0 It was proved [13, p.105] that these transition conditions along F satisfied by 96--[(z)] 2 =-6---- - abf2 2 + (z2_f2), Z wher e Introducing (.io), 2 +f2) Z + 6z In + ab z fg a 2 b f2] 2 d a cos a 2 + b 2 using (3.14a) - 8D/L + ib sin are (4.17) (4.18) (,. l) (.21) is the eccentric angle of any point z 2 In + ./; and .18) in (2.4)we get, k where @ and of (2.2) corresponding to the 2 and F and 2 lead to [w] 2 along W and The continuity requirements for the deflections, if /2 while for (is,0) , Z z b cos on F then + ia sin and it is checked that the expression between the square brackets in (4.20) vanishes (z 2 -f 2 is not uniform in as it should. It is to be noted that Z along region while it is uniform in region 2. change when Thus, z traces a closed path the terms containin Z to, In fact, any of the two loci (if,0) in (4.20) should appear in is also known that the singular part of the deflection w w 2 of the ellipse. and not in at any point inter- Z the two branches of P w I. near a It THIN CIR(’ULAR PLATE LOADED OVER A ELLIPTIC PATH AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS F downward concentrated force is F W R sln 2 in R aa the point of application of the force P is the distance between R where Guided by tllese remarks and using (-.20), 4 r ab kw ab ( r 2 +--g f cos 2 165 we assume that 2 4 ) d r 6abf (aF ab) rcos + cos 20 + 2 4u 2 2n cos 2n0 -S + x(A + C r )r n n 0 (r kw2 2 + d 2) I-I z+Z in z 2 -59[) (2 ]j ’d2z r2z Z [2f2 \7 + Re )r2ncos S + (A + C r n n 0 (4.23) (4.24) 2ng whe re 4 s=.z tt2 r 2 + s 2 R 2 in x R, (4.25) 2sr cos (0-y), R 2 2 r 2 + s 2 + 2st cos (0+) (4.26) 2 2 + s 2 R3 r and A ,C (n n n R + 2sr cos (’,-y), 0, I,2,...) r2 + s2 2sr cos (0+) seen that the expressions (423) and (4.24) for equation (Z.Z) corresponding F the required transition conditions along n 0, w to the load intensities behaviour at the four points of support C (n It is now easily are real constants to be determined. and w 2 satisfy the biharmonic and PO Pl An (n Assuming that wlere, and A O. The To achieve all the terms in (4.24) will be explicitly expressed in terms of biharmoand r r- (z f) 1,2 will now be determined from the boundary conditions (2.10). 2 ...) nic functions of * satisfy and exhibit the appropriate singular The unkown constants condition of zero deflection at any point of support serves to find this goal, O, P2 n cos of the types and n6 sln _I z 2+/-n cos + f2)- ( with the usual notation _l_ (n ) Integrating (4.27a), (-1) sin - nO (z di;2-f2)) ,(z,f)= In (zZ-f 2) -1/2 r n z (n) 0 we have ( f2)n ( Igl ) z (4.27a) 2-2n /2n \ n) using (4.27b) and noting that (4.27b) (z,0) in(2z) we get W. A. BASSALI 166 Thus we have z Re in a+b bf r + 2 r2z( + (f/2r) n+! writing Similarly, f in ( 2Tz +Z Z 6 Z f2 j 2n 2n+l (l-z2/f2) r 2 r [2-T-l if 2 d (, d2_2f2 ) [z[ 2n-I 2 d zl + 21 + (4.28b) f). f: d ) 2 cos 2n0 (r cos 2’0 ’4.29a) f). we obtain the following expanding, and ( 2n2nr2 n/[--[ (r/2f)2n+l Z sin r 7 4(n+2) (4.28a) sin(2n+l)0(r r 2 n+3 + expression for the left side of (4.29a) when r 3f cos 2nO (r e f), r by the binomial theorem we find for 2 cos 40 a+b2r 21 Z! k n/\’/2n+l Z0 ’! (2n( In z+Z 7 2f r a+- -z+Z (l-f2/z2) Expanding + In f 2n-5 d 2(2n-3) 2 sin(2n+l) (r f). (4.29b) Substitution from (4.28a,b) and (4.29a,b) in (4.24) gives 3d2 kw2 16 (f/2r)2ncs -S + Z kw 12 r + 2 d 2 )In (r2 2 2 4 + b (r/2f) 2n+l a+b f2 (2nn) (2r n-22) \2n-I (2 ) il (2nn) (2n2d_ ) d sin 0 + + r 2 (r + R 1 + g n 2 d 2 (1/2 r +I 2 In s2 in r + s 2 sr s2) /s)n k /r 2 \n-Zi r2)r2ncos d2r 4 -----6f4 cos 2n8 (r "_; 4u f) S Z(An+Cnr2)r2ncos 2n8 (r < f). 0 (4.30b) s 2 s +21n r + 2 2r ( ) cos (0-y) ; n(-,},) cos n-+l i cos 20 + (4.30a) f sin(2n+l)8 + r 2 d + Z (A + C n n 0 2 r n+l 4n2-1 in r 2nO It can be easily shown that for Ra 2 2r ([ r + 2 (2 + r (4.31a) and (r2+s)2 S For r s en 2 we interchange s2) ()2n / r2 \2n--’ 2 in r + s + Y: r 2n-+ and s cos 2ny cos 2n (r s). (4.31b) in (4.31a,b) Introducing (4.31b) in (4.30a) yields kw r -> the greater of where L A O(r) 0 X L (r) cos 2n0 n O 2 A A 0 O’ + B s + - O’ln r + f (4.32) and s 2 (n Cr Ln(r) A’rn 2n + B’n r-2n + C’rn 2+2n + D,r2-2n n I), (4.33) +In a+bfl BO d s C O C 0 + in a+--- (4.34) 167 THIN CIRCULAR PLATE LOADED OVER A ELLIPTIC PATH Ab’D SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS C’ AI A’n A (n 3) B’n C’n C (n->2) D’n 2f n 2 C 3f n Applying 2 d A 2 + 6f4 2 d A 2n+2 s A2 2 2 d (f/2) 2n cos 2n 2n 4n(n+l (n+2) 2n(2n+l s (4.35) 2n cos 2n (f/2) 2n(n+l (.’n-I) + 2n(2n-I I) (n n (4.36) (n (4 37) I). differential operators (2.11) and (’2.12) to the functions in (4.32) t,e gives f (d d’) r tl.u(r)} fr(d’d’) {Ln(r) (n) + o (<-i)C6env cos + + -4n 2 n ’) (1 2n n Ar2n-2 (2n-l) 0 (2n++l) 0 (4.38) -2n-2 (2n+l)B’r n (2n-<+l) D r n (i n)(2n--,)C’r r2n-2 (n)-/n] n rF (d d’) iL (r) cos 2n0} r + (2n-l).X,n 2n in + (2n+-I) C’r + r(d,d’) tLo(r)} B r (4.39) cos 2n0 (2n+l) B’r n Dr -2n] -2n-2 (4.40) cos 2n0 where v, o (3 + v)/( ) (4.4|) Inserting (4.32) in the boundary conditions (2.0), using (4.38)-(4.40), equating the coefficients of cos 2n0 (n 0, I,2,...) in the resulting identities to zero and solving the obtained systems of linear equations we find C 2 B(v u c A’n 4u 2-2n [{ ’2n C’n u 2) C 4n 2 + 0 iS(v 2 2+2 -1, u2ncos 2n(2n-l)J 2n u2ncos 2n+l/ 4u 2) + in a+b (4.42a) (2nn) I4n2+<2-1 ----] (f/2c)2n (2) \n+2 )] 2n + 2n + u s/c (f/2c)2n 2n+2 2n+| [. n+2 (n >1), (4.42b) (n- !), n+l v2}] (4.42c) where (l-v)/(l+v), 3 d/c v (4.43) lhen the values of A 1, A and C are replaced by their values in terms of 2 by means of (4.35) it is found that (4.23) and (4.30a) take the forms and C 2(a+b) + A kw ( a-b kwi + C 0 3 d 2 + A where C 0 r 2 2 r + C 0 O r O r 2 2 ) 2 r cos 20 + + Y. (A’ + n 2) C’r n ( d 2 + + r 2 (A’ n + C’II 2 r r < f the 4{ - r2ncos ) in 2) r is given by (4.4Za) and region 2 at which r 2r 2n (a-b 2cos + \-] 40 S gab 2n0 (4 44) Z + (2:) cos 2n0 (r (f/2r) 2n w 2 (2r 2 1) \2-i 2 n-2) d f), A’n’ C’n are given by (4 deflection } A I, A 2 cos 2n0-S (4 45) 42b c) is furnished by (4.30b). For points of It is easily 168 W. A. BASSALI seen that such points exist only if if the eccentricity of the i.e., b, f can always The constant A is given by (4.24). In any case, w ellipse e 2/2. 0 2 be determined from the condition that the deflection vanishes at any of the four If all these points lie in the loaded region then (4.44) gives points of support. A ab + s 0 2 sin 2 s2 2(a+b)a-b( ) / + cos in sin cos 2 2 su,oort ,oints can be used to determine A s 0 d 2 [sin2 2 ( 4 but if A0 -< f s sin2 d24 f In a+b Z (A 0, A 0 u then either s according as 2 f s or f. 2 (4u -v in(4s cos y) + 2n-12s2 ) / 2) s2ncos CnS2) (4.46) and S ab lie in the unloaded region, + 2 2 + cos y In cos in sin I )s 2 24 + b s + C s )s n 2 r in r (4.45) or (4.30b) s -> f If we have 2 s2_s 2n (A’n + C’n } cos 2ny (4.47a) 2n c os + In sin y + 2 Z1 8 + _4u 2 v 2 (2:) (n-is22d2 2n-3] (s/2f)2n+l 4n2-I sin(2n+l)y (4 47b) 2n the deflection at the centre of the plate is In any case, W 0 ab- 0 8D where the appropriate value of 5. O s (d2nnl) (2:) n2s) t(f/2s)2n 2 n r (A’n cos 4y we have 2 (4u -v + then (4.30b) gives 2 s 2 A0 in[Z,s sin ) + cos In + 8s In + / For a single support at. the centre If all the In cos A S 0 in (4 48) S is taken. BOUNDARY ANt) CENTRAL VALUES OF MOMENTS AND SHEARS It can be easily shown that the deflections (4.23) and (424) may be written in the forms w w 2 2Re [zj(z) + l(z)] 2Re [z.2(z) + 2(z)] wherc 23 2k.Zl (z) 2k00 6abf I> 2(z) z 2 d 4 in 4 2 "ab l(z) 2k2(z) 2k d z 4 I + z+Z a+b ,2zZ [z2 [3f2 \f2 Z In Z W!(z,z) + (549) (550) + Z C z n 2n+ (5.51a) 0 ) z4 (1/4 z2) ( z2 ) Z 3 2 + 5 2] Z + in + + ab z+Z’. + -, 4 Z 4 Z in + Z A z 2n n 0 ZIn Z Z ’ + Z C z 2n+l 0 n 4 z ZIn Z + I 0 A z 2n n (5.51b) (5.52a) (5.52b) 169 THIN CIRCULAR PLATE LOADED OVER A ELLIPTIC PATH AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS z Z% An, and the real constants z% C have been determined in the previous n The moments and shears at any point of the plate can be obtained either by substitution from (4.15), (5.Sla,b) and (5.52a,b) in (2.7a,b) and (2.8) or by introducing (4.44), (4.45), (4.30b) in (2.5a,b,c) and (2.6), noting that S is defined by section. s and interchanging r,s in (4.25), (4.26) and its expansion is (4.31b) if r After extensive algebraic manipulation, it is found that (4.3b) if r -< s. as expected and (Mr)r=c=O (+)L 4 (M)r=c v + E -u (f/2c)2n 2n+; n+2 + n+ [( .L. (Mr0)r= c /’2n’i + 2 2n n+l (Q)r=c 2 (2n + E kn +1 2n cos 2n n*2 -2nu2)u2ncos v 2n sin 2} (5.54a) cos 2nO 2nO n(2n+;) v 2 + (5.53b) sin 2nO n(2n+l) + 2n + n+; (5.53a) cos 2n0 2n+l 2 v n+2 n 2n 2ny cos 2n0 os 2ny sin 2n0 2-2n +- l)u2ncos /n(/n n] * 2n+<+; n -! 2 n+l (2nu 2 +-’u2nc 2-2 (f/2c) n] L (Qr)rc 2u v k u2ncos +-- 2-2u sin 2n@ n+2 (5.54b) It is easily seen that (5.53b), (5.54a) satisfy the second boundary condition in (2.9) and (5.53a), (5.54b) satisfy (2.13) All the infinite series appearing in this section and in section 4 are convergent in the intervals - mentioned and some of them will be summed in section 8. The following formulae are obtained for the moments and shears at the centre: (Mr) 0 (0)0 8-- (;+) .a-b +u a+--’ 2) cos 2y + -+ (-) f2 (v2 2 2 cos 2y 3) cos 20 (5 55a) 8Kc 811 cos 2 (Qr)O 6. + 2 In + v u ( 2 + 3- 2u (l-) L (Mr0) 0 S a-b + u (Qo)o - (v2-<2-3) (<+3-2u)cos 2 + 8<c sin 2. (5.55b) (5.56) 0 INFINITE PLATE UNIFOILMLY LOADED OVER AN ELLIPTIC PATCH AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS. Letting A kw + O r__ SaD in (4.44), (4.45) and (4.30b) leads to c ab S ’I k a-b \a+b/ + in cos 40 a+b r 2 + a-b 2(a+b) r k 7 2 r c os 20 (6.57) 170 kw W. A. BASSALI A0 + 2 + Z kw + in 4n(n+) <1/2 A0 + 2 6f ) 2 ab + s 0 + +b) d2 + S cos 2n0 (r f in + < - f), (2 r 2n+l 4 + r 2 ) b 2 )sin r )2 ( 0 + r 2 + d 2 cos 20 2 sin (2n+;)O (r 7] 2n-3 f), (6.SSb) 2 in sin y +cos y in cos y- s (6.58a) 2dZ 4n2_; s in2y a-b 2 r (r/2f) S + 2 Z 4, where A n 2n- + in r 4 In r + s cos 2y- 2 { 8s2 + in a+ a_b2 + k7 cos 4y (6.59) if the supports lie in te loaded region; A s 0 2 + {$ 4(n+;) s ;Isin2y " 2 s < s in sin ) 2 + 4 2 b 2 cos y in cos y+ in 7 (s d) s sin y (f/2s)2n+l + 2 Z + 4n2-I 2 + s2 2d2 (2nn) ( n’i dk cos 2ny 2n- if the supports lie in the unloaded region and A0 2 2 2 sin y in(4s siny) + s cos 2 y ln(4s cosy) 2n-3 ) s e f 8s2 3 + In 2s (6.60a) - | + d2 In a+b f 2J f d2s 4 cos 2y +----- cos 4y 6f 4 sin(2n+l)y if the supports lie in the unloaded region and s (6.60b) f. - At the centre of the ellipse the moments (5.55a,b) reduce to (M) r 0 (Mr0)O 7. (l+v) g- (M),0 (l-v)L 8 + 2 in -j a-b| cos 2y +/- (l-v) cos 2y sin 20. cos 20 (6.6|a) (6.6b) THIN CIRCULAR PLATE UNDER A VARIABLE LINE LOADING ALONG A DIAMETER AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS. 0 When the minor axis of the loaded elliptic patch variable line loading extending along and PO distance corresponding b orel, p! x-axis from x we have the case of a -a to x a. If 0 b then the intensity of this line loading at a 2/a2 ). Deflections, moments and shears p| /(|-x to this case can be dedcued from those for region 2 in sections 4, 5 from the centre equals x by setting tn columns 2bP0 such [hat tL,e O, d f a, L apl and noting that separate expressions are =ro,pvpqnt (,r,.O aqcord,ing as lie outside or inside the circle r a r is greater or less than a and THIN CIRCULAR PLATE LOADED OVER A ELLIPTIC PATH AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS 171 THIN CIRCULAR PLATE UNIFORMLY LOADED OVER A CONCENTRIC CIRCULAR PATCH AND 8. SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS. Setting A kw b + a 2{ 0 A 2 3 + 0 g a a/c where A c 2-2n 2n { u a u } 2n (2n-1 sin2y + s 2[ sin2y r 4 +- S 8a 22}r2( 4n2+ 2 2 n s 2 2 (8.62) (t -2u in a + (A’ + A0 r 2n0 C’n r2)r2ncs + 2# + r r in a 2 )-a 2 S 2n0 (8.63) and 2nK 0 i + (A’n + A’n 2 [(t 2 -2u + in a + 2n C’r2)r c os n + X (A’ + n kw in (4.44), (4.45) and (4.42a,b,c) we get 0 a, f cos 2ny, c C’n -2nu2n in siny + cos y in cosy CLs2)s2ncos + in n 2)s2nc os 2 4s-2 a + cos 2ny (8.64) B(2u2-t 2) (8.65a) 2 n 2nu -] 2ny(s -< a) in siny + cos y in cosy + in(4s) + (A’ + C’s ( .B(2u2-t 2) ]- a2 z -T ( In + a) 2ny(s ) (8.65b) The inflnite series in (8.62) and (8.b3) equals 2 2 2 r +s +(K-l)c c 2 2 2 2 t,/_(,) ru Jo(4’2 )) --7- {Jl ( (’ l)c 2 /_1(,2)}+ 8 J(’) {J0 (’’ *) + + +j + ( 2 ) d(’2 )} (8.66) where , rs/c _2n COS dO(, 0 91 y 2n9 _2nlcos2n+12n __1 L l _Zn211_1 cos lg, cos (; ) 4 22cos in (I + 2n dl(-,,) 0 + y +2 cos 4-- 2n9 g 2n cos 9 in 1+2+2cs +42_ 2cos l+g2+2gcos l+g2-2gcos + 2 sine tan -i 2in i- 2 sin tan- 2 (8.67b) 2sin _g2 (8.67c) Re Re 2 n in (8.67a) 2) n 0 The last function is the dilogaritnm studied in the last three references of [7]. The deflection at the centre is given by kw s 2 sin 2y 4s 2 s In sin y+ cos y In cos y+ ina + (u -t2 c 2o (s 2 8a a) 2 (8.69a) W. A. BASSALI 172 kw sin2y In s 0 - + cos2y sin a where (2 6 + 2u 2 I)( 22 ,/_l(U kw s 0 Z 3 u 2 5 (+ l+u2, 21 a l_j u 16n (4nl-. 2 (u I + ( 2 4 + 0) -u 4- 4 + + B(2u2-t 2) 1"5 + in {K2 -1 + + (I-K +2u2-1)In(l+u 4) i 2 \ u4 2 2n 2 4 a) (8.69b) ._L In 2 dl(U 2,2Y) + 2 2,2)} c26 + l+u 2u (K-I) td,u ,0) + d(u + s I( 2u2_ 2 16n2+K2-1 i 2u > ( -u 2 2 (8.70) a), s (K2+3)u + 2} c26 in (l+u 4 u 2 tan- 2u 2 (s (8.71a) a) (8.71b) 2) (i-u2)ln(1-u It is verified that (8.71a,b) agree with (3.14) and (3.6a) of (8.72) [3], noting the There are misprints in equation (3.5a), p.738 of difference in notation. } ta whe r e 6’ c26 (s s ) - s Z-l) + in a in Z In + In 4 + 8(2u2-t 2) 4 in(l-u )I ,2y) we obtain n s 0 ,2) + n/4 Setting kw 2_ 2do(u in cos y [3] and cos a which appears twice in this equation must be replaced by cos s Putting b obtained we get (l+v)L 4n (bl0)r=c closed formulae u 2 2 +( 2 4 (l-u )(l-u )(I + in (5.53a,b), (5.54a,b) and surning the infinite series 0 f a, tt,e I t -u 2) (+l)in(lll 2) -I + (8.73a) 12 2 2 (MrU)r=c- tan u 2 (I -u L (qr)r=c (Qo)r=c Z + 2 l-u cos (sinii 2i 1-+ (l-u (l+<)u + tan 2 2+ + 2)(1 l-u2cos 22 (8.73b) 12 + u4 {sin 21 ",,u2(-uZ)(_, ’) 12 sin 2,? + lu 2) sin (I -! + :1 22,/ sin +- 2 12 (8.74b) TttIN CIRCULAR PLATE LOA3ED OVER A ELLIPTIC PATH AND SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS 173 where I + u 4 2u 2 cos (8.75) 1,2) ’2v: (j It is easily verified that (8.73a), (.74b) satisfy (2.13) and (8.73b),(8.74a) satisfy the second equation in (2.9) Formulae (5.55a,b) and (5.56) for the moments at the centre reduce to (8.76a) (M (I-)L r-a 0 For u +- 8r T/4 ( 2 + 3- 2u 2 cos 2 sin 20 (8.76b) it is checked that the formulae (8.73)-(8.76) are in agreement with those obtained by applying equations (2.44)-(2.46) of [3], which were derived by a different metiod. b f a P 4 FIG. 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