Interlat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. (1986) 175-184 175 TWO-DIMENSIONAL SOURCE POTENTIALS IN A TWO-FLUID MEDIUM FOR THE MODIFIED HELMHOLTZ’S EQUATION B. N. MANDAL and R. N. CHAKRABARTI Department of Applied Mathematics University College of Science 92, A. P. C. Road Calcutta- 700 009, India (Received March I0, 1985) ABSTRACT. Velocity potentials describing the irrotational infinitesimal motion of two superposed inviscid and incompressible fluids under gravity with a horizontal plane of surface mean of either of separation, are whose fluids, the derived due strength, sinusiodal[y along its length. of extension the a to besides vertical being line harmonic source in present time, in varies The technique of deriving the potentials here is an technique used for the of only time harmonic vertical case line The present case is concerned with the two-dimensional modified Helmholtz’s source. equation while the previous is concerned with the two-dimenslonal Laplace’s equation. KEY AND WORDS PHRASES. Helmholtz’s Modified two-fluid equation, medium, source potentials, surface of separation. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES: [. 76B15, 31A05, 35A45. INTRODUCTION. Velocity potentials due to the presence of different types of singularities in an incompressible and inviscid one-fluid medium, amplitudes, assuming irrotational motion of small play an important role in dealing with problems involving radiation or scattering of surface waves by obstacles present in the medium. These problems can be reduced to equivalent problems of solving some singular integral equations of second by a suitable use of Green’s integral theorem in the fluid medium kind in general, the with Thorne help [I] gave of these medium and Rhodes-Roblnson the free obtained either of singular a survey of surface (FS). potentials due the fluids. potentials [2] modified Gorgul to (generally called Green’s function). the fundamental singularities submerged in an one-fluid and it to include the effect of surface tension at [3] Kassem oscillating line considered and point a two-fluid singularities medium and submerged in The upper fluid of the two-fluid medium considered in [3] is extended infinitely upwards and the lower fluid is of either infinite or finite depth below the mean surface of separation (SS). Later the model is modified to include a number of generalizations, e.g. presence of interracial surface tension in the SS (cf. Rhodes-Robinson [4], Mandal [5]) upper fluid of finite depth with a free surface with or without surface tension (cf. Chakrabarti and Mandal [6], Chakrabarti [7], Kassem [8]). In problems dea[i,g with the scattering of obliquely incident surface waves in an one-fl,lid medium by horizontal plane barriers (cf. Heins [9], Green and Helns [I0] B.N. MANDAL and R. N. CHAKRABARTI 176 etc.) or vertical plane barriers (el. Mandal and Goswaml [13]), half- [II], [12] immersed or fully submerged infinitely long circular cylinder (cf. Mandal and Goswami [14], Levine [15], by exploiting the geometry of the obstacles, the velocity potential can be as:;umed to have a harmonic variation in the lateral (z) direction, same as the Thus the potential function satisfies a two-dimensional reduced incident wave field. Helmholtz’s problems are essentially boundary value problems the Hence equation. (BVP) involving the He[mholtz’s equation, and the construction of a two-dimenslonal source potential (the Green’s function) is necessary to reduce the BVP’s to equivalent Both for infinite and finite constant depth of fluid, this source integral ,equations. (in x)(cf. Heins potential can be constructed by the method of Fourier transform [9], Levlne [15], Miles [16] etc.) or by the method of separation of variables (cf. Rhodes-Roblnson [17] where the effect of surface tension of FS is included), thereby obtaining a linear combination of potentials due to the source in an unbounded fluid together with an ’image’ potential in the FS boundary condition. the In paper present due potential a to we two-fluid a consider source llne vertical medium and either of in present derive the velocity whose fluids strength varies harmonically with time and also with the co-ordlnate measured along This is the same as deriving the source potentials in a two-fluld medium its length. for the reduced two dimensional Helmholtz’s equation. The corresponding problem for the two-dimensional Laplace’s equation was considered in [4]. When the strength of the llne source is made independent of the co-ordlnate along its length, known results When the density of the upper fluid is made for a two-fluid medium are recovered. zero, the results derived here reduce to corresponding known results for an on-fluld medium. 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. We consider two-fluid a The mean SS is inviscid. medium, both the fluids taken as the horizontal and being incompressible xz-plane and y-axis pointing A line source is assumed to be present in either of the fluids and the y-axis is chosen to pass through the singular point so that the point of (O,q) or (0,-) ( > 0). The strength of the singularity is situated either at vertically downwards. llne source is assumed be the densities of the lower and upper fluids respectively so that The motion is assumed described, by velocity the fluid irrotational be ’s and is of small Pl > P2- amplitude, Re {.(x,y,z) exp(-it} (j-l,2), and can be where is 3 in Laplace’s equation three-dimensional the satisfy potentials frequency. circular respective to Let Pl, P2 z. to vary sinusoidally with time as well as with regions except at the point of singularity where it exists. The linearized SS conditions are K >I +-y (K + 3--), on y 3y s y 0, y= 0,, 2 where K depth ’h’ /g, g being the gravity and below the mean SS, then s P2/Pl < I. If the lower fluid is of TWO-DIMENSIONAL SOURCE POTENTIALS IN A TWO-FLUID MEDIUM 0 y h, y on 177 otherw[se, iI #21 grad Also grad Further, I, z 0 as y =. 0 as y =. . satisfy the radiation condition that both represent outgoing waves in the far fiels as Ixl Assuming the z-variation of the strength of the line source as possible to extract the z-variation completely from the functions exp(iz), .(x,y,z). it is Thus we can write (x,y,z) j where now j (x,y) exp (iz) 1,2 j satisfy the two-dimensional modified Helmholtz’s equation j’s 2 2 (V 0 j DI,D 2 except at a point of singularity, where 2 V pied by lower and upper fluids and (2.1) in D. 3 denote respectively the regions occu- is the two-dimensional Laplacian operator. Near a point of singularity the potential behave as K - lar solution of Helmholtz’s equation, R second kind and Kgl + (z) K being the distance from the poln.t. (K2 + ,-17-) s y y y 0 2 (UR) which is a typical singu- being the modified Bessel function of The boundary conditions are Y 0; (2.2) y 0; (2.3) y h (2.4a) when the lower fluid is of finite depth, otherwise, IVII (2.4b) 0 as y when the lower fluid is of infinite depth; also IVY21 0 as y +-=; (2.5) and finally, ’I’ 2 Thus satisfy a boundary value problem (BVP) described by (2.1) to (2.6). I, 92 satisfy the radiation condition in the far field as section 3 we will decompose this BVP into two In BVP’s by defining two sets of component potentials where the first set accounts for the singularity in the medium but die out in the far field while the second set is non-singular but accounts for the radiation condition to these in the far field as Ix =. BVP’s assuming the lower fluid In sections 4 and 5 we will obtain solutions to be of infinite and finite depth respect- ively, thereby deriving the source potentials in the two fluids completely. B.N. MANDAL and R. N. CHAKRABARTI 178 3. DECOMPOSITION INTO TWO BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS. We define potentials @j where (x,y), A_. (x,y)(j--1.2) 9j D. j-- 1,2 j satisfy @j 2 in + j such that a except at 2 (v -v point of (3.2) --0 9j and near a singularity the appropriate singularity, conditions are Wj Ko(R) 91 s 3y as R 92, y--O, (3.4) 0, (3.5) Y 3y (3.3) 0. 2 91’ 2 {n DI, D2 Thus respectively. (hereinafter Pl). Then (V2- 2) Xj g (I +-y (I k2 i)X ---y, }--- y + in hl) (3.6) 1,2), (j Dj {Kx 2 s (3.7) +-y (W 2 + X2)} y (3.8) 0; (3.9) 0 I 8X’I y 2)I/2 satisfy the BVP described by (3.2) to (3.6) 9Z @I, + y satisfy the BVP (hereinafter P2) described by Xl, A2 0 (x 0 as y 3y (3.10a) h if there is a bottom to the lower fluid, otherwise, IYXII 0 as y IVX21 0 as y and finally, Xl, X2 =, (3.10b) (3.11) ", satisfy the radiation condition in the far field as In the conditions (3.8) and (3.10a), and 91 2 are assumed to be known (solution of pl). 4. LOR FLUID OF (i) INF[NIT DEPTH. Wave Source in the Lower Fluid. described by (2.1) to (2.6) where @i In this case we seek a solution to the BVP K0(r) {x2 + as r (y-B)2}I/2/ 0. Thus in PI the precise form of (3.2) and the condition (3.3) are 2 (V 2 (V - 2 91 0, y > 0 2 0, y < 0,91 2 except at (O,Q), K0(r) as r 0 (4.1) (4.2) TWO-DIMENSIONAL SOURCE POTENTIALS IN A TWO-FLUID MEDIUM Let K0(vr) + i z {x r* where 2) }I/2 + (y + Clearly unknom constants. conditions (4.2) and (3.6). K0(r*) @2 cl c2 179 K0(r) is the distance from the image point and cl, c 2 are as given above satisy the equations (4.1) and the @I, 2 We choose cl and c2 such that the conditions (3.4) and (3.5) are satisfied. The following integral representations will be needed in our calculation f Y K0(vr) Y K0(r*) -I k x cos exp {+ k(y-n)} dk, x cos { k(y-n)} dk, exp and the upper (lower) sign is for (k where f $ -1 k y >(<)n. Thus K0(r) Y K0(r, =;f k4 f k Conditions cos x exp(-kh) dk, y= 0 K0(r) Y -1 K0 (r,) -I cos 4 exp {-k(hSn)} dk. y= h (3.4) and (3.5) give after making use of appropriate integral representa- tions given above + Cl s c2, l-cl from which we obtain c (l-s) (l+s) -I 1 K0(r) c2 2(l+s) -I Hence I--S K0(r*) (4.3) 2 2 K0(r) Again, let K2 / A 4 -I cos 4x exp(-ky)dk, y f B -I exp(ky) cos dk, y > (4.4) 0, < 0, where A,B are unknown functions of (3.10b) and (3.11). the radiation sequel. k. Clearly I, 2 given above satisfy (3.7), The contour in the integrals is to be chosen in such a way that condition is satisfied automatically. The conditions (3.8) and (3.9) lead to (K-k) A- s(K+k) B A+B 2(1-s)(l+s) O. -I exp(-k0), This will be shown in the 180 B.N. MANDAL and R. N. CHAKRABARTI Thus A, B 2(l+s) +/- -I -! k(k-M) exp (-kq) whe re (l+s) (l-s) M -I K. (4.5) - Hnce I-s 2 ls K0(vr*) + ls Pl K0(r) 2 T K(r) 2 k 2 k--- k cosx exp where the contour is indented below the pole at (i To infinity. tion at [xl)+ (4.6) (k(y-q) (4.7) M k formed into a line from (where X to X just above the cut from v < in the integrals by exp exp (i k number) on the real M, the quarter of a circle of radius iX 0 to and a line from . z)}, y < In this case there will be a contribution from the pole at k {- My + i (M cos x + M sin from the contribution integral involving circular arc will exp M sin 0 then (-i[x[) As X M. X in the fourth quadrant, and the M k lles outside the As X closed contour, there will be no contribution to the integral from this. cancel ix the Comb-ining out. (which representations for @I, 2 K0(r) 2 + I-s + f above and below the cut 0 to we integrals two account the for condition in the the to will alternative far field as as l-s --s [i M N -I K0(r*) ix[} exp {-M (y+) + i N 2)I/2 .!} 2 k {k k from finally obtain will radiation - The contribution the contribution from the circular arc will be exponentially small. from the real line from 0 to on the real line with an indentation below the In this case as the point -iX to 0. the (R), Similarly in the be exponentially small. M, the quarter of a circle of radius imaginary axis from exp However see section 6). the contour is deformed into a llne from to X below the cut, a line from point k inc I (In fact if we assume an incident wave field represented by M. 0 to It is being assumed in the complex k-plane. to is de- is a large positive k in the first quadrant, the imaginary axis from tat to ensure the radiation condi- The contour in the integral involving axis with an indentation below the pole at X dk 2 cos Cx this, we replace establish Ixl). ex p (-i cosCx exp {-k(y+)} dk cosk(y+) M sin (k 2 + 0 eXp {-(k + k(7+)} M2)(k 2 + 2/2 dk] (4.8) and 2 2 [i M N -I exp {M (y-) + i N Ixl} 2 + / 0 where N (M k{k cosk (y-n) M sin k(y-n)} exp {-k + n 2 2 k + M2)(k + 2/2 2)1/2 ix I} dkl (4.9) (4.o) TWO-DIIENSIONAL SOURCE POTENTIALS IN A TWO-FLUID MEDIUM In this case Wave Source in the Upper Fluid. (ii) 2 K0(r*) r* as 0 18! so that K0(r*) 2 O. r* as By writing WI and K0(r*), cl AI, A2 2 c2 K0(r) + K0(r*) the same integrals as in (4.4) (with different A and B) we will.slmilarly obtain 41 2s l--s [K0(r*) 42 K0(r*) k (k-) cosx l-s K0(r) +s + 2s l--s exp {-k(y+rl)} dk] k ’(k-’M)’ cosx where the contour is indented below the pole at tion at infinity. k Alternative representation for (4.) exp {k(y-)} de M 91, (4.12) to ensure the radiation condi- 2 can be obtained following the same method mentioned above as 5. i 2s l--s [K0(r*) 2 2s l-s K0(r*) + l--s K0(r) + l-s [the the terms in the square bracket in (4.8)], terms in the square bracket in (4.9)]. LOWER FLUID OF FINITE DEPTH. Wave Source in the Lower Fluid. (i) Section 4(i), while xz XI, In this case @l, 2 are the same as in satisfy P2 with the condition (3.10a) in place of (3.10b). Le t cos 2 XI, 2 / -I C x cos {A cosh k(h-y) + B sinh ky} dk, 0 x exp (ky) dk, y < < y < h, O. given above obviously satisfy (3.7) and (3.11). The SS conditions (3.8), (3.9) and the bottom condition (3.10a) yield the following three equations for the derivation of A, B, C. A(Kcosh kh ksinh kh) + kB-s(K+k) C A sinh kh B + C B cosh kh exp {-k(h-)} -(l-s)(l+s) 2(l-s)(l+s) -1 k exp(-k), 0, -I exp {k(y+)}. Solving for A, B, C we obtain 41 + K0(r) l-s ls K0(r*) 2 l--s j [----exp(-kh) {s(K+k)-k} (sinh kq + s cosh Kq) sech kh (l-s) exp(-kq) cosh k(h-y) + exp(-kh)(sinh kq+s cosh kq) sech kh sinh ky] cosx dk (5.2) B.N. MANDAL and R. N. CHAKRABARTI 182 2 -i- K0(r) 2 + 2 f l--s [(slnh ko + s cosh k0) sech kh exp {-k(h-y)} {exp (-kh) {s(K+k)-k} (slnh A + s cosh kq) sech kh kq cosx (l-s)k exp(-kr)} sinh kh exp (ky)] K cosh kh + {s(K+k)-k} sinh kh, A(k) where (5.3) dk, (5.4) k=k and the contour in the integrals is indented below the pole at g(k), only real positive zero of which is the to ensure the satisfaction of the radiation cond- tion at infinity. ni Note that poles do not occur at kh the a(k). of zeros When other is negative. has real zeros, two 3 The only poles occur at i, one are complex in general. be.come purely imaginary (see zero). +/- k positive, is say, and the 0, magnitudes of these real zeros become the same. s a(k) of zeros remaining a(k) +/----, Rhodes-Robinson [18] The O, the complex zeros When s with surface tension put equal to To ensure the radiation condition in the far field as , Ixl the same steps of section 4 (i) can be followed in the deformation of the contours tn the first and fourth quadrants with the modification that the contours are indented below the pole at the large radius of the circular arc in the first and and k=k0, quadrants is chosen in such a way that no complex zero of &(k) The far is crossed. field behaviour will come only from the contribution to the integrals at fourth (when k=k the contour is deformed in the first quadrant), other contributions from the imaginary axis, from the poles at complex zeros lying in the first and fourth quadrants will die out in the far field as Ixl above and below the cut from =. (h-y) cosh k The contribution from the real line from v to v k NO -I exp (i N WI+ D1 sinh Z -I exp (i N exp (k0h) N0 k0h will cancel out. Thus as 0 to Ixl Ixl), (5.5) where DI Nu (kO D1 l--s Ixl), (5.6) and 2 ni k 0} (sinh k0q + s cosh k0q) sech [exp(-k0h) {s(k0+ K) sinh (l-s) k A’(k0) where (ii) d d--- A (k) exp(-k0)] k0h k0h (5.7) g,(k0) k=k Wave Source Submerged in the Upper Fluid. same as given in Section 4 (il) while i, X2 In this case I, 2 are the may be assumed to have the same type of representation given in (5.1) (with different A, B, C). Then A, B, C satisfy TWO-DIMENSIONAL SOURCE POTENTIALS IN A TWO-FLUID MEDIUM A sinh kh- B + C O, 2s (l+s) B cosh kh 183 -I exp {-k(h+n)} Thus we will finally obtain exp(-kh)sech kh {’ (1-s)k+ {sK-(l+s)k} 8 2s Ko(r*) + -1-s 2s * exp(-kn)cosh k(h-y) + exp {-k(h+n)} sech kh sinh ky} K0(r*) + 2 ! As l-s 1--s K0( r+2s f cosx (5.8) dk, [exp (-kh) sech kh {(l_s)k+ {sK-(l+s)k} ep(-kh)sech kh} sinh kh exp k (y-n)] cosx (5.9) dk Ixl cosh k 0(h-y) D2 91 k0h sinh N01 exp (i NO Ixl), (5.10) (k0Y) exp 42 -D2 D2 2s (l+s) -I N exp (i N Ixl), where -I i k0h sinh A’(k and 6. N is given by + (sK-(l+s)k 0} exp(-k0h) sech k0h] [(l-s) k (5.1) exp(-k0n) (5.6). CONCLUSION. We have derived in the present paper source potentials for the two-dimenslonal modified Helmholtz’s equation two-fluid a in medium. The parameter in the Helmholtz’s equation has been assumed to be less than the wave parameter infinite depth of However, if u the lower fluid) or k (for M (for finite depth of the lower fluid). is greater than the wave parameter then the potentials will no longer represent outgoing waves in the far field, rather they will die out in the far field (see the corresponding one-fluid case with surface tension in the Making ([16] with potentials recovered. results. s 0 surface due in the above results, tension put equal to only time-harmonic to FS [16]). in source potentials in an one-fluid medium zero) can be recovered. line source in a two-fluid medium One can also include the effect of surface tension of the SS v O, [3] can be Making in these B.N. MANDAL and R. N. CHAKRABARTI 184 REFERENCES |. 2. Multipole Expansion in Camb. Phil. Soc. 49 (1953), 701-716. RHODES-ROBINSON, P.F. with Surface Tension. 3. of Theory the THORNE, R.C. Quart. Waves. Proc. 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