Evaluation of Stormwater BMP Alternatives in the Malden River Watershed ARCHIVES by MASSACHU'ET NFTITT OF ILECHNULLG~Y Mia Smith JUL 02 2015 B.S. Environmental Engineering University of Southern California, 2014 LIBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2015 C 2015 Mia Smith. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature redacted Signature of Author: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 8, 2015 Certified by: Signature redacted.. David Langseth Senio,(Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering I Thesis Advisor Signature redacted_______ Harry Hehmond William E. Leonhard (1940) Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Advisor Accepted by: ____Signature redacted f % f _ _ Heidi Nepf Donald and Martha Harleman Professor of Civil and Enviromental Engineering Chair, Graduate Program Committee Evaluation of Stormwater BMP Alternatives in the Malden River Watershed by Mia Smith Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 8, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT Stormwater runoff degrades urban streams through a variety of hydrologic and water quality changes. Green infrastructure is one alternative to traditional methods of stormwater management. This report evaluates the feasibility of four green infrastructure Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the Malden River watershed. The WERF BMP SELECT model was used to generate performance and cost data for bioretention systems, swales, permeable pavement, and constructed wetlands in a portion of the Malden River watershed. Due to space constraints, bioretention systems and swales were found to have limited applicability within the streets of the study site. Permeable pavement was 5 to 70 times more expensive than the other BMP alternatives. Wetlands were found to be the most cost-effective alternative. A 5.3 acre wetland would cost $3.9 million and provide 50% Total Phosphorus reduction, 57% Total Suspended Solids reduction, and 33% flow reduction. However, limited land availability constrains the development of a wetland within the study site. Thesis Supervisor: David Langseth Title: Senior Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor: Harry Hehmond Title: William E. Leonhard (1940) Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisors, Dr. David Langseth and Dr. Harold Hehmond for their guidance. This thesis could not have been accomplished without their direction and support. I would also like to thank the Mystic River Watershed Association, Friends of the Malden River, the City of Malden Engineering Department, and the Everett Police Department for their cooperation and assistance. I am forever grateful for my parents and their love. Thank you Maggie and Sara for your friendship. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 1.1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1.2. GEOGRAPHY OF THE M ALDEN RIVER ......................................................................................... 8 8 8 1.3. INDUSTRIAL LEGACY AND URBAN ENVIRONM ENT ..................................................................... 10 1.4. SEW ER SYSTEM............................................................................................................................. REGULATORY FRAM EW ORK ......................................................................................................... COM M UNITY EFFORTS ................................................................................................................. M ITW ORK....................................................................................................................................15 THESIS STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................... 10 13 14 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. CHAPTER 2 : STORM WATER RUNOFF ............................................................................................ 2.1. OVERVIEW OF NON-POINT SOURCE POLLUTION ...................................................................... 15 16 16 2.2. IM PACTS OF URBANIZATION: URBAN RUNOFF ........................................................................ 16 2.3. PREVIOUS STUDIES OF URBAN RUNOFF QUALITY .................................................................... 20 CHAPTER 3 : STORM W ATER M ANAGEM ENT .................................................................................. GREY AND GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE ....................................................................................... 3.1. 3.2 TYPES OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE ......................................................................................... GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE EVALUATION M ODELS .................................................................... 3.3. ....... 3.4. W ERF BM P SELECT M ODEL ................................................................................ 22 22 23 25 25 CHAPTER 4 : M ETHODS .................................................................................................................... 4.1. OVERVIEW OF M ETHODS ............................................................................................................. 4.2. STUDY SITE.................................................................................................................................... 4.3. DECENTRALIZED APPROACH: BM PS IN PUBLIC STREETS ........................................................... 4.4. CENTRALIZED BM P: CONSTRUCTED W ETLAND ........................................................................ 4.5. SELECT PARAM ETERS ................................................................................................................... 4.6. CALIBRATION OF FLOW ESTIM ATES ............................................................................................. 30 30 30 31 39 40 41 CHAPTER 5: RESULTS.......................................................................................................................42 5.1. BM P EVALUATION BASED ON 10-YEAR RAINFALL DATA ........................................................... 5.2. RESULTS OF CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................ 5.3. CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................. 5.4. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH .................................................................. 42 48 49 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................................50 APPENDIX A. DEFAULT PARAMETERS WITHIN THE WERF BMP SELECT MODEL................................53 54 A.1. DEFAULT EM CS FOR LAND USES IN THE BM P SELECT M ODEL ................................................... 54 A.2. DEFAULT EM Cs FOR VARIOUS BM PS IN THE BM P SELECT M ODEL ............................................ 54 A.3. DEFAULT COST PARAM ETERS IN THE BM P SELECT M ODEL ....................................................... 4 55 APPENDIX B. BIORETENTION AND SW ALE FEASIBILITY: BM P W IDTHS ............................................. B.1. M INIM UM W IDTH STANDARDS FOR ROADW AYS AND SIDEW ALKS.............................................56 B.2. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR BMPS......................................................................................... 56 B.3. M INIM UM W IDTH REQUIREMENTS FOR BMPS........................................................................ 56 57 B.4. CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE STREET W IDTHS ........................................................................ APPENDIX C. BM P PERFORMANCE AND COST RESULTS .................................................................. C.1. BIORETENTION POLLUTION REDUCTION...................................................................................61 C.2. C.3. C.4. C.5. C .6 . C.7. C.8. C.9. C.10. C.11. C.12. C.13. C.14. BIORETENTION FLOW REDUCTION...............................................................................................62 BIORETENTIO N COSTS .................................................................................................................. SW ALE POLLUTION REDUCTION................................................................................................64 SW ALE FLOW REDUCTION............................................................................................................65 SW A L E C O ST S ............................................................................................................................... PERMEABLE PAVEMENT POLLUTION REDUCTION (PER M ILE) ................................................ PERM EABLE PAVEMENT FLOW REDUCTION (PER MILE) ........................................................... PERM EABLE PAVEMENT COSTS (PER M ILE)............................................................................... PERMEABLE PAVEMENT COMPARISONS TO OTHER BMPs........................................................ 5.3 ACRE W ETLAND POLLUTION REDUCTION........................................................................... 5.3 ACRE W ETLAND FLOW REDUCTION ..................................................................................... 5.3 ACRE W ETLAND COSTS ........................................................................................................... W ETLAN D COM PARISONS TO OTH ER BM Ps............................................................................. 60 63 66 67 67 67 68 69 69 69 70 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1. Malden River Sub- Watershed................................................................................. Figure 1-2. Geography Surrounding the Malden River .............................................................. 8 Figure 1-3. Malden River Stormwater Outfall Locations............................................................ 9 7 Figure 1-4. SSO Map#15: Reported SSOs in The Malden River Watershed............................ Figure 1-5: SSO Map #16: Reported SSOs in the Malden River Watershed ............................ 11 Figure2-1. Hydrographsfor Urban and Non-Urban Streams.................................................. 17 Figure4-1. Study Site within the Malden Watershed ................................................................ 30 33 Figure 4-2. Streets with BMP Feasibility................................................................................. 12 Figure 4-3. Typical Sidewalk Configuration within the Study Site .......................................... Figure 4-4. FerrySt Sidewalk Configurationwith Existing GrassedArea.............................. 34 35 Figure 5-1. TP Reduction for Various BMPs Across the Study Site......................................... Figure 5-2. Cost per Kg of TP Removedfor Various BMPs ..................................................... 46 47 6 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1. Surface Water Quality Standardsfor ClassB Warm Waters.................................. Table 1-2. Water Quality Impairment Causes on the Malden River ........................................ 13 14 Table 2-1. Hydrologic Impacts From Increases in Impervious Surfaces .................................. Table 2-2. Comparison of Median Stormwater Quality ForNURP and NSQD ....................... Table 3-1. Bioretention PollutantRemoval Efficiencies............................................................ 18 21 23 Table 3-2. Swale PollutantRemoval Efficiencies ...................................................................... Table 3-3. Permeable Pavement PollutantRemoval Efficiencies ............................................ Table 3-4. Wetland PollutantRemoval Efficiencies .................................................................. 24 24 Table 3-5. Stormwater BMPs Simulated in SELECT................................................................. Table 3-6. Water Quality ParametersSimulated in SELECT.................................................... Table 3-7. SELECT PredictionsCompared with Observed PerformanceData. 26 26 Saylor Grove Wetland, Philadelphia......................................................................... Table 3-8. SELECT PredictionsCompared With Actual Cost Data. Saylor Grove Wetland, Philadelphia......................................................................... 27 Table 4-1. Characteristicsof the Study Site................................................................................ Table 4-2. Breakdown of Land Uses within the Study Site ....................................................... Table 4-3. Street Segments with BMP Feasibility.................................................................... 25 27 31 31 33 Table 4-4. BMP Width Designs ................................................................................................ Table 4-5. Sum m ary of BMP Sizes............................................................................................ 36 38 Table 5-1. Annual Runoff Characteristicsof the Study Site ..................................................... Table 5-2. Bioretention vs. Swale Systems of Equal Surface Area........................................... Table 5-3. Bioretention vs. Swale Systems: Results Across Entire Study Site........................... Table 5-4. TP Reduction Equivalents OfBioretention and Swale Systems Across the Study Site 42 42 Table 5-5. Results of PermeablePavement PerMile of ParkingLane Replaced ..................... Table 5-6. Results of Wetland Sized to Treat Entire Study Site................................................. Table 5-7. PermeablePavement Required to Attain TP Reduction 44 Equivalent of 5.3 acre W etland................................................................................. Table 5-8. Total Reduction Potentialsfor Various BMPS across the Study Site ...................... Table 5-9. Comparisonof BMP Costs ...................................................................................... 45 Table 5-10. Runoff Volumes Predictedby SELECT and SWMM Models................. 48 43 44 45 46 47 Table 5-11. Total PhosphorusReduction Percentagesfor an Individual BMP ....................... 48 Table 5-12. Total Suspended Solids Reduction Percentagesfor an IndividualBMP ............... 48 7 CHAPTER 1 : BACKGROUND 1.1. INTRODUCTION The Malden River, located in the Greater Boston area, has an extensive history of industrial activity and urbanization along its banks. Centuries of abuse by these activities have reduced the river to a degraded condition and led to concern about the River's ecological health and its suitability for recreational use. Over the past few decades, the communities surrounding the Malden River have been interested in improving its conditions. This thesis presents one portion of a joint MIT effort to provide the community with further scientific information about the Malden River. Studies include a bacterial risk assessment, a hydrological runoff model and investigation of sediment contamination. A further description of these other studies can be found in Section 1.6. This report focuses specifically on the evaluation of stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) alternatives to mitigate the effects of urban runoff into the Malden River. 1.2. GEOGRAPHY OF THE MALDEN RIVER The Malden River is located within the 76-square-mile Mystic River Watershed in the Greater Boston area of Massachusetts. Within the Mystic River Watershed, the Malden River SubWatershed covers 11 square miles in the towns of Everett, Malden, Medford, Wakefield, Stoneham and Melrose (Figure 1-1). Eastern MA Stoneham 't~ -~- Melrose Maiden Medford Legend Study Area Outlet Location TownBoundanes ----- Subwatershed' I I Sara Greenberg Civil & Enviornmental MEng. 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Map by: 0 1.050 2,100 4.200 Meters FIGURE 1-1. MALDEN RIVER SUB-WATERSHED *Delineates the portion of the Malden River watershed that flows directly into the Outlet Location Source: ArcMap 10.2.2 (2010) 8 Much of the Malden River flows beneath the surface and out of view. The River begins at Spot Pond in the Middlesex Fells Reservation (Figure 1-2) and flows completely covered beneath the cities of Melrose and Malden. The River re-surfaces from two stormwater culverts near the center of Malden (shown circled in red in Figure 1-3). From the two culverts, the Malden River flows aboveground for two miles, before discharging into the Mystic River. The Amelia Earhart Dam is located a short distance downstream of where the Malden and Mystic Rivers converge. Maid"n Medf ni FIGURE 1-2. GEOGRAPHY SURROUNDING THE MALDEN RIVER Source: Google Maps (2015) FIGURE 1-3. MALDEN RIVER STORMWATER OUTFALL LOCATIONS Source: Nangle Associates (2014) 9 1.3. INDUSTRIAL LEGACY AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT The Malden River has a long legacy of abuse due to industrial activity (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2008). During the Industrial Revolution, the River provided an essential means of transportation and waste disposal for chemical, coal gasification, and other manufacturing plants. In order to support these industries, much of the existing wetlands were dredged and filled to straighten the river channels. Many of these historical activities have resulted in the release of oil and hazardous materials (OHM) into the River. These contaminants include fuel by-products, volatile organic compounds, and various metals, which can leach into the groundwater or directly contaminate the River through natural hydrological pathways. Although many of the industrial plants were relocated after World War 1I, industrial waste and dredged materials still remain. The surrounding towns of Malden, Medford and Everett have continued to develop since the Industrial Revolution, creating an increasingly urbanized environment in the Malden River watershed. Urban environments are characterized by large areas of impervious surfaces, such as roadways, buildings, and parking lots, which prevent natural ground infiltration of rainfall. Instead of percolating through the ground, rainfall runs into the storm drainage system and eventually into the River, which increases the frequency and intensity of flooding in extreme stormwater events. This increased volume of stormwater runoff can cause a variety of environmental problems, including increased erosion and reduced base flows into the River. These reduced base flows result in low water velocities and poor mixing conditions between storm runoff events, which ultimately contribute to high bacteria concentrations in the Malden River (Herron 2014). Other water quality concerns arise as urban pollution contaminates the runoff before it discharges into the River. Just downstream of where the Mystic and Malden Rivers converge, the Amelia Earhart Dam controls the flow of the Malden River (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2008). The construction of the dam has greatly changed the natural flushing of the River, leading to stratification and depleted dissolved oxygen concentrations. These conditions have hindered the growth of a healthy ecosystem in the Malden River. 1.4. SEWER SYSTEM All of the municipalities surrounding the Malden River have separate storm water and sewage systems. Therefore there is no risk of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) discharging into the Malden River. However, there have been incidents of the sanitary sewer systems around the Malden River overflowing during extreme wet weather conditions. Under extreme weather conditions, groundwater or stormwater can enter the sewer system at vulnerable points (such as blockages or line breaks) and cause sewage to overflow downstream (US EPA 2014b). Figure 1-4 and 1-5 show the locations of reported SSO incidents that have occurred in the Malden River watershed. Point 1+26 in Figure 1-5 shows the only known SSO that directly discharged into the Malden River. This event occurred on March 29, 2010 and discharged over 1 million gallons of raw sewage into the River (MADEP 2015). 10 ZO' SSO map#: 15 FIGURE 1-4. SSO MAP#15: REPORTED SSOS IN THE MALDEN RIVER WATERSHED Source: MWRA (2015) 11 - oO Location of SW s SSO map #. 16 FIGURE 1-5: SSO MAP #16: REPORTED SSOS IN THE MALDEN RIVER WATERSHED Source: MWRA (2015) 12 1.5. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK The Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards (314 CMR 4.00) categorize the Malden River as a Class B warm water. Class B waters are designated as "a habitat for fish, other aquatic life, and wildlife", for "primary and secondary contact recreation" and for irrigation, agricultural and industrial process uses. Class B waters should also have "consistently good aesthetic value" (MADEP 2014). The standards that apply to the Malden River are summarized in Table 1-1. TABLE 1-1. SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR CLASS B WARM WATERS Parameter Class B Standard Dissolved Oxygen >5.0 mg/l Where natural background conditions are lower, DO shall not be less than natural background conditions. Temperature <83 0 F The rise in temperature due to a discharge shall not exceed 5-F pH 6.5-8.3 No more than 0.5 units outside of the natural background range. .r Bacteria Bathing (non-bathing): E.coli as indicator - geometric mean of five most recent samples taken during the same bathing season (within the most recent six months) shall not exceed 126 colonies per 100 m and no single sample shall exceed 235 colonies per 100 ml Bathing (non-bathing): Enterococci as indicator- geometric mean of five most recent samples taken during the same bathing season (within the most recent six months) shall not exceed 33 colonies per 100 m and no single sample shall exceed 61 colonies per 100 ml Solids Shall be free from floating, suspended and settleable solids in concentrations and combinations that would impair any use assigned to this Class, that would cause aesthetically objectionable conditions, or that would impair the benthic biota or degrade the chemical composition of the bottom. Color and Turbidity Shall be free from color and turbidity in concentrations or combinations that are aesthetically objectionable or would impair any use assigned to this Class. Oil and Grease These waters shall be free from oil, grease and petrochemicals that produce a visible film on the surface of the water, impart an oily taste to the water or an oily or other undesirable taste to the edible portions of aquatic life, coat the banks or bottom of the water course, or are deleterious or become toxic to aquatic life. Taste and Odor None in such concentrations or combinations that are aesthetically objectionable, that would impair any use assigned to this Class, or that would cause tainting or undesirable flavors in the edible portions of aquatic life. 12 Natural seasonal and daily variations that are necessary to protect existing and designated uses shall be maintained. Source: MADEP (2014) Currently, the Malden River is not in compliance with these surface water quality standards (MADEP 2013). Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires each state to publish a list of water bodies that do not meet state water quality standards. In compliance with this mandate, the Malden River is included on the Massachusetts' 303(d) list. The specific causes of impairment are listed in Table 1-2 below. 13 TABLE 1-2. WATER QUALITY IMPAIRMENT CAUSES ON THE MALDEN RIVER Malden River Impairment Causes (Debris/Floatables/Trash*) PCB in Fish Tissue Chlordane Phosphorus (Total) DDT Secchi disk transparency Dissolved oxygen saturation Secchi disk transparency Escherichia coli Sediment Bioassays -- Chronic Toxicity Fecal Coliform Freshwater Foam/Flocs/Scum/Oil Slicks Taste and Odor High pH Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Oxygen, Dissolved TMDL not required (Non-pollutant) This table is in agreement with the version in the proposed 2014 IntegratedList of Waters report. Source: MADEP (2013) * After identifying the impaired water bodies, each state is also required to establish priorities for development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) that specify "the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards" (MADEP 2014). Massachusetts's current schedule for TMDL development makes no specific reference to the Malden River. However, the Malden River is included under a broader priority to develop watershed wide bacteria TMDLs for Boston Harbor. Final EPA approval of Boston Harbor bacteria TMDLs is expected to occur in Fiscal Year 2015. 1.6. COMMUNITY EFFORTS In response to the Malden River's degraded water quality, there has been a growing community effort to transform the River into a healthy ecosystem that can provide recreational space to the public. Some key organizations leading this effort include the Mystic River Watershed Association, Friends of the Malden River, and the Army Corps of Engineers. The Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) works to protect the entire Mystic River watershed through advocacy, outreach and education, water quality monitoring, and restoration efforts. MyRWA manages an extensive water quality monitoring program across the Mystic River Watershed, including a sampling site on the Malden River at which samples have been collected since July 2000. Friends of the Malden River (FOMR) is a community group that champions environmental conservation of the Malden River. FOMR advocates for an improved river ecosystem, focusing directly on water quality, public access, outreach, and youth involvement (FOMR 2015). The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) (2008) evaluated several strategies for ecosystem restoration along the Malden River. The ACE expressed concern about the potential for toxic pollution in the sediments of the Malden River, which would seriously threaten the local ecosystems and potentially inhibit recreational use of the River. The ACE published a report which includes an environmental assessment of the Malden River, an analysis of several 14 restoration activities, and a recommended plan for ecosystem restoration. The plan recommends the creation of a wetland habitat through the removal of invasive plant species and the deposition of sand and gravel in various areas along the Malden River. These activities aim to reduce the inflow of contaminated sediments, groundwater, and urban stormwater runoff, which have all been identified as major sources of water contamination on the Malden River. 1.7. MIT WORK Several MIT studies were conducted to provide the communities surrounding the Malden River with a better understanding of its current state. This report presents an evaluation of alternatives to manage stormwater along the River. Other studies include a microbial risk assessment, a hydrologic runoff model, and an investigation of sediment contamination. Brief summaries of these studies are presented below. HYDROLOGIC RUNOFF MODEL The hydrology of a portion of the Malden River watershed was modeled using the Environmental Protection Agency's Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) (Greenberg 2015). The model quantifies volume and flow rates of rainfall runoff as it travels across the watershed, through the drainage system, and into the River. MICROBIAL RISK ASSESSMENT A microbial risk assessment was conducted to determine the risks of recreational use of the Malden River (Jacques 2015). Rainfall and water quality data were analyzed to determine the risk of illness assumed by recreational users of the Malden River. INVESTIGATION OF SEDIMENT CONTAMINATION Investigations of the sediment contamination of the Malden River were conducted (Sylman 2015; Khweis 2015; Oehmke 2015). Sediment quality data was used to calculate the potential concentration distributions of various contaminants in the Malden River. The potential for sediment suspension into the water column was also calculated. Further, this information was used to conduct a preliminary risk assessment of sediment exposure during recreational activities. 1.8. THESIS STRUCTURE This report evaluates alternatives to manage stormwater runoff along the Malden River. Chapters 2 and 3 provide background on the problems associated with urban stormwater runoff and the various management options that can be used to mitigate its effects. Chapter 4 describes the methods used to evaluate the feasibility and performance of stormwater management practices within the Malden River watershed. Results from the evaluation are presented in Chapter 5. 15 CHAPTER 2: STORMWATER RUNOFF 2.1. OVERVIEW OF NON-POINT SOURCE POLLUTION The Clean Water Act (the common name for the 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act and its 1977 and 1983 amendments) set the basic structure of water quality regulations in the United States by making it illegal to discharge any pollutant from a point source into US waters without a permit. In this context, a point source is defined as any "discernible, confined and discrete conveyance", such as a pipe or tunnel (33 U.S.C. 1362(14)). Through this legislation, the Clean Water Act was successful in significantly reducing point source pollution in America by the mid 1980s (EPA 1984). Following this reduction in point source pollution, non-point source pollution came under national attention as the next major water quality concern in America. Non-point source pollution is generated when rainfall picks up pollutants as it moves over the ground (EPA 2015b). Unlike point source discharges, which can be easily identified and controlled, non-point source pollution originates from many diffuse sources which can vary significantly over time in flow and concentration (NOAA 2015b). These characteristics make non-point source pollution a more difficult problem to address and the consequences of non-point source pollution continue to be pervasive. The EPA highlighted this concern in a 1984 report to Congress, citing that "six out of the ten EPA regions assert non-point source pollution as the principal remaining cause of water quality problems" (EPA 1984). 2.2. IMPACTS OF URBANIZATION: URBAN RUNOFF This thesis focuses specifically on urban runoff, which is the second leading source of non-point source pollution in the United States (EPA 1984). Distinct from other types of non-point source pollution such as agricultural runoff, urban runoff is generated when rain flows across impermeable surfaces of an urban landscape (e.g. roofs, lawns, streets). Impermeable surfaces generate urban runoff by inhibiting the natural infiltration of water through soils. The decreased infiltration and increased surface runoff initiate "synergistic interactions of many detrimental factors" that significantly degrade stream quality (Klein 1979). The following two sections will discuss the negative hydrologic and water quality impacts of urban runoff. According to Klein, the impact of urban runoff on stream quality is first evidenced when watershed imperviousness reaches 12% (1979). For the most sensitive stream ecosystems, stream quality degradation can be seen at watershed imperviousness as low as 10%. Stream quality continues to degrade as imperviousness increases and becomes severe once watershed imperviousness reaches 30%. HYDROLOGIC CONCERNS Urban runoff generated by increased watershed imperviousness changes the natural hydrology of an ecosystem, resulting in a variety of detrimental effects. Increased volumes of runoff travel across surfaces with higher velocities (Strassler, Pritts, and Strellec 1999). This can be seen clearly in Figure 2-1, which compares stormwater discharges from before and after urban 16 development. The post-development discharges arrive earlier and have much higher peak flow volumes. This increases the frequency and volume of bankfull flows, altering natural landscapes and habitats (CWP 2003). 16glr and Mor- Large Storm \ Rapid P,.k Discharge Pr-devlopment small Post -develtoPmIt Small Storm More Runo# Volume Lower and Less Rapod Ptak 0 -J TiME -e FIGURE 2-1. HYDROGRAPHS FOR URBAN AND NON-URBAN STREAMS Source: CWP (2003) Additionally, the increased volume and velocity of runoff exacerbates erosion throughout a watershed (CWP 2003). Increased erosion further degrades natural habitats by widening channel widths and reducing vegetative cover along stream banks. Erosion also increases sediment loads in streams, degrading water quality in a variety of ways. The water quality impacts of sediments are discussed later. In addition to the problems associated with increased runoff, watershed imperviousness also degrades ecosystems by preventing natural infiltration. Under natural conditions in many locations, a significant portion of rainfall that infiltrates through the ground recharges groundwater aquifers that provide base flows to nearby streams and rivers. Therefore, the reduction in infiltration caused by urban development can reduce base flows in nearby rivers (CWP 2003). Base flows can be reduced to as low as 10% of regional averages as watershed imperviousness reaches 65% (Klein 1979). Rivers with such low flows are not suitable environments for aquatic life due to impaired navigability and increased temperature fluctuations. 17 ; , ,. ULLm , , ;- - -1 TABLE 2-1. HYDROLOGIC IMPACTS FROM INCREASES IN IMPERVIOUS SURFACES Increased I topeream Leads te: Increased V61ome Rulng Fboding Habitat Ios Impacts Channel Ere.on Stream bed a Wir V Ve Increased Peak e le of e of V V V Fisw V Increased Peak Duratimn Increased Stream V Temp. Decreased Base Flow__ Changes inV sedment Lding V _ V _ __ _ V V Source: Strassler, Pritts, and Strellec (1999) WATER QUALITY CONCERNS In addition to hydrologic changes, increased urban runoff also causes serious water quality issues. Urban runoff carries contamination from a variety of pollutants deposited on urban surfaces through direct human activities (e.g. construction) and atmospheric deposition (e.g. automobile exhaust, coal plant emissions) (Shaver et al. 2007). The initial runoff from a rainfall event, known as the "first flush", washes off pollutants from urban surfaces and transports them into nearby water bodies (EPA 2000). The major contaminants of urban runoff include sediment, nutrients, trace metals, chloride, bacteria, hydrocarbons, and organic materials. The following discusses the sources and impacts of the major urban runoff pollutants. Sediment Sediments constitute the largest portion of pollution in urban runoff (EPA 1990). The primary source is streambank erosion, which is exacerbated by the increased volume and velocity of runoff (CWP 2003). The second largest source of sediment is urban surfaces (such as streets, parking lots, and lawns) which accumulate "exhaust particulates, 'blown on' soil and organic matter, and atmospheric deposition" (CWP 2003). Street surfaces also directly generate sediment as a result of wearing due to automobile traffic and road sanding. Construction site erosion is the third major source of sediment. Increased sediment loading has a variety of negative impacts on aquatic life. Sediments can suffocate aquatic life by clogging gills or burying eggs laid on stream beds (CWP 2003). Sediments also increase turbidity, which interferes with photosynthesis and sight-feeding. In addition to direct effects, sediments also degrade water quality by providing a "medium for the accumulation, transport and storage of other pollutants" (Strassler, Pritts, and Strellec 1999). 18 Nutrients Although nutrients (primarily nitrogen and phosphorus) are naturally occurring essential elements, they can have negative impacts when found in excessive amounts (CWP 2003). Nutrient loadings are often attached to sediment. Common sources of nutrients in urban runoff include chemical fertilizers, failing septic systems, pet waste, and stream bank erosion (Shaver et al. 2007; CWP 2003). Parking lots and streets are the second largest source of phosphorus and provide 30% of the nitrogen load in runoff (CWP 2003). Excessive nutrient loads can result in unwanted eutrophication and depleted dissolved oxygen levels. Other problems from nutrients include discoloration, odors, and the release of toxins (EPA 1990). Metals Stormwater often contains harmful concentrations of trace metals, such as zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, and chromium (CWP 2003). These metals, which are primarily the result of industrial activities and vehicle maintenance, contaminate stormwater from depositions on roads and parking lots. Metals are often transported via sediments--over half of trace metals in urban runoff are attached to sediments. Metals are potentially toxic to aquatic organisms (CWP 2003). Although concentrations of metals in urban runoff do not generally cause acute toxicity, there is concern for accumulation in animal tissues and sediments. Chloride Road de-icing during the winter results in significant chloride contamination of runoff (Shaver et al. 2007). Although chloride is essential for life, excessively high concentrations are toxic to plants and animals. Bacteria Sources of bacterial pollution include septic systems, CSO and SSO events, and animal waste (Shaver et al. 2007). Bacterial contamination can be pathogenic and can result in disease incidents or death. Hydrocarbons Vehicle fuels and lubricants are the source of various petroleum hydrocarbon compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), oils, and grease (Shaver et al. 2007). Areas with high-vehicular use (e.g. gas stations, parking lots, roads) are the main source of these hydrocarbons, which often travel attached to sediment (CWP 2003). Like metals, hydrocarbons can accumulate in animal tissue and sediments, presenting risk of toxicity to aquatic life. OrganicCompounds A variety of organic contaminants can be found in urban runoff, including MBTE and pesticides (CWP 2003). MBTE is a potentially toxic and carcinogenic gasoline additive present in areas of high vehicular use. Pesticides, which come from lawns, have similarly harmful effects. 19 In regions with significant snowfall, snowmelt can be a major source of many of the pollutants listed above (Shaver et al. 2007). During the winter, litter, de-icing chemicals, vehicular emissions, and atmospheric deposition cause significant buildup of pollution on snow (CWP 2003). Pollutants accumulated over many months can be released in high concentrations during a few snow melt events (CWP 2003). In some cases, as much as 50% of annual sediment, nutrient, hydrocarbon and metal loads can be attributed to snowmelt runoff (Oberts et al. 1989). 2.3. PREVIOUS STUDIES OF URBAN RUNOFF QUALITY The first comprehensive study of urban runoff water quality was conducted by the EPA through its Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) (Shaver et al. 2007). Between 1978 and 1983, NURP collected stormwater quality data from 2,300 storm events across 28 study-sites in America. This data was compiled to establish typical water quality values of ten urban runoff pollutants for several land use categories. NURP reported water quality data using Event Mean Concentration (EMC) values, which are calculated by the total mass of pollutants contained in a runoff event divided by the event's total runoff volume (Shaver et al. 2007). EMC values are generally well represented by a lognormal probability distribution. Thus, an EMC mean and coefficient of variation can be used to characterize highly variable water quality data. In this way, EMC values can be used to compare water quality at multiple sites. They can also be used to estimate the probability of pollutant concentrations at a site with limited site specific data (Shaver et al. 2007; EPA 1990) Several studies on stormwater quality have been conducted since NURP. In 1999, the USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program compiled data of runoff from 1,100 storm events across 10 metropolitan areas (Shaver et al. 2007). Between the 1970s and 1980s, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) examined runoff from 31 highways in 11 states and found that roadway runoff has a characteristic signature, due to its high proportion of pollution from vehicle traffic. The FHWA also found that pollutant concentrations of roadway runoff increase with average daily traffic (ADT) volume (Shaver et al. 2007). In 1999, data from various stormwater databases was collected and compared to the NURP results (Smullen, Shallcross, and Cave 1999). The study found that the results from this updated pooled database showed lower concentrations of Total Suspended Solids and metals, possibly resulting from increased sediment control management and the elimination of leaded gasoline (Shaver et al. 2007). With the exception of these discrepancies, the study generally found the updated pooled data comparable to the original NURP data (Shaver et al. 2007). Most recently, the University of Alabama, the Center for Watershed Protection (CWP), and the EPA have carried out a joint effort to compile the National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD) which encompasses NPDES monitoring data from 200 municipalities over ten years ("National Stormwater Quality Database" 2015). The database, which can be accessed online, provides urban characterization data searchable by land use, state, and other criteria. Table 2-2 compares the original NURP data with data from the NSQD as of 2004. 20 TABLE 2-2. COMPARISON OF MEDIAN STORMWATER QUALITY FOR NURP AND NSQD WO Paramete ovwrad Re__ dend COmMral _ _ openspe NSOD NUN? _ _ _ NSOD NURP MS0D NUR COD (mg/l) 53 65 55 ?3 63 5? 21 40 TSS[mg/I) 58 100 48 101 43 69 51 70 30 MW60 NURP Pb total [ug/) 16 144 12 144 18 104 5 Cu total [ug/J 16 34 12 33 1? 29 5 11 Zn total (ug/I) 116 160 73 135 150 226 39 195 TKN [mg/l] I.4 I.S 1.4 .9 1.60 1,18 0.60 C.97 N02 + N03 (mg/l] 0.60 0.68 0.60 0.14 0.60 0.5? 0.60 0.54 TP (mg/I] 0.2? 0.33 0.30 0.38 0.22 0.20 0.25 0.12 SRP (mg/I) 0.12 0.12 0.1? 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.03 COD = Chemical Oxygen Demand TP = Total Phosphorus Source: Shaver et al. (2007) Notes: TSS= Total Suspended solids SRP Soluble Reactive Phosphorus TKN = Total Kjoldahl Nitrogen 21 CHAPTER 3: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT One method to mitigate the impacts of urban runoff is through the implementation of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs). Stormwater BMPs are a category of pollution control systems that "manage the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater runoff' (EPA 2014). 3.1. GREY AND GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Stormwater BMPs can be classified into two categories: "grey" and "green" infrastructure. Grey infrastructure refers to traditional methods of capturing and conveying runoff, such as catch basins and stormwater drainage networks. In contrast, green infrastructure BMPs mimic natural processes by strategically using vegetation and soils to integrate urban runoff back into natural ecosystems (De Sousa, Montalto, and Spatari 2012). By increasing the infiltration, evaporation, and reuse of runoff, green infrastructure BMPs reduce the volume and treat the quality of urban runoff near the source. Examples of green infrastructure BMPs include bioretention basins, green roofs, porous pavements, stormwater planters, and bioswales (US EPA 2014a). Some examples of applications are presented below. Green infrastructure has a variety of environmental and operational benefits. In addition to providing volume reduction and quality treatment, the flexible nature of green infrastructure design offers a "distributed approach to stormwater management that can be tailored to different site conditions, including new development and retrofit scenarios" (Madden 2010). Additional benefits include high returns on investment, short installation time, reduction of greenhouse gases, as well as the social benefits of enhanced aesthetics and improved green space (Madden 2010; De Sousa, Montalto, and Spatari 2012). Due to these advantages, green infrastructure has been gaining increased support as an effective way to manage stormwater. Green infrastructure is officially supported by the EPA and has been successfully demonstrated in several urban environments across America over the last decade (US EPA 2014a). GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE CASE STUDY: PHILADELPHIA The Philadelphia Water District (PWD)'s CSO Control Policy exemplifies the recent success of green infrastructure systems to manage stormwater. Encouraged by the EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program, the PWD devised an integrated longterm plan to manage the city's stormwater. The 25-year plan, titled "Green City Clean Waters", had a groundbreaking focus on green infrastructure (Madden 2010). The PWD designated 70% of the plan's $2.4 billion budget specifically for green infrastructure and has been successfully employing these tools throughout the city since 2009 (Philadelphia Water Department 2009). GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE CASE STUDY: BOSTON In Boston, the Charles River Watershed Association's Blue Cities Initiative champions the use of green infrastructure throughout the Greater Boston area (CRWA 2014). "Blue Cities" uses historic maps to understand pre-development hydrology and strategically design green infrastructure that restores natural hydrologic function and enhances public space. Through this initiative, the CRWA has implemented demonstration projects that effectively treat pollution, reduce flooding, and enhance the replenishment of natural aquifers. 22 3.2 TYPES OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE There are many different types of green infrastructure, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, choosing between green infrastructure BMPs depends on the physical characteristics of the given site, the desired stormwater management objectives, and the project's budgets. This report evaluates four different green infrastructure options for the Malden River watershed: bioretention systems, grassed swales, permeable pavements and constructed wetlands. The first three are decentralized management options chosen for their ease of implementation within public streets. Constructed wetlands were chosen as a centralized management alternative to serve as a comparison to the three decentralized options. The selection of these BMPs is discussed further in Chapter 4. The following describes applications and benefits of the four BMPs evaluated in this report. BIORETENTION Bioretention systems are shallow depressions strategically filled with soils and vegetation that treat stormwater runoff (MADEP 2008). Pollutants are removed by filtration through the soils as well as uptake by microbes and plants. When properly designed, these mechanisms effectively remove TSS, nutrients, metals, organics, and bacteria. Table 3-1 provides the range of removal efficiencies reported in the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook. TABLE 3-1. BIORETENTION POLLUTANT REMOVAL EFFICIENCIES Bioretention Pollutant Removal Efficiencies TSS 90%* TN 30-50% TP 30-90% Metals 40-90% With adequate pre-treatment such as vegetated filter strip. Source: MADEP (2008) * In addition to pollutant removal, bioretention systems also provide reduction of runoff volumes via evapotranspiration and infiltration. Bioretention systems have been shown to infiltrate an inch or more of rainfall (MADEP 2008). They also provide social benefits, including shade, noise absorption, and improved aesthetics (Penn DEP 2006). Bioretention systems treat small drainage areas and are thus an attractive alternative for retrofitting urban sites (EPA 1999). Their flexible design allows for a variety of applications, including residential sites, parking lots, and street curbs. 23 SWALES Swales are vegetated open channels designed to manage stormwater, similar to grassed drainage channels (EPA 2015a). However, grassed drainage channels only provide stormwater conveyance, while swales are designed to remove pollutants (MADEP 2008). Swales are designed to slow down runoff, which enhances pollutant removal and flow reduction through sedimentation and soil filtration. Table 3-2 provides a range of observed swale pollutant removal efficiencies. TABLE 3-2. SWALE POLLUTANT REMOVAL EFFICIENCIES Swale Pollutant Removal Efficiencies TSS 70% TN 10-90% TP 20-90% Metals Insufficient Data Source: MADEP (2008) Like bioretention systems, grass swales treat small drainage areas and are applicable as stormwater retrofits (EPA 2015a). Because swales are linear systems, they are well suited to line roadways and curbs, and to replace existing gutters and drainage systems. In these urban settings, swales also enhance natural landscapes and provide aesthetic benefits. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT Permeable pavements are porous surfaces constructed over storage beds, which provide flow reduction and pollution removal of stormwater through infiltration (EPA 2015a). Permeable pavements can infiltrate up to 80% of rainfall. Table 3-3 provides a range of permeable pavement pollutant removal efficiencies. TABLE 3-3. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT POLLUTANT REMOVAL EFFICIENCIES Permeable Pavement Pollutant Removal Efficiencies TSS 67-99% TN 53-72% TP 34-65% Metals (Zn) 71-97% Source: EPA (2015a) Permeable pavement has a lower load-bearing capacity than traditional pavement and should only be used to pave surfaces in low-volume areas, such as parking lots, driveways, bicycle paths, and pedestrian walkways (MADEP 2008). When applicable, permeable pavements are attractive options for urban watersheds because they do not take up additional land. 24 CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS Constructed stormwater wetlands are shallow wetlands designed to treat runoff and provide flood control (MADEP 2008). Stormwater is temporarily stored in pools that provide treatment through settling, evapotranspiration, and infiltration. Wetland vegetation provides additional treatment through plant uptake. TABLE 3-4. WETLAND POLLUTANT REMOVAL EFFICIENCIES Wetland Pollutant Removal Efficiencies TSS 80%* TN 20-55% TP 40-60% Metals 20-85% * With adequate pre-treatment such as vegetated filter strip. Source: MADEP (2008) Although constructed wetlands require significant space, they also enhance communities by providing recreational space and wildlife habitat (EPA 2004). 3.3. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE EVALUATION MODELS The wide variety of stormwater management options available makes it difficult for community leaders to assess the best options to apply locally. There are many models that can be used to evaluate the performance and costs of green infrastructure BMPs. Planning level models provide preliminary estimates of costs and benefits based on limited data. These can help decision makers in understanding the relative advantages of various BMPs without the need for detailed site assessments. Planning level tools to assess green infrastructure include the EPA National Stormwater Calculator, the WERF BMP SELECT model, the CWP Clean Water Optimization Tool, and the Center for Neighborhood Technology Green Values National Stormwater Management Calculator. There are also more complex hydrological models, such as the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) and the Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF). These models more accurately predict how BMPs will perform within a given watershed, but require extensive site specific data. 3.4. WERF BMP SELECT MODEL The main objective of this study is to help the Malden River community better understand its stormwater management options. For these purposes, a planning level tool was found to be appropriate. The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) BMP Site Effectiveness and Life-Cycle Evaluation of Costs Tool (SELECT) provides "relative performance and cost implications of various BMP control options" (Pomeroy and Rowney 2013). At this stage in the Malden River's stormwater management options assessment, the relative evaluations enabled by 25 SELECT can provide insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of various alternatives. Tables 3-5 and 3-6 show the types of BMPs and water quality parameters that can be simulated in SELECT. TABLE 3-5. STORMWATER BMPS SIMULATED IN SELECT Extended Detention Bioretention Wetland Basin Swale Permeable Pavement Filter Generic (user-defined) Source: Pomeroy and Rowney (2013) TABLE 3-6. WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS SIMULATED IN SELECT Total Suspended Solids Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Total Zinc Total Copper Fecal Coliform* *Some applications only Source: Pomeroy and Rowney (2013) SELECT Case Study: SELECT was used to model the Saylor Grove Wetland in Philadelphia (Reynolds et al. 2012). Comparing the SELECT results to actual performance and cost data provides insight into how the tool might best be used. Table 3-7 compares SELECT performance estimates with actual pollution removal efficiencies observed at the wetland. The similarity in the results provides confidence in SELECT's ability to predict the performance of BMPs. 26 Table 3-8 compares SELECT cost estimates with the actual expenditures incurred. Although the cost estimates are comparable, they are not exact. This highlights the fact that SELECT can be used to provide a relative understanding of costs, but not to accurately estimate cost data. TABLE 3-7. SELECT PREDICTIONS COMPARED WITH OBSERVED PERFORMANCE DATA. SAYLOR GROVE WETLAND, PHILADELPHIA Actual Average Remved - Removed - % Average Annual % SELECT Observed 67.6% 12.1% 45.7% -46.6%/ 67.9% 12.2% 45.8% -46.9%4 TSS TN TP TZxi Note: This table is reproduced as originally published by the authors. No judgements were made about the reported significant figures. Note: The negative percentages represent an increase in TZn. This anomaly was observed both in the observed data and the SELECT predictions. Source: Reynolds et al. (2012) TABLE 3-8. SELECT PREDICTIONS COMPARED WITH ACTUAL COST DATA. SAYLOR GROVE WETLAND, PHILADELPHIA SELECT Type Actual Cost Model Consulting $888,000 $927,000 O&M Present Value $333,500 $174,000 Replacement Costs - Net Present Value Total without Replacement $ - $194,000 $1,221,500 $1,101,000 PWD Labor Construction Costs Note: This table is reproduced as originally published by the authors No judgements were made about the reported significant figures. Source: Reynolds et al. (2012) SELECT MODEL THEORY: The following section summarizes the theory and underlying assumptions upon which the SELECT model is based (Pomeroy and Rowney 2013). RUNOFF SIMULA TION SELECT uses hourly rainfall data to simulate watershed runoff using a modified version of the Rational Method. First, the model computes the available depression storage value (f) for each time step based on a user-defined maximum depression storage and hourly precipitation data over a time period. The available depression storage capacity (f) decreases with rainfall and is 27 recovered through evaporation. Runoff occurs whenever the given depression storage is full (P-f > 0) and is calculated as: EQN (1) R = (P - f) * C where (P-f) > 0; R = runoff depth (inches over the time period); P = instantaneous precipitation (inches over the time period) f = available (instantaneous) depression storage (inches) C = runoff coefficient BMP PERFORMANCE SIMULATION: SELECT calculates the pollutant load as the product of Event Mean Concentrations and the volume of water (shown in Equation 2 below). LOAD = QB * EMCws + QBMP * EMCBMP EQN (2) Where Load = total pollutant load discharged to receiving water QB = runoff that bypasses the BMP (inches) EMCws = EMC for watershed land use QBMP = runoff treated by the BMP (inches) EMCBMP= EMC for the BMP effluent QB, QMP The volumes (QB, QBMP) are calculated using two methods. Method 1: Outflow at a specified drawdown rate Runoff (R) from the drainage area flows into the BMP and outflow occurs at a user-defined drawdown rate (generally 12-48 hours). A storage volume is defined by the user or calculated by the model as a water quality capture volume (WQCV) based on the given drawdown time. Whenever the storage volume of the BMP is exceeded, excess runoff bypasses the BMP and is not treated. This method is used for extended detention, wetland basin, bioretention, filter, and swale BMPs. Method 2: Secondary initial abstractionwith regeneration (via evaporation) This method is used for permeable pavement only. Runoff (R) generated from the surface area of the pervious pavement is treated by the pavement, until the user-defined holding capacity is filled. The holding capacity is then recovered through evaporation. Runoff from the watershed not covered in permeable pavement is modeled as bypass flow. EMCws Default runoff EMC values (EMCws) are given for various land uses based on information from the National Stormwater Quality Database. Appendix A. 1. provides a table of these EMC values. EMCMP Default BMP effluent EMC values (EMCBMP) are specific to each BMP and are based on empirical data from the International Stormwater BMP Database. Appendix A.2 provides a table of these EMC values. 28 COST ESTIMA TION TOOL In addition to simulating the performance benefits, SELECT can also estimate whole life cycle costs of each BMP. These cost calculations include capital costs, operations & maintenance (O&M) costs, and replacement costs over each BMP's life cycle. Capital Costs are based on a cost per acre treated. O&M costs are calculated as a percentage of the capital costs and account for routine maintenance, corrective maintenance (e.g. periodic repair), and infrequent maintenance (e.g. sediment removal). Replacement costs account for routine substitution of BMP infrastructure and media. Replacement costs are also calculated as percentages of the capital costs. The default values for the base capital cost, O&M, and replacement percentages for each BMP are based on WERF Whole Life Cost Models. Appendix A.3. provides a table of these default cost parameters. In the calculation of annual costs, the model assumes a 25-year design life and 5.5% discount rate. Total costs are then calculated as the sum of the capital, O&M, and replacement costs. USER INPUTS Based on this theoretical framework, users input site-specific data to evaluate BMPs as applied within their study site. Users are required to input hourly precipitation data, the surface area of each BMP, the drainage area that contributes to the BMP, and when applicable, the required drawdown time. Users can also choose overwrite any default values with site-specific data when they are available. 29 CHAPTER 4: METHODS 4.1. OVERVIEW OF METHODS This report evaluates the feasibility of stormwater BMPs to manage the impacts of urban runoff on the Malden River. The BMP SELECT Model was used to compare the possibility of a centralized wetland with the alternative of constructing many smaller, distributed BMPs throughout the watershed. Three alternatives were evaluated for the distributed approach: bioretention systems, swales, and permeable pavement. The following section describes the methods used in the analysis. Results are presented in Chapter 5. 4.2. STUDY SITE The analysis was conducted within the study site shown in Figure 4-1 below. This area was chosen to coincide with the SWMM model of Malden hydrology concurrently being developed at MIT (Greenberg, 2015). Greenberg's model provided site-specific data that was used to customize the BMP evaluation to the local context. Greenberg's data is summarized in Tables 4- 1 and 4-2 below. Legend Study Area Outlet Location Study Site MaldenTown Line Water Features Map by: Sara Greenberg Civil & Enviornmental MEng. 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 0 I 0.25 0.5 1 Miles FIGURE 4-1. STUDY SITE WITHIN THE MALDEN WATERSHED Source: Greenberg (2015) 30 The study site is a densely urbanized environment located completely within the City of Malden. As shown in Table 4-2, 96% of the study site is occupied with urban land uses. As a consequence, 64.8% of the study site is impervious (Table 4-1). Upon initial assessment, implementation opportunities for stormwater management infrastructure within this densely urbanized environment appear limited. TABLE 4-1. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY SITE Area 527 acres % Impervious Area 64.8% Slope 2.2% Depression Storage 0.1028 inches Source: Greenberg (2015) TABLE 4-2. BREAKDOWN OF LAND USES WITHIN THE STUDY SITE 1,270,608 60 Commercial 402,936 19 Industrial 203,564 10 Urban Public/Institutional 155,363 Transportation 4,902 Other 0 2 Subtotal 2,037,373 m 96% Recreation 63,210 3 Cemetery 17,419 <1 Forest 13,496 <1 Water 102 Subtotal Total 7 ' Urban Residential 94,227 m <1 2 2,131,600 4% 100% Source: Greenberg (2015) 4.3. DECENTRALIZED APPROACH: BMPS IN PUBLIC STREETS One approach to stormwater management is to implement many small BMPs throughout the watershed. This decentralized approach is particularly appealing in the densely urbanized study site, where the lack of open-space limits the development of a larger, centralized system. Public streets are an attractive location for decentralized stormwater management. First of all, potential applicability is large because streets are pervasive throughout the area. Secondly, streets have an advantage from a planning perspective because they are public land and do not have the 31 additional ownership obstacles that come with private property. Thirdly, street BMPs directly treat roadway runoff and thus provide greater water quality benefits than other BMPs that intercept rainfall before it comes into contact with contaminated urban roads. For these reasons, public streets were chosen as the focus for the decentralized BMP approach within this analysis. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are other locations for decentralized BMPs within the study site. These include private parking lots, residential homes, and other public spaces such as schools, parks, and cemeteries. These applications were not considered in this report either because they are not public land or because they do not directly treat roadway runoff. Based on the literature review, bioretention systems, grass swales, and permeable pavements were chosen as BMP options applicable within public streets. BIORETENTION AND SWALES Bioretention systems and grass swales can be applied in many different ways within an urban street. In some situations, they can be implemented to replace street parking. However, this option was not considered within the study site where existing parking spaces serve a critical function. Instead, the possibility of bioretention systems and swales along pedestrian sidewalks was considered. SITE FEASIBILITY: IDENTIFYING STREETS WITH SUFFICIENT WIDTH The main constraint for implementing BMPs along a sidewalk is space. The study site has many narrow streets which have limited extra width to accommodate BMPs. Thus, the first step in assessing the feasibility of bioretention and swale BMPs was to identify streets that have sufficient width for BMP implementation. The following section summarizes the width calculations that can be found in Appendix B. First, each street within the study site was measured using satellite imagery and the distance measurement tool provided by Google (Google Maps 2015). For each street, the sidewalk width and the roadway width were measured. Then, these measured widths were compared to street and sidewalk width standards prescribed by the Boston Complete Streets Design Guidelines (Boston Transportation Department 2013). Available sidewalk and roadway widths were calculated for each street by subtracting the standards from the measured widths. Next, minimum widths necessary for each BMP were calculated. Bioretention systems and swales require at least 2 feet and 3 feet respectively (SFPUC 2009). For each BMP, 8 inches of spacing is required on either side (Boston Transportation Department 2013). Thus, minimum widths necessary for implementation were calculated by adding 16 inches to the required BMP width. Based on this calculation, bioretention systems and swales require 3.3 and 4.3 feet respectively. Streets with BMP feasibility were identified by comparing these minimum widths to the available widths calculated for each street. Based on the width feasibility calculations, the majority of streets in the study site were found to be too narrow for bioretention systems or grass swales. Only five street segments within the 32 study site were identified to have BMP feasibility. The five feasible streets are summarized in Table 4-3 and highlighted in yellow on Figure 4-2. TABLE 4-3. STREET SEGMENTS WITH BMP FEASIBILITY Cross St 0.3 miles Eastern Ave 0.1 miles Ferry St 0.4 miles Main St 0.5 miles Walnut St 0.1 miles Total 1.4 miles Legend Study Area Outlet Location Study Site MaldenTown Line Water Features Map by: Sara Greenberg Civil & Enviornmental MEng. 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 0 I 0.25 0.5 1 Miles FIGURE 4-2. STREETS WITH BMP FEASIBILITY Note: Streets with BMP feasibility are highlighted in yellow Source: Greenberg (2015) 33 As shown in Figure 4-2, the northern section of the study site has no streets wide enough to accommodate BMPs. All five street segments with BMP feasibility are located within the southern section of the study site. This demonstrates that BMP feasibility is variable even within a small area. Therefore, the results discussed in this report are specific to this study site only and are not representative of the Malden watershed at large. It is worth noting that all of the feasible streets are larger streets with two driving lanes and two parking lanes. No smaller residential streets (e.g. one lane streets) had any BMP feasibility. The majority of the streets identified have paved sidewalks directly adjacent to the roadway, with limited plantings within the sidewalks. This configuration is shown in Figure 4-3. One exception was a short segment on the west side of Ferry Street, which has an existing grassed area between the sidewalk and the roadway (shown in Figure 4-4). For this segment of Ferry Street, BMPs were specifically modeled to replace the existing grassed area. FIGURE 4-3. TYPICAL SIDEWALK CONFIGURATION WITHIN THE STUDY SITE Source: Google Maps (2015) 34 FIGURE 4-4. FERRY ST SIDEWALK CONFIGURATION WITH EXISTING GRASSED AREA Source: Google Maps (2015) PRELIMINARY DESIGN After identifying streets feasible for bioretention and swale deployment, BMP surface areas were calculated. Since bioretention and swale designs are heavily determined by site-specific characteristics, each street segment was considered individually. BMP WIDTHS For each street, BMP widths were designed based on the available width measurements and various site-specific constraints. These design considerations are discussed below and the final BMP widths are presented in Table 4-4. Cross St, Main St Both Cross Street and Main Street have 3 feet of available width in the roadway and 3 feet of available width in each of the sidewalks along either side of the road. By splitting the available roadway width in half, 4.5 foot wide BMPs were designed along either side of the road. Eastern Ave Eastern Ave has 3 feet of available width in the roadway. The sidewalk along the north side of the road has no available width, while the sidewalk along the south side has 3 feet of available width. By consolidating all of the available roadway width to the south side, 6 foot wide BMPs were designed to run along the south side of the road only. 35 Ferry St Ferry Street has 3 feet of available width in the roadway and an additional 2 feet of available width in the sidewalks along either side of the road. By splitting the available roadway width in half, 3.5 foot wide BMPs were designed along either side of the road. A section of Ferry Street (the west side of the road between Clayton St and Cross St) has 8 feet of existing grassed area within the sidewalk. For this section (shown in Figure 4-4), 8 foot wide BMPs were modeled to replace the existing grassed area. Walnut St The segment of Walnut St between Judson Street and Cross Street has 2 feet of available roadway width, 3 feet of available sidewalk width on the west side, and 13 feet of available sidewalk width on the east side. By consolidating the entire available roadway width to the west side, 5 foot wide and 13 foot wide BMPs were modeled on the west and east side of the road respectively. TABLE 4-4. BMP WIDTH DESIGNS Cross St 0.3 miles Eastern Ave 0.1 miles Ferry St Main St Walnut St 0.4 miles 0.5 miles Between Main St and Walnut St Both sides of road. 4.5 x x Between Main St and Ferry St South side of road only. 6 Between Eastern Ave and Cross St. Both sides of road. 4 Between Clayton St and Cross St West side of road. (Replace existing grassed area) 8 x x 4.5 x x x x Between Eastern Ave and Appleton St. Both sides of road. Between Judson St and Cross St. West side of road. 5x Between Judson St and Cross St. East side of road. 13 x 0.1 miles BMP LENGTHS BMP lengths were designed for each street by measuring the lengths of sidewalks between rights of ways (e.g. roadways, driveways, crosswalks) (Google Maps 2015). These length measurements can be found in Appendix B. 36 The measured lengths were modified to include the following considerations: * 3 feet of spacing between a BMP and the right of way (PWD 2014) * 5 feet of spacing between a BMP and a fire hydrant (Boston Transportation Department 2013) * Maximum length of 48 feet (two car lengths). (City of Danbury 2015) Regular breaks in the BMPs allow pedestrians to safely exit parked cars and enter the sidewalk. o Note: Existing street signs, utility lights and mailboxes were ignored. It is assumed that the breaks for pedestrian safety would be strategically located to accommodate these street fixtures. o Note: Existing street trees were also ignored in this analysis. Although outside the scope of this study, preserving street trees should be a priority whenever possible in actual BMP implementation (Boston Transportation Department 2013). BMP SURFACE AREAS BMP surface areas were calculated by multiplying the BMP widths and lengths. These surface areas were rounded to the nearest ten to simplify the number of inputs into the SELECT Model. Table 4-5 summarizes the resulting 23 BMP surface areas. Table 4-5 also shows the number of bioretention and swale systems possible for each size. There are slightly fewer swale systems possible due to their larger width requirement. Finally, the BMP surface areas were modeled in SELECT to generate performance and cost data for bioretention and swale systems. Summary of Modeling Scenarios: 1) Bioretention Potential across study site (# and sizes of BMPs as shown in Table 4-5) 2) Swale Potential across study site (# and sizes of BMPs as shown in Table 4-5) 37 TABLE 4-5. SUMMARY OF BMP SIZES 30 2 1 40 2 2 50 2 2 60 5 3 70 16 15 80 26 24 90 34 16 100 20 14 110 33 26 120 33 24 130 8 8 140 22 22 150 9 9 190 2 2 200 1 1 500 1 1 760 1 1 860 1 1 1030 1 1 1600 1 1 1640 1 1 1830 3270 1 1 1 1 PERMEABLE PAVEMENT Permeable pavement was considered as a third option for decentralized stormwater management within public streets. Unlike bioretention systems or swales, the design of permeable pavement does not depend on site-specific characteristics. Permeable pavement is applicable in any roadway with low traffic volumes. Therefore, SELECT was used to model the replacement of one mile of parking lane with permeable pavement. Surface Area of Permeable Pavement = Length x Width of Parking Lane 5280 ft x 8 ft' = 42,240 ft 2 1 mile Surface Area of Permeable Pavement per mile = 1 mile x 1 ml City of Danbury, 2015 38 The surface area of permeable pavement per mile was input in SELECT to generate performance and cost data. Once the performance and cost results were computed per mile, permeable pavement can be easily compared with other BMPs. For example, the length and cost of permeable pavement (PP) required to match the Total Phosphorus (TP) reduction achieved by bioretention (BR) systems can be calculated by: Length of PP equivalent of BR TP removal [miles] Cost of PP equivalent of BR TP removal = Total BR TP removal [kg] [kg1 PP TP removal per mile [mile] Length of PP equivalent of BR TP removal [miles] Cost of PP per mile Similar calculations were performed to compare permeable pavement with the other types of performance data (TSS removal, flow reduction) and other BMP alternatives (swales, wetland). Summary of Modeling Scenarios: 1) 2) 3) 4) 4.4. One mile of Permeable Pavement (PP) Length of PP required to match bioretention performance (TP, TSS, Flow) Length of PP required to match swale performance (TP, TSS, Flow) Length of PP required to match wetland performance (TP, TSS, Flow) CENTRALIZED BMP: CONSTRUCTED WETLAND In contrast to decentralized BMPs, stormwater can also be managed through a centralized BMP, such as a constructed wetland. SELECT was used to model a constructed wetland that treats runoff from the entire study-site. Open space to construct this wetland is limited within the study site. Nonetheless, the wetland was modeled to give a comparison of the relative performance and costs of the decentralized options. The wetland was sized based on technical specification standards within the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook: Surface Area of Wetland = 1% of contributing drainage area* Surface Area of Wetland to treat entire study site = 0.01 x 527 acres = 5.3 acres Permanent Pool Volume (PPV) of Wetland = 45% of BMP Surface Area* x 18 inches* 1 ft 43,560 ft 2 ) x (18 in x 12 in) = 155,000 ft3 acre PPV of Wetland to treat entire study site = 0.45 x (5.3 acre x 2008 * MADEP, The surface area and permanent pool volume were input in SELECT to generate performance and cost data. 39 For comparison, wetlands were also sized to match the performance from bioretention and swale systems. This was done through an iterative process of adjusting and modeling various wetland sizes. Summary of Modeling Scenarios: 1) Wetland sized to treat entire study-site 2) Wetland sized to match bioretention performance (TP, TSS, Flow) 3) Wetland sized to match swale performance (TP, TSS, Flow) 4.5. SELECT PARAMETERS All nine scenarios described above (1 bioretention scenario, 1 swale scenario, 4 permeable pavement scenarios and 3 wetland scenarios) were modeled in SELECT to generate performance and cost data. The following section summarizes the parameters used in the BMP SELECT model. Results from the analysis are presented and discussed in Chapter 5. PrecipitationData Hourly precipitation data recorded at Boston Logan International Airport between 01/01/2004 and 12/31/2013 (NOAA 2015a). Evaporation Data Monthly mean evaporation data from the Boston Weather Service Forecast Office (NOAA 1982). Watershed Parameters % Imperviousness: 64.8% (Greenberg 2015) Runoff Coefficient: 0.447 (Calculated by SELECT based on % imperviousness) Depression Storage: 0.1028 inches (Greenberg 2015) Quality Parameters: SELECT Default EMC Values for Residential Land Use (Appendix A. 1) BMP Parameters Quality and Quantity Values: SELECT Default EMC Values for BMPs (Appendix A.2) Cost Values: SELECT Default Cost Parameters (Appendix A.3) BMP Area: Surface Areas as calculated in Section 4.3.1 Bioretention & Swale Specific BMP Parameters Drawdown Time: 12 hours (MADEP 2008) Water Quality Control Volume: 0.3 inches (Calculated by SELECT based on 12 hr Drawdown) BioretentionSpecific BMP Parameters Permanent Pool Volume (normalized by area): 0 inches PermeablePavement Specific BMP Parameters Holding Capacity: 1 inch (MADEP 2008) Wetland Specific BMP Parameters Permanent Pool Volume: 0.45 x BMP area x 18" (Section 4.4) 40 4.6. CALIBRATION OF FLOW ESTIMATES The runoff volumes predicted by SELECT were calibrated to the volumes predicted by Greenberg's SWMM model, which is more heavily based on site-specific data and should provide more accurate estimates. The performance of BMP alternatives were remodeled in SELECT using the newly calibrated flow volumes. The two models were calibrated over an extreme storm event in April 2004 during which 5.5 inches fell over three days. PrecipitationData Hourly precipitation data recorded at Boston Logan International Airport between 19:00 pm on 03/31/2004 and 06:00 am on 04/02/2004 (NOAA 2015a). Results from this calibration can be found in Chapter 5. 41 CHAPTER 5: RESULTS This chapter presents the key results from the evaluation of BMPs. Section 5.1 describes results generated from ten years of rainfall data. Section 5.2 discusses the results after calibration of the SELECT and SWMM models. Detailed calculations can be found in Appendix C. 5.1. BMP EVALUATION BASED ON 10-YEAR RAINFALL DATA Table 2-1 summarizes annual runoff characteristics calculated by SELECT based on ten years (2004-2013) of hourly rainfall data. These runoff characteristics provide the basis for the BMP performance estimates discussed in the rest of this section. TABLE 5-1. ANNUAL RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY SITE TP Load 240 kg TSS Load 38,900 kg Total Flow 304,000,000 ft 3 BIORETENTION VS. SWALE BIORETENTION VS. SWALE: INDIVIDUAL UNIT Table 5-2 compares bioretention systems and swales of equal surface area. A bioretention unit costs 5.7 times more than a swale, but achieves better performance. Bioretention systems remove 1.9 times more TP and 1.1 times more TSS than swales. The two types of BMPs are expected to achieve the same flow reduction. TP Reduction 51% 27% 1.9 TSS Reduction 68% 60% 1.1 Flow Reduction 19% 19% 1 Cost 1 5.7 *Detailed calculations can be found in Appendix C. 1. 42 BIORETENTION VS. SWALE: RESULTS ACROSS STUDY SITE Table 5-3 compares bioretention and swale systems across the entire study site. Bioretention to swale performance ratios are higher across the study site than when comparing individual units. This is because a larger number of bioretention systems can be implemented due to their lower width requirement. Note that the reduction percentages across the study site (Table 5-3) are much lower than the percentages across each individual BMP unit (Table 5-2). This discrepancy highlights the low applicability of bioretention and swale systems in streets within the study site. Although the individual BMPs are relatively effective, there are very few streets in which their implementation is feasible. TABLE 5-3. BIORETENTION VS. SWALE SYSTEMS: RESULTS ACROSS ENTIRE STUDY SITE Bioretention SwaleBortnto Swale # of units 223 177 Annual TP Reduction across study site 3.7 kg 2% 1.7 kg <1% 2.2 Annual TSS Reduction across study site 780 kg 2% 600 kg 2% 1.3 Annual Flow Reduction across study site 1,730,000 ft3 <1% 1,500,000 ft3 <1% 1.2 Total Cost (NPV) $1,590,000 $216,000 5 to 8* *Cost ratio is variable. For BMP sizes between 30 ft and 140 ft the bioretention:swale cost ratio is 5.7. For BMP sizes between 150 ft2 and 3270 ft 2 the cost ratio is 7.5. BIORETENTION AND SWALE VS. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT AND WETLAND For comparison, permeable pavement and wetlands were sized to achieve the performance provided by bioretention and swale systems across the study site (Table 5-4). The TP reduced by bioretention systems across the study site could alternatively be achieved by 15 miles of permeable pavement. 15 miles of permeable pavement would cost $8,400,000 (more than 5 times the cost of bioretention). Alternatively, the same results could be achieved by a 0.2 acre wetland, which would only cost $121,000 (less than a tenth the cost of bioretention). The TP reduced by swales across the study site could be achieved by 7 miles of permeable pavement, which would cost $3,900,000 (18 times as much as swales). The same results could also be achieved by a 0.1 acre wetland, which would only cost $55,000 (a fourth of the cost of swale). Table 5-4 only shows the TP reduction equivalents. Designs for TSS and flow reduction equivalents can be found in Appendix C. In general, wetlands can provide equivalent benefits at much lower costs, while permeable pavements require significantly higher costs. 43 TABLE 5-4. TP REDUCTION EQUIVALENTS OF BIORETENTION AND SWALE SYSTEMS ACROSS THE STUDY SITE Equivalent Permeable Pavement 15 miles 7 miles Equivalent Wetland 0.2 acres 0.1 acres PERMEABLE PAVEMENT Table 5-5 summarizes the results of permeable pavement replacing one mile of parking lane. 54% of the TP, TSS and flow passing through the permeable pavement are reduced. This is less than one percent reduction across the entire study site. TABLE 5-5. RESULTS OF PERMEABLE PAVEMENT PER MILE OF PARKING LANE REPLACED 0.2 kg Annual TSS 39 kg Removal Annual Flow 304,000 ft3 Reduction V)_$551,_ Total Cost (NPV) $551,000 54% <1% 54% <1% 54% _ - __-_- <1% - Annual H' Removal Of course, the actual reduction percentages across the study site will increase with the length of parking lane replaced. This study did not measure the total length of parking lanes within the study site, under the assumption that this will not be the limiting constraint. It is likely that the implementation of permeable pavement would be limited by budget, due to the high costs of permeable pavement in comparison with the other BMPs. 44 WETLAND RESULTS Table 5-6 summarizes the results of a wetland sized to treat the entire study site. The 5.3 acre wetland is expected to reduce 50% of TP, 57% of TSS and 33% of flow from the annual runoff. These percentages represent results through the wetland and across the entire study site. The values are equivalent because the wetland was specifically designed to treat runoff from the entire study site. The total cost of the wetland (exclusive of land acquisition) is $3,900,000. TABLE 5-6. RESULTS OF WETLAND SIZED TO TREAT ENTIRE STUDY SITE Area 5.3 acres Annual TP Removal 1520 kg Annual TSS Removal 22,000 kg Annual Flow Reduction 90'33%,000 fP Total Cost $3,920,000 57% The reduction achieved by the 5.3 acre wetland is not possible through bioretention or swale systems across the study site due to the limited feasibility of these BMPs. However, the total TP reduction provided by the wetland could be achieved by 600 miles of permeable pavement (Table 5-7). This would cost $273,000,000 (70 times the cost of the wetland). TABLE 5-7. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT REQUIRED TO ATTAIN TP REDUCTION EQUIVALENT OF 5.3 ACRE WETLAND 5.3 acre Wetland Equivalent Permeable Pavement 500 miles Note: TSS and flow reduction equivalents can be found in Appendix C. 45 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES: COMPARISON OF PERFORMANCE Table 5-8 and Figure 5-1 compare the performance of the 5.3 acre wetland with the performance of swales and bioretention across the study site. The wetland provides much higher reductions of TP, TSS and flow. TABLE 5-8. TOTAL REDUCTION POTENTIALS FOR VARIOUS BMPS ACROSS THE STUDY SITE Swales across study site Bioretenton acrss study site Wetland (5.3 acre) Annual TP Reduction <1% 2% 50% Annual TSS Reduction 2% 2% 57% Annual Flow Reduction <1% <1% 33% Total Phosphorus Reduction Across the Study Site 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Swales Bioretention Wetland FIGURE 5-1. TP REDUCTION FOR VARIOUS BMPS ACROSS THE STUDY SITE COMPARISON OF COST Table 5-9 and Figure 5-2 compare the cost of the four BMP alternatives. The wetland is the most cost-effective management option. Permeable pavement costs many times more than any of the other BMPs. It is important to keep in mind that none of the costs include the cost of land. From a publicplanning perspective, the cost of land is negligible in swale, bioretention, and permeable pavement BMPs, all of which were designed to be built on public land. However, the land on 46 which a wetland is built would likely need to be purchased. Thus, the wetland costs presented in this report represent a practical minimum. TABLE 5-9. COMPARISON OF BMP COSTS Cost/kg TP Reduction TSS edction Flow Redution $33,000 $130,000 $430,000 $2,300,000 $60 $400 $2,000 $14,000 < $1 < $1 $1 $2 Note: Costs do not include the cost of land. Note: Each water quality parameter was separately evaluated against the total cost. Cost/kg of TP Removed $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Wetland Swale Bioretention Permeable Pavement FIGURE 5-2. COST PER KG OF TP REMOVED FOR VARIOUS BMPS Note: Costs do not include the cost of land. 47 5.2. RESULTS OF CALIBRATION Table 5-10 compares runoff volumes from the April 2004 storm event predicted by the SELECT and SWMM models. The two SWMM estimates are based on competing infiltration theories. The SELECT model predicted lower runoff volumes than either SWMM estimate. TABLE 5-10. RUNOFF VOLUMES PREDICTED BY SELECT AND SWMM MODELS Runoff Volume (ft) 70,000,000 60,000,000 37,000,000 Depression storage and runoff coefficient values within the SELECT model were adjusted to calibrate the runoff volumes to the SWMM estimates. Tables 5-11 and 5-12 compare BMP performance before and after calibration. In general, the SELECT reduction percentages are relatively insensitive to the calibration. This could be because SELECT calculates removal efficiencies based on the maximum capacity of each BMP. Once the BMP capacity is reached, any additional runoff volume will contribute to bypass flow. Thus, by increasing the runoff volumes, the calibration exercise only increased bypass flow without having a major effect on flow through the actual BMP. However, the calibration did marginally decrease the expected performance of the various BMPs. This could indicate that the performance results presented in Section 5.1 run slightly high. TABLE 5-11. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REDUCTION PERCENTAGES FOR AN INDIVIDUAL BMP Original SELECT Results 65% 37% 73% SWMM Calibrated Results (Green Ampt Theory) 63% 33% 73% SWMM Calibrated Results (Curve Number Theory) 64% I 34% I 73% 1 _1 TABLE 5-12. TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS REDUCTION PERCENTAGES FOR AN INDIVIDUAL BMP Original SELECT Results 85% 75% 84% SWMM Calibrated Results (Green Ampt Theory) 84% 73% 84% SWMM Calibrated Results (Curve Number Theory) 84% 74% 84% 48 5.3. CONCLUSIONS This report provides a comparison of the benefits and costs of four stormwater management alternatives: bioretention systems, swales, permeable pavement and wetlands. Any application of this information will be greatly influenced by the given budget and the availability of land for a wetland, neither of which was considered in this analysis. Nonetheless, the results provide a preliminary understanding of the relative advantages of the BMP alternatives. Key conclusions from the evaluation are summarized here. Bioretention and swale systems have limited feasibility in streets within the study site. Only five streets were found to be wide enough for the implementation of either BMP. If applied in these five streets, bioretention systems are expected to perform better than swales. This is both because bioretention units are more effective than swales and because bioretention units have more applicability due to their lower width requirement. However, the higher performance of bioretention systems across the study site (2.2 times as much TP removal, 1.3 times as much TSS removal, and 1.2 times as much flow reduction) is attained at 5 to 8 times the cost. Although bioretention systems do perform better, swales provide relatively similar results at a much lower cost. Therefore, swales may be a more attractive option, depending on budget constraints and performance objectives. Overall, the wetland is the most cost-effective alternative for stormwater management within the watershed. Wetlands can perform as well as bioretention and swale systems at much lower costs. Further, a wetland can be sized to treat the entire study site and reduce more pollution than possible by either bioretention or swales. The caveat is the limited land available for wetlands within the study site. However, if the community were to designate land for stormwater management, wetlands would provide the most reduction (of TP, TSS and flow) for the lowest cost. In contrast, permeable pavement is the most expensive management option. Permeable pavement costs at least five to seventy times as much as the other BMPs. 5.4. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH This report evaluated a small portion of the Malden River watershed. However, BMP feasibility is extremely sensitive to site-specific conditions. Therefore, the information in this report should not be directly applied to other areas of the watershed. Instead, these other areas should be evaluated independently. Further, this report analyzed three aspects of stormwater (TP, TSS, and flow) for four stormwater BMPs (bioretention systems, swales, permeable pavement, and wetlands). There are many other stormwater management objectives (e.g. bacteria, heavy metals) and BMPs (e.g. parking lot retrofits) that could be evaluated in the future. 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY ArcMap 10.2.2. 2010. Redlands, CA: ESRI (Environmental Systems Resource Institute). Boston Transportation Department. 2013. "Boston Complete Streets Design Guidelines." www.bostoncompletestreets.org. City of Danbury. 2015. DimensionsforStandardParkingSpaces andAisles. Accessed May 2. http://www.danbury-ct.gov/filestorage/21015/21087/21123/23014/Page8-1112.pdf. CRWA. (2014). Blue Cities Initiative. Retrieved May 14, 2015, from http://www.crwa.org/blue-cities CWP. 2003. "Impacts of Impervious Cover on Aquatic Systems." Center for Watershed Protection. http://clear.uconn.edu/projects/TMDL/library/papers/Schueler_2003.pdf. 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Washington DC: US Environmental Protection Agency. http://water.epa.gov/scitech/wastetech/guide/stormwater/upload/20061 0_3 1_guide stor mwaterusw b.pdf. Sylman, Shanasia. 2015. "Inorganic Contaminants in the Sediments of the Malden River: Distributions and Associated Risks." Senior Capstone Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2008. Malden River Ecosystem Restoration:DetailedProject Report & EnvironmentalAssessment. US EPA. 2014a. EnhancingSustainable Communities with Green Infrastructure. 100-R-14-006. US EPA. US EPA, OW. 2014b. "Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Peak Flows." Overviews & Factsheets. September 9. http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/npdes/sso/. 52 APPENDIX A. DEFAULT PARAMETERS WITHIN THE WERF BMP SELECT MODEL 53 DEFAULT EMCs FOR LAND USES IN THE BMP SELECT MODEL A. 1. SU SaM.s dSingiWeTotal T Fbngmebru Narqum a otal COMTotalm Total0 VebtqTt (aptls TOW Tsta1amc cap MEAN STD MEAN STD MEAN STD MEAN STD MEAN STU MEAN STD Resideadal 48.06 3.29 0.30 2.22 2.18 1.87 5620 11.98 75.62 2.48 12.75 2.55 Conmercial 49.44 3.29 2.28 2.21 1.99 3728 9.92 154.08 2.31 17.92 2.46 Undeveloped 53.96 5.58 0.21 0.24 3.08 1.47 2.18 7729 4.19 36.78 3.31 8.32 332 MEAN - Geometric Mean. STD - Standard Deviation Note: This table is reproduced as originally published by the authors. No judgements were made about the reported significant figures. Source: Pomeroy and Rowney (2013) DEFAULT EMCs FOR VARIOUS BMPS IN THE BMP SELECT MODEL A.2. sTotal ar C.KMUW (m0040 TOia Illad Eeqk"ON 1ft"fiko b T" W CpW MEAN STD MEAN STD MEAN STD MEAN STD MEAN STD MEAN STD Extended 22.40 2.95 0.23 2.28 2.00 1.93 836 16.70 24.40 4.20 5 50 3.33 Weiland Basins 9.06 3.95 .0 2.7 1.20 2.43 2260 17.90 21.30 2.77 3.52 2.11 Bieretendon 7.69 12.70 9.05 14.50 3.71 3.77 3.83 2.95 0.11 0.20 0.09 4.15 2.14 2.53 2.69 2.41 N.A. 4610 7.02 7.03 5.94 2.27 2.37 2.89 2.51 13.20 25.40 15.60 15.50 3.89 2.35 4.08 0.09 0.99 0.74 0.95 1.27 3.44 7.77 2.30 Swale Media Filters Perimeable Pavement 2.60 524 N.A. 9.25 15.20 2.44 N.A. N.A. Not available. MEAN - Geometric Mean. STD - Standard Deviation N.A. Note: This table is reproduced as originally published by the authors. No judgements were made about the reported significant figures. Source: Pomeroy and Rowney (2013) DEFAULT COST PARAMETERS IN THE BMP SELECT MODEL A.3. &WP Extended Detention'-' Wetland ($fhcm tey*1"- arm (%-/* 2 () 3.750 %) -M(M) 2.7 5.5 80 25 3.750 1.42 1.4 5.5 80 25 BioretentionT 53,000 1 3.5 5.5 80 25 Swale S Media Filters 3750 22 5-4 5.5 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Basins I 80 5.5 2.3 1 374,000 Permeable Pavement 1.4 N.A. Not available. Source: 'Lampe et al. 2005. 'Pomeroy and Houdeshel. 2009. Base cost includes engineering & planning. Medium maintenance. 4 Assumes new solid concrete (not paver blocks), includes engineering and planning, contingency. Medium maintenance. 25 N.A. 25 Note: This table is reproduced as originally published by the authors. No judgements were made about the reported significant figures. Source: Pomeroy and Rowney (2013) 54 APPENDIX B. BIORETENTION AND SWALE FEASIBILITY: BMP WIDTHS 55 B.1. MINIMUM WIDTH STANDARDS FOR ROADWAYS AND SIDEWALKS Type MNfimum Width (ft) Travel Lane 10 Parking Lane 7 Travel + Parking 19 Sidewalk 7 Source: Boston Transportation Department (2013) B.2. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR BMPS Bioretention' 2 feet Swale' 3 feet Spacing 2 8 inches Sources: 'San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (2009), 2Boston Transportation Department (2013). B.3. MINIMUM WIDTH REQUIREMENTS FOR BMPS Minimum width requirements were calculatedusing the specifications in Table B.2. 8 inches of spacing were added to either side of the minimum widthfor BMPs. Bioretention 3.3 feet Swale 4.3 feet 56 B.4. CALCULATION OF TOTAL AVAILABLE STREET WIDTHS North Section of Studv Site Alboin St 8 22 2 1 29 1 0 2 Auburn St 7 24 1 2 28 0 0 0 Bowers Ave 7 25 2 1 29 0 0 0 1 19 0 3 3 2 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bryant St 7 22 1 Baker St 7 25 2 Clark St 6 18 1 1 19 Cross St 7 22 1 1 19 0 3 3 0 0 Concord St Fairview 7 24 2 1 29 0 Ave 8 25 2 1 29 1 0 2 Faulkner St 8 25 1 2 28 1 0 2 Franklin St Granville Ave 7 23 2 2 38 0 0 0 6 21 1 1 19 0 2 2 1 19 0 0 0 2 38 1 0 2 0 0 0 Harding Ave 0 16 1 Holden St 8 34 2 Lynde St Mountain 7 24 2 2 38 Ave 10 28 2 1 29 3 0 6* St 10 29 2 1 29 3 0 6* Norwood St 0 18 1 1 19 0 0 0 Page St 7 25 2 1 29 0 0 0 19 0 1 1 Mt Vernon Park St 7 20 1 1 Pierce St Plymouth 7 23 2 0 20 0 3 3 Rd 7 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 0 0 Porter St Richardson 7 24 2 2 38 0 St 7 19 1 1 19 0 0 0 Rutland St 7 25 2 1 29 0 0 0 Salem St 9 40 2 2 38 2 2 6* 19 1 3 5* 19 0 0 0 0 0 Sprague St 8 22 1 1 Spring St 6 18 1 1 Starbird St 7 24 2 2 38 0 Tremont St 7 24 1 2 28 0 0 0 4* 3 Webster St Wolcott St 9 28 2 1 29 2 0 7 22 1 1 19 0 3 57 B.4. CONTINUED South Section of Study Site Streets where the Total Available Street Width exceeds the Minimum Width Requiredfor BMPs (Table B.3) are highlighted in blue (Cross St, EasternAve, Ferry St, Main St, Walnut St). Acorn St 7 24 2 I 29 0 0 0 Appleton St 7 24 2 1 29 0 0 0 Ashland St 7 24 2 1 29 0 0 0 BarrettSt 6 23 2 1 29 0 0 0 St 7 23 2 1 29 0 0 0 Clarendon St 7 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 Clayton St 7 26 2 2 28 0 0 0 10 41 2 2 38 3 3 Brackenbury High 1 Eastern Ave (West of Ferry St, North Side) 0 7 10 41 2 2 38 3 3 35 2 2 38 0 0 10 40 2 2 38 2 3 Franklin St 7 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 Garland Ave 8 23 2 2 38 0 1 2 Gould Ave 7 20 1 1 19 1 0 1 Green St 10 28 2 1 29 0 3 62 Hancock St 10 30 2 2 38 0 3 6 2 High St 10 29 2 2 38 0 3 6 2 7 25 2 1 29 0 0 Eastern (East of Ferry St) 17 N Hillside Ave 1Eastern Ave is analyzed in three parts because of varying widths along the road. West of Ferry St, the sidewalks on the north side of Eastern Ave are narrower than those on the south side. The calculations above only consider available street width for the South Side of the road to avoid double counting. Eastern Ave narrows to the east of Ferry St. 2 There is only enough width to accommodate BMPs if available widths from the sidewalks on either side of the street are consolidated. Since this would require considerable reconstruction of the existing roadways, these scenarios are not considered feasible for the purposes of this report. 0 01 B.4. CONTINUED South Section of Study Site Holyoke St 7 22 1 1 19 3 0 3 Howard St 7 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 James St 8 24 1 2 29 0 1 2 Judson St 8 28 2 2 38 0 1 2 Linwood St 6 20 2 1 29 0 0 0 Lowell St 7 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 Madison St 9 30 2 2 38 0 2 42 0 3 3 0 9 62 Magnolia St 7 24 1 2 28 Main St 10 41 2 2 38 Medford St 10 29 2 1 29 0 3 0 Meridian St Newhall St (West of High St) Newhall St (East of High St) 8 25 2 2 38 0 1 2 6 17 1 1 19 0 0 0 7 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 Oxford St 7 22 2 1 29 0 0 0 Pratt St 7 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 Stevens St 0 16 1 1 19 0 0 0 Tufts St 6 24 2 2 38 0 0 0 Upham St 7 22 1 1 19 3 0 3 10 30 1 2 28 2 3 5 13 13 62 Walnut St (Judson St to Cross St) (West Side) 3 Walnut St (Judson St to Cross St) (East Side) 3 20 Walnut St (Cross St to Oxford St) 3 10 28 1 2 28 0 3 Warren Ave 8 24 2 2 38 0 0 Wilson Ave 10 30 2 2 38 0 3 7 23 2 1 29 0 0 Wyeth St 3 Walnut St is analyzed in three parts because of varying widths along the road. The road is wider between Judson St and Cross St than it is elsewhere. Within the section between Judson St and Cross St, the east side of the road has a much larger sidewalk. The calculations above only consider available street width for the West Side of the road to avoid double counting. 0 6 2 0 APPENDIX C. BMP PERFORMANCE AND COST RESULTS 60 C. 1. BIORETENTION POLLUTION REDUCTION 0.006 0.003 0.003 52 1.1 0.3 0.8 69 0.007 1.4 40 2 0.008 0.004 0.004 51 1.3 0.4 0.9 68 0.008 1.8 50 2 0.011 0.005 0.006 52 1.7 0.5 1.2 68 0.011 2.3 60 5 0.013 0.006 0.007 51 2.1 0.6 1.5 68 0.033 7.03 70 16 0.015 0.007 0.008 52 2.4 0.8 1.6 68 0.122 25.7 80 26 0.017 0.008 0.009 51 2.7 0.9 1.8 68 0.228 48.2 90 34 0.019 0.009 0.01 51 3.0 1.0 2.0 68 0.330 70.2 51 3.4 1.1 2.3 68 0.216 46.2 30 100 20 0.021 0.01 0.01 110 33 0.023 0.011 0.012 51 3.8 1.2 2.6 68 0.399 84.8 120 33 0.025 0.012 0.013 51 4.1 1.3 2.8 68 0.429 90.8 130 8 0.028 0.014 0.014 51 4.4 1.4 3.0 68 0.114 24.1 140 22 0.03 0.014 0.015 51 4.7 1.5 3.2 68 0.334 70.8 150 9 0.032 0.016 0.016 51 5.1 1.6 3.5 68 0.147 31.2 190 2 0.04 0.02 0.02 51 6.4 2.1 4.3 68 0.041 8.7 200 1 0.042 0.021 0.021 51 6.8 2.2 4.6 68 0.022 4.6 500 1 0.11 0.05 0.06 51 17.0 5.4 11.6 68 0.054 11.6 760 1 0.16 0.08 0.08 51 25.8 8.2 17.6 68 0.083 17.6 860 1 0.18 0.09 0.09 51 29.2 9.3 19.9 68 0.093 19.9 1030 1 0.22 0.11 0.11 51 34.9 11.2 23.7 68 0.112 23.7 1600 1 0.34 0.17 0.17 51 54.3 17.4 36.9 68 0.174 36.9 1640 1 0.35 0.17 0.18 51 55.6 17.8 37.8 68 0.178 37.8 1830 1 0.39 0.19 0.2 51 62.0 19.8 42.2 68 0.199 42.2 3270 1 0.69 0.34 0.35 51 111.0 35.4 75.6 68 0.355 75.6 Average 51% Average 68% TOWa68% Removal 3.7 kg I 780 kg 61 C.2. BIORETENTION FLOW REDUCTION A I 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 190 200 500 760 860 1030 1600 1640 1830 3270 RI 2 2 2 5 16 26 34 20 33 33 8 22 9 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 8,089 10,400 13,289 16,178 18,489 21,378 23,689 26,578 29,467 31,779 34,668 36,979 39,868 50,268 53,157 132,892 201,649 228,228 273,296 424,677 435,077 485,345 866,688 1 6,500 8,400 10,700 13,100 14,900 17,300 19,100 21,500 23,800 25,700 28,000 29,900 32,200 40,600 42,900 107,300 162,900 184,300 220,700 343,000 351,400 392,000 700,000 1,589 2,000 2,589 3,078 3,589 4,078 4,589 5,078 5,667 6,079 6,668 7,079 7,668 9,668 10,257 25,592 38,749 43,928 52,596 81,677 83,677 93,345 166699 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 3,178 4,001 5,178 15,391 57,429 106,036 156,042 101,568 187,024 200,592 53,340 155,731 69,009 19,336 10,257 25,592 38,749 43,928 52,596 81,677 83,677 93,345 166,688 1,730,000 ft 62 C.3. BIORETENTION COSTS Cost Per Uj 756 355 972 1,242 1,512 1,728 1,998 2,214 2,484 2,754 2,970 3,240 3,456 3,726 4,698 4,968 12,420 18,846 21,330 456 583 710 811 938 1,039 1,166 1,293 1,394 1,521 1,623 3,726 4,698 4,968 12,420 18,846 21,330 159 204 261 317 363 419 464 521 578 623 680 725 782 987 1,043 2,608 3,958 4,479 1,270 1,632 2,086 2,539 2,902 3,355 3,717 4,171 4,625 4,987 5,441 5,804 8,234 10,382 10,979 27,448 41,649 47,138 2,540 3,264 4,172 12,695 46,431 87,229 126,377 83,419 152,623 164,569 43,528 127,687 74,109 20,765 10,979 27,448 41,649 47,138 25,542 25,542 5,364 56,447 56,447 39,689 40,661 45,359 80,999 39,689 40,661 45,359 80,999 8,335 8,539 9,525 17,010 87,713 89,861 100,244 179,007 TOTAL COST 87,713 89,861 100,244 179,007 $1,590,000 63 C.4. SWALE POLLUTION REDUCTION 30 I 0.006 0.005 40 2 0.008 50 2 0.011 60 3 70 80 90 0.002 28 1.03 0.41 0.62 60 0.002 0.006 0.002 27 1.33 0.54 0.79 60 0.004 1.58 0.008 0.003 28 1.70 0.68 1.02 60 0.006 2.04 0.013 0.009 0.003 27 2.07 0.84 1.23 59 0.010 3.69 15 0.015 0.011 0.004 27 2.36 0.95 1.41 60 0.062 21.14 24 0.017 0.013 0.005 27 2.73 1.11 1.62 59 0.110 38.88 16 0.019 0.014 0.005 27 3.03 1.22 1.81 60 0.082 28.96 100 14 0.021 0.016 0.006 27 3.40 1.38 2.02 59 0.080 28.28 110 26 0.024 0.017 0.006 27 3.77 1.52 2.25 60 0.166 58.50 120 24 0.025 0.019 0.007 27 4.06 1.65 2.41 59 0.166 57.84 130 8 0.028 0.020 0.008 27 4.43 1.79 2.64 60 0.060 21.12 140 22 0.030 0.022 0.008 27 4.73 1.90 2.83 60 0.176 62.26 150 9 0.032 0.023 0.009 27 5.10 2.06 3.04 60 0.077 27.36 190 2 0.040 0.029 0.011 27 6.43 2.60 3.83 60 0.022 7.66 200 1 0.042 0.031 0.012 27 6.80 2.74 4.06 60 0.012 4.06 500 1 0.106 0.077 0.029 27 17.00 6.86 10.14 60 0.029 10.14 760 1 0.161 0.117 0.044 27 25.80 10.41 15.39 60 0.044 15.39 860 1 0.161 0.117 0.044 27 25.80 10.41 15.39 60 0.044 15.39 1030 1 0.218 0.159 0.059 27 34.90 14.12 20.78 60 0.059 20.78 1600 1 0.339 0.247 0.092 27 54.30 21.94 32.36 60 0.092 32.36 1640 1 0.347 0.253 0.094 27 55.60 22.47 33.13 60 0.094 33.13 1830 1 0.387 0.282 0.105 27 62.00 25.07 36.93 60 0.105 36.93 3270 1 0.692 0.504 0.188 27 111.00 44.77 66.23 60 0.188 66.23 Avg. 1 27% Avg. 0.62 60% Total Rpemoval 1.7 kg I 600 kg 64 C.5. SWALE FLOW REDUCTION 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 190 200 500 760 860 1030 1600 1640 1830 3270 1 2 2 3 15 24 16 14 26 24 8 22 9 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8,089 10,400 13,289 16,178 18,489 21,378 23,689 26,578 29,467 31,779 34,668 36,979 39,868 50,268 53,157 132,892 201,649 228,228 273,296 424,677 435,077 485,345 866,688 6,500 8,400 10,700 13,100 14,900 17,300 19,100 21,500 23,800 25,700 28,000 29,900 32,200 40,600 42,900 107,300 162,900 184,300 220,700 343,000 351,400 392,000 700,000 1,589 2,000 2,589 3,078 3,589 4,078 4,589 5,078 5,667 6,079 6,668 7,079 7,668 9,668 10,257 25,592 38,749 43,928 52,596 81,677 83,677 93,345 166,688 A9 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19% 1,589 4,001 5,178 9,235 53,840 97,879 73,431 71,098 147,352 145,885 53,340 155,731 69,009 19,336 10,257 25,592 38,749 43,928 52,596 81,677 83,677 93,345 166,688 Tol flow 1,500,000 3 Re d-kt'= ft 65 SWALE COSTS 116 149 190 231 264 306 338 380 421 454 84 108 137 167 191 221 245 275 305 329 24 31 40 48 55 64 71 80 88 95 495 359 104 958 7,664 528 569 718 759 1,898 2,879 382 412 519 549 1,372 2,082 2,356 2,821 4,384 4,491 5,010 8,947 111 119 151 159 398 605 684 819 1,273 1,305 1,455 2,599 1,021 1,100 1,387 1,467 3,668 5,566 6,299 7,543 11,721 12,008 13,396 23,921 TOTAL COST 22,462 9,900 2,775 1,467 3,668 5,566 6,299 7,543 11,721 12,008 13,396 23,921 $216,000 3,259 3,902 6,064 6,212 6,930 12,375 224 288 367 446 510 591 654 735 814 878 224 576 734 1,338 7,650 14,184 10,464 10,290 21,164 21,072 , C.6. 66 C.7. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT POLLUTION REDUCTION (PER MILE) 0.4 C.8. 0.2 54% 72 33 39 54% PERMEABLE PAVEMENT FLOW REDUCTION (PER MILE) 560,000 C.9. 0.2 260,000 54% 304,000 PERMEABLE PAVEMENT COSTS (PER MILE) Capital Costs O&M Costs Rplcmn $363,000 $112,000 $76,000 $551,000 67 C.10. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT COMPARISONS TO OTHER BMPs I I , ,. I **For example, 15 miles of permeable pavement would attain the same TP Reduction achieved by bioretention systems applied across the study site. This would cost $8,415,000. 68 C. 11. 5.3 ACRE WETLAND POLLUTION REDUCTION (SIZED TO TREAT ENTIRE STUDY SITE) (kg) 243 123 120 50% 38,000 16,000 22,000 57% C.12. 5.3 ACRE WETLAND FLOW REDUCTION (SIZED TO TREAT ENTIRE STUDY SITE) 304,000,000 205,000,000 99,000,000 33% C.13. 5.3 ACRE WETLAND COSTS (SIZED TO TREAT ENTIRE STUDY SITE) $2,800,000 $530,000 $590,000 $3,920,000 69 C.14. WETLAND COMPARISONS TO OTHER BMPs ACROSS THE STUDY SITE **For example, a 0.16 acre wetland would be attain the same TP Reduction achieved by bioretention systems applied across the study site. This would cost $121,000. 70