Serviceability-Based Design of Tall Buildings Subjected to Vortex Shedding by ARCHIVES MASSACLUK[E TT! PITm TE OF fECHNOLOLGY Abram Wasef JUL 022015 B.Eng. in Civil Engineering McGill University, 2014 LIBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2015 2015 Abram Wasef. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any mediunr now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Signature redacted Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 15, 2015 Certified by: Signature redacted Pierre Ghisbain Lecturer in Civil and nvironmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor Certified by: Signature redacted / J. Connor IJerome Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Co-Advisor Accepted by: Signature redacted f Q eidi Nepf Donald and Martha Harleman Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Chair, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students Serviceability-Based Design of Tall Buildings Subjected to Vortex Shedding by Abram Wasef Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 15, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT With the increasing rate of population, there is an increase in demand for housing for people and their families. Due to the limited amount of land space, one of the most viable and feasible solutions is increase the number and height of residential and office buildings leading to a requirement of having a special design for these tall buildings. Due to the advancement of technology leading to an increase in the strength of materials used in construction, these types of buildings can be built. This leads to lesser amounts of materials used and resulting in lightweight structures that are flexible. As the height of the buildings increases, these lightweight structures become more flexible making them susceptible to excessive wind-induced motion. Although there are multiple factors that govern serviceability in tall buildings, it has been deduced from the literature, that acceleration is a very important factor, and that as the level of acceleration increases, people become more uncomfortable. Moreover, across wind response caused mainly due to vortex shedding becomes a very important phenomenon that needs to be dealt with, and which also contributes a significant amount of acceleration on the building. Acceleration due to vortex shedding is the focus of this thesis. To determine a solution, information on factors affecting serviceability of tall buildings, how increasing effects of these factors would affect occupants, and how current standards and codes deal with serviceability requirements were obtained. Using this information, a methodology similar to the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) criteria was developed to determine the relationship between these different factors. All of these factors were incorporated in different cost functions and combined together to evaluate the serviceability of tall buildings over their lifetime from an economical perspective. A flexible parametric approach was used to analyze how varying the level of damping, stiffness and the negative effects due to wind-induced acceleration will affect the cost of tall buildings. Moreover, a detailed example was presented to show how the methodology works by analyzing the CAARC Building. Also, the analysis includes varying the location by applying the methodology to three different states to determine how stiffness and damping changed. Thesis Supervisor: Pierre Ghisbain Title: Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Co-Advisor: Jerome J. Connor Title: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my parents, and siblings for their support, trust and for being there for me. Moreover, I would like to thank Dr. Ghisbain for introducing me to the topic and increasing my interest in performance-based design engineering and for always being available to guide me throughout my thesis, and answer my questions and doubts. In addition, I would like to also thank Prof. Connor for introducing me to motion-based design and for being available to answer my questions. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... 3 ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS .......................................................................................... 5 1. 2. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................... 15 1.1 Need for Tall Buildings and a Methodology.................................................. 15 1.2 Issues with Tall Buildings ............................................................................... 15 1.3 Problem Statement ............................................................................................. 16 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................... 17 2.1 Factors affecting occupant's perception........................................................... 17 2.2 Vortex Shedding............................................................................................. 19 2.3 Influence of different levels of acceleration.................................................... 21 2.4 Factors affecting serviceability ..................................................................... 23 2.4.1 Parameters affecting serviceability ........................................................ 23 2.4.2 2.4.2 Comparing different parameters ................................................... 25 CURRENT PRACTICES.................................................................................... 27 Current standards and codes........................................................................... 27 3. 3.1 3.1.1 North American Standards...................................................................... 27 3.1.2 Asian Standards ........................................................................................ 27 3.1.3 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standards............. 29 Comparing different codes and standards ...................................................... 3.2 33 4. CHALLENGES.................................................................................................... 35 5. PROPOSED SOLUTION AND METHODOLOGY........................................ 37 5.1 Proposed Solution .......................................................................................... 37 5.2 M ethodology ................................................................................................... 39 6. 5.2.1 Period of the Structure ............................................................................ 39 5.2.2 Modal Damping Ratio............................................................................. 40 5.2.3 Deflection of a building .......................................................................... 41 5.2.4 Acceleration of a building........................................................................ 42 5.2.5 Parameters used to develop the cost functions ........................................ 44 DETAILED EXAMPLE............................................ 49 7. 6.1 CAARC Building: Structural Analysis .......................................................... 6.2 Relating wind speed with various parameters: Hazard Analysis .................... 53 6.3 C ost A nalysis.................................................................................................... 57 6.4 Sensitivity Study ............................................................................................ 60 6.4.1 Effects of damping.................................................................................... 60 6.4.2 Effects of stiffness.................................................................................... 64 6.4.3 Varying cost coefficient.......................................................................... 68 6.4.4 Effect of the geographical location .......................................................... 69 APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................. 7.1 Cost effectiveness of damping ........................................................................ 73 73 7.1.1 Varying cost coefficient and damping ................................................... 73 7.1.2 Economical outcomes of increasing damping ........................................ 75 7.2 8. 49 Cost effectiveness of stiffness ........................................................................ 78 7.2.1 Varying cost coefficient and stiffness...................................................... 78 7.2.2 Economical outcomes of increasing stiffness .......................................... 80 7.3 Comparing the cost-effectiveness of damping and stiffness........................... 83 7.4 Increasing damping and stiffness for different locations ................................ 84 7.4.1 Economical analysis for Illinois............................................................... 84 7.4.2 Economical analysis for New York ........................................................ 87 7.4.3 Economical analysis for Massachusetts................................................. 89 7.4.4 Evaluating different factors and locations ............................................... 91 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................. 93 RIEFERIENCES .................................................................... 95 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 - Wind Response Directions ....................................................................... 19 Figure 2.2 - Effect on vortex shedding on response...................................................... 20 Figure 2.3 - Annoyance Threshold Vibrations for Residences, Offices and Schools...... 24 Figure 2.4 - Relative effects on building motions of changing mass, stiffness, and dam pin g............................................................................................................................. 26 Figure 3.1 - Probabilistic perception thresholds given in AIJ-GBV-2004.................... 28 Figure 3.2 - Suggested satisfactory magnitudes of horizontal motion of buildings used for general purposes (curve 1) and of off-shore fixed structures (curve 2)........................ 30 Figure 3.3 - Average (curve 2) and lower threshold (curve 1) of perception of horizontal m otion by hum ans............................................................................................................. 30 Figure 3.4 - ISO 10137 acceleration limits. Curve 1 - maximum horizontal acceleration for office buildings. Curve 2 - maximum horizontal acceleration for residential buildings 32 ........................................................................................................................................... Figure 5.1 - Flowchart presenting the modified PEER methodology ........................... 37 Figure 5.2 - Cost function presenting the negative effects of acceleration using the cost coefficient, g . .................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 6.1 - Schematic diagram showing the dimension of the CAARC building..... 49 Figure 6.2 - The response of the CAARC building without increasing damping or stiffn ess............................................................................................................................. 51 Figure 6.3 - Relationship between return period and wind speed................................. 55 Figure 6.4 - Relationship between exceedance rate density, r,(V), and wind speed, V.. 56 Figure 6.5 - Modifying the cost function for negative effects of acceleration, Ca. ......... 57 Figure 6.6 - Relating Ca* r,(V) and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping. 58 ........................................................................................................................................... Figure 6.7 - Relating CT and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping. ...... 58 Figure 6.8 - The response of the CAARC building increase in damping and unchanged stiffn ess............................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 6.9 - Relating Ca and wind speed with increase in damping and unchanged 61 stiffn ess. ............................................................................................................................ Figure 6.10 - Relating Ca * r,(V) and wind speed with increase in damping and 62 unchanged stiffness........................................................................................................ Figure 6.11 - Relating CT and wind speed with increase in damping and unchanged stiffn ess. ............................................................................................................................ 63 Figure 6.12 - The response of the CAARC building with increase in stiffness and unchanged damping. ......................................................................................................... 64 Figure 6.13 - Relating Ca and wind speed with increase in stiffness and unchanged d am pin g............................................................................................................................. 65 Figure 6.14 - Relating Ca * r,(V) and wind speed with increase in stiffness and unchanged damping. ......................................................................................................... 66 Figure 6.15 - Relating CT and wind speed with increase in stiffness and unchanged d am pin g............................................................................................................................. 67 Figure 6.16 - Increase in cost coefficient with unchanged damping and stiffness, and relating CTB and cost coefficient................................................................................. 68 Figure 6.17 - Relating exceedance rate density, r,(V), and wind speed for different states. ........................................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 6.18 - The exceedance rate density, r,(V), around the critical wind speed for different states...................................................................................................................70 Figure 6.19 - Relating Ca * r,(V) and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping for different states............................................................................................................. 70 Figure 6.20 - Relating CT and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping for different states...................................................................................................................7 1 Figure 7.1 - Relating CTB and cost coefficient, p, with increase in damping and unchanged stiffness........................................................................................................ 73 Figure 7.2 - Relating CTB and increase in damping ratio with increase in cost coefficient and unchanged stiffness. ................................................................................................ 74 Figure 7.3 - Cost function for the dampers used in the CAARC Building. ................. 75 Figure 7.4 - Increasing the cost coefficient to show the cost effectiveness of increasing d amp ing............................................................................................................................. 76 Figure 7.5 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing the damping ratio.............................................................................................................. 76 Figure 7.6 - Relating CTB and cost coefficient, p, with increase in stiffness and unchanged dam ping. ......................................................................................................... 78 Figure 7.7 - Relating CTB and increase in stiffness with increase in cost coefficient and unchanged damping. ......................................................................................................... 79 Figure 7.8 - Cost function for the increase in stiffness used in the CAARC Building.... 80 Figure 7.9 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffn ess. ............................................................................................................................ 81 Figure 7.10 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffn ess. ............................................................................................................................ 81 Figure 7.11 - Increasing the cost coefficient to show the cost effectiveness of increasing dam ping for the state of Illinois..................................................................................... 84 Figure 7.12 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing dam ping for the state of Illinois..................................................................................... 85 Figure 7.13 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffness for the state of Illinois. .................................................................. 85 Figure 7.14 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffness for the state of Illinois...................................................................................... 86 Figure 7.15 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing damping for the state of New York. ........................................................... 87 Figure 7.16 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing damping for the state of New York............................................................................... 87 Figure 7.17 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffness the state of New York. .................................................................. 88 Figure 7.18 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffness the state of N ew Y ork...................................................................................... 88 Figure 7.19 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing damping for the state of Massachusetts. ..................................................... 89 Figure 7.20 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing damping for the state of Massachusetts. ...................................................................... 89 Figure 7.21 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffness for the state of Massachusetts. ...................................................... 90 Figure 7.22 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffness for the state of Massachusetts.......................................................................... 90 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Human Perception Levels ............................................................................ 21 Table 2 - Multiplication factors applied to the ISO 10137 base curve to provide maximum rm s acceleration ................................................................................................................ 32 Table 3 - Comparing different codes and guidelines to limit acceleration and ensure occupant's com fort............................................................................................................ 34 Table 4 - Values provided for the coefficients Ct and x............................................... 39 Table 5 - Structural parameters of the CAARC building............................................. 50 Table 6 - Wind speed limits used to determine the return period using data obtained from th e N OA A ......................................................................................................................... 53 Table 7 - Data from the NOAA used to determine the relationship between return period and wind speed for the state of Florida.......................................................................... 54 Table 8 - Determining the relationship between return period and wind speed in the last 6 4 years. ............................................................................................................................ 55 Table 9 - Relating CTB and increase in damping with unchanged stiffness. ................. 63 Table 10 - Determining the relationship between the natural frequency of the building and the percentage increase in stiffness........................................................................ 64 Table 11 - Relating CTB and increase in stiffness with unchanged damping................ 67 Table 12 - Relating CTB and different locations with unchanged damping and stiffness... ........................................................................................................................................... 71 Table 13 - Comparing CTB for increasing values of damping and stiffness ................ 83 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Need for Tall Buildings and a Methodology Cohen (2003) has mentioned in his research that by 2050 the human population will increase by 2 to 4 billion people, which is approximately a fifty percent increase to the world's current population. As population increases, there is a high demand in constructing tall buildings to provide space for people to live. This is has lead to designing a relatively new trend of tall buildings for residential use, as tall buildings have traditionally been mainly used as offices. This is evident in several examples such as the 432 Park Avenue Building in New York City, and the Princess Tower and 23 Marina Building in Dubai, UAE, which are all taller than the Empire State Building. With the growing number of tall buildings especially in North America and the Middle East, it is important to ensure that occupants of these buildings feel comfortable when there is wind-induced motion. With different codes and standards using different values and limits to investigate this issue, there is a need to develop an evaluation process that is universally applicable, and one that can be used by clients and structural engineers to ensure occupant's comfort. Although there have been advancements in technology, there still has not been a widely accepted international code or standard to ensure occupant's comfort for tall buildings. A partial reason for the lack of development of such an important standard is the subjectivity of the serviceability limits, and the complexity of the issue as one of the influential factors affecting wind-induced response is the shape of the building. Therefore, to find a solution to this issue, different factors and their effects on people were analyzed. 1.2 Issues with Tall Buildings After World War II, the average density of buildings was 18 pcf (288 kg/m 3) compared to the last fifty years where the average density of buildings was approximately 9- 12 pcf (144 to 192 kg/m3 ). This is due to advancements in construction materials that caused these materials to be stronger. Hence lesser amounts of these materials were used leading to lighter structures. Moreover, lighter facades, other non-structural members and lesser partitions were used, which has lead tall buildings to be very light causing them to be 15 susceptible to wind-induced motion (Islam et al., 1990). Although these vibrations and motions are not enough to cause structural damage, they still tend to cause discomfort to occupants. Furthermore, although buildings are designed to limit the maximum lateral story drift to minimize damage, this does not guarantee occupant's comfort (Chang et al., 2009). Studies have recorded various events when wind-induced motions of buildings have caused discomfort to occupants. Hansen et al. (1973) has conducted a building survey on two buildings, and found out that in one building 36% of the building occupants experienced motion sickness, whereas 47% of the occupants in the second building experienced motion sickness. Moreover, Goto (1983) has also conducted a survey after a typhoon, where more than 95% of the occupants above the 13th floor had reported that they felt building motions. In addition, seventy-two percent of the occupants had reported symptoms of motion sickness, which include headaches and feeling of uneasiness that were more significant with occupants in higher floors than the lower ones (Lamb et al., 2013). 1.3 Problem Statement Wind loads, especially windstorms, occur more frequently than earthquakes, and may last for several hours affecting a wide range of buildings. Moreover, in seismic regions, designers tend to make the buildings flexible enough to overcome destructive effects of earthquakes, which would cause wind loading to be the dominant load for lateral resistance (Tallin & Ellingwood, 1984). As wind loadings are frequent, their induced responses on tall buildings will be frequent as well. Although no structural damage would occur as the lateral story drift is limited, vibrations and motions caused by wind may cause discomfort to occupants. Therefore, a methodology needs to be developed that includes an economical analysis, which would help designers and clients decide on the acceptable level of motion to meet the serviceability limits of tall buildings. 16 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Factors affecting occupant's perception 2.1 To understand how to limit serviceability, the factors affecting occupant's discomfort from a physiological perspective needs to be understood. The affect of motion on the biodynamical response of the human body can be quantified as: R = KS" (Eq. 1) where R is sensory greatness S is the stimulus n is the exponent K is a constant Therefore, to limit the affect of motion on the occupants, the stimuli they experience should be limited, which would lead to an improvement in the comfort of occupants in tall buildings (Bashor et al., 2005). The various stimuli that would cause occupants to perceive motion and affect their comfort would depend on (Tallin & Ellingwood, 1984): " the frequency of motion, " the building's acceleration, " the presence of visual or auditory cues, * the duration of motion, and " the occupant's activity. The frequency of motion is important, as vibrations at frequencies less than 1 Hz are problematic causing occupants to experience motion sickness. This is because the natural frequency of tall buildings is small, and wind being a low frequency load can easily match that natural frequency, making tall buildings more susceptible to resonance (Ellingwood & Tallin, 1984). When this occurs, the acceleration of the tall building amplifies, which could reach levels where the occupants feel uncomfortable. 17 Moreover, visual cues of shifting contents and moving horizons with respect to fixed objects are significant in causing discomfort in occupants especially that occupants do not expect buildings to move. As torsion enhances this phenomenon, it is an important factor that needs to be maintained to low levels while designing the structure (Bashor et al., 2005). Furthermore, another important factor is the duration of motion. Larger amplitudes of motion that dampen within a few cycles are more bearable than smaller amplitudes with longer loading periods. Therefore, the rate of decay of motion is important when evaluating the serviceability of tall buildings (Ellingwood & Tallin, 1984). Also, the level of acceleration that occupants could tolerate would depend on the their activity, as people experiencing excessive motion while undergoing physical activities, such as exercising in the gym, would tolerate higher levels of acceleration than people in residential or office buildings. In this thesis, the focus will be on two out of the five factors, acceleration and frequency, as these parameters are easy to quantify and familiar to engineers. 18 Vortex Shedding 2.2 As the height of buildings and wind speed increase, the across-wind response of these tall buildings becomes more critical, and most of the time more important than the building's along-wind response. In addition, the most common source of across-wind excitation is vortex shedding. Torsion o Along-Wind Cross-Wind Wind Directon Figure 2.1 - Wind Response Directions Source: Mendis et al., 2007 Vortex shedding is a periodic loading that is caused by fluctuations in pressure on the & sides of the building perpendicular to the direction of the wind loading (Tamura Kareem, 2013). The vortex shedding frequency can be calculated using the Strouhal Number: S = f(Eq. where S = Strouhal Number D = width of the building V = wind speed fl= vortex shedding frequency 19 2) A typical value for the Strouhal Number lies between 0.1 and 0.4, and this depends on the cross-sectional shape of the building, Reynolds Number of the wind, surface roughness and free stream turbulence. Tall buildings experience excessive accelerations when the vortex shedding frequency due to the wind load matches one of the natural frequencies of the building causing the building to resonate. Using equation 2, the critical wind speed, Vcr, which is the wind speed at which resonance would occur, can be calculated by equating the vortex shedding frequency to the natural frequency of the building, and making the wind speed the subject of the formula: Vcr = (Eq. 3) s where, Wn is the natural frequency of the building. As shown in Figure 2.2, there are two parameters that would change the across-wind acceleration of the building due to vortex shedding: " Vortex Shedding Force * Amplification factor due to resonance 4 Crosswind Response Vortex shedding No vortex shedding Wind velocity Figure 2.2 - Effect on vortex shedding on response Source: Irwin et al., 2008 20 2.3 Influence of different levels of acceleration Irwin (1978), along with many researchers, has used acceleration as the parameter to evaluate occupant's comfort in tall buildings confirming that it is the most suitable parameter (Johann et al., 2015). According to Mendis, P., et al. (2007), Table 1 presents how different levels of acceleration affect people. These results were obtained by taking into account the various important physiological and psychological parameters affecting occupant's perception to different levels of acceleration in tall buildings. EFFECT ACCELERATION (m/sec 2 ) LEVEL Humans cannot perceive motion < 0.05 a) Sensitive people can perceive motion; b) hanging objects may move slightly a) Majority of people will perceive motion; b) level of motion may affect desk work; c) long - term exposure may produce motion sickness a) Desk work becomes difficult or almost impossible; b) ambulation still possible a) People strongly perceive motion; b) difficult to walk naturally; c) standing people may lose balance. Most people cannot tolerate motion and are unable to walk naturally People cannot walk or tolerate motion. Objects begin to fall and people may be injured 0.05-0.1 0.1 -0.25 0.25 - 0.4 0.4-0.5 0.5-0.6 0.6-0.7 > 0.85 Table 1 - Human Perception Levels Source: Mendis et al., 2007 21 Chang (1973) proposed different thresholds for acceleration using data from the aerospace industry. These limits are: * Non-perceptible: a < 5 milli-g; * Perceptible: 5 milli-g < a < 10-15 milli-g; * Annoying: 10-15 milli-g < a < 50 milli-g; * Very Annoying: 50 milli-g < a < 150 milli-g; " Unbearable: 150 milli-g < a. where 1 milli-g is equal to 1/1000th of acceleration due to gravity (Johann et al., 2015). 22 2.4 Factors affecting serviceability 2.4.1 Parameters affecting serviceability To reduce a building's acceleration, the following factors can be modified: " Damping * Mass * Stiffness * Shape of the building Other than the fact that increasing damping, decreases acceleration, there is a distinct advantage of damping. Increasing damping would decrease the duration of motion the occupants are going to experience. This is evident from Figure 2.3, which shows that as damping increases, the acceleration tolerated also increases. This is due to the fact that people are willing to experience high levels of acceleration if it will only be for a short period of time (Ellingwood & Tallin, 1984). 23 I I I I - 0.50 0.20 - Transient Idamping = 0,12)/ Transient damping = 0.0) .0 - 0.05 / 0.10- / Transient IS 0.02 (damping = 0.03) 0.01- 1 Continuous 2 - 'rani / 0.0050.005 S0.021 5 10 FREQUENCY (HzJ 20 Figure 2.3 - Annoyance Threshold Vibrations for Residences, Offices and Schools. Source: Ellingwood and Tallin, 1984 The Scruton Number is a dimensionless factor used to evaluate the effect of vortex shedding on a structure, and is proportional to the structure's damping and to the ratio between the vibrating mass and the mass of the air displaced by the structure. Moreover, an increase in the Scruton Number would represent a decrease in the effect of vortex shedding. Therefore, if the Scruton Number is less than 30, then excessive vibrations due to vortex shedding should be taken into consideration while designing the structure (Baker et al., 2012). Sc where me = effective mass per length p = density of air 24 = 2me5 2 pD (Eq. 4) 6 = structural damping by the logarithmic decrement 6 = 2ni = (Eq. 5) structural damping ratio 2.4.2 Comparing different parameters The different parameters, damping, mass and stiffness, are compared from an analytical and structural point of view to measure their effectiveness relatively to one another. Substituting equation 5 in equation 4: Sc = 4nkme 2 PD (Eq. 6) From equation 6, it is shown that the damping ratio is proportional to the Scruton Number by a factor of 1. Substituting ( = 2cV-ik in equation 6: Sc = 41tk 1/ 22m3 /2 (E.7 (Eq. 7) Equation 7 shows that the Scruton Number is proportional to the square root of stiffness. The reason for such an effect is that an increase in stiffness would increase the separation between the vortex shedding frequency and the natural frequency of the building, and this decreases the chances of resonance to occur. Moreover, increasing the stiffness would increase the natural frequency, and from equation 3 as the natural frequency increases the critical wind speed also increases, which decreases the chance of resonance due to vortex shedding to occur. Furthermore, equation 7 shows that the Scruton Number is proportional to the mass by a factor of 1.5. The reason for such an effect is the same as the increase in stiffness, as increasing the mass increases the separation between the vortex shedding frequency and the natural frequency of the building, and this decreases the chance of resonance. 25 Increasing stiffness is more beneficial than increasing mass, as it reduces deflection. Moreover, increasing mass would be a disadvantage during earthquake events as the effective force the building experiences is a proportional to the mass of the building and the ground acceleration due to the earthquake. Furthermore, according to Irwin, et al. (2008) and as shown on Figure 2.4, increasing damping is more effective than increasing either mass or stiffness to decrease acceleration. In addition to being the most effective parameter, the unique benefit of dampers is it provides engineers the flexibility in design. Also, it helps in reducing the structural response to both wind and earthquake loads (Irwin, 2009). ADD A, 3W0 MASS 1% Damping ADD 30% STIFFNESS INCREASE DAMPING 0 3% Damping Design Variables Figure 2.4 - Relative effects on building motions of changing mass, stiffness, and damping. Source: Irwin et al., 2008 26 3. CURRENT PRACTICES 3.1 Current standards and codes The standards and codes specify different limits on structural response to wind that differ depending on the usage of the building, whether it is a residential building, office building, hotel or retail. 3.1.1 North American Standards The ASCE 7-05 (American Society of Civil Engineers - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures) does not provide limits on wind-induced acceleration. However, the peak acceleration limits used in practice in the US, which are based on a 10-year return period, are the following (Choi, 2009): * Residential = 10 - 15 milli-g * Hotel = 15 - 20 milli-g * Office * Retail 20 - 25 milli-g = 25 milli-g < a On the other hand, the National Building Code of Canada (2005) provides a limit on the peak acceleration to ensure serviceability. The following limits are based on a 10-year return period: 0.01g for residential buildings and 0.03g for office buildings (Kwok et al., 2009). 3.1.2 Asian Standards In the Chinese Building Code, there are different limits of acceleration not only for the usage of the building but also if it was made of concrete or steel. According to the "Technical specification for concrete structures rise building"(JGJ3-2010), concrete buildings that exceed the height of 150 meters would have the following peak acceleration limits based on a 10-year return period: 0.15 m/s2 for residential buildings and 0.25 m/s 2 for office buildings. Moreover, according to the "Technical Specification for Steel Tall Buildings" (JGJ99-98), tall steel buildings would have the following limits based on a 10-year return period: 0.20 m/s 2 for residential buildings and 0.28 m/s2 for public buildings. 27 The Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) has developed guidelines for the Evaluation of Habitability to Building Vibration (AIJ-GBV-2004) to provide limits for peak acceleration in the form of multiple curves. Unlike the other standards previously discussed, the acceleration limits provided are frequency dependent. These limits are based on a one year period, and calculating the acceleration within ten minutes of the maximum response of the building. The guidelines provide the curves shown in Figure 3.1. Each curve indicates the percentage of people who will perceive a particular motion. For example, the H-10 curve represents that 10% of the people will perceive motion. According to this standard, one of these curves will be selected either upon the request of the owners or upon the requirements of the architect [16, 17]. '.4 0 20 10 *1 0 5 2 2 -1- IH-10 2 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.1 - Probabilistic perception thresholds given in AIJ-GBV-2004 Source: Tamura et al., 2004 28 3.1.3 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standards ISO 6897 (1984) ISO 6897 (1984) is a standard that evaluates human comfort for occupants experiencing horizontal vibrations between 0.063 to 1Hz. This standard provides four curves presenting the root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration versus frequency. These curves are based on ten minutes of the response of the structure experiencing wind load, and a return period of five years. The curves are also based on the idea that the lower the vibration frequency, the more comfortable the people will be (Lin et al., 2014). The four curves are the following (ISO, 1984): * Figure 3.2, Curve 1: Evaluates the comfort of occupants of buildings that are experiencing wind loadings. * Figure 3.2, Curve 2: Evaluates the comfort of occupants experiencing vibrations on marine structures. " Figure 3.3, Curve 1: Evaluates the average acceleration perceived by occupants of tall buildings due to wind loads. * Figure 3.3, Curve 2: Represents the minimum acceleration perceived by occupants of tall buildings due to wind loads. 29 1.00 - -_ - - E -- - -_-_ 0.80 463 0.50 0.315 0.25Q20 f4 0.16- 0.1250.10 0,000 6 0.063 - 0.050 0.040 0.031 S -- ------ 0.025 0.020 0.016 - 0.0125 0.063 0.06 0.10 0.125 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.315 0.40 .50 0.63 z 0.80 1.00 Frequency, Hz Figure 3.2 - Suggested satisfactory magnitudes of horizontal motion of buildings used for general purposes (curve 1) and of off-shore fixed structures (curve 2) Source: ISO 1984, 1984 0,0630.040 - 0.025 0,0200.016- * 0 .0105 0.0060.00630.0050 0,0040D,003 IS -- 0,002S0.00200.001 6- ),001 25 0.001 0 LL03 -0.06- 0.10 I o125 Q%16n20 . . O25 0.31S 040 0 SO 063 0 60 1 ) . . ..,.0 Frequency, Hz Figure 3.3 - Average (curve 2) and lower threshold (curve 1) of perception of horizontal motion by humans Source: ISO 1984, 1984 30 ISO 10137 (2007) ISO 10137 (2007) is a frequency dependent standard that provides different peak acceleration limits for a return period of one year to ensure occupant's comfort by incorporating a group of important factors that affect occupant's comfort in buildings. These factors include: * The surrounding environment whether it is peaceful or active, which is depends on the usage of the structure whether it is residential, office building, etc. * Frequency of the vibration * Duration of the vibration * Time of the day during which the vibration has occurred, as vibrations at night are more irritating than the day. ISO 10137 includes a group of multipliers that are used depending on the usage of the building. As shown in Table 2, the large range of multipliers is used to show that there is a diverse range of acceleration limits that can be used for different occupants. Figure 3.4 shows the ISO 10137 curves where A is peak acceleration (m/s 2) and fo is the first natural frequency in a structural direction of a building and in torsion (Hz). Moreover, it provides two curves that represent the maximum acceleration limit of a residential and an office building, where the limit for office buildings are 50% higher than that of residential buildings. These maximum values are obtained using the highest value of the along wind acceleration, across wind acceleration and torsion acceleration for the first-order frequency of structures experiencing wind loading. Torsional acceleration can be converted to an equivalent translational acceleration as follows: r *A (t) (Eq. 8) where: r represents the distance from the center of torsion to the point under consideration, A (t) represents the angular acceleration of the torsional vibration [16, 20]. 31 A 0,5 0,3 0,21 0,2 0,15 0,14 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 L 0,02 i i i|| 0,06 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 2 1 2 3 5 fo Figure 3.4 - ISO 10137 acceleration limits. Curve 1 - maximum horizontal acceleration for office buildings. Curve 2 - maximum horizontal acceleration for residential buildings. Source: Lin et al., 2014 These multipliers presented in Table 2 are applied to the base curves provided in Figure 3.4 to obtain the maximum acceleration limit that ensure occupants' comfort. Time Place Critical work areas (eg some Day hospital operating theatres, some Night Multiplying factor to base curve Impulsive vibration Continuous vibration & intermittent with several vibration occurrences per day 1 I 1 1 precision laboratories, etc.) Residential (eg hospitals, etc) flats, homes, Day Night Offices (eg schools, offices) Workshops Any Any 2 to 4 1.4 4 8 30 to 90 1.4 to 20 60 to 128 90 to 128 Table 2 -Multiplication factors applied to the IS010137 base curve to provide maximum RMS acceleration Source: King, 1999 32 3.2 Comparing different codes and standards Table 3 shows a comparison between all the discussed codes and standards. This table shows the difference between these guidelines, and therefore emphasizes the need to develop an evaluation process that is universally applicable, and one that can be used by clients and structural engineers to ensure occupant's comfort (Kwok et al., 2009). The comparison is based on various factors, which include the return period, whether RMS or peak acceleration was used and whether a certain limit is presented or will it change depending on the frequency at which the building vibrates. It is shown that only the ISO 6897 uses the RMS acceleration as the limit, whereas all the other guidelines use the peak acceleration. Also, it is only the NBCC and Chinese Building Code that have a certain limit on acceleration, whereas the acceleration limit for the other guidelines changes depending on the frequency of the vibration. In addition, it is clear that there are three different return periods used: 1 year, 5 years and 10 years. Return period is one of the controlling factors to provide occupant's comfort, as the larger the return period the fewer times occupants will experience acceleration beyond the limits proposed. Therefore, using a return period of 10 years would mean that occupants would experience larger acceleration than what is proposed not more than once every 10 years. Hence, using a 10-year return period is a stricter limit than either 1 or 5-year return period, if the same requirement on acceleration is considered (Lin et al., 2014). But although the AIJ-GBV-2004 has a return period of one year compared to either the Chinese building code and the NBCC that have a return period of 10 years, the acceleration limits provided by the AIJ-GBV-2004 are lower than the limits provided by the Chinese Building Code and the NBCC. This is because the AIJ-GBV-2004 provides these limits based on people's perception of motion, while the limits provided by the Chinese Building Code and the NBCC are based on limiting occupant's discomfort. 33 Chinese Building Code NBCC AIJ-GBV- IS06897 IS010137 2004 (1984) (2007) 10 years 10 years 10 years 1 year 5 years 1 year Peak Peak Peak Peak RMS Peak acceleration acceleration acceleration acceleration acceleration acceleration Limits 0.15 0.20 0.10 Curve Curve Curve (m/s2) 0.25 0.28 0.30 Load return period Index Curve Table 3 - Comparing different codes and guidelines to limit acceleration and ensure occupant's comfort Source: Lin et al., 2014 34 4. CHALLENGES Unlike ultimate limit states where the limits of structural members are well defined and can be easily calculated, different people can react differently to serviceability limit states. Moreover, defining these limits for acceptable levels of acceleration is a complex task, as different levels of acceleration can affect people depending on multiple factors such as the occupant's activity, and their physiological and psychological state. Hence, there is no clear distinction between acceptable and unacceptable limits of acceleration and that deciding on a certain limit to satisfy occupant's comfort is subjective (Lamb et al., 2013)). In addition to the multiple factors involving occupants, there are also multiple factors related to the structure itself, and varying each of these factors in order to decrease acceleration can cause negative outcomes such as increasing deflection or increasing in the negative effect of earthquakes. This is evident in how increasing mass to minimize vortex shedding can increase the force the building is experiencing during an earthquake. Moreover, it has been mentioned that wind induced vibrations can change by changing the building shape, which adds to the complexity of determining the acceleration of the building. This is because it will be more difficult to calculate the different parameters required to determine the acceleration of the building, which also means that errors are prone to occur while calculating for these parameters (Huang et al., 2012). 35 5. PROPOSED SOLUTION AND METHODOLOGY The proposed solution and methodology will include the addition of dampers and increase in stiffness to solve the problem. There will be no change in mass, as adding mass would worsen the situation during earthquake events (Irwin, 2009). 5.1 Proposed Solution The Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering framework developed by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) was adapted to present the Performance-Based Wind Engineering (PBWE) methodology (Ciampoli et. al., 2011). Although Ciampoli et al. (2011) have already proposed a PBWE, this methodology was further modified in this thesis into the criteria shown in Figure 5.1. Hazard Analysis Structural Analysis I Damage Analysis Cost Analysis Decision-making Figure 5.1 - Flowchart presenting the modified PEER methodology 37 Hazard Analysis In the hazard analysis, the wind speed is the main factor involved and this will depend on the location of the tall building. Structural Analysis In the structural analysis, the wind speed determines the vortex shedding frequency and force, which are used to calculate the acceleration of the building. Moreover, along with the wind speed, the dimensions and structural properties of the building will affect: " the natural frequency of the building " the vortex shedding of the building * the Strouhal Number Damage Analysis As the focus of this thesis is regarding serviceability issues, factors that can be considered as damage due to wind-induced acceleration are: " People experiencing motion sickness * Affect on people's work and productivity Cost Analysis From the damage analysis, a cost analysis will be made using cost functions that will take into account the cost of the negative effects of increasing acceleration. Moreover, there will be two scenarios to compare the effects of increasing dampers and increasing stiffness. These scenarios will include: " Cost of increase in materials to increase stiffness * Cost of dampers and materials used to retrofit the structure to increase damping 38 5.2 Methodology 5.2.1 Period of the Structure There are multiple ways to approximately calculate the fundamental period and the modal damping ratio of a building structure. In this thesis two approaches will be presented, one using the ASCE 7-10 code (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, 2010) and another using the Japanese Damping Database (Tamura & Kareem, 2013). ASCE 7-10 code Approximately, the fundamental period is determined as the following: Ta = Ct * h' (Eq. 9) where hn is the height of the structure, and Ct and x are coefficients that depend on the structural system of the building and are provided in Table 4. These values are obtained from Table 12.8-2 from the ASCE 7-10 code. Structure Type Moment-resisting frame systems in which the frames resist 100% of the required seismic force and are not enclosed or adjoined by components that are more rigid and will prevent the frames from deflecting where subjected to seismic forces: Ct x Steel moment-resisting frames Concrete moment-resisting frames Steel eccentrically braced frames Steel buckling-restrained braced frames All other structural systems 0.028 (0.0724)a 0.016 (0.0466)a 0.03 (0.0731 )a 0.03 (0.073 1)a 0.02 (0.0488)a 0.8 0.9 0.75 0.75 0.75 Table 4 -Values provided for the coefficients Ct and x Source: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, 2010 Japanese Damping Database (JDD) Equations 10 to 15 have been provided by Tamura and Kareem (2013), and researchers involved with the AIJ. These values where obtained from the database after analyzing 285 buildings and structures, which include reinforced concrete and steel buildings, and other tall structures that are not buildings. The following equations were the result of the 39 analysis made, where the fundamental natural period is proportional to the building height H (m) (Tamura & Kareem, 2013): 5.2.2 T, = 0.0 15H for reinforced concrete buildings (Eq. 10) T, = 0.020H for steel buildings (Eq. 11) Modal Damping Ratio ASCE 7-05 Using the ASCE 7-10 Commentary, the suggested damping values are 1% for steel buildings and 2% for concrete buildings. JDD Moreover, in the JDD, equations were developed to obtain the damping ratios for reinforced concrete and steel buildings. Equations 11 and 12 are the natural frequency of reinforced concrete (RC) and steel (S) buildings respectively, and equations 13 and 14 are the fundamental damping ratios of reinforced concrete and steel buildings respectively (Tamura & Kareem, 2013). 1 - = T, 1 1 - 0.O15H = 0.020H 67 H for reinforced concrete buildings (Eq. 12) for steel buildings (Eq. 13) H = 0.014f1 + 470 !H - 0.0018 = 0+ H 470 HH- 0.0018 RC buildings (Eq. 14) = 0.013f, + 4 00 H- + 0.0029 = 0.5+ 400 -+ S buildings 0.0029 (Eq. 15) Estimating the damping ratios mentioned using equations 13 and 14 are limited to a particular range of height of the buildings, where the range is 10 to 100 m for reinforced concrete buildings and 30 to 200 m for steel buildings. The height of the building used as an example in section 6 is within the limits provided by the JDD. 40 5.2.3 Deflection of a building Periodic wind loading can be expressed as: P = peiwt The response of the structure can then be given as: U = uei(ft-d) (Eq. 16) The amplitude of the response with respect to one of the loading can be shown to be: 2 2 U [(k- fl m) + (nc) (Eq. 17) 2 ( u = Rearranging the above formula gives: u = [(1i- p 2 ) 2 +(2 p Q)22]E (Eq . 18) p = - where k Simplifying equation 18: u =EH, k (Eq. 19) where H [(1- 1 [j p 2 ) 2 + (pg) 41 2 ] (Eq. 20) 5.2.4 Acceleration of a building Acceleration of the structure can be given as: a Substituting u = k (Eq. 21) = uf2 H 1 in equation 21: a = EH (Eq. 22) f2 Substituting k = W m in equation 22: a = Substituting bg22 G)2 = p2 (Eq. 23) 2H, in equation 23: (Eq. 24) a = Pp2 H, Substituting Hjp 2 = H 2 in equation 24: (Eq. 25) where p2 H2 = 2 2 [(1- p ) + (2pk) 2 ] (Eq. 26) [ 2 (Eq. 27) Therefore, a = M j[(1- p2)2+ (2pk) Now, the affect of vortex shedding needs to be incorporated into the acceleration equation. p 42 sv -,sv in p f - Substituting the vortex shedding frequency equation, 2 = (Eq. 28) Substituting p = S t in equation 27: 2 (SV a =PDomS (Eq. 29) 22 Simplifying equation 29 to: 1 where 3 = (Eq. 30) - a = Simplifying equation 30 to: (Eq. 31) a a=-H = LHs where Hs is the amplification factor: H 5 =- - 19 2 0 (Eq. 32) with p the magnitude of the vortex shedding force: p = 2 pCLV DH 2 (Eq. 33) where * p is the density of air * V is the wind speed " D is the building dimension perpendicular to the direction of wind * H is the height of the building * CL is the lift coefficient, which depends on the shape of the building and the flow of fluid around the building. 43 5.2.5 Parameters used to develop the cost functions Cost function for damping Inherent damping ratio (%): a Maximum damping ratio (%): qj Percentage of the cost of the building that must be added to reach the maximum damping ratio (%): A Damping ratio actually required (%): Cost of the space acquired by the dampers that could have been used to gain profit: CR Total cost of damping as a fraction of the cost of the building: CD CD -a+CR (Eq. 34) A square root relationship is established between the cost of the dampers and the damping ratio. Such a relationship is appropriate, as the cost required to increase damping is large with small damping ratios, and decreases with large damping ratios. With increase in damping, the structure is retrofitted, and the cost to retrofit decreases every time the damping ratio of the building is increased, which also justifies the square root relationship. Cost of damping as a percentage of the cost of the building, CDB, CDB = CD * 100 44 (Eq. 35) Cost function for negative effects of acceleration Acceleration less than 0.05 m/s 2 is imperceptible, and therefore its cost will be 0. A linear relationship was made to evaluate the cost of increasing acceleration. Ca 1 a (m/s 2 ) 0.05 Figure 5.2 - Cost function presenting the negative effects of acceleration using the cost coefficient, p. The cost function, Ca, shown in Figure 5.2 is presented in the form of an equation: 0, C a < 0.05 m/s 2 (20a - 1), 0.05 M/s a 2 > a Substituting equations 31, 32 and 33 in equation 36: 0, Ca= Ca 19 (2 0 p m [(p2-1)2+ 2 (2pg) I a < 0.05 m/s 2 - 1), 0.05 m/s2 > a (Eq. 37) t is a measure of how clients and structural engineers value occupant's comfort. Moreover, p is a cost coefficient that is expressed as a percentage of the cost of the building when acceleration of the building is 1M/s 2 . Hence, an increase in p would mean prioritizing occupant's comfort by magnifying the cost of occupant's discomfort. The cost of the negative effects of acceleration as a percentage of the cost of the building, CaB, is: CaB = Ca * 100 45 (Eq. 38) Moreover, the cost of the negative effects of acceleration expressed as a fraction of the cost of the building experiencing wind speeds up to a certain magnitude for one year, CT, is: CT = fv Ca * r,(V) dV (Eq. 39) Total cost of the negative effects of acceleration as a fraction of the cost of the building for one year is CTB, and the percentage of the total cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the building for one year is C%TB- CTB is the value of CT integrating over wind speeds up to 200 m/s. Keeping the wind speed limit to 200 m/s is a fair approximation, as the additional cost due to wind speeds exceeding this value is insignificant due to their low occurrence probability. CTBI C0 a *rET(V) dV (Eq. 40) 200 C%TB = f20 0 Ca * rT(V) dV * 100 (Eq. 41) Cost function for stiffness Assuming: only rectangular sections are used Stiffness of a frame structure, k = I) where f = 12 for fixed-fixed columns and f= 3 for pinned-pinned columns x = Percentage increase in stiffness knew = (1 + x)kinitial fE I 3 fEl new = (1+ x) ()initial 'new = (1 + X)Iinitial bh 3 bhW (2)new = (1 )initial (h 3 )new = (1 + x)(h 3 )initial 46 hnew = hinitiaiVf1i+U (Eq. 42) Assuming the lengths or heights of the sections are constant, equation 42 is changed to: Vnew = Vinitial 1+ X Cnew = Cinitialivl+ X Therefore the cost of adding stiffness as a fraction of the cost of the building, Cs, is Cs = VY +x (Eq. 43) where I = moment of inertia, E = modulus of elasticity, b = smaller side of the section, h = larger side of the section, Vne, = volume of the new section, Vinitial = volume of the current section, Cnew:= cost of the new section, Cinitial = cost of the current section. The cost of the increase in stiffness as a percentage of the cost of the building, CsB, is: CSB = CS * 100 (Eq. 44) Total serviceability cost There are two scenarios that will be analyzed separately, one for increase in damping and the other for increase in stiffness. Total serviceability cost as a fraction of the cost of the building for one year by increasing damping, Ctotal,D, and the percentage of the cost of the building required to meet serviceability of the building for one year by increasing damping, Ctotal,%D, are: Ctotal,D Ctotal,%D CTB + CD Ctotal,D * 100 (Eq. 45) (Eq. 46) Total serviceability cost as a fraction of the cost of the building for one year by increasing stiffness, Ctotai,s, and percentage of the cost of the building required to meet serviceability of the building for one year by increasing stiffness, Ctotal,%s, are: Ctotai,s = CTB + CS Ctotal,%S = Ctotal,s * 100 47 (Eq. 47) (Eq. 48) The total serviceability cost as a percentage of the cost of the building for N years by increasing damping: Ctotal,ND where r = [ * too + [CR * 100] + CTB) * (-)rN (Eq. 49) and is the discount rate. Total additional cost as a percentage of the cost of the building required to meet serviceability of the building for N number of years by increasing stiffness: Ctotal,NS = CSB + [C%TB 48 * ((Eq. 50) 6. DETAILED EXAMPLE The analyses presented in this section were based on the following assumptions: * The calculations were made by taking the building as a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF). " The structure analyzed is a rectangular cross-section building with a flat top, no parapets and no geometric irregularities. In this section, a detailed example is provided to show how the methodology works using wind data for the state of Florida. The same building was analyzed in three different states, Illinois, New York and Massachusetts, to evaluate the affect of different geographic locations and impact of different patterns of wind events on the acceleration of the building. 6.1 CAARC Building: Structural Analysis The CAARC Building has been used as an example by several researchers, and its structural properties have been studied carefully using wind tunnel testing. A schematic diagram of the building is shown in Figure 6.1, and the values presented in Table 5 were provided by Cui and Caracoglia (2015). Wind h B Figure 6.1 - Schematic diagram showing the dimension of the CAARC building. Source: Cui and Caracoghia, 2015 49 Value 30.5 m 45.7 m 183 m 223224 kg/m 1% 0.2 Hz (z/h)Y: y = 1 0.116 0.287 Quantity B D H m(z) nox, noy < x(z) S CL Table 5 - Structural parameters of the CAARC building Source: Cui and Caracoglia, 2015 The structural parameters in Table 5 represent the following: * m(z) is the mass per vertical length of the building * k is the inherent damping ratio * nox is the fundamental natural frequency along the x direction " noy is the fundamental natural frequency along the y direction S<px (z) is the fundamental mode shape * S is the Strouhal Number " CL is the lift coefficient The information presented on the CAARC Building was used to carry out the structural analysis, and find the acceleration of the building for different wind speeds. Using equation 33, the vortex shedding force is: 2 PCL V DH p= 2 where " p is the density of air = 1.25 kg/m 3 * D is the dimension perpendicular to the direction of wind = 45.7 m * H is the height of the building * CL is the lift coefficient = 0.287 * V is the wind speed = 183 m 50 1.25*0.287*45.7*183*V 2 2 = 1500V 2 Using equation 30, the values provided in Table 5 and the vortex shedding force, the relationship between wind speed and the acceleration of a building is: 150OV a 1 p a = M[(p2 _ 1)2 + (2 Pk2] Dw 45.7*0.2 78.8 5V 0.116*V V 2 1 223224.2 ((7. 2 ) -p-) - (Eq. 51) .o 2 + 2*-V-*0.01) 2 12 10 4 IA 0 (Ul 6 M 4 0 0 20 40 60 100 80 120 140 160 180 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.2 - The response of the CAARC building without increasing damping or stiffness. 51 Figure 6.2 was obtained using equation 51. As it is shown in Figure 6.2, there are two factors that would increase the acceleration of the building in relation with increase in wind speed: " Resonance in a short range of wind velocities where the vortex shedding frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the building. * Increase in the vortex shedding force at high wind velocities Also, it is evident in Figure 6.2, that each of these factors govern in a particular range of wind speeds. Resonance occurs at the critical wind speed and dominates in evaluating the acceleration of the building. But as the wind speed exceeds the critical wind speed, the resonance effect decreases and the vortex shedding force dominates, making it the governing factor in evaluating the acceleration of the building. 52 6.2 Relating wind speed with various parameters: Hazard Analysis The data required to determine the relationship between the return period and wind speed were obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the last 64 years from 1950 to 2014 for the state of Florida. The limits for the different wind speeds used to compute the return period were determined using the Fujita-Pearson Tornado Damage Scale as shown in Table 6. Scale Wind speed (mph) FO <73 Fl 73-112 F2 113-157 F3 158-206 F4 207-260 F5 261-318 Table 6 - Wind speed limits used to determine the return period using data obtained from the NOAA 53 Wind speed (mph) Number of tornadoes Number of thunderstorms <73 1553 5979 73-112 816 102 113-157 327 158-206 207-260 E 1553 +5979 =7532 7532 8819- 7532= 1287 816+102= 7532+918 8819-8450= 918 = 8450 369 1 327+1= 328 8450+328 = 8778 8819-8778= 41 37 0 37+0=37 8815 8819-8815=4 4 0 4+0= 4 8815+4= 8819 8819 -8819 = 0 8778 + 37 = Total number of events for each range Q = Cumulative number of events for each range E = Total number of events - Cumulative number of events for each range = Table 7 - Data from the NOAA used to determine the relationship between return period and wind speed for the state of Florida. A = 2014 - 1950 = 64 years, the range of time that was be used to determine the return period, as it is the time period for the data obtained. The middle value of each range of the wind speeds shown in Table 7 were chosen as the points that will be used find the return periods, which was used to find the relationship between the wind speed and the return period, as shown in Table 8. 54 Return period, Wind speed Wind speed (mph) (m/s) e TR (years) 42 1287 64 -0.0497 1287= 135 61 369 182 82 41 234 105 4 93 93 = - = 0.173 64 -= 1.56 61 -4= 16 Table 8 - Determining the relationship between return period and wind speed in the last 64 years. The values in Table 8 were used to draw the graph in Figure 6.3 to obtain the equation that relates the return period to the wind speed. 18 16 14 12 10 0 8 CL *0. 6 4-: 4 2 0 0 20 60 40 80 100 120 Wind Speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.3 - Relationship between return period and wind speed. Therefore, the equation relating the return period, TR, and wind speed, V, is: TR = 0.0008e0.0926V 55 (Eq. 52) The exceedance rate function, R(V), gives the average number of events of magnitude exceeding wind speed, V, over a period T: T RT(V) = O.OO T 0. 92 6 V (Eq. 53) The exceedance rate density function, rT(V), can be used to aggregate the consequences of successive events. This is used in our analysis to find the consequences of wind speed over the lifetime of a building. dRT(V) - 115.75te(-0 0. rT(V) - T is dV 92 6 V) the expected lifetime of the building. In this example, T (Eq. 54) is 50 years making the exceedance rate density function equal to: _dR rT(V) - (V) = 5787.5e dV dV (-0.0926V) (Eq. 55) Figure 6.4 is the graph expressing equation 55. 120 100 L- 80 At 60 CU 40 1U 1.X 20 0 0 20 60 40 80 100 120 Wind Speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.4 - Relationship between exceedance rate density, r, (V), and wind speed, V. 56 6.3 Cost Analysis The results in the following graphs are obtained by keeping the cost coefficient, R, presented in equation 37 at a constant value of 0.1%. 0.014 0.01 - 0.012 0.008 0.006 Modified Cost Function 0.004 -Actual Cost Function 0.002 0 0 100 50 150 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.5 - Modifying the cost function for negative effects of acceleration, Ca- In Figure 6.5, the cost function has been modified so that the maximum cost for negative effects of acceleration, Ca, which occurs at the critical wind speed, is the same for all wind speeds exceeding the critical wind speed. The reason for this modification is that the speed of wind does not increase immediately. Therefore, a recorded value of wind speed exceeding the critical wind speed value would have had to increase gradually reaching the critical value causing the building to resonaate. Then it would exceed the critical value to reach the recorded value. 57 0.001 0.0009 0.0008 - _______ 0.0007 I- 0.0006 I-. 0.0005 * 1~ (U K 0.0004 0.0003 0.0002 0 0 20 40 60 100 80 120 140 160 180 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.6 - Relating Ca * rT(V) and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping. 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 s 0.02 0.015 0.01 - 0.005 0 0 20 40 60 100 80 120 140 160 180 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.7 - Relating CT and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping. 58 Figure 6.6 was obtained by multiplying the values obtained from Figures 6.4 and 6.5, and the area under the curve represents the total cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the occupants of the building. Moreover, Figure 6.6 shows that the critical wind speed has a significant impact on the cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the occupant's comfort. Figure 6.7 shows the cost of the negative effects of acceleration expressed as a fraction of the cost of the building experiencing wind speeds up to a certain magnitude for one year. The values for the wind speed were stopped at 200m/s, as the increase in cost for wind speeds exceeding 200m/s are insignificant. 59 6.4 Sensitivity Study 6.4.1 Effects of damping The results in the following graphs are obtained by keeping the cost coefficient parameter presented in equation 34 constant at a value of 0.1%. 12 10 8 E -- - 4--- - -- - --- - = 1% k= 10% . = 20% 2 01 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.8 - The response of the CAARC building increase in damping and unchanged stiffness. In Figure 6.8, as the damping ratio increases, the amplification of the vortex shedding due to the resonance effect decreases. This is evident in Figure 6.8, when the damping ratio is 20%, the curve is almost linear showing that the vortex shedding force is always the governing factor. Moreover, it is also clear from Figure 6.8, that damping has a great effect in reducing the amplification factor HS (equation 32), but a minimal effect in reducing the vortex shedding force p (equation 33). 60 0.014 0.012 0.01 0.008 - =1% - = 2% -- 0.006 =5% -- = 10% --- = 20% 0.004 0.002 0 0 50 100 150 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.9 - Relating Ca and wind speed with increase in damping and unchanged stiffness. The modification made in Figure 6.5 was made in Figure 6.9 presenting different damping ratios. But these modifications only need to be made at damping ratios less than 5% since the cost functions for damping ratios exceeding 5% do not decrease after the critical wind speed. In addition, in Figure 6.9, as the damping ratio increases, the cost function becomes almost linear, which is evident in the curve representing the damping ratio of 20%, which is the same effect seen in Figure 6.8. 61 0.001 0.0009 0.00080.0007 - -- 0.0006 0-. 1. = 1% 0 0.0004 10% = 0.0003- 20% 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 50 100 150 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.10 - Relating Ca * r,(V) and wind speed with increase in damping and unchanged stiffness. The area under the curves in Figure 6.10 represents the total cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the building. It is clear that as the damping ratios increases, the area under the curves decreases, which represents a decrease in the cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the building. This effect is shown in Figure 6.11, which shows the cost due to negative effects of acceleration on the building for wind speeds up 200 m/s. Moreover, as the damping ratio increases, the curves in Figure 6.10 shift from having a peak and a significant value at the critical wind speed to the area under the curves spanning mostly over lower wind speeds than the critical value. 62 0.03 - 0.035 - A A4 0.025 (in) k(=2% ---- ( 5% = 10% - 0.015 1% = --- 0.02 -- (=20% 0.01 0.005 0 0 100 50 150 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.11 - Relating CT and wind speed with increase in damping and unchanged stiffness. (%) 1 2 5 10 20 Table 9 - Relating CTB CTB 0.0376 0.0252 0.0157 0.0106 0.00595 and increase in damping with unchanged stiffness. CTB is the CT value at 200 m/s, which is the total cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the occupants as a fraction of the cost of the building. These values are obtained from Figure 6.11 and are tabulated in Table 9. This table shows that as damping increases, CTB decreases, which shows how affective and economically beneficial damping could be. The cost of additional damping has not been included yet with these results. 63 6.4.2 Effects of stiffness The values used to analyze the affect of increasing stiffness on the acceleration of the building were determined by calculating the stiffness required to increase the natural frequency of the building by 0.01Hz. The values for the increase in stiffness are presented in Table 10. Increase in stiffness (%) 0 10 k 1.63*106 1.80*106 o (Hz) 0.20 0.21 0.22 1.98*106 21 0.23 0.24 2.16*10" 2.35*106 32 44 0.25 2.55*106 56 Table 10 - Determining the relationship between the natural frequency of the building and the percentage increase in stiffness. The results in the following graphs are obtained by keeping the cost coefficient, [t, presented in equation 37 at a constant value of 0.1%. 25 20 IA E -il 15 'U - k = 0% - k = 10% k= 21% - - 0 -k = 32% Ir M 10 = 44% -k -k 0 0 50 100 150 = 56% 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.12 - The response of the CAARC building with increase in stiffness and unchanged damping. 64 In Figure 6.12, there are two effects that are clearly depicted when the stiffness is increased. Increasing stiffness, increases the natural frequency of the building, therefore for resonance to occur, the frequency for the vortex shedding force also has to increase. This is achieved by increasing the wind speed, and therefore the critical wind speed at which resonance occurs increases. Moreover, increasing stiffness, increases the maximum acceleration a building could experience due to resonance. Therefore, unlike damping, stiffness does not decrease the acceleration of the building at the critical wind speed but increases it. 0.02 0.018 - - - -- - - 0.014 - - - 0.016 0.012 --S 0.01 - - --- - - 0.008 - k=0% k = 10% k =21% ____ k =32% 0.006 --- 0.004 - k=44% - k=56% 0.002 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.13 - Relating Ca and wind speed with increase in stiffness and unchanged damping. The modification made for Ca shown in Figure 6.5 was made in Figure 6.13 with different stiffness values. Unlike damping, these modifications are made for all the stiffness values, as the cost due to maximum acceleration at critical wind speed is always greater than the acceleration due to the vortex shedding force. Hence, the amplified acceleration at critical wind speed will always govern the cost due to negative effects of acceleration on the occupants of the building. 65 0.001 0.0009 0.0008 - 0.0007 0.0006 (U LI - k = 10% - k = 21% - k = 32% 0.0005 * 1~ k = 0% 0.0004 k = 44% 0.0003 k = 56% 0.0002 0.0001 """ """" ~~~~ ~ ---- , 0 50 0 100 150 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) * Figure 6.14 - Relating Ca r (V) and wind speed with increase in stiffness and unchanged damping. The area under the curves in Figure 6.14 would represent the cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the building. It is clear that as stiffness increases, the area under the curves also decreases, which represents a decrease in the cost of the negative effects of acceleration on the building. The main reason for this effect is increasing stiffness causes an increase in critical wind speed, causing the probability of that wind speed to occur to be minimized leading to a decrease in CT as shown in figure 6.15. The cost due to negative effects of acceleration on the building was shown in Figure 6.15 for wind speeds up to 200 m/s, as an increase in cost for wind speeds exceeding 200 m/s is very small and insignificant. Moreover, unlike increase in damping, the critical wind speed would always have an impact on the CT value, as it shown in Figure 6.14 that the area under Ca * r,(V) curve peaks at the critical wind speed when stiffness is increased. This is because increasing stiffness does not reduce the acceleration's amplification factor. 66 004 0.03 --- ---- - -- k = 0% 0.025 k = 10% I--- I- 0.02 F -- -k=21% - - -- - 0.015 k = 32% k = 44% k = 56% 0.005 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.15 - Relating CT and wind speed with increase in stiffness and unchanged damping. Increase in stiffness (%) 0 CTB 0.0376 5 10 16 21 27 32 38 44 50 56 0.0339 0.0306 0.0276 0.0250 0.0225 0.0204 0.0185 0.0168 0.0152 0.0138 Table 11 - Relating CTB and increase in stiffness with unchanged damping. acceleration on CTB is the CT value at 200 m/s, which is the cost of the negative effects of the occupants as a fraction of the cost of the building. These values are obtained from Figure 6.15 and are tabulated in Table 11. This table shows that as stiffness increases, stiffness could CTB decreases, which shows how affective and economically beneficial be. The cost of additional stiffness has not been included yet with these results. 67 6.4.3 Varying cost coefficient 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.4 ----------- 0.3 -I- 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Cost coefficient, p (%) Figure 6.16 - Increase in cost coefficient with unchanged damping and stiffness, and relating cost coefficient. CTB and Figure 6.16 shows that as the cost coefficient increases, the CTB also increases, which is what is expected. This shows that the analysis is moving towards the right direction, and as decision makers value occupant's comfort, which is expressed by increasing t, the cost due to negative effects of acceleration, CTB, also increases. 68 6.4.4 Effect of the geographical location Different locations will be used to study the affect of how the relationship between the return period and the wind speed could greatly impact the results obtained. Four different states were analyzed to show how increasing the different factors, damping and stiffness, could affect a building from an economically perspective. Figure 6.17 shows the exceedance rate density versus the wind speed curves. The exceedance rate density as discussed previously is obtained from the relationship between the return period and wind speed. From the figure, it is clear that the exceedance rate density of Florida is the highest for low wind speeds, followed by Illinois, New York and then Massachusetts. It has been calculated from the structural analysis section that the critical wind speed is about 79 m/s, therefore the exceedance rate density around that wind speed is the most important. Figure 6.18 shows the exceedance rate density around the critical wind speed region and it clear that Illinois has the highest exceedance rate density, followed by Florida, New York and then Massachusetts. 120 80 - 100 60 -Florida lIlnois New York a,40 - - 20 Massachusetts 0 0 10 20 40 30 50 60 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.17 - Relating exceedance rate density, r,(V), and wind speed for different states. 69 0.4 j. 0.35 0.3 0.25 ;A- 0.2 - Florida 0.15 - New York "0. llnois U, Massachusetts x III 0.1 0.05 0 72 70 74 78 76 80 82 84 86 88 90 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.18 - The exceedance rate density, r,(V), around the critical wind speed for different states. The following results are obtained by keeping the cost coefficient, p., constant at 0.1%. A 02 0.002 0.0015 0.001 Florida - Illinois - New York - Massachusetts - U - 0.0005 4 0 0 -- | | -50 100 is 150 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.19 - Relating Ca * r,(V) and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping for different states. 70 0.12 0.1 ----- - ---- -- - ------------------ - ------ 0.08 006 0.04 - Florida - Illinois - New York - Massachusetts 0.02 0 150 100 50 0 200 Wind speed, V (m/s) Figure 6.20 - Relating CT and wind speed with unchanged stiffness and damping for different states. Table 12 - Relating CTB Site/Location CTB Florida 0.0376 Illinois 0.0990 New York 0.0171 Massachusetts 0.00839 and different locations with unchanged damping and stiffness. As expected, Illinois had the highest cost due to the negative effects of acceleration on the occupants of the building followed by Florida, New York and then Massachusetts, which is evident in Figures 6.19, 6.20 and Table 12. This shows that the exceedance rate density, which is dependent on the location of the building, can play a significant role in increasing or decreasing the CTB- 71 7. APPLICATIONS 7.1 Cost effectiveness of damping 7.1.1 Varying cost coefficient and damping Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show the effect of increasing the damping ratio from an economic perspective by varying the cost coefficient parameter presented in equation 37. But these figures do not include the cost of damping. From these two figures, it is evident that increasing the damping ratio is always beneficial and that it would decrease the cost of negative effects of acceleration on the occupants. 0.8 0.7 -- + 0.6 - - 0.5 -= 1% 0.41 -__-k__=_2% 0.3 - =5% - k= 20% = 10% -- 0.2-Mw 0.1 OP 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Cost coefficient, p (%) Figure 7.1 - Relating CTu and cost coefficient, p, with increase in damping and unchanged stiffness. 73 0.8 -- 0.7 0.6 0.5 = 0.5P CO 0.4 - 0.3----------- 0.1% p= 0.5% -- p= 1% -- p=2% p -- =1.5% - 0.2 0 4 0 2 4 6 8 12 10 14 16 18 20 Damping ratio, k,(%) Figure 7.2 - Relating CTB and increase in damping ratio with increase in cost coefficient and unchanged stiffness. 74 7.1.2 Economical outcomes of increasing damping In this example, viscoelastic dampers will be combined with structural braces, and hence it will not take any space that could be rented or used to gain profit. Therefore, the graph presented in Figure 7.3 represents the cost function of damping when the value of CR is 0. 0.06 T 0.05 0.04 0 0.03 0.02 0.01 ~1 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Damping ratio, , (%) Figure 7.3 - Cost function for the dampers used in the CAARC Building. Decision makers can use Figures 7.4 and 7.5, which are graphs that incorporate the cost of increasing damping with the cost of the negative effects acceleration. These graphs are two different ways of presenting the same information to help decision makers see the economic impact of increasing damping by varying the cost coefficient. 75 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 4- =1% 0 0.4 =2% -....... = 0.3 10% =20% 0.2 0.1 41 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Cost coefficient, g (%) Figure 7.4 - Increasing the cost coefficient to show the cost effectiveness of increasing damping. 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 p= 0.1% - +-0 0.4 p=0.5% - --p=1% -- 0.3 p=1.5% --p=2% 0.2 0.1 - 0 0 2 4 6 8 12 10 14 16 18 20 Damping ratio, k (%) Figure 7.5 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing the damping ratio. 76 Figure 7.4 shows that all the curves representing different damping ratios intersect at one point. Cost coefficients to the left of that point would represent that increasing damping ratios is an ineffective and uneconomical solution to solve the serviceability issue. This is evident in figure 7.5, where the curve representing the cost coefficient equal to 0.1% shows that an increase in damping ratio increases the additional total cost due to negative effects of acceleration, Ctotal,D. This shows that the more decision-makers value occupant's comfort, which is expressed by increasing the cost coefficient, the more costeffective the increase in damping will be. Also, this means that if occupant's comfort is not valued enough, then the cost of adding dampers to increase the damping ratio could govern the total cost function, Ctotal,D causing the increase in damping to become an uneconomical option. 77 7.2 Cost effectiveness of stiffness 7.2.1 Varying cost coefficient and stiffness Figures 7.6 and 7.7 show the effects of increasing stiffness from an economic perspective by varying the cost coefficient, y, but they do not include the cost of increasing stiffness. From these two figures, it is evident that increasing stiffness is always beneficial and that it would decrease the cost of negative effects of acceleration on the building. 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 - k = 0% - k = 10% - k = 21% - k = 32% k = 44% k=56% 0.2 - 0.1 0 -i0 I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Cost coefficient, pL (%) Figure 7.6 - Relating CTB and cost coefficient, pt, with increase in stiffness and unchanged damping. 78 0.8 0.7 0.6 - 0.5 p =0.1% CC--.4 - ---- - - - 0.3 = 0.5% p= 1.5% 0.2 -V - -- 2% = 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Increase in stiffness, k (%) Figure 7.7 - Relating CTB and increase in stiffness with increase in cost coefficient and unchanged damping. 79 7.2.2 Economical outcomes of increasing stiffness Figure 7.8 represents the cost of increasing stiffness, which is obtained using equation 43 and values from Table 10. 0.180 0.160 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.080 zlo- 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 0 10 30 20 40 50 60 Increase in stiffness, k (%) Figure 7.8 - Cost function for the increase in stiffness used in the CAARC Building. Decision makers can use Figures 7.9 and 7.10, which are graphs that incorporate the cost of increasing stiffness with the cost of negative effects acceleration, to help them see the economic impact of increasing stiffness by varying the cost coefficient. These graphs are two different ways of presenting the same information to help decision makers see the economic impact of increasing stiffness by varying the cost coefficient. 80 0.80 - 0.70 0.60 4w 0 - - - - 0.40 -- - 0.50 - -- ----- - 0.30 k =0% --- k= 21% - k = 32% 0 k = 44% k= 56% 0.10 - -- -- -- 0.00 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Cost coefficient, p (%) Figure 7.9 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffness. 0.70 - - t 0.60 - -- 0.50 - - - - - - 0.80 - --------- -- --- p =0.1% - 0.40 -- -- - Ip =0.5% 1% p = 1.5% .- p9=2% 0.20 +- 0.10 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Increase in stiffness, k (%) Figure 7.10 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffness. 81 It is shown in Figure 7.9 that all the curves, which represent different stiffness values, intersect at one point, and that cost coefficients at the left of that point would represent that increasing stiffness is an ineffective and uneconomical way to solve the serviceability issue. This is evident in Figure 7.10, where the curves representing the cost coefficients 0.1% and 0.5%, show that an increase in stiffness increases the additional total cost due to negative effects of acceleration, Ctotai,s. This shows that the more decision-makers value occupant's comfort, which is expressed by increasing the cost coefficient, the more effective the increase in stiffness will be. Also, this means that if occupant's comfort is not valued enough, then the cost of increasing stiffness could govern the cost function, CtotaL,s causing increase in stiffness to be an uneconomical solution. Therefore, increasing stiffness is uneconomical for cost coefficients less than 0.5%, whereas increasing damping is uneconomical for cost coefficients less than 0.1%. This means that in this example damping is more economical for a wider range of cost coefficients than that of stiffness. 82 7.3 Comparing the cost-effectiveness of damping and stiffness Increase in stiffness (%) CTB 0 (Original value) 5 10 16 21 27 32 38 44 50 56 0.0376 0.0339 0.0306 0.0276 0.0250 0.0225 0.0204 0.0185 0.0168 0.0152 0.0138 ( (%) C1B 1 (Original value) 0.0376 2 0.0252 5 0.0157 10 0.0106 20 0.00595 Table 13 - Comparing CTB for increasing values of damping and stiffness. From Table 13, it is evident that increasing damping is very affective on decreasing the acceleration of the building. This is because the CTB of 2% damping is close to the CTB Of 21% increase in stiffness, and 5% damping is more cost-effective than 44% increase in stiffness, and its value is close to the CTB of 50% increase in stiffness. 83 7.4 Increasing damping and stiffness for different locations Along with Florida, the methodology was used for another three states, Illinois, New York and Massachusetts, following the steps from 6.1 to 7.2.2, which produced the results as shown below. 7.4.1 Economical analysis for Illinois 2.5 2 -- 1.5 = 1% k=2% - 1 k=5% = - - k 10% 20% 0.5- 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Cost coefficient, p (%) Figure 7.11 - Increasing the cost coefficient to show the cost effectiveness of increasing damping for the state of Illinois. 84 2.5 2 1.5 0.1% 0,-- =0.5% - -p 1 - -- - - - - - - - -- - =1% - -- - = 1.5% =2% 0.5 0 2 0 6 4 12 10 8 16 14 18 20 Damping ratio, g(%) Figure 7.12 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing damping for the state of Illinois. 2.50 1.50 - 2.00 k =0% f 1.00 - k = 10% - k = 21% - k =32% k = 44% k = 56% -- - 0.50 0.00 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 Cost coefficient, p (%) Figure 7.13 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffness for the state of Illinois. 85 2.50 2.00 - 1.50 p =0.1% -- 1= 1% - 0.50 - 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Increase in stiffness, k (%) Figure 7.14 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffness for the state of Illinois. 86 7.4.2 Economical analysis for New York 0.4 0.3- - 0.25 1% - 0 ImJI 5% - - - - 0.15 -0% -- (=20% - 0.1 2% = --- 0.05 -- 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Cost coefficient, g (%) Figure 7.15 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing damping for the state of New York. 0.4 0.35- 0.3 0.25-- 0.% p =0.1% - 0.2 - =1% 1.5% 0.1s -p=2% 0.1 0.05 0 - -- --- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Damping ratio, k(%) Figure 7.16 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing damping for the state of New York. 87 0.40 0.35 0.30 -- - k =0% - 0.25 - -k .2- = 10% k = 21% 0.15 - ---- - k = 32% - - k = 44% k = 56% 0.05 0.00 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Cost coefficient, A(%) Figure 7.17 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffness the state of New York. 0.40 0.35 0.15 .0.1% 0.20 020- - = 0.10 0.5% -- p=1% 0.15 - - - - - - -..- p --.. 1.5% --p=2% -- - 0.10-0.05 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Increase in stiffness, k (%) Figure 7.18 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffness the state of New York. 88 7.4.3 Economical analysis for Massachusetts 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0 0.1 - =2% = 5% - 0.08 --- 0.06 = 10% = 20% 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Cost coefficient, V (%) Figure 7.19 - Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing damping for the state of Massachusetts. 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 I-- (U 0 _______ = -p 0.1 0.08 0.1% -- p= 0.5% --- p= 1% = 1.5% ---- 0.06 p = 2% 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 Damping ratio, k(%) Figure 7.20 - Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing damping for the state of Massachusetts. 89 . 0.30 0.25 0.20 WL 0.15 0% - k= - k = 10% - k = 21% - k = 32% k = 44% 0.10 -t- k = 56% 0.05 0.00 0 2 1.5 1 0.5 Cost coefficient, V (%) - Figure 7.21 Increasing the cost coefficient to measure the cost effectiveness of increasing stiffness for the state of Massachusetts. 0.30 0.25 0.20 -4a 0.15 p = 0.1% --- = 0.5% --- = 1% p=1.5% 0.10 --p=2% 0.05 I 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 -50 60 Increase in stiffness, k (%) - Figure 7.22 Varying the cost coefficient to evaluate the economic impact of increasing stiffness for the state of Massachusetts. 90 7.4.4 Evaluating different factors and locations The CAARC Building was analyzed in four states, where the stiffness and damping of the building were changed to evaluate their effects on the building's performance from an economic perspective. The four states can be divided into two categories: windy regions and non-windy regions. Florida and Illinois are categorized as windy regions, whereas New York and Massachusetts are categorized as non-windy regions. It is clear from Figures 7.17, 7.18, 7.21 and 7.22 that increasing stiffness is an uneconomical option for the non-windy regions, as it has caused an increase in cost. But this is not the case for windy regions, as it is clear from Figures 7.6, 7.7, 7.13 and 7.14 that increasing stiffness decreases the cost making it an economical option. In the case of changing damping, the situation is different. For the windy regions, as the cost coefficient increases, increasing damping is cost-effective and economically beneficial. But a general case cannot be made for the non-windy regions as the optimum damping ratio is highly dependent on the cost coefficient, t, which means that the graphs need to be carefully analyzed. 91 8. CONCLUSIONS The methodology proposed is a modification of the PEER criteria to evaluate the serviceability of vortex shedding on tall buildings. This methodology is divided into four components: hazard analysis, structural analysis, damage analysis and cost analysis. These four parts are used to help decision makers decide on various factors to provide an economic solution. From a structural point of view, the methodology has successfully captured the effect of vortex shedding on the structures and how this effect can amplify the acceleration of a building, causing occupants to feel uncomfortable. Moreover, it has also succeeded in determining the effects of different factors such as stiffness and damping, where an increase in either factor can change the structure in different ways to minimize occupant's discomfort. Increasing damping would reduce the amplification due to resonance, which shows that damping does not eliminate resonance but minimizes its effect. On the other hand, increasing stiffness increases the critical wind speed at which resonance occurs, but it also increases the value of acceleration at the critical wind speed due to resonance. Hence, the main advantage in increasing stiffness is increasing the critical wind speed, therefore minimizing the chance of resonance to occur. To decide on the most suitable factors, an economical analysis was made to evaluate the negative effects of increasing acceleration as a measure of occupant's discomfort, and to analyze the increase of adding damping and stiffness. This was accomplished by incorporating their affects on acceleration and the costs needed to achieve the necessary increase in damping and stiffness. By taking CAARC Building as an example in presenting how the method works, and choosing Florida as the location of the building, it was found out that an increase in stiffness and damping are justified as long as there is an increase in the cost coefficient. 93 Moreover, the location of the CAARC Building was changed to three other states, Illinois, New York and Massachusetts, to analyze how varying wind loads and their return periods can have a large impact on the analysis. The four states were divided into two categories, windy and non-windy regions, where Florida and Illinois were categorized as windy regions, and New York and Massachusetts were categorized as nonwindy regions. Varying stiffness and damping for windy and non-windy regions had different results. 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