Realizing smooth representations David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Realizing smooth representations Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian David Vogan David Jerison Department of Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lie Groups and Geometry Guanajuato August 27–31 2012 Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Outline Realizing smooth representations David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Gelfand’s abstract harmonic analysis Lie group G acts on manifold X , have questions about X . Realizing smooth representations David Vogan, David Jerison Step 1. Attach to X Hilbert space H(X ) (e.g. L2 (X )). Questions about X questions about H(X ). Introduction Step 2. Find finest G-invt decomp H = ⊕α Hα . Questions about H(X ) questions about each Hα . SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Each Hα is irreducible unitary representation of G: indecomposable action of G on a Hilbert space. Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Case of R Conclusion b u = all irreducible unitary Step 3. Understand G representations of G: unitary dual problem. Step 4. Answers about irr reps answers about X . Today: technical problems in Steps 1 and 3. . . Say Question ! eigenfns of G-invt diff op ∆X . Problem with Step 1: eigenfunctions not in L2 (X ). Problem with Step 3: try Hα =def eigenspace of ∆X . But no Hilbert space structure. How to address these problems Realizing smooth representations David Vogan, David Jerison Problems arise because eigenspace Introduction Case of R Vλ = {f ∈ C −∞ (X ) | ∆X f = λf } is inconveniently large. For example, can’t complete Vλ to Hilbert space without imposing addl growth conditions on f . Solution: consider instead dual space V λ = Cc∞ (X )/(∆X − λ)Cc∞ (X ). Wasn’t that easy? SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Realizing smooth representations One concrete example G = U(p, q) group of Herm form h, ip,q on Cn . Y n = Y = {complete flags in Cn } dimC (Y n ) = (n2) n = {0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ En = C | dim Ei = i} Open orbits of U(p, q) on Y ↔ {(pi , qi ) | pi + qi = i, pi incr, qi incr} ↔ {S ⊂ {1, 2, . . . , n} | |S| = p} XS = open orbit corr to S ⊂ {1, . . . , n}. Complex mfld XS has cplx K = U(p) × U(q) orbit ZS = {(Ei ) ∈ XS | Ei = (Ei ∩ Cp ) ⊕ (Ei ∩ Cq )} ' Y p × Y q . Orbit method: L → XS ? unitary reps of G. Problem. Cpt cplx ZS ⊂ XS =⇒ XS not Stein; not enough holom secs of L. Soln: Dolbeault cohom H 0,s (XS , L), s = dimC (ZS ). Problem. Dolbeault cohom too big for invt Herm form. Soln: see below, we hope. David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Realizing smooth representations Classical Fourier analysis G = R acts on R by translation, H = L2 (R), ∆X = Eigenspace representation Vλ = {T ∈ C −∞ (R) | d dt . dT = λT } dt Of course Vλ is one-diml, basis eλt ; never in L2 (R). Consider instead dual space V λ = Cc∞ (R)/ dφ ∞ − λφ | φ ∈ Cc (R) . dt Subspace by which we divide is equal to ψ ∈ Cc∞ (R) | Z ψ(t)etλ dt = 0 , R so closed; so topology on V λ Hausdorff. First advantage: have trivially quotient map b(λ) : Cc∞ (R) → V λ , b : φ 7→ φ(λ) this is Fourier trans at λ on dense Cc∞ ⊂ L2 . David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Realizing smooth representations Unitary structure V λ = Cc∞ (R)/ dφ − λφ | φ ∈ Cc∞ (R) dt David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction (pre)Unitary structure is R-invt Hermitian form λ λ λ SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian h, i : V × V → C. Schwartz kernel theorem: such pairing (lifted to Cc∞ × Cc∞ ) given by distn kernel Kλ ∈ C −∞ (R × R), λ Kλ (s, t)φ(s)ψ(t). R×R ∂Kλ ∂s Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Z hφ, ψi = Form descends to V λ ⇐⇒ Case of R = λK , ∂Kλ ∂t = λK . λs λt Soln is Kλ (s, t) = Ce e ds dt, but we don’t care. Form transl invt ⇐⇒ Kλ (s + x, t + x) = Kλ (s, t). Transl invt compatible with diff eqn ⇐⇒ λ + λ = 0; then it’s consequence of diff eqn. Realizing smooth representations Plancherel theorem David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction V λ = Cc∞ (R)/ dφ ∞ − λφ | φ ∈ Cc (R) dt (λ ∈ C) Fourier transform b(λ) : Cc∞ (R) → V λ . h, iλ V λ; If λ ∈ iR there’s invt Herm form on normalize kernel to be ds dt near identity. Plancherel theorem: Z Z 2 b b |φ(t)| dt = c hφ(λ), φ(λ)idλ. R iR Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Laplacian on H2 X = {z ∈ C | |z|2 < 1}, Realizing smooth representations ds2 = (1 − |z|2 )−2 (dx 2 + dy 2 ) unit disk model of two-diml hyperbolic space. α β G = SU(1, 1) = | |α|2 − |β|2 = 1 ⊂ SL(2, C) β α acts on X by linear fractional transformations: αz + β α β ∈G . g·z = z ∈ X, g = β α βz + α Laplace-Beltrami operator commutes with action of G: 2 ∂ ∂2 ∆X = (1 − |z|2 )2 + (z = x + iy ∈ X ) ∂x 2 ∂y 2 Long tradition of studying eigenspaces Vλ = {T ∈ C −∞ (X ) | (∆X − λ)T = 0} (λ ∈ C). E.g. V0 = harm fns on X . Always Vλ = repn of G. David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Realizing smooth representations Traditional boundary values David Vogan, David Jerison Alg homog space X = G/H proj alg X = X ∪ ∂X . (noncpt analysis on X ) (easier cpt analyis on X ). ( ) 0 1 zC 2 Our X ' lines B compactifies to @ A | |z| − 1 < 0 1 ( ) (0 1) 0 1 iθ z 2 C Be C X ' lines B @ A | |z| − 1 ≤ 0 , ∂X ' @ A . 1 1 Idea of bdry value map: eigenfn φ(z) ∈ Vλ on X φ∞ (eiθ ) = lim cλ (r )φ(reiθ ). r →1 Problem: limit is terrible (hyperfunction); certainly doesn’t exist pointwise, except under strong addl hyps on eigenfn φ. Eigenspace too big. Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Traditional harmonic analysis. . . Describe eigenspaces like V0 = harmonic fns on disk 2 1−|z| Poisson kernel P0 (z, eiθ ) = |z−e iθ |2 writes harmonic ∞ φ(z) in terms of bdry value φ (θ): 2π Z P0 (z, eiθ )φ∞ (θ) dθ. φ(z) = 0 iθ Reason: P0 (·, e ) is harmonic with bdry value δeiθ . Fourier analysis (using radially symm eigenfn φλ ) Z bf (λ, hK ) = f (gK )φλ (g −1 h) d(gK ) ∈ Vλ X extracts from nice f on X its “λ-eigenvalue part.” Fourier synthesis reassembles (using Plancherel measure dµ(λ)): Z f (gK ) = bf (λ, gK )dµ(λ). some λ Realizing smooth representations David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Realizing smooth representations Casting out eigenspaces Replace eigenspace Vλ by (smaller!) dual space V λ = Cc∞ (X , dx)/(∆X − λ)Cc∞ (X , dx). 1st gain: Fourier analysis is trivial: b ·) = φ + (∆X − φ(λ, λ)Cc∞ (X , dx) (φ ∈ Any sesq pairing lifts to Cc∞ (X , dx) × Cc∞ (X , dx); comes from Schwartz Z distribution kernel: λ hφ, ψi = K (s, t)φ(s)ψ(t). (s,t)∈X ×X Condition for pairing to descend to V λ : (∆X (s) − λ)K λ (s, t) = 0, Introduction Case of R Cc∞ (X , dx)). 2nd gain: V λ has G-invt sesq form. Reason. . . λ David Vogan, David Jerison (∆X (t) − λ)K λ (s, t) = 0. Cond for G-invariance of pairing: K λ (g · s, g · t) = K λ (s, t). THM. V λ has invt sesq form iff λ = λ; normalize K λ (gK , hK ) = φλ (g −1 h) by K λ (0, 0) = 1. Again φλ is unique radial eigenfn with φλ (0) = 1. SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Holomorphic line bundles on X Isotropy at 0 for g · z = action on unit disk is „ α 0 0 α « | |α|2 = 1 „ α β β α « ff | |α|2 − |β|2 = 1 . K = ⊂G= αz+β βz+α ff For n ∈ Z, eqvt line bundle C ∞ (X , Ln ) ' {f ∈ C ∞ (G) | f (gk ) = α−n f (g)}. Rightaction of complexified Lie algebra element E= 0 0 1 0 defines Cauchy-Riemann operator ∂ : C ∞ (X , Ln ) → C ∞ (X , Ln+2 ). Get rep of G on holomorphic sections of Ln Wn = {T ∈ C −∞ (X , Ln ) | ∂T = 0}. Wn David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R So X = {z ∈ C | |z|2 < 1} ' G/K . Ln → X , Realizing smooth representations discrete spectrum of Laplacian on Ln+2k . For that, need (pre)Hilbert space structure on Wn . . . SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Traditional holomorphic discrete series 0 X ' 1 0 1 zC B C ⊂ CP1 , Ln (z) = CB @ A 1 zC B C lines CB @ A 1 ⊗ . 0 1⊗n z Ln has nowhere zero holom sec τn (z) = C . A 1 So holom secs of Ln = (holom fns)·τn : Wn ' W0 · τn . B @ (g · τn )(z) =def g · (τn (g −1 · z)) n γz−δ ⊗ B C B −δz+γ C B C 0 1 0 1 γ δC C) A δ γ 0 1⊗n γz − δ C B C = (−δz + γ)−n · g · B @ A −δz + γ =g·@ 1 B (g = B @ A 0 1⊗n zC B C = (−δz + γ)−n · B @ A 1 Wn ' W0 · τn = (−δz + γ)−n · τn (z). (rep on Wn ) ' (multiplier rep on W0 ): (g ·n f )(z) = (−δz + γ)−n f (g −1 · z) Realizing smooth representations n (f holom on X ). David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Realizing smooth representations Unitary structure on Wn Seeking unitary representation of G related to Wn . 1⊗n 0 2 David Vogan, David Jerison Bz C = (1 − |z|2 )n . C G-invt Herm str on Ln , @ A B Introduction Unitary structure Z on Wn (?): SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian 1 ? kτ k2 = kτ (z)k2 X dz dz (1 − |z|2 )2 (τ ∈ Wn ). Using Wn ' W0 · τn , rewrite as ? kf τn k2 = Z |f (z)|2 (1 − |z|2 )n−2 dz dz X R1 Polar coords (1 − r )n−2 dr . 0 (f holomorphic). Problem: if n ≤ 1, converges only for f = 0. Problem: never converges for all f . Solution: (Hermitian) DUAL SPACE. . . W n = Cc∞ (X , Ln )/∂(Cc∞ (X , Ln+2 )). Denominator is densities vanishing on hol secs of Ln ; ∃ lots because of Cauchy integral formula, etc. Case of R Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Unitary structure on W n n W = Realizing smooth representations Cc∞ (X , Ln )/∂(Cc∞ (X , Ln+2 )). Sesq pairing on W n ! Schwartz distn kernel K n (s, t) ∈ C −∞ (X Z× X , L−n × Ln ) n n hφ, ψi = K (s, t)φ(s)ψ(t) ds dt. X ×X Pairing ↓ W n ⇐⇒ K n antiholom in s, holom in t. Pairing G-invt ⇐⇒ K n (g · s, g · t) = K n (s, t). fn κ on G ! hol sec of Ln on right and left. Unique soln corrs to nowhere zero sec τn : κn α β β α = α−n THM. W n has invt sesq form; K n (gK , hK ) = τn (g −1 k ). Form is pos def if n > 0; semidef if n ≥ 0. Unitary rep W n disc spec of Ln → X ⇐⇒ n > 1. David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion Realizing smooth representations Where can you go from here? G reductive Lie ⊃ L = GT , cpt torus T . X = G/L cplx mfld; Cauchy-Riemann eqns ! u = pos eigspaces of T ⊂ gC . Holom bdle E → X ! smooth rep E of L. Traditional rep of G: Dolbeault cohom of E: WE = H 0,p (X , E) = H p (u, C −∞ (G, E)L ) Often unitary E for L “ought-to-be-unitary” WE . Problem: WE too big to carry invt sesq form. Solution: (Hermitian) DUAL SPACE. . . h n,n−p W E = Hcpt (X , E h ) = Hp (u, Cc∞ (G, E h )L ) Easy: unitary E invt Herm form on W E . OPEN: Geometric proof of UNITARITY of W E . ? FOURIER TRANSFORM: Cc∞ (G/H) → W E . ? HARMONIC ANALYSIS: e.g., W E ,→ L2 (G)) David Vogan, David Jerison Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion References Realizing smooth representations David Vogan, David Jerison Dual of holom fns: chap 8 in A. Andreotti, Nine lectures on complex Analysis, in book Complex Analysis, F. Gherardelli, ed, pub 1974. Dolbeault cohom realizations of representations: W. Schmid, Homogeneous complex manifolds and representations of semisimple Lie groups, in book Rep Theory and Harm Analysis on Semisimple Lie Gps, P. Sally et al., eds, pub 1989. Representations on compactly supported Dolbeault cohomology: D. Vogan, Unitary representations and complex analysis, in book Representation Theory and Complex Analysis, A. D’Agnolo, ed, pub 2008. Spectral theory on symm spaces: S. Helgason, Geom Analysis on Symm Spaces, pub 1994. Introduction Case of R SL(2, R) and the hyperbolic Laplacian Holomorphic discrete series for SL(2, R) Conclusion