GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 27, NO. 8, PAGES 1179-1182,APRIL 15, 2000 An investigation thermohaline John W. of the link between lead-induced convection and arctic eddies M. Bush Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Andrew W. Woods BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, University of Cambridge Abstract. A recent laboratory study indicates that a turbulent buoyant line plume discharging into a rotating stratified fluid provides a natural mechanismfor generating Hunkins1985]. In the BeaufortSea, sucheddiesaccountfor nearly 30% of the kinetic energyin the uppermost 200 m, and coverapproximately25% of the sea 1974].Whilelead-induced convection a seriesof anticyclonicgeostrophic vortices [Bushand surface[Hunkins has been tentatively proposed as a possible sourceof Woods1999].Hereweexaminethe implicationsof these experimental results in the context of the thermohaline convectionwhich developswhen saline water is released as leadsfreezeover in the polar oceans. Using the experimental results in conjunction with a simple numerical model of plume dynamics in a non-uniformly stratified environment, we develop a model which characterizes the geometry of the eddieswhich would develop owing to lead-induced convection. The model predicts that, in the absenceof strong currents, lead-induced thermohaline convection may generate anticyclonic geostrophic vortices of characteristic radius 2-10 km at the base of the mixed layer; however, this mechanism cannot account for the arctic eddies observed at substantial depths beneath the mixed layer, cyclonic, or strongly ageostrophiceddies. Introduction The production of polar ice from seawater leads to the rejection of relatively saline water and so to thermohaline convectionin the polar seas. The majority of suchfreezingeventsoccursalong 'leads', linear fractures arcticeddies[ManleyandHunkins1985],therehasyet to be a modelcapableof predictingthe sizeanddepthof the eddies which would result from lead-induced convec- tion. Here we developsucha model and so investigate the plausibilityof lead-inducedconvectionas a source of the observed arctic eddies. Model of vortex generation A seriesof laboratory experiments examining the motion of turbulent line plumes in a stratified rotating environment have recently been reported by the authors [Bushand Woods1999]. Buoyantdyedwater wasfed for a finite time ts through a 40 cm long line sourceinto a rotating stratified saltwater solution, and rose in the form of a turbulent buoyant line plume. As the plume rises and entrains ambient fluid, its buoyancy decreases until it reaches the neutral buoyancy height Z,. The plume fluid then spreadsout laterally in the form of a neutral cloud, acrosswhich a strong along-sourceshear developsas a result of the influence of the Coriolis force. After several rotation periods, the neutral cloud breaks into a chain of lenticularanticyclonicvortices(Figure 1). The ratio of the half-height,h, to radius,R, of the in the ice covertypically 10-100km long [Morisonet al. 1992]. There havebeenseveralrecentfield studies resulting individual vortices was found to be of lead-inducedthermohalineconvection[The Leadex Group1993;MorisonandMcPhee1997],andthesehave R N ' h _ (0.47 +0.12) f (1) motivated the development of a number of numerical [Smith and Morison 1993; Kantha 1995; Lavelle and where f is twice the rotation rate and N is the BruntVaisala frequency associatedwith the ambient stratifiSmith 1996] and experimental [Fernandoand Ching 1993; Ching et al. 1993]modelsof lead-inducedther- cation. Relation(1) indicatesthat the dynamicsof the mohaline convection. Field studies of polar oceanshave identified the prevalenceof lenticular eddies with characteristic radii of ten kilometres between the mixed layer and 200 m depth [Hunkins1974; Manley and Copyright 2000bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. individual vorticesis governedby a geostrophicbalance between the radial pressureforce and the Coriolis force associatedwith the anticyclonic swirling motion within the vortex. The size of the vortices may be derived from conservationof mass. The total volume per unit length supplied to the neutral cloud is given by (2) Papernumber1999GL002314. 0094-8276/00/1999GL002314505.00 where t s is the source dischargetime, and the depen1179 1180 BUSH & WOODS: LEAD-INDUCED CONVECTION AND ARCTIC EDDIES natural mechanism for generating a series of anticyclonic lenticular vortices. We proceed by examining the dimensionsand depth of the eddieswhich would be pro- ducedby lead-inducedconvectionin the polar seas(Figure 3). As a first simplifiedmodel,we couldexaminethe penetration of the line plume acrossthe density interface between two uniform layers of fluid corresponding to that aboveand belowthe pycnocline(e.g. [Ching et al. 1993]). However,in the presentwork, we also ii) account for the stratification of the water above and '!i'-•:.....,-.:•i!•..•;X•:?: .. :::;.-.: . ....'•'..:':ii; ':...".15:::'::'iiiiii.:.:•i;:ii•i!".i•!?:::i:•il;;'-:...i•:•:•.•.:..:i::i:-:..::? ...... :.:, below the pycnocline which has an important role in -•:::. :.=================================: ...:...:.-... -:........:: ....-..:...:...-.•, :.::.::...... ;..• ...::.:::::::..... :j--:...... :.•::: '-'-.:.,.':.:?.'.•i•!ii•??:•;:•::•!i!•!:.':!::•!' :•::•iii..:.:•?i:•::;.:;•;•:•.•i•i•!•;•?:•..•.?•?.:•..•`•...`•::•:•:.::...i•i•::•?:!::.•!iiii•!;:::•:•!:.:.•i•...`..•!•.....!!.%:..:.<•.: ..... -'".•.i ............. '•:"' ß":'.':"================================================================= •.::::::.>.•.:.%•::.:..:•!:i:i:i:`..•i•::•:.::!:!:!:[•i:•i•!:i:•:i:i:!:i:•:i:!•i:!:i:!:!:!:i:i:i:i:!:!•i:i:!•i:•:•.?....•.• :::•(-'...Xxx..•.:.•:.::::::.. :.?.-"- arresting the plume. Specifically, we develop a model of a turbulent line plume descendingthrough a non- uniformlystratifiedenvironment ( [Mortonet al. 1956], [Caulfieldand Woods1998]). When the lead is sufficiently narrow to be treated as a line plume, the cross- plumeaveraged massfluxQ - f_• udx,momentum fluxM - f_• u2dxandbuoyancy fluxB - f_• ug'dx iii) per unit length along the lead vary with distance z below the source according to dQ dz =e•M , dM dz = BQ M ' dB dz = _N•.(z)Q ' (4) where the entrainment coefficient for a line plume is taken to be e • 0.1 [List 1979]. We adopt a simple model of the ambientstratificationN(z) in a polar iv) ocean, based on winter measurementstaken during the LeadExexpedition.:The profilein Figure4a revealsa very strong density gradient at the pycnocline, 40-45m below the surface at the base of the well-mixed upper layer. Numericalsolutionsof equation(4) relate the properties of the plume at the neutral buoyancyheight, Figure 1. The developmentof coherentvorticesfrom Z•, to the buoyancy flux, B0, released by freezing at the dischargeof a 44cm long line plume in a rotating stratified fluid as viewed from above. Here N - 0.82 s-1, B0 - 3.1 cm3/s3, f -- 1.5s-: andt, - 15/f. (i) t - 11/f: the plumefluidspreads at its levelof neutral 1.1 buoyancy.The Coriolisforce generatesa strongshear acrossthe neutral cloud. (ii) t - 17/f: the neutral clouddevelops an instability.(iii) t - 23/f' the neutral cloudbreaksinto six distinctanticyclonicvortices.(iv) t - 37/f' the persistence of six lenticularvorticesof comparable size. 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 B:13t•/2 0.6 0.5 0.4 dence of the volume flux per unit length supplied to the neutral cloud on the sourcebuoyancy flux per unit length B0 is knownfrom dimensionalconsiderations to 0.3 beQ(Z,•)• B•/a/N.Substituting Q(Z,•)and(1)into 0.0 0.2 I 0.1 0.0 1.0 2.0 (2), we predictthe eddyradiusto be 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 ?t (a) where ,Xis a dimensionlessconstant. Figure 2 showsthe Figure 2. The average size of the emerging eddies. The data were gathered from a seriesof experiments in which 1 to 6 eddies were produced through varying the source strength, rotation rate and stratifica- excellentagreementbetweenthe measurededdy radii tion of the ambient fluid. The dashed line represents and the scaling(3), and indicatesthat A -- 0.77q-0.15. R- 0.77B1/at}/2 / f •/2. Application to lead-induced convection The instability of the neutral cloud generatedby a buoyant line plume in a stratified ambient providesa 1Morrison, J.H., private communicationvia J.S. Wettlaufer, data collected at BASE302 during LeadEx expedition. BUSH &: WOODS: LEAD-INDUCED CONVECTION Linear source of brine-rich fluid lead - longlinear of surface water at openingin the ice cover , _ 10-100m wide; 10-100leao • Negatively buoyant turbulent lineplume, •i:•:".• descending through •i"i unit area Q0, the mixed layer depth D, the drag coefficient at the ice-water boundary Ca and the ice-drift velocityU), is sufficiently large;for mostleadsL >> 1, sothat the plume-inducedconvectiondominatesthe influenceof ambientcurrents [Morisonet al. 1992] . ice-coveron polar ocean •,0-50m 60-- deep water t r mixed layer to neutralcloud •:"''•' 50'"• 1181 ber,L = QoD/(CaUa) (based onthebuoyancy fluxper formedby freezing k AND ARCTIC EDDIES •'• weakly stratified•f VIEW neutral cloud intrudes laterally ]rowing toawidth of notto order 1-10• andathickness 10-50 m before scale 30- becoming unstable andbreaking upintoa seriesof upper mixed layer 20- eddies with very weak shear is set non-linear 10 density gradient up in the break-upof the 0.0()01 neutral cloud owing to the Codoils force • cloud into a instability trainof eddies aftera (seefig2) time of order 10/f 0.001 0.01 0.1 stratification (Brunt Vaiasala frequency) (1/s) 60-- 55- TOP VIEW OF NEUTRAL CLOUD 50- Figure 3. Schematic of lead-induced eddyformation beneath the ice cover. 4540- 35- thelead.In turn,theleadbuoyancy flux,B0,isrelated to thefreezing rate,5, of thesurface iceaccording to 3025 10'7 Bo = gl• ( $=-Si ) W 5 , (5) where g isthegravitational acceleration, W isthelead width,• is the solutalexpansion coefficient forseawater,and$•0andSi represent thesalinity oftheambient seawaterand the ice, respectively[Wettlauferet al. 1997]. Using(1), (2) and (5) togetherwith the numerical solution of (4) to determine Q(Z•), wecanestimate the radiusand depthof the resultingvorticesas a function of the rate of freezingat the lead. In figure4, wepresent predictions from this modelshowingthe eddy depth 10's 10's 0.0001 freezing rate (m/s) discontinuties arise from the discontinuous modelprofileof BruntVaiasalafrequency (3a) 14 - 12 10 8 6 4 (that of the centroid)andradiusasa functionof the leadfreezingrate. We notethat the penetrationdepth is independent of discharge time, whilethe eddyradius 10'7 10's I 0'5 0.0001 freezing rate (m/s) increases as•8 . Owing tothelarge density gradient Figure 4. (a)Model oftheapproximate stratification atthebase ofthemixed layer, there isa sizeable rangein a polarocean, based ondatafromtheLeadex Exoffreezing rates(e.g.7x 10-7 < 5 < 3x 10-5m/s fora periments. Thepycnocline, ata depth ofabout 40-45m 100mwidelead)for whichplumesaretrappednearthe whichdividesthe uppermixedlayerfromthe deepwa- pycnocline. Ourcalculations suggest thatin order for terisa region ofveryhighstratification; (b,c)Calcula- a plume topenetrate thepycnocline, thefreezing ratetionofthedepth andradius ofaneddy formed from a would need tobeunrealistically high. line plume as a function of the freezing rate at the lead. The sourceis assumed to persistfor a time 100/f. OwDiscussion ing to the largestratificationat the pycnocline,plumes producedby a widerangeof freezingratesare confined to depths of 40-45m. Only the most vigorousplumes In developing oursimplemodel,wehaveneglectedproduced by the highest freezing ratescanpenetrate the influenceof ambientcurrents. The influenceof the pycnocline.Curvesare shownfor 10 and 100mwide background flowis negligible provided the Leadhum- leads. 1182 BUSH & WOODS: LEAD-INDUCED CONVECTION Nevertheless, we expect that situations will arise where vigorousbackgroundflows will dispersethe plume fluid to such an extent as to preclude the generation of coherent AND ARCTIC Acknowledgments. EDDIES This work was supported by a NERC BRIDGE grant. We thank John Wettlaufer for a number of valuable discussions. vortices. In order to model the generation of eddies by leads more accurately, it would be necessaryto considerthe influence of the finite width W of the lead source on the buoyancy flux at the intrusion depth H. 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Oceanogr.,23, model assumesexplicitly that the buoyancyflux is con2125-2129, 1993. stant in time, it is straightforward to considera source Hunkins,K., Subsurfaceeddiesin the Arctic Ocean,Deepwith buoyancy flux of the form Bot•. Doing so would Sea Res., 21, 1017-1033, 1974. allow one to make more sophisticated predictions for Kantha, L.H., A numericalmodelof arcticleads,J. Geophys. Res., 100 (C3), 4653-4672, 1995. the properties of the coherent structures generated by Lavelle, J.W. and Smith, D.C., Effectsof rotation on convecleads, whose buoyancy flux necessarilydecreaseswith tive plumesfromline segmentsources,J. Phys. Oceanogr., time [ Wettlauferet al. 1997]. Our experiments and theoretical calculations suggest that lead-induced thermohaline convection provides a robust mechanismfor generating anticyclonic geostrophicvortices at the base of the mixed layer. However,we concludethat this mechanismis unlikely to be responsiblefor the generationof the majority of the large, deep arctic eddies which have been observed on field expeditions.First, our model suggeststhat the plumes generated by refreezing leads will not typically be sufficientlyvigorousto penetrate to great depths beneath the pycnocline, and so to account for the deepest observededdies. Second,while the observededdieswere predominantly anticyclonic, two of sevenwere cyclonic [Manleyand Hunkins1985].It is noteworthythat situations arose in our experiments where the anticyclonic eddies spun-up a cyclonic pair, thus forming a dipolar 26, 863-872, 1996. The Leadex Group, The Leadex Experiment, Eos, 74, No.35, p. 393, 396-397, 1993. List, E.J., 'Turbulentjets and plumes'in: Mixing in inland coastalwaters(Ed. H.B. Fischer)Chap. 9, 315-389,Academic, New York, 1979. Manley, T.O. and Hunkins, K., Mesoscaleeddiesof the arc- tic ocean,J. GeophysRes., 90 (C3), 4911-4930,1985. 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Finally, our model indicates that an alternate generation mechanismmust be soughtfor ageostrophiceddies, characterisedby relatively small dimensionsand large internal velocities,for which fluid inertia plays a signif- (ReceivedMarch 5, 1999;revisedSeptember1, 1999; icantrolein the dynamics[ManleyandHunkins1985]. acceptedJanuary14, 2000.)