www. udel.edu/nationalagenda This program is supported in part by W W W. U D E L . E D U / N AT I O N A L A G E N D A The William P. Frank Foundation of Delaware. Thursday, October 31, 13 1 This program is supported in part by The William P. Frank Foundation of Delaware Thursday, October 31, 13 2 Thursday, October 31, 13 3 Thursday, October 31, 13 4 The Poll Representa/ve sample of 902 adult Delawareans Telephone survey interviews • 541 landline • 361 cell phone September 2-­‐16, 2013 Princeton Research Associates Interna/onal Sampling error: +/-­‐3.9% Weighted to correct demographic discrepancies Thursday, October 31, 13 5 How much do Delawareans follow poli4cs? Thursday, October 31, 13 6 ARen/on to News “How closely do you follow news about poli/cal events and figures in [place]?” 100% 75% Washington 67% Delaware 60% 50% 41% 33% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Very/somewhat Not too/not at all 7 How do Delawareans follow state poli4cs? Thursday, October 31, 13 8 Sources of News about Delaware Poli/cs “How do you get most of your news about poli/cal figures and events in Delaware?” [All men/ons] 100% 75% 50% 45% ? 30% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Television Internet 28% Newspaper 7% 6% Interpersonal Radio 9 What issues top the Delaware public’s agenda? Thursday, October 31, 13 10 Most Important Issue Facing Delaware 100% “What do you think is the most important problem facing Delaware today?” [First men/on] 75% 50% 29% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Jobs 12% 10% 7% 7% 5% Education Economy Crime Government Environment 11 What do Delawareans think about na4onal poli4cians? Thursday, October 31, 13 12 Favorability toward Na/onal Democrats “Is your overall opinion of [name] very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable?” 100% Favorable 75% Unfavorable Never heard of/Can't rate 65% 60% 65% 50% 35% 28% 25% 7% 5% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Barack Obama 28% Joe Biden 7% Hillary Clinton 13 Favorability toward Na/onal Republicans “Is your overall opinion of [name] very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable?” 100% Favorable Unfavorable Never heard of/Can't rate 75% 56% 53% 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 39% 24% 31% 30% 20% Chris Christie Paul Ryan 26% 21% Marco Rubio 14 What do Delawareans think about state poli4cians? Thursday, October 31, 13 15 Favorability toward DE Members of Congress “Is your overall opinion of [name] very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable?” 100% Favorable 75% Unfavorable Never heard of/Can't rate 61% 47% 50% 47% 34% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 19% Tom Carper 20% 24% Chris Coons 29% 19% John Carney 16 Favorability toward Delaware State Officials “Is your overall opinion of [name] very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable?” 100% 75% Favorable Unfavorable Never heard of/Can't rate 64% 62% 59% 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 28% 18% Jack Markell 20% 17% Beau Biden 19% 12% Chip Flowers 17 Favorability toward O’Donnell, Tea Party “Is your overall opinion of [name] very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable?” 100% Favorable Unfavorable Never heard of/Can't rate 75% 50% 43% 30% 28% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 42% Christine O'Donnell 32% 26% The Tea Party 18 How does the 2014 Senate race look right now? Thursday, October 31, 13 19 2014: Coons vs. O’Donnell 100% “If the Senate candidates from Delaware next year were [ROTATE: Chris Coons the Democrat and Chris/ne O’Donnell the Republican], who would you vote for?” 75% 50% 51% 28% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 14% Coons O'Donnell Neither/Other Candidate 8% Don't Know/Refused 20 Coons vs. O’Donnell by County “If the Senate candidates from Delaware next year were [Chris Coons the Democrat and Chris9ne O’Donnell the Republican], who would you vote for?” 100% Coons O'Donnell Neither/other 75% 56% 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 41% 44% 39% 35% 22% 14% New Castle 13% Kent 13% Sussex 21 Is Delaware red, blue, or purple? Thursday, October 31, 13 22 Party Iden/fica/on in Delaware “In poli/cs TODAY, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or Independent?” 100% 75% 50% 40% 34% 22% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Democrat Independent/Other Republican 23 Party Iden/fica/on by County “In poli/cs TODAY, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or Independent?” 100% Democrat Independent/other Republican 75% 50% 41% 39% 38% 42% 29% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 36% 21% 20% New Castle 35% Kent Sussex 24 Do Delawareans trust the federal government? Thursday, October 31, 13 25 Trust in the Government in Washington “How much of the /me can you trust the government in Washington to do what is right?” 100% 75% 65% 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 20% 12% 3% Just about always Most of the time Only some of the time Never (volunteered) 26 Hot BuEon Poli4cal Issues Government Surveillance of Internet and Email Same Sex Marriage Felon Vo/ng Rights Voter ID Laws Thursday, October 31, 13 27 Poli/cal Communica/on Experimental Effects and Public Opinion No Image How much do you like the UD mascot? How much do you like the UD mascot? How much do you like How much do you like the UD mascot? the UD mascot? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at all Not much Some A lot I Don’t Know Thursday, October 31, 13 Not at all Not much Some A lot I Don’t Know Not at all Not much Some A lot I Don’t Know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at all Not much Some A lot I Don’t Know 28 28 E-­‐Surveillance “Do you think the U.S. government should be able to monitor everyone’s email and other online ac;vi;es?” Baseline Opinion Thursday, October 31, 13 “A Good Reason” Condi4on “A Good Reason….But” Condi4on “…to help prevent future terrorist aEacks?” “…to help prevent future terrorist aEacks, even if it intrudes on personal privacy?” 29 Low Support for Electronic-­‐Surveillance “Do you think the U.S. government should be able to monitor everyone’s email and other online ac/vi/es, or not?” 100% Yes 75% +20 points 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 38% +15 points 33% 18% Should U.S. Government Monitor Emails & Online Ac/vi/es ...To Prevent Future Terrorism ...To Prevent Future Terrorism, even if it Intrudes on Personal Privacy 30 Same-­‐Sex Marriage Baseline Opinion “Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to legally marry? Thursday, October 31, 13 Delaware Law Condi4on “AS YOU MAY KNOW, Delaware recently passed a law allowing gays and lesbians to legally marry. Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose this law?” 31 Strong Support for Same-­‐Sex Marriage “Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to legally marry?” 100% 75% 50% Mostly Favor/Strongly Favor 62% Mostly Oppose/Strongly Oppose 62% 38% 36% 25% 0% Baseline Opinion Thursday, October 31, 13 ..DE recently passed a law 32 Supreme Court Ruling on Same-­‐Sex Marriage 100% 75% “AS YOU MAY KNOW, the Supreme Court recently ruled that married gay and lesbian couples are en4tled to federal benefits. Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose this ruling?” 67% 50% 33% 25% 0% Mostly Favor/Strongly Favor Thursday, October 31, 13 Mostly Oppose/Strongly Oppose 33 Interpersonal Contact and Opinions on Same-­‐Sex Marriage “Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to legally marry?” 100% % Mostly Favor/Strongly Favor 77% 75% 56% 50% 64% 46% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Don't personal know anyone who is gay/lesbian I know someone who is gay/lesbian I have a close family member/friend who is gay/lesbian I know a married gay/lesbian couple 34 Ideology Changes Nothing Support for Same Sex Marriage & Interpersonal Contact Conservative Moderate 86% 69% 56% 70% 64% 42% 62% 48% Liberal 89% +20 Points 86% +30 Points +29 Points 55% 26% Don't personally know anyone who is gay/lesbian Thursday, October 31, 13 I know someone who is gay/lesbian I have a close family member/friend who is gay/lesbian I know a married gay/lesbian couple 35 Felon Vo/ng Rights “Would you strongly approve, mostly approve, mostly disapprove, or strongly disapprove of a law that allowed felons convicted of non-­‐violent crimes to vote aEer they are released from jail?“ Baseline Opinion “Let Them Vote” Condi4on “Too Bad” Condi4on “Where DE Stands” Condi4on “Some people argue that felons should have the right to vote when they have paid their debt to society.” “Some people argue that felons sacrifice their right to vote when they break the law.” “the Delaware legislature recently passed an amendment to the state consEtuEon that allows felons convicted of non-­‐violent crimes to vote aGer they are released from jail.” + Baseline + Baseline + Baseline Thursday, October 31, 13 36 Strong Support for Felon Vo/ng Rights “Would you strongly approve, mostly approve, mostly disapprove, or strongly disapprove of a law that allowed felons convicted of non-­‐violent crimes to vote aTer they are released from jail?“ 100% 75% Approve/Strongly Approve 72% 72% Disapprove/Strongly Disapprove 66% 66% 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 28% Baseline 28% Paid Debt to Society 34% Lost rights when they broke the law 34% Delaware passed an amendment 37 Voter ID Laws “Does Delaware require a photo ID to vote?” Don’t know 7% No 23% Yes 70% Thursday, October 31, 13 38 Voter ID Laws “Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose or strongly oppose voter ID laws?” Baseline Opinion “Hurts Eligible Voters” “Hurts Seniors” Condi4on “Hurts Blacks” Condi4on “Opponents of voter ID laws argue they will prevent people who are eligible to vote from voEng.” “Opponents of voter ID laws argue they will prevent people who are eligible to vote from voEng, and that these laws will affect ELDERLY VOTERS parEcularly hard.” “Opponents of voter ID laws argue they will prevent people who are eligible to vote from voEng, and that these laws will affect AFRICAN AMERICAN VOTERS parEcularly hard.” + Baseline Opinion Thursday, October 31, 13 + Baseline Opinion + Baseline Opinion 39 Strong Support for Voter ID Laws, but …. “What is your opinion? Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose voter ID laws?” 100% 82% Mostly Favor/Strongly Favor 73% 75% 68% 63% 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Baseline Prevent eligible voters from vo/ng …will affect elderly voters par/cularly hard …will affect African American voters par/cularly hard 40 Racial Differences in Support for Voter ID Laws “What is your opinion? Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose voter ID laws?” % Mostly Favor/Strongly Favor 100% 75% Whites 86% 72% Racial Minori/es 78% 71% 57% 64% 50% 73% 38% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Baseline Prevent eligible voters from vo/ng …will affect elderly voters par/cularly hard …will affect African American voters par/cularly hard 41 Age Differences in Support for Voter ID Laws “What is your opinion? Do you strongly favor, mostly favor, mostly oppose, or strongly oppose voter ID laws?” % Mostly Favor/Strongly Favor 100% 81% 83% 75% 50+ years 73% 74% Less Than 50 years 67% 70% 71% 72% 50% 25% 0% Thursday, October 31, 13 Baseline Prevent eligible voters from vo/ng …will affect elderly voters par/cularly hard …will affect African American voters par/cularly hard 42 Conclusions • Delaware is a “Blue” state – Strong support for same sex marriage – Strong support for felon vo/ng – Low support for electronic surveillance • Delaware opinion is malleable – Threats to safety affect opinions on E-­‐surveillance – Threats to groups affect opinion on voter ID laws Thursday, October 31, 13 43 www. udel.edu/nationalagenda This program is supported in part by W W W. U D E L . E D U / N AT I O N A L A G E N D A The William P. Frank Foundation of Delaware. Thursday, October 31, 13 44