5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 1 of 106 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION Amendment No.: 5109.17-2004-5 Effective Date: May 18, 2004 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: ROBIN THOMPSON Associate Deputy Chief Date Approved: 04/22/2004 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this Handbook was 5109.17-2004-4 to 5109.17_40. New Document 5109.17_20.6-25.17 106 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 5109.17_20.6-25.17 (Amendment 5109.17-2003-3, 07/09/2003) 109 Pages Digest: 20.6, 20.61, 20.62 – Moves direction formerly at these sections regarding training courses, delivery, equivalency and instructor qualifications and levels to chapter 30. Removes these former sections 20.6, Instructor Qualifications and Certification (direction has been revised and recoded at sec. 31.1); 20.61, National Wildlife Coordinating Group Instructor Levels (sec. 31.11); 20.62, Instructor Training Requirements for Certified Instructors (sec. 31.12); and 20.63, NWCG Certified Course Delivery (sec. 31.2). 21 – Provides National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) direction for each agency to ensure employees have an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills required to perform tasks of a position and revises Forest Service requirements related to additional training. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 2 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION Digest--Continued: Establishes policy for qualifications and certifications standards for fallers and equipment operators. 22.2 – Removes obsolete direction about the timing for trainees to initiate the position Task Book. 22.3 – Removes this former section regarding Equivalency Courses (direction has been revised and recoded at sec. 32), and recodes the subsequent sections as section 22.3-22.5 (formerly sec. 22.4-22.6). 22.4 – Recodes former section 22.4 as 22.3 and adds Refresher Training language being adopted by NWCG. 22.5 – Recodes former section 22.5 as 22.4 and clarifies direction for re-certification. 22.6 – Recodes former section 22.6 as 22.5 and replaces the position “Home Unit Certifying Official” with “Forest Fire Program Management Staff Officer.” 24 – Adds “Suppression” to Wildland Fire Suppression Skill Positions. 25.06 – Removes this former section regarding training (direction has been revised and recorded at sec. 31). 25.11- 25.16 – Revises position qualifications set out in exhibits to these sections and changes the location of some positions. Removes “Forest Service Corporate Training, Practical Leadership Skills for New First-Line Supervisors” from all positions. The course was determined to be equivalent to S-201/S-281 Supervisory Concepts and Techniques. The S-201/S-281 course was removed from the NWCG curriculum, effective September 2003. Throughout the document, changes the name of the Qualification Card Incident Command System to the Incident Qualification Card. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 3 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION Table of Contents 21 - QUALIFICATION FOR INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM POSITIONS .................. 4 21.1 - Incident Complexity ....................................................................................................... 5 21.2 - Guidelines for Determining Incident Complexity .......................................................... 6 22 - CERTIFICATION FOR INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM POSITIONS................... 7 22.04 - Responsibility for Signing Form PMS 310-3, Incident Qualification Card ........... 8 22.1 - Certification and Record Keeping .................................................................................. 9 22.2 - Position Task Books ....................................................................................................... 9 22.3 - Currency Requirements ................................................................................................ 10 22.4 - Re-Certification ............................................................................................................ 11 22.5 - De-Certification ............................................................................................................ 11 23 - PHYSICAL FITNESS STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS ..................................... 15 23.1 - Physical Fitness Requirements ..................................................................................... 15 23.2 - Physical Fitness Measurement...................................................................................... 16 23.3 - Fitness Development .................................................................................................... 16 24 - POSITION CATEGORIES ..................................................................................... 16 25 - POSITION QUALIFICATIONS............................................................................... 17 25.1 - Incident Command System, Skills and Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications... 24 25.11 - Command and General Staff Positions................................................................. 24 25.12 - Operations Position Qualifications....................................................................... 35 25.13 - Air Operations Position Qualifications................................................................. 53 25.14 - Planning Position Qualifications .......................................................................... 67 25.15 - Logistics Position Qualifications.......................................................................... 76 25.16 - Finance/Administration Position Qualifications .................................................. 92 25.17 - Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications ....................................................... 103 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 4 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION This chapter sets out the interagency requirements and additional Forest Service requirements for the wildland and prescribed fire and aviation management positions outlined by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) in the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, and for the technical specialist positions identified in the National Interagency Mobilization Guide, chapter 60 (FSM 5108). The Federal Fire and Aviation Leadership Council has developed the Interagency Fire Program Management Qualifications Standards and Guide (FSM 5108), which contain minimum qualification standards for fire and aviation management positions. Related direction about training courses, delivery, equivalency, and instructor qualifications and levels is in chapter 30 of this Handbook; and related direction on competencies for fire and aviation management positions is set out in chapter 40. 21 - QUALIFICATION FOR INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM POSITIONS This section sets out the additional requirements for skills, training, and prerequisites for Forest Service employees for the wildland and prescribed fire and aviation management positions outlined in the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1. Qualifications for each position include the minimum acceptable levels of training, experience, physical fitness, and/or currency requirements (sec. 25.1 through 25.36). Job descriptions and duties for these positions are listed in the NWCG Fireline Handbook, PMS 410-1 (FSH 5109.32a), or in the interagency guides and agency directives listed in FSM 5108. The Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, defines a performance-based qualification system. In this system, the primary criterion for qualification is individual performance as observed by an evaluator using approved standards identified in a position task book for the position (sec. 22.2). Qualification is based on performance on the job, physical fitness, and classroom training identified in section 25. The knowledge and skills necessary for successful completion of the tasks in a position task book are provided in the identified required training for each position, as well as in the “additional training which supports development of knowledge and skills” provided within section L, PMS 310-1. However, they may also be acquired in a variety of ways, including onthe-job training, work experience, and identified formal training as determined by the agency and/or State (PMS 310-1): “An individual must have an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills required to perform the tasks of a position before accepting a position performance or evaluation assignment. It is the responsibility of the individual agency to ensure that each trainee has the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for position performance.” (Sec. F, PMS 310-1) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 5 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION The Forest Service has determined that additional classroom training is more effective and efficient to prepare Forest Service employees for a position performance or evaluation assignment and has therefore developed this Handbook (FSH 5109.17) to supplement the requirements in the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1. 1. The successful completion of a position task book during an appropriate number of evaluation assignments is the indicator of qualification. For positions that do not have a position task book, the unit’s Fire Qualification Review Committee shall determine an individual’s certification and qualification, based on objective factors such as performance evaluations and visual observation of performance of duties of the positions. 2. Personnel who have learned skills from sources outside the wildland fire management curriculum may not be required to complete specific courses in order to qualify in a wildland fire and aviation management position (sec. 31.2). 3. Personnel currently employed by State agencies or other non-Federal cooperators (such as local rural, county and city fire departments) and hired as Administratively Determined (AD) personnel participating in cooperative fire management efforts, must be compliant with the minimum position requirements specified in the NWCG Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualifications Systems Guide, PMS 310-1. Additional training requirements contained within this Handbook do not apply to these individuals when they are hired by the Forest Service. 4. For fallers and equipment operators designated for fireline operations, the employing officer shall evaluate their knowledge, skills, and abilities and associated certifications or past performance records. Individuals who serve in these positions and have existing contracts which outline specific knowledge, skills, and abilities may utilize these documents as evidence. If determined sufficient, these individuals may be utilized as a resource on local incidents, when they can be supervised by Falling Bosses, Dozer Bosses, or other similar certified supervisors. When employed specifically for their occupational skills, physical fitness testing and course requirements for these Technical Specialist positions do not apply (FSM 5134.2). Pursuant to section C of PMS 310-1, "Agencies shall not certify private contractors except where formal agreements are in place. The Forest Service obligation is to monitor and evaluate the performance and safety of these Technical Specialists." 21.1 - Incident Complexity The line officer or designated official shall determine the complexity of an incident and assign qualified personnel as needed. More than 95 percent of all wildland fires fall within the low complexity range and are controlled with initial attack and limited reinforcements. These fires are referred to as Type 3, 4, and 5 incidents. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 6 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION The remaining 5 percent of fires, which fall into high complexity, are referred to as Type 1 and 2. Qualifications for Incident Commanders and General Staff have been established for Type 1 and 2 incidents (including Area Command) because they are normally more complex and can require resources from outside the local area. 21.2 - Guidelines for Determining Incident Complexity The following guidelines assist the line officer or designated official in determining incident complexity. The guidelines are presented in order of ascending complexity and describe the fire response with the appropriate fire organization (FSM 5130). A Type 5 incident is the lowest level and Type 1 is the highest level of complexity. The Type 1 incident combines the multiDivision and multi-Branch classifications as described in the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1. 1. Type 5 Incident. Characteristics are: a. Command and General Staff positions are not activated. An experienced and qualified Advanced Firefighter (FFT1) may be designated as Incident Commander. Multiple Type 5 incidents may be managed by a Type 3 or Type 4 Incident Commander. b. Resources may vary from one to five firefighters. c. The incident is normally contained rapidly during initial attack in the first operational period. d. A written action plan is not required. 2. Type 4 Incident. Characteristics are: a. Command and General Staff positions are not activated. Multiple Type 4 incidents may be managed by a Type 3 Incident Commander. b. Resources on individual incidents may vary from a single firefighter to several single resources or a single Task Force or Strike Team. c. The incident is limited to one operational period in the control phase. Mop-up may extend into multiple periods. d. A written action plan is not required. 3. Type 3 Incident. Characteristics are: a. Some of the Command and General Staff positions may be activated, as well as the Division/Group Supervisor and Unit Leader levels. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 7 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION b. Resources may vary from several single resources to several Task Forces/Strike Teams. c. The incident may be separated into divisions, but usually does not meet the Division/Group Supervisor position for complexity or span-of-control. d. The incident may involve multiple operational periods prior to control, which requires a written action plan. e. Staging areas and a base camp may be utilized. 4. Type 2 Incident. Characteristics are: a. Most or all of the Command and General Staff positions are activated. b. Base camp(s) is (are) established. c. The incident extends into multiple operational periods. d. A written action plan is required. e. Many of the functional units are staffed. f. Operations personnel generally do not exceed 200 per operational shift, and total incident personnel do not exceed 499 (numbers are guidelines only). g. Divisions are usually established to facilitate work assignments in different locations. A Division/Group Supervisor is required on all active divisions. 5. Type 1 Incident. A Type 1 incident meets all the characteristics of a Type 2 incident, plus the following: a. All Command and General Staff positions are activated. b. Operations personnel often exceed 500 per operational shift, and total personnel usually exceed 1,000 (numbers are guidelines only). c. All active divisions require a Division/Group Supervisor. d. The implementation of branches may be required. 22 - CERTIFICATION FOR INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM POSITIONS WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 8 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 1. All regular Forest Service personnel and cooperators employed by the Forest Service under the Pay Plan for Emergency Workers (Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook, PMS 902-1, FSH 5109.34) and assigned Incident Command System (ICS) positions must be judged to be technically and physically qualified to fill their positions. 2. Qualification for a position in the NIIMS/ICS organization depends on proven ability (sec. 21). Training, experience, and physical fitness are prerequisites for qualification. However, certification to hold an ICS position is determined through evaluation of performance as a trainee in the target position (if required), or in a prerequisite assignment. Once certified in a position, a Forest Service employee must successfully perform in a minimum of two incident assignments in that position. After completing these assignments, the employee may then attend Level 1 and 2 training for the next higher position. 3. A Fire Qualification Review Committee shall be established on each unit to determine certification of personnel. At a minimum, the committee shall include the Fire Management Staff Officer, a line officer representative, Incident Fire Qualifications Database Administrator, and a representative from the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) or other appropriate Forest Service union official, as well as representatives knowledgeable of the unit's personnel. The Forest Fire Management Staff Officer on the unit should ensure that a system is in place to establish priorities for training and currency assignments. Previously certified and currently practicing Fire Use Managers who have been certified as qualified prior to the 2002 revision of this Handbook (Amendment 5109.17-2002-3, effective May 14, 2002) may have their credentials verified by the criteria established in section 25.2, Fire Use Position Qualifications. Their qualifications and certification may be reduced or rescinded at the discretion of the Forest Qualification Review Committee. 4. Each employee's ICS position qualifications (including physical fitness and experience) must be re-evaluated annually and a new certification must be issued. 5. If an individual is serving in the designated 3-year Task Book completion period, and a revision to FSH 5109.17 identifying additional Level 1 or 2 training for the positions is issued, the individual shall be required to complete the training prior to certification for the position. 22.04 - Responsibility for Signing Form PMS 310-3, Incident Qualification Card Certification and documentation requirements must be met prior to signature of Form PMS 310-3, Incident Qualification Card. 1. The Regional Forester may delegate authority to sign Form PMS 310-3, Incident Qualification Card, to the Director of Fire and Aviation Management for all Area Command and Type 1 Command and General Staff positions. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 9 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 2. The Forest Supervisor may delegate signing authority to Forest Fire Program Management Staff Officers for Type 2 Command and General Staff positions. Cards for other positions shall be signed by the Forest Fire Management Program Staff Officer on the unit. 3. The District Ranger may sign Form PMS 310-1, Qualification Card Incident Command System for temporary employees qualified as Firefighter 1 and 2. These delegations are consistent with requirements contained in FSM 1200. For further direction on delegations of authority and responsibility for positions in the Fire and Aviation Management Program, see FSM 1230 and FSM 5100. 22.1 - Certification and Record Keeping The Forest Fire Program Management Staff Officer on each unit shall ensure that certification records are maintained and shall issue a Form PMS 310-3, Incident Qualification Card annually to each currently certified individual. The card contains the individual's name, agency, year, unit, qualified positions, on-the-job training needs, measured physical fitness, other skills, and clarifying remarks. 1. A file folder in paper copy format must be maintained for each employee for records related to certification in fire and aviation management positions. These records must be centrally located on the unit and readily accessible to the Fire Program Manager. 2. The contents of these folders shall include: a. Training certificates for all Forest Service courses b. Work capacity test (WCT) Record c. Position task book verification d. Yearly updated Incident Qualifications and Certification System master record. 3. De-certification records shall be maintained within the employee development file (EDF), which is maintained by employee’s unit (usually by the servicing Human Resources Management Staff Officer). 22.2 - Position Task Books Position task books contain all critical tasks required to perform the job. These task books are designed in a format that allows documentation of a trainee’s performance of given tasks. Ensure that a position task book is provided for each position included in the qualifications system (PMS 310-1), with few exceptions (for example, Agency Representative, Interagency Resource Representative, Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator, and so on). WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 10 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION Successful completion of all tasks required of the position as determined by an Evaluator (Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, Appendix A, Position Task Book Administration) shall be the basis for recommending certification. For positions that do not have a position task book, the unit's Fire Qualification Review Committee shall determine an individual's certification and qualification, based on objective factors such as performance evaluations and visual observation of performance of duties of the positions. 1. An individual may not have more than four active position task books at one time. No more than two of the four allowed position task books may be in a single functional area (for example, an individual may be issued a task book for Facilities Unit Leader and a task book for Food Unit Leader in the Logistics functional area; or the individual may be issued task books for Helicopter Manager and Strike Team Leader in the Operations functional area). 2. Individuals serving as trainer/coach/evaluator must be currently qualified in the position being observed and must have successfully performed in a minimum of two incident assignments in the position for which they are training and evaluating others. 3. Trainee requirements include completion of all required training courses (Level 1 and Level 2) and prerequisite experience prior to obtaining a position task book. The only exceptions are those Command and General Staff positions that include S-420, S-520, and S-620 as required training. Position task books and the qualification process can be initiated for those positions prior to attendance and completion of these three courses. This procedure allows trainees to gain experience that prepares them for passing these advanced courses. 4. Trainees are responsible for ensuring that they are ready to perform the tasks of the position prior to undertaking a position performance assignment (see definitions in sec. 05). This includes acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job tasks. On-the-job training assignments may assist in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills (PMS 310-1, Appendix A). 5. The trainee shall complete the position task book within a 3-year time limit, which is calculated as 3 years from the time the first task is evaluated (“position performance assignment”) until the task book is completed. Otherwise, if the trainee does not complete the task book within this timeframe, the trainee must begin the process anew (PMS 310-1, Appendix A). 22.3 - Currency Requirements 1. Requirements for currency of experience are 3 years for air operations and expanded dispatch positions and 5 years for other positions. In many cases, currency requirements can be met by performing in a similar position. Other positions which meet currency requirements are identified for each position in exhibit 01, section 25.1, through exhibit 01, section 25.36, of this Handbook. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 11 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION Currency requirements for air operations positions may also be met by performing on a day-today basis or on special projects, such as aerial spraying, search and rescue, and aerial ignition on prescribed burns. 2. Position experience is considered as qualifying only if the individual has previously met all training and prerequisite requirements for the position assignment. 3. Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training is required for all personnel participating in fire suppression or prescribed fire activities who may be subject to assignments on the fireline, for example, technical specialists, bus drivers, and ground support personnel delivering resources to the fireline. The Forest Fire Management Staff Officer shall assess the potential for risk and determine which additional non-operations personnel may benefit from the Fire Safety Refresher training. All others, without Fireline Safety Refresher Training, need to be accompanied by a qualified individual when on the fireline. At a minimum, refresher training shall consist of fire shelter purpose and use, practice deployments, entrapment avoidance, and deployment survival, and any pertinent fire safety related topics, such as: Standard Firefighting Orders and Watch-out Situations; Look-outs, Communications, Escape Routes, and Safety Zones (LCES); Look Up, Look Down, and Look Around; and Wildland Fire Safety and Health Reporting Network (SAFENET) use. The Incident Qualification Card, Form PMS 310-3 shall not be issued until supervisors certify that individuals have completed annual Fire Safety Refresher Training. 22.4 - Re-Certification Management evaluation of an individual's competency is key to re-certification where qualifications have expired. If currency has lapsed, the individual shall revert to the trainee level in the position for which currency has lapsed and shall be issued a position task book for the position, complete on-the-job-training if needed, and re-qualify in a position performance assignment. By returning to the trainee level in the position for which currency has lapsed, the person re-certifying is introduced to new technology that assists with recalling position duties and responsibilities. Individuals who elected to retire under buy-out opportunities and are now pursuing reinstatement into previous qualifications shall be required to follow the re-certification process. The Forest Fire Management Staff Officer responsible for certifying any retirees who are returning as AD employees shall be required to assess additional training requirements for these individuals. 22.5 - De-Certification The de-certification procedures in this section are intended to ensure safe and effective individual performance in assigned ICS, Wildland Fire Skill, Technical Specialist, and Fire Use Skill positions. These procedures are also intended to provide supervisors and managers with another mechanism to ensure employee safety. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 12 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION De-certification is the process of removing or reducing an individual’s fire suppression, fire use, and/or prescribed fire management position(s) qualifications. De-certification is not an adverse action; an employee may be re-certified according to the procedures set out in section 22.5. 1. Performance Issues Outside Fire Suppression, Fire Use, and Prescribed Fire Management. Different procedures are utilized to address individual performance issues in areas other than fire suppression, fire use, and prescribed fire management. If applicable, refer to the following: a. Misconduct is covered by procedures in Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, part 752. b. Regular performance issues are covered according to procedures in 5 CFR part 430. c. Suspensions and other adverse actions shall follow established agency procedures. d. Certification and de-certification procedures for aviation personnel are found in FSM 5700. 2. Interagency Policy on Certification and De-certification. According to the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, “Agency certification and documentation is the responsibility of the employing agency certifying that the individual is qualified to perform in a specific position” (page 4, Agency Certification). De-certification of an individual’s ability to perform is the responsibility of the employing line officer at the Washington Office, Region, Forest, or District level. Additionally, according to PMS 310-1, “A key component in the certification or re-certification process is the subjective evaluation by the appropriate agency official of an individual’s capability to perform in a position” (page 7, Certification and Re-certification). Judgment must be used in both the certification and de-certification process. 3. Causes for De-certification. There are three causes for losing certification (de-certification): a. An employee who currently holds a certification does not meet the currency requirements as specified by this Handbook (FSH 5109.17). An index to currency requirements for each ICS position is in exhibit 01, section 25. b. An employee voluntarily surrenders the employee’s certification of qualifications or requests to be qualified at a lower level of responsibility. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 13 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION c. As an individual or a member of a crew, incident management team, or fire use team, an employee performs actions that violate recognized standard operational procedures or identified safety procedures that are determined to have been instrumental in the endangerment of fire management personnel or the public. Examples of instances that may warrant de-certification include: (1) Deliberately disregarding identified safe practices. (2) Taking insubordinate actions that lead to unsafe conditions. (3) Intentionally misrepresenting fire qualifications. (4) Ignoring prescriptive parameters identified in approved burn plans. 4. Performance Evaluation and Documentation. Performance of personnel shall be evaluated on each incident. Performance evaluation should be measured against the 10 Standard Firefighting Orders and 18 Situations that Shout “Watch Out.” The Forest Service shall utilize the adopted interagency team and individual performance rating forms (or recognized equivalent) when evaluating the performance of individuals in ICS, Wildland Fire Skill, Technical Specialist, and Fire Use Skill positions. All actions that violate established safety procedures shall be documented; associated deficient performance evaluations must also be completed. Performance reviews, especially those that trigger consideration of de-certification, shall be coordinated and tracked. 5. Responsibility for Performance Evaluation and De-certification. a. Incident Commander. The Incident Commander and local unit manager are responsible for providing oversight of the initial performance review process. Inherent within the authority delegated to all Incident Commanders is the responsibility to relieve from assignment and demobilize any personnel for safety violations. Incident Commanders, however, do not have the authority to de-certify individuals. Incident Commanders are responsible for providing documented reasons for relieving an individual, forwarding the information to the individual’s home unit, and including a copy of the individual’s performance rating in the documentation package. b. Forest Fire Program Management Staff Officer. The Forest Fire Program Management Staff Officer at the home unit is responsible for initiating an administrative review to determine if de-certification is appropriate. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 14 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION Any decision to de-certify an individual should include a determination of whether remedial actions are appropriate to re-certify the individual and a description of the recommended remedial actions. During an evaluation of de-certification, individual qualifications may be temporarily suspended. Judgments about qualifications can be made through expert mentoring, independent assessment, or the line officer’s judgment relating to the individual’s performance capabilities. c. Regional and Forest Qualification Review Committee. Qualification review committees are a key component in the certification and de-certification of individuals. Qualification review committees should operate according to procedures delineated in other sections of this Handbook and in FSM 5120. A Regional or a Forest Qualification Review Committee has the responsibility to review individual qualifications and certification. Regional or Forest Qualification Review Committees shall review individual qualifications and certification and shall address de-certification for anyone they have reviewed for certification. If the review occurs at the Forest level, the individual reviewed shall have appeal rights with the Regional Qualification Review Committee. (1) Regional Qualification Review Committees (RQRC’s) shall review all individuals possessing Area Command and Type 1 position qualifications. (2) Forest Qualification Review Committees (FQRC’s) shall review all individuals possessing Type 2, or lower, position qualifications. 6. Individuals Relieved from Fire Assignment. Individuals who have been relieved from an assignment shall not be reassigned to any incident until the certifying official approves the suitability of the individual to perform the duties associated with the qualifications for the position. 7. Interagency Teams. Interagency teams or groups fall outside Forest Service authority. These teams or groups function and operate at the sole discretion of the chartering group. Teams or groups may be formed, disbanded, held in abeyance, or re-formed at the discretion of the appropriate level of the chartering interagency group, according to applicable standards for each team. Examples of these interagency teams or groups are: a. Area Command teams chartered and formed by the National Multi-Agency Coordinating Group. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 15 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION b. National Type 1 teams chartered by geographic area coordinating groups. c. Type 2 teams chartered by geographic area coordinating groups or by an individual sub-geographic area group. 8. Type 1 and Type 2 Crews. Type 1 crews are de-certified according to procedures developed nationally. Type 2 crews are de-certified on a geographic or sub-geographic area basis. 23 - PHYSICAL FITNESS STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS In addition to training and experience, physical fitness standards, when applicable, must be met for Incident Command System (ICS) position certification. Non-operations personnel who have the need to be on the fireline for non-suppression tasks must have the knowledge and skills found in fire safety refresher training, or must be accompanied by someone qualified to be on the fireline. 23.1 - Physical Fitness Requirements Requirements for physical fitness are identified as arduous, moderate, light, and none. 1. Arduous. The duties require field work performance by individuals with aboveaverage endurance and superior physical conditioning. Occasional demand for extraordinarily strenuous activities in emergencies over extended periods of time may be necessary. Requirements include running, walking, climbing, jumping, twisting, bending, and lifting more than 50 pounds. The work pace is set by the emergency situation and may be over irregular terrain. Examples of arduous duty positions are Strike Team Leaders, Single Resource Bosses, and Incident Commander Type 5. 2. Moderate. The duties require field work performance by individuals with average endurance and physical conditioning. Individuals usually set their own pace. Emergencies occasionally demand moderately strenuous activities over long time periods. Activities include considerable walking over irregular ground, climbing, bending, stooping, squatting, twisting, reaching, and lifting 25 to 50 pounds. Examples of moderate duty positions are Operations Section Chiefs and Fire Behavior Analysts. 3. Light. The duties mainly involve office-type work with occasional field activity characterized by light physical exertion requiring individuals to be in basic good health. Individuals almost always govern the extent and pace of their physical activity. The activities may include climbing (such as stairs), standing, operating a vehicle, and some bending, stooping, or light lifting. Long hours of work may be necessary. Examples of positions requiring a light physical fitness requirement are Staging Area Manager and Helibase Manager. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 16 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 4. None. The duties normally are performed in a controlled environment, such as an incident or base camp. Testing is not required for individuals filling those positions having no physical fitness standards. Examples of positions requiring no physical fitness level are Planning Section Chief and Support Dispatcher. 23.2 - Physical Fitness Measurement Field units are not authorized to supplement the direction in section 23. Physical fitness measurement methods are established only by the Chief of the Forest Service. The pack test is the sole physical fitness measurement recognized by the Forest Service. 23.3 - Fitness Development Fire personnel required to meet the arduous level for their assigned wildland fire positions shall be provided official time for rigorous exercise to prepare for and maintain the arduous qualification: 1. Fire funded employees (assigned to fire crews and identified in the Fire Management Action Plan) shall be allowed up to 5 hours per week of physical training when not engaged in wildland fire operations. 2. Employees not funded by fire shall be allowed up to 3 hours per week of physical training, consistent with wellness programs, by the employees’ request and based on supervisors’ approval. The applicable time is up to 6 months prior to scheduled testing and after passing the test, until the end of the proclaimed fire season. Fire program funds may be used for approved physical training time based on guaranteed availability for fire-related assignments. The employees and their supervisors shall discuss and schedule opportunities during the work week for fitness activities. 24 - POSITION CATEGORIES The Forest Service has established training and experience requirements for the four categories of positions utilized in wildland fire management and prescribed fire use in addition to the duties and prerequisites outlined in the Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1. The four categories are identified as Incident Command System positions, Wildland Fire Skill Positions, Fire Use Skill Positions, and Technical Specialists. 1. Incident Command System Positions. Any position found on the ICS organizational chart (ex. 01 through 09, sec. 11.1). 2. Wildland Fire Suppression Skill Positions. Positions identified as unique to wildland fire suppression because they require a level of knowledge and skills to perform wildland fire suppression duties (FSM 5143). WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 17 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 3. Fire Use Skill Positions. Positions identified as needed to administer successful use of wildland and prescribed fire to achieve land management objectives. 4. Technical Specialists. Personnel with unique skills needed to support incident operations. These specialists may be utilized within any functional area of the incident organization. Each agency is responsible for establishing position requirements guided by agency directives or interagency guides. Many Technical Specialists are certified in their field or profession. If the position is specifically identified in section 25 of this Handbook, then specialists must meet all requirements listed. The unit Fire Qualification Review Committee shall review the specialist's technical and physical abilities to determine qualifications. This review may include checking licenses, evaluating previous training and work experience, and observing on-the-job performance. 25 - POSITION QUALIFICATIONS Exhibit 01 in this section provides an index to positions and the exhibits containing qualifications for the positions. The exhibits in sections 25.1 through 25.36 show training requirements, experience, physical requirements, and other positions meeting currency requirements for the four position categories utilized in wildland and prescribed fire and aviation management. Training requirements for these positions are defined by a tiered three-level nomenclature. The three levels of training are defined as follows: Level 1 Must complete the specific training. Level 2 Must complete the specific training or an approved equivalency training. Approved equivalent training is identified in the specific position qualifications found in section 25. A list of the current approved equivalent courses is contained in chapter 30. Level 3 May complete recommended training. This includes additional training which supports development of knowledge and skills. Included in this category are several geographic area developed courses, which may enhance the capabilities of the individual to perform the job. Many of these courses may not be available in all geographic areas (for example, Intermediate Air Operations, previously known as S-370, is not available in all geographic areas; hence it is placed in the Level 3 category). These courses are generally not available through the National Publications Cache. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 18 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25 - Exhibit 01 INDEX TO POSITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS Position (Acronym) Cross-reference to Exhibit in FSH 5109.17, Chapter 20 for Position Qualification Accounting Technician (ACCT) Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss (FFT1) Aerial Observer (AERO) Agency Aviation Military Liaison (AAML) Agency Representative (AREP) Air Operations Branch Director (AOBD) Air Support Group Supervisor (ASGS) Air Tactical Group Supervisor (ATGS) Air Tanker Base Manager (ATBM) Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator (ATCO) Aircraft Base Radio Operator (ABRO) Area Command Aviation Coordinator (ACAC) Area Commander (ACDR) Assistant Area Commander, Logistics (ACLC) Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC) Assistant Cache Manager (ACMR) Base Camp Manager (BCMG) Battalion Military Liaison (BNML) Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team Leader (BAEL) Buying Team Leader (BUYL) Buying Team Member (BUYM) Cache Demobilization Specialist (CDSP) Claims Specialist (CLMS) Commissary Manager (CMSY) Communications Coordinator (COMC) Communications Unit Leader (COML) Compensation for Injury Specialist (INJR) Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP) Computer Coordinator (CCOO) Computer Data Entry Recorder (CDER) Computer Technical Specialist (CTSP) 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.36 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.36 - Exhibit 01 25.36 - Exhibit 01 25.36 - Exhibit 01 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 19 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25 - Exhibit 01--Continued INDEX TO POSITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS Position (Acronym) Cross-reference to Exhibit in FSH 5109.17, Chapter 20 for Position Qualification Contracting Officer (CONO) Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) Contracting Specialist, One Million (CS1M) Contracting Specialist, Twenty-Five Thousand (CS25) Contracting Specialist, Fifty Thousand (CS50) Coordinator (CORD) Cost Unit Leader (COST) Crew Boss (Single Resource) (CRWB) Crew Representative (CREP) Cultural Specialist (CULS) Deck Coordinator (DECK) Demobilization Unit Leader (DMOB) Dispatch Recorder (EDRC) Display Processor (DPRO) Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS) Documentation Unit Leader (DOCL) Dozer Boss (Single Resource) (DOZB) Dozer Operator Initial Attack (DOZ1) Engine Boss (Single Resource) (ENGB) Engine Operator (ENOP) Emergency Medical Technician Basic (EMTB) Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate (EMTI) Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic (EMTP) Equipment Inspector (EQPI) Equipment Manager (EQPM) Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR) Facilities Unit Leader (FACL) Faller Class A (FALA) Faller Class B (FALB) Faller Class C (FALC) Felling Boss (Single Resource) (FELB) Field Observer (FOBS) Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1) Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2) Fire Behavior Analyst (FBAN) 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.17 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.17 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 20 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25 - Exhibit 01--Continued INDEX TO POSITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS Position (Acronym) Fire Cache Manager (FCMG) Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO) Fire Investigator (FINV) Fire Use Manager 1 (FUM1) Fire Use Manager 2 (FUM2) Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2) Firing Boss (Single Resource) (FIRB) Fireline Blaster (FLEB) Fireline Explosives Advisor (FLEA) Fireline Explosives Crewmember (FLEC) Fixed Wing Base Manager (FWBM) Fixed Wing Parking Tender (FWPT) Food Unit Leader (FDUL) Forward Looking Infrared Operator (FLIR) GIS Technical Specialist (GIST) Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL) Helibase Manager (4 or more Helicopters) (HEB1) Helibase Manager (1 to 3 Helicopters) (HEB2) Helicopter Coordinator (HLCO) Helicopter Boss Single Resource (HELB) Helicopter Crewmember (HECM) Helicopter Long Line/Remote Hook Specialist (HELR) Helicopter Manager Call-When-Needed (HCWN) Helicopter Rappel Spotter (HERS) Helicopter Rappeller (HRAP) Helispot Manager (HESM) Helitorch Manager (HTMG) Helitorch Mixmaster (HTMM) Helitorch Parking Tender (HTPT) Human Resource Specialist (HRSP) Ignition Specialist Type 1 (RXI1) Ignition Specialist Type 2 (RXI2) Incident Business Management Advisor Type 1 (IBA1) Incident Business Management Advisor Type 2 (IBA2) Incident Business Management Advisor Type 3 (IBA3) Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) Cross-reference to Exhibit in FSH 5109.17, Chapter 20 for Position Qualification 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.35 – Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 21 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25 - Exhibit 01--Continued INDEX TO POSITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS Position (Acronym) Cross-reference to Exhibit in FSH 5109.17, Chapter 20 for Position Qualification Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3) Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4) Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM) Incident Communications Technician (COMT) Incident Medical Specialist Assistant (IMSA) Incident Medical Specialist Manager (IMSM) Incident Medical Specialist Technician (IMST) Incident Meteorologist (IMET) Incident Training Specialist (TNSP) Information Officer Type 1 (IOF1) Information Officer Type 2 (IOF2) Information Officer Type 3 (IOF3) Infrared Downlink Operator (IRDL) Infrared Field Specialist (IRFS) Infrared Interpreter (IRIN) Infrared Regional Coordinator (IRRC) Initial Attack Dispatcher (IADP) Interagency Cache Business System Supply Clerk/Tech (CASC) Interagency Resource Representative (IARR) Liaison Officer (LOFR) Line Scout (LSCT) Loadmaster (LOAD) Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) Long Term Fire Analyst (LTAN) MAC Group Coordinator (MCCO) MAC Group Information Officer (MCIF) MAFFS Clerk (MAFC) MAFFS Liaison Officer (MAFF) Materials Handler (WHHR) Materials Handler Leader (WHLR) Medical Unit Leader (MEDL) Military Air Operations Coordinator (MAOC) Military Crew Liaison Advisor (MCAD) Military Helicopter Crewmember (MHEC) 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 22 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25 - Exhibit 01--Continued INDEX TO POSITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS Position (Acronym) Military Helicopter Manager (MHEM) Military Helicopter Manager Supervisor (MHMS) Mixmaster (MXMS) Operations Branch Director (OPBD) Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1) Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2) Ordering Manager (ORDM) Orthophoto Analyst (ORPA) Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC) Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1) Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) Plastic Sphere Dispenser Operator (PLDO) Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 (RXB1) Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 (RXB2) Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 3 (RXB3) Prescribed Fire Crewmember (RXCM) Prescribed Fire Manager Type 1 (RXM1) Prescribed Fire Manager Type 2 (RXM2) Prescribed Fire Planner (RXPL) Probeye Operator (PBOP) Procurement Unit Leader (PROC) Purchasing Agent, Fifty Thousand (PA50) Purchasing Agent, Five Thousand (PA05) Purchasing Agent, Ten Thousand (PA10) Purchasing Agent, Twenty-Five Thousand (PA25) Radio Operator (RADO) Ramp Manager (RAMP) Receiving/Distribution Manager (RCDM) Remote Automated Weather Station Technician (RAWS) Resource Unit Leader (RESL) Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1) Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2) Safety Officer Type 3 (SOF3) Scuba Diver (SCUB) Security Manager (SECM) Security Specialist Level 1 (SEC1) Cross-reference to Exhibit in FSH 5109.17, Chapter 20 for Position Qualification 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.34 – Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.2 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.32 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.11 - Exhibit 01 25.36 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 23 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25 - Exhibit 01--Continued INDEX TO POSITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS Position (Acronym) Security Specialist Level 2 (SEC2) Security Guard, not Law Enforcement (SECG) Service Branch Director (SVBD) Single Engine Air Tanker Manager (SEMG) Situation Unit Leader (SITL) Staging Area Manager (STAM) Status/Check-in Recorder (SCKN) Strike Team Leader Crew (STCR) Strike Team Leader Dozer (STDZ) Strike Team Leader Engine (STEN) Strike Team Leader Military (STLM) Strike Team Leader Tractor/Plow (STPL) Supervisory Dispatcher (EDSP) Supervisory Supply Clerk/Tech (CAST) Support Dispatcher (EDSD) Supply Unit Leader (SPUL) Support Branch Director (SUBD) Take-Off and Landing Coordinator (TOLC) Task Force Leader (TFLD) Time Unit Leader (TIME) Tool and Equipment Specialist (TESP) Tractor/Plow Boss (Single Resource) (TRPB) Tractor/Plow Operator Initial Attack (TPL1) Tractor/Plow Operator with Supervision (TRPS) Weather Observer (WOBS) Cross-reference to Exhibit in FSH 5109.17, Chapter 20 for Position Qualification 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.14 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.17 - Exhibit 01 25.31 - Exhibit 01 25.17 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.15 - Exhibit 01 25.13 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.16 - Exhibit 01 25.33 - Exhibit 01 25.12 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.34 - Exhibit 01 25.35 - Exhibit 01 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 24 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.1 - Incident Command System, Skills and Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications 25.11 - Command and General Staff Positions 25.11 - Exhibit 01 Command and General Staff Position Qualifications AREA COMMANDER (ACDR) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-620 Area Command PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory performance as an Assistant Area Commander Planning or Logistics AND Satisfactory position performance as an Area Commander on a wildland fire incident PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Assistant Area Commander Planning Assistant Area Commander Logistics AREA COMMAND AVIATION COORDINATOR (ACAC) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-620 Area Command PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Air Operations Branch Director on a Type 1 Incident Management Team AND Satisfactory position performance as an Area Command Aviation Coordinator PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Air Operations Branch Director WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 25 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications ASSISTANT AREA COMMANDER, PLANNING (ACPC) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-620 Area Command PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Incident Commander Type 1 OR Planning Section Chief Type 1 OR Logistics Section Chief Type 1 OR Operations Section Chief Type 1 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Assistant Area Commander, Planning PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Assistant Area Command, Logistics ASSISTANT AREA COMMANDER, LOGISTICS (ACLC) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-620 Area Command PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Incident Commander Type 1 OR Logistics Section Chief Type 1 OR Planning Section Chief Type 1 OR Operations Section Chief Type 1 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Assistant Area Commander, Logistics PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Assistant Area Commander, Planning WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 26 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications INCIDENT COMMANDER TYPE 1 (ICT1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-520 Advanced Incident Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Incident Commander Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Commander Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Incident Commander Type 2 Operations Section Chief Type 1 Planning Section Chief Type 1 Logistics Section Chief Type 1 Finance/Administrative Section Chief Type 1 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 27 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications INCIDENT COMMANDER TYPE 2 (ICT2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-400 Incident Commander PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Incident Commander Type 3 AND Operations Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Commander Type 2; OR Incident Commander Type 3 AND EITHER Planning Section Chief Type 2 OR Logistics Section Chief Type 2 OR Finance/Administrative Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Commander Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Finance/Administrative Section Chief Type 2 Operations Section Chief Type 2 Planning Section Chief Type 2 Logistics Section Chief Type 2 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 28 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications INCIDENT COMMANDER TYPE 3 (ICT3) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-300 Incident Commander Extended Attack PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Incident Commander Type 4 AND Task Force Leader AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 OR Incident Commander Type 4 AND Strike Team Leader (any) AND Two Single Resource Boss positions (One must be Crew or Engine) AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 Strike Team Leader (any) Task Force Leader Division/Group Supervisor WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 29 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications INCIDENT COMMANDER TYPE 4 (ICT4) TRAINING: PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: PHYSICAL FITNESS: LEVEL 1 L-280 Followership to Leadership (if not obtained as a Single Resource Boss) S-200 Initial Attack Incident Commander S-215 Fire Operations in the Urban Interface Single Resource Boss (Crew, Dozer, Engine or Tractor Plow) AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Commander Type 4 Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (any) Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 INCIDENT COMMANDER TYPE 5 (ICT5) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-133 Look Up, Look Down, Look Around S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Commander Type 5 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 30 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications SAFETY OFFICER TYPE 1 (SOF1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-520 Advanced Incident Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Safety Officer Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Safety Officer Type 2 Operations Section Chief Type 2 SAFETY OFFICER TYPE 2 (SOF2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-404 Safety Officer S-420 Command and General Staff LEVEL 3 I-400 Advanced Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Division/Group Supervisor AND Satisfactory position performance as a Safety Officer Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Division/Group Supervisor Safety Officer Type 3 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 31 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications SAFETY OFFICER TYPE 3 (SOF3) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-404 Safety Officer* LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Strike Team Leader (Crew, Engine, Dozer or Tractor Plow) OR Incident Commander Type 4 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Safety Officer Type 3 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Strike Team Leader (any) Incident Commander Type 4 *The prerequisite field experience for students attending S-404 is Division/Group Supervisor. Course Coordinators are encouraged to accept Forest Service Strike Team Leaders or Incident Commander Type 4’s who are attempting to gain the Safety Officer Type 3 qualification into S-404 presentations, as no other incident safety training exists at this time. LIAISON OFFICER (LOFR) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-400 Advanced Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory position performance as a Liaison Officer PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Agency Representative WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 32 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications INFORMATION OFFICER TYPE 1 (IOF1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-520 Advanced Incident Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Information Officer Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Information Officer Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None* OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Information Officer Type 2 *Light is required if fireline work is to be performed. INFORMATION OFFICER TYPE 2 (IOF2) TRAINING: PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: PHYSICAL FITNESS: OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: *Light is required if fireline work is to be performed. LEVEL 1 S-403 Information Officer S-420 Command and General Staff LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System I-400 Advanced Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management Information Officer Type 3 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Information Officer Type 2 None* None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 33 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications INFORMATION OFFICER TYPE 3 (IOF3) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation *S-130 Basic Firefighter Training S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior S-203 Introduction to Information Officer LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include organizational ability and external communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as an Information Officer Type 3 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None* OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None * Light is required if fireline work is to be performed, along with completion of S-130. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 34 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued Command and General Staff Position Qualifications AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE (AREP) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System I-200 Basic Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include a thorough orientation to applicable cooperative agreements and knowledge of Forest Service policies and procedures PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Interagency Resource Representative INTERAGENCY RESOURCE REPRESENTATIVE (IARR) Geographic Area, National or Regional training that may be or is developed TRAINING: LEVEL 3 PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss (Crew or Engine) AND Satisfactory position performance as an Interagency Resource Representative PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Crew Representative WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 35 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Operations Position Qualifications 25.12 - Exhibit 01 Operations Position Qualifications OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF TYPE 1 (OSC1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-520 Advanced Incident Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Operations Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Operations Section Chief Type 2 Operations Branch Director OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF TYPE 2 (OSC2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-420 Command and General Staff S-430 Operations Section Chief LEVEL 3 I-400 Advanced Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Division/Group Supervisor AND Satisfactory position performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Operations Branch Director Division/Group Supervisor WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 36 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications OPERATIONS BRANCH DIRECTOR (OPBD) TRAINING: None PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory position performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Operations Section Chief Type 2 Division/Group Supervisor DIVISION/GROUP SUPERVISOR (DIVS) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-339 Division/Group Supervisor PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Task Force Leader AND Satisfactory position performance as a Division/Group Supervisor; OR Incident Commander Type 3 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Division/Group Supervisor; OR *A combination of two strike team leader qualifications which must include either Strike Team Leader, Engine or Strike Team Leader, Crews AND Satisfactory position performance as a Division/Group Supervisor PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Task Force Leader Incident Commander Type 3 Air Tactical Group Supervisor *Forest Service deviates from 310-1 by adding additional pathway to DIVS. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 37 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications TASK FORCE LEADER (TFLD) TRAINING: PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: LEVEL 1 S-330 Task Force/Strike Team Leader S-390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System Strike Team Leader (Crew, Engine, Dozer or Tractor Plow) AND Satisfactory position performance as a Task Force Leader OR Satisfactory position performance in any two single resource boss positions (one must be Crew or Engine) AND Incident Commander Type 4 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Task Force Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Incident Commander Type 3 Strike Team Leader (any) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 38 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications STRIKE TEAM LEADER TRACTOR/PLOW (STPL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System S-330 Task Force/Strike Team Leader S-390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations S-215 Fire Operations in the Urban Interface LEVEL 2 S-336 Fire Suppression Tactics or equivalent training (see chapter 30 of this Handbook) LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Intermediate Air Operations L-380 Fireline Leadership PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Single Resource Boss Tractor/Plow AND Satisfactory position performance as a Strike Team Leader Tractor/Plow PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Strike Team Leader (Crew, Dozer, Engine) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 39 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications STRIKE TEAM LEADER DOZER (STDZ) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System S-330 Task Force/Strike Team Leader S-390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations S-215 Fire Operations in the Urban Interface LEVEL 2 S-336 Fire Suppression Tactics or equivalent training (see chapter 30 of this Handbook) LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Intermediate Air Operations L-380 Fireline Leadership PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Single Resource Boss Dozer AND Satisfactory position performance as a Strike Team Leader Dozer PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Strike Team Leader (Crew, Engine, Tractor/Plow) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 40 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications STRIKE TEAM LEADER ENGINE (STEN) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System S-330 Task Force/Strike Team Leader S-390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations S-215 Fire Operations in the Urban Interface LEVEL 2 S-336 Fire Suppression Tactics or equivalent training (see chapter 30 of this Handbook) LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Intermediate Air Operations L-380 Fireline Leadership PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Single Resource Boss Engine AND Satisfactory position performance as a Strike Team Leader Engine PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Strike Team Leader (Crew, Dozer, Tractor/Plow) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 41 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications STRIKE TEAM LEADER CREW (STCR) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System S-330 Task Force/Strike Team Leader S-390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations S-215 Fire Operations in the Urban Interface LEVEL 2 S-336 Fire Suppression Tactics or equivalent training (see chapter 30 of this Handbook) LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Intermediate Air Operations L-380 Fireline Leadership PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Single Resource Boss Crew AND Satisfactory position performance as a Strike Team Leader Crew PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Strike Team Leader (Dozer, Engine, Tractor/Plow) Military Crew Advisor Strike Team Leader Military WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 42 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications CREW REPRESENTATIVE (CREP) TRAINING: LEVEL 3 PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Single Resource Boss Crew AND Satisfactory position performance as a Crew Representative PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Interagency Resource Representative Single Resource Boss Crew Geographic Area Crew Representative Training WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 43 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications CREW BOSS (SINGLE RESOURCE) (CRWB) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-280 Followership to Leadership S-230 Crew Boss S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss Crew on a wildland or prescribed fire incident PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (Dozer, Engine, Felling, Firing, Tractor/Plow) Incident Commander Type 4 * The Position Task Book (PTB) for the Single Resource Boss positions differs from other PTBs. The first sets of tasks, common to all the Single Resource Boss positions, are the same as those required for the Crew Boss position. Additional specific tasks are required for the other types of Single Resource Boss positions (Engine, Dozer, Tractor/Plow, Felling, and Firing). When the PTB is issued to a trainee, the appropriate position(s) should be identified by crossing out the inappropriate positions on the cover. The trainee then needs to be signed off for all of the common tasks as well as those additional tasks that apply to the specific resource. Whether or not a qualified Single Resource Boss must recomplete the tasks common to all Single Resource Boss positions to become qualified as a Single Resource Boss for another resource is up to the discretion of the home unit (310-1, Appendix A-13). WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 44 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications DOZER BOSS (SINGLE RESOURCE) (DOZB) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-280 Followership to Leadership S-230 Crew Boss S-232 Dozer Boss S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss Dozer on a wildland or prescribed fire incident PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (Crew, Engine, Felling, Firing, Tractor/Plow) Incident Commander Type 4 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 45 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications FELLING BOSS (SINGLE RESOURCE) (FELB) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-280 Followership to Leadership S-230 Crew Boss S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Chainsaw Training PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Geographic Area Chainsaw Certification AND Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss Felling on a wildland or prescribed fire incident. PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (Crew, Dozer, Engine, Firing, Tractor/Plow) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 46 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications FIRING BOSS (SINGLE RESOURCE) (FIRB) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-280 Followership to Leadership S-230 Crew Boss S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss Firing on a wildland or prescribed fire incident PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (Crew, Dozer, Engine, Felling, Tractor/Plow) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 47 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications ENGINE BOSS (SINGLE RESOURCE) (ENGB) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-280 Followership to Leadership S-211 Portable Pumps and Water Use S-230 Crew Boss S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior LEVEL 2 S-231 Engine Boss or Geographic Area Engine Academy PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss Engine on a wildland or prescribed fire incident PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (Crew, Dozer, Felling, Firing, Tractor/Plow) Incident Commander Type 4 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 48 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications TRACTOR/PLOW BOSS (SINGLE RESOURCE) (TRPB) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-280 Followership to Leadership S-230 Crew Boss S-233 Tractor/Plow Boss S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss Tractor/Plow on a wildland or prescribed fire incident PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (Crew, Dozer, Engine, Felling, Firing) Incident Commander Type 4 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 49 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications HELICOPTER BOSS (SINGLE RESOURCE BOSS) (HELB) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss AND Satisfactory performance as a Helicopter Crewmember AND Satisfactory position performance as a Single Resource Boss Helicopter on a wildland or prescribed fire incident PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-280 Followership to Leadership S-215 Fire Operations in the Urban Interface S-230 Crew Boss S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior *S-372 Interagency Helicopter Manager *S-372 Interagency Helicopter Manager is in the initial stages of course development. Anticipated release of the course materials will be in 2004. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 50 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications STAGING AREA MANAGER (STAM) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System I-200 Basic Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational abilities and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as a Staging Area Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: Light OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 51 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications ADVANCED FIREFIGHTER/SQUAD BOSS (FFT1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-131 Advanced Firefighter S-212 Wildfire Power Saws LEVEL 3 S-211 Portable Pumps and Water Use S-216 Driving for the Fire Service or Agency Equivalent (Defensive Driving) S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Firefighter Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Incident Commander Type 5 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 52 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.12 - Exhibit 01--Continued Operations Position Qualifications FIREFIGHTER TYPE 2 (FFT2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline S-130 Firefighter Training S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: None PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 53 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Air Operations Position Qualifications 25.13 - Exhibit 01 Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR OPERATIONS BRANCH DIRECTOR (AOBD) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-470 Air Operations Branch Director LEVEL 3 I-400 Advanced Incident Command System S-378 Air Tactical Group Supervisor A-101 Aviation Safety A-103 FAA NOTAM Administration A-105 Aviation Life Support Equipment A-106 Aviation Mishap Reporting A-107 Aviation Policy and Regulations 1 A-109 Aviation Radio Use A-111 Flight Payment Document A-112 Mission Planning and Flight Request Process A-113 Crash Survival A-201 Overview of Safety and Accident Prevention A-202 Interagency Aviation Organizations A-203 Basic Airspace A-204 Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 54 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR OPERATIONS BRANCH DIRECTOR (AOBD)--CONTINUED LEVEL 3 A-301 Implementing Aviation Safety and Accident Prevention A-302 Personal Responsibility and Liability A-303 Human Factors in Aviation A-305 Risk Management A-307 Aviation Policy and Regulations II PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Air Support Group Supervisor AND Satisfactory position performance as an Air Operations Branch Director PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Air Support Group Supervisor WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 55 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR SUPPORT GROUP SUPERVISOR (ASGS) TRAINING: LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Intermediate Air Operations I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System A-101 Aviation Safety A-103 FAA NOTAM System A-105 Aviation Life Support Equipment A-106 Aviation Mishap Reporting A-107 Aviation Policy and Regulations 1 A-109 Aviation Radio Use A-111 Flight Payment Document A-112 Mission Planning and Flight Request Process A-113 Crash Survival A-201 Overview of Safety and Accident Prevention A-202 Interagency Aviation Organizations A-203 Basic Airspace A-204 Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 56 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR SUPPORT GROUP SUPERVISOR (ASGS)--CONTINUED PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Helibase Manager Type 1 AND Satisfactory position performance as an Air Support Group Supervisor PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Helibase Manager Type 1 HELIBASE MANAGER (4 or more Helicopters) (HEB1) TRAINING: None PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Helibase Manager Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Helibase Manager Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Light OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Helibase Manager Type 2 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 57 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications HELIBASE MANAGER (1 to 3 Helicopters) (HEB2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-371 Helibase Manager LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-380 Fireline Leadership PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Helicopter Manager (Call-When-Needed) OR Helicopter Boss (Single Resource) AND Satisfactory position performance as a Helibase Manager Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: Light OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Helicopter Manager (Single Resource Boss) WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 58 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications HELICOPTER MANAGER – CALL-WHEN-NEEDED (HCWN) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 *S-372 Interagency Helicopter Manager LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System S-234 Ignition Operations S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations CERTIFICATION: Must attend Regional Helicopter Managers Workshop every other year PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory performance as a Single Resource Boss Helicopter, Crew or Engine AND Satisfactory position performance as a Helicopter Crewmember AND Satisfactory position performance as a Helicopter Manager Call-When-Needed on a wildland or prescribed fire incident Experience in Aviation Contract Administration PHYSICAL FITNESS: 1/ Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None * S-372 Interagency Helicopter Manager is in the initial stages of course development. Anticipated release of the course materials will be in 2004. 1/ When CWN helicopters are intended for initial attack missions, a HCWN must be ordered with additional qualifications (ex: ICT4) and an arduous fitness rating. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 59 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications HELICOPTER CREWMEMBER (HECM) TRAINING: Level 1 L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline (if not obtained in S-130 2003 revision) *S-271 Interagency Helicopter Training PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Firefighter Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Helicopter Crewmember PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None *As of October 2003 S-271 had not been certified by NWCG. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 60 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR TACTICAL GROUP SUPERVISOR (ATGS) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-378 Air Tactical Group Supervisor LEVEL 3 Aerial Retardant Application and Use A-101 Aviation Safety (All Aircraft) A-103 FAA NOTAM System A-105 Aviation Life Support Equipment A-106 Aviation Mishap Reporting A-107 Aviation Policy and Regulations 1 A-109 Aviation Radio Use A-111 Flight Payment Document A-112 Mission Planning and Flight Request Process A-113 Crash Survival A-201 Overview of Safety and Accident Prevention Programs A-202 Interagency Aviation Organizations A-203 Basic Airspace A-204 Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations A-206 Aviation Acquisition and Procurement A-211 Aviation Planning A-301 Implementing Aviation Safety and Accident Prevention WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 61 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR TACTICAL GROUP SUPERVISOR (ATGS)--CONTINUED LEVEL 3 A-302 Personal Responsibility and Liability A-303 Human Factors in Aviation A-305 Risk Management A-307 Aviation Policy and Regulations II PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Division/Group Supervisor AND Satisfactory position performance as an Air Tactical Group Supervisor PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None Requirements for this position are contained in the Interagency Air Tactical Group Supervisor Guide (NFES 1393). WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 62 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR TANKER/FIXED WING COORDINATOR (ATCO) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior S-270 Basic Air Operations S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior S-378 Air Tactical Group Supervisor LEVEL 2 S-336 Fire Suppression Tactics or equivalent training (see chapter 30 of this Handbook) LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Intermediate Air Operations I-200 Basic Incident Command System A-101 Aviation Safety (All Aircraft) A-103 FAA NOTAM System A-105 Aviation Life Support Equipment A-106 Aviation Mishap Reporting A-107 Aviation Policy and Regulations A-111 Flight Payment Document A-112 Mission Planning and Flight Request Process A-113 Crash Survival WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 63 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIR TANKER/FIXED WING COORDINATOR (ATCO)--CONTINUED A-201 Overview of Safety and Accident Prevention Programs A-202 Interagency Aviation Organizations A-203 Basic Airspace A-204 Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations A-206 Aviation Acquisition and Procurement A-211 Aviation Planning A-301 Implementing Aviation Safety and Accident Prevention A-302 Personal Responsibility and Liability A-303 Human Factors in Aviation A-305 Risk Management A-307 Aviation Policy and Regulations II Lead Plane Pilot (reference FSM 5714.11, exhibit 01) LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATION: LICENSE: Pilot’s License PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Pilot AND Satisfactory position performance as an Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 64 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications HELICOPTER COORDINATOR (HLCO) TRAINING: PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: PHYSICAL FITNESS: OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: LEVEL 1 S-378 Air Tactical Group Supervisor Strike Team Leader (Crew, Dozer, Engine, Tractor/Plow) AND Satisfactory position performance as a Helicopter Manager – Call-When-Needed OR Helicopter Boss (Single Resource Boss) AND Satisfactory position performance as a Helicopter Coordinator Moderate None Forest Service deviates from 310-1, which requires Task Force Leader as prerequisite experience. DECK COORDINATOR (DECK) TRAINING: None PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Parking Tender (Helicopter) AND Loadmaster OR Helicopter Crewmember AND Satisfactory position performance as a Deck Coordinator PHYSICAL FITNESS: OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Moderate Takeoff and Landing Coordinator Forest Service deviates from 310-1, which requires Take-off and Landing Coordinator as prerequisite experience. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 65 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications TAKE-OFF AND LANDING COORDINATOR (TOLC) TRAINING: None PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Helicopter Crewmember AND Aircraft Base Radio Operator AND Satisfactory position performance as a TakeOff and Landing Coordinator Desirable experience as an Aircraft Time Keeper PHYSICAL FITNESS: Light OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Aircraft Base Radio Operator WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 66 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Air Operations Position Qualifications AIRCRAFT BASE RADIO OPERATOR (ABRO) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 If prerequisite experience is as a Helicopter Crewmember: I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-130 Firefighting Training S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior S-270 Basic Air Operations If prerequisite experience is as a Radio Operator, include the above Level 1 training, and A-101 Aviation Safety (All Aircraft) A-109 Aviation Radio Use A-207 Aviation Dispatching *S-271 Interagency Helicopter Training LEVEL 3 Geographic Area Aircraft Base Radio Operator Course PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory performance as a Helicopter Crewmember OR Radio Operator AND Satisfactory position performance as an Aircraft Base Radio Operator PHYSICAL FITNESS: Light OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Helicopter Crewmember Radio Operator Forest Service deviates from 310-1, which requires Helicopter Crewmember as prerequisite experience. Forest Service provides another pathway to Aircraft Base Radio Operator. *As of October 2003, S-271 has not been certified by NWCG. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 67 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Planning Position Qualifications 25.14 - Exhibit 01 Planning Position Qualifications PLANNING SECTION CHIEF TYPE 1 (PSC1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-520 Advanced Incident Management PREREQUESITE EXPERIENCE: Planning Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Planning Section Chief Type 2 PLANNING SECTION CHIEF TYPE 2 (PSC2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-420 Command and General Staff Planning Section Chief S-440 Planning Section Chief LEVEL 3 I-400 Advanced Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Situation Unit Leader AND Resource Unit Leader AND Satisfactory position performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Situation Unit Leader Resource Unit Leader WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 68 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications SITUATION UNIT LEADER (SITL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-346 Situation Unit Leader LEVEL 3 S-244 Field Observer PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Incident Commander Type 4 AND Strike Team Leader (any) AND Satisfactory position performance as a Situation Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Fire Behavior Analyst Field Observer WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 69 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications RESOURCE UNIT LEADER (RESL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-347 Demobilization Unit Leader S-348 Resource Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Status/Check In Recorder AND Satisfactory position performance as a Resource Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Status Check In Recorder Demobilization Unit Leader WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 70 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications STATUS/CHECK-IN RECORDER (SCKN) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation LEVEL 3 S-248 Status Check In Recorder L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as a Status/Check-in Recorder PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 71 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications DOCUMENTATION UNIT LEADER (DOCL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as a Documentation Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 72 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications DEMOBILIZATION UNIT LEADER (DMOB) TRAINING: None PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Resource Unit Leader AND Satisfactory position performance as a Demobilization Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Resource Unit Leader Support Dispatcher FIRE BEHAVIOR ANALYST (FBAN) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-490 Advanced Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations S-590 Fire Behavior Analyst LEVEL 3 S-491 National Fire Danger Rating System S-492 Long Term Fire Risk Assessment S-493 Farsite, Fire Growth Simulation PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Division/Group Supervisor AND Satisfactory position performance as a Fire Behavior Analyst PHYSICAL FITNESS: Moderate OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 73 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications FIELD OBSERVER (FOBS) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-244 Field Observer PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Single Resource Boss (any) AND Satisfactory position performance as a Field Observer PHYSICAL FITNESS: Arduous OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Single Resource Boss (any) INCIDENT TRAINING SPECIALIST (TNSP) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-445 Incident Training Specialist PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills are record keeping, organization ability and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Training Specialist PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 74 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST (HRSP) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION: Attendance at Geographic Area Human Resource Specialist Refresher Workshop every two years. PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Experience and/or training that equipped the individual with a general knowledge of civil rights, equal employment opportunity and personnel programs; conflict resolution; facilitation, fact finding and effective communication skills; and administrative and management advisor skills AND Satisfactory position performance as a Human Resource Specialist PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None Human Resource Specialist Training (to be certified by NWCG in 2004) I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 75 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.14 - Exhibit 01--Continued Planning Position Qualifications DISPLAY PROCESSOR (DPRO) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-245 Display Processor PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: PHYSICAL FITNESS: Proven ability to read and interpret topographic maps, orthophoto maps, and aerial photos AND Satisfactory position performance as a Display Processor None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None INFRARED INTERPRETER (IRIN) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-443 Infrared Interpreter PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory position performance as an Infrared Interpreter PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 76 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Logistics Position Qualifications 25.15 - Exhibit 01 Logistics Position Qualifications LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF TYPE I (LSC1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-520 Advanced Incident Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Logistics Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Logistics Section Chief Type 2 Service Branch Director Support Branch Director WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 77 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 – Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF TYPE 2 (LSC2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-420 Command and General Staff S-450 Logistics Section Chief LEVEL 3 Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) I-400 Advanced Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Facilities Unit Leader AND EITHER Ground Support Unit Leader OR Supply Unit Leader AND Satisfactory position performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Support Branch Director Service Branch Director Supply Unit Leader Facilities Unit Leader Ground Support Unit Leader WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 78 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications SERVICE BRANCH DIRECTOR (SVBD) TRAINING: None PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Logistics Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Service Branch Director PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Logistics Section Chief Type 2 Support Branch Director Medical Unit Leader Communications Unit Leader Food Unit Leader SUPPORT BRANCH DIRECTOR (SUBD) TRAINING: None PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Logistics Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Support Branch Director PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Logistics Section Chief Type 2 Service Branch Director Supply Unit Leader Facilities Unit Leader Ground Support Unit Leader WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 79 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications MEDICAL UNIT LEADER (MEDL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-359 Medical Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline CERTIFICATION: Emergency Medical Technician LICENSE: State License PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Current certification as an Emergency Medical Technician AND Satisfactory position performance as a Medical Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 80 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications COMMUNICATIONS UNIT LEADER (COML) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-358 Communications Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Incident Communications Center Manager AND Incident Communications Technician AND Satisfactory position performance as a Communications Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Incident Communications Center Manager Incident Communications Technician WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 81 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications INCIDENT COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN (COMT) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-130 Basic Firefighter S-190 Basic Fire Behavior S-258 Communications Technician LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline (if not obtained in the S-130 2003 revision) PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills are experience with communications equipment (for example; radio, satellite, etc.) AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Communications Technician PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 82 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications INCIDENT COMMUNICATIONS CENTER MANAGER (INCM) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Radio Operator AND Satisfactory position performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None RADIO OPERATOR (RADO) TRAINING: LEVEL 3 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-130 Firefighter Training S-190 Introduction to Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory position performance as a Radio Operator PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Aircraft Base Radio Operator WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 83 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications FOOD UNIT LEADER (FDUL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-357 Food Unit Leader LEVEL 3 Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) for the National Catering Contracts I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-380 Fireline Leadership PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory position performance as a Food Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 84 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications SECURITY MANAGER (SECM) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System AUTHORITY: None required. May not exercise authorities of SEC1, SEC2, or SECG positions unless full qualifications for these are met. PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory position performance as a Security Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 85 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 – Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications SUPPLY UNIT LEADER (SPUL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-356 Supply Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Ordering Manager AND Receiving and Distribution Manager AND Satisfactory position performance as a Supply Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Ordering Manager Receiving and Distribution Manager WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 86 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 – Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications ORDERING MANAGER (ORDM) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Dispatch Recorder AND Satisfactory position performance as an Ordering Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Receiving and Distribution Manager Base Camp Manager Equipment Manager Dispatch Recorder WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 87 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications RECEIVING/DISTRIBUTION MANAGER (RCDM) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include receiving, accounting for, and distributing supplies AND Satisfactory position performance as a Receiving and Distribution Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Ordering Manager WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 88 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 – Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications FACILITIES UNIT LEADER (FACL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-354 Facilities Unit Leader LEVEL 3 Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Base Camp Manager AND Satisfactory position performance as a Facilities Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Supply Unit Leader Ordering Manager Receiving and Distribution Manager Base Camp Manager Ground Support Unit Leader Equipment Manager Security Manager WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 89 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications BASE CAMP MANAGER (BCMG) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline (if not obtained in the S-130 2003 revision) S-130 Basic Firefighter S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as a Base Camp Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Ordering Manager Receiving and Distribution Manager Equipment Manager WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 90 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 - Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications GROUND SUPPORT UNIT LEADER (GSUL) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-355 Ground Support Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Equipment Manager AND Satisfactory position performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Facilities Unit Leader Supply Unit Leader Equipment Manager Base/Camp Manager Ordering Manager Receiving/Distribution Manager WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 91 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.15 – Exhibit 01--Continued Logistics Position Qualifications EQUIPMENT MANAGER (EQPM) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as an Equipment Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Ordering Manager Receiving and Distribution Manager Base Camp Manager WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 92 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Finance/Administration Position Qualifications 25.16 - Exhibit 01 Finance/Administration Position Qualifications FINANCE/ADMINISTRATION SECTION CHIEF TYPE 1 (FSC1) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-520 Advanced Incident Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 AND Satisfactory position performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 Incident Business Management Advisor Type 1 Incident Business Management Advisor Type 2 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 93 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications FINANCE/ADMINISTRATION SECTION CHIEF TYPE 2 (FSC2) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-420 Command and General Staff S-460 Finance/Administration Section Chief LEVEL 3 Incident Cost Accounting Reporting System (ICARS) I-400 Advanced Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Time Unit Leader AND EITHER Cost Unit Leader OR Procurement Unit Leader AND Satisfactory position performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Time Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp/Claims Unit Leader Incident Business Management Advisor Type 2 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 94 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications TIME UNIT LEADER (TIME) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-360 Finance/Administrative Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Personnel Time Recorder AND Satisfactory position performance as a Time Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Personnel Time Recorder Equipment Time Recorder Incident Business Management Advisor Type 1 Incident Business Management Advisor Type 2 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 95 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications PERSONNEL TIME RECORDER (PTRC) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include payroll experience or day-to-day time keeping duties AND Satisfactory position performance as a Personnel Time Recorder PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 96 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications COST UNIT LEADER (COST) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 Incident Cost Accounting Reporting System (ICARS) I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management S-360 Finance/Administration Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: On the job exposure to fire cost accounting processing AND Satisfactory position performance as a Cost Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 97 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications COMMISSARY MANAGER (CMSY) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management LEVEL 3 Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) for the National Commissary Contract PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as a Commissary Manager PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 98 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications COMPENSATION/CLAIMS UNIT LEADER (COMP) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-360 Finance/Administration Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory performance as a Compensation for Injury Specialist AND Satisfactory performance as a Claims Specialist AND Satisfactory position performance as a Compensation/Claims Unit Leader OR Agency experience in both specialties AND Satisfactory position performance as a Compensation/Claims Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Compensation for Injury Specialist Claims Specialist WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 99 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications COMPENSATION FOR INJURY SPECIALIST (INJR) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Agency experience in compensation duties AND Satisfactory position performance as a Compensation for Injury Specialist PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Claims Specialist WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 100 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications CLAIMS SPECIALIST (CLMS) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Agency experience in claims AND Satisfactory position performance as a Claims Specialist PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Compensation for Injury Specialist WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 101 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications PROCUREMENT UNIT LEADER (PROC) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 S-360 Finance/Administrative Unit Leader LEVEL 3 I-200 Basic Incident Command System I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System AUTHORITY: Federal Warrant Authority for Procurement (minimum $100,000) PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Equipment Time Recorder AND Satisfactory position performance as a Procurement Unit Leader PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Equipment Time Recorder WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 102 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.16 - Exhibit 01--Continued Finance/Administration Position Qualifications EQUIPMENT TIME RECORDER (EQTR) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-261 Applied Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as an Equipment Time Recorder PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: None WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 103 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.17 - Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications 25.17 - Exhibit 01 Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications COORDINATOR (CORD) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 3 I-401 Multi-agency Coordination M-480 Multi-agency Coordinating Group I-400 Advanced Incident Command PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Supervisory Dispatcher AND Satisfactory position performance as a Coordinator PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Supervisory Dispatcher WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 104 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.17 - Exhibit 01--Continued Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications SUPERVISORY DISPATCHER (EDSP) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 A-207 Aviation Dispatching D-510 Supervisory Dispatcher S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior LEVEL 3 I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System M-480 Multi-Agency Coordinating Group L-380 Fireline Leadership PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Satisfactory performance as a Support Dispatcher in at least four functional areas (Aircraft, Overhead, Crews, Equipment, Supplies or Intelligence) AND Satisfactory position performance as a Supervisory Dispatcher PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Support Dispatcher WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 105 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.17 - Exhibit 01--Continued Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications SUPPORT DISPATCHER (EDSD) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 D-310 Support Dispatcher I-200 Basic Incident Command System S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management S-270 Basic Air Operations LEVEL 3 L-180 Human Factors on the Fireline PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Dispatch Recorder AND Satisfactory position performance as a Support Dispatcher PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Dispatch Recorder Supply Unit Leader Ordering Manager WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2004-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/18/2004 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_20.6-25.17 Page 106 of 106 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION 25.17 - Exhibit 01--Continued Expanded Dispatch Position Qualifications DISPATCH RECORDER (EDRC) TRAINING: LEVEL 1 D-110 Dispatch Recorder I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System S-110 Basic Wildland Fire Suppression Orientation LEVEL 3 S-130 Basic Firefighter S-260 Interagency Incident Business Management PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE: Desirable skills include documentation and organizational ability; and communication skills AND Satisfactory position performance as a Dispatch Recorder PHYSICAL FITNESS: None OTHER POSITION ASSIGNMENTS THAT WILL MAINTAIN CURRENCY: Ordering Manager Supply Unit Leader