5109.17_10 Page 1 of 17 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Amendment No.: 5109.17-2006-5 Effective Date: September 20, 2006 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: ROBIN L. THOMPSON Associate Deputy Chief Date Approved: 08/16/2006 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this Handbook was 5109.17-2006-4 to 5109.17_30. New Document 5109.17_10 17 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 5109.17_10 (Amendment 5109.17-2004-2, 04/28/2004) 15 Pages Digest: 11.1 - Clarifies the progression of the flow charts, and includes a statement emphasizing that the charts are not Incident Command System organization charts. Renumbers the subsequent exhibits as 02 through 12 (formerly 02 through 10) to include the addition of the “Fixed Wing Air Base” and “Prevention & Investigation” exhibits. Updates a number of entries in the position qualification blocks contained in exhibits 02 through 12 to reflect changes in section 25 for training requirements, experience, and physical fitness. 12.04 - Removes Responsibility code and caption. Delegation of authority and responsibility to supplement fire and aviation qualification requirements has been moved to section 04.1 and 04.2. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 2 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Table of Contents 11 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ....................... 3 11.1 - Qualifications Charts for Incident Command System ...................................................... 3 12 - WILDLAND AND PRESCRIBED FIRE QUALIFICATION SYSTEM GUIDE, PMS 310-1 .................................................................................................................. 17 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 3 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (For further direction, see FSM 5133.) All wildland fire protection agencies are organized to manage forest, brush, and grass fires within their jurisdictions. They can usually manage large, complex fires with their own resources. However, additional or substantial outside assistance may be required at times. To address this need, a nationwide multi-agency management system has been adopted, called the National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS), which provides the total systems approach necessary for response in emergency situations involving a wide range of natural or human-caused incidents. NIIMS consists of five major subsystems, which together provide a total approach to incident management. The subsystems and their functions are as follows: 1. Incident Command System (ICS). An on-scene structure of generic managementlevel positions suitable to manage any incident. 2. Training. Development and delivery of training courses. 3. Qualifications and Certification. National standards for qualifications and certification for ICS positions. 4. Publications Management. Development, control, sources, and distribution of NIIMS publications provided by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG). 5. Supporting Technology. Technology and systems used to support an emergency response, such as orthophoto mapping, National Fire Danger Rating System, remote automatic weather stations, automatic lightning detection systems, infrared technology, and communications. 11.1 - Qualifications Charts for Incident Command System Exhibits 02 through 12 display the qualifications and reporting lines for Incident Command System (ICS) positions for the most complex incidents. Following is the key to the qualification flow charts. The charts in this section show the progression of qualifications from one position to another within the Incident Command System. These charts are not organization charts. Each box within the charts contains information pertaining to prerequisite qualifications, training, and physical fitness and should be read as shown in the diagram and in exhibit 01, which provides a key to the qualification flow charts (ex. 02-10) and also a list of the acronyms used in the charts. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 4 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Exhibit 01. Key to Qualifications Flow Charts. Exhibit 02. Area Command. Exhibit 03. Command and Staff. Exhibit 04. Operations Section. Exhibit 05. Air Operations. Exhibit 06. Fixed Wing Airbase Operations. Exhibit 07. Planning Section. Exhibit 08. Logistics Section. Exhibit 09. Finance/Administration Section. Exhibit 10. Expanded Dispatch. Exhibit 11. Prevention & Investigation. Exhibit 12. Prescribed Fire Use. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 5 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 01 KEY TO QUALIFICATIONS FLOW CHARTS These charts are not Incident Command System organization charts. The following charts show the progression from one position to another within the qualification system. For more information on a position, refer to the individual qualifications defined in section 25. Each box within the charts contains information pertaining to Required Experience (Qualified As), Required Training, and Physical Fitness Level and should be read as shown in the diagram below: Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) Qualified As: ICT3 + OSC2 OR ICT3 + PSC2 OR ICT3 + LSC2 OR ICT3 + FSC2 Required Training: S-400, S-420, RT-130 PHYS: N Job Title Position Code. For a complete list of approved NWCG Position Codes consult the Incident Qualifications and Certification website: http://iqcs.nwcg.gov/ Required Experience qualification referenced by Position Code. Required Training Course(s) for qualification in this position. See sections 21-25 of this Handbook for a complete list of required training, knowledge, and skills needed. Required level of physical fitness: A = Arduous, M = Moderate, L = Light, N = None Required. WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 6 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 02 AREA COMMAND Area Commander (ACDR) Qualified As: ACPC OR ACLC OR ICT1 Required Training: S-620 PHYS: N Area Command Aviation Coordinator (ACAC) Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC) Qualified As: AOBD Qualified As: ICT1 OR Type 1 General Staff Required Training: S-620 Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) Qualified As: ICT2 Qualified As: ICT1 OR Type 1 General Staff Required Training: S-520, RT-130 Required Training: S-620 PHYS: N Assistant Area Commander, Logistics (ACLC) Required Training: S-620 PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1) Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1) Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) Finance/Admin. Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1) Qualified As: PSC2 Qualified As: OSC2 Qualified As: LSC2 Qualified As: FSC2 Required Training: S-520 Required Training: S-520, RT-130 Required Training: S-520 Required Training: S-520 PHYS: N PHYS: M PHYS: N PHYS: N WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 7 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 03 COMMAND & GENERAL STAFF Agency Representative (AREP) Qualified As: Desirable skills include a thorough orientation to applicable coop agreements and knowledge of FS policies and procedures. Required Training: I-100, I-200, L-180, S-110, S-260 PHYS: N Interagency Resource Rep. (IARR) Liaison Officer (LOFR) Qualified As: CRWB OR ENGB Qualified As: None Required Training: I-400, L-180 Required Training: L-180 PHYS: N PHYS: N Fire Use Manager Type 2 (FUM2) Qualified As: RXB2 OR ICT3 Required Training: RX-410, S-580, RT-130 PHYS: M Public Information Officer Type 1 (PIO1) Qualified As: ICT2 Qualified As: SOF2 Qualified As: PIO2 Required Training: S-520, RT-130 Required Training: S-520, RT-130 Required Training: S-520 PHYS: N PHYS: M PHYS: N Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2) Public Information Officer Type 2 (PIO2) Qualified As: ICT3 + OSC2 OR ICT3 + PSC2 OR ICT3 + LSC2 OR ICT3 + FSC2 Qualified As: DIVS Qualified As: None Required Training: S, 404, S-420, RT-130 Required Training: I-100, I-200, I-300, I-400, l-180, S-110, S-130, S-190, S-403, S-420 PHYS: M Prescribed Fire Manager Type 1 (RXM1) Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3) Safety Officer, Line (SOFR) Public Information Officer (PIOF) Qualified As: RXB1 Qualified As: ICT4 + TFLD OR Any STL + any 2 SRB (one must be ENGB or CRWB) + ICT4 Required Training: L-381, S-300, S-390, RT-130, TPSA PHYS: A Qualified As: Any STL OR ICT4 Qualified As: Desirable skills include organizational ability and external communication skills Required Training: I-100, L-180, S-110, S-203 PHYS: N PHYS: N Qualified As: FUM2 OR RXB1 OR ICT2 Required Training: RX-410, S-580, RT-130 PHYS: M Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1) Required Training: S-400, S-420, RT-130 PHYS: N Required Training: I-300, RT-130 Fire Use Manager Type 1 (FUM1) Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 (RXB1) Prescribed Fire Manager Type 2 (RXM2) Qualified As: RXB2 Required Training: RX-410, S-490, RT-130 PHYS: L Qualified As: RXB2 Required Training: I-300, RT-130 PHYS: N PHYS: N Required Training: RT-130 PHYS: M Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 2 (RXB2) Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4) Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) Qualified As: FIRB + ICT4 Qualified As: ENGB OR CRWB OR DOZB OR TRPB OR HELB Required Training: L-280, S-200, S-215, RT-130 Qualified As: FFT2 Required Training: RX-300, RX-410, S-390, RT-130 PHYS: M Required Training: S-131, S-133, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: A PHYS: A WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 8 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 04 OPERATIONS Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1) Qualified As: OSC2 Required Training: S-520, RT-130 PHYS: M Operations Branch Director (OPBD) Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2) Qualified As: OSC2 Required Training: RT-130 PHYS: M Qualified As: DIVS Required Training: S-420, S-430, RT-130 PHYS: M Task Force Leader (TFLD) Structure Protection Specialist (STPS) Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS) Qualified As: Any STL OR any 2 SRB (one must be CRWB or ENGB) + ICT4 Qualified As: DIVS OR ICT3 Required Training: RT-130 PHYS: M Qualified As: TFLD OR ICT3 OR ICT4 + any 2 STL (one must be STCR or STEN) Required Training: S-339, S-381, S-390, RT-130 PHYS: A Required Training: S-215, S-330, S-390, I-300, RT-130 PHYS: A Strike Team Leader Tractor/ Plow (STPL) Strike Team Leader Dozer (STDZ) Strike Team Leader Engine (STEN) Strike Team Leader Crew (STCR) Crew Representative (CREP) Qualified As: TRPB Qualified As: DOZB Qualified As: ENGB Qualified As: CRWB Qualified As: CRWB Required Training: I-300, L-380, S-215, S-330, S-380, RT-130 Required Training: I-300, L-380, S-215, S-330, S-380, RT-130 Required Training: I-300, L-380, S-215, S-330, S-380, RT-130 Required Training: I-300, L-380, S-215, S-330, S-380, RT-130 Required Training: RT-130 PHYS: M PHYS: M PHYS: M PHYS: A PHYS: M Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB) Tractor/Plow Boss, Single Res. (TRPB) Dozer Boss, Single Resource (DOZB) Engine Boss, Single Resource (ENGB) Felling Boss, Single Resource (FELB) Crew Boss Single Resource (CRWB) Qualified As: FFT1 Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-230, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: M Qualified As: FFT1 Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-230, S-233, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: A Qualified As: FFT1 Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-230, S-232, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: A Qualified As: FFT1 Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-215, S-230, S-231, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: A Qualified As: FFT1 Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-230, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: A Qualified As: FFT1 Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-230, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: A Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) Qualified As: FFT2 Required Training: S-131, S-133, S-211, S-212, RT-130 PHYS: A Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2) Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, L-180, S-130, S-190, RT-130 PHYS: A Staging Area Manager (STAM) Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, I-200, S-110, S-260 PHYS: L WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 9 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 05 AIR OPERATIONS Air Operations Branch Director (AOBD) Qualified As: ASGS Required Training: S-470 PHYS: N Air Support Group Supervisor (ASGS) Qualified As: HEB1 Required Training: RT-130, S-375 PHYS: N Air Tactical Group Supervisor (ATGS) Qualified As: DIVS OR ICT3 Required Training: S-378, RT-130 Helibase Mgr Type 1 4 + Helicopters (HEB1) Qualified As: HEB2 Required Training: RT-130 PHYS: L Helibase Mgr. Type 2 1-3 Helicopters (HEB2) Qualified As: HELM OR HELB Required Training: S-371, RT-130 PHYS: L Helicopter Boss, Single Resource (HELB) Helicopter Manager (HELM) Qualified As: HECM + FFT1 Qualified As: HECM + CRWB or ENGB OR HELB Required Training: RT-372, S-372, RT-130 PHYS: M Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-215, S-230, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, S-372, RT-130 PHYS: A Helicopter Crewmember (HECM) Qualified As: FFT2 Required Training: A-219, L-180 (If not obtained in S-130 2003 Revision), S-271, RT-130 PHYS: A PHYS: N Helicopter Coordinator (HLCO) Deck Coordinator (DECK) Qualified As: PARK + LOAD OR HECM ** FS deviates from 310-1 which requires TOLC as required experience.** Required Training: None PHYS: L Qualified As: TFLD OR any STL + HELM OR HELB Required Training: S-378, RT-130 PHYS: N Take-off and Landing Coordinator (TOLC) Qualified As: ABRO Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator (ATCO) Qualified As: Pilot Required Training: None PHYS: L Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-190, S-270, S-290, S-378, S-336 or equiv, Pilot’s License PHYS: N Aircraft Base Radio Operator (ABRO) Single Engine Air Tanker Mgr. (SEMG) Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-270, S-273 PHYS: N Qualified As: HECM OR RADO Required Training: If HECM Exper – I-100 If RADO Exper – A-101, A-109, S-270, S-271 PHYS: N WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 10 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 06 FIXED WING AIRBASE OPERATIONS Single Engine Air Tanker Mgr. (SEMG) Air Tanker Base Manager (ATBM) MAFFS Airtanker Base Manager (MABM) Qualified As: None Qualified As: FWBM Required Training: Familiar with National Air Tanker Contract. Familiar with National Long Term Fire Retardant Contract PHYS: N Qualified As: ATBM Required Training: None Fixed Wing Base Manager (FWBM) MAFFS Tanker Base Specialist (MABS) Qualified As: RAMP Required Training: I-200, S-260, A-103, A-108, A-110, A-111, A-112, A-114, A-115, A-200, A-201, A-202, A-203, A-204, A-205, A-208 PHYS: N Qualified As: Any Airbase Position Required Training: MAFFS Training Exercise Ramp Manager (RAMP) Mixmaster (MXMS) Qualified As: FWPT Qualified As: None Required Training: A-105, A-106, A-107 Required Training: S-270, Familiar with National Long Term Fire Retardant Contract Required Training: I-100, S-270, S-273 . PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N Aircraft Timekeeper (ATIM) Fixed Wing Parking Tender (FWPT) Qualified As: None Qualified As: None Required Training: A-107, A-111, I-100, S-110 Required Training: A-101, A-104, A-109, I-100, S-110, Local Ramp Orientation PHYS: N PHYS: N Retardant Crewmember Qualified As: None Required Training: S-110, I-100, A-101, A-109 PHYS: N ** This position is currently not an approved position defined in Chapter 20 of this handbook. This is included for information only. ** WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 11 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 07 PLANNING Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1) Qualified As: PSC2 Required Training: S-520 PHYS: N Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) Qualified As: SITL + RESL Required Training: S-420, S-440 PHYS: N Fire Behavior Analyst (FBAN) Situation Unit Leader (SITL) Demobilization Unit Leader (DMOB) Documentation Unit Leader (DOCL) Resource Unit Leader (RESL) Qualified As: DIVS Qualified As: Any STL OR Any 2 SRB (one must be CRWB or ENGB) + ICT4 Qualified As: RESL Qualified As: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills. Qualified As: SCKN Required Training: S-490, S-590, RT-130 PHYS: M Required Training: S-346, RT-130 Required Training: S-347 PHYS: N PHYS: L Long Term Fire Analyst (LTAN) Qualified As: FBAN OR FEMO + FIRB Required Training: S-390, S-490, S-491 S-492, S-493, S-590, RT-130 PHYS: M Field Observer (FOBS) Display Processor (DPRO) Qualified As: Any SRB Qualified As: Proven ability to read and interpret topographic maps, orthophoto maps, and aerial photos Required Training: S-244, RT-130 PHYS: M Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, J-342 PHYS: N Qualified As: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability, and communication skills Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-248, OJT with Incident Base Automation (I-Suite) Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-245 PHYS: N PHYS: N Geographic Information System Specialist (GISS) Training Specialist (TNSP) Human Resource Specialist (HRSP) Qualified As: FFT2 Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110 PHYS: N Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-445 PHYS: N Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-340, RT-340 PHYS: N PHYS: M PHYS: N Status/Check-In Recorder (SCKN) Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO) Required Training: S-290, RT-130 Required Training: S-260, S-347, S-348 WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 12 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 08 LOGISTICS Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) Qualified As: LSC2 Required Training: S-520 PHYS: N Support Branch Director (SUBD) Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) Qualified As: LSC2 Service Branch Director (SVBD) Qualified As: FACL + GSUL OR FACL + SPUL Required Training: None Qualified As: LSC2 Required Training: None Required Training: S-420, S-450 PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N Food Unit Leader (FDUL) Communications Unit Leader (COML) Facilities Unit Leader (FACL) Supply Unit Leader (SPUL) Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL) Medical Unit Leader (MEDL) Qualified As: None Qualified As: COMT + INCM Qualified As: BCMG Qualified As: ORDM + RCDM Qualified As: EQPM Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-357 Qualified As: Current EMT certification State License Required Training: S-358 Required Training: S-354 Required Training: S-356 Required Training: S-355 PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-359 PHYS: N Incident Communications Technician (COMT) Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM) Base/Camp Manager (BCMG) Equipment Manager (EQPM) Security Manager (SECM) Qualified As: Desirable skills are experience with communications equip (for example radio, satellite, etc) Required Training: I-100, S-130, S-190, S-258, RT-130 PHYS: L Qualified As: RADO Qualified As: Desirable skills include record keeping, organizational ability and communication skills Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260 PHYS: L Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260 PHYS: N Authority: None required. May not exercise authorities of SEC1, SEC2 or SECG positions unless full qualifications for these are met. Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260 PHYS: N Required Training: S-260 PHYS: N Radio Operator (RADO) Ordering Manager (ORDM) Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110 PHYS: N Qualified As: EDRC Required Training: S-260 PHYS: N Receiving/Dist. Manager (RCDM) Qualified As: Desirable skills include receiving, accounting for, and distributing supplies Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260 PHYS: N WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 13 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 09 FINANCE / ADMINISTRATION Finance/Admin. Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1) Qualified As: FSC2 Required Training: S-520 PHYS: N Finance/Admin. Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2) Incident Business Advisor Type 1 (IBA1) Qualified As: TIME + PROC OR TIME + COST Qualified As: IBA2 Required Training: None Required Training: S-420, S-460 PHYS: N PHYS: N Procurement Unit Leader (PROC) Cost Unit Leader (COST) Time Unit Leader (TIME) Comp/Claims Unit Leader (COMP) Incident Business Advisor Type 2 (IBA2) Qualified As: Federal Delegated acquisition auth to obligate Gov funds of $100,000 or greater. FS deviates from 310-1 not requiring prereq experience of EQTR. See Chapter 20. Required Training: I-100, S-260, S-261, S-360 Qualified As: None Qualified As: PTRC Qualified As: INJR + CLMS Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-261, S-360, I-SUITE Required Training: S-360 Required Training: S-360 Required Training: S-481 PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC) Compensationfor-Injury Specialist (INJR) Claims Specialist (CLMS) Qualified As: None Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-261 Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-261 PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N PHYS: N Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR) Commissary Manager (CMSY) Qualified As: None Qualified As: None Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-261 Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-261 PHYS: N PHYS: N Qualified As: Desirable skills include payroll experience or dayto-day time keeping duties Required Training: I-100, S-110, S-260, S-261, OJT in Incident Base Automation (I-SUITE) PHYS: N WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 14 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 10 DISPATCH Expanded Dispatch Coordinator (CORD) Qualified As: EDSP Required Training: M-480 PHYS: N Expanded Dispatch Supervisory Dispatcher (EDSP) Qualified As: EDSD (in all four functional areas) Required Training: D-510, S-190 PHYS: N Expanded Dispatch Support Dispatcher (EDSD) Qualified As: EDRC Required Training: D-310, I-200, S-260 PHYS: N Initial Attack Dispatcher (IADP) Qualified As: EDRC Required Training: D-311, I-100, L-180, S-130, S-190 PHYS: N Expanded Dispatch Recorder (EDRC) Qualified As: Desirable skills include documentation and organizational ability; and communication skills Required Training: D-110, I-100, S-110 PHYS: N Aircraft Dispatcher (ACDP) Qualified As: EDRC Required Training: D-312 PHYS: N WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 15 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 11 PREVENTION & INVESTIGATION Fire Prevention Education Team Leader (PETL) Qualified As: PETM Required Training: P-301, P-410 PHYS: N Wildland Fire Investigator (INVF) Fire Prevention Education Team Member (PETM) Qualified As: None Required Training: FI-110, I-100, P-101, P-310, S-110, S-130, S-190 PHYS: N Qualified As: FPO Certification or successful completion of basic land mgmt police training program or a criminal investigator training program conducted by FLETC. Required Training: FI-210, I-200 PHYS: L WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 16 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 11.1 - Exhibit 12 PRESCRIBED FIRE USE Prescribed Fire Manager Type 1 (RXM1) Fire Use Manager 1 (FUM1) Long Term Fire Analyst (LTAN) Qualified As: RXB1 Qualified As: RXB1 OR FUM2 OR ICT2 Qualified As: FBAN OR FEMO OR ICT2 Required Training: I-300, RT-130 Required Training: RX-410, S-580, RT-130, Certified by a qualifed FUM1 Required Training: S-390, S-490, S-491, S-492, S-493, S-590, RT-130 PHYS: M PHYS: M PHYS: N Prescribed Fire Manager Type 2 (RXM2) Qualified As: RXB2 Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 (RXB1) Qualified As: RXB2 Required Training: RX-410, S-490, RT-130 PHYS: L Required Training: I-300, RT-130 Fire Use Manager 2 (FUM2) Qualified As: RXB2 OR ICT3 Required Training: RX-410, S-580, RT-130, Certified by a qualifed FUM2 PHYS: M PHYS: N Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 2 (RXB2) Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 2 (RXB2) Qualified As: FIRB + ICT4 Qualified As: FIRB + ICT4 Required Training: RX-300, RX-410, S-390, RT-130 Required Training: RX-300, RX-410, S-390, RT-130 PHYS: M Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB) Qualified As: FFT1 Required Training: I-200, L-280, S-230, S-234, S-260, S-270, S-290, RT-130 PHYS: M PHYS: M Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 3 (RXB3) Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO) Prescribed Fire Crewmember (RXCM) Qualified As: FFT1 Qualified As: FFT2 Qualified As: None Required Training: S-290, RT-130 Required Training: S-290, RT-130 Required Training: I-100, S-130, S-190, RT-130 PHYS: M PHYS: M PHYS: M WO AMENDMENT 5109.17-2006-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/20/2006 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.17_10 Page 17 of 17 FSH 5109.17 - FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 12 - WILDLAND AND PRESCRIBED FIRE QUALIFICATION SYSTEM GUIDE, PMS 310-1 The Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, produced by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), provides national minimum requirements for wildland firefighting personnel qualified to perform fire suppression and fire use related jobs (FSM 5108). The qualifications in PMS 310-1 are the minimums for any organization or agency sending personnel outside their areas of jurisdiction to ensure each person has met experience, training, and physical fitness guidelines. Each agency has the latitude to supplement the position qualification requirements with more specific skill levels and to describe additional levels of positions to meet agency needs. FSH 5109.17 is the controlling document with respect to all fire and aviation management qualifications for Forest Service employees. On all assignments, the qualifications in FSH 5109.17 are the standards that must be met by Forest Service employees.