STATE OF THE DATA CENTER 2013 In 2013, global e-commerce sales topped More Connections, More Devices, High Expectations $1.25 TRILLION 2 Facebook 665,000,000 active users on earth 1 larger than the gross domestic product of 1 IN EVERY 9 people on earth NEARLY 28,000 EVERY MINUTE ONE-FOURTH PHOTOS MEXICO are uploaded to Instagram THAT’S MORE THAN 40,000,000 photos uploaded PER DAY 3 172 MILLION E-READERS 4 5-6 of viewers will abandon an online streaming video if it buffers for at least 5 SECONDS are expected to be sold in 2013 If the video buffers for 10 SECONDS NEARLY ALMOST HALF THE VIEWERS 6 TIMES the number of e-readers sold in 2011 ARE GONE Redefining Huge EVERY HOUR THIS YEAR, MANKIND WILL CREATE 1.9 TRILLION GB OF DATA 7 Equivalent to 118 BILLION Every person on earth enough information is created to fill 46.1 MILLION DVDS 7 would have 16 iPhones 16 GB iPhones 2011 In 2011, there was enough data for each person to have 10. Mount End to end, they’d scale Everest 596 TIMES Failure is not an Option DATA CENTERS ONE COMPLETE AVERAGE OUTAGE PER YEAR SINCE 2011 THE TOTAL NUMBER OF DATA CENTER OUTAGES HAS DECREASED BY BUT EACH COMPLETE DATA CENTER OUTAGE 8 COSTS AN AVERAGE OF $901,560 SOURCES 20% THE COST OF A TOTAL DATA CENTER OUTAGE HAS INCREASED BY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7 . 8. 33% Emerson, Emerson Network Power, and the Emerson Network Power logo are trademark or registered trademarks of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its affiliated companies. © 2013. Emerson Electric Co. Graphical analysis provided for illustration and estimation purposes only. Any and all other brands, product names, or trade names are the property of their respective owners. 8