PHY4604–Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Fall 2004 Problem Set 10 Nov. 17, 2004 Due: Dec. 1, 2004 Reading: Griffiths Secs. 4.1-4.3 1. Hydrogen wave functions. (a) Plot and label the first six (i.e. n=1,2,3, all allowed values of `) radial functions Rn` (r), as functions of r/a0 . These functions are found to be v uµ u 2 ¶3 (n − ` − 1)! Rn` (x) = t e−x/2 x` L2`+1 n−`−1 (x) 3 na0 2n[(n + `)!] (1) where Ln` are associated Laguerre polynomials and x ≡ 2r/(na0 ). • (Option 1.) You may use Maple to calculate and plot these functions. In this case note that the built-in functions L(n, a, x) Maple calls generalized Laguerre polynomials are normalized differently from the associated Laguerre polynomials. To generate associated Laguerre polynomials, type: Laguerre:=(q,xi)->expand(exp(xi)*diff(xi^ q*exp(-xi),xi$q)): This is the def. of Laguerre polynomials, Lq (ξ) = eξ (d/dξ)q (e−ξ ξ q ). Now type ALaguerre:=(q,p,xi)->(-1)^ p*diff(Laguerre(q,xi),xi$p): to define the associated Laguerre polynomials, Lpq−p (ξ) = (−1)p (d/dξ)p Lq (ξ). To get the required L2`+1 n−`−1 occurring in Eq. (1), we need p = 2` + 1 and q = n + `. So define Lnl:=(n,l,xi)->ALaguerre(n+l,2*l+1,xi): Then you should get, e.g. Lnl(3,0,xi); 18 − 18ξ + 3ξ 2 Next define a radial function Rn` using the substitute command subs: Rnl:=(n,l,xi)->subs(xi=2*r/n,expr); where expr is your expression for the form of the Rn` . This is necessary because if you try to define the Laguerre polynomial Laguerre(q,2*r/n), Maple tries to differentiate with respect to the variable 2 ∗ r/n and can’t, whereas subs substitutes 2 ∗ r/n after differentiation. Plot your 6 Rn` vs. r/a0 on a scale of r/a0 = 0..20 and R = −0.2..0.6. 1 • (Option 2.) If you want to avoid Maple, derive the 6 Rn` from the normalization condition and the recursion relation discussed in class. Sketch the curves for Rn` vs. r/a0 , paying particular attention to the values at r = 0, as well as the nodes (values of r/a0 where Rn` = 0). N.B. Do not compare with Fig. 4.4 in Griffiths, as it contains a mistake! 2 pts. extra credit for finding it... (b) Plot the radial probability density P (r) for finding the electron a distance r away from the nucleus for the three cases n, `= (1,0), (2,0), and (3,0). 2 Hint: the radial probability density is not Rn` ! Maple or sketch. Comment on the number of nodes in the wavefunction and its dependence on n; also on the most likely distance of the electron from the nucleus, and how it depends on n. (c) Suppose an electron is in an angular state Y1,1 + Y1,−1 . Plot the angular probability distribution P (θ, φ) by using with(plots): sphereplot(P(theta,phi),phi=0..2*Pi,theta=0..Pi,grid=[51,51], scaling=CONSTRAINED); Sketch also ok. Specify what your plot means, but don’t worry about normalization. 2. Harmonic Oscillator. Find the matrix elements < n|x|n0 > and < n|p|n0 > in the basis consisting of stationary states of the simple harmonic oscillator. Construct the corresponding (infinite) matrices X̂ and P̂ , and show that H = P̂ 2 /2m + (1/2)mω 2 X̂ 2 is diagonal in this basis. Give the diagonal elements. 2