John F. Ross C.V.I. School Council Minutes January 19 , 2016

John F. Ross C.V.I. School Council Minutes
January 19th, 2016
Attendees: Terry Hadaway, Deb Drake, Mary Rayner, Beth Burns, Mary Zahedi, Michael Lewis, Dorota
Lukomska, Iris Johnson, Dilupa Waidyatilake, Charmaine Whitmore, Paul Smith, Nancy Kielar, Katelyn P.
(Jr. Student Council)
Regrets: Paul Deacon, Alicia B. (VP Sr. Student Council)
Welcome and Introductions
Terry Hadaway
Introductions & Attendance (email & phone # collected).
Student Council Report
Katelyn P.
Pajama Day – January 23rd
Next semester – “ten 4 ten” fundraiser series of events to fundraise for the Brain Tumour Foundation of
February 11th – Semi Formal- Athletic Council being held at Italian Canadian Club – Tickets $15.00
F.R.O.S.T.Y. was a great success. Activities raised $6500 including over 300 food hampers distributed.
Final assembly included a number of talent performers. Refer to Principal, Beth Burns twitter account for
more details.
Guest Speakers: Programs at Ross
Michelle Brady - Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Michelle provided an overview of the SHSM programs that give students in Grade 11 and 12 the opportunity
to take a concentration of courses in a subject area. These courses are complimented by practical experience,
certification and in-depth training in the chosen employment sector (Handout provided).
 Students completing this program receive Ontario Secondary School Diploma with embossed red seal
 Students sign up for SHSM program at the end of Grade 10
 Requirements for the SHSM program include:
o A bundle of 8-10 grade 11 and 12 credits (includes English and Math) and 2 Co-op credits
o Sector recognized certification and training, including First Aid, CPR and WHMIS
o Experiential learning, such as work experience and job shadowing
o Reach Ahead Activities, such as visiting a college or university
o The use of the Ontario Skills Passport to develop essential skills
 Co-op program has 100 students per semester with 2 Co-op credits being taken outside of the school
 Programs offered: Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Construction, Environment, Health and Wellness,
Manufacturing, Transportation
 Currently 300 students enrolled in the program
 Each student has the support of a personal guidance counselor who monitors student progress and helps
with course selections, the program is free and on-site at JFR (i.e, others like CELP are off-site)
 This life enriching program provides practical experience, industry certification and opportunities for
enhanced placement:
o Transportation– attending Toyota Plant Tour (March)
o Manufacturing - Air Break day at Conestoga
o Agriculture – farm field day, organic farm visits, University of Guelph trip, chainsaw certification
Arts and Culture – Stratford drama day, Mohawk College Music Career Day, Musicals
Construction – Skyjack training, fall protection and safety
Environment – GPS mapping at Guelph Lake, compass use at Halton Conservation
Cosmetology – 400 students attended Health Unit body piercing/tattoo artist workshop to learn
health and safety practices and infection control
o Health and Wellness – Hot yoga day
Keri Lindsay – Head of Math Department
Keri provided an update on EQAO process and 2014-15 math results for JFR students:
 All grade 9 students in the academic (includes accelerated) and applied streams take the EQAO tests over
2 days at the end of the term
 Purpose of the EQAO tests is to determine how Grade 9 students are meeting curriculum expectations up
to the end of Grade 9
 EQAO tests are reported at the Provincial, School Board and School levels
 Each student and parent receive a summary sheet which tracks student progress
 Academic and applied students take different versions of the tests due to the different expectationsincludes both content and cognitive assessments. IEP accommodations are available.
 Students assessed on understanding of concepts and application of procedures which provides an
understanding of student achievement against the Level 3 provincial standards (corresponds to 70 to 79
per cent range; B)
 Overall 91% of academic and 88% of applied students met provincial standard, 1% and 21% above the
Board level; 6% and 41% above the Provincial level, respectively
 2013-14 – 76% of students met provincial standards in Grade 6 and Grade 9
 Applied math results at JFR have shown significant improvement over the last 3 years in terms of meeting
provincial standards, rising from 41% in 2012/13 to 67% in 2013/14 to 88% in 2014/15
What was done to achieve that improvement? Kerri provided a summary of strategies that JFR has been using
to improve math results:
 Incorporate EQAO style questions in student lessons and evaluations throughout the year
 Honed in on problem solving skills, cognitive thinking
 Math-busters- established a club that provides extra math help where students can ask questions over the
lunch period; provides one-on-one instruction from senior level students which has led to improved
engagement and understanding
 Pre-expose students to the test to increase familiarity with it, to understand the procedure and reduce
anxiety. All grade 9 students write a mock EQAO test (same format, location, instructions and a debrief
following the exam); take feedback from debrief to look for improvements. Approximately 50 students
are then identified for specific remedial help with a one teacher/three student ratio
Next steps:
 Examine EQAO data to develop a school improvement plan
 Continue to collaborate with feeder schools
 Increase the number of students achieving Level 4, increase the number of students who move up a level
Tom Slater – Ross Educational Creative Arts Program (RECAP)
Tom provided an overview of the current program and goal for RECAP at Ross:
 Triple A school – known for athletics, academics and arts programs
 For over 35 years JFR has had a well-recognized drama program being in Sears Drama Festival Finals for
a number of years and moving from 600 th to the Top 12, as well as reaching the All Ontario Finals
numerous times and representing Canada in International competitions
Ross has excellent facilities and programs in the Arts including 2 music rooms, theatre facilities and the
EL Fox Auditorium, and staff includes professional directors and musicians
Until recently, Ross was losing 1 class worth of students annually to Eastwood Collegiate Institute in
Kitchener, a school with a more ‘recognized’ Arts program
Provided impetus to establish Ross as the niche school in Guelph for the Arts; building upon the existing
Arts program in order to become an innovator rather than imitator (e.g. electronic music/production)
Support and recognition from the Upper Grand District School Board and the community has increased
The key was to brand the program (leaflet provided) as RECAP and this has had significant impact on that
loss of students to Eastwood
RECAP is an enriched Arts-focused program that encourages and challenges students through Intensive
Arts courses in Dance, Drama, Music, Media Arts and Visual Art.
RECAP students can also opt in to join the Specialist High Skills Major – Arts and Culture Program at
Ross which offers further study in the Arts including relevant industry certifications, co-op work and field
trips. Advanced placement in university is available with RECAP.
Ross students may enter RECAP program in either Grade 9 or Grade 10 subject to program requirements.
To learn more about RECAP contact:
Administrative Report
Beth Burns
April 25th is an additional Professional Development (PD) day, as a result of the new contract. The School
Year Calendar 2015-2016 has been revised to reflect the additional PD day.
 The Upper Grand French Immersion Report is now available on the UGDSB website
o Focus of report is on French Immersion (FI) at the Elementary School level
o Student population in FI has grown from 3-17% of the total student population
o Impact of increased enrolment trends in FI has put increased pressure on the school board
o Report includes 18 recommendations
o Secondary School French Immersion Report completed no later than June 2017
 “ten 4 ten” fundraiser started at Ross 10 years ago by Yanchus brothers (Mark and Jeff), JFR teachers, to
mark the 20th anniversary of their brother’s death. The year 2016 marks the 10 th anniversary of the event
and 30th anniversary of their brother’s death:
o Event has now expanded city-wide (family event)
o Fundraising events started January 12th with the final fundraising event on April 9th where
teachers, students and others will shave their heads/donate ponytails to raise funds for the Brain
Tumour Foundation of Canada
 Opportunity for Manufacturing students in SHSM program to participate in a one week placement with
Linamar (Spring 2016)
 Musical “Fame” being performed in the E.L. Fox Auditorium at Ross on Feb. 19th and 20th – tickets $15
 CBC productions returned to JFR to film a demonstration tape for a reality television series regarding
kids and staff who work in a high school, based on a successful British reality show. The producers
filmed principal Beth Burns, following her throughout the day. CBC also travelled to several high
schools across Canada in search of the quintessential high school.
o CBC has selected Ross as the school that they would like to film for the series
o 60% of staff approval, however, target approval agreed upon was 66 2/3%
o Staff have raised concerns with respect to disruption to students, impacting on quality of
education, 6-8 week time commitment
o CBC has sent a letter to share with staff to please re-consider and trust them do it right
o Staff are currently reconsidering
o Next step: Town hall with community (if teachers support)
School Council Report
Staff Appreciation Luncheon Planning
Deb Drake & Terry Hadaway
 Thursday, February 11, 2016, Staff Cafeteria (Room 232)
Action: If you are able to donate food items, help with set-up, clean-up or advance shopping, please
contact Deb or Terry ASAP and advise how you can help out and/or what food item you will be
PRO Grant Project Update – Translation
Deb Drake
 PRO Grant funds are being used to translate School Handbook into several languages. Purpose of funding
- support initiatives focused on breaking down barriers preventing parent involvement in the school.
 PRO Grant funds have not yet been deposited into the School Council’s bank account, resulting in a
negative $912 balance at this point
 Translations for 2 new languages (French, Spanish) have been completed at a cost of $1,032.00.
 Invoices have been paid
 Over the last 3 years, the handbook/other resources have been translated in to 9 different languages (e.g.
Mandarin, Farsi, Vietnamese, Arabic, Nepali, Hindi, Turkish, Urdu, Spanish)
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) Update
Deb Drake
 Next Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) meeting being held on February 29 , JD Hogarth, Fergus
 Annual Spring Event: Thursday, April 14, 2016, 4:00-8:00 p.m., Centennial Collegiate Vocational
Institute, Guelph
o Presentation: Breaking Down Barriers Through Parent Engagement by Dr. Debbie Pushor . We can register a delegation of 4 participants
from the school. Note: Let Deb know if you are interested in attending this event
Treasurer’s Report
 PRO Grant funding is outstanding, HST Rebate pending, Nov. refreshment receipt to be paid
 Funding available for Grade 9 orientation (Parent Café), meetings and snacks
Deb Drake
New Business
 Term 1 exams – January 28 to February 3 . PD day February 4 .
 Report cards deadline February 12 (at earliest)
 Course selection last day February 17
 Principal Leadership Report is due late February/early March. Based on feedback received at the meeting,
Deb will send out draft report to council members for input and review
 Dufferin Parent Support Network (Orangeville) – sponsoring upcoming event on Thursday, May 12th.
 Check out YouTube for videos from Canada’s Greatest Music Class Competition. Ross, GCVI and
Orangeville all had great submissions.
Next Meeting: February 16th, 2016