PEGGY M. BERANEK, PH.D. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 719/255-3196

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
College of Business
Ph.D. University of Arizona, Management Information Systems, 1991
Dissertation title: Stimulating Human Learning by means of a Cognitively
Engineered Learning Support System: An Empirical Study
Masters of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin, 1984
Bachelor of Arts, University of Wisconsin, Computer Science, Spanish, 1982
Interim Associate Dean, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Spring 2014
Associate Professor, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, 2002 – present
Department Head, Information Systems Department, Fall 2004 – Spring 2005
Associate Professor, Bentley College, Computer Information Systems dept., 1997
- 2002
Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, Computer Information
Systems dept., 1990 - 1997
1. Building User Engagement for Successful Software Projects: Meaningfulness,
Safety, and Availability, Peggy Beranek, Gary Klein and James Jiang, The Pacific
Asia Journal for the Association of Information Systems, September, 2014, Vol.
6, No. 3.
2. The Impact of Training on Virtual Project Teams: A TIP Investigation, Peggy M.
Beranek, Cathy Claiborne, International Journal of Information Technology for
Project Management, January-March, 2012, vol. 3, No. 1.
3. Team Trust in Online Education: Assessing and Comparing Team-member Trust
in Online Teams Versus Face-to-Face Teams, Peggy M. Beranek and Monique
M. French, Journal of Distance Education, 2011, Vol. 25, No. 3.
4. The Relationship of Control and Learning to Project Performance, Gary Klein,
Peggy Beranek, James Jiang, Ben Martz, CBS, Cybernetics and Systems: An
International Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2-3, 2006.
Making Virtual Teams More Effective: Improving Relational Links, Peggy M.
Beranek and Ben Martz, Team Performance Management Journal, Vol. 11, No.
5/6, 2005.
6. Management of Virtual Project Teams: Guidelines for Team Leaders, Peggy M.
Beranek, Joanna Broder, Nicholas Romano and Bruce Reinig, Communications
of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 16(Article 10): 247-259,
7. Training to Improve Virtual Team Communication, Merrill Warkentin and Peggy
M. Beranek, Information Systems Journal, v. 9, n. 4, October (1999), 271-290.
8. Collaborative Technologies: Insight From the Classroom Experience, Peggy M.
Beranek and Karen D. Loch, Journal of Informatics Education and Research, v.1,
n.1, (1999), 13-22.
9. Facilitation of Computer-Supported Distributed Group Meetings: Not Feasible,
or Critically Important? Catherine M. Beise, Fred Niederman and Peggy M.
Beranek, Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal, v 1, n.1,
winter (1999), 33-44.
10. An Intelligent Agent Community for Supporting Distributed Decision-Making,
Greg Elofson, Peggy M. Beranek and Philomena Thomas, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 8398, May 1997, Decision Support Systems.
11. Issues and Concerns about Computer Supported Meetings: The Facilitator’s
Perspective, Niederman, Fred, Cathy Beise and Peggy M. Beranek,
Management Information Systems Quarterly, v. 20, n. 1, March, 1996.
12. Usefulness and Ease of Use: Field Study Evidence Regarding Task
Considerations, Mark Keil, Peggy M. Beranek and Benn R. Konsynski,
Decision Support Systems, v. 13, (1995) 75-91.
13. The Integration of Cognitive Learning Strategies in an Undergraduate Computer
Architecture Class, Peggy M. Beranek, the Journal of Computer Information
Systems, v. 35, n. 4, (1995), 7-12.
14. Facilitation Issues in Distributed Group Support Systems, Fred Neiderman,
Catherine M. Beise and Peggy M. Beranek, Special Interest Group on Computer
Personnel Research, March 1993.
15. Facilitating Technology-Supported Group Work: A New Category of IS
Personnel, Catherine M. Beise, Fred Niederman and Peggy M. Beranek,
Computer Personnel Research, ACM Press (1992) 14, 6-15.
“Community Gone Awry: A Tale of Accounting Fraud, Override of Internal
Controls and Conflicts of Interest”, Peggy M. Beranek and Kim Zahller, (full
paper) National American Case Research Association Conference (NACRA),
October 17-19, 2013 Victoria, BC, Canada.
2. “Time, Interaction and Performance in Online Student Teams: A Training
Approach“, Peggy M. Beranek, International Technology, Education and
Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, March 2012.
“The Impacts of Virtual Team Training: A TIP Investigation”, Peggy M. Beranek
and Cathy Claiborne, EduLearn Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
4. “An Investigation of Virtual Project Management Methods and Techniques: Best
Practices”, Peggy M. Beranek and Ben Martz, EDINEB Conference, Lisbon
Portugal, June 2006.
5. “An Investigation of Virtual Project Management Methods and Techniques: Best
Practices”, Peggy M. Beranek and Ben Martz, EDINEB Conference, Lisbon
Portugal, June 2006.
6. “The Impact of Internet Noise”, Ben Martz, Chris Brewer and Peggy M. Beranek,
EDINEB Conference, Lisbon Portugal, June 2006.
7. "Maximizing the Success of Distance Learning: Assuring Customer Satisfaction",
Ben Martz, Morgan Shepherd, Peggy Beranek and Venkat Reddy, 8th
International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznan, Poland April
20-22, 2005.
8. "The Relationship of Control and Learning to Project Performance", Gary Klein,
Peggy Beranek, Al Davis, Ben Martz, 8th International Conference on Business
Information Systems, Poznan, Poland April 20-22, 2005.
9. A Comparison of Relational and Trust Training Techniques for Virtual Team
Communication: How Much Training is Enough? Peggy M. Beranek,
Proceedings of the Hawaiian International Conference of Systems Sciences, 2005.
10. A Comparison of Relationship Development Activities on Group Interactions,
Peggy M. Beranek and Ben Martz, The Americas Conferences on Computer
Information Systems (AMCIS), Aug. 10-13, 2000, Long Beach, CA
11. Effects of Virtual Team Communication and Trust Development, Peggy M.
Beranek, proceedings of The Hawaiian International Conference on Systems
Sciences, January 4-7, 2000.
12. A Hospital Catches the Millennium Bug, Janis L. Gogan and Peggy M Beranek,
proceedings of The North American Case Research Association, October 28-30,
13. IT and Service Excellence: Challenges at a Rural Hospital, Janis L. Gogan and
Peggy M. Beranek, proceedings of International Service Operations Management
Association (SOMA) Conference, August 1999, Boston, MA
14. Developing Techniques for Managing Information Overload in Meetings, Peggy
M. Beranek, Catherine M. Beise and Fred Niederman, proceedings of The
Association for Information Systems, August 16-18, 1996, Phoenix, AZ.
15. Facilitation and Group Support Systems, Peggy M. Beranek, Catherine M. Beise
and Fred Niederman, proceedings of The Hawaiian International Conference of
Systems Sciences, Vol. IV p. 199-207. Jan 4-9, 1993.
16. Facilitating Technology-Supported Group Work: A New Category of IS
Personnel, Catherine M. Beise, Fred Niederman and Peggy M. Beranek,
Proceedings of Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research
Conference, March 1992.
17. Assessing Program Visualization Systems as Instructional Aids, Badre, Albert,
Margaret M. Beranek, J. Morgan Morris, and John Stasko, In I. Tomek, editor,
Computer Assisted Learning: Lecture Notes on Computer Science
#602,.Springer-Verlag, Proceedings of 4th The International Conference on
Computers-Assisted Learning, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, CAN July 1992.
18. Coordination and Control for Collaborative Workstation Design, Mark O.
Pendergast and M. Beranek, Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction
Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 1991.
19. Building More Meaning into the Modeling Process, Margaret M. Beranek and
Connie E. Wells, Proceedings of The International Conference of Simulation and
Gaming, Management of Information Systems (MoIS) session, Kyoto, Japan, July
20. Collaborative Strategic Product Design, Margaret M. Beranek, Proceedings of
the Decision Sciences Institute, 22nd Annual Meeting, November, 1991, Miami,
1. A Comparison of Training Techniques for Developing Trust in Virtual Teams,
Peggy M. Beranek, Ben Martz and Monique French, Encyclopedia of Networked
and Virtual Organizations, Idea Group Goran D. Putnik and Maria Manuela
Cunha (eds.)(2008).
2. Training to Improve Virtual Trust, Team Performance, and Effectiveness,
Monique French and Peggy M. Beranek, Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual
Organizations, Idea Group, Goran D. Putnik and Maria Manuela Cunha
3. Guidelines for Managing Dispersed Teams: Enhancing Communication and
Productivity, Peggy M. Beranek, Handbook of Business Strategy Patricia Coate
(ed.) 2006.
1. “Community Gone Awry”, Peggy M. Beranek and Kim Zahller, Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 8-11, 2013, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. (abstract)
2. “Tags, Trust and Walmart”, Kim Zahller and Peggy M. Beranek, Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 8-11, 2013, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. (abstract)
3. “What do you mean that will cost me $180.00?”, Peggy M. Beranek and Peggy
Knock, accepted for National American Case Research Association Conference,
October 25-27, 2012 Boston, MA.
4. “From User to Participation to Co-Production: Moving from User to Customer”,
Peggy M. Beranek, Society of Business Research, Phoenix, AZ, March 2012.
5. “Analyzing the Dimensions of ‘Virtuality’ in Virtual Team Research”, Peggy M.
Beranek, Society of Business Research, Phoenix, AZ, March 2012.
6. Techniques for Organizing and Managing Virtual Work Teams, Panel Discussion,
Collaboration and Virtual Teams, November 3-5, 2004, Tucson, AZ.
7. Managing the Virtual Team: Directions for Project Managers, INFORMS,
Denver, CO, 2004.
8. Techniques for Organizing and Managing Virtual Work Teams, Panel Discussion,
Collaboration and Virtual Teams, Peggy M. Beranek, November 3-5, 2004,
Tucson, AZ.
9. Managing Convergence in GSS Meetings, Peggy M. Beranek, proceedings of The
Institute of Operations Research and Management Science Conference, May 6,
1997, San Diego, CA.
10. Use of a GSS in the Classroom, Peggy M. Beranek and Karen Loch, presented at
Information Resources Management Association (IRMA), May 1994, San
Antonio, TX.
1. Tags, Trust and Walmart”, Kim Zahller and Peggy M. Beranek, currently under
revise and resubmit at Issues in Accounting Education.
2. “Community Gone Awry: A Tale of Accounting Fraud, Override of Internal
Controls and Conflicts of Interest”, Peggy M. Beranek and Kim Zahller, currently
under revise and resubmit at Issues in Accounting Education.
1. INFS 3000 Introduction to Information Systems and Technology,
Undergraduate * (On campus and Online)
2. OPTM 6490 Virtual Teams in Project Management, Graduate *
3. OPTM 6300/6390 Managing Projects for Strategic Advantage, Graduate
4. INFS 6000, Introduction to Information Systems, Graduate
5. BUAD 6690 Managing Technology for Strategic Advantage and Innovation,
Graduate *
6. INFS 6600/6690 Data Base Principles, Graduate
7. INFS 3400 Data Base Concepts and Applications, Undergraduate
8. BA 201 Introduction to IS for Business Students, Undergraduate
9. CIS 410 Data Structures, Undergraduate
10. CIS 800 Introduction to Computer Information Systems, Graduate
11. CIS 811 Information Technology Infrastructure, Graduate *
12. CIS 865 Information Technology and Collaborative Work, Graduate *
13. CIS 918 Research Methods for Information Systems, Ph.D. seminar
14. CIS 930 Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems, Ph.D. seminar *
15. CIS 838 Readings in Information Systems, Graduate
16. CIS 480 Computer Architecture, Undergraduate
17. CIS 880 Computer Organization, Graduate
18. CS 220 Computer and Information Structures, Undergraduate
19. CS 641 Computer Systems Architecture, Graduate
20. CS 652 Data Management, graduate
* Courses developed by Dr. Beranek
• Interim Associate Dean, Spring 2014
• Department Chair – Business Analysis Department, Fall 2013
• Search Committee Chair, Information Systems New Faculty, Fall-Spring 2013-2014
• Undergraduate Team, College of Business
• Online Undergraduate Committee
• Academic Program Committee
BlackBoard Transition team
Faculty Senate, COB Representative
Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC)
Faculty Senate Rep for Information Technology Advisory Committee
Research Misconduct Committee
Search Committee for Dean of COB
Search Committee for Dean of LAS
Graduate Team, College of Business
Strategy Team, College of Business
Search Committee MBA director, College of Business