18.369 Problem Set 1 P Due Friday, 15 February 2007. are n cn Hn in the eigenvetors Hn with some oeients cn . It is suient to show that there Problem 1: Adjoints and operators Show that for a dimensional linearly independent eigenvetors (i) Show that every O (a) We dened the adjoint † of operators Ô by: hH1 , ÔH2 i = hÔ† H1 , H2 i for all H1 and H2 in the vetor spae. d d×d Hn : Hermitian matrix has at least one nonzero eigenvetor H1 [... use the fundamental theorem of algebra: every polynomial with degree nite- > 0 has at least one (possibly omplex) root℄. Hilbert spae, where H is a olumn hn (n = 1, · · · , d), Ô is a square d × d (1) matrix, and hH , H (2) i is the ordinary onP (1)∗ (2) jugated dot produt n hn hn , the above (ii) Show vetor that the spae {H | hH, H1 i = 0} of V1 orthogonal to = H1 is preserved (transformed into itself or a Ô . From this, show that (d − 1) × (d − 1) Hermitian subset of itself ) by adjoint denition orresponds to the onjugate- we an form a transpose for matries. matrix whose eigenvetors (if any) give (via a similarity transformation) the remaining In the subsequent parts of this problem, you may not Ô assume that (if any) eigenvetors of is nite-dimensional (iii) By indution, form an orthonormal basis of (nor may you assume any spei formula for d the inner produt). not Ô eigenvetors for the d-dimensional spae. (b) Completeness is not automati for eigenvetors (b) Show that if Ô is simply a number o, then Ô† = o∗ . (This is the same as the previous question, sine Ô . in general. Give an example of a non-singular non-Hermitian operator whose eigenvetors are not omplete. (A 2 × 2 matrix is ne. This ase here an at on innite- dimensional spaes.) is also alled defetive.) () If a linear operator Ô the operator is alled satises unitary. Ô† = Ô−1 , then () Completeness of the eigenfuntions is not au- Show that a uni- tomati tary operator preserves inner produts (that is, if we apply for Hermitian operators on dimensional spaes either; Ô to every element of a Hilbert spae, innite- they need to have then their inner produts with one another are some additional properties (e.g. ompatness) u of a (|u| = 1) for this to be true. However, it is true of most op- unhanged). Show that the eigenvalues unitary operator have unit magnitude erators that we enounter in physial problems. not and that its eigenvetors an be hosen to be If a partiular operator did orthogonal to one another. basis of eigenfuntions, what would this mean have a omplete about our ability to simulate the solutions on a −1 exists), (d) For a non-singular operator Ô (i.e. Ô −1 † † −1 show that (Ô ) = (Ô ) . (Thus, if Ô is Her−1 mitian then Ô is also Hermitian.) omputer in a nite omputational box (where, when you disretize the problem, it turns approximately into a nite-dimensional problem)? No rigorous arguments required here, just your thoughts. Problem 2: Completeness (a) Prove that dimensional matrix) are the eigenvetors Hn Hermitian operator omplete : that is, of a Ô (a that nite- Problem 3: Maxwell eigenproblems d × d any d- (a) In lass, we eliminated dimensional vetor an be expanded as a sum E from Maxwell's equa- tions to get an eigenproblem in 1 H alone, of the ω2 c2 H(x). stead eliminate H, you form Θ̂H(x) = eigenproblem in ε = onstant. Show that if you in- annot E get a Hermitian exept for the trivial ase Instead, show that you get a eralized Hermitian eigenproblem : ω2 c2 B̂E(x), where are Hermitian operators. the form B̂ (b) For ÂE(x) = any generalized gen- an equation of both  and Hermitian eigenproblem where denite (i.e. hE, B̂Ei > 0 for show that the eigenvalues B̂ is positive 1 all E(x) 6= 0 ), ÂE = λB̂E) are real and E1 and E2 satisfy a orthogonality. Show that B̂ for (i.e., the solutions of that dierent eigenfuntions modied kind of the E eigenproblem above was indeed positive denite. () Show that both the E and H formulations lead to generalized Hermitian eigenproblems with real if we allow magneti materials µ require (d) or ω ). µ and media. ǫ µ(x) 6= 1 real, positive, and independent of are only ordinary numbers for More generally, they are ω (but H isotropi 3×3 matri- es (tehnially, rank 2 tensors)thus, in an anisotropi medium, by putting an applied eld in one diretion, you an get dipole moment in dierent diretion in the material. Show what onditions these matries must satisfy for us to still obtain a generalized Hermitian eigenproblem in 1 Here, E (or H) when we say with real eigen-frequeny E(x) 6= 0 ω. we mean it in the sense of generalized funtions; loosely, we ignore isolated points where E is nonzero, as long as suh points have zero integral, sine suh isolated values are not physially observable. Gelfand and Shilov, Generalized Funtions. See e.g. 2