Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 6 No. 4 (1983) 705-713 7O5 SUPREMUM NORM DIFFERENTIABILITY I.E. LEONARD and K.F. TAYLOR Department of Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OWO (Received June I, 1982) ABSTRACT. The points of Gateaux and Frchet differentiability of the norm in C(T, E) are obtained, where T is a locally compact Hausdorff space and E is a real Banach space. Applications of these results are given to the space all bounded sequences in E operators from Z E into and to the space Z(E) of B(Z I, E) of all bounded linear KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Banach space, continuo functions, vector-valued functions, supremum norm, smooth points. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 46B20, Primary: 46E40. Secondary: 46A32, 46A45. 1. INTRODUCTION. In [I], Banach proved that if T is a compact metric space and C(T) Banach space of all continuous real valued functions on T with the supremum norm, then im Ilf + ,g]]- I./0 exists for all If(to) > If(t) g C(T) for all if and only if there exists a t T t tO tO is the T such that 706 I. E. LEONARD AND K. F. TAYLOR T is a locally compact, non- This theorem, however, is no longer true if compact, Hausdorff space; as can easily be seen by considering the Banach space of all bounded real valued sequences with the supremum norm. In fact, if IN topology, then If we let x x peaks at n is the set of positive integers equipped with the discrete of all bounded continuous functions on IN n then for n > and x n but because of the behaviour of x at infinity and the l C (N) the space {Xn}n_>l l where Xn existence of Banach limits, it is possible to find two distinct support functionals to the ball in Z at x is not a smooth point. x so that In this note, we characterize the points of Gateaux and Frchet differenti- C(T, E) ability of the norm function in the space of all bounded continuous T E-valued functions on the locally compact Hausdorff space E where is a real Banach space. The first is to the space Two applications of these results are given. E of all bounded sequences in bounded linear operators from E into DEFIN TIO.NS AND IOTATI ON. 2. In the following, E S The unit ball of {x E E llxll E E I} A Banach space E denotes a real Banach space and is BE is the unit sphere of I({I}) B E at with E x if and only if there {0} X that is, there exists only T II@II such that ap E* E p(x) llxli is called the x-IT is said to be a smooth Banach space if it is smooth at every The norm function x E* and its boundary x SUpport functional to B E at ]T X is called the hyperplane of support to B A Banach space E at Such a linear functional p q I} denotes the dual of E* E is said to be smooth at one continuous linear functional and xll -< E {x exists a unique hyperplane of support to E B(Z I, E) of all and the second to the space Z1 Z(E) ll-li E-FR + llx S E is said to be Gateaux differentiable at {0} if and only if there exists a functional lira x + >hti- llxjl > # (h) E* ith o (*) SUPREMUM NOI DIFFERENTIABILITY for every at x E x E at E h ]m fix. +._hil + E +;R .J’" 3. __(.h) exists for all s E such that (**) BE smooh aZ E h E* 0 (*) exists uniformly for h E x f and only {0} f and only f he norm function is Gateaux diffentiable at SMOOTH POINTS IN If jixll well known, Mazur [8], ha xhJJ- llxll jlx + Frchet differentiable is said to be if and only if there exists a functional that is, the limit in s I+ E The norm function im i is called the Gateaux derivative of the norm The functional {0} 707 x C(T, E) T is a topological space and E is a real Banach space, then denotes the Banach space of all bounded continuous E-valued functions on C(T, E) T with the supremum norm; that is, C(T, E) and Jjfj {f: T sup {jf(t)J E f t is bounded and continuous} T} for f s C(T, E) As mentioned earlier, Banach [I] proved that if T is a compact metric space, then C(T) C(T, ) is smooth at that is, the exists a point toT, t 0 f if and only if 0 T such that jjf f is a peaking function, if(to) > Jf(t)J for all tt 0 Kondagunta [6], and Cox and Nadler [3], have characterized the points of Gateaux and Fr6chet differentiability of the nora in C(T, E) Hausdorff. when T is compact Cox and Nadler, in the same paper, give a characterization of the points of Fchet differentiability of the norm in C(T, ) when T is locally compact Hausdorff. In this section, we generalize these sults to the space C(T, E) is locally compact Hausdorff. when T The techniques used by Cox and Nadler will not work in this case, since, in general, the range of compact and hence no extension to an f c C(T, E) C(6T, E) is no longer relatively is possible. However, a slight modification of the argument given in K6the [7], (page 352), for the corresponding sult in Z does work. 708 I.E. LEONARD AND K.F. TAYLOR As usual, the results on smoothness are the more difficult, and the results on Frchet differentiability follow as a corollary THEOREM 3I space Let T be a locally compact Hausdorff space and E a Banach A point f (!) there C(T, E), f exists a O, is a smooth point of T such that tO C(T, E) llf(to)ll > llf(t)ll if and only if for all T, t tt 0 (ii) there exists a compact neighborhood K of t O such that sup tT~K (ii___i) f(to) llf(t)ll llfll < is a smooth point of E PROOF. A f II.II Assume first that the norm C(T, E) C(T, E) [R where we may (and do) assume that + is Gateaux differentiable at IIfll T R+ achieves its maximum (I) we show first that if the mapping IIf(.)ll at t O T such that then tO is unique. llf(to)ll llf(tl)ll Suppose there exist t t T, t O O For t T and 0 E* let aO,t denote the evaluation functional given by I160,tI then choose Then at for all E* with 00, 01 and 600,t 0 f T t O,t(g) SE, 0 10011 IlOll o(g(t)) llf(t)ll Ol,t or there exists a < O0(f(to) l(f(tl) f T tO K sup for all IIf(t)II t an extension, sup teT-K llf(t)ll and T Then F [If(t)ll < t for all either such that T C(T, E) C(T, E) is a smooth point in llf(to)ll To the contrary, suppose there exists a compact set K c_T tT~K C(T, E) g are distinct support functionals to the ball in (II) We show next that given any compact set K T sup C(T, E)* Using the Hahn-Banach theorem, such that which contradicts the fact that tT~K for tl, K such that Fo(t Let llf(t)ll F0 is a bounded continuous function on T and thus has to T we have the A A Stone-ech compactification of F -l(1) CI(T / {t n=l T T) K Also 0 F(t) T > l_} n Since SUPREMUM NORM DIFFERENTIABILITY A is a and thus Ga BT set in ech By [2], singletons in BT~T are not sets, so A contains at least two distinct points Let and {pu} q @u(f(pu)) v (f(q) q Then and and @u For each II@ll <- {9 and @(f) let F(pu) Also, for each u F(q) Let is a (f) and Ilqbll E* with for each <_ such that is a @ Since be that @ We will show that this is impossible Q U {q} Then {qu} and u C(T, E)* @, C(T, E) is assumed to be a smooth point in P and By construction, { C(T, E) at f f and are support functionals to the ball in and @ llull w*-accumulation point of the net w*-accumulation point of the net and, thus, Let P it must {pu}U{p} Q are disjoint closed subsets of T and p and for each ,q II@ull llull pu T such that with c Ga q and C(T, E)* is w*-compact, there exist IIII and E* choose ,P C(T, E)* and Since the ball in with p be disjoint nets contained in {qu} T in 709 and which is a compact Hausdorff space and therefore normal. < h I, h 2 _< I, h + of h to T as well. 0 h2 Clearly, if and IIII llII contradicts llf(t)ll (III) Finally we show that llfll (I), hlg we see that there exists a t K then sup tT-K llf(t)ll llqll llp211 tO E* with this implies that the ball in Therefore h2g h2g ker we have Since 0 @ K with Ilf(t 0)II @ , But, this for any 6@l,tO, C(T, E) at f f(to) @2,to I (i__), (i__i), (iii) hold Taking K for all 01’ @2 T tO llf(to)ll > llf(t)ll set with + and @ Therefore, we must have that either or there exists < ker K_c T compact set since hlg then C(T, E) can be written as g g sup tT~K hl (P) and C(T, E) g Let h I, h 2 C(BT) with h2(Q) 0 Use h for the restriction tO tO T with llf(to)ll Again by (II), if < such that in (II), and from K T is a compact If there exist distinct functionals @l(f(to) qb2(f(to) then C(T, E)* are distinct support functionals to which contradicts the fact that is a smooth point of E f is a smooth point. I. E. LEONARD AND K. F. TAYLOR 710 B.. Conversely, suppose that hold; then there exists a unique compact set at K:_ T and (i), (ii), T such that llf(t 0)II to K tO with llfll C(T, E) f llf(t)II sup such that there exists a < and be such that llf(t)ll tT~K and (iii) E is smooth f(to) C(T, E) Let g for all tT~K f(t) Thus, g If 0 g(t) + 0 < and let II < f(to) < 6 > 0 6 T t for all T t then for K < IIf(t O) II- 6 we have K whenever 0 < < On the other hand, Therefore, for < < a 21lgl llf(t)+ ),g(t)II sup tT Since 0 sup tK llf(t)+ g(t)ll K is compact, by Kondagunta’s result [6] IIf(t) sup tK lim g(t)II- sup llf(t)II + tK IIf lim +0 t xgil- Ilfll /0 exists for all C(T, E) g Hence C(T, E) is smooth at f q.e.d. An analogous result holds for the Frchet differentiability of the norm in C(T, E) COROLLARY 3.2. space. f Let T be a locally compact Hausdorff space and E The norm function C(T, E) f 0 II.I! of {t O is a Banach Frchet differentiable at if and only if (i) there exists a unique (ii) C(T, E)/ IR + T such that to T is an open subset of that is, IIf(to)ll > t O sup tt 0 llf(t)ll is an isolated point T (iii) the norm function (Note" (ii) follows from (i) II-I E /[R + is Frchet differentiable at f(to) SUPREMUM NORM DIFFERENTIABILITY 711 PROOF A f Suppose that s tO C(T E) llfll C(T, E), exists a I I s sup tT-K / is Frchet differentiable at C(T, E) is smooth at f then the ball in llf(t)II T t for all so there K of t O such that T and a compact neighborhood (I) llf(t 0)II > ]]f(t)ll (2) IR / t to < (3) E is smooth at f(t O) Now lim Ill + II Ilfll lim >, /0 supllf(t) + xg(t)ll supllf(t)ll tK tK ,/0 exists uniformly for g BC(T, result of Cox and Nadler [3] shows that Fr6chet differentiable at f(to) compact, the uniqueness of t O K is compact, an appeal to the and since E) {t II.II is open and O Also, since {t sup shows that tt 0 is open and O llf(t)ll + E /IR K {t is O is < Conversely, suppose that (i), (ii), and (iii) hold. Using the previous theorem, + and taking is Gateaux differentiable at f we see that ll.II C(T, E)/JR B. K {t 0} lim IIf + xgll llfll lim llf(t)II /o /0 exists uniformly for able at llf(to) + xg(t)II g BC(T, I I E) since E/ [R + is Frchet differenti- f(t O) q .e .d. 4. APPLICATIONS. A. l(E) Z (E) If {x E is a Banach space, then {Xn}n>iI with the supremum norm, xll xn c E n _> for and sup n>_l sup n>_l xn I llxnll < I. E. LEONARD AND K. F. TAYLOR 712 THEOREM 4.1. + /IR Let II.II (E) E be a Banach space, then the norm function is Gateaux (Frchet) differentiable at x {Xn}n_>l, x 0 if and only if (i) there exists an n O such that nn 0 llXnl (ii) sup PROOF. xn Let IN for n no II-II E/ IR+ is Gateaux (Fr6chet) O denote the set of positive integers equipped with the discrete Z(E) topology, then llXnl > llxll < (iii) the norm function differentiable at llXnoll C([N, E) the space of bounded continuous functions on the locally compact Hausdorff space E-valued N q.e.d. B. B(ZI, E) Let E be a Banach space, let absolutely summable real valued sequences with a from Z into that is n llall lanl n E {6nk THEOREM 4.2. ll-II be the Banach space of all for n=l and let B(Z I, E) be the space of all bounded linear operators For n -> let be the n th basis vector in Z Z {an}n_l Z B(Z I, E)/ IR k>l Let + E be a Banach space, then the norm function is Gateaux (Frchet) differentiable at T B(Z I, E) if and only if n (i) there exists an n O such that IIT( O )If (ii) sup nn 0 PROOF. for T B(ZI, T(6 nO The mapping E) llT(n)ll for n nO llT(n)ll < IITII (iii) the norm function differentiable at > " II-II E /IR + B(Z I, E) is Gateaux Z(E) is a linear isometry of given by (Frchet) o(T) {T(n)}n>_l B(Z I, E) onto Z(E) REMARKS. I. In connection with the second example, it should be mentioned that Kheinrikh [5] has given a complete characterization of the points of Gateaux and Fr6chet SUPREMUM NORM DIFFERENTIABILITY differentiability of the norm in from E F into where K(E, F) 713 the space of compact linear operators E and F are Banach spaces. He has also given a characterization of the points of Frchet differentiability of the norm in the space of bounded linear operators from this paper). E into F B(E, F) (no proofs are given in However, the more difficult question of smoothness in B(E, F) is still unanswered. 2. Regarding Theorem 3.1. )erhaps this will clear up the popular misconception that, for T locally compact Hausdorff, if and only if f peaks at some T tO C(T, E) (or C(T, R)) is smooth at f (See e.g. Holmes [4], p. 232, #4.10). A result which is obviously false, as the example in the intr(duction demonstrates. RE FE REN CE S Thorie des Operations Linaies, Monografie Mat. I__, Warsaw, 1932. I. 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