Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 6 No. 2 (1983) 341-362 341 ON SOLVING THE PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM BARUCH CAHLON Department of Mathematical Sciences Oakland University Rochester, Michigan 48063 ALAN D. SOLOMON Mathematics and Statistics Research Division Computer Science Division Union Carbide Corporation-Nuclear Division Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 LOUIS J. NACHMAN Department of Mathematical Sciences Oakland University Rochester, Michigan 48063 (Received August 15, 1980 and in revised form February 6, 1981) ABSTRACT. This paper presents a numerical method for finding the solution of Plateau’s problem in parametric form. Using the properties of minimal surfaces we succeded in transfering the problem of finding the minimal surface to a problem of minimizing a functional over a class of scalar functions. A numerical method of minimizing a functional using the first variation is presented and convergence is proven. A numerical example is given. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Minimal surface, algorithm, parametric form, Dirichlet’s integral, lrmonic function. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 65K10 1. INTRODUCT ION. In this paper, we present a method for the numerical solution of the Plateau problem in parametric form. Sp.ecifically, we seek a minimal surface spanning a simple B. CAHLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACHMAN 342 If the curve is planar then the problem reduces closed curve in 3-dimensional space. to that of finding a conformal mapping onto its interior. In To the numerical analyst the Plateau problem presents a formidable challenge. the non-parametric case, when the surface and bounding curve admit of a single-valued projection onto an plane, the problem reduces to solving the minimal surface x,y equation + z y 2 )z xx (i for the height z(x,y) 2z z xy + (i x y + 2 x )z yy (.i) 0 x,y plane, and for boundary values of the surface above the defining the given bounding curve. z Finite difference iterative schemes for(l.l)have been examined by Concus [2] and Greenspan [3], [4 ]. In the parametric case, where the surface is not assumed to admit a single valued x(u,v) planar projection, a vector function representation is used. Here x(u,v) is defined on a domain structure determines that of the surface. x(u,v) becomes one of finding A. kx= O, on B. x C. x -+2 -+2 x 0 x x V U U V maps the boundary of P in the (x(u,v),y(u,v),z(u,v)) (u,v) plane whose By a theorem of Weierstrass [5] the problem such that on onto the bounding curve(s) of the surface in a monotonic fashion. A numerical scheme for simultaneously attaining although is in fact a boundary condition for B work with cannot be easily derived, for A,B,C A [I], it is not clear how one may C In the following we introduce a method for computing the solution of this problem. The method depends on our recognizing the solution as a function minimizing the Dirichlet integral over all functions satisfying C Similar to the method of safe descent of R. Courant [I], we define the Dirichlet integral as a functional on a class is G of scalar functions "sewed" onto its bounding curve. given in section 2. g d(g) which determine the manner in which the surface The percise definition of this functional is In section 3 the derivation of the first variation of performed, and as an obvious consequence we see that a stationary value for d(g) d(g) is PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM 343 d(g) In section 4 we define a method for minimizing defines a minimal surface. based on the use of the first variation; we then prove the convergence of the method and discuss its computational implementation, which is described in section 5. 2. DEFINITION OF d(g). Let C h() C: x We assume that for arc length o. h’(2), h"(O)= h"(2) h’(O) (x,y,z) be a simple closed curve in h Let (u, v) given by 2 (2.1) < 2 0 < is twice continuously differentiable with t(o) b(o) C binormal, normal, curvature and torsion of circle in the space of length n(o) () respectively. be the tangent, P Let be the unit plane (2.2) with boundary F: u A vector function of v u,v (2.3) i on is denoted by a lower case letter such as while the same function referred to polar coordinates on ( r,) For any sufficiently smooth functions P , u r cos , is denoted by the corresponding upper case letter: r sin x(u,v) over + v2 U F and closure x(u,v) 2 (2.4) 0 <_ 8 <_ 2 0 <_ r <_ i D the Dirichlet integral x,y, of x is D [x] 2 + x (XuYu + XvY v)du (^u (2.5) )du dv while the Dirichlet inner product is D[x,y] It is known [i] that a vector function conditions A,B,C hold. x X (2.6) dv exists on for which Horeover by the twice continuous differentiability of and the extension of Kellogg’s theorem to minimal surfaces [6], [7], (1,8) h has a HIder continuous first derivative with respect to IX 8(1,8+5) with ,v X 8(1,8) <_ Sv the HDlder constant and rdlder index, respectively. THEOREM i. There exists a function x(u,v) (2.7) Specifically satisfying the following conditionm B. CAHLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACHMAN 344 i.I. x 1.2. &x 1.3. 2 2 --x x 1.4. x x u V 1.5. X@ (1,@) x maps is continuous on 0 u within t) in V 0 in l) "s tt6"lder continuous and obeys (2.7) for some values of F C onto 1.7. D[x] 1.8. For the function in a monotonic one-to-one fashion; < the Dirichlet integral (2.5) attains its x(u,v) least value among all functions satisfying 1.1-1.4,1.6,1.7. LEM[A i. Condition 1.5 implies 1.7 for any harmonic function x Furthermore (2.8) D[x] < M M with a constant dependent only on PROOF: X(I,) By 1.5, expansion v - admits of a uniformly convergent Fourier series a0 + x,e.__. cos j8 + 8. sin j@) j=l furthermore by a simple calculation 2 0 j (l,8))cos jede (Xe(l,8 +) j = 2 1 (x(, +) X@(l,@))sin j 0 whence (2.9) It is known [i] that the Dirichlet integral exists if and only if the series j(j2 + j j=l (2.10) converges, and if so, its value is given by the series. (2.9) holds then (2.10) does converge, and D[x] < 8M2V+l 2 i [ j=l J l+2v =M However it is clear that if PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM 345 the lemma is proved. Let x X Let be the collection of functions satisfying I.i, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6. By 1.6 there exists a monotonic function be any function of 0 < 0 < 2 g(0) for which X(1,O) h(g(O)) (2.11) and g(0) =0, g(2) Moreover, by 1.5 g(O) t (2.12) has a continuous derivative the unit tangent vector. g’ () satisfying -{(g(O))g’(O) 0(i,8) with 2 Hence Ie(1,0)1 Ig’ (e) g’(e) (2.13) and Ig’ (o + Ie (,,o)ll I1e (z,o + )1 g’ (O) 5) <_ IXe(.,e + ) XeCZ,e) < a5 v we conclude: THEOREM 2. Any function of x differentiable scalar function g(%) defines a monotonic r61der continuously satisfying (2.11). function as the boundary correspondence function for Let G be the set of all functions first derivatives, obeying (2.12). Any g(0) g ( G on O x [0,2] with HDlder continuous defines harmonic function satisfying (2.11). Moreover by the assumptions on h derivative with respect to We will refer to this ,(i,0) x X has a rOlder continuous whence by lemma i, D[xl < Since any function g 6 G defines in this way a unique x 6 and conversely, we can equate the problem of minimizing the Dirichlet functional over with that of minimizing the scalar functional d(g) over g G D[] (2.14) 346 3. B. CAHLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACHMAN THE FIRST VARIATION OF d(g). d(g) We now calculate the first variation of G function of for which d(g) assumes a stationary value. Older continuously differentiable function for and let be any parameter. 6 assumes a stationary value for 6(6) < 2 0 < Let with () (0) g* be a be any (2) 0 Then d(g* + 6(6) THEOREM 3. Specifically, let 0 6 is differentiable for Moreover 0 6 2 (5’(0) Xr(l,)t(g*())(@)d 2 (3.1) 0 with X defined by (i0) for PROOF g* g Clearly g*+6 (g* + 6) (g*) + (3.2) t ()de ge Let _-t_l X,X X + X(l,) satisfy 6 6 for 6 (g*()), i(i,)= (g*()+ the harmonic function on 6(@)) Then for which g, (e)+6,q (e) 6(i, 0) t(o)do 7 g*(e) Clearly 6(0) d(g*) 6(6) d(g* + snq) Moreover (5(6) (5(0) + By Gauss’s theorem 26D[,’,6] + 62D["’c] (3.3) 2 D[X,Y r (1,e) 6(1 e)de 0 by the continuity of t 6(1, e) uniformly for 6 0 whence (g,(e)),q(e) (1,e) (3.4) PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM f D[-’-e]D[] LEMMA 2. PROOF. As e r(l’e)(g*(e))(e)de 0 is uniformly bounded for all 0 347 e the function 0 as s converges uniformly on F according to (3.4). Using the Frenet formulas, we see Ye(l,e) t(g, + ) + (o) n(o do g But then if g*’ (e) is H61der continuous with index continuous with r61der index v v then YO and r61der constant independent of is rdlder which e implies, by lemma i, D[e] M with in F a constant independent of and hence on D < M (3.5) e By the uniform convergence of e to Y and the lower semi-continuity of the Dirichlet integral (3.5) implies D[] (3.6) < M proving lemma 2. Rewriting (3.3) as 5() we see by 5(o) 2D[X,Y + eD[e] (3.4), (3.5), that the limit of the left hand side exists for (3.1) is proved. LEMLA 3. g* If a stationary value for d(g) is attained for some g* - 0 G defines a minimal surface. PROOF. If D[X,] for all () 0 then by the fundamental theorem of the calculus of variations and then 348 B. CAHLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACHMAN (1,e)-(g(e)) 0 (3.7) Xr(l,8)X8(1,8) 0 (3.8) r which by (23.3) implies However, by a standard argument [8], (3) implies that on 0 4. AN ALGORITHM FOR MINIMIZING dg.) deflnes a minimal surface and the lemma is proved. We now derive an algorithm for solving the problem min.d (g) (4.1) gG numerically. solve The algorithm rests upon a Raylelgh-Ritz type of approach, in which we (4.1)over G a sequence of finite dimensional subsets of yielding a sequence At some stage in the algorithm we will need of functions converging to the solution. F to require that a "three-points condition" in which three given points of mapped into three given points of C is obeyed. are can be mapped conformal- Since ly onto itself by a Mobius transformation in which the images of three given points can be preassigned, while a function G g F can be considered as mapping onto itself, a three points condition can always be attained through the composition of two elements of In addition the Dirichlet integral is invariant under the G Mobius transformation. In order to guarantee convergence of the algorithm we impose an additional smoothness assumption on the curve functions of G C and as a consequence, on the We also assume that a minimal surface solving (4.1) has no branch points on the boundary. For the purposes of this section, we will assume that the function theorem to minimal surfaces, we see that a solution g* to (4.1) has a HIder We now redefine the collection monotonic twice differentiable functions continuous derivative of second order. of (2.1) Again using the extension of Kellogg’s has a HDlder continuous second derivative. continuous second derivative. h g Let G as the set of all obeying (2.12) and having a HIder 349 PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM inf. g go Let gS G be any function of (4.2) d(g*) g* go Hence g* Then HDlder continuous second derivative. d(g) vanishes for go 0,2 8 and has a has a uniformly convergent Fourier series expansion a [ (aj j=l go g* cos j8 + bj 0 iS) +2 sin (4.3) moreover by calculations identical to those used in deriving (2.9). bj <-- aj j (4.4) 2+y J while la01 where 7 < 8 2 (4.5) are the H’Older constant and 61der exponent, respectively. Clearly now the series in the relation a go g* 0 +-- [ (aj + cos j@ + b. J j=l sin j@) (4.6) can be differentiated termwise, since the resulting series itself converges uniform- ly, obtaining g*’(8) g(e) + [ (-jaj sin j + jbj j-1 cos jS) (4.7) If we make the (reasonable) assumption that the minimal surface defined by g* has no branch points at the boundary, then for some possitive constant g*’(8) >_ oo0 Let a S (@) n 0 n + I (aj + b. cos j8 3 j=l then by (4.8) and the uniform convergence of the series LEMMA 4. The sequences respectively, on [0,2] for [go n + (4.8) 0 <_ 8 < 2 > 0 Sn] [g + S’]n Finally, using the methods of section 2, (4.7), converge uniformly to sufficiently large, increasing. n sin j@) go + Sn g* is monotonically g*’ B. CAHLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACBMAN 350 d(g 0 + S n) L4MA 5. PROOF. d(g*) n- as This assertion is easily proved by obtaining estimates of the form (2.9) h which under the heightened soothness assumption for [/j on the argument of depend continuously (in the h Clearly the Fourier coefficients of attain one higher power of L2-norm) while by these estimates the series (2.10) converges h uniformly; hence this series, which is equal to the Dirichlet integral, depends aontinuously upon the argument of thus proving our assertion. h Before describing our algorithm we will turn to some properties of functions of the form ^ + Sn For any constants A. n increasing. let J A + 0 -+ g0(e) T (0) LEMMA 6. B 3 Suppose that for n j=l cos j0 + B. 3 the function 0 < 0 < 2n (4.9) sin j0) T (0) n is monotonically Then 4 Bjl <_ n-3 IAjl PROOF. (Aj If T n (4.10) is monotonically increasing, then n + go(e) For all k 1,2, integrating over ...... [0,2] j;1 I + cos k0 (-jAj > 0 sin j0 + jBj cos jO) >_ 0 (4.11) Multiplying (4.11) by this function and we obtain 2 + 2 go’(0)co" k0 de + knBk 0 0 or B Similarly, multiplying by >_-4/k k + cos k8 -i B k < < 0 we find 4/k or IBkl <_ 4/k (4.12) PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM (+ i + sin ke) In the same way, by 351 [0,2] and integrating over we obtain IAkl < (4.13) 4/k and the lenna is proved. Let M n Let satisfied. ^ + Tn C n Let is monotonic. denote the subset of the n Euclidean space of vectors 2n+l satisfying (4.5), (4.12), (4.13). Then Mn C n n 1,2,..., + for which dimensional (4.14) is closed and bounded. + Tn Let Cn is monotonic, or lies in C n let 6 s _ 2n n is closed and convex. For any with T An’Bn) (A0’AI’BI denote the set of vectors (4.14) for which Then n consisting of those M n denote the subset of for which (4.10) is T (e) denote the ollection of functions 2n+l Tn THEOREM 4. (2n+l) d(g0 (4.9), (4.14). defined by The function 6(2n+i) + (4.15) Tn) Using the methods of theorem 3 we find is lower semi-continuous, and has partial derivatives with respect to each of its independent variables; moreover 2 r(l’e)t(g 0 + Tn)COS 2 J 3B. ] where 2 f 2 r(l’e)(go + Tn)sin je (4.17) de 0 (g0 + Tn) (l,e) 6(e2n+l) By the lower semi-continuity, bounded set (4.16) je de 0 n attains a least value on the closed Assume this is attained at a point n inf. 6( n 2n+l e*2n+l 6(e*2n+l whence 6" 2n+l (4 18) B. CAHLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACHMAN 352 An algorithm for the solution of (I) can now be defined in the following steps: I. Using a gradient search type method [9] which rests on (4.16, 4.17) find a value II. This value defines a monotonic function d minimizes inf. C III. solving (4 18) 6*2n+l n C on d(g0 Tn) gn* gn* (by (4.9)) which (4.19) R onto itself, derive a monotonic satisfying the three-points condition; clearly n IV. T*n + T*) n Using a Mobius transformation of function + n + d(g0 go X* defines-a function n (4.20) d(g) such that h(g*n(0)) X*(l,0) n and n D[] V. Clearly n+l < Vl. (4.21) n By the monotonicity of the the three points condition and (4.22), gn* there is a subsequence of the functions .. ly to a function THEOREM 5. PROOF. For D[z] n {Xn} which converges uniform- ([i]). defined by (4.2). for sufficiently large, < (4.22) 1,2,... n D[] <_ go + Sn belongs to Cn Hence n < d(g0 + Sn) and by lemma 5, our claim is proved. 5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE As an example of an application of the results in the previous sections we consider the followng. PLATEAU PROBLEH I PARAHETRC F01 Let C (x,y,z) be a simple closed curve in e) X C o, e 0 < o) e (I-j, , o) e h(8) (o, e, 5 -e, (0, o, 5) 2R- e) - -] ] ] 4 .] 4 5 5 2.] e ([5, e ([7 "’ (1, O, O) 0 ([0, -] (o, l, o) o 2 o, (-i, [-, -$.] 2 e ([-j, 1 o) (5.2) e ([, -f.] (o, -]., o) e [-j4 , -j5 1 (0, O, -1) e (o, T(e) , 2 o, l) T2(e) (TI(e) [-,, 2R] T3(e)) Our problem is to find a minimal surface spanned by a curve Let k A I B I g(0) The monotonicity of g B 0 k - be given. A k + 0 + Y. (1emma 6) demands 4 j=l j< A. The function (Aj given by < 2, [, e E[., e- ) (o, / T(e) , (-, o--$, (- h’ (E)) e ([o, o) 2 space of length where (o, 33 cos j0 4 B.< -j + B. 3 g(O) C will be sin j0) 354 B. CAILON, A.D. SOLOMOM and L.J. NACHMAN while we can guar ant ee g(e) g(2) 0 2 by choosing k A 0 J j=l (e)= (g(e)) Let the function (5.3) A.. -2 and (e) AX 0 H2(e) (Hi(e) H3(e)) Now we solve the Laplace equation D on the domain the circles r e jSe (j 0,1 Let (ih,j6e) <_ M ih O, 1,2, (i (see Eq. (2.11)). plane by the points of intersection of + i0, i0 N) i and the straight lines M) 2 3 X X ,j, i,j’ i,j (X f i X,j X,j The value of for 0 < i < i 1 0 are obtained from Poisson’s integral 1,2,3 and e r (e) X(l,e) with the boundary condition Define the mesh points in the i <_ j (5.4) + i Xf i2h (ih)2)H() (5.5) d 2(ih)cos( j6e) (5.5) by the compound Simpson’s rule. We compute the integral of Eq. To obtain the value of (i2 i < j < M N > i > i 0 for 1,2,3 we use the following. Consider Laplace’s equation in polar coordinates 82X r2 + i_r + 12 8X 0r r Then Laplace’s equation at the point Xi+i,j 2X’ ,j h + X"-l, 2 (i,j) I +_ (ih) may then be approximated by (Xi+l,.-. Xi-l,j) (X j + i 2 (5.6) 1,2,3 0 ih I g iv ing 82X 2 2h 2X",j (e) + 2 + X",j-i =0 (5.7) PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM (l )Xi_l, j + ( + i-fi xi+. 1, j . 1 (i58) (i68) 1 1,2,...,M i i (5.8) 0 (i58)2 xi,j+ I If these equations are written out in detail for j 2)X, J 2(1 + x i,j-i + 2 355 i 0 0 + I,...,N and and by using the relation X,j (5.9) Xi,j+M then it will be found that their matrix form is Ax where X d are column vectors whose transposed are .10 X0+I X ( I’ ,M 2 d d d 2 (5.12) I) )xi 0-I (5.13) 0 (5.14> H(J68) (5.15) 2(i0 dN_ I 3 ) I i0 <- k <_ N i (i I (H dN A Xn ), (x., where The matrix (5.10) d Hj is given by (i i +)I D (i + 2 2--2 I (5.16) i 2 (N i) DN_ 1 )I (i where each D and I are M x M matrices and i )I (i+ D N B. CABLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACKMAN 356 a a -2- t a t t ag 2ag (5.17) -2- a t a (e) a 2a& -2- 2ag 2 (5.10) we use the same method as in [i0]. To solve Eq. We factorized the supermatrices in the form A U L2 V I I U L (5.i8) =LU I V 2 2 (5.19) U L N I UN_ I VN_ I U N and U m (i- D I I i m)m_iD V 1 (i + 1 Vm Dm i )I (i- I )D-I m-l(l i + 2(mi) (5.20) m>l V m (i + 1 2-f-.m) This method has been described by Wilson [Ii] though not actually for elliptic difference equations but for equation of a similar form. To solve Eq. (5.10) we first solve the following equation LY The solution of Eq. d (5.21) is given by Y (YI YN (5.21) PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM YI dl 357 (see Eqs. 5.13-5.14) N Yk -Yk-1 (5.22) (5.23) i >_ k >_ 2 YN dN LNYN-I (5.24) Now we solve the equation Y UX (5.25) by solving the following equations U-- YN . + UN-j-j X Thus we obtain the values of VN-jXN-j+I ,3 (5.26) for all I < i < N N+I i (5.27) >_ i We do these i <_ j <_ M 8X In the next step we calculate the values of i i >_ j 1,2,3 calculations for (i,j) N YN-j at the points ,M by standard difference equation method, then 0, i j 8X 88 8r we compute the integral D =f .2 x [(----) r 2] }dr de, ox + E] (5.28) =i by approximating it by a generalization of Simpson rule [12]. . In the third step we compute the value E max <_M - .X [ [8--) N+I,j [8---)N+I,j (see Eq. (3.8)). In our example we first compute the value of the integral do this by choosing of {Aj} {Bj} {Aj } satisfies Eqs. {Bj } (j I, (4.12), (4.13). k) For D (5.29) and of E We in a random way and such that IEI not sufficiently big we stop the random process and then we use gradient method [9]. To use the gradient method we calculate the value of the mating the integrals gadient by approxi- B. CAHLON, A.D. SOLOMON and L.J. NACHMAN 358 (5.30) 2 0B0- - / 2 =I j ____OX (l,B)T(g(B))sin (5.31) dB j 0 As before we approximate the integrals (5.30), (5.31) by the compound Simpson’s rule. We halted our process when the values of IEI were smaller than In the following table we see the numerical results for and N M 21 31 i 0 2 10 -3 k I0 I0 In Table I we present a selected result that was obtained by random choices of Aj Bj method. In Table II we see selected results that were obtained by using gradient The intial value of {Aj} results obtained by random selection. drawn from the values of X,j {Bj} for the gradient method are the best In Figure I, we show the =Linimal surface and using the closed curve Figure C given in (5.1). PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM Table I Calculations by Random Choice for the Coefficients of Value of Integral D Value of IEl 134598. 84615 30000. 70486 12036. 91971 246.44 340 18 ii. 33271 1238. 02080 711.49210 18.52716 272.28744 78.04352 256.88041 42.43274 181.60385 43. 24106 i01.73822 59. 3020] 73. 75771 20.54170 53.35582 9.87578 49.01988 13.00610 33.56237 16.20803 24.76756 9.08349 14.99357 12.11406 9.34689 6.42093 8.00960 9.95630 7.97180 4.27323 7.00766 6.51285 6.67786 3.15938 5.42465 3.54083 (Aj,Bj) 359 360 B. CAHLON, A.D. SOMOMON and L.J. NACHMAN Table II Calculations by Gradient Method for the Coefficients of Value of Integral D Value of El 5.42465 3.54083 5. 33672 2.86892 5.11811 2.57031 4.96691 1.05302 4.87354 0.47714 4.77961 0.34489 4.75412 0.68156 4.703091 0.81391 4.59962 0.46404 4.58185 0.45846 4. 50000 O. 39333 4.41726 0.32073 4.38645 0.22813 4.32602 0.19501 4.30832 0.24215 4.28768 0.36908 4.24679 0.22170 4.23814 0.13596 4.13554 0.02041 4.085048 0.00174 (Aj,Bj) PLATEAU PROBLEM IN PARAMETRIC FORM 361 REFERENCES i. Courant, R., Dirich.let’.s principle c0nfprmal mapping. and minimal surfaces, Interscience, New York, 1950. 2. Concus, P., Numerical solution of Plateau’s problem, Mathematics of Computation_, Vol. 2_I, 340-350 (1967). 3. Greenspan, D., On approximating extremals of functions, Part I: The method and examples for boundary problems, ICC Bulletin, Vol._4 99-120 (1965). 4. 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