313 I nternat. J. tho & MaCho Sio Vol. 6 No. 2 (983) 33-326 ON CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS KOJI MATSUMOTO Department of Mathematics Faculty of Education Yamagata University Yamagata, Japan (Received in June 9,1982 and is revised form in January 5, 1983) ABSTRACT: Recently, K.Yano and M.Kon [5] have introduced the notion of a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasakian manifold which is closely similar to the one of a CR-submanifold of a Kaehlerian manifold defined by A. Bejancu [i]. In this paper, we shall obtain some fundamental properties of contact CR-submanifolds of a Sasakian manifold. Next, we shall calculate the length of the second fundamental form of a contact CR-product of a Sasakian space form (THEOREM 7.4). At last, we shall prove that a totally umbilical contact CR-submanifold satisfying certain conditions is totally geodesic in the ambient manifold (THEOREM 8.1). KEY WARDS AND PHRASES Kaehlerian manifold, Sasakian space form, contact CR-product. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE i. 53B25. INTRODUCTION. This paper is directed to specialist readers with background n the area and appreciative of its relation of this area of study. Let M be a (2n + l)-dimensional Sasakian manifold with structure tensors (,,,<,>) [4] immersed in and let M be an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold isometrically and let , <,> be the differentiations on M and induced metric on M. Let V and be the covariant respectively. Then the Gauss and Weingarten’s formulas for M are respectively given by K. MATS UMOTO 314 uv vuv U + o (, v), (1. l) V (1.2) -A)U + for any vector fields U,V tangent to M and any vector field % normal to denotes the second fundamental form and V fundamental tensor A is relted to is the normal connection. The second o by (1.3) <a(U,V) <A)U,V> M, where The mean curvature vector H is defined by (1.4) trace o. The submanifold M is called a minimal submanifold of a totally geodesic submanifold of o if if H 0 and M is called 0. For any vector field U tangent to M, we put BU + FU, U (1.5) where PU and FU are the tangential and the normal components of Then P is an endomorphism of the tangent bundle TM of U, respectively. and F is a normal-bundle- valued 1-form of TM. For any vector field normal to M, we put t + f%, where (1.6) t and f% are the tangential and the normal components of is an endomorphism of the normal bundle Then valued 1-form of TiM , respectively. of M and t is a tangent-bundle- TiM. We put where 1 and are the tangential and the normal components of , (1.7) respectively. Then we can put rl where D (U) +1 2 r] <$ ,> any vector field (I 8) and () ,> <$ 2 for any vector field U tangent to M and normal to M. By virtue of (1.5),(1.6),(1.7) and (1.8), we get 315 CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF BASAKIAN MANIFOLDS P2U + tFU -U + FPU + n (U) 2 0 2 JFU (U) (1.9) (i.i0) Pt + tj, () Ft% + r) f2% (1.11) -I + n () 2 2 (1.12) for any vector field U tangent to M and any vector field % normal to M. Let (k) be a Sasakian space form with constant -holomorphic sectional curvature k. Then the curvature tensor R of M(k) is given by 7< + 3 (X,Y) Z {<Y,Z>%- <X,Z>Y} + 4 k,4 !-{D(X) <Y, Z>$ r(Y)<X,Z> + D(Y)](Z)X- D(X)N{Z)Y- <Y,Z>X+ <X,Z>Y + 2<%,Y>Z} for any vector fields X,Y and Z in (k) [3]. For the second fundamental form with respect to the connection on (1.13) , we define the covariant differentiation TM @TiM by (i. i4) for any vector fields associated with V. V and W tangent to Then the equations of Gauss and Codazzi are respectively given by (u,v;w,z) R(s,v;w,z) + <o(u,,o(v,z)>- <o(s,z),o(v,3>, ((u, D D for any vector fields ((U, V) W) 2. We denote R the curvature tensor denotes (guo) (v, 0 U,V,W (gv) (u, and Z tangent to (i.15) (1.16) M, where R(U,V;W,Z) <R(U, V) W, Z> and (U, V) W. the normal component of CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF A SASAKIAN MANIFOLD. DEFINITION 2.1: A submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M with structure tensors -suman.lfoid if there is (,$,N,<,>) is called a bution > D c TM on M satisfying the following conditions: D:x D, (i) (ii) (iii) satisfies a differentiable distri- D C T M for each z in M, the complementary orthogonal distribution #D c= TIMx D :x--> D c T M for each point x in M. Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasakian manifold M. Then e D C TM, 316 K. MATSUMOTO so, the equations (1.9),(i.i0),(i.ii) and (1.12) can be written as PU + tFU -U + n(U)$, (2.1) FU + .FU O, (2.2) Ptl + t Ftl + fl O, (2.3) (2.4) for any vector field U tangent to M and any vector field normal to M, respectively. By virtue of (1.5), we have PROPOSITION 2.1: In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold , in order to a vector field U tangent to M belong to D it is necessary and sufficient that FU 0. Taking account of (2.1) and PROPOSITION 2.1, we have PZX -X + D(X)$ (2.5) for any % in D and we have from (1.6) P 0. (2.6) Furthermore, we obtain <,x,Pr> <qbX,qbi,’> <X,i,’> n (x)n (i,’) (2.7) for any X and Y in D. Thus we have PROPOSITION 2.2: In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, the distribution D has an almost contact metric structure (P,,D,<,>) and hence dim D odd. We denote by H the complementary orthogonal subbundle of in TM. Then we have TM D , Dlj_. (2.8) Thus we have PROPOSITION 2.3: subbundle 3. For a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold has an almost complex structure f and hence dim E even. BASIC PROPERTIES. Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasakian manifold M. Then we have , the CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS (v, + (u,z)) -zU + Vu(Z <u,z> for any vector field U tangent to M and Z in D 1. <V,@X> 317 (3.1) From (3.1), we get <AczU, X> + q(X)<U,Z> (3.2) for any vector field U tangent to M, X in D and Z in D I. In (3.2), if we put X CX, then (3.2) means <vuz,x> <zU, X’> + n(x)<vuz,> for any vector tleld U tangent to M, X in D and Z in obtain <AzX F_,> . (or equivalently <o (x,{) ,z> 0 (3.3) By virtue of (3.2), we 0) (3.4) for any X in D and Z in Di. On the other hand, we have . <Vx <((x,),>,> for any X in D and in Vx,;> <(hx,>,> o Thus we have from (3.4) and the above equation o(X,) for any X in D. So, we have from (1.7) and the last equation x Px (3.5) for any X in D. Thus we have PROPOSITION 3.1: In a contact CR-submanlfold M of a Sasaklan manifold M, the distribution D has a K-contact metric structure In (3.1), if we put U W wz + o(z,w)) -z E D y + (P,,,<,>). then the equation [3.1) can be written as vz <v,z>, from which ([Z,W]) where [Z,W] LEMMA 3.2: A@gW A$W + V(hW VZW- VwZ. In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold V@W e D for any Z and W in D I. (3.6) , we have (3.7) 0 318 K. TSIOTO PROOF: For any Z,W in D and I in H, we obtain <v z W) + <VzW- vfi,> <(v VzW),> 0. On the other hand, we can easily have A,ZW A, for any g and W in (3.8/ D. In fact, for any vector field U tangent to and and W in D1, we have from (3.1) <$ (v + (u,z)) , <$v, + <$ (u,z) , -< (u,z) ,$ fro which, we have (3.8). gy rtue o (3.6) In a contact ffR-subntfold PROPOSITION 3.3 distribution D and (3.8) and L 3.2, we have of a Sasakian ntfold , is tntegrable. For any X In D and X in , we have x -xx. (3.91 Next, we asse that the distribution D is integrable. D, [X,Y] is an element of D, that is, [X,Y] e TM. ( ) {vr +Ix,r] we get O(X,Y) the o(X,Y). From for any X and Y in Since we have vrx + (x)r- (z)x} + {o(x,r) and Z in D o(x,r)}, which we obtain <o(x,r),z> <o(x,y),z> for any X and Y in D en (3.01 I. Conversely, if (3.10) is satisfied, we can easily show that the distribution D is integrable. us we have PROPOSITION 3.4: In a contact CR-subnifold M of a Sasaklan nlfold M, the distribution D is integrable if and only If the equation (3.10) is satisfied. Next, we can prove PROPOSITION 3.5: vector field PROOF: In a contact CR-subnifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, the is parallel along D For any Z In D we have 319 CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS Cz Vz + (z,). Since the vector field above equation VZ Z Z is an element of D is in 0, that is, the vector field TiM. Thus we have from the is parallel along any vector field in D 4. SOME COVARIANT DIFFERENTIATIONS. DEFINITION 4.1: In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, we define (4.1) (4.2) (4.4) normal to M [2]. for any vector fields Uand V tangent to M and any vector field DEFINITION 4.2: t) is parallel_ if ?P The endomorphism P (resp. the endomorphism 0 (resp. V 0, ?F 0 and ?t f, the 1-forms F and 0). By virtue of (1.5) and (1.6), we can prove PROPOSITION 4.1: For the covariant differentiations defined in DEFINITION 4.1, we have (Vu)V-- <u,v> + (v)u + t(u,v) + (VuF)V-- fO(U,V) (Vut)% Af%U- PA%U, (VU:)I -FAIUor any vector fields Uand AvU, (4.5) (4.6) o(U,mV), (4.7) (4.8) o(U, tl) V tangent to M and any vector field normal to M. By virtue of (4.5), we get (V)Y -<X,Y> + n(Y)X + to(X,Y) (4.9) for any X and Y in D. Thus we have PROPOSITION 4.2: structure m. (P,,,<,>) In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, the is Sasakian if and only if o(X,Y) is in for any X and Y in K. MATSUMOTO 320 In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, if COROLLARY 4.3: dim Dm 0, then the submanifold M is a Sasakian submanifold. Next, we assume that the endomorphism P (4.9) <x,y>- n(z)x (x,i,) for any is parallel. Then we have from (4.10) X and Y in D. By virtue of o(X,) 0 (4.10), we nave X and a for any X in D, where a is a certain scalar field on D. Thus we have In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, if the PROPOSITION 4.4: endomorphism P is parallel, then dim D i. THE DISTRIBUTION D 5. In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, we assume that the leaf M of D is totally geodesic in M, that is, VZW is D in for any Z and W in D This me ans <VzW,X> (5.1) 0 for any X in D and Z and W in D <o (x, z) I. n (x) Cz, > for any X in D and Z and W in D By virtue of PROPOSITION 3.4 and (5.1), we have (5.2) 0 I. . Conversely, if the equation (5.2) is satisfied, then it is clear that the leaf of D is totally geodesic in PROPOSITION 5.1: leaf MI of D Thus we have In a contact CR-submanifold is totally geodesic in of a Sasakian manifold , the if and only if the equation (5.2) is satisfied. Next, let us prove THEOREM 5.2: that the leaf M Nu)v In a contact CR-submanifold M of a Sasakian manifold M, we assume of D is totally geodesic in n )u M. If the endomorphism p satisfies <u,v> for any vector fields U and V tangent to (5.3) M, then dim Dim 0, that is, the submani- fold M is a Sasakian one. PROOF: The equation (5.2) means <Asw n (x)w,z> (5.4) 0 for any X in D and Z and W in D I. CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS 321 On the other hand, we have from (5.3) o AvU (u,v) + for any vector fields U and V tangent to 24. From this, we obtain tc;(U,X) 0 for any vector field U tangent to 24 and X in D. Thus we have <( (5.4), 6. we get --( (U,X) ,W> for any X in D and W in D 0 A0 that is, <AwX,U> (U.X) ,W> O, Substituting this equation into O. dim D m A CONTACT fiR-PRODUCT OF A SASI NIFOLD I. In this section, we shall define a contact CR-product and give a necessary and sufficient condition that a contact CR-submanifold is a contact CR-product. a contact CR-product manifol is 241, where 24T denotes A contact CR-submanifold 24 of a Sasakian DEFINITION 6.1: if it is locally product of 241 and called the leaf of the distribution D. THEOREM 6.1: A contact CR-submanlfold 24 of a Sasakian manifold 24 is a contact CR-product if and only if for any in D and W in D . (6.1) Slnce (6. i) means PROOF: <o (X,Z) n (X)Z,W> for any X in D and Z and W in D (6.2) 0 I, the leafM of D is totally geodesic in M. Further- more, we have n (x)<z ,> < c(x,y) ,z> for any 0 So, by virtue of PROPOSITION 3.4, the distribution X and Y in D and Z in D D is integrable. Let M be the leaf of the distribution <ACZX,Y> D, then we have from (6.1) 0 for any X and Y in D and Z in D I, that is, the leaf M M. Thus the submanlfold M is a contact CRproduct. of D is totally geodesic in K. MATS UMOTO 322 Conversely, if the submanlfold M of a Sasakian manifold M is a contact CR-product, then we have from (5.2) (6.3) for any X in D and W in D AwX- (X)W So, it is sufficient to prove the following: (6.4) D for any I" in D and N in D I. In fact, since the dtstrtbutton D is totally geodesic in M, we have <Acw for any X (X)W,Z> < (X,Y) ,W> -<7Y, <vxy,w> and Y in D and N in D I. -< (X,Z) ,W> -< Y VY) 0 This means (6.4). By virtue of (6.3) and (6.4), we have (6.1). 7. A CONTACT CR-PRODUCT OF A SASAKIAN MANIFOLD II. In this section, we shall mainly study the second fundamental form of a contact C-product. Let M be a contact CR-product of a Sasakian manifold late the B(X,Z) for any unit vectors X in D and Z in D , M. In M, we shall calcuwhere B(X,Z) is defined by -< (x, x) z, z>. (x, z) (7.1) By virtue of (1.14) and (I.16), we get <AzX,Vz> + <AZVX,Z> + <AzX,VxZ>. Since the leaves Vp M and M are both totally geodesic in M, we have e D and V (7.2) e D for any vector field U tangent to M,Y tn D and g in D 1. ’I"hus we have from (6.1) and (7.2) <(X,4pX)Z,cZ> <VIXo(dpX, Z),dpZ> <VIcXO(X,Z),4oZ> Q(VXX) + (V). On the other hand, we obtain (7.3) ODNTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS n (vxOx) <VxX, > <xX, > So, (7.3) can be written as <R(x, ox)z,z> + n - <VxO%X,z),z> + n (x) 323 . <v+xo(x,z),z> + 1- n(x) (vxx). (7.4) Next, we have from (6,1) <o (X, Y) qbZ> <,X><Z,Y>, (7.5) <o(X,Z),Z> <,X>, (7.6) from which <(OX, Z),Z> O. (7.7) Covariant differentiation of (7.6) and (7.7) along <v -<o(x,z),vxz> + <Vx,X> xO(X,Z),z> <v (x, z z> -< (x, z) X and X respectively give us + (7.8) VxZ> (7.9) Substituting (7.8) and (7.9) into (7.4), we get -<(x,z),vCxCz> + <o(x,),v z> 2(1- q(X)a). (7.10) By virtue of (3.9) and (6.1), we can calculate <o(X,Z),V Z>- <o(X,Z),VCXZ> =2I](X,Z) 2 + 2n(X) 2. (7.11) Thus we have PROPOSITION 7.1: B(x,z) In a contact CR-product of a Sasakian manifold, we have 2(ll(x,z)II 1) (7.12) for any unit vectors X in D and Z in D I. Especially, if the ambient manifold is a Sasakian space form (k), then we have from (i. 15) -(X, OX;qbZ,E) k- i (1 2-- n(X) ). (7.13) Thus we have PROPOSITION 7.2: In a contact CR-product of a Sasakian space form M(k), we have K. MATSUMOTO 324 (7. Z4) for any unit vectors X in D and Z in D I. By virtue of PROPOSITION 3.4. and (7.14), we have k + 3 Ilcr(X,Z 112 for 4 fi, (7.15) Thus- we have In a Sasakian space form M(k) with constant -holomorphic COROLLARY 7.3: k < -3, there does sectional curvature not exist a contact CR-product of M(k). Next, we shall prove THEORII 7.4: Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasakian space form M(k). Then we have iiii 2 > 2(.h(< 2+ 3) + i) (7 16) where p and bl are both totally geodesic in dimD PROOF: Let onal basis of D and 2h dimD (k). A1,A2,...,Ah,@AI,A 2 and D 2h+l i,j=l qbAh,A2h+l respectively. Then IIo(Ai,Aj)112 (7.16) holds, then M i. If the equality sign of !!!1 2h+l + 2 i=i a=l (= ) and Bp B1,B2 be orthog- is given by IIo(Ai,Ba)112 + a,=l IIo(Ba,S B) 2. By virtue of (7.15), the above equation can be written as p(h( 2+ 3)) iill 2h+l + ) + [ i,j=l a, 8=l 8 (7.17) From the above equation, we have our theorem. 8. TOTALLY UMBILICAL CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS. Let M be a totally umbilical contact CR-submanifold of a Sasakian manifold M. Then by definition we have o(U, V) <U, F’>H (8. i) for any vector fields U and V tangent to M. By virtue of d#H tH + .f?-l Since the vector field tH is in (1.6), we can write (8.2) D we have from (3.8) CONTACT CR-SUBMANIFOLDS OF SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS A . 325 tW A wtS for any W in (8.3) From this, we obtain -<W,W>< tH, tH> We assume that dim D (8.4) < tH,W><H,@> > 2. Then we can put W as the orthogonal vector field of tH. The equation (8.4) means 0 tH (8.5) Next, let QI and Q2 be the projections of TM to D and D respectively. Then for any vector field U tangent to M we can put QU + QU U (8.6) and QIU e D, Q2U e 4#Dl c TM. (8.7) The equation (8.7) and the covariant differentiation of QIVut% -QA%U H teach us (8.8) Q,A2qU for any vector field U tangent to M and any vector field we put t% + % normal to M. In (8.8), if and taking account of (8.5), we have QAHU dpQAHU (8.9) for any vector field U tangent to M. For any % in D and any vector field U tangent to M, we get <QAsHU,%> <AsHU,%> <Q AHU %> -<Q <a(U,X),$H> AHU %> -<AHU CX> <U,X><H,H> O, -<o U CX), H> -< U, CX><H ,H> By virtue of (8.9) and the above two equations, we have <H,H><U,X> (8. I0) 0 for any vector field U tangent to M and any X in D. We assume that if we take (8.10) H U X such that the vector field % is orthogonal to , dimD x > 2 and we have from 0. Thus we have THEOREM 8.1: Let M be a totally umbilical contact CR-submanifold of a Sasakian 326 manifold . K. MATSUMOTO We assume that dim D x > 2 and dim D x > 2. Then the submanifold M is totally geodesic in M. REFERENCES i. CR-submanifolds of a Kaehler manifold I, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,69 Bejancu, A. (1978) 2. 135-142. On CR-submanifolds of a Kaehler manifold I, J. Differential Geometry, Chen, B. Y. 16(1981) 3. Ogiue, K. 4. Sasaki, S. On almost contact manifolds admitting axiom of planes or axiom of free mobility, Kodai Math. Sere. Rep., 16(1964) 223-232. (1961) 5. 305-322. 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