I nt. J. Math. Math. Sci. Vol. 6 No. 2 (1985) 279-284 279 ON THE STRUCTURE OF A TRIANGLE-FREE INFINITE-CHROMATIC GRAPH OF GYARFAS LARRY EGGAN Mathematical Reviews Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Illinois State University Normal, IL 61761 FRANK HARARY Churchill College Cambridge CV30DS, England University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA (Received June 22, 1981 and in revised form September 13, 1982) ABSTRACT. Gyarfas has recently constructed an elegant new example of a triangle- free infinite graph G with infinite chromatic number. We analyze its structure by studying the properties of a nested family of subgraphs G KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: Triangle-free, infinite-chromatic 1980 MATHEMATICAL SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE: i. whose union is G. 05C15 INTRODUCTION. Gyarfas [I] described a new example of a triangle-free infinlte-chromatlc graph G as follows: 1,2 i.e., h the vertices of G form an and the vertex v. of of x matrix, i.e., V {vi,j, is adjacent to every vertex of the (i ,v b {v,Vk,+; ,,k i, j + j)-th column, , }. is easy to see that G is triangle-free for if u,v,w, were vertices of a triangle with u having the smallest column index, then the fact that uv and uw are edges would mean . 280 EGGAN and F. HARARY v and w are adjacent vertices in the same column, which is impossible. That G requires infinitely nmny colors follows from Theorem 2 below, although it also follows directly from the fact that, for j > i, the i-th column contains a vertex adjacent to all vertices of the J-th column. In what follows we will accomplish two things. We first describe an augmenting sequence of finite graphs, which has G as its limit, and determine the structure of This gives a deeper insight into the actual structure of G. these graphs. Unless otherwise specified, we follow the graph theoretic notation and terminology of Harary [2]. AN ANALYSIS OF G. 2. In this section we will define a sequence Gn of graphs converging to G. give some results on the structure of each G n G n and an alternative way of constructing which gives a different perspective on its structure. Finally, we will note that can be demonstrated by considering subgraphs H the desired properties of G We will (which are roughly half of G ). n For any positive integer n, let Gn be the subgraph of G obtained DEFINITION. by removing all vertices v. x,] <{vi:j; subgraph with i and j greater than n, i.e., G is the induced n n}> < i,J < of i G._ First we prove a theorem on the degrees of the vertices of G n THEOREM I. n- In k- i PROOF. I, For 0 < k < 2n 2, the number of vertices of G of degree k is n while there are no vertices of degree greater than 2n Consider G n as an n + J n matrix. Then it is easy to see that if i < i < n i, 2. j deg(vi,j) if n i, Thus by setting k k + n + J 1 or k j j + i_< i_< n. i, we see there are either 2n i vertices, respectively, of order k, as claimed. In the next theorem we give the chromatic number x(G n)_ of each G n k I or TRIANGLE-FEE INFINITE-CHROMATIC GRAPH number k + Gn is k-colorable if n < 2 n) i, that is, x(G PROOF. Gn_ I Since colorable whereas G2k _> I, For k THEOREM 2. G2k i + is a subgraph of column j so Ni Nj. has chromatic G2k Gn, it suffices to show that is k G2k_l To show the latter, suppose on the contrary that is not. N. denote the Now for i < j, G2k. while [log2n]. is colored in k colors, and let in the j-th column of k, 281 The sets Nj set of colors used on the vertices is adjacent to every vertex in vj_i, i thus form a collection of 2 k distinct nonempty subsets of a k-element set, which is impossible. To show that G2k_l 1,2,...,2k-i, j is k-colorable, let C be a set of k colors and let N., be an enumeration of the nonempty subsets of C which is non- For example, such an enumeration when k increasing in order of size. C3 This enumeration provides that if j > i, then there is a color in N which is not in N.. 3 in Nr+i; 3 and C if r coloring of + i > 2 Therefore, color the vertex v k i, then use any color in N. with a color in r,l N..l i which is not This clearly yields a k- G2k_l. To conclude this section, we describe an alternative way to construct G n we feel gives some insight into its structure and chromatic number. which In accordance with established terminology, we will say that a point covers a set S of points if it is adjacent to very point of S. A set T of points smothers S if exactly one point in T covers S, and T smothers a finite sequence if there are distinct points t I, t2,...,t k S I, S S 2 k of sets of points in T such that t. covers S for j 1,2 We now describe how to construct Gn using this idea and the join operation +, where H + H’ is the graph obtained from the union of H and H’; of H to every point of stages. see [2, p. Here the notation H H’ + H", and similarly for + H’ + H" 21]. H’ by We describe how to build G n Build K 2 in three stands for the union of two joins H + H’ and more summnds each of which will be a complete graph K n or its complement, the totally disconnected graph K n STAGE i: joining every point + KI + Kn_ 2. (Label the vertex K r.) I by L. EGGAN and F. HARARY 282 STAGE 2: K by I Kn + KI, I + K Sj Replace the j-th point in 3 Replace the n in and the right tk3 j S. by the set of n points T where the adjacency in 3 2 j T smothers T n n n j-kin T J- covers T for k 1 2 n n I, is preserved, but T that aj bj.) STAGE 3: S numbering from bottom to top, by (Label the left KI by n-2. 1,2 for j Kn_ 2, T -i for j 1,2 n-2. (Suppose j-l.) Figure i shows how the construction progresses when n when a single isolated point (corresponding to is Vn,l 5. added This resulting graph, Gn. is isomorphic to We will not formally prove this, though it is easy to see that an isomorphism is obtained by mapping r to degree i to mapping, to vi, 2, i Vk,n+l_j Vl,l’ bj n-l,n) to Vn_j,l, aj to Vn-l-j,2 (and the two vertices of j and T to the vertices in column n+l-j with n tj ,k It is also easy to see that another minimal coloring (besides the one given in the proof of Theorem 2) is obtained by only using colors Cl’ c2’ ci to color T i j for i < j < 2 and i n n Stage 1 1,2 k. 5 b3 Stage 3 2 Stage 2 b b b 3 2 b Figure i. Finally let H be the subgraph of G with the n n {Vl.l’Vl,n} U vi,j 2 j 2 n-l, i i 1/2(n2-3n+6) n-J} vertices i TRIANGLE-FREE INFINITE-CHROMATIC GRAPH It is clear that H n is triangle-free and for n 2 k applying the argument in the proof of Theorem 2 to columns 2 through n shows that H though H is simpler then G n n 283 n is not k colorable. AI- while still retaining the cascading appearance illustrated by Figure i, H is still not critical. n We wish to thank the referee who is responsible for an improvement in our exposition and for the above proof of Theorem 2. REFERENCES i. Gyarfas, A. Math. 2. Harary, F. Still another triangle-free infinite-chromatic graph, Discrete 30 (1980), 185. Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1969.