I ntrnat. J. ,lath. & Math. Sci. Vol. 6 No. (1983)171-180 171 A CLASS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS OF A NEW TYPE M. DUTTA and KANCHAN PRABHA MANOCHA S.N. Bose Institute of Physical Sciences University of Calcutta 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road Calcutta-700009, INDIA (Received June 19, 1982) ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to study a class of polynomials Fm(x,%,) n associated with a class of m differential equations, where % is fixed, n is a variable parameter, m is fixed positive integer and v is a non-negative integer < m. We also obtain all the important properties of this class of polynomials including Rodrigues’ formulas, generating function, and recurrence relations. Several special cases of interest are obtained from our analysis. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. recurrence relion. Function space, weight function, generating function, and 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1 33A65, 34A30. INTRODUCT ION The classical orthogonal polynomials, including Jacobi, Gegenbauer, Legendre, Tchebicheff, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials and some of their generalizations, have been studied in great details (Erdlyi et al [io]). Each of these classes of polynom- ials satisfies one differential equation, one Rodrigues’ formula and a pure recurrence relation. In 1965, Dutta and More [2] obtained the generalization of Legendre polynomials with the help of Schmidt-orthonormalization process, in this it is seen that this class of polynomials satisfies two different differential equations, two Rodrigues’ formulas, etc., for even and odd values of the variable parameter in the space. same function 172 M. DUTTA AND K. P. MANOCHA Similar generalization of the class of Hermite polynomials, so that two differential equations, two Rodrigues’ formulas and two recurrence relations for even and associated in the same function space, was odd values of the variable parameter and obtained, and studied in some details by Dutta, Chatterjea, Ghosh [3] and Dutta, Chatterjea and More [4]. Earlier in the paper of Krall and Frink [5], some similar result i.e. two different differential equations in the discussion of a class of functions written by suitable modification of Bessel functions are seen, but this pecular- ity is not studied with due emphasis. Theoretical justification of the association of a pair of differential equations with a single class of orthogonal functions has been discussed in some details in Dutta and Bhattacharya [6]. In a subsequent paper of Dutta [7], the possibility of a class of orthogonal polynomials having m number of differential equations, m recurrence relations, etc. (m being a.fixed natural number) is established. In this paper following the suggestions of Dutta [7], it is shown how and when solutions of m differential equations may belong to the same class of orthogonal poly- nomials. This new class of orthogonal polynomials satisfies m Rodrigues’ formulas, m recurrence relations, etc., where m being the number of partitions of the variable parameter n. Let us consider a class of m differential equations: m-i y" where (m x x )y’ + (mn xm-2 ( + - x 2 i) )y (i i) 0 is fixed, n is a variable parameter, m is a fixed positive integer where is a non-negative integer < m. Here we see that for different values of v we shall obtain m different differential equations, but solutions of these differential equations are orthogonal in the w(x,%)(i) 2 same function space L where w(x,%) I (0, ) e -x m Ixl +m-2 when m is odd, (_oo,m) when m is even. Of course for an odd m, as I is (0, ) so Ix is obviously replaced by x. The in- tervals are taken from the consideration of convergence of the integral defining CLASS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS OF A NEW TYPE 173 or tho gonali ty. {Fm(x,l )} n THE CLASS OF POLYNOMIALS 2. AND THEIR ORTHOGONALITY. Solving the differential equation (I.i), we obtain a class of functions n-u k n- [--] Fm(x,l, ) n + 2+ % k=0 for running parameter n and for fixed = (mod m) and for n )k (xm) m x %, (2.1) m- i k’ k m m the functions will reduce to polynomials 0,1,...,m-l, where is a non-negative integer < m. Now all (mod m) form a class of orthogo- the polynomials for different values of n with n nal polynomials. corresponding to a particular (fixed) value of m we For differnet values of shall obtain m different classes of polynomials. Following the technique of Dutta and Bhattacharya [6] and Dutta ORTHOGONALITY. m [7], we can calculate the weight function w(x,l) e -x Ixl l+m-2 of the function space properly associated with the class of differential equations and establishes the or- thogonality relation: m e -x Ixlx+m-2 Fi (x,X m ) F,(x,X, ) j (2.2) 6 dx ij where I (0,o) if m is odd, (-o%00) if m 3. THE POLYNOMIALS AS is even. 2F0 - From the equation (2.1) by reversing the order of summation, we can write at once n n (x,l, ) (-I) m 2+ I + m m 1 x )n,,- o n 2F0 n + + I i m m x (3.1) m 4. RELATION WITH LAGUERRE POLYNOMIALS. In (2.1) replacing x by and n by mn+ , we obtain --(here we are taking the real positive root of /) 174 M. DUTTA AND K. P. MANOCHA v n A’) k x (-n)k x + 2+ % k=0 m- i k.’ m -n IFI x (4.1) x + 2+ m- I m (rood m). where n This can be written in terms of Laguerre polynomials: x (N/ x’%’ ) nn+ 2+ m n! 2+ % + m L 1 m 5. RODRIGUES - I m n n (4.2) (x) FORMULAS. For Laguerre polynomials, Rodrigues’ formula is given by L (a) (x) e x n! n n D (e -x xn+) d dx D where So, from (4.2), we get m n! x (r,,) + 2+ % m x x m- i m e x n D n! ,n (e-X + 2+%-I m x n or m Fmn+ m x 2+ ) (r-,, v) e + x m- i m 6. (e -x x n + m (5 I) n Obviously, for different values of v ( erent n D m-l), we shall obtain m diff- 0,1,2, Rodrigues’ formulas. GENERATING FUNCTIONS. Equation (2.1) can be written as: n +)(x,l,V) x . k=0 (_n) 2x)+ k m)k (x I + m- i m (6.1) k! )k n Multiplying both sides by Z n=0 TM F mn+"x’ ) tn x n=0 and taking the sum from n n Z k=0 (-n) k 2+ + m (xm) k 0 to tn m- I k k n! oo, CLASS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS OF A NEW TYPE x x n tn (-i) n=0! k=0 - n=0 t i m )k m k: xmkt k mn+)(x’%’v) ! x e xmk tk (-i) 2+l+m- i t k! )k m Fm(x,% n n k )k m n t Thus the generating function for m + k n+k (-i 2+%+ m- i n=0 n! k=0 F xmk n! 2+ % (n- k)!( n! n=0 k=0 =x k 175 ) is given by the relation 2+%+m- i 0FI(--; x m m (6.2) t) To find out the other generating function multiplying both sides of the equation (6.1) n t by and taking the sum from 0 to oo, (C)n i n=0 (c) n Fm mn+ v(x,%, ) tn i (c) x n=0 k n 0 (C)n+k x n! n,k=0 (I k)n m -c x + n m- I )k xmk t )k (C)k k! n+k k! (-i) xmk k ) t k 2+l+m- 1 k k )k k xmk tk k! (i t) c+k (C)k (-xm t)k --,(6.3) 2x)+l+m- 1 k )k (i- t) k! m equation (6.3) can be written as: m )n ’mn+V(x’l’) k n 2v+. I + m- i t) 2+l+m-I _m t xmk k m k=0 2 +l+m-i (-i) n n! k! m (c) k (-i) k=0 With the choice c (-i) n! n=0 x t k 2x)+t+m-1 m (c + k=0 x m- i 2v+ X k)!( (n k=0 n=0 + m (c) i X (-n)k 2+ % t n (i t) Hence our required generating function is given by 2 x)-t-)-t-m- 1 m m x 0F0( (i t) M. DUTTA AND K. P. MANOCHA 176 2+ % + m 1 m n=0 7. m mn+ (x F )n % ) . 2+l+m-I tn x v m (i- t) m -x t l-t exp( (6.4) RECURRENCE RELATIONS. In this section, we obtain pure and mixed recurrence relations for the polynomials Fm(x, n ). 7.1. DIFFERENTIAL RECURRENCE RELATIONS. In the last section, we have obtained the Fm(x,% n generating function for the polynomials F n=0 t TM mn+(x’%’ v) n e x ’ t ) given by (6 2): 0FI x 2+ I + m im t So, n=0 t x-Fmmn+v(x’%’) T e t m 0FI (7.1) -x + 2+ % m im Let G(x,t) e t (--; 0FI 2+l+m- i m x t) m (7.2) Differentiating (7.2) partially with respect to x and t and writing G in place of G(x,t), we get G --x t m-i =-m x t e 0FI’ (--; 2v + I + 1 m m x t) m (7.3) and G t e t 0FI(--; + 2+ % m- i m x t) m m x e t0F" (--; 2+ % + 1 m- i m m -x t), (7.4) where prime denotes the differentiation with respect to the argument. Eliminating 0FI, 0FI from (7 2), (7 3) and (7.4), we see that G(x,t) satisfies the following partial differential equation: x G x m t 8G Substituting G from (7.1) --lmn+ (x [-)X X n= 0 ) ))+X-% mn (x + (7.5) m t G. . n )] -t m t n=O m t n=0 nx- mran+ (x, m x- Fmn+(x’%’ ) t ) t n-i n.l n (7.6) CLASS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS OF A NEW TYPE 177 or + mn+v(x,%, x;) n=0 m n=O m mn+ v(x’ mn+u(x’%’ ) n n=O Equating the coefficients of t D F x n , t x;) m(n-l)+(x m n=l %, ) (n i)! from both sides, for n -> I, we obtain the differential recurrence relation m mn+(x’% xD F m m ( + mn) Fmn+(x %, ) + m n F ) m(n-l)+(x’ I v) (7.7) 0 To find out the other differential recurrence relation, let us start from the generating relation given by (6.4), which can be written as: 2+l+m-i n=O m n x- F m mn+ (x % V) 2+%+m- i n t m m t) (i exp( (7.8) I- t Let 2+l+m- i G(x,t) m (i- t) -x i exp m t (7.9) Writing G in place of G(x,t), and differentiating (7.9) partially with respect to x: m-i -m x t G x (i (7.10) G. t) Substituting G from (7.8), we obtain 2+ I + m- i )n --X --i m-I -m x m F mn+(x’l’ ) + (i- t) + 2+ I t x- O F i m n m n=0 m mn+(x x- I, ) ] t n m t I mn+(x’ ) F n or 2+l+m- i m )n 2+ I + m 1 n-I m m x m-i Z n=l Equating the coefficients of t relation mn+(x %’ v) + F x n E 2+ m D F mn+(x, , ] tn ) _Fmm(n_l)+(x,l, )+DFmm(n_l)+(x,l, ) + tn x m m- i n-i m m(n-l)+ (x F v) (n tn (n- i)! i)! from both sides, we obtain the differential recurrence 178 M. DUTTA AND K. P. MANOCHA 2 (n + + % 1 m FTM n(+ mxm) F 2v+ % x(n + mn+ v( x,%,v) m 1 D F m m mn+ v(x % v) m v) + x n D F x,%, v) re(n-l)+ ( m(n-l)+ (x,%, (7.11) 0. From the differential recurrence relation (7.7), we 7.2. PURE RECURRENCE RELATION. obtain x D m Fmn+(x,% m ( + mn) ) Fmn+(x m m n F v) m(n_l)+ x,,) (7.12) which implies that TM m(n_l)+(x x D F % ) b + m(n-l) F TM TM m(n_l)+(x,%,)- m(n-l) Fm(n_2)+(x,%,) (7.13) To obtain the pure recurrence relation, we eliminate the derivatives from (7.11), (7.12) and (7.13), which yields (n+ 2 + X 1 ,Fm mn+(x’ %’ )-(n+ m n(+ 2 +m % [( 1 mxm) Fmm(n_l)+(x,%,) + ran) Fmmn+(x,% + m(n n ) TM )-mn F m(n-i )+ (x i ) Fmm(n_l)+(x,%,) m m(n_2)+v(x,%, v) ran(n- i) F 0. Hence we obtain (n +2+m %- 1 TM F mn+V(x’ x Fm m(n_l)+o(x ) 1 n + 2v+m % % ) + (n- l) F 1 m m m(n_2)+(x,,) 0. (7.14) In the above equation we see that for a fixed m and for different values of 0,1,2,...,m-1), we shall obtain m different recurrence relations. Also we are getting different recurrence relations for different partitions for the set of values 2, then for v For example if we take m of the variable parameter n. polynomials and for us the recurrence relation for even 0 (7.14) gives 1 it gives us that for odd polynomials, which is interesting and seems to be new. 8. SPECIAL CASES. CASE i. If we put m 0 and % i, 1 + , then the differential equation (i.i) reduces to that for Laguerre polynomials as: xy" + (i + x)y’ + ny 0. By the same substitution, relation (4.2) reduces to FI(x n + , 0) n! () L (I + a)n n (x), (8.1) CLASS OF ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS OF A NEW TYPE where L () 179 (x) is the Laguerre polynomials. But for % i, F l(x,1 n L0n O) (x) L (x) n i.e. simple Laguerre polynomials. Also for m O, and using the i, relation (8.1), the Rodrigues’ formula (5.1 the generating functions given by (6.2) and (6.4) and recurrence relations (7.7), For I (7.11) and (7.14) reduce to that for Laguerre polynomials. I, these results reduce to that for simple Laguerre polynomials. CASE 2. 2, % On putting m 0 differential equation (i.i) becomes y" 2xy’ + 2ny O, which is the differential equation for Hermite polynomials. By the same substitution, relation (3.1) gives us, 2 (x,0,O) n (-1 F i n/2 )n/2 n 2Fo (- n -+ i i 2 x )n/2 2 H (x), n n where H (x) is the Hermite polynomial (see p. 108 of Rainville [8]). n we put m 0, v 2, % F and for m 2, % 0, 2 where H2n(X), H2n+l(x) Once again, if 0, in (4.1) then, 2 (x,O,O) 2n F2n+l (x 2 n/2 (_i) I n x IFI (-n; F (-n; 1 n 2 (-i) n’ (2n)! 2 (-i) n’ 2(2n + i)! x H2n (x) i, 0 i) x 1 1 3 x n H2n+l(X); are even and odd Hermite polynomials, see Erdelyi [i], p. 194. With the help of these relations, we can calculate generating functions, recurrence relations, etc. for the polynomials Next, when we put m nomials of 2, v H2n(X) and H2n+l(X). 0 in (4.2), it reduces to generalized Hermite poly- Dutta, Chatterjea and Ghosh [3]. F 2 (x,% O) 2n n! % + I (-----)n L (%-1 2 n (x2) M. DUTTA AND K. P. MANOCHA 180 (-i) 2, and for m = n H2n (x) i, it reduces to: 2 F2n+l (x,,l) I+l) xn! + 3 n HA2n(X) and H2n+l% 2 2 (-i) X + 3 Z where (x Ln I )n H2n+l(X) (x) are defined in Dutta, Chatterjea and Ghosh [3]. REFERENCES et al. Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol. II, McGraw-Hill, New York, Toronto and London, 1953. i. ERDELYI, A. 2. DUTTA, M. and MORE, K.L. A New Class of Generalized Legendre Polynomials, [athematica 7 30 (1965) 33-41. 3. DUTTA, M., CHATTERJEA, S.K. and GHOSH, B.K. 4. DUTTA, M., CHATTERJEA, S.K. and MORE, K.L. On Generalized Hermite Polynomials, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. R.S. de Roumanie 12 6__0, No. 4 (1968) 59-65. Polynomials, Bull. Inst. of Math. On a class of Generalized Hermite Academia Sinica. _3, No. 2 (Dec. 1975). 5. KRALL, H.L. and FRINK, O. 6. DUTTA, M. and BHATTACHARYA, S.P. 7. DUTTA, M. Orthogonality and Differential Equations, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 63 (1971), 143-145. 8. RAINVILLE, E.D. 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