I nternat. J. Math. Math. Sci. Vol. 6 No. (1985) 181-187 181 ON THE RITT ORDER OF A CERTAIN CLASS OF FUNCTIONS R. PARVATHAM and J. THANGAMANI The Ramanuj an Institute University of Madras Madras-600 005, INDIA (Received August 14, 1981) ABSTRACT. The authors introduce the notions of Ritt order and lower order to functions defined by the series I (-n s) f (s) exp n where () is a D-sequence and n f (s) are entire functions of bounded index. n KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. order, entire functions of bounded index, Dirichlet series. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1 30A16, 30A64. INTRODUCTION. Let us consider an M-dirichletian element: {}: Zn= 1 where (A n) f (s) exp n (-nS), s 0 + i%, (o %) e (i.i) is a D-sequence (a strictly increasing unbounded sequence of positive numbers) and f (s) are entire functions of bounded index (defined below). Conver- n gence properties of such elements were discussed by J.S.J. Mac Donnell in his doctoral dissertation [1] under the conditions where m n is the index of f n lim n+oo log)tn n m 0 and lim n/oo -n 0 n In this paper, we first study the convergence prop- erties of these elements with less restrictions, namely, L lim sup n+oo lim - log n < and (1.2) n sup m n < (1.3) n As the functions defined by these series are unbounded in the half-plane, it is not possible to define Ritt order directly. However, by making use of functions 182 R. PARVATHAM AND J. THANGAMANI defined by associated intermediate series, we introduce the notions of Ritt order and lower order to these functions. 2. MAIN RESULTS. [2j. DEFINITION 2.1. An entire function f is said to be of bounded index if there exists a non-negative integer N such that If(k) (s) max If(j) (s) J! k! 0_<k<N (f (0) (s) f(s)) The least such integer N is called the index of f. for all j and for all s. We require the following lemma which shows that an entire function of bounded index is of exponential type. LEMLA 2.2. [3], [2]. Let f be an entire function of bounded index N. f( k )(0) {max (N + i) O<k<N n max n {X}: A 1 exp (N Is + i) (2.1) Y. a s j be an entire function of bounded index m nj n j=O Let f (s) A k Then {lanj I/j 0 1 m n If max (J) (0) j j! mn 0 1 (2.2) exp(-% s) the associated dirichletian element whose abscissa of n n REMARK 2.3. log A k; c convergence is denoted by k n lim % n n It can be easily seen from Lemma 2.2 that fn(S) < Ifn (J) max exp (m J 0<j -<m n Isl + i) n A exp (m n THEOREM 2.4. n If 0 <- < + i) Isl i, the region of absolute convergence of (I.I) is the exterior of the hyperbola centre (k(l- B2)-I O) and eccentricity B -I contained in the half-plane o > k. PROOF. Using Remark 2.3, we have If n (s) exp(- s) n < A n exp(m + i) n Is exp(- ) n (2.3) ON THE RITT ORDER OF CERTAIN CLASS OF FUNCTIONS B From the definitions of k and n’ n > n" n > 0 it follows that for A < exp (k + )% n m n + + )n n n’ >- n" i < ( 183 and Hence max(n’, n") n(e) Ifn(S) exp(-%nS) -< exp(-%n(O k E)]s]) (6 + E and -< f (s) exp(-% s) n n() n exp (-% (O k n n() (6 + E) g Isl) The series in the right hand side converges provided Isl o- kwhich is valid only if o > k and 0 _< > 0 (2.4) < i. Thus any point in the region of convergence of (i.i) must satiny (_ 2((72 k)2 + T2 > 0 which reduces to k (o- 2 2 i 62 2 I 2 k > 2 (i 2 (2.5) 62)I from which the theorem follows. REMARK 2.5. 0 the M-dirichletian element converges in the half-plane If o > k (which coincides with the half-plane of convergence of the associated series {X}) thus giving the result of MacDonnell i] as a particular case. Next we proceed to introduce the notions of Ritt order and lower order for functions defined by (i.I). We need the following lemmas. Let the M-dirichletian element given by (i.i) converge absolutely on E a D {s o E C (7 LEMMA 2.6. O, n where N o JR} denote the imaginary Under the conditions o is hoomorphic on PROOF. . g axis. < and 0 _< c , we have E a and , Using (2.3) we have {0} s Do i if o > 0 and Ifn (s) exp(-EnS) @(7 =-i if o < 0. < A n exp[- n (i m n + In i (7 s_ [(7[ )] and 184 R. PARVATHAM AND J. THANGAMANI 8 < Since 0 < s - s [i- (8 + g) given E > 0 ’ n’(=n ’ n’ n > s g An < The function {s E /o(I- g (B + g) uniformly on each E ]a > to > as o where . n=n qbn’}: Let G be any open subset of @G: . G 9 G s Let and of width 2. LEMMA 2.7. (I ’) IR x PROOF. o Let by its Let {n Then converges fn(S) exp(-InS). Yl[ 00) Is G}. , converges absolutely in G if o C and (O,B) /]’[- {s B(I,Z where . (2.6) . is continuous on @G Since G is arbitrary on } {o} converges Now we put sup{lqb(s’)I/o’ -> _< oo; further can be continued analytically on the totality denote its analytic continuation. M we extend indexed by p on (s) is hol]mrphic on G. qb O O O)]. We put (@n’ absolutely on each point of of 80] Ioi fi-k-nd is ( + E) iTO of D O inf{o(l- (8 + ) G The number p} 0X c fn (s)exp (-INS) O exp[-O In(l For any point (on the imaginary axis) s limiting value as s D o s e B(I,) is the horizontal strip with Y1 as axis Then Under the conditions o X and 0 -< C M (O,B) (TI’ ) is bounded on each point be fixed arbitraril on + ’ < 1 < 1 we have o e IR and lira M x ]+o and B Then given with 0 < (o,B) 0 E’ > O, 8 < i. We have ON THE RITT ORDER OF CERTAIN CLASS OF FUNCTIONS ( + e)(l + ’)) 0 o) > o(i e o 185 (l (2.7) ( + )(1 + ’)); as a result of(2o6)and (2.7) (O,B) < An, (-og,(l Xn, (o,(1- ( and hence lim M n lim M finally, o(I we put M(o e,) M g IR , {In,(s) I/o {s g B(I,)/IO (O,B) _< Max compact set, o Max -< o E, 6o) + ( + g) (i + [’)); > 0(i s g B(I ^ }, < {,(o(i - 0 as O -> (O,B) ( + ) + e) (l+ ’)) 0 as o -> (o,B) Further, we have > -O (B + g)(l + ’)) exp M(og,) I,E) is holomorphic on the Then we get is finite. + (B + E)(i + g’)), n’ As M(oe,), ,(oe,(i-(B+)(I+.’))}; is a strictly decreasing function in IRand hence + g)(l + g’)] > ,([i + ,(O(i + (B + g)(l + ’)) < (equality holds for o , , ((i (B + g)(l + g’)) if (o(i ( + )(i + g’)) if O > < 0 and O, O) with As all M-dirichletian polynomials satisfy the two properties of the lemma, in each horizontal strip B(%,) o -> M$(O,B) hen lim TgEOREN log sup is called the Ritt order of XB s b called the lower order of 2.9. M@(o,B) lim O. We put pB 0B is bounded for each o e ]Rand hence the function is decreasing on IRwith DEFINITION 2.8. Then M@(o,B) gnder on B. V IRx + 0 Let (,B) )tBqb lim inf log X pB _< < l, we have and 0 c OXR and % -< %X R + log_o M*(O B) on B. the conditions (i,) + log_ M }. 186 R. PARVATHAM AND J. THANGAMANI where and % are respectively the Ritt order and lower order of X in the whole plane. PROOF. "V" g Proceeding as in Lemma 2.6 for 0 -< 0 n’(=ng) Now denoting by {n,} and " + ] n’ {kn ,} s e and , I@n,(s) B( I,) < i, we have < )i n Ioi (O,B) -< , which gives g’ E IR and hence - Isl defined by the elements sufficiently large: (B + e) [O(I by (2.6) ( + E) [(7(1 the holomorphic functions on we have for o negative with M B 0 Bn RXn _< eO) As adding finite number of terms to a holomorphic function defined by a classical Dirichlet series does not affect its Ritt order [4], we add {,} and then PRXn n=0 ORX. Now n’ (o,B) M(,B) M V _< g where {:,}: n’-I A n exp (-%n s) to o + M @n’ (O,B) IR n-i n= 1 f (s) exp(-% s); then n n o V (,) x + PB < max (PBn ’, PB@n 0 Bn since n’ 0. Finally we have (r,) IRx 0 and similarly we can show: V (,) x + %B -< %R 0 Now we are in a position to define the Ritt order and lower order of plane {. in the whole ON THE RITT ORDER OF CERTAIN CLASS OF FUNCTIONS DEFINITION 2.10. We put P sup {p XR sup /(1,9.) e IRx B0 {IB /(yl,) e IRx ]R and Then OR 187 is called the Ritt order of on and on IR +} o is called the lower order of REFERENCES i. MAC DONNELL, J.S.J. Doctoral dissertation, The Catholic University of America, (1957). 2. SHAH, S.M. Entire unctions of bounded index, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 19, (1968) i017-1022. 3. HAYN, W.K. Differential inequalities and local valency, Pacific J. Math. 44, (1973) 117-137. 4. BLAMBERT, M. entieres Sur la comparison des ordes boreliens et (R) des functions d’une certaene classe, Bull. Sc. Math. 89, (1965) 103-125.