III Inter.at. J. Pla@h. ’+,L’. 6 N,. P<ath. ScZ. (1983) 111-118 IDENTITIES INVOLVING ITERATED INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS CYRIL NASIM Department of Mathematics and Statistics The University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canada T2N IN4 (Received August 18, 1982) ABSTRACT. A number of identities involving iterated integral transforms are establi- making use of the fact that a function which is a linear combination of the shed, Macdonald’s function K (z), where z KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. is a complex variable, is a Fourier kernel. Macdonad’s run.ion, Fourier knP+, <n transform, Han- kel trans f orm, Laplace trans form. 1982 <ATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. i. 4A20. INTRODUCTION. The object of this note is to establish various identities involving integral operators. function K The integral operators are the integral transforms with respect to the (z), where 7/ (z) is the Macdonald’s function of order complex variable. and argument z, a Some functional relations are deduced, as special cases, which show the inter-relations among more familiar Fourier Sine, Fourier Cosine, and Laplace transforms. 2. THE KERNEL. 1/27/ Let )2 Then 2 or )2 we set @ ie im /k I/4 2y m----x. 1/4] y 12_/41 0 -< m a constant and with 2 Whence Now, if (0), k 82y, )2 ky 2k-l, k= 0 1 2 vl < I. C. NASIM 112 y then satisfies a x 2K(ie "m/kx), k-fold Bessel equation: D 92 1/4] k x--’--- y k (-I) y (2.1) It is not difficult to see that if x is a complex variable, then every point of (2.1) is regular except for a singularity at x 0. Now consider a function of the form 2k-1 m m=O M The functions are an extension of the functions which were first noted by Guinand. As a special case when k B0 2, chose the coefficients i B2 B - as 2 0 and B Then we obtain G2(x 1 1/2... ---x t (ix) + K (-ix) + 2cos( cos i v vr)Kv(x)} K (x), say, (2.2) and we have THEOREM 2.1. kv(x) y is a solution of .Z114 0 < X <oo the two-fold Bessel equation. The function k (x) is of special interest to us here nd we shall develop its properties further. Using the representations [3] Kv(x) g Y (x) cosec v{cos w J (x) -J cosec v{I_v(x) Iv(x) and where J I and Y (x)}, are the usual Bessel functions, equation (2 kv(x) i x1/2{sin -vJv(x) + i cos-v(Yv(x) 2), can be written as 2 +-- Kw(x)) }. These functions arise as kernels in divisor summation formulae of the Hardy-Landau IDENTITIES INVOLVING ITERATED INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS type, involving number theoretic function divisor of n, [4] the number of kth powers of the 1 ,we have -2 If we put v -(cos x k+1/2(x) ok(n), 113 -sin x + e which obviously satisfies the differential equation Dy y. I. Next, the Mellin transform of - xK h m{x2K (ax) where Re s > is given by IRe i w h -s-2 a [5] (x) is given by I I i i i I 2s_3/2 F(++) (- +) whence the Mellin transform of k (x) defined in (2 2) 28-3/2 I I + i) 4 r( s +-f i-s-1/2 ri (-f I s - +1/4) --f -s -1/2 I + 2cos v). + (_i) On simplifying, we have 2s+ k*(s) for Re s > IRe I By repeated use of the relation r(z)r(1-z) r( i +-f - I s i +- r(y cos i (s + i --f I + y) i +) I cos (s_ + 1/2) I sin zz it is not a difficult matter to see that k*(s)k(l-s) I. Hence, THEOREM 22. The function k*(x) defined by equation (2.2) is a Fourier kernel, [6] If we define the transformation T[f] by 114 C. NASIM I] k(xt)f(t)dt, c[f] C2[f] then f and T is involutory since F2 7, the identity transformation. Mak- ing use of the asymptotic expansions of the Macdonald’s function K (z), we have k (x) (x) and Now, if we take (x) x O(x-’+1/2), x O. for lxl L2(0,), k (x) Therefore O(e -x), L2 (0,), the integral defining the transformation T exists Thus T is a bounded transformation on and is in fact absolute convergent. for Ivl 3. THE OPERATOR. I. < i. We shall now define the transformation T in operator notation. rators K and K K and f L 2 (0,) and transformation Denote the ope- respectively by K[f] =K{f(x); where L2-space Kv{f(x); .[f] I,I < , [ xaK(xt)f(t)dt x}= ix} fr K (ixt)f(t)dt with K (z) being the Macdonald’ s function. can be expressed, in operator form, as and we can write, symbolically, T- 1 --(K.,i + K,_z. + 2cos 1 vK Then the IDENTITIES INVOLVING ITERATED INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS Since F 2 - f, the identity transformation, 1 or + K (K + 2cos + we have i vK)2 1 4cos 2 v,-. v,. " .K + K 2cos-v(g 115 I K2 + K + K .K .K (3.1) .K + K K + K K The right-hand side is the linear combination of iterated transformations, which are bounded on L2-space vj for I. Now, using the standard result [5], I where Ivl < 1 and tKv(at)Kv(Bt)dt Re(u+B) K v,i > 2(0,), 0, we have for example, if Kv If] K v (ixt)dt 0 v(ut)f(u). (ut) (xu)1/2f(u)du =1 -(i) tKv(ixt)Kv(ut)dt (ix)2V u 2v du () -vf( u) -v sn _g g D 2 --i +2 If] The change of order of integration can be justified by absolute convergence. Thus, we obtain our first identity K .K +KK (3.2) =0 The identity given by (3.2) can alternatively be established by making use of the Mellin transform theory. Kv,iKv[f], That is, the Mellin transform of the iterated operator is given formally by m{K v iKv [/] h 1/2 m{- 1 x K (ix); s }m{ i x-K (x); l-s}f*(s) v .-s-1/2 z f*(s) 1 1 1 1 4sin where f*(s) denotes the [f;} -r( Mellin transform of v 1/2(s )sn ( f(x). 1/2 m{- 1 x K (x); s}m{- 1 4sin + x1/2K u + Also, (-ix); l-s}f*(s) (-i) 1 1 + )sin u(8 + v + 1 +) ) 116 C. NASIM .K + K K m{ (K Then .) If] O, implying that as shown above. =o .K +KK K Similarly, one can show that KK .K =o, .+K a sort of conjugate of the identity in K(ix) (3.3) (3.2). Consider the representation (e-i1/2vJ -v (x) 2 sinwn e i1/2w (x)); then K (xt)1/2Kvixt),(t)dt [f] I 2sin v J;J (xt)1/2j - 2sin vr where H e i1/2vH (xt)f(t)dt (xt) -e If] 1 ei1/2H 1/2J []} denotes the Hankel transform operator of order v. K ,i 2sin e -iwH and similaz ly K ,- 2sin Now, after substituting for K e -i1/2 (H_Kw - 2sin ei1/2WH -w and K K)Hw) 2sin in e i1/2v e i1/2 (xt) f( t)dt Thus, in operator form, H (3.4) e-i1/2H (3.2) and rearranging, we have (HK KH_v). By comparing the real and imaginary parts and solving, we obtain the identities KH =H K and H K KH (3.5) IDENTITIES INVOLVING ITERATED INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS 117 Now, 2j1/2 (xt) f(t) dt H1/2 [f] I sin (xt) f(t) dt S[f], and similarly, H_1/2[f] C[f], where S and C are the usual Fourier since and cosine transform repsectively. Also, I (xt)1/2K1/2(xt)f(t)dt K1/2[f] I11/2 Ie-Xtf(t)dt c[yl, where L[f] is the Laplace transform. Hence, setting and +.I -, in (3.4), we f CL LC SL. obtain the relations, (3.7) Incidently, a general relation involving the operators K HK i cosec { sin-(w-) KvH + sin -g=(1 and H can be established: T[K H On setting _+v, (3.8) yields the identities. (3.5) and (3.6). representation (3.4), (3.8) Next, from the we have symbolically 2 (3.9) since H2 H2 f, the identity operator, with Hw being the Hankel transform. Similarly, one can show that (3.10) C. NAS IM 118 And, in the same vein, we have K .K .K + K v,-c v,c v,c v,-c Now, going back (3.9) in 2 2 Sin- v(H H cos v-v +H-v H v (3.11) (3.1) and using the results given by (3.2), (3.3), and to equation Ivl (3.11) and simplifying, we have finally, for [ H ) H --) +H--) H ) sin v 2K2 i, An interesting relationship can be established by putting v 4 H1/2H_1/2 + H_ttH1/2 K1/22 (3.12) 2cos v F. 1 i in (3.12). Then 0 or _2 SC + CS where ,C, L2 (3.13) and L denote the Fourier sine, Fourier consine and Laplace transforms respect ively. From (3.9) and (3.12), one can establish the identity K2 which, on setting v _K -+ ,i , i _K 2 (3.14) w,-i yields (3.13). REFERENCES i. GTTINAND, A.P., A class of Fourier Kernels, Ouart. J. Math. Oxford (2), 1 (1950), 191-3. 2. EVERITT, W.N. Fourier 3. 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