I. J. Mah. Math. Sci. (198) I-9 Vol. 6 No. CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS: THE WORK OF ALAIN CONNES STEVE WRIGHT Department of Mathematical Sciences Oakland University Rochester, Michigan 48063 (Received May 7, 1981) ABSTRACT: The fundamental results of A. Connes which determine a complete set of isomorphism classes for most injectlve factors are discussed in detail. After some introductory remarks which lay the foundation for the subsequent discussion, an historical survey of some of the principal lines of the investigation in the classification of factors is presented, culminating in the Connes-Takesakl structure theory of type III factors. After a discussion of inJectlvity for finite factors, the main result of the paper, the uniqueness of the injectlve deduced, and the structure of II. II 1 factor, is and type III injectlve factors is then obtained as corollaries of the main result. 1980 AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: PRIMARY 46L35, 46LI0; SECONDARY- 46L50, 46L05 KEY WORI]S AND PHRASES: and o jiVe yon Nann o.%gebra, fi facr, dcre p, f tor pro, yon N gebra. I. INTRODUCTION. From the beginning, one of the central problems of the theory of von Neumann algebras has been their classification according to isomorphism type. on the problem was initiated by ([I], [2], [3], [4]), The attack the" founding fathers Murray and von Neumann who introduced the fundamental notion of types (I, IIi, II, and III), and who claimed early victories with the characterization of the hyperflnlte S. WRIGHT 2 As the years II I factor and a complete classification of the factors of type I. passed, there was vigorous development of the theory, but no results appeared that However, were as definitive as these early advances. the publication of the thesis [5] of Alain Connes. [6], Connes results of Tomita and Takesaki in 1973 a new era dawned with Basing his work on earlier initiated a program for the classifica- In [5], tion of factors that can be termed as nothing short of revolutionary. [7], [8], and [9], he obtained a classification of factors of type III and auto- morphisms of certain factors of type II work of [I0], and I II which culminated in the remarkable in which appear the first major advances beyond the classical theory in the classification of factors for the non-type I case. The purpose of these notes is to give a rather detailed discussion of the most important of these results. We assume the reader has a familiarity with the theory of von Neumann algebras on the level of [II], role in the sequel. We recall some basic facts that play an important say. A factor is a von Neumann algebra with a trivial center, i.e., the only elements of the algebra which commute with every element are scalar We will be concerned primarily with von Neumann algebras multiples of the identity. [12], of finite type, and we will use the tracial characterization of this (see Section 111-8). on the factor Recall that a trace functional of norm (ab) I, i.e., N a state on V (ba) is a positive linear which satisfies N b a N (i.l) A factor is said to be finite if it has a trace. The trace on a finite factor is uniquely determined among the states by (i.I), and it is automatically faithful and ultraweakly continuous (Theorem 2.4.6 of [13]). These facts will be used frequently. We will also employ the standard representation of a finite factor N be the (canonical) trace on Then the representation ,H,} Naimark-Segal construction corresponding to ultraweakly continuous, and the cyclic vector is cyclic for L2(N, ) and the (N)’ L2-nQrm of x N is by definition llxll 2 Let in the Gelfandis faithful and is separating for denotes the commutant). where N (N) We denote 1/2 (x*x) H (i.e., by is CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS N called the standard representation of ,T(N) L2(N,T), H in products of C*-algebras and act on Hilbert N acts @ta.ndardly in H (R) I H A @ A2 1 the algebra Form the algebraic tensor product B(H 1 which can be viewed in a natural way as a *-subalgebra of H Tensor C*-algebras, which for convenience we will assume Ai,i=l,2 be spaces H i,i=1,2 of bounded operators on with its image Neumann algebras w..ll play an important role in yon Let what follows. and when we identify N we will say that 3 A seminorm 2 p A2 AI on (R) H 2) is called a C*’-subcross seminorm if p(x*x) (i) (ll) p(a I p(x) (R) A1 x A2, llalll lla211 _< a2) 2 is a C*-crossnorm if p a A i (1), and (li) with -< is a norm satisfying replaced If we take the supremum of all C*-subcross seminorms defined on by we will obtain a C*-crossnorm A1 8 A norm definable on norm acts on A 1 8 A2 H H (R) I 2 A which we denote respectively by (R) 1 maX A (R) I H 2) A and thus obtain a information about tensor products is M.1 and N.1 isomorphisms, and let A1 A2 mill A2 the so-called These algebras will in are von Neumann A2 and relative to the weak operator A 2 Neumann subalgebra of B(H (R) H2) 1 An excellent source of an__d A2 1 [14]. We claim that Ti,i A (R) I AI yon are finite factors, denotes isomorphism). respectively. It can be shown that 2 A2 and 1 of A (R) A 1 2 the (spatial) W*-tensor product Suppose H (R) A and 2 If we further assume that algebras, we may also take the closure of B(H 2 -norm will yield C*-algebras AI maximal an__d minimal C*-tensor products o__f topology on HI o[ v-norm and the in the general be distinct. 8 A A 1 0 A2 by and so each element of A @ A2 has a I is the smallest C*-crossnorm definable on the operator norm 1 which by definition will be the lrgest C*-cross- ohn-d ogerator considered as a Completing v A Another crossnorm can be defined on 2 AI e A2 recalling that (’- 1,2 i i M (R) i 1,2, M2"-= N 1 (R) and N 2 denote the canonical traces on M i Let N i i i:Mi Ni 1,2 be M.1 and N i By uniqueness of the trace, i o T i i i 1,2 (I 2) ’4 S. WRIGHT M I (R) 2 is an isomorphism of (I 0"2 o (I (R) 2 i (R) 2 Now N (R) N 1 2 traces on M 1 (R) M 2 onto N (R) N I N onto Since (R) i [15], Lemma I, (see Lemma 9.2 infra) Thus by of @ M 2 2 (R) N 1 (1.2), and by 2 are the canonical I (R) 2 and respectively, they are faithful and normal. M (R) M 1 2 and 1 I (R) 2 extends to an isomorphism 2 Let Finally, we define the infinite tensor product of von Neumann algebras. M } be a sequence of von Neumann algebras, let n and let n n C*-tensor product be a normal state on Mn denote the infinite tensor product state on the infinite (R) n M of the n M’s ([13], n Section 1.23). M n n determined by elfand-Naimark-Segal representation of Neumann algebra n (n Mn)" is called the denote the Let Then the yon tensor product of (W*-) M n } relative to 2. AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON CONNES’ WORK We will preface our discussion of [I0] by a rather brief overview of the main lines of work which led up to it. Because of the limitations of space and time, we have concentrated on emphasizing only work which deals directly with the classification of factors, and have reluctantly suppressed discussion of many other interesting and important developments in the structure theory of von Neumann algebras. yon Neumann algebras do, with the work [I], [2], [3], and [4]. The classification of factors was Our story begins, as all stories about of Murray and von Neumann the motivating problem for this work, and all other progress on the problem was based on this pioneering effort. In fundamental notion of types (I, II I, [I], Murray II, and and von Neumann introduced the III), and obtained a complete classification of the factors of. type I: H type I, then there exists a Hilbert space the algebra of all bounded operators on H such that [2], they in [i] and M if M is a factor of is isomorphic to B(H) For our purposes, however, the most important advance that Murray and von Neumann made was their famous characterization of the hyperfinite II factor. Since this result will play a key role in the sequel, we will describe it in detail. CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS M be a Let yon Neumann algebra acting on a separable Hilbert space (from now 0mtil the end of this section, all von Neumann algebras will be assumed acting on a separable Hilbert space without explicit mention). {Mn} finite if there is a sequence is said to be M of flnite-dimensional yon If weak operator topology. M {Xl,...,xn} subfactor C of of M for there is a finite-dlmenslonal such that C is C of Murray-von Neumann): >0 M and Vl,...,vn E M and Neumann subalgebras is a finite factor, hyperfiniteness of equivalent to the following condition (condition each finite subset h_- M relative to the totally ordered by inclusion, whose union is dense in M of 5 llxi -vill2 < , i l,...,n The following theorem will be used in a crucial way in our later discussion: 2. I. II I. If ([4], THEOREM. M I and We will denote by R Let M both satisfy condition C Theorem XIV). II the hyperfinite I be fa,ztors of type and then M and M2 are isomorphic. factor, unique up to isomorphism by 1 Theorem 2. I. Another important technique contained in the Murray-yon Neumann papers is the so-called group-measure space construction of factors. give the first examples of type II 1 and example of a factor of type III in [3]. construction right now: II(R) This technique was used to factors in [2], and the first We will not go into the details of this it will emerge later as a special case of the Connes- Takesaki crossed product construction. The next major advance in the structure theory of von Neumann algebras occured in 1949 with the publication of von Neumann’s reduction theory [16]. This paper introduced and used the concept of direct integral of Hilbert spaces to decompose an arbitrary separably acting yon Nemann algebra into a direct integral of factors, and thereby reduced the study of yon Neumann algebras, at least in principle, to the study of factors. This then was essentially the state of the art in the classification of von Neumann algebras at the start of the 1950’s. Most of the work in the area consisted in a refining and strengthening of the tools bequeathed by Murray and 6 S. WRIGHT von Neumann. The theory at that time suffered from a dearth of examples of nonlsoorphic factors, and consequently one of the sin lines of work was the construction of such examples. III factor in ], 3 Von Neumann had constructed one example of a type but did not give another nonlsomorphic one. In 1956, Pukansky [17] constructed a pair of nonisomorphic type III factors using refinements of the group-measure space construction, and there the matter lay until 1963 when J.T. Schwartz [18] found a new invariant, his well-known Property algebra M acting on closed convex hull of H has Property P, if for each {U T U*: U a unitary operator B(H) T M} in _P: a yon Neumann the weakly has a nonempty inter- section with M’ hyperfinite II and also to construct another type III factor different 1 factors, Schwartz used this property to distinguish two nonlsorphlc, from Pukansky’s examples [19]. P property He showed that all hyperflnlte factors have and conjectured the converse. This converse was one of the many things established by Connes in [i0]. Since it had been a fairly difficult task to obtain such a small number of examples of nonisomorphic factors, there gradually emerged a hope that a somewhat complete classification of all factors just might be possible. In 1967, that hope began to fade when R.T. Powers [20] constructed the first uncountable family of nonisoorphic factors. Let matrices. RX Powers factor M many copies of We note that R 1 RX2 if I and + is defined as the infinite tensor product of countably is the hyperfinite of type III for each 2 complex defined by relative to the product state 2 denote the 2 x 2 M2 and let denote the state defined on % +-The [0,I] Let X (0,I) II 1 factor. (R) n n R where each (0, I). is X is a hyperflnite factor and Powers showed that are distinct elements of n RX is not isoorphlc to I We will see this class of factors again. After Powers’ examples appeared, the flood gates opened, and nonisomorphlc 7 CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS In 1969, McDuff [21] exhibited an uncountable family factors soon poured out. factors, and in 1970, Sakai [22], [23] found uncountable families of of II and nonhyperfinite type III factors. classi=fication of all factors. II This work dashed forever the hope of a complete Attention began to focus on particular classes of factors for which there did seem to be a possibility of a satisfactory classification with results that were to shortly revolutionize the theory. {M Let for each in T Assume n Hn that M n Then the functional acts on x H n is a state on n (R) the product state n M n n x and let defined on M n by n m < m n be a fixed unit vector I of type 00 x n Form the infinite tensor product n M M be a sequence of finite factors, with n CTXn, Xn) T (R) n M n relative to The resulting factor is an example of what Araki and 00 x n Woods [24] dubbed an ITPFI factor (for "infinite tensor product of finite type I’s"). In this paper, which appeared in 1968 and was motivated in part by Powers’ work, these authors introduced an important new invariant for the ITPFI factors, the asymtotic ratio set, and succeeded in obtaining an almost complete classification of this class of factors. Both for its historical importance and for its fore- shadowing of even bigger things to come, we will briefly describe the asymptotic ratio set and the Araki-Woods classification. Let of [0, (R)) M be a factor. The asymptotic r(M) o__f rat___i_0_o se___t M is the subset defined as follows: {x r(M) U {x [0, i]: M is isomorphic to M (R) R (i,): M is isomorphic to M (R) R x /x where of RX r(M) definition is the Powers factor defined previously. This is not the definition first given by Araki and Woods for the ITPFI factors. ([24], The first Definition 3.2) was expressed in terms of a complicated limiting procedure involving the ratios of the eigen-values of the density matrices of the states occurring in the infinite tensor product decomposition of the ITPFI factors, and Araki and Woods later showed that the definition given above was equivalent to the original one they deduced that ([24], r=(M) proof of Theorem 5.9). If M is an must have one of the following forms: ITPFI factor, 8 S. WRIGHT so o} S {1} S {0,xn X } 0,+I,_+2 n {0,1} So1 [0,) s(R) S Araki and Woods showed that corresponds to only one isomorphism class of ITPFI factors, and it is of type III. invariants S (0 i) x X [0, I] x The were also shown to come from only one isomorphism class, the one determined by the Powers factor R Thus all isomorphism classes X of ITPFI factors, with the exception of those in the determined. R We will denote this factor by class, were completely S01 The Araki-Woods classification scheme was the first significant advance in the classification of factors beyond the initial results of Murray and von Neumann, and it was to have a great influence on the young Alain Connes. The second major development which Connes would put to good use came from Japan. A problem of interest at the time concerned the commutant of a tensor product of von Neumann algebras: (M (R) M2)* equal i (R) M_? if M are von Neumann algebras, does M 2 and In 1967, M. romita [25],[26] answered this question affirmatively by a new and original analysis of the spatial relationship between avon Neumann algebra and its commutant. The exposition of [25] and [26] was somewhat obscure, however, and in 1970, M. Takesaki published his seminal monograph [6] which explained and extended Tomita’s earlier work. be a von Neumann M Let algebra with a vector which is both cyclic and separating for M. Takesaki associated a closed, densely defined, self-adjoint operator which has two very useful properties M involutive isometry J with The first is that forms a one-parameter unitary group for which @utomorphism roup of A A-itMit and the second is that A M, {A o the modular er, it M t the modular M and M . induces a conjugate-linear, of the underlying Hilbert space for which This shows in particular that (-,(R))} JMJ M are anti-isomorphic, and is the key to Tomita’s proof of the commutation theorem for tensor products. In actuality, the existence of a cyclic and separating vector is not necessary for the definition CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS of the modular operator, and in fact if M linear functional on morphism group (M) where {A t} is any faithful, normal, positive A then the modular operator and the modular auto- can be constructed in corresponding to {n,H} 9 is the representation of H relative to arising from the GNS M The construction of the modular operator and the construction induced by verification of its main properties are quite technical, and for that reason we will not go into the details. We instead refer the reader to Rieffel and van Daele’s excellent development of the Tomita-Takesaki theory [27], and, of course, also to the original memoir [6]. The stage was now set, and in 1973 Connes’ thesis [5] appeared. This work contained a classification scheme for factors of type III which was to have a profound influence on all subsequent work in this area. Taking his cue from the Araki-Woods classification scheme and the Tomita-Takesaki theory, Connes introduced the modular spectrum as an isomorphism invariant for type III von Neumann algebras. M Let S(M) be a separable acting type III von Neumann algebra. operators A (see [29]) of the modular corresponding to all faithful, normal, positive linear functionals Connes and van Daele proved the remarkable fact that M on is the intersection of the Arveson spectra M of The modular spectrum (0, -) and that a subgroup of invariant of M S(M) S(M)\{0} forms is a closed set which is an isomorphism Connes then divided the type III von Neumann algebras into subtypes as follows: M is said to be if S(M) {0,i} of type IIIk if S(M) {0,kn-n=0,_+l,_+2, ,...} of type III if S(M) [0, ) (i) of type III (ii) (iii) 0 I k (0,I)’, This is a direct generalization of the Araki-Woods classification:for a type III ITPFI factor M M, r(M) is of class S(M) and so S01 M is of type III0; lllk, M is of class Sk M is of type M is of class S. M is of type III k (0,i); I0 S. WRIGHT Connes then proceeded to prove a fundamental structure theorem for the factors of type k lllk, [0,i) in terms of discrete crossed products of von Neumann The case of type III algebras. was not treated, but Connes was not alone in this In the same year as Connes’ thesis appeared, Takesaki also offered [28], work. which solved the III case by the introduction of continuous crossed products, and which also developed a duality theory for crossed products that was to be very We now proceed to describe the structure theorems of Connes and influential. Takesaki. G Let be a locally compact abelian group, of continuous action o__n M a (x) g is *-strongly continuous. g we call L (G;H) M H H- valued, of M h l(x)(h); (g-lh); ((g)) (h) W*(M,) Th__e crosse__d product B(L2(G;H)) generated by discrete action n- 8 n of L M} x G, L G of on 2(G;H); 2(G;H). is the von Neumann subalgebra of M b_ M h G, g,h { (x) W*(M,@) the crossed product of M x - G square integrable and as follows (h) the mapping denote Haar measure on Let We define the representations ((x)) M x M denote the Hilbert space of all G Aut(M) into R (as will be the case in the sequel), G If acts on a Hilbert space L2(G;H) functions on 2 such that for each a one-parameter action on Suppose and let M G of is a homomorphism the group of all *-automorphisms of A a von Neumann algebra. M by n--0, +I, +2,... 8 and {k(g) g 6 G } Aut(M) If 8 is the crossed product of M by the W*(M,8) We will often refer to as a discrete crossed product or a discrete decomposition. The oldest, and in many ways the most important, example of a crossed product is the classical group-measure space construction of Murray and von (X,) be a o- bijective mapping of X onto X an automorphism of X Let and call a finite measure space with positive measure T Neumann. if T and T-I are CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS T measurable and T automorphism - maps sets of X of s H Let L2(X,) L(X,) X on f 6 L (X,). f- f O T T - denote the Hilhert space of all B(H) maximal abelian von Neumann subalgebra of s (X,),T) T automorphism U X of g- allmost all for T and x X of 2 and s is a *-automorphism of T W*(L such that then T and W*(L(X,),TI T2 (X,),T) is ergodic, it is a factor. T Two are weakly equivalent if there exists an {T I n (x) Z} n (UT 2nu (x) Z} n In a famous paper which generalized the work of Araki and Woods, Krieger [30] proved that if X in the The von Neumann algebra given by the group-measure is hyperfinite, and if automorphisms L (X,) and thereby forms a H space construction is simply the discrete crossed product W*(L of T An square integrable functions acts by pointwise multiplication on this von Neumann algebra. g- measure zero. measure zero to sets of induces an algebra automorphism natural way Ii T W*(L(X,),T2 is isomorphic to are weakly equivalent. are ergodic automorphisms of T2 and if and only if For this reason, Connes calls a discrete crossed product of an abelian von Neumann algebra by an ergodic automorphism of the algebra a Krieer factor, and so therefore will we. (Incidentally, Connes [24]) in the introduction to cites the work of Krieger (along with Araki-Woods [5] as being one of the primary motivations for developing his classification scheme for type III factors). We are now in a position to state what may appropriately be called the first, second, and third fundamental structure theorems for type III factors. 2.2. (Takesaki, [28]). THEOREM. exists avon Neumann on trace o s (i) (ii) N M algebra N of type Let II., and a one-parameter action t e -t is isomorphic to W*(N,). M be a factor of type III. There a semifinite, faithful, normal s t on N such that 12 S. WRIGHT (Connes, [5]). THEOREM. 2.3. There exists a factor N moe (i) (ii) M II, of type normal, semifinite trace N of Let M be a factor of type an automorphism II, N onto 1 and a faithful such that (N,8) (i) satisfying and any two such pairs Aut(N2) quotient map of p(n such that 2 81-I) onto the quotient gives rise to a crossed product (N2,82) (NI,8 I) factors if and only if they correspond to the same N (0,i). W*(N,8). is isomorphic to factor of type of k 6 =h m Furthermore, any pair , N of 8 lllk, k give isomorphic and there is an isomorphism p(82) ,where of Aut(N2) by p is the canonical its subgroup of inner automorphisms. exists a von 8 N of (Connes, [5]). THEOREM. 2.4. Neumann algebra N Let of type M II which is ergodic on the center of trace on N There 0. with a diffuse center, an automorphism N and a faithful, normal, semifinite such that k < 1 for some (i) be a factor of type III k0T(x (8(x)) 0 for all positive elements x of N (li) M Any pair III is isomorphic to (N,8) W*(N,8). satisfying the above conditions gives rise to a factor of type o These theorems in principle reduce the study of factors of type III to the study of von Neumann algebras of type II and their automorphisms, and Connes lost no time in beginning such a study. If M II. is a [4], of Murray and von Neumann product of a II 1 H factor acting on a separable Hilbert space factor N and Theorem IX) allows one to write B(H) M II as the tensor Thus the study of automorphisms of factors can be effectively reduced to the study of automorphisms of Now the hyperfinite a theorem II II. factors. factor is in many ways the simplest of all the II 1 factors, and hence any program which aspires to a classification of automorphisms of II 1 factors must first of all handle the case of the hyperfinite II 1 CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS R factor In [9], this is precisely what Connes did. 13 In this deep and penetrat- ing study, he determined all outer conjugacy classes of automorphisms of in particular showed that the quotient of R and Aut(R) by its subgroup of inner auto- morphisms is a simple group with only countably many conjugacy classes. previous comments, all automorphisms of the II factor R NB (H) 0,I By our can now be determined. The factor is also of interest for another reason. R0,1 of Murray-vonNeumann asked whether all hyperfinite to R 0 ,I ? II An old question factors are isomorphic This question arose naturally from their work on the hyperfinite factor, and for II a long time was viewed as one of the most important open questions in the theory of von Neumann algebras. In [i0] it received an affirmative answer. The key to this answer lies in the concept of injectivity, an idea introduced by Tomiyama in [31] and exploited by him and others in the study of tensor products of yon Neumann algebras (the terminology is due to Effros and Lance [14]). The great achievement of [10] was to identify injectivity and hyperfiniteness for separably acting factors, first in the finally for the type and 2.4. III II 1 case, then for the II case, and case using the fundamental structure Theorems 2.2, 2.3, It is to a detailed discussion of these ideas that we now turn. A few words are in order concerning the organization of the remainder of the paper. The main theorem occurs in Section 8, and asserts that all injective factors are isomorphic. II In Sectio 3, we define injectivity for von Neumann algebras and give a tracial characterization of injectivity for finite factors. Sections 4 and 5 are concerned with establishing a certain type of finite dimensional approximation property for standardly acting, injective, finite factors which plays a central role in the proof of the main theorem. discreteness for injective finite factors. Section 6 discusses semi- Automorphisms of factors are briefly treated in Section 7, and several important results of Connes on automorphisms of II factors are stated for use in the proof of the main theorem. commences with the proof of the Section 8 main theorem, Section 9 provides some necessary lemmas on embeddings in ultraproducts, and proof of the main theorem is completed 14 S. WRIGHT in Section I0. The eleventh and final section uses the results of Sections 2 and 8, together with some results from [7] and [8], to obtain the classification of injective factors of type 3. III and II(R) k [0,i) INJECTIVE VON NEUMANN ALGEBRAS AND THE HYPERTRACE. A von Neumann algebra N E jective if there is a projection E _> 0 follows easily that H acting on a Hilbert space B(H) of onto N is said to be in- E with It and by a well-known theorem of Tomiyama ([31]), E is a conditional expectation, i.e., E(axb) aE(x)b Suppose now that N B(H) x B(H), onto x B(H) is an injective finite factor acting on N denote a tracial state on norm 1 of N a,b N o E and set Then E where is a state on B(H) Let H is a projection of such that for all N a (xa) (E(xa)) (E(x)a) (aE(x)) (E(ax)) (ax) A state (3.1) B(H) satisfying of N Conversely, suppose hypertrace (3. i) is called a hypertrace of N is a finite factor acting standardly on We will eventually show that this forces N H with to be injective, L2(N,T) but before doing this we need to recall some facts about the Hilbert space of Segal on H An element affiliated with operator (E) set ([32]). T , (x*x) < o contained in of N %1N_ is a closed, densely defined operator o (E a Borel subset of (0, + )) satisfies d(k) and the 2(N,) [32]. A positive is called .integrable when its spectral measure d(k) < and we 2(N,) consists of all integrable x satisfying 1/2 norm of 2(N,) is given by x N is (x*x) as a dense submanifold, and for If we restrict the hypertrace and so L2(N,) in the sense of Definition 2.1 of affiliated with (XE(T)) (T) N x to N a N a tracial state on (a*a) a N 1/2 results The Schwartz inequality for positive linear functionals therefore CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS A yields for each 15 B(H) 1/2 1/2 1/2 (A*A) (a*a) (A*A) (a*a) A ll(a*a) 1/2 V a N l(aA) -< A Thus each L 2(N,) B(H) E(A) in (a,E(A)*)62(N,) A >_ 0 If Claim: A determines a bounded linear functional and hence a unique (aE(A)) (3.2) A then (a*aT*T) L2(N,) is positive on (aT*Ta*) on such that V a (aA) (aA) a (3.3) N N Let T N a B(H) Then is a hypertrace) (aT* (aT*) *) >_ 0 This verifies the claim. E(A) We can now show that N N for A >_ 0 E(A) Since it suffices by the double commutant theorem to show that Let a, b b a11 2 112 _< 1 Then l(b*E(A)a)l by [32], l(ab*E(A)) l(ab*A) lA(ab*)l N I(E(A) a, blHl A(a*a) A(bb*) _< N operator on H with IIE(A) II-< We conclude that to deduce from (3.3) that A 0 by (3.2) it follows that E(A) extends to a bounded IIAII N E(A) by (3.3) l al1 /2 llbll [2(N,) H is dense in extends to a Corollary 11.2 since [[A[[ (a a*) 1/4 (b b*) 1/4 IIAII Since E(A) [2 (N,) H-- bounded operator on is affiliated with for all E(A) A A B(H) It is now straightforward is a projection of norm B(H) of onto N. The following proposition now obtains: PROPOSITION. 3.1. Let N be a finite factor. if N 4o THE METHOD OF DAY FOR INJECTIVE FINITE FACTORS N is injective if and only admits a hypertrace in its standard representation. Let N be avon Neumann algebra, a linear functional on N u a unitary S. WRIGHT 16 o ad We denote by N in (uxu*) x-+ H N x be an injective finite factor acting standardly in N Let 4.1. PROPOSITION. the linear functional u Ul,...,Un} Then for each finite set there exists a normal state II@- aduj)ll ( o @ < e on B(H) j l,...,n N of unitaries in and 0, e > such that (4.1) The proof uses a separation argument first employed by Day [33] in PROOF. the context of countable amenable discrete groups. We consider the Banach space direct sum of (, o ad (B(H),) n ( o ad u I) Now there exist (B(H) ,) Consider the set } B(H), C norm closure of 0 ( C f on such that > 0 and n B(H) Then there is a norm-continuous linear functional C 0 Re f( formed by taking the Banach space ( o ad u )) :@ n Ul),...,@ To verify (4.1), it suffices to show that Suppose n copies of the predual of n (, C (B(H),) ( o ad B(H) x n x V Un )) f(g) such that B(H), n Z gi(xi) g for (gl ’gn Hence n Re Z j=l ((xj) -(ujxjuj*)) By Proposition 3.1, Theorem on for B(H) 2.14]), Since But is the N V has a hypertrace o(B(H)*,B(H)) (4.2) holds for each %(xj) >_ a %(ujxjuj*) j (4.2) B(H), % By the bipolar theorem limit of a net (@)aA we hence conclude that @a n We conclude that O ([34, of normal states (4.2) holds CQED 5. AN ANALOG OF F#LNER’S CONDITION FOR INJECTIVE FACTORS. As mentioned in the previous section, Day used the technique of Proposition 4.1 to show that when G is a countable, amenable, discrete group, there exists CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS a sequence F llgFn 0 Fnlll g for all G S n # for all A # Let V 0 A c G cardfnality of N of finite subsets of n given a G such that and n (Sn A Sn where such that Finer [35] had Somewhat earlier stronger result by finding a sequence S gl(G) of normalized positive functions in n 17 A and G cj denotes synnetric difference. be an injective finite factor acting standardly in Flnr’s proposition gives an analog of role in the sequel. N result for H The next and will play a crucial Before giving its statement and proof, we need a rather technical lemma concerning certain approximations for positive Hilbert-Schmidt operators. For its proof, consult [I0], Theorem 1.22 or [37], Section 2.5. LEMMA. Let H be a Hilbert space. (a,+) function of the interval Schmidt operators on H exists g [[HS where > 0 n ]IX a (hi) Z j=l 5.1. in H X a (h PROPOSITION. Let E a finite-rank projection N I)[]2 HS < and B j I, n Then there 3nell) a (hl)l12HS be an injective finite factor acting standardly Xl, B(H) II[E,xj]IIHS < glIEIIHS A be positive Hilbert- # 0 and For each finite subset (For operators hl,...,hn denotes the Hilbert-Schmidt norm. Xa(hl) such that a > 0 denote the characteristic such that {lhj -h1{{HS < {IhI{{HS for some a Let 0 a X Let xn such that j we denote } c N and E # 0 and l,...,n AB-BA by [A,B].) > 0 there exists 18 S. WRIGHT By Proposition 4.1, for any set PROOF. we can find a normal state {{- ( o Let For has density matrix u.3 H functional on I B(H) x we have u.3(x) (ujxu.*)3 Tr(oujxuj*) Tr((uj*guj)x) o ad o ad i.e., Tr(o) B(H) canonical trace on N (5.2) l,...,n j p >_ 0 Tr(p-) of unitaries of such that denote the density matrix of 0 Tr Thus < s 3 (-) where u.){{ ad B(H) of {ul,...,Un} and since the norm of a normal uj*ouj is the trace norm of its density matrix, we conclude from (5.2) that lluj*puj -911Tr < For I, j n Schmidt operator. s set uj*huj hj llhj hllHS -< llhj < h211Tr 2 Ilhmllrr Thus by the lemma, there exists [[Xa(hj) Let E a -X (h) a (h)[[ HS X a 9 1/2 is a positive Hilbert- inequality [36], lluj*ouj 911Tr 1[91ITr a > 0 (hi) such that X (h) # 0 1/2)1/2[IX a (h)[[ HS + 1) s < (3(n Then h l,...,n j I[h[IHS where Powers-Strmer By (5.3) and the 2 (5.3) l,...,n j u.*Eu, 3 3 and and (5.4) ,n j Tr E< Thus E has finite rank, and by (5.4) 1/21/2 uj*Euj]IHS < (3(n + I) )IIEIIHS Claim: I[[E,uj]IIHS liE- uj*Euj[IHS lIE- basis for H lIE and let uj*Euj I]2HS uj * E, uj Aj IIAjII2HS Z k (5.5) l,...,n Let e Then Z (AjAj*e,e) ([E,uj] [E,uj]*uje,uje=) } be an orthonormal 19 CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS ll[E,uj]ll2HS j n i, (5.1) now follows by the claim, (5.5), the arbitrariness of N that 6. s and the fact is the span of its unitary group. QED SEMIDISCRETENESS AND PURIFICATION OF FACTOR STATES. A Let c conjugate Hilbert space with For x E B(H) EH denote by Ac Let Let {x c x (A)" A Let :A @ (a (R) b & where Ac A } A A c c c) ((a) A (@,H,) ,% we say that admits N A (R). mn x denote the H cc H onto (x) c c B(H c) corresponding to is separating for @ (b))H A a b A and and Ac c the existence of which always extends to a state on Ac Ac A the spatial tensor product on Ac (R) max (R) H H c _a purification. be a factor acting on [I] asserts that the homomorphism N is an isomorphism. c Assume for simplicity that in the Gelfand- is the modular operator corresponding to extends to a state on Let such that is a C*-subalgebra of follows from Tomita-Takesaki theory. if B(Hc) denote the algebraic tensor product of by H a conjugate-linear isometry of the element in be a factor state on Naimark-Segal construction define c x Let H be a C*-algebra acting on a Hilbert space An early result of Murray and von Neumann H N @ defined on is semidiscrete N’ :a by (R) a’ aa’ (in the sense of Effros and Lance, N if this isomorphism extends to an isomorphism of min N’ [14]) i.e., if n n E a j=l J (R) b E j HH j=l a.b H J j V a l’’’’’an bl"’’’bn N N’ Connes characterizes semidiscreteness in terms of purification of states as follows ([37] Section 6.1. PROPOSITION. N and only if Now, let trace. 2.8): Let N be a factor on H Then N is semidiscrete if has a faithful normal state which admits a purification. N be an injective finite factor, with is normal and faithful. We claim that denoting the canonical admits a purification. To S. WRIGHT 20 (N) I, vizo., on trace vector lla(1)ll H Thus, (S’S) A (a I (R) b ([37], (b*a) 2.7), Section N @ Nc we have the following inequality: n n I( c a (R) b ((a) l,(b)l) H But by Proposition 5.1 and is isometric, since lla*(1)ll whence for all c) a*(1) S:a(1) (aa*) (a*a) 1/2 induced by the involution and the canonical S see this notice first that the map I( b.*a.)l ] ] % j=l a.b.*)l j % j=l n -< llj=IY, a.j bjCllHC, V aj,bj (R) c N @ N is bounded on It follows that relative to the spatial tensor product N norm, and therefore has an extension to E N. %in Nc We can now deduce from Proposition 6.1: 6.2. 7. PROPOSITION. Injective finite factors are semidiscrete. AUTOMORPHISMS OF FACTORS. Let M (by automorphism, we will always mean M automorphism group of Aut(M) We set be a von Neumann algebra. *-automorphism) inner automorphisms of Int(M) form adu: x u*xu M i.e., the set of all automorphisms of the x M u a unitary operator in M. This is a normal subgroup of Aut(M) Out(M) p :Aut (M) Aut(M)/Int(M) canonical quotient map. Out (M) The weak topology on predual M, of M Aut(M) c Let f 8() for the action automorphisms converges weakly to We set Int M is the topology of point-norm -o o closure of @ (8-I) 8 i.e., a net of Aut(M) if and only if I1:o, vq Int(M) convergence in the M,. in the topology just described. be a fixed linear functional on M and let a M The linear CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS af functionals M of if {an for all ( M, An automorphism of n M is _c M Aut(M) is a normal subgroup of Int(M) M, Ct(M) then a (xn) [u, Xn ]u* any unitary x ll[u,xn ]il = lira n [u*,xn *] M u M, For (*) 6 II[u M, y [U,Xn](y) 0 x n n Xn]*ll ]II and setting (7 I) M, 0 (7.1), it suffices to show that for {x } n ( and any M, have (7 2) 0 [n’ u*u] ](y) We must to show that Thus to verify ll[u [u,xn ]u* x One verifies by direct computation that for [UXnU*, both tend to be a centralizing sequence. any centralizing sequence lim n Let llanII, llan*ll 8(xn) Now 0 *-strongly. n and {xn} and let it suffices by n [U,Xn]* M 0 *-strongly. n ad u (Int(M) lira But {x }CM *-strongly, for tverv, centralizing sequence is a bounded sequence in Let n A bounded sequence We notice first that PROOF. a 0 fa group of all centrally trivial autoorphisms of LEMMA. show that 6 for all O(Xn) -Xn Ct(M) (*) af f(xa) af:x We set Ct(M) 7. io [a,f] We set centrally trivial if n are defined respectively by ll[Xn,]ll-O is centralizing if {x } M on x 6 M f(ax) fa:x fa and 21 y (u*yu) M (7.3) M. YXnU) (yux n u(yux u* n u(yux u* YXn) n ux u’y) + u(UXnU*Y yxn) n [UXnU*,U] u(UXnU*Y YXn) [Xn,U] (u*yu) + u(UXnU*Y- yxn) (y) + Now, ux u*y n yx n ux u*y n (ux u*yu* n yu*ux n yu*UXnU*)U by (7.3) (7.4) 22 S. WRIGHT [ux u* yu*]u n Therefore, uq) u2q) ([UXnU*’yu*]) YXn) (UXnU*Y 2 -u [yu*, UXnU*] q) u*,-u2q)] [ux n -[x n’ (yu*) u@u] (u’y) (7.5) by (7 3) Thus by (7.4) and (7.5) [x ou] (u*yu) [u,xn ]q)(y) n Ixn uqu] (u’y) {x (7.2) now follows from (7.6) and the fact that LEMMA. 7.2. 0 Then for each M Let -nt M p()p(O) M, For denote the seminorm Aut(M) n n n -1 c V n IlO(u) ull lie(u) ull -i < 2 u and II@ o o -lll < 2 M ad u n Let nV llO(Vn) Vnll W < 2 Un+lUn* -I < IIO(Vn*)Vn so that 2-n -ill o Vn -2n Let WnWn e . < 2 V n of V n in so we must show that -i 2-n Aut(M) Then + 2 -n such that M be a unitary in u n and therefore adu n Since -n 00 -I Then n u ad with lim ad(u n)_ n converges *-strongly to a unitary in M that II@, by -n o o (e -1-1) -I 1/2 there is a neighborhood n be a decreasing basis of heighborhoods of W Let W W such that for all unitaries (x*x) x is centrally trivial, for each positive integer in QED is centralizing. n be a von Neumann algebra with separable predual. Ct(M) p(O)p() PROOF. (7.6) 3 2 -n u n such *(U_)n CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS since W ad u n 23 Thus n u llO(Vn*)Vnn <3"2 u n -n and llS(Un+l*)Un+ ll8(Un*)O(Vn*)VnUn e(Un*)nll 8(Un*)Unll < 3-2 -n Also because (Vn+ i < 2 Vn+l o and I! o (ad 0 (u -I )) n we obtain - 0 JJUn+l*O(Un+l) u*O(u)ll This shows that ad u Un*0(Un) -n (0= -10-1 )11 < < 3 2 2-n -n converges *-strongly to a unitary M u such that -I00-I QED structure of Int(M), Int(M) The relation between and Ct(M) By Lemma 7.2, one always has M has a strong bearing on the _c p(Ct(M)) commutant of pC[ M)o On the other hand, Connes proves the following remarkable theorem: ([ 9] THEOREM 7.3. R predual, and let Theorem 2.2. I) Let M be a factor with separable denote the hyperfinite factor of type II The following l are equivalent: (a) M (b) p(Int M) (c) Int M Moreover, if is isomorphic to _ (a) M(R) R is nonabelian. Ct(M) holds, then p(Ct(M)) commutant of p(Int M) We now list several theorems which allow us to manipulate for a factor N of type II 1 consult the indicated references Let N has pro__p_ert_y be a finite factor, Int N and Ct(N) Regretfully we must omit all proofs; for details, (all results are due to Connes)o the canonical trace on of Murray and von Neumann ([4]) N Recall that if for each finite subset N 24 S. WRIGHT [u,xj]112 < N of Xl,...,xn g j predual. there is a unitary ([7], Corollary 3.8) ([10], Let H ardly on N has property N Since 7.6. and F N’ H ([i0], 0 and factor with separable factor acting stand- C*(N,N’) H the C*- C*(N,N’) Int N Theorem 3.1) is irreducible. II for Let (0) K N factors. be a II e if and only if The next theorem factor acting extends to an automorphism such that ([10], N’ Identity on N’ THEOREM. (Ni) F be a II N C*(N,N’) H Int N IN 7.7. Let if and only if Then Aut (C* (N,N’)) 8. (u) Then acts standardly on THEOREM standardly on (R) be a II has property Theorem 2.1) gives a complete characterization of I N Let denote the compact operators on K algebra generated by N N if and only if THEOREM. 7.5. Aut with Then Int(N) # Int N ’i M u n i, THEOREM. 7.4. > 0 and Let Corollary 4.4) NI,N2 be II 1 factors. Then for 1,2 i 2 Ct(NI (R) N2) if and only if UNIQUENESS OF THE INJECTIVE 111 i Ct(N i i 1,2. FACTOR. In this section, we begin the proof of the main theorem. The proof will end in Section I0. 8.1 ([I0], THEOREM. Theorem 5.1) All injective factors of type II acting on a separable Hilbert space are isomorphic. PROOF. Let N denote an injective II space, and acting standardly on to the hyperfinite lllfactor L2(N,) We will show that N is isomorphic R. N is semidiscrete, ioeo, the mapping D:N e N’ n n 7. a.b. is isometric as a mapping from B(H (R) H) rl: 7.. a.1 (R) b. 1 1 1 By Proposition 6o2, given by H factor acting on a separable Hilbert 1 B(H) B(H) CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS 25 Since n C*(N,N’) 7, a norm closure of b a i i i extends to an isomorphism of it follows that N b N (R) N’ N’ i Z+ n C*(N,N’). onto rain We claim that sided ideals. N N’ and N Since is a finite no nonzero maximal ideals. N’ ([13], factor, by [38], Theorem 6.2 N Since every two-sided ideal of maximal one, we conclude that isomorphic to are simple, i.e., they contain no closed, two- N is simple. N Since N contains is contained in a is conjugate-linearly N’ Proposition 2.9o2), it follows that is also simple. By a theorem of Takesaki ([39] N (R) N’ is simple so that we conclude that min C*(N,N’) Hence if is simple. operators on H I 6 C*(N,N’) and C*(N,N’) K C*(N,N’) U then H denotes the (closed, two-sided) ideal of compact K K (0) is either Since C*(N,N’) K # C*(N,N’) is infinite-dimensional, (0) C*(N,N’) or so Thus by Theorems 7.4 and 7.5, Int(N) # Int N Let o denote the flip automorphism of F o F (x (R) y) y We want to show that o To do this, let M let 8 Aut(M) n 7. (8.1) (R) x N (R) N N x,y Int (N (R) N) F be a standardly acting semidiscrete Then for all a a n M, b factor, and n aibi[ E 7, a.1 (R) b.lll (M is semidiscrete) 8(a i) (R) 8(ai) bill bil n 7. This shows that 8 II M’ ,b n . n aiM- i.e., [M’- since 8 (R) id extends to M’ an automorphism of M m.n (semidiscreteness again) extends to an automorphism identity on M’ of C*(M,M’) Thus by Theorem 7.6, 8 We have hence shown that Aut M a Int Mo such that Int M. 26 S. WRIGHT Now by a theorem of Effros and Lance ([14], Proposition 5.6) N semidiscreteness from N (R) N Since N (R) N and so N o F II 6 Int has separable predual. OF(8 (N (R) We hence conclude that Aut (N (R) N) N) N (R) N and therefore p(Ct(N (R) N)) c commutant of By Lemma 7.2, whence by Theorem 7.7, p(8 Since factor. acts on a separable Hilbert space, so does p(Int(N (R) N)) inherits and standard facts about tensor products imply that is a standardly acting Int (N (R) N), N (R) N (R) l)P(OF) (R) I)o F -I p(l (R) p(oF)p(8 (R) 8 8) (R) V 8 i) 6 Ct(N) we get p(oF(8 (R) I)o F I) p(8 (R) I) whence 8 (R) 8 -I Now a theorem of R. Kallman M 2 are Int(M yon (R) ([40], Neumann algebras, M2) (8.2), In t(N (R) N) Corollary 1.14) Aut(Mi) i I if and only if either Int(N) (8.2) 1,2 i Int(Ml) M asserts that if or then S 2 and 81 (R) 82 Int() Thus by Recalling Lemma 7.1, we have thus shown that Ct(N) (8.3) Int(N) We conclude from (8.1) and (8.3) that Int(N) c Int N Ct(N) N so by Theorem 7.3, is isomorphic to N (R) R This completes the first major step of the proof of Theorem to fully exploit this isomorphism, we must relate all, we are trying to show that by embedding N N in the ultraproduct and R R N 8.1. In order R more closely to are in fact the same) free ultrafilter. (after This is done We take up the details in the next section and it is there that Proposition 5.1 plays a crucial role. 9. EMBEDDINGS OF Let Z+ N IN ULTRAPRODUCTSo denote the positive integers with the discrete topology. Let CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS C g (Z+) b g of Z+ n Points Z+ Z+\Z+ Z+\Z+ Suppose n } k and let the Nk’S ({ if {x kernel of lim k- NNk p. 451) Denote by k(Xk c is a Fn Nk’S of as follows: gi occuring 9.1o R into Fn m If gl,...,gn as the sum of the absolute values of all exponents m LEMMAo in Let n) (Ul,... if m u Let m Fk set of all F n m by of unitaries defines a unitary u ul,o.o, u(m) m F of n Un n be unitaries in Q representation is the element formed by replacing L,..., i i there is a finite-dimensional factor such that N k Each n -tuple u each is a closed, two-sided corresponding __t denote the free group on the generators appearing in a reduced presentation of n Z the ultraproduct formed by countably many copies of the factor M we define the of F 0 } Neumann algebra with finite normalized trace yon We proceed to construct an embedding of -< the C*-direct sum of iNk Let @iNk called the ultraproduct of the length a. On @ @iNk:(x*x) 00 Let Then for a sequence a n Z+ be a free ultrafilter on ([41], u Mg be a sequence of factors with finite normalized traces ()kZ+ Then M. n we define the trace Z ideal in tL= maximal ideal space correspond to omomorphisms not of this form. a n :(xk) Let Mg with corresponds to we write lima Now, let Z+ of correspond to the homomorphism of evalutaion at and free ultrafilters a We identify the denote the C*-algebra of bounded sequences. Stone-Cech compactification 27 N For each and unitary operators > 0 Vl,..Vn Q 28 S. WRIGHT l(u(m)) where (v(m))l -(Ul""’ n-U) u m E F < _(Vl,... n-V) v k and is the normalized trace on q Q PROOF. We first strengthen Proposition 5.1 as follows: N Xl,...,xn such that for s > 0 and I,..., j If[E, xj]ll given E # 0 there exists a finite-rank projection on H n HS < s IIEIIHS , (x .E,E) l(xj) {Ul,..., Um} To see this, we first claim that there exist unitaries and 6 > 0 one has such that for any state l(xj) -@(xj)l finite subset o. < I j of unitaries of N on N ]II -< For suppose not. n 6 > 0 and ll[uj, with 6 N I, j m Then for each there is a state o.,6 on N such that Io.,6 (ii) If we partially order the set of o.1 c o- 2 and (i), for some (o.,6)’s by setting o.,6 N But since (xj) (xj)l < e, j I I,..., n j (o.2,62) } if o.,6 + of By re(weak*), n This verifies the claim. Now use Proposition 5.1 to find a finite rank projection i _< n such that lo, 5 contradicting (ii) (o.i,61) then is unitarily invariant, and so we may find {I,..., j E {o., 6 } is a net and so by weak *-compactness {o,6} weak *-accumulates at a state of N 61 62 the state space of >_ (xj) -(xj) I,..., m E # 0 such that for CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS 29 E]{IHS < e {{E{{HS 6 [l[uj, E][[HS < [IE[[HS ll[x i, (iii) (iv) We assert that the state E)HS (xE, (x) llEll ll[uj, satisfies u. ]II-< 2HS 6 I,..., j (uj 3 x defined by Tr (ExE) Tr E , (x) N on Tr uj This is so because n Euj rr xu.. * E E Tr (Eu.xu.* Eu.u.*) Tr E Tr( (uj *Euj x (uj *Euj Tr E (xEj E. HS 3 E. Tr E 3 u.*Eu. 3 3 Therefore, ]*(x) I(xE *u.3 (x) -< (I(x(E- IIxlIIIEII Since [uj, l[[uj, %][[ -< . + Ej), E)HS EjlIHsIIEII2S liE -I HS 211EIIHS (%-%u.) (xuj) 3 6 i,..., n (xj (xjE, E)H S ,,"Z’’2HS (IIEIIHS + IIEjlIHS) by (iv) % ](x) j IIEII2S I(xEj,E-Ej)HS "IIEII2S EIHs (xEj ,Ej )HS x E N as asserted. < e j we conclude that Thus, by the previous claim, n 30 S. WRIGHT which together with (iii) is what we are seeking. s/2k, Now, letting 6 E we may hence find a nonzero finite-rank projection such that II[E,uj]IIHS < 611EIIHS (u(m) E,E) HS l(u(m)) Let u.Eu.*33 E.j Let v.’ w.u. J v.’E 3 v. J factor F m (9.1) k and, by [i0], Lemma 1.4, there are E and w.E.w.*3 3 3 with Ev.’ 3 Ev.’ llv.’ J Then J v. IIIHS.. < 3611EIIHS.... llwj. u j HS The normalized trace q (xE,E) HS (x) Since for any unitaries B(H) llaujb- Q on q J n is given by we have g avj HS HS we conclude by (9.2) and induction on the length of the word flu(m) By (9.2), E (9 2) Q x IIEIIHS2 a,b IIEII HS < is a unitary operator in the finite-dimensional 3 EB(H)E Q s, Then 3 J v.’E 3 Let i< 2 B(H) w.3 ,n ..IIEj- EIIHS,. < 611EIIHS then unitary operators J v’(m)llHS commutes with all v 3 -< (length so that of m that m)-IIEIIHS (v’(m))E (9.3) v(m) for each word m Thus by (9.3) and the Schwartz inequality for the Hilbert-Schmidt norm, I(u(m)E,E)Hs (v(m)E,E)HsI By (9.1) and the definition of q < 2 slIEII HS F m k QED this is what we seek. We are now ready to construct an embedding of N into construction depends on the following extensiorr-lemma of R The Pearcy and Ringrose CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS ([15], 31 (In what Lemma I), which we record for the convenience of the reader. follows,-WOT denotes closure in the weak operator topology)o LEMMA. 9.2. be avon Neumann algebra, Mo Let Mo positive linear functional on A -WOT A i =1,2 Suppose that and that 2 M. A2 onto of *-isomorphism LEMMA. 9.3. Let T i onto M M N F= Let on A such that M. can be extended to a Then 2 o i on M there exists a trace-preserving Z+\Z+ R into R acts separably, it N Since contains a strongly dense sequence, and so we may find a sequence N unitary operators generating F _c F k k o(vk(m))l l(u(m)) where v k e R unitary in to F k k (v v A let (x) < F m unitaries (9.4) k For each I, I,... (vj k) k (v(m)) lim k-o Y.X v(m) %X u(m) If m Ek m m m u 0 (u(m)*u(m’)) n (u(m)) } For v m x be the v. let Then since each Z+ o(vk(m)) *-algebra generated by Z+ j sufficiently large, we get, with k T Let k k represented by for all of such that R in Vk k choose for each R } and with length <_ k gl’’’’’ gk Using Lemma 9.1 and the hyperfiniteness of u n Finally, let as avon Neumann algebra. be the set of all words involving only k {gn denote the free group on countably many generators denote the normalized trace on 0 a *-subalgebra of is an algebraic *-isomorphism from with 2 For each *-monomorphism of PROOF. o A. and a faithful, normal, i m F belongs (Vl,..., vj,... (9.5) F EX u(m) m then 0 whence by (9.5) %%mXm and so EX v(m) m 0 T0, Thus (v(m)*v(m’)) 0 is well-defined. By construction is a 32 S. WRIGHT A *-homomorphism of R into which preserves the trace, and is hence monomorphic. We now apply Lemma 9.2 to N to obtain the desired *-monomorphism of into QED R N (R) N of (x (R) (IN For each IR) v Z+ (b) For each zv)v Z+ (R) (x) (N into (a) PROOF. I For any LEMMA. 9.4. R) (x (R) ( (Y)n)n is represented by the constant sequence N) (R) (1N (R) is represented by a sequence of the form y) R I be the unique isomorphism of n ( Z+.. N the isomorphism of where N y there is trace-preserving *-monomorphism Z+\Z+ such that (x x ( N Zv Let R) (R) e ( e into *-monomorphism (R) R) such that x (R) y r (x)r N (R) N (N (R) 2 (y) and R) N. Since (R) min of (N (R) c 2(N) R) Murray-von Neumann I I(N)’ Sec. 6 e (N) so if ( (R) (y) and such that (y)) (R) c 2 Z+, n n R in y N (b) (a) satisfies o) o N ((x (R) y)) i (N) 2 N @ N (R) (b) and so 2 rl-isomorphism of preserves the trace. trace on ( (R) o R Then [(x ) lim T(x)T ( O n-+(o (R) (y)n) is thus a N @ N -WOT (N @ N) Since defines a are commuting subfactors denotes the "q (I(R) 2 suffices by Lemma 9.2 to show that trace on and we have well-defined *-monomorphism on Let IN (y) (a) satisfying are *-isomorphisms, and so 2 N *-isomorphism on R) is well-defined and can be extended as claimed. we must show that I (R) extends to a trace-preserving With this definition, it is clear that Now 2 is a representing sequence for Z+ We claim that (N (N into the isomorphism of Lemma 9.3, and N x N (y)n)] N (R) N it CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS T(x) lira o (n(y)) n 33 (x) O e n-0 (x)(y) LEMMA. 9.5. R Zl,...,Zn PROOF. Let (R) X(I N R such that zj)X*ll 2 < (R) (N R) (R) there is a unitary IIxj D Now (R) v(l N (Xv)v (v) Z+ (N (R) (R) I) (R) (R) xj) lira (9.6) n be the isomorphism of Lemma 9.4. o Aut(N F (R) N) Int(N is in xj)v*II 2 < (v)S(l R) As we (R) N) so such that (R) I j (9.7) n L2-norm. xj)(v)*ll 2 < (9.7) Thus by (9.8) n j be a representing sequence of unitary operators in (the injectivity of (zj(U))D Z+ let N 1 j preserves the trace and hence the lls(xj Let N (R) N v Then there exist 0 > N (R) R X :N (R) N Let N saw in Section 8, the flip automorphism be a sequence in here!) is invoked R (I such that (R) z. () N (R) R for For each j represents Then by (9.8), IIxj (R) xu (I N 1R (R) zj (U))xu,ii2 < Since the evaluations at points in from (9.9) that I0. N QED Xl,...,xn and a unitary llxj (I V x, y y) (R) preserves the trace. i.e., X (x ((y)) Xu and z (u) I Z+ ,...,Zn are weak *-dense in (u) (9.9) n j Mg it follows Z+ satisfy (9.6) for suitable THE PROOF OF THEOREM 8.1 COMPLETED. Recall from Section 2 that a finite factor {Xl,...,xn } for each finite subset dimensional subfactor IIxj vjll 2 < s j C of n M and of Vl, M and o,Vn M satisfies condition s > 0 in In order to show that C if there exists a finite- C such that N is isomorphic to R 34 S. WRIGHT it suffices by Theorem 2.1 to verify condition C for N This is what we now proceed to do. N (R) R N We saw that R Now in Section 8. M (R) M (R) 2 2 where 2 x 2 matrices and the infinite tensor product is taken relative to the M 2 (R)n’ where product state n each n R follows that is the normalized trace on 2 It where the infinite tensor product is taken R (R) R (R) relative to the infinite tensor product of the canonical trace on pp. 205-206) M N Hence we may identify with N k an increasing sequence k N (R) R (R) R (R) contains of subfactors such that N (R) R(R) N It follows N (R) R (R) R (R) from the definition of the infinite tensor product that R (see [13], (R) R k times N The relative commutant N (R) R Thus in c N R N (R) R (R) R (R) N of k k N (R) such that c Also k U N k for all N is k k is is isomorphic to N} L2-dense, is an increasing sequence and N k k N (R) R (R) N of subfactors of (ii) all N M k U M k (iii) (R) R N k times By the foregoing discussion, we may choose an increasing sequence (i) R R (R) R (R) k is M k with the following properties: for all k L2-dense in The relative commutant N < in N is isomorphic to By (ii), choose k and of M k R, for k (iv) N Now, let Mk (R) < for all N Xl’’’’’Xn k x such that j j 2 By (i) and (iii), there are isomorphisms (io. i) CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS I: 0 81 So we may extend B (R) N 02: < R M (R) k to an isomorphism of 2 35 < L2-norms. N (R) R which preserves the trace (see the introduction), and hence the M identifying with its image under the isomorphism k we may assume by (iv) that each of N-- M X M (R) R (R) M R R N (R) zj)X*II 2 (R) 3 a 6 M k R in some factorization R Zl’’’’’Zn R < I j and a unitary (10.2) n is hyperfinite, there is a finite-dimensional subfactor Q (R) Q R of and such that llzj qjll 2 < X( m. (R) such that ql,...,qn Then has the form 3 By Lemma 9.5, there exist N X(I Since x.’ l(a) a Thus, by Q)X* I, j (10.3) n is a finite-dimensional subfactor of N M (R) R and by (10.1)- (10.3), llxj X(l C This verifies condition II. (R) M qj)X*ll 2 < for n j N QED CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS OF TYPE II(R), lllk, k [0,I). With Theorem 8.1 and the fundamental structure Theorems 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 now at our disposal, the precise structure of injective factors of type III, X E (0,I] H THEOREM II factors of type PROOF. H acting II R is the hyperfinite II 0 factor R (R) B(H) is a separable Hilbert space. Ii.i. space and can now be deduced in a fairly straightforward fashion. Recall from Section 2 that where II Let By Theorem 7.4). are isomorphic to M [4], factor ([I0], be an injective R II All separably acting injective 0,I Theorem IX, we can write N M - factor acting on a separable Hilbert M N (R) B(H) for a separably can thus be viewed as the algebra of -X- matrices S. WRIGHT 36 N with entries in of M N we see that M E M (xij) defines a projection of norm Xll N By Theorem 8.1, is injective. M onto R is isomorphic to whence QED } is an increasing family of injective von follows by [14] Proposition 5 7 that the weak closure of M H) (R) R0, 1 is isomorphic to If B(H and composing this with a projection of N onto F The map Neumann algebras, it U sM is injective. Since every finite-dimensional algebra is injective, we conclude that all Applying Theorem II.i, we deduce hyperfinite von Neumann algebras are injective. 11.2. All separably acting, hyperfinite, COROLLARY. II factors are isomorphic. 11.3. ([I0], THEOREM. acting injective factors of type PROOF. M Let space with discrete decomposition to show that N [28], factor acting on a separable Hilbert [28], Theorem 8.1, A on (R) N = g (R) that t(x)’)} (E(x),) defines a projection A (R) M E of norm N is injective. of N,) By A (R) N it is straightforward to verify , M x (R) is precisely M on W*(A M such that the fixed point algebra of is an invarient mean on we conclude that We want obtained via Theorem 2.3. W*(N,e) p. 303, we can find an abelian von Neumann algebra and a one-parameter action Hence, if III Rk is injective. By Theorem 2.2 and A All separably are isomorphic to Powers factor lllk be an injective (0, I). E Let Theorem 7.7). H A onto Thus by (R) N [14], Since M is injective, Proposition 5.6, N is injective. N We conclude by Theorem 11.1 that Corollary 6 and [5], Th6orme 4.4.1, Rk is isomorphic to is the only III of whose discrete decomposition is isomorphic to to Rk 11.4. R0, k But by [9] R0, 1 factor the Hence M II part is isomorphic QED THEOREM ([i0], Theorem 7.5). If M is a separably acting injective CLASSIFICATION OF INJECTIVE FACTORS factor of type III0, Let PROOF. then W*(N,8) M is a Krieger factor. be a discrete decomposition of As in the proof of Theorem 11.3, a factor. 37 N is injective; M as in Theorem 2.4. however, it is not in general On the other hand, it is a direct integral of factors, and each factor appearing in its direct integral decomposition (except possibly for a set of measure 0) is injective by isomorphic to [I0], Proposition 6.5 and of type II and hence But these are precisely the hypotheses of [8], Theorem II.I, R0,1 which asserts that under these conditions M is a Krieger factor QED It follows from [30] that injective III 0 factors are classified up to isomorphism by ergodic non-transitive flows. can consult [30] [I0], For further details, the reader and [37]. The only known injective factor of type III and Woods (see Section 2). 1 is the factor R of Araki It is not known whether this is the only possible one. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I would like to thank Sze-kai Tsui for several stimulating and instructive conversations about the material contained herein. I would also like to thank Jim Agler, John B. Conway, and Andrew Lenard for very active participation in a seminar given during the summer of 1978 at Indiana University, during which many inaccuracies in an early version of this work were detected and corrected. REFERENCES Ann___. Math. 37 (Ig36) I. F.J. MURRAY and J. VON NEUMANN, On Rings df Operators, 116-229. 2. F.J. MURRAY and J. VON NEUMANN, On Rings of Operators, II Trans. Amer Soc. 41 (1937), 208-248. 3. J. VON NEUMANN, On Rings of Operators, III, Ann. Math. 41 (1940), 94-161. 4. F.J. MURRAY and J. VON NEUMANN, On Rings of Operators, IV Ann. Math. 44 (1943), 716-808. 5. A. CONNES, Une Classification des Facteurs de Type III, Ann. Sci. 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