Internat. J. Mah. & Math. Sci Vol. 5 No. 4 (1982) 785-791 785 A DIRECT EXTENSION OF MELLER’S CALCULUS E.L. KOH University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudl Arabia (Received June 26, 1980) ABSTRACT. This paper extends the operational calculus of Meller for the operator -e d +i d t Be t d- to the case where e e (0, oo). The development is la Mikuslnskl calculus and uses Meller’s convolution process with a fractional derlva- tlve operator. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Operational Calculus, Mikusinski Calculus, Bessel Operator, Convolution Proems, Fractional Derivative. 1980 MATHEK4TICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. 44A40, 44A35, 33A40, 26A33, 93C50. INTRODUCT ION. Familiarity with integral transforms of distributions is assumed is accessible to readers familiar with references [1-3]. This paper The generalist reader interested in this area may start with these references. Meller [4], [5] constructed an operational calculus for the operator B e t-e t te+l d-d quotients. with -i < e < 1 by embedding it in a field of convolution The convolution process was given by the formula: f(t)*g(t) P(l + e)P(l (t e) dt i x )-ed d x 0 dx 0 e (1 x) ef (x)g[(1 x) (E n)] (1.1) 0 This calculus reduces to Ditkin’s calculus [6], [3] for d t d when e 0. Recently, Koh [7], [8] and Conlan [9] extended Meller’s calculus to the case e e (-i, o). to Meller’s. A modified convolution process was used which yields results analogous In the present work, we give a direct extension of Meller’s calculus by treaing the operator vat lye. 1 F(I d e) dt I 1 (t 0 )-d in (i.i) as a fractional derl- E.L. KOH 786 > Specifically, we let n be the least integer greater than times differentiable function d and i For any n- f(t), the th-order derivative of f(t) is: Df(t) where D is O. D n I n- (1.2) f(t) > 0 given in is the Riemann-Liouville integral of order Ross [i0] by lf (t) It is easy to see that I F() (1.3) f()d. 6) (t J0 satisfies the semigroup property ii= i + but D Thus does not. DaD (1.4) in (2.1) below cannot be written D +I. THE CONVOLUTION QUOTIENTS. 2. _> Let ly differentiable functions on [0,oo). in C Let C 0 be a fixed real number. denote the linear space of infinite- For every pair of functions (t) and (t) define their convolution by (t)*(t) 1 DtD F( + i) It I 0 I N(I (xD)[(l x) From this definition, the following properties are clear: x C convolution, (ii) convolution is bilinear on C (1) C (x) (v,O Let x - Convolution is commutative. i i for all t g (t)*(t) < i and to Ditkin’s Not so immediate are the following properties. PROPOSITION I. PROOF. is closed under It also follows immediately that equation (2.1) specilizes to Meller’s convolution for 0. 1 F(a + i) 1 F( + i) V and N (0, ) t t in (2.1) and noting that the Jacobian we have [lito(t t)a( vq i DDtD t J v(l )(v)[(l- DeDtD [(i v )(t 0 v t)][ (t)]dvd )(t- v)]ddv 00 (t)*(t). PROPOSITION 2. PROF. (2.1) (iii) convolution is distri- butive with respect to the usual addition of functions. for N)]dxdN x)(t 0 l*(t) q.e.d. For every complex nber %, and any #(t) e C F(e + i) DDtD F(a + i) Dta+l (i0 x)l(xN)dxdN 0 i 0 (i x)a(xt)dx %*(t) %(t). EXTENSION OF r( + 1) DaD r(+ l) Dnln- MELLER’ S CALCULUS 787 u)(u)du t 0 t u) (t (u)du 0 %Dnln-ala(t) %(t). The last step follows from (1.4) and (1.2). q.e.d. In view of Proposition 2, there is no distinction between constants and constant functions in our calculus. PROPOSITION 3. PROOF. Convolution is associative. A direct calculation shows that, for nonnegative integers q and r, q!r!r(q + + l)r(r + + i). (q + r)!r( + l)r(q + r + + i) tq,t r t q+r (2.2) Hence on using (2.2) again, p!q!r! r(p+a+l)!r(q+a+l)r(r+a+l} (p+q+r) F (0i) F (p+q+r++l) F (+i) tP,(tq,tr (t p , , t q) t tp+q+r r (2.3) Due to the bilinearity of our convolution, equation (2.3) still holds for polynomOur proposition follows from Weierstrass’s Approximation Theorem and the ials. fact [9] that the space of C PROPOSITION 4. and (t) * (t) (t ) As t - Cn O. (t) 0. C_l tn-i + tn-2 C2 (n 2)’. Now, by an argument leading to (2.3), (n i)! some i, then (t) and (t) have to be polynomials. n)]dxdN + + Cn we see that, if C 0 0 x)aq(xrl)[ (I x)(t i # 0 for Hence, the right side of (2.4) A similar argument, together with Titchmarsh’s Theorem it ll rlc(1 (2.4) But if they are polynomials, the left side of (2.4) will be of degree at least n. has to be zero. x)( (xr])[(l x) 0 0 C1 O, 0 or 0 implies that -F 0 q.e.d. has no zero divisors, i.e. if (t) and (t) belong to C C 0, then either (t) (t) * (t) PROOF. functions with compact support is dense in C ri)]dxdr] O. 2], yields (2.5) E.L. KOH 788 z and To complete the proof, let x Ivl 0 -(’r v in (2.5). t Oo (y.)q[(’r- y)(v- .)]dyd- y) We then have 0 z(yz) By a theorem of kuslnsi and Ryll-Nardzewski [ii], it follows that y(yz) O. 0 or (t) Thus, (t) 0. The above properties establish C q.e.d. as an integral don der the operations By virtue of Proposition 2, the of addition and convolution as multplcaton. s multpllcatve dentlty for C 0 or nto the We may now extend C the nber i. field F of convolution quotients consisting of equivalence classes of ordered pairs n (,) of elements C # 0. with The equivalence relation is As usual, convolution quotients are called operators Operators of the form (t) the canonical maps 3. .(t) -+ by and are denoted by constitute a subring of F isomorphic to C through (t) AN OPERATIONAL CALCULUS. belongs to F. We now show that the operator B inverse to B BA i.e. A na(n)dnd; , 0 0 for g C PROPOSITION 5 . If we restrict the domain of ABa is also a left inverse; i.e., PROOF. First, note that a right is given by A then 2 gven For any (t) g t C +i * (t) We shall assume that a is not an integer. - B to { I(0) g 0}, A(t) Otherwise, the proof is more straightforward, obviating the use of fractional integrals. t e + 1 * qb(t) i F(o + i) 1 F(e + 2) F(a + 2) F( + I) DDtD DeDtD l ll n( (i- x) c (x) t )u )u Dc{ n a 2 (rl-$) On D n) (t 0 (n- )a+ l($)ddn 0 ()ddn + 0 fto- frl i o (I- x)(t- ) dxdn o + 1 (t ) ()d} 0 (r- ) ot ()ddn (3.1) EXTENSION OF MELLER’ S CALCULUS In() Let () t + i least integer greater than a. where n * (t) D it i F( 0 n It _(t (n 0 + i’) ()dd n lu i .- )n-a-i u ) 1 a) F(a 0 0 n a-n + i) ()ddNdu I I rl-l(rl n t t D rl)n-tdrld. )c-n(t () F (n-e+l) F (a-n+l) Then (3.1) becomes -n ) i 0 D 789 0 {()-n-l}F(-n+l)F(n- ). The inner integral reduces, via the Beta function, to Thus, t + i * (t) n 1}d )(J){(-- O. 0 fl Dn -n n- 0 t(wt)(w l)dw -n 0 ft O (wn--i (wnto(wt) + nwn-llO(wt))dw 1 n t) c [( ()n]($)d -It 0 ( -e ) [( (x() rl ()hi( ) [( 1]d -c-I drld $ ()ddr This result implies that operators of the form A(t). (t)_ t with locally integrable functions f(t) such that f(t) e Llo c[0, oo) (u)dud 0 0 0 ..O(t).t . iff O(t) q.e.d. with #(0) Af(t) < 0 may be identified for every t > O. (e + 1) A f < oo, t*f(t) Vt > 0. The next result follows from Proposition 5 and Equation (2.2) by induction. PROPOSITION 6. Let k be a positive integer. k Let V be n!t Ak(t) (k + n) lk! * 0(t) + i and Vk the the operator t where Then, for any #(t) e C Ak(t) A(A(-.- (A))). k-times k-times application of V. Indeed, 790 E.L. KOH PROPOSITION 7. For any 2k times differentiable function (t), k (3.2) j--1 PROOF. V(t) ABa(t) (t) + (0)V Ba(t) true for k + (0) + (0). Ba(t) + I a and (3.2) is proved for k i. Thus Suppose now that (3.2) is Then for any 2m times differentiable function m- i. (t), m-i m-l Vine(t) V(Bo Z Bm-l-Jc (1)(t) lt_+ (t) + Vj) j=l m-i B Bm-1 *(t) + Bm-1 *(t) a a It+O+ V + m B Z Bm-l-J*(t) j=l .^+ "t- Vj+l m ]--1 The proposition follows by induction. A number of operational formulas such as those in Theorems 5 and 6 of [7] may be generated by using (3.2). The proofs are similar, mutatis mutandis. A generali- zation of Theorem 5 of [7] is obtained by parametric differentiation. P( + I) V PROPOSITION 8. (V a) m+l m! tin(at)- --i la+m (2k/) &+m where l(x) J(x) and RHARKS. i. V F(a + I) (V + a) m+l m! t m(at)--T" J&+m (2 are Bessel functions of order All the results of Meller are extendible to the case (0,) via the metho given in this paper. 2. The operational calculus may be applied to certain time-varying systems and to Kratzel’s problem as done in [8]. 3. In [12], a convolution for the operator A t -n-1 d d- t n+l d d--[ where n is a natural number, is given which is associative, commutative, and distributive with respect to addition. However, the ring under convolution as multiplication contains zero divisors. ACKNOWLEDGEICENT. The author is on leave of absence from the University of Regina, Regina, Canada. The research is partly supported by the National Research Council of Canada ’under a grant numbered A-7184. EXTENSION OF MELLER’ S CALCULUS 79i REFERENCES 1. ZEMANIAN, A.H. .istrlbution Theory and Transform Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965. 2. MIKUSINSKI, J. 3. DITKIN, V.A. and PRUDNIKOV, A.P. Integral Transforms and Operational, Pergamon Press, New York, 1965. -d +I d t an operational calculus for the operator MELLER, N.A. dt Vichishitelnaya Matematika 6 (1960), 161-168. 4. Operational Calculus, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1959. n B--t Some applications of operational calculus to problems in analysis, Zh. Vichisl. Mat. i. lt. 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