Internat. J. h. Math. Sci. 8O9 Vol. 5 No. 4 (1982) 809-812 RESEARCH NOTES A NOTE ON GORDAN’S THEOREM OVER CONE DOMAINS BRAD SKARPNESS Department of Statistics Virginia Polytechnical Institute Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 V.A. SPOSlTO Department of Statistics Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 (Received April 6, 1982 and in revised form September 8, 1982) ABSTRACT. This note presents a proof of Gordan’s Theorem over general closed, conve cone domains which follows in a natural way appealing to the standard definitions of closed convex cones and their respective polar cones. KEV ’WORDS AND H. Gordan’s Theorem, closed convex cones, polar cones. 1980 THEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I. 90C99. INTRODUCTION Solvability theorems or theorems of the alternative for problems involving linear system of equations has played a major role in mathematical programming, and linear analysis, (Craven [I], Luenberger [2] or Mangasarian [3]). Mmngasarian [3] presents a rigorous development of the classical theorems of alternatives, see Chapter 2 in [3]. Many theoretical aspects in mathemati- cal programming appeal to various theorems of the alternative in establishing certain optimality conditions and duality properties. Ben-lsrael [4], and Berman and Ben-lsrael [5] extended the classlcal theorems of the alternative to problems with linear equations over polyhedral cone domains. Thus extending the classical formulations over nonnegative orthants as originally presented by Gordan [6] linear system over inequalities (> 0). i.e., problems involving a In particular, Ben-Israel proves a 810 B. SKARPNESS AND V.A. SPOSITO certain theorem, (Theorem 2 in to establish extensions [4]), which is utilized of the classical theorems of the alternative of Gordan, Motzkin, and Slater to problems formulated with linear equations over polyhedral convex cone domains. Ben-Israel underscores the fact that Theorem 2 cannot be used to generalize these results to general (nonpolyhedral) closed convex cones; see page 134 in [4]; hence, restricting the extension of the theorems of the problems involving general convex cone domains. alternative to Berman and Ben-Israel (cor. 1.5 in [5]), however, were able to establish a generalized Gordan’s Theorem Mazur’s over general closed convex cone domain by appealing to Theorem (Bourbaki [7]) or the Hahn-Banach Theorem (Schaefer [8]). Craven (pg 31-33 in [i]), presents several theorems of the alternative however, a generalization of Gordan’s over general closed .cone domains Therefore, the purpose Theorem is not explicitly given in this development. of this note is to present a proof of Gordan’s generalized theorem appealing only to the standard definitions of cones and their respective polar cones; hence, differing from the proof given by Berman and Ben-Israel in [5]. 2. ALTERNATIVE PROOF An alternative proof of Gordan’s theorem over arbitrary convex cone domains is now presented over finite dimensional space. Consider the following definitions Definition I. have that C n if for any vector y e C and k > 0 we ky e C Definition 2. A cone Definition 3. C En; E is a cone in C is pointed if C {0} N (-C) will denote the polar cone of an arbitrary cone C in that is C* {y* E n IY *, y >_ 0 for all y C} (2.1) Gordan’s theorem over convex cone domains, Lemma 2 below, is established appealing to the following lemma: GORDON’ S THEOREM OVER CONE DOMAINS Lemma I. C Then Int (C*) (Gordan’s Theorem for Arbitrary Cone Domains). Let M Let C be a closed convex cone in E n @ iff is a pointed cone. Berman and Ben-Israel ([5], Lemma 0). Proof: Lemma 2. nonvacuous in 811 E n, m x n C matrix, with be any given any arbitrary pointed, closed convex cone then exactly one of the following systems is consistent; (i) Mx (ii) M y 0 x e C for some or , g Int(-C ), y # 0 x m E E (Not (li) implies (1)). Proof: Let {zlz S S1 and, reover, Em} M y, y S2 and E disjoint convex sets in S {zlz 2 g are convex sets. n Int(-C*)}, Since S S and n S then S 2 are two 2 v (nonzero) then there exists a hyperplane such that v z _> v z for all 2 z I e for all Sl; z 2 e S 2, (the closure of S 2) Hence, _> v M y Assume C v v z then there exists v y* However, for any given such that v z 2 > v M y Now letting letting E TM for all S z^ 6 z 2 there exists v M y > v z then 0 -v M Mv > 0 we have that z S g 2 (2.2) 2 such that , z2>0 which violates (2.2). 0 -Mv y TM y e E for all 2 -* z 2 kz e S k > 0 where 2 Hence, it follows that hence, v M y 6 C However, 0 Mv Therefore, v 0 C v O) hence, (i) holds. (v To show now that (ii) implies not (i) , Let such that since be such that y M y , , , Mx 0 Int(-C , x M y , Int(-C ), and assume there exists # 0; then necessarily , with Hence, the result follows. x , , g e C (x , , y (Mx) 0 x A contradiction, ,v # 0), implies that e C x (M y , < 0 B. SKARPNESS AND V.A. SPOSITO 812 3. CONCLUDING REMARKS Lemma 2 requires that the cone by Lemma , C be closed, convex, and pointed; hence, Clearly, relaxing this requirement could result Int (-C) in the inconsistency of both (i) and (ii) in Lepta 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank the referees for many valuable and helpful suggest ions. References Mathematical Programming and Control Theory. Chapman and I. CRAVEN, B. D. Hall, 1978. 2. LUENBERGER, D. G. Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Programming. Addlson-Wesley, Reading, Mass. 1973. 3. MANGASARIAN, O. L. N.Y. 1969. 4. BEN-ISRAEL, A. Theorems of the alternative for complex linear inequalities. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 7, (1969), 129-136. 5. BERMAN, A. and BEN-ISRAEL, A. More on Linear inequalities with applications Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3, to matrix theory. (1971) 482-496. 6. GORDAN, P. ker Coefflcienten. Nonlinear Progra,,ing. McGraw-Hill, New York, Auflsungen linearer Glerchungen mit reelen Math. Ann., 6, (1873), 23-28. die 7. BOURBAKI. N. Espaces vectorlels topologiques. 8. SCHAEFER, H. Topological vector spaces. Herman & Cie, Paris. 1953. Macmillan, New York. 1966.