I nter. J Mah. & Mh S i. (1982) 729-736 Vol. 5 No. 729 DISTRIBUTIONAL AND ENTIRE SOLUTIONS OF LINEAR FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS JOSEPH WIENER Department of Hathemat Pan American University Edinburg, Texas 78539 (Received February 26, 1982) ABSTRACT. A unified approach to the study of generallzed-functlon and entire solu- tions to linear functional differential equations with polynomial coefficients is suggested. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Functional Differential Equations, Distributional Solutions, Entire So lutions. Mathematics Subject I. Classification Codes. 34K$5, $4K99, 46F]0, ZODOS. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES. An interesting survey of recent results on entire solutions of ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients is given in [I]. In the present paper we continue the study of distributional solutions to linear functional differential equations (FDE) in accordance with the concepts outlined in [2] and [3]. There are profound and close links between spaces of generalized and entire functions [4]. Therefore, the basic ideas in the method of proof may also be applied to the study of entire solutions to linear FDE, especially with linear transformations of the argument. We investigate such linear homogeneous FDE with infinitely smooth coeffl- clents that have solutions in the class of singular functlonals which is impossible for analogous ordinary differential equations. Solutions of linear FDE with countable sets of variable argument deviations are considered in the generalizedfunction space ($80)’ conjugate to the space satisfy the restriction [4] I(n) ct)I < acn nnB 8 > 1. $80 of testing functions (t) that 730 J. WIENER (n) In the sequel, denotes the nth derivative of the Dirac measure and <’f, $ > is the value of the functional f applied to the testing function variable t. of the real The norm of a matrix is defined to be and E is the identity matrix. In [2], it has been proved that under certain con- dltions the system Y. Y. +/-=o j=o + (Aij tBtj)x(J)(;jt) tx(%t) has a solution r. x(t) x n=0 in (S0)’ n (n)(t) B > with arbitrary (1.1) To ensure the convergence of series (I.i), it is i. sufficient to require that for n II x,n II < bdn n-nO, / the vectors x satisfy the inequalities n > I (1.2) since n n=0 < r. n=O for 8 < P. n n=O l C"> <o>1 II x II (cdnB-P) n < ab < n=O If series (i.i) converges, its sum represents the general form of a linear functional in (S0)’ with the support t 0 [5]. Some recent developments in astrophysics posed new problems about the existence of distributional solutions also to certain integral equations [2]. 2. EXISTENCE OF DISTRIBUTIONAL SOLUTIONS. We look for solutions of the form (I.i) to the system m Y. Z A (t) x (j) lj i=o j=o LEMMA. %’(t o If t o +/-j (t)) is a fixed point of the function %(t) E C O, then in some neighborhood of 0 (n)((t) (2 .I) 0 t o (n)(t t tO, o / n (%’(tO)) 1%’ I (-= and LINEAR FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS PROOF. Since %(t) t %(t 0) t o (t t o (t), (t 0) o There exists a neighborhood D 0, of t O O to, %(t 0) %(t0) such that t0--+ t o 0, t @ (t) for 0 and, 0. to, 8(n) c%(t) But for t %’(to). at all points of which o assuming the opposite we find a sequence hence, %’(t O In D for t @ 731 t o t o) 8 (n) ( (t) (t to)) O. to, (n) (X(t) (n) :X’ (t (t o) t (2.3) o)). Thus, (2.3)holds for all t e D O and it remains to observe that 8 8 / cn Icl (n)(ct) (n)(t) Aij (t) Let (2.1), in which x(t) is an r-vector and THEOREM 2.1. are r x r matrices, satisfy the following hypotheses. (1) 0 < (ii) XO0 (to/I < 1, The coefficients Iij (to/I kf i0Y" Ai]k(t The series max J,k (iv) t I Ai E II Aij k  (iii) %ij (t) The real-valued functions k o A00(t) to)P, A(t p _> I. converges where ;k i inf j Iklj(t o i + j > 1. The matrix A is nonsingular ad -p-1 Xo(t O) c II A I! Then, in some neighborhood of to, -i>lr X’io(tO) l-p-1 II qop 11 there exists a solution x(t) > o. g (S)’ with arbitrary 13 > 1: x(t) I: n=O PROOF. x n 8(n)(t to). k By virtue of (2.2) and the formula t 6(n)(t) for n > k, and 0 for n < k, we obtain the equations (-l)kn!8(n-k)(t) / (n-k)!, 732 J. WIENER Z (-I) k i,j,k Xn(n+j-k)(t t o / (n + j k)! ltjl n+j o, +/-j ’j (to) ij for the unknowns x Z + j)! Y. (n n+j >_k Aij k n (-l)k(n of the solution x(t). + k)’ lij -I -n-k Hence, ij Aijk Xn+k-j 0, n > 0 iJ !-1 aij Aijk Xn+k-j / (n +,p)! + which can be written as -n-k (-l)P-k(n+k) Y. k-j<p + Imi0]-I i0-n-p Ai0p)Xn+p Z i>0 Since 0 0(k < p), the first sum does not include terms with A00k to (iv), the coefficients of ]{ Z :0 Xn+p 00" According are nonsingular matrices and -i lei0 I-i %0-n-p A) I’ ! IIl[ [oo n Consequent ly, m+p-i IIn+pll!q+ k:0’ llX+k_II, where V is some positive constant. (2.4) 0<q< Using the notation (2.5) 0<i<n we conclude from (2.4) that II Xn+p II < H(m + p)qn+ For large n, there is (m and Mn+p Mn+p_ I. M n =M N + PMn+p_I p)qn+p < I. Hence, II Xn+p < Mn+p_ I Thus, starting with some N, (2.6) n >N The application of (2.6) to (2.4) successively yields: II XN+p+k II ]I < H (m+p) qN+PMN, LINEAR FbRqCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 733 II XN+p+(m+p)+k II <_ p2 (m + p)2qN+pqN+p+(m+p) 11 XN+p+2 (m+p)+kll < 3 (re+p) 3qN+qqN+p+(m+p) qN+p+2 (m+P)MN (0 < k < m + p I). The conj ecture I! XN+p+n(m+p)+k It < n+l(m+p)n+lqn(N+p)+n(n+l) (re+p)/2 (2.7) may readily be ascertained by induction for all n and the mentioned values of k, and proves the theorem since the condition 0 < q < I makes it more restrictive than (1.2). 3. EXISTENCE OF ENTIRE SOLUTIONS. We apply the method of the previous section to prove the existence of entire solutions of linear FDE with polynomial coefficients and to evaluate their order of growth. THEOREM 3.1. X Suppose the system p (e)(t) Z i=0 j in which (i) Qij and Qij (t) (ii) %ij X are (r x ) X (j)(0) =Xj 0, j p i matrices, satisfies the following conditions: are polynomials of degree not exceeding m; are complex numbers such that 0 < (iii) Y.=0Qij(t)X (j)(%ijt), <-- l%ij] ql the series I Q(i) < l, (j=0, p converges, where are the coefficients of Qij (t), Q(i) and i=0Z l), max j,k 0 < q2 <-- flip] < q3 1[ Qijk ![ II Qip(O) II and < l; Qijk < lo Then the problem has a unique holomorphich solution, which is an entire function or order not exceeding m PROOF. + p. The expansions m Qij(t) Z Q ij ktk X(t)= Z n=0 k=-0 imply that X (p)(t) Z Xn+p t n(n+p)’ /n’ n--0 n (3.1) 734 J. WIENER X (j)(%ijt) X Qlj(t) Z n--O (j) %j Xn+jtn(n + J)! (ijt)= Z t k=0 l n!(n + p y. Z lij QijkXn+j_k (n + k)! / (n j relations for the matrices X p-I m n!(n + j k)’ Z Z Z i=0 J=0 k=0 (n+p)’(n-k)’ n.ip Qip0 Xn+p Z i=0 n-k Z n--0 and yield the following recursion (E- m n / n! k)! %n.-k ip Qipk Xn+p-k (n+p)!(n-k)! iffi0 k=l n k)! n n-k ij Qijk Xn+J-k _> (3.2) 0 Hypotheses (ii) and (iii) ensure the existence of the inverse matrices -I (E- Y. Qipo for all n: i=O n_ip Qip0 )-1 in_ Z (E ip i=0 ll(v- -r. inip Qip0 i:0 -i Z k=O II iZ n Qipo i:0Z II Qip0 II )-1 =0 ! k ip (i- Therefore, formulas (3.2) determine the coefficients X uniquely and, since n n’(n + j n!(n + p k)’ / (n + p)’(n k)! / (n + p)!(n ! (n + k)! < i, k)! p)-i O<_J <p-i we obtain, by virtue of (iii), I1 xn+p II p-I m < + n n For large n, there Is q3 II x II <_ p <-- c(n + 11 Xn+j_k ]] J=0 k=0 (n + p) -1 and p)-I + bq n3 m I lI Xn+p_k ]l m+p-i E k=0 llXn+km Here a, b, c are some positive constants. Wi:h the notation (3.3) (2.5), (3.3) that IIXn+p I[ < c(m + P)Mn+p_ l / (n + p). Starting with some N, c(m + p) / (n + p) < 1, llXn+p II <_ Mn+p_ 1 Hn+p Mn+p_ I and it remains to apply (2.6) successively to (3.3): ]IXN+p+k II <_. c(m + p) / (N + p), it follows from LINEAR FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [l+Ft(m+p)+k II < c2(m + p)2 II .,X+p+2(m+p)+kll 3 c (m <_ + p) 3 (0 < k < m + p 735 / (N + p)(N + Cm + p) + p) / (N+p)(N+ (re+p) +p)(N+2(m+p) +p) I). Now it can be proved easily that, for all n, n II +p+n(m+p)+k II <_ cn+l(m + p)n+N / --] (N + i(m + p) + p). i--O Thus, II +p+n(m+p)+k I <_ cn+l(m + P) / n! and the solution X(t) is an entire function whose order of growth does not exceed m+p. If, in addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, the parameters THEOREM 3.2. %iJ (0 < J <p 0 < i) are separated from unity: ql <-- l%ij < q4 < i, the solution of (3.1) is an entire function of zero order. PROOF. Under the conditions of Theorem 2.1, the system m Z (t)X (j) (ijt) 7. A with real constants 0 < l=ool 0 aiJ l= jl < >_ + J _> has a distributional solution (i.I), the coefficients Xn of which satisfy inequalities (1.2) and are determined with the exactness to arbitrary apply to (3.4) the Laplace transformation assuming same notation for x(P) (sloo) (3.1). A-I s/00 7. p 7. (_l)p-k Xn +j>o k=0 t, and satisfy (2.7). hence, the parameters results of [6]. positive and retaining the O0/eij oi-I Aijk(SJx(,loij)) %ij %tJ (k) (n)(t) is s n These estimates use only the moduli of may be complex. 0 reduce this equation to the form This proves the theorem, since the transform of coefficients We X(t) and its transform: p+l + *oo The substitutions ij Xp_ I. X0, and the lJ Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 generalize the J. WIENER 736 The problem THEOREMS 3.3. 7 A i=O F’(z) F(z i(z) F(z) lira + i) 7 B t=0 F’ (z i(z) (3.5) bi), F0 Rez+with (r a matrices A, B, F has a unique holomorphlc solution which is an r) entire function if: (1) (il) Ai(z al, 0 (iii) m 7 A k=l b kz _< Reai _< M I < the series 7 A (1) , PROOF k=0 B ik kz e 0 < M2 _< Rebi < M3 < (i) and 7. B (i) e -Rebi max k II B i(0) II e-Rebi 7 i=0 m 7 Bi(z) are complex numbers such that i converge where A and ik e II Aik II B(i) max k II B < i. The substitutions t e z e -ai 8i e -bl and F(z) reduce (3.5) to (3.1) of the .first order with the initial condition X(0) X(t) F0 REFERENCES I. Fricke, G.H.; Roy, Ranjan and Shah, S. M. Bounded index entire solutions of ordinary differential equations and summabillty methods, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. 4(3), (1981), 417-434. 2. Wiener, Joseph. Generalized-functlon solutions of linear systems. J. Differ. Equat. 38(2), (1980), 301-315. 3. Wiener, Joseph. 4. Gel’fand, I.M. and Shilov, G.E. 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