Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie Contributions to Algebra and Geometry Volume 42 (2001), No. 2, 419-430. Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits of the Group of Affine Transformations of the Complex Line1 Do Ngoc Diep Nguyen Viet Hai Institute of Mathematics, National Center for Natural Sciences and Technology, P. O. Box 631, Bo Ho, 10.000, Hanoi, Vietnam e-mail: Haiphong Teacher’s Training College Haiphong City, Vietnam e-mail: Abstract. We construct star-products on the co-adjoint orbit of the Lie group Aff(C) of affine transformations of the complex line and apply them to obtain the irreducible unitary representations of this group. These results show the effectiveness of the Fedosov quantization even for groups which are neither nilpotent nor exponential. Together with the result for the group Aff(R) (see [5]), we thus have a description of quantum MD co-adjoint orbits. 1. Introduction The notion of ?-products was a few years ago introduced and played a fundamental role in the basic problem of quantization, see e.g. references [1, 2, 6, 7, . . . ], as a new approach to quantization on arbitrary symplectic manifolds. In [5] we have constructed star-products on upper half-plane, obtained the operator `ˆZ , Z ∈ aff(R) = Lie Aff(R) and proved that the representation ∂ exp(`ˆZ ) = exp(α + iβes ) ∂s 1 This work was supported in part by the National Foundation for Fundamental Science research of Vietnam and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany c 2001 Heldermann Verlag 0138-4821/93 $ 2.50 420 Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . of the group Aff 0 (R) coincides with the representation TΩ+ obtained from the orbit method or Mackey small subgroup method. One of the advantages of this group, with which the computation is rather accessible is the fact that its connected component Aff 0 (R) is exponential. We could use therefore the canonical coordinates for Kirillov form on the orbits. It is natural to consider the same problem for the group Aff(C). We can expect that the calculations and final expressions could be similar to the corresponding ones in real line case, but this group Aff(C) is no more the exponential, i.e. the exponential map ^ exp : aff(C) → Aff(C) is no longer a global diffeomorphism and the general theory of D. Arnal and J. Cortet (see [1], [2]) could not be directly applicable. We overcame these difficulties by a rather different way which could give new ideas for more general non-exponential groups: To overcome the main difficulty in applying the deformation quantization to this group, we replace the global diffeomorphism in Arnal-Cortet’s setting by a local diffeomorphism. With this replacement, we need to pay attention on the complexity of the symplectic Kirillov form in new coordinates. We then computed the inverse image of the Kirillov form on appropriate local charts. The question raised here is how to choose a good local chart in order to make the calculation as simple as possible. The calculation we propose is realized by using complex analysis on very simple complex domain. Our main result consists of an explicit star-product formula (Proposition 3.5) on the local charts. This means that the functional algebras on co-adjoint orbits admit a suitable deformation, or in other words, we obtained the quantum co-adjoint orbits of this group as exact models of new quantum objects, called “quantum punctured complex planes” (C2 \L)q . Then, by using the Fedosov deformation quantization, it is not hard to obtain the list of all irreducible unitary representations (Theorem 4.2) of the group Aff(C), although the computation in this case, using the Mackey small subgroup method or the modern orbit method, is rather delicate. The infinitesimal generators of those exact models of infinite dimensional irreducible unitary representations, nevertheless, are given by rather simple formulae. We introduce some preliminary result in §2. The operators `ˆA which define the representation of the Lie algebra aff(C) are found in §3. In particular, we obtain the unitary representations ^ the universal covering group of the Aff(C), in Theorem 4.3 of §4. of the Lie group Aff(C), 2. Preliminary results Recall that the Lie algebra g = aff(C) of affine transformations of the complex line is described as follows (see [4]). It is well-known that the group Aff(C) is a real 4-dimensional Lie group which is isomorph to the group of matrices: a b Aff(C) ∼ |a, b ∈ C, a 6= 0 = 0 1 The most easy method is to consider X,Y as complex generators, X = X1 +iX2 and Y = Y1 + iY2 . Then from the relation [X, Y ] = Y , we get [X1 , Y1 ]−[X2 , Y2 ]+i([X1 Y2 ]+[X2 , Y1 ]) = Y1 + iY2 . This means that the Lie algebra aff(C) is a real 4-dimensional Lie algebra, having four Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . 421 generators with the only nonzero Lie brackets: [X1 , Y1 ]−[X2 , Y2 ] = Y1 ; [X2 , Y1 ]+[X1 , Y2 ] = Y2 and we can choose another basis denoted again by the same letters such that: [X1 , Y1 ] = Y1 ; [X1 , Y2 ] = Y2 ; [X2 , Y1 ] = Y2 ; [X2 , Y2 ] = −Y1 Remark 2.1. The exponential map exp : C −→ C∗ := C\{0} e∗ ∼ given by z 7→ ez is just the covering map and therefore the universal covering of C∗ : C = C. As a consequence one deduces that ^ ∼ Aff(C) =CnC∼ = {(z, w)|z, w ∈ C} with the following multiplication law: (z, w)(z 0 , w0 ) := (z + z 0 , w + ez w0 ) ^ in g∗ passing through F ∈ g∗ is denoted by Remark 2.2. The co-adjoint orbit of Aff(C) ^ ^ Ω := K(Aff(C))F = {K(g)F |g ∈ Aff(C)}. Then, (see [4]): 1. Each point (α, 0, 0, δ) is 0-dimensional co-adjoint orbit Ω(α,0,0,δ) . 2. The open set β 2 + γ 2 6= 0 is the single 4-dimensional co-adjoint orbit Ω = Ωβ 2 +γ 2 6=0 . We shall use Ω in the form Ω ∼ = C × C∗ . Remark 2.3. Set Hk = {w = q1 + iq2 ∈ C| − ∞ < q1 < +∞; 2kπ < q2 < 2kπ + 2π}; k = 0, ±1, . . . L = {ρeiϕ ∈ C | 0 < ρ < +∞; ϕ = 0} and Ck = C\L is a univalent sheet of the Riemann surface of the multi-valued complex analytic function Ln(w), (k = 0, ±1, . . . ). Then there is a natural diffeomorphism w ∈ Hk 7−→ ew ∈ Ck with each k = 0, ±1, . . . . Now consider the map: C × C −→ Ω = C × C∗ (z, w) 7−→ (z, ew ), with a fixed k ∈ Z. We have a local diffeomorphism ϕk : C × Hk −→ C × Ck (z, w) 7−→ (z, ew ). This diffeomorphism ϕk will be needed in the sequel. 422 Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . On C × Hk we have the natural symplectic form 1 ωo = [dz ∧ dw + dz ∧ dw], 2 (1) induced from C2 . Put z = p1 + ip2 , w = q1 + iq2 and (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (p1 , q1 , p2 , q2 ) ∈ R4 , then ωo = dp1 ∧ dq1 − dp2 ∧ dq2 . The corresponding symplectic matrix of ωo is 0 0 −1 0 0 ^−1 −1 ^ 1 0 0 0 and = = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 1 0 We have therefore the Poisson brackets of functions as follows. With each f, g ∈ C∞ (Ω), {f, g} = ∧ij ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g = − − + = i j ∂x ∂x ∂p1 ∂q1 ∂q1 ∂p1 ∂p2 ∂q2 ∂q2 ∂p2 h ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g i =2 − + − . ∂z ∂w ∂w ∂z ∂z ∂w ∂w ∂z Proposition 2.4. Fixing the local diffeomorphism ϕk (k ∈ Z), we have: e in local coor1. For any element A ∈ aff(C), the corresponding Hamiltonian function A dinates (z, w) of the orbit Ω is of the form e ◦ ϕk (z, w) = 1 [αz + βew + αz + βew ] A 2 2. In local coordinates (z, w) of the orbit Ω, the Kirillov form Ω is just the standard form (1). Proof. 1. Each element F ∈ Ω ⊂ (Aff(C))∗ is of the form z 0 ∗ w ∗ F = zX + e Y = w e 0 in local Darboux coordinates (z, w). From this it follows that e ) = hF, Ai = < tr(F.A) = A(F 1 αz βz = < tr = [αz + βew + αz + βew ] w w αe βe 2 2. Using the definition of the Poisson brackets{, }, associated to a symplectic form ω, we have e f} = α {A, ∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f − βew − βew +α . ∂w ∂z ∂z ∂w (2) Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . 423 Let us from now on denote by ξA the Hamiltonian vector field (symplectic gradient) corresponding to the Hamiltonian function Ã, A ∈ aff(C). Now we consider two vector fields: ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ − β1 ew − β1 ew + α1 ; ξB = α2 − β2 ew − β2 ew + α2 , ∂w ∂z ∂z ∂w ∂w ∂z ∂z ∂w α1 β1 α2 β2 where A = ; B= ∈ aff(C). It is easy to check that 0 0 0 0 ξA = α1 ξA ⊗ ξB = β1 β2 e2w ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ⊗ + ⊗ + α1 α2 ⊗ + α1 α2 ⊗ + β1 β2 e2w ∂w ∂w ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂w ∂w ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ⊗ + (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew ⊗ + (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew ⊗ + ∂z ∂w ∂z ∂w ∂z ∂w ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ⊗ . ⊗ + (β1 β2 − β1 β2 )ew+w ⊗ + (α1 α2 − α1 α2 ) +(α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew ∂w ∂w ∂z ∂w ∂z ∂z Thus, i 1h hω, ξA ⊗ ξB i = (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew + (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew = < tr(F.[A, B]) = hF, [A, B]i. 2 Thus the proposition is proved. +(α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew (k) 3. Computation of operators `ˆA Proposition 3.1. With A, B ∈ aff(C), the Moyal ?-product satisfies the relation: ^ e ? iB e − iB e ? iA e = i[A, iA B]. (3) Proof. Consider two arbitrary elements A = α1 X + β1 Y ; B = α2 X + β2 Y . Then the corresponding Hamiltonian functions are: e = 1 [α1 z + β1 ew + α1 z + β1 ew ]; B e = 1 [α2 z + β2 ew + α2 z + β2 ew ]. A 2 2 It is easy, then, to see that: e B) e = A. eB e P 0 (A, h i e B) e = {A. e B} e = 2 ∂ à ∂ B̃ − ∂ à ∂ B̃ + ∂ à ∂ B̃ − ∂ à ∂ B̃ P 1 (A, ∂z ∂w ∂w ∂z ∂z ∂w ∂w ∂z h i 1 = (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew + (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew 2 and P r (Ã, B̃) = 0, ∀r ≥ 2. Thus, h i e ? iB e − iB e ? iA e = 1 P 1 (iA, e iB) e − P 1 (iB, e iA) e = iA 2i h i i = (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew + (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew 2 424 Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . on one hand. On the other hand, because of [A, B] = (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )Y we have ] i[A, B] = ihF, [A, B]i = i ih (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew + (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )ew 2 The proposition is hence proved. For each A ∈ aff(C), the corresponding Hamiltonian function is e = 1 [αz + βew + αz + βew ] A 2 (k) and we can consider the operator `A acting on the dense subspace of smooth functions e i.e. `(k) (f ) = iA e ? f. L2 (R2 × (R2 )∗ , dp1 dq1 dp2 dq2 /(2π)2 )∞ by left ?-multiplication by iA, A Because of the relation in Proposition 3.1, we have Corollary 3.2. (k) `[A,B] = (k) `A ◦ (k) `B − (k) `B ◦ (k) `A h := (k) (k) `A , `B i (4) (k) From this it is easy to see that the correspondence A ∈ aff(C) 7−→ `A = ià ? . is a representation of the Lie algebra aff(C) on the space C∞ (Ω) [ 2i ] of formal power series, see [7] for more detail. Now, let us denote Fz (f ) the partial Fourier transform of the function f from the variable z = p1 + ip2 to the variable ξ = ξ1 + iξ2 , i.e. ZZ 1 e−i<(ξz) f (z, w)dp1 dp2 . Fz (f )(ξ, w) = 2π 2 R Let us denote by Fz−1 (f )(z, w) 1 = 2π ZZ ei<(ξz) f (ξ, w)dξ1 dξ2 R2 the inverse Fourier transform. Lemma 3.3. Putting g = g(z, w) = Fz−1 (f )(z, w) we obtain: r 1. ∂z g = 2i ξg ; ∂zr g = ( 2i ξ) g, r = 2, 3, . . . r 2. ∂z g = 2i ξg ; ∂zr g = ( 2i ξ) g, r = 2, 3, . . . 3. Fz (zg) = 2i∂ξ Fz (g) = 2i∂ξ f ; Fz (zg) = 2i∂ξ Fz (g) = 2i∂ξ f 4. ∂w g = ∂w (Fz−1 (f )) = Fz −1 (∂w f ); ∂w g = ∂w (Fz−1 (f ) = Fz −1 (∂w f ) Proof. As ∂z = 21 (∂p1 − i∂p2 ); ∂z = 12 (∂p1 + i∂p2 ) we obtain 1. and 2. 3. We have Fz (zg) = ZZ ZZ 1 1 −i(p1 ξ1 +p2 ξ2 ) = e p1 g(z, w)dp1 dp2 + i e−i(p1 ξ1 +p2 ξ2 ) p2 g(z, w)dp1 dp2 = 2π 2π = i∂ξ1 Fz (g) + i2 ∂ξ2 Fz (g) = (i∂ξ1 − ∂ξ2 )Fz (g) = 2i∂ξ Fz (g) = 2i∂ξ f Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . 425 and Fz (zg) = ZZ ZZ 1 1 −i(p1 ξ1 +p2 ξ2 ) = e p1 g(z, w)dp1 dp2 − i e−i(p1 ξ1 +p2 ξ2 ) p2 g(z, w)dp1 dp2 = 2i∂ξ f. 2π 2π 4. The proof is straightforward. The Lemma 3.3 is therefore proved. We also need another lemma which will be used in the sequel. Lemma 3.4. With g = Fz−1 (f )(z, w), we have: e g)) = i(α∂ + α∂ξ )f + 1 βew f + 1 βew f. 1. Fz (P 0 (A, ξ 2 2 e g)) = α∂w f + α∂w f − βew ( i ξ)f − βew ( i ξ)f. 2. Fz (P (A, 2 2 e g)) = (−1)r .2r−1 [βew ( i ξ)r + βew ( i ξ)r ]f ∀r ≥ 2. 3. Fz (P r (A, 2 2 1 e g) = A.g e = 1 [αzg + βew g + αzg + βew g]. Proof. 1. Applying Lemma 3.3 we obtain P 0 (A, 2 Thus, e g)) = 1 [αFz (zg) + βew Fz (g) + αFz (zg) + βew Fz (g)] = Fz (P 0 (A, 2 1 1 1 [2iα∂ξ Fz (g) + 2iα∂ξ Fz (g) + βew Fz (g) + βew Fz (g)] = i(α∂ξ + α∂ξ )f + βew f + βew f. 2 2 2 2. e g)) = ∧12 ∂p1 A∂ e q1 g + ∧21 ∂q1 A∂ e p1 g + ∧34 ∂p2 A∂ e q2 g + ∧43 ∂q2 A∂ e p2 g = (P 1 (A, = α∂w g + α∂w g − βew ∂z g − βew ∂z g. e g)) = This implies that: Fz (P 1 (A, = α∂w Fz (g) + α∂w Fz (g) − βew ∂z Fz (g) − βew ∂z Fz (g) = i i = α∂w f + α∂w f − βew ( ξ)f − βew ( ξ)f. 2 2 3. e g) = ∧21 ∧21 ∂q1 q1 A∂ e p1 p1 g + ∧21 ∧43 ∂q1 q2 A∂ e p1 p2 g + ∧43 ∧21 ∂q2 q1 A∂ e p2 p1 g + P 2 (A, e p2 p2 g = 1 (βew + βew − βew + βew + βew − βew + βew + βew )∂ 2 g + + ∧43 ∧43 ∂q2 q2 A∂ z 2 + (βew + βew + βew − βew − βew + βew + βew + βew )∂z2 g = 2βew ∂z2 g + 2βew ∂z2 g. This implies also that: e g)) = 2βew Fz (∂ 2 g) + 2βew Fz (∂ 2 g) = 2βew ( i ξ)2 f + 2βew ( i ξ)2 f. Fz (P 2 (A, z z 2 2 By analogy, e g) = (−1)3 [4βew ∂z3 g + 4βew ∂z3 g], P 3 (A, e g)) = (−1)3 .22 [βew ( i ξ)3 f + βew ( i ξ)3 f ], Fz (P 3 (A, 2 2 426 Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . and with r ≥ 4 e g) = (−1)r .2r−1 [βew ∂zr g + βew ∂zr g], P r (A, e g)) = (−1)r .2r−1 [βew ( i ξ)r + βew ( i ξ)r ]f. Fz (P r (A, 2 2 Lemma 3.4 is therefore proved. α β Proposition 3.5. For each A = ∈ aff(C) and for each compactly supported C∞ 0 0 (k) (k) function f ∈ Cc∞ (C × Hk ), we have: `A f := Fz ◦ `A ◦ Fz−1 (f ) = 1 1 1 i 1 = [α( ∂w − ∂ξ )f + α( ∂w − ∂ξ )f + (βew− 2 ξ + βew− 2 ξ )f ]. 2 2 2 (5) Proof. Applying Lemma 3.4, we have: (k) e ? Fz−1 (f )) = i `A (f ) := FZ (iA X1 1 e Fz−1 (f )) = ( )r Fz P r (A, r! 2i r≥0 n 1 1 1 i 1 = i [i(α∂ξ + α∂ξ )f + βew f + βew f ] + ( )[α∂w f + α∂w f − βew ( ξ)f − 2 2 1! 2i 2 2 i 1 −1 i i −βew ( ξ)f ] + ( )2 2[βew ( ξ)2 f + βew ( ξ) f ] + · · · + 2 2! 2i 2 2 o r r i 1 −1 i + ( )r 2r−1 [βew ( ξ) f + βew ( ξ) f ] + . . . 2 2 r! 2i nh 1 1 w 1 w 1 w 1 1 1 i = −(α∂ξ − α∂ξ )f + (α∂w + α∂w )f + i βe + βe − βe ( ξ) − βew ( ξ) f + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 h h o 2 2i r ri 1 1 −1 −1 11 −1 −1 + . βew ( ξ) + βew ( ξ) f + · · · + βew ( ξ) + βew ( ξ) f + . . . 2 2! 2 2 2 k! 2 2 h 1 i 1 1 1 i i = α( ∂w − ∂ξ ) + α( ∂w − ∂ξ ) + βew e− 2 ξ + βew e− 2 ξ f 2 2 2 2 h 1 i 1 1 1 i = α( ∂w − ∂ξ ) + α( ∂w − ∂ξ ) + (βew− 2 ξ + βew− 2 ξ ) f 2 2 2 The proposition is therefore proved. Remark 3.6. Set u=w − 12 ξ;v = w + 12 ξ we obtain ∂f ∂f i (k) `ˆA (f ) = α +α + (βeu + βeu )f |(u,v) , ∂u ∂u 2 ∂ ∂ i (k) `ˆA = α +α + (βeu + βeu ), ∂u ∂u 2 which provides a (local) representation of the Lie algebra aff(C). i.e. (6) Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . 427 ^ 4. The irreducible representations of Aff (C) (k) Since `ˆA is a representation of the Lie algebra aff(C), we have: (k) exp(`ˆA ) = exp α i ∂ ∂ +α + (βeu + βeu ) ∂u ∂u 2 is just the corresponding representation of the corresponding connected and simply con^ Let us first recall the well-known list of all the irreducible unitary nected Lie group Aff(C). representations of the group of affine transformations of the complex line, see [4] for more details. ^ Theorem 4.1. Up to unitary equivalence, every irreducible unitary representation of Aff(C) is unitarily equivalent to one of the following one-to-another nonequivalent irreducible unitary representations: 1. The unitary characters of the group, i.e. the one-dimensional unitary representation Uλ , λ ∈ C, acting in C following the formula ^ λ ∈ C. Uλ (z, w) = ei<(zλ) , ∀(z, w) ∈ Aff(C), 2. The infinite dimensional irreducible representations Tθ , θ ∈ S1 , acting on the Hilbert space L2 (R × S1 ) following the formula: h i =(x + z) ]) f (x ⊕ z), Tθ (z, w)f (x) = exp i(<(wx) + 2πθ[ 2π (7) ^ x ∈ R × S1 = C\{0}; f ∈ L2 (R × S1 ); where (z, w) ∈ Aff(C); x ⊕ z = <(x + z) + 2πi{ =(x + z) }. 2π In this section we will prove the following important theorem which is of interest for us both in theory and practice. (k) ^ is the irreducible unitary Theorem 4.2. The representation exp(`ˆA ) of the group Aff(C) ^ associated to Ω by the orbit method, i.e. representation Tθ of the group Aff(C) (k) exp(`ˆA )f (x) = [Tθ (exp A)f ](x), α β 2 1 where f ∈ L (R × S ); A = ∈ aff(C); θ ∈ S1 ; k = 0, ±1, . . . 0 0 Proof. Putting x = eu ∈ C\{0} = R × S1 and recall that a b α β = exp(A) = exp , 0 1 0 0 428 Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . we can rewrite (7) as following: eα − 1 u =eu+α u⊕α [Tθ (exp A)f ](e ) = exp i(<( βe ) + 2πθ[ ]) f (e ), α 2π u where =(u + α) =(u + α) } = u + α − 2πi[ ]. 2π 2π Therefore, for the one-parameter subgroup exp tA, t ∈ R, we have the action formula: u ⊕ α = <(u + α) + 2πi{ u etα − 1 u =eu+tα u⊕tα Tθ (exp tA)f (e ) = exp i(< βe + 2πθ[ ]) f (e ). α 2π By a direct computation: ∂ [Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu ) = ∂t (8) =(u+tα) ∂ i etα − 1 u etα − 1 u =eu+tα = exp ( βe + ] + f (eu+tα−2πi[ 2π ] ) βe ) + 2πθi[ ∂t 2 α α 2π tα tα u+tα =(u+tα) =e ∂ i e −1 u e −1 u + exp ( βe + βe ) + 2πθi[ ] f (eu+tα−2πi[ 2π ] ) = 2 α α 2π ∂t tα =eu+tα u⊕tα ∂f i e −1 u βe ) + 2πθi[ ] αe = (βeu+tα + βeu+tα) Tθ (exp tA)f (eu ) + exp i(<( α 2π ∂u 2 on one hand. On the other hand, we have: (k) `ˆA ([Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu ) = (9) i ∂ ∂ [Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu ) + α [Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu ) + (βeu + βeu ) Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu ) = ∂u ∂u 2 tα tα i e −1 u e −1 u =eu+tα u⊕tα =α ( βe ) exp i(<( βe ) + 2πθ[ ] f (e )+ 2 α α 2π etα − 1 u =eu+tα u⊕tα ∂f +α exp i(<( βe ) + 2πθ[ ] e + α 2π ∂u i etα − 1 u etα − 1 u =eu+tα u⊕tα +α ( βe ) exp i(<( βe ) + 2πθ[ ] f (e )+ 2 α α 2π i i + (βeu + βeu )[Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu ) = (βeu+tα + βeu+tα )[Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu )+ 2 2 tα e −1 u =eu+tα u⊕αt ∂f + exp i(<( βe ) + 2πθ[ ] αe α 2π ∂u (8) and (9) imply that =α ∂ (k) [Tθ (exp tA)f ](x) = `ˆA [Tθ (exp tA)f ](x) ∂t ∀x ∈ R × S1 . Do Ngoc Diep, Nguyen Viet Hai: Quantum Co-Adjoint Orbits . . . 429 Furthermore, Tθ (exp tA)f ](eu )|t=0 = exp(2πi[ =u =eu ]θ)f (eu−2πi[ 2π ] ) = f (eu ). 2π (k) This means that: exp(`ˆA )f (x) and [Tθ (exp tA)f ](x) together are the solution of the Cauchy problem ∂ (k) u(t, x) = `ˆA u(t, x); ∂t u(0, x) = id. (k) The operator `ˆA is sufficiently well-behaved, so that the Cauchy problem has a unique solution. From this uniqueness we deduce that (k) exp(`ˆA )f (x) ≡ [Tθ (exp tA)f ](x) The theorem is hence proved. ∀x ∈ R × S1 . Remark 4.3. We say that a real Lie algebra g is in the class MD iff every K-orbit is of dimension 0 or dim g. Furthermore, it was proven in [4, Theorem 4.4] that, up to isomorphism, every Lie algebra of class MD is one of the following: 1. commutative Lie algebras, 2. the Lie algebra aff(R) of affine transformations of the real line, 3. the Lie algebra of affine transformations of the complex line. Thus, by calculation for the group of affine transformations of the real line Aff(R)) in [5] and here for the group of affine transformations of the complex line Aff(C) we obtained a description of the quantum MD co-adjoint orbits. References [1] Arnal, D.; Cortet, J. C.: ?-product and representations of nilpotent Lie groups. J. Geom. Phys. 2 (1985)(2), 86–116. 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Received October 10, 1999; revised version December 12, 2000