EWIRO1ENWIAL ADAPTABILITY by Graeme Malcolm Aylward A.A. Dipl. (Eons) Architectural Association, London (1964) SubidLtted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Waster of City Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 1966 Signature ofAuhr......................... Department of City and Regional Planming, MNy 20, 1966 Certified by....................... ........ -..... ..... . Supervisor Accepted 6... ............. .. an~..... Chaira1 Departmntal Comiittee k' on Graduate Students ElVIROlMENTAL ADAPTABILITY by Graeme Malcolm Aylward Submitted to the Department of City and Regional Planning on May 20, 1966 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of City Planning. This thesis has two principal objectives. Firstly it attempts to measure the environment, defined by activity and space, to see how it changes and how it is formed. The rationale for this search is that unless we obtain this information we cannot tell where maladjusted activity and space relationships exist, and if this is not understood we cannot apply solutions. I am concerned here not only with the adaptability of individual activity solutions but also, through sample activities, the interrelationships of different activity and space requirements. The second objective is to expand design concepts, both for activity and space, that could be used to deal with problems raised by the first objective. These two aims, drawn together by some examples, are intended to form a constructive method for approaching the nebulous problem of adaptability. The study is mostly speculative. However, it is also intended to serve as a tangible introduction to this increasingly important issue. While extensive research remains to be done it is hoped that the thesis can provide a base from which more specific and detailed work can be constructed. Proposals are made to this end. Thesis Advisor: Kevin Lynch Professor of City and Regional Planning -- - ! MERM- 1-- TABLE OF CONTENTS ITROCTION.......................... . ... ................ 7 PART I CHANGE.............................1 1. The Behavior of Activity under Change............ 13 2. The Behavior of Space under Change............... 19 26 THE SHAPE OF THEENVIRO10ENT.............................. 1. Typical Activity Requirements that Shape Space... 26 2. Typical Space Requirements that Shape Activity... 29 3. The Pit of Activity and Space.................... 32 PART II IESIGN CONCEPS POR AAPTABILITY......... ***..*..*.... 39 1. Adaptability of Space.... ....................... 40 2. 49 Adaptability of Activity......................... Part III EVAWATION AND PRELIMINARY . ........................... 56 APPENDICES.....................................................**O F00TOTE..........................................73 BIB~o0APH.......................................76 (6 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Behavior of Activity and Space under Change.............. 24 2. Important Activity Characteristics that Shape Space - by Activity Type............................... 28 3. The Permissiveness and Resistance of Space Qualities to Activity 4. Danands........................,. 31 Differences between Activities by Space Shaping Characteristics................................ 34 For P. L. INRODUCION INTRODUCTION For those who create the shape of the environment one of the key words in flexibility. It is a magic word that is used unsparingly, often just by its very use it endows the space with its meaning. Most structures erected today are unfortunately just as in- flexible as the old ones and cannot be altered to keep with future advances . What we build today will again be obsolete tomorrow -- and this is at a time when the rate of obsolescence is increasing. If we are to avoid paying the price of permanence in the future, important changes will have to be made in our basic approach to the structure of the environment. In spite of the lack of knowledge, realized and unrealized, as to how adaptability and flexibility might be achieved, there is no doubt that its importance is accepted and its fulfillment demanded. It is all the more surprising therefore, that so little thought has been given to the problem. At a general level, Mumford has made the point that permanence in our structures impairs physical freedom, "the environment) should be ready to meet new conditions ... new processes ... be self-renewing."1 Historically, space has been remarkably resilient to change, over the years activity patterns and requirements have altered and been met, costs of all kinds have been amortized over many years. Com- pared to today the scale of the problem was small and I suggest that today's problems are small when compared to those of the future. Not only will changes occur more rapidly through technical and social revolution, but they will operate on a larger scale, and furthermore be of a type that is more radical. This increasing rate and magni- tude of change can have two principal results significant to the need for an adaptable environment. One is that individual activi- ties need to be able to minimize the stress and costs of alteration and adjustment to new operations and requirements. And second, because of various technological innovations, activities will have an increasingly greater freedom to locate independently of functional/ geographic ties. Using alternative (and maybe changeable) location criteria there is an increased chance that more 'footloose' activity will bring greater demnds on space; this is because one space may have to serve alternative uses in its lifetime. Definitions and Intent The environment is defined as the resultant interaction of activity and space, these parts have already been mentioned and will recur frequently below. Adaptability is defined as the ability of the environment to adjust to one, many or continuous changes wrought by the demands of activity and space. It is important to note that economic, social, psychological and political constraints on adaptability have been omitted. This is not to say that they are not important, however, in the interests of simplicity and manageability, it is beyond the scope of this thesis. When I first began to try to find ways of achieving adaptability, I bec ame aware of the fact that there is no method available to evaluate the environment, an essential key to utilizing adaptability concepts. These concepts are presumably intended to find a solution -- but to what? In Part I below I will be examining: (1) how activity and space change; (2) how they bring demands on one another, and from this; (3) how they suit and conflict with one another's needs. It is then hoped that I can be in a position to answer this question. The objective is to seek a definitive method of evaluation for adaptability problems but not to produce detailed specifications or answers. At the same time, I want to expand my initial approach of developing ways of achieving environmental adaptability. It is to this end that in Part II I explore a number of adaptability concepts which, though they cannot be tested fully with Part I, can be augmented and explained by observations drawn from the first section, plus examples shown in the outline testing and evaluation contained in Part III. The last section of Part III contains an addendum which revalues some approaches to the study and proposes future research. This thesis is more speculative than practical, yet I hope it goes some way to making the usually nebulous subject of environmental adaptability more tangible and manageable for planners. PART I A, CHARMG B. TIM1 SHIAPE OF THE ENVIRMNWI? CHANGE In this section I will be trying to obtain some definitive idea of the scope of the problem to which adaptability must be applied; this will be considerably helped if the principal behavior patterns of activity and space under change can be more clearly specified. The first task is to select for examination certain activities which, together with their concomitant spaces, will present a wide, if incomplete, range of these behavior types. It should be emphasized that this list will only contain representative examples. They are as follows: a. Large Unit Retail - mostly of the departmental type, these stores range in size from neighborhood supermarkets through to regional shopping centers b. Small Unit Offices - mostly specialist operations, activities such as business and professional services c. Large Unit Offices - this would principally comprise large administrative activity d. Universities - though a very complex and diverse activity it is considered here because of its multi-activity operation e. Nospitals - a variation of the multi-activity situation. The second task is to state more clearly what is meant by 'change.' Often change is discussed only in terms of expansion or internal adjustment, we will certainly still keep these categories but add to them the problems encompassed by contraction. three change categories there are subgroups. Under each of the These will be outlined below, preceding the examination of the activities in order to aid comprehension -- though they were in fact derived from this examination. a. Expansion (1) Increase in the intensity of space use by activity (2) Addition based on the adjacent location of functional units, or departments of activity (3) Accretion, numerous small additions over time (4) Addition of space through adjacent new physical structural units (5) The complete movement of an activity to a new location (6) The movement to a new location of only parts of the activity b. Contraction (1) Reduction in the intensity of space use by activity (2) Reduction of space use by functional, or department units of activity (3) Physical contraction by removing space, either by increments or by larger structural units (4) Keeping unused, 'dead' space that is maintained but not needed (5) Am1ler space needs obtained for the whole activity in a completely new location c. Internal Change (1) Change solely instigated by administrative policy experiment (2) Superficial internal adjustment to temporary demands (3) Moderate adjustment of operation to new activity patterns c. Internal Change (continued) (4) Wide reorganization of operation to new activity patterns (5) Changes in terms of physical requirements as a result of new operational techniques. Ideally, the ensuing discussion would be neatly constructed around a number of references to the behavior of the environment under change; unfortunately the dearth of information sources makes this impossible. This is a strange situation; psychologists, sociologists and economists have all contributed to the knowledge of change in the environment, but designers have virtually ignored it. observation is, This of course, qualified by the limits of my search; however, the examination below should be considered in this light. Disagreements are bound to appear to anyone with a detailed knowledge on a particular activity type, but in terms of broad issues I hope this does not interfere with the general problems of change behavior and the resultant types of change characteristics. With the two above sets of definitions (space types and change characteristics) I will now examine the behavior of 'activity' and then 'space' analyzed. under change in an effort to clarify what is being Note that this section is not concerned with design solutions for the problems it raises. 1. The Behavior of Activity under Chan a. e Unit Retail - the dependence of this activity on consumer preferences creates a strong pressure for adaption to changing demands. In a complex activity such as a department store this is aggravated by the diverse nature of the component functional units, that is, time. each one will vary in its rate of change and importance over In terms of expansion, rapid change is often absorbed by increasing the intensity of activity operation rather than committing space resource that may prove to be necessary should the change be temporary. If the growth is large and more permanent then expan- sion will likely take place in whole functional units such as deaprtments -- though the new space is not confined permanently to this new unit. Conversely, small contraction often reduces the intensity of use rather than abandoning the space, if these units of space are abandoned at some critical point of widespread contraction, the displaced activity will be absorbed into the remaining area of reduced intensity. Constant internal adjustment is mostly 'cosmetic' and superficial, taking place within the functional units. is can also be at a scale that rearranges these units. result is a need for considerable internal flexibility. But The net Relationships between departments are highly interdependent and organized in sequence and size, this network of ties makes any division of the whole, or even major sub-units activity, very difficult. There are some more permanent sub-units, for example administration, but a large part of this is also integrated with the dispersed network in order that it my control the operation of this complex activity -- telecommunications play a significant role here. Other more stable units are of the service type and less dependent on 'fashionv' for example, car parking and storage. Experiment, efficiency and a changing market all play a part in modifying this activity, we may also expect technological developments to have a major effect on its operation. ment has been the automobile, an Such a develop example for the future could be a reduced personal participation in buying - remote self-service and stardardization of goods are only two exazples of developments that might bring about this state. b. Small Unit Offices - one of the most important aspects of this activity is its mobility, it pervades nearly all of the types of units that comprise this group. Large expansion means moving to a new location, though for reasons of maintaining face-to-face contacts, available workforce, etc., it seldom moves too far away, and often it is only to another part of the same building that contains groups of this activity type. Intensified use of space would operate before physical expansion until it reaches a critical point where activity operation is hampered. Contraction can be simply explained as de-intensification with the eventual movement to an alternative location -- but if contraction is a result of innovation or efficiency (no loss of income) the likely-hood of movement to an alternative location is reduced. Administration policy changes and experiments bring about changes in internal organization, occuring frequently in a competitive situation; added to this is the 'spawning ground' role needed for experimental, new activities. Operational changes within the activity that are imposed by market changes rather than chosen are unusual and limited to a small group of more retail oriented office activities. When they do occur they could bring about internal reorganization to the point of needing a new location to meet these new space demands. If movement should be difficult it is more likely that the activity will be changed to suit the space. 16 c. Unit Offices ae - the more intense use of space as a prelude to physical expansion is particularly important here because the size of the activity permits a large amount of growth in this way because not all sub-units are likely to become more intense at the same time. If, in addition, the parts of the activity are able to adjust to an optimal use of space this intensification becomes all the more effective. An intense use of space would also be encouraged as the costs of physical expansion in the premium areas, where this activity is often found, are high. Large growth can be accommodated by moving the complete activity, or a geographical split of functional units may occur providing that communication is good. Contraction can be catered for by reversing the intensification process, though if financial constraints caused the contraction the limit of absorbtion is far less. It is seldom that new activity can be simply added to the old, it is more likely that a ripple of changed contacts, procedures and locations will occur, and that a period of reorganization will be needed. Strong administrative control over large areas is a great help to making activity more adaptable. This is one reason for the tendency to free office space of divisions to assist this control (e.g. Burolandschaft ), through the flexible location of activity units for optimal layouts and administration experiment. Technological innovation is appearing as a major source of modification to office activity, mostly this is in the form of data processing to replace routing work, but it can be expected to expand its scope in the future and be an aid to the 'decision makers' and thus further improve efficiency. This change-over may also affect locational ties either by separated computor/manpower facilities or even a simple freeing of the interdependence between unit parts of office activity. d. Universities - a comon form of expansion is by functional units of activity, in addition there is accretion in the form of constant space 'trade-offs' and reshuffling between smaller contracting and expanding departments. The latter type of growth is difficult to achieve, but is made more feasible by strong, centralized control and administration, especially in poorly flexible designs. Another common type of growth is the intensified use of space before physical expansion, exceptions are the provisions for major new units of equipment that take up and exceed the atailable 'slack' in space. A complex and important aspect of university organization is the particularly strong and constant network of interdepartment connecting activity patterns. Ideally the location of departments would be based on an optimum arrangement that should facilitate interaction while reducing any excessive, ti The amount of operational inter consuming connections. dence between major sub-unit activities is small when compared say to hospitals, theoretically therefore, if all primary connections are good, the internal growth of departments is able to take place more independently without relationships being strained. This is providing that ties to comon activities such as service and administration can be maintained. Contraction has already been briefly mentioned, overall contraction of the university is very unlikely while locally it can be absorbed by a reduced intensity of operation and eventual displacement by other units. Internal changes of departments are often instigated by experiments in activity functions, plus the changing web of contacts between individuals, thus laying different intellectual and operational emphases with within and across department boundaries over time. Another important pressure for internal change comes from technological developments, not only has this affected the operation of specific sub-activities, but recently major changes have been wrought in the principal activity patterns. The importance of proximity can be reduced by telecoanmmications, for example, to the 'hardware' of computors, and the wider use of closed circuit television. The repercussions of these developments are difficult to discern, though I can say two things with some safety: one, this type of innovation is in its infancy; and two, changes in connecting networks are facilitated. e. gospitals 3 - the broad scope of this activity means that some sub-activities have already been covered, for example, offices. These will be omitted below unless particularly relevant. It is not sufficient to consider individual department expansion, for those departments planned for may not be so critical in future developments (or at least not the only ones). This factor, together with the close operational ties between sub-units, means that unless these sections can reorganize their relationships to each other as well as expand, unforeseen pressures of operation will be generated. Not only is the juxtaposition of parts and change unknown, but also the varying rates at which they can and will occur. Growth can take place in functional units or sub-units, and by intensified use of space. Expansion in a congested environment often means locating the more autonomous units at more distant What helps to obviate chaos are the resistance, delay locations. and administration mechanisms, both intentional and unintentional, that prevent unnecessary change -- the more structured of these help provide a more organized fit into the complex for new and changing activities . Contraction involves a 'stop-gap' reduction in inten- sity until a new activity can be found for the available space. Development and innovation are crucial and vital elements in hospitals, consequently this pressure for internal change is not always a smooth progression, radical change can, and often does, happen very quickly -- new equipment, techniques, processes, etc. Fnctional areas often need to be absorbed, extended and contracted quite suddenly. These developments are not always instigated on operational grounds, a significant part is also played by administration through policy directives. 2. The Behavior of Space Under Change (a) Large Unit Retail - the expansion of old large units in central areas is frustrated by the existing fabric of the city, to overcome this and improve vehicle access, the move has been by many to areas where cheaper land may be obtained over and above initial needs. Here the space can expand more freely, typically by large structural units, for reasons of standardization, economy, and the need for uninterrupted space. Expansion by accretion is unlikely not only for cost reasons but because small scale space divisions would be too specialized. Contraction of space on a large scale is likely to mean that the location is not comercially successful and a new one will be sought. However, on a small scale it take place by carrying 'dead' can either unused space or by the removal of it. If this reduction is likely to be only temporary the space will probably be carried as unused, especially where the cost of this space is low (though lower quality structures on cheaper land). Except for prestige buildings the structures have a short life potential, thus theoretically being able to change not only by expansion but in the longer run by replacement, b. Small Unit Offices - expansion in any compacted location is difficult as the unit is strictly confined by the similar units that surround it and is only possible through the happy coincidence of adjacent area contraction. Consequently, this expansion is most likely to take the form of obtaining new, more suitable space. Similarly, new space is sought if activity contraction occurs; however, this is less likely if the contraction is as a result of efficiency. Freer internal space sometimes operates in new structures, in the same way as the large office units, but this operation is confounded on a large scale by the smallness of the units and the need for substantial unit divisions. It is important to note that the increasing freedom of location given to this activity by telecommnications is significant when one is considering its ability to adapt its space to new pressures. In the long term the compactness with other similar units may be reduced if faceto-face contacts become less relevant. c. Large Unit Offices - typically built at high density, and often surrounded by other high density space, growth is hampered. Ex pansion takes place either by completely rehousing the activity in an alternative location, where expansion problems may again occur, or by rebuilding for only sections of the activity and relying on comznication links. Of course, if structural unit expansion can be achieved in an adjacent area growth will be easier; also, the problems of"barrier building"' of accretive growth, even if it were possible at high densities, apply equally well here. In a similar way that many internal divisions hampered sma1l unit change so do they for these larger units A certain degree of internal flexibility to meet a range of internal reorganizations is attained by using uninterrupted or adjustable space, but per se this does not help adaptability; it is only one facet of the solution and even for this to be workable it must be rigorously applied and consistently designed. Within this flexibility there are areas of greater permanence which typically are grouped together, such as major circulation routes and services. Physical contraction by removal of space is virtually unknown though it may be achieved by renting off space. More likely is the procedure of de-intensification of use followed by relocation of the whole unit -- the larger the space the greater is its potential to withstand a reduction in real space, as the rejected space is likely to be bigger and thus attract a wider market of new tenents. d. Universities - the addition of new space does not take place by small scale accretion, and if it did, it would certainly be only temporary as it frustrates major growth by its many small barriers. New space ideally grows by non-specialized structural units, for the same reasons as given for "large unit retail" (due to various political ends this does not always happen, but this cannot concern us here). As mentioned under 'activity' above, an optimum organization of units must be sought in order to reduce the length of the connecting travel networks. However, an optimum solution must take account of future physical expansion, otherwise a stifling, concentrated development would occur . Variations in the stability of space are important to define, for example the main circulation arteries are unifying stable elements on to which are joined the less stable work areas. I have been taking as given, that space is available for expansion, but this is not always so. In a congested urban context severe limitations are sometimes imposed, where this happens the more self contained sub-activities my reluctantly be located away from the main body of the university, though as before, excellent comunication is required. Internally, specialized space provision increases the resistance to change, a unique and rigid environment for equipment is frustrating to new uses when a part or the whole of the equipment becomes obsolete. Though perhaps rare in existing universities that were built on past demands, it must be that in the dynamic university context where technique and technology are in evolution, provisions for operational changes must be a dominant consideration. 24 e. Hosptals - many characteristic problems of this activity are the same as with 'universities' above, that is, for accretive growth, for key stable elements of space such as principal circulation networks, and for expansion in congested urban areas. Much of the recent hospital design has worked on the principal of expanding in large structural units, and if space is available this would seem to be a reasonable way of achieving growth, providing that the new space is neutral and nonspecialized. The critical question for contraction is not, can the newly unused space be carried, but rather can local adjustments be made so that it is easily accessible for some other purpose? The objection to internal specialized space is also similar to the previous activity, but heightened by the more frequent necessity of inserting a new activity and its space needs 'into' and not 'onto' the spatial organization. This pressure to provide uniform, infinitely adjustable space is eased a little by some more stable spaces such as kitchens, boilers, mortuaries, etc., but even these may not always be so 'fixed.' There is a danger in assuming a sub-unit to be even relatively static in this context. Before passing on to the next section I must make a few brief comments on the above examination. Figure I. Firstly let me refer to This capsules the preceding discussion, and though it is unrefined it will hopefully serve as a useful reference to this section later in the thesis. Summarized here, in addition to the earlier change behaviors are the principal instigators of change, namely: (1) Pressures from market demands (2) Technological innovation (3) Efficiency of operation (4) Experimentation by administration as a policy, in addition to 'external' pressures (5) Strong and different individual leadership and influence over time (6) Short life span of space. Secondly, little has been said concerning the influence of varying rates and velocities of change6 that no doubt are of significance. CHA9RACTMR'5S ()F ACATION -r OC2HANaG - k' . V BEHAVIOR W<FANS1oNA-1 ajkrit .. cnal on tfS. A OF ACTIVITY r~rtef~ nrae A. AND SPACE UNDER CHANGE. _[7 aCcr-i-ion !5 adj act S aw t-rucitxaf >r, I oenfA-uoittL r),t rwvoio ar+ [A F0I AnvtryWr.Txv4J cPEWA'N KEY: Afunctiori34_Uririfs _ sJ ub-clainarli A. '~ A A Pv*o tac~tkbr'Of whole. IN-MRAL C+ANGEa. *dmin. Polic~y c-haracje fiic!a, adpQmnt* tilV ] I ~l[ A A effic~in riewac D EllJ~3 A !SC -- !Sec- This was omitted in an attempt to simplify the discussion, plus the observation that at a general level the comments for every activity would be very similar; naly that high, medium and low rates of change would bring concomitant large, medium and small problems of operation. The main problems would occur where a rigid environment is constructed that must absorb a high rate of change -- a characteristic that can apply to all activity types. Thirdly it has not been possible to provide entirely distinct questions for 'activity' and 'space,' or for each individual activity, indeed it would be surprising if one could. It has been necessary to repeat observations while trying to point to their unique interpretation. Fourthly, what of future problems? Here the attack has been mainly based on present day observations but this is not to say these will be the same in ten, or even five years. (uite obviously the future cannot be specified, however, it would be possible and useful to indicate the direction that change problems may take. I think that with the finer definition of change approached here that this task will be easier -- though postponed in thi4 thesis with its limited objectives, and time constraints. Lastly, there is the constant danger of oversimplified observations. This is mainly the fault of the lack of literature, mentioned above. Another mitigating factor for oversimplification is that the examination was intended to be little more than a detailed example of the type of questions that should be asked and answered. But it does serve its intended purposes, to find similarities in the behavior of activity and space to change, and as a reference for developing adaptability concepts to respond to these problems. TEE SHAPE OF THE ENVIRO10ER As a complement to the analysis of the previous section, I now want to examine the interactions between activity and space, and discuss some of the important measureable parameters that produce the form of the physical environment. I hope that this section will help to clarify those major variables, defined by activity and space, that shape the environment, and that are normally hidden Later these definitions may give under capsuled activity headings. more meaning to the application of adaptability concepts. Mean- while the next section will use these measurements to see what can be said of compatibility between activity shaped spaces. 1. Typical Activity Requirements that Shape Space Not all the typical qualities of space that are determined by activity will have equal relevance to the shape of the space, for this reason an unranked list is constructed below that selects those that seem most pertinent. (Appendix B examines the characteristics that were abandoned as less relevant). A. Minim Area: measured in square feet for the whole activity, including service and secondary space. B. Room Size Fregecy: in square feet, it states the size of room that could satisfy C. Minimm Pree Height: 75% of individual room areas. measured in feet for a single floor height (note that it excludes services). D. Service Area and Volume: in addition to normal ducted services, the principal circulation and auxillary spaces are included. Shown as percentages of total area and volume. E. Wear Index: rather than omit this quality from considera- tion for lack of reliable data, a crude measure is established. High, medium and low rates of wear are used. (At some future time the aim should be to establish by activity type, the wear indices for different material and structures.) F. Natural Light: -- G. a positive or negative requirement is stipulated or a combination of the two. Access:, dominant access modes to the activity discounting minor variations that result from parochial locational circumstances. H. Proximity to Ground: stated as a positive or irrelevant need to be on or near ground level -- alternatively stated, an essential or irrelevant requirement for activity operation. I. Parking: calculated in square feet of gross floor area of activity per car. (Though this measure is not universally used by activities, it is applied here in order to obtain compatible results.) J. Floor Loading: average floor loads -- inevitably generalized here -- measured in pounds per square foot. Now, in Figure 2, characteristics will be equated to the five activity types. It would be a dangerous assumption to consider all ten characteristics 'A' to 'J' (above) to be static. Hard and fast predictions of the future are of course impossible; however, an indication of the direction of change can feasibly be used, though generalized it is certainly useful -- no set time period is given for this future state. Thus for each of the interstices in the matrix (Figure 2) there are two results: one for the present, and one to FIG. IMPORTANT ACTMTY CH4ARACTERISTICS THAT SHAPE ScEE KEY: fbiography (x),ource ref-.n. S. no.iirshen ** - tinferination avalite but- +\ire limited show this direction for the future. Two further coments should be made on this matrix. First, in a situation where a major assumption is being made to complete a section a brief note of explanation vill appear. The second comment follows from the first. In performing this operation various degrees of conjecture, interpretation and even bias are almost certain to appear, and although the information can be questioned, the fact is that it could be considerably improved with time. For this thesis I think that these possible shortcomings do not detract from the method of examining the interdependence of activity and space. 2. Typical Space Characteristics that Shape Activity This sub-section is developed as the complement to the preceding one: I will examine the typical permissivities and resistances of spaces as they affect the demands made by activity. It is important not to confuse this examination with the 'behavior of space under change' that was discussed earlier. Space is considered here at one point in time, the present. These space characteristics are not categorized by the activity they contain, e.g. office space, nor by superficial structural type, e.g. concrete frame, but are classified according to broad qulties of space. There are only three relevant groups of qualities that I could isolate: a) the gZon of structural point supports, small span be considered as less than twenty feet and ar than twenty but less than, say, one hundred feet. as can as greater (The definitions though debatable are only intended to establish a broad clarification at this stage.) b) story heit is the second generalized space type and can be simply stated as multi- or single story; c) specializa- tion of space falls into two categories: a uniqe structural space type to suit particular activity demands; and a consistent system of sizing and spacing to organize the structure and building components -- modular. Figure 3 now submits these qualities to the tests outlined above. In preference to a long explanation of the somewhat limited data contained in Figure 3, I will briefly sunnarize below the extent to which space characteristics permit or resist the application of activity emands. The feasibility of meeting ground floor preferences (with the exception of retail activity), durability, and access mode, (complicated by multi-story) are mostly irrelevant, that is, in terms of the space characteristics confounding what that activity needs,. There is perhaps a temptation to select further elements that deal more specifically with certain activity requirements but this has been avoided as it would make this section unnecessarily complicated. As might be expected the more permissive spaces are generally of a large span with modular components; while the more resistant ones are specialized smll span types -- with the exception of small unit activity in a static situation. Also, except for new large unit retail, single story structures can meet nearly any requirement due largely to their more 'neutral' nature, being less specialized than multi-story. The latter on the other hand, is mostly positive towards meeting activity needs, while it does complicate access and room heights; mostly it is irrelevant to ground floor requirements as large unit retail is the only activity that FIG6. 'L. L.U. THE t4nNp) "i.OF#IC& P ~p ,U.OPMCe N N Np okW P F tEWtTy tN H0PTAL N N P H P OF SPACE QUIALTIES TO ACTIVTY DEMANDS. NZ v zz PERMISSVENESS AND RESISTANCE /Z KEY: p ggP .....- C V/p C --- W F pm poeii4,ve F* +mPte t PF COrv it on - Cz= Cormplica tions w.5P. 1Me. .. MNN. Np P L Od.C P4-PCp P -f p C1A Qoe. PfPcp 7p~P P C~ C *gOPAtCR vpcap . r PNppN t4 C H r N p 0 _ C_' Mc. JNNN rN 7' j Np N FIN/ HPV. p p z v-- -- . N FP "Oar -0vr.T Lu. a)iS retleive . -swvet. N PP F P,_ p ri appliCation. P P N _N CC- N N' I positively reAres this quality of space. (If all activity needed a ground floor level, of course, multi-story structures would be resistant.) Again as one might expect, there emerge basic differences in span; small spans generally react negatively to needs while wide spans are more permissive but at the cost of difficulties with lighting and floor loading. It is difficult to be objective here as to some large extent the results are colored by the existing situation. Further resistance to spaces' ability to meet activity demands comes from the aging of space itself, not covered now; it is generally a phenomenon independent of activity type though varying in significance according to maintainance level. The part played by space in the sbaping of the environment, if considered on a broader front, would involve studies in humn behavior, responses, etc.; it must be remmbered that here I am more concerned with the specific physical pWrt that space plays in the environment. To this end there is nothing new or surprising that emerges from this sub-section; in fact the results are mostly obvious. However, it does serve the useful purpose of bring to light the role played by space independent of activity. This role is certainly significant, but on a narrow front, as can be seen by the smallness of the negative reactions to space qualities. They can be made to suit a need; this is a more flexible and less dominating position than that of activity's space needs. 3. The Fit of Activit and Space The term 'fit' should be explained. It is the suitability of space and activity for each other; an example of a good fit is thus a situation where space fulfills activity's requirements of it. A derived term which will be used below is 'inter-fit'; this refers to the interchangeability between individual fits. individual fit For enqWWl, the between a university laboratory and research is a good one, as is the fit between a hospital operating theater and surgery activities; direct inter-fit is not good, but aspects of space demnuds have good inter-fit, room size and height for example. The context of this section has already been briefly entioned. It is a stage between the activity and space analysis, and the application of adaptability concepts; it manipulates the informnation on the shape of the environmnt in order to find similar activity/space fits and inter-fits. The purpose of this is to later aid the application of adaptability concepts, to see more exactly where and to what they are being applied. the activity types in Figure 2 we can determine how similar they are in terms of the degree to which they share their space requirements. Figure 4 is an extrapolation of Figare 2; it show the broad differences and similarities between activity types. The detailed quantities can be obtained from the earlier charts; however, in Figure 4 only tio values are given for degrees of difference. the purpose is to find the similar activities (low difference total) by comparing one activity's fit of space require- nests with all other activities and their space reqsirements (i.e. inter-fit). It is almt irrelevant here thether those exaPles chosen do not or would not norally, interchange their spaces. The principal concern is to what extent are we now better equipped to DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACTIVITIES By SPACE- SHAPING CHARACTERIsTics. KEY: jow difrne Ihigh diverame) low deffevnce) hig dffrivC&6) roirm* 'oerA t c'rh 4h.6e M OGM TA L 1I low The ++aI deIf viiCeS 42e L.I.SP1fa S. .U. 2 ====own___ v y eOsI'Ta IHOGPITAI---. ~~~ 04iv-gw ~Ojf understand the interaction between activity and space? The usefulness of grasping this lies in the fact that compatibility between activity is a step towards understanding their interchange and likely adaptability should the space have to change use, and that conflicts and coincidences can be measured. At the present the data is coarse but would improve substantially with time. There are other faults, for example, a small difference that does not get shown on Figure 4 could in fact be a very important one and therefore upset the figure. I justify discarding this problem on the grounds that if such a case should become apparent, with this approach I can more readily find this out, and then be better able to rectify the difficulty. Despite the problems with the method in its present form, I think that a small example would help to establish my assertions as to the usefulness of the method -- I am not proposing solutions. I want to be able to interchange a large unit office with a part of a university complex (part 'C' Figure 4). (Please remember this is not an example of adaptability principals but merely an examination of the fit in their environmental components.) 1. The difference in area size is overcome by moving the smller to the larger unit, and thus taking only a part of that larger unit. 2. Their room size frequency is identical so that if the divisions are bard and fast there will be quite a good fit here. "Quite" because there are reservations, in that the university section could have experimental areas that do not fit the norm, and offices often require large undivided spaces. 'trade-off' 3. So some adjustment on is needed here. Free height is different at the extreme cases but some overlap occurs. Do I construct the largest height and Can I afford it? adjust to other heights as needed? Can floors be adjustable? Do I exclude the extreme case and design for a medium height? 4. Service requirements are similar, only more volume in the form of services between floors is required for the university. Again, build for the largest? Removable services? 5. Durability of materials for the university needs to be higher than office. Temporary surfaces? Dual purpose surfaces? 6. Natural light can be substituted for offices but generally not for the university. Do I find an optimal plan form/ external wall ratio for both activities? Build expensive single story structures with roof lighting? 7. (Conflict with service?) Floor loadings are very similar (for offices with machines - identical). Build for the largest load? Etc. This, as I said, is a simple example; nevertheless, I think the method is also simple -- and all the better for it. usefulness especially Its long term ithin a complex activity such as a hospital with many different parts could be significant (together with the 'direction of change' ideas mentioned earlier). Two surnary observations on Figure 4 are that, firstly, it can be clearly seen which are the a3nst universally difficult space requirements, such as area and parking variations -- indicating a possible zone for adaptability effort. And secondly, it is inter- esting that the difference between present and future requirements is much smaller than one might expect, though of course the inaccuracies inherent in the 'direction of change method' (showing greater or less difference over time) may account for this to a certain extent. This section has set up more questions than answers, but this is its purpose. It tries to establish a framework for understanding where and how adaptable the environment is, and where adaptability and flexibility concepts would need to be applied. is in no way saying that this particular part of the exercise is couplete; far from it. But it does provide enough information to proceed, while it also exposes, I think, the type of format that could be further exanined and improved upon. This PART II DESIGN CONICEPTS FOR ADAP'TABIL*ITY IESIGN CONCEPTS FOR ADAPTABILITY The components to a design solution for environmental adaptability are now split into two well established groups, nemly 'space' and 'activity.' The procedure below wil be to examine every component in each group as an abstract idea, and then to give it a context for operating by using outline exampls drawn from Part I. That is, of change and fit to try and give a context to some of the problems in activity and space. Later I will try and pull together the two parts of this thesis by a snali demonstration of their application. The main purpose of this section is to generate these ideas on adaptability. An important source for some of these idasa, was an article by Professor Lynch on 'Environmental Adaptability.' 9 It should be emphasized that discussion on particular concepts does not mean that the concepts are exclusive to each other, the only purpose of this separation is to clarify analysis. concepts would be closely interrelated. In reality these As well as generating ideas for resolving adaptability problems, an additional tool will be utilized - technological innovations. (At present, technology is often introduced to design almost by accident; though little more than this happens in the examples mentioned below, further study would treat technology much more as a useful, positive tool integrated into design proposals and future speculation.) 1. Adaptability of Space A. Unspecified Forms This is one of the most common concepts, having many stages of specificity. Of course, an unspecified form is never totally so; it is often interpreted to mean lack of structure and uninterrupted space though as we shall see vagueness per se is not a solution. The intention is to avoid special purpose designs with a low disparity of space type or high compatability. The overall form of the structure may have a neutral, non-permanent physical orientation to particular axes, etc.; complex and fixed sub-unit relationships would be avoided. Polyvalent space is a further extension of this idea; interchangeable activities operating in the same space over a period of time. This period might be short, that is, a time-shared space use that provides enough common facilities to meet multiple use needs; although operations of this type are unlikely between major, different activity groups, within an activity it would be possible. The period between changes can also be long and might allow superficial specialization, but this should not be so unique as to binder an eventual alternate use. An instance where unspecified space could be useful is in the notoriously changeable hospital context. Here with the aid of more universally resistant materials and future self contained service units it could be possible to change say laboratory, into administration, into therapy departments. As we have seen from Figure 2, in room height variations for example, space requirements would need to be of more consistant specification. A note of caution in the design of unspecified forms is their tendency to become more specified. Initially neutral designs become subdivided, the use of them acts as a catalyst, and they thus end by neglecting the original design. A strong administration could overcome this situation, nevertheless, it points to need for understanding actual as well as intended use. B. Growth Forms This requires that the organization of space should allow for growth while maintaining continuity of activity in the space. Leaving open axes for expansion is a principal method of obtaining this form type. Perimeter expansion can be coped with in this way. More difficult is a form to deal with internal growth. If one could separate intensive from extensive space use, internal growth might take place by allowing intensive space to expand into extensive space, while the latter in turn expands outwards. An example of where this could be applied is in alleviating area differences that are a major stumbling block to easy activity interchange of space (see Figure 4). Growing forms can take on smaller units of activity at the perimeter, or internally in the intensive zone and adjust the edge of some other use; or large units may be added in the extensive area. This development touches on other adaptability concepts, for example, taking on growth forms vertically (a whole unexplored dimansion) is covered under 'additive structures' later on, nevertheless, even in this simple isolated situation the idea is a useful one. can be cited -- Examples of its application to individual activities linear development for the university is such an idea, it has an expanding main axis, with expanding axes at right angles to it. As a general note, these axes and foci of activity play an important role in not only the physical but visual structure of the enwironment. C. Zoning, and Structural Concentration Even though under 'A' above a 'fluid' situation was con- templated there is almst certain to be a need for 'fixed' zones. The concern here is how one may juxtapose these fixed and fluid areas to optimize low interference between the two. Such a situation exists where, for example, service cores a concentrated vis a via uninterrupted space. The principal problem is to accurately select fixed zones of activity, these difficulties are ameliorated to some extent if the zones are of a course grain.10 A fine grain differentiation of zones have a greater propensity to interfere with each other due to the increased chance of selecting the wrong fixed and fluid units. This problem is also coplicated by the fact that fixed zones often doublt as structural components -- of reduced importance if these structural concentrations are widely space, because there is less chance of interferring with more fluid activity operation. (As we saw, large uninterrupted spaces are a principal method used to achieve flexibility, reservations as to the effective operation of activity in this space were mentioned under 'unspecified form'.) Another example of how fixed and fluid concentrations might be applied is in the case of car parking. In Figure 4 we saw how this was a formidable obstacle to permitting a changing inter-fit of activity. If it were concentrated away from the activity it served, in 'silos' for example, this would comit less area to interfere with other expansion. Changing demands could increase, fluid areas expand, concentrations enlarge without the conflict of space between large general activity space needs and large adjacent areas of specific needs, namely parking. This type of operation becomes more feasible as the scope and management of equipment and material improve. It is a sm1ll example, a detail of both concept and technology, however, still useful as an outline explanation. D. Over Capacity The first type of over capacity that comes to mind is the over-osupply of space to safeguard a good fit between future demands and resources available, it goes some way to meeting our needs but there are problems. It can operate with either undeveloped or developed space, though to supply the latter is especially limited by the financial cost involved. All types of change are aided; internal change, allowing increased intensity to occur; expansion, ithout disrupting adjacent used space; and contraction if a method is found to withstand the cost of excess, unused space. now can this cost be reduced? Here is a major area for research. New stronger, cheaper materials such as alloys and stero-specific polymer plasticsll relatively reduced construction costs through improved logistics and prefabricating, and many other innovations could bring about at least a small measure of over capacity capability. But still there is the problem of obtaining enough strategically located undeveloped growth space. large institutions and some retail activities have moved to outlying locations in order to obtain this precious resource. Supposing, and it is a large supposition, that space were available, it is still necessary to resolve detailed location of unused space with respect to used developed space. It is probably not suitable to have just a perimeter expansion, space for new internal needs without complete reorganization of activity sub-units my be required. There is obviously a limit to the degree to which this type of space may be physically coped with in two dimensions. For example, even the vaunted linear expansion into excess space, if it is to supply internal growth will, not matter how widely initial growth fingers are, eventually turn in on itself. A question to be asked is not only how much excess space can be provided, but how dispersed can units be to permit this excess? is significant. To this end the role of telecommunications A second type of over capacity, this time not deal- ing purely in real area, seeks homeostasis, an equilibrium state meeting activity needs through a constant adjustment drawn from a Again large reserve (over-capacity) of activity requirements. this is costly. It could be achieved, at least conceptually, if every space need was potentially available at every location (services, floor loads, room heights, etc.). Details of how this might be beneficial in solving some problems raised by Figure 4 are obvious I think; a large number of activity differences could be overcome applying numerous and feasible technological innovations. a homeostatic environment would be intriguing to design. E. Temporary Structures The title is to a large extent self explanatory; there is, however, a major problem to resolve. Is it the whole structural unit including all components that is to be temporary, or just some of the components peculiar to an activity? Financial cost is again a major factor (socio-psychological costs excluded). If it is low then the unit can afford to be temporary either in terms of its life span (to the point of failure) or its use span (to the point of obsolete operation). This can be thought of as another form of honeostasis, a constant adjustment of enclosed space performanee with the minima effort. An unfortunate trait of temporary structures is that they become permanent, and often substandard. Witness the "prefabs," houses built in Britain after the war intended for ten years. still exist! Many Perhaps material. could be designed with specific life spans; even today plastic design may almost be specified to suit needs -. "Klenex" structures? Administrative control over life span is probably too unreliable but might be attempted. The applica- tions of this concept to the adaptable environment are many. For enuple: experimental growth and space organization in institutions; ajor, long term fluctuations in dewand for departments of large unit retail stores; adjustments to the different room frequency distributions of various activities. F. Mobile Units Fluctuating and changing patterns of contact and demand are met here by changing components of the physical environment in preference to bending activity behavior. moving the 'servant' units. This change is facilitated by It is likely to be a cheaper process than teqMorary1 structures.- This general statement csn be broken into two broad categories, scale and mobility. In terms of scale the small units such as cupboards or equipment, become very important. A sain reason for static, perpetuating envinonuents is the cumalative resistance of many amall units. A thorough and consistent freeing of these parts would be a powerful aid to adaptability. In many cases mare careful design rather than broad technological innovations could achieve this mobility, though innovations of self-contained services (heat, water, gas, air conditioning, electricity, waste, etc.) would help considerably. On a larger scale, mobile, self contained structures can be of the space enclosing variety such as Buckminster Fuller's collapsible geodesic frames. type. Or, be of the large structural component For example, circulation concentrations are an integral part of the building, mostly they are vertical -- elevators -- but they could also be horizontal -- travelators. Now, if these large units were mobile to be "plugged in" according to demand an additional dimension to internal flexibility would be achieved (giving greater scope to the fixed and fluid areas discussed earlier). The example is a little abstract, and expensive under existing situations. However, it would be of value where, say, different access modes to a complex were to be emphasised over time, or freeing the range of space sub-divisions of large areas, so that smaller, self-contained units could still obtain external access according to changing needs. The second category of mobile units is their degree of mobility. This would range from units that were simply removable and portable through to self-powered types such as the "university on wheels" (as used recently at one of the University of California campuses). Note that because a unit is mobile it is not precluded from being in one location for a long period of time. G. Additive Structures Typical.ly, these structures are based on some form of consistant module coordination of sizes to facilitate mass production and a freedom to locate new parts. larger structural entities. The units can be sml panels or Ideally they would be subtractive as well as additive, for as we have seen, contraction as well as expansion present formidable problems. It is nearly always implicit that additive structures are located in perimeter zones, in fact this is not sufficient. Peri- meter additions can create internal stresses, or expanding zones may not be conveniently located at the edge. of vertical addition should be considered. For this reason some form If it were possible to continually tailor centers of intensity to suit demands not only would activity/space fits improve, but they would be more efficient. Inter-fit would also improve if space were adjustable three dimensionally. Two developments of this concept have appeared in recent years. One is the "Plug-in City" in which extra space is attached to the point where it is needed, it being attached to some permanent structural elements thus achieving vertical addition in the difficult high density context. Another explorative develop- ment of additive structures is to create a neutral, three-dimensional framework within which module parts can grow, contract and interchange. Possibilities here perhaps of creating concentrations of large unit activities still separated vertically if need be, and each able to adjust its height without interference to the other. H. Variety The theory is that if space needs can be met by a number of alternative structural types, then if those needs change there is a good chance that at least one of the structural systems will meet these new needs. This analogy with biological survival systems is false in as much as after the change the suitable system does not multiply itself, but only meets a percentage of the activity's Another problem is that the variety must be maintained. space needs. So this means that some activities and space have long periods of misfit. It is very probable therefore that a structural variety is unlikely. But perhaps a variety of small components is feasible, more than one modular system that can, in a coarse grain, fit a larger module. For example, a component system to meet the indivi- dual requirements of small unit offices or university departments that could, as completed units, respectively f it the bigger scale modules of large unit offices and university complexes. Thus individual needs could be met in variety without disrupting total organizations, and the adaptability of parts is assured as at a coarse grain they are no longer unique. Variety per se does not appear to be much use, but a compromise, between supplying the many 'fail-safe' specialists needs and a universal interchange, or modular coordination, does seem feasible. I. Movement Systems For nearly any physical organization of activity the circulation system is the backbone. If this central core facility operates smoothly and easily, then many internal rearrangements can be obviated. The location of the major routes would be of the utmost importance, ideally they would be in some central, neutral location that did not disturb the spaces it serves (for possible movement of these arteries see "mobile units" section). As we saw in Part I, hospitals rely heavily on a good major circulation system to facilitate its operation. Here the reference to movement is more directed towards the workings of a particular activity complex, though it has equal application to the city scale, that is, between complexes. Of course there are many sizes of movement systems. A good system would not only operate well at the primary level but on the tributary The latter may not be so permanent as this would systems as well. make any organization more rigid, however, their orientation and smooth connection to the primary system would be very important. 2. Adaptability of Activity Using the simple idea of considering the environment as composed of activity and space therecomes to light a whole group of adaptability concepts. These form the complement to the adaptability of space -- the adaptability of activity. It will not be possible to engage this section completely, studies on administrative behavior and organization norms will have to be omitted. But in a general way the examples below will illustrate the scope and possibilities of this section. A. Multi -Prpose The "Whitehall mandarins" referred to by Sampson,13 who apply their administrative skill to many different departments over a period of time are an example of how a nonspecialized group can be more adaptable. be utilized. Multi-purpose groups as well as individuals could Theoretically each would contain a range of specialist skills that could, operating together, be permutated to meet any likely problem. These groups might be set in a sea of general rules and referral regulations that relieve the remainder of any important individual decisions, thus effectively concentrating decisions in the hands of these polyvalent groups. Any expansion of operations is absorbed, and at some critical size point another multi-purpose group is added. Though it is unlikely to occur in this raw format the principal may well work within the context of other ideas below. Its application is less likely in a very diverse operation such as a university, but could, and does to a certain extent, work in hospitals or large unit offices. B. nts In many ways this type of activity organization becomes static as department definitions and boundaries change. Assuming for the moment that this difficulty can be overcome either by definitions that are somehow constantly adjustable, or by compartments that are gross enough to have reasonably permanent definitions. Assuming this, then we have a situation somewhat equivalant to structures' growth forms in that each additional unit of activity is assigned awe clearly to an existing unit; nebulous units and undefined connections are overcome. Unlike the structural growth form developed on axes, this type is more biological in tat it can grow in all directions along numerous connecting growth lines. An example of this operation exists in large unit retail organizations where well defined departments are adjusted in size, added or subtracted, reshuffled, but seldom integrated. This concept might also serve a useful purpose if expansion of an activity requires some geographic/functional split to avoid complete activity relocation. C. Fixed and Fluid Zones The idea behind this scheme is yet another attempt to prevent space becoming too specialized and inflexible, with confusing definitions and overlaps of operation. In this case, for example, administrative controls could determine that information is centralized in a 'fixed' area, while operations using the information could range over space using any convenient location as a base. In this way activity becomes more flexible, able to adjust to new procedures and practices. A similar distinction could be made between central decision makers and their staff; between patients, and service and supply activities; etc. etc. The degree to which an activity operates solely in one of these two categories may not always be precise or absolutely constant, it may contain small elements of the alternate zone or even change categories over time. For example, it has been suggested that certain teaching activities in universities could utilize television; here is a case of an activity that was to a certain extent 'fixed' now made more 'fluid.' However, the problems of definitions are usually not too critical, the idea is only to move toward this clarification thus aiding the organization of unit parts, and not to impose it regardless of activity operation. D. Over Capacity As with its physical counterpart, this idea is expensive. It can be easily described. If personnel are underutilized, if more people are employed than are needed, expansion in activity by intensification can take place by giving staff more work without any fear of overloading them. A more obvious use of this concept is in the application of technological devices to intensify the use of space, here a relaxation of pressure is absorbed by the machine instead of people. What needs to be determined is the 'break-even- point' where over capacity 'slack' becomes an operating los. E. Review and Contingency Procedures. It has proved nearly impossible to predict activity requirements, even so, some idea of future requirements would be One problem with invaluable to any hopes of providing adaptability. predictions is that they are a one-time effort that is static if seldom revalued. To overcome this one could, for example, organize a system where departments or functional units within an organization make monthly reports on space and service needs. These projections could range in time scale from one month to two years. The infor- mation would be coordinated and policies executed via the constraints of finance and space. Built in to this periodic evaluation could be a detailed inventory of space needs and activity contacts. A variation of the homeostatic process is contingency planning. In this case many alternative plans can be developed to meet, at least in part, several of the most probable future situations -- Imited only by the imagination. A dynamic process such as this does require a high quality of central control; already, large organizations are moving in this direction in maximizing command controls.lO F. Skill Distribution This can be thought of as activity's equivalent to the space concept of 'additive structures' inasmuch as the organization is more "modular" and activities more easily attached. A more even value of skill distribution is proposed together with limited numbers of specialists, or groups of specialists in enclave peaks. This would help the addition and general relocation of activity because the uneven scatter of specialists would be reduced with groups more equivalent and self-contained. A simple example is in the allocation of computor program specialists. Dispersed, they would individually serve their departments; concentrated, they would generate greater activity movement when consulted. Addition of new departments would have their own specialist rather than risk being located at a distance from the information source. G. Comication Substitutes Telecommunication is a major contributor to adaptability in many forms. The separation of activity units by interposing this medium for physical contact relieves the units from the necessity of strong proximity requirements. The separation of units that can result allows changes in patterns of interaction without corresponding changes in physical setting. It is feasible that one location can be as good as another, providing the quality of communication is constant, as information availability is equalized. Intensity of interaction can increase without overloading space achieved both by people (telephone, teleprinter, videophone, etc.) and by machine to machine data flows. Much face-to-face contact still occurs but it is diminishing. Most of the large units could not operate without electronic communication, the large office and hospital for example (in concentrated office development so many messengers would be required to replace the telephone that nearly all space would be circulation).15 The size of a wire compared to a corridor consequently Mkes telecomunications an important space saver. Contacts may be stretched apart, held in reserve or speeded up, and as a result many other adaptability concepts are facilitated; 'over capacity,' for example (assuming the land is available). To sum up, the greater freedom of activity location both within and between units afforded by these electronic devices is a powerful tool, especially as communication is almost the principal occupation of activity. H. Efficiency and Skill Adustment It is true that an activity optimizing the use of its potential will more clearly understand its operation, will have less 'dead-wood' in its organization, and consequently will be in a better position to adapt to internal or external change. Efficiency not only applies to the use of people, but also how they operate in their space. change of adapting to change. In both respects there lies the While working for efficient operation, techniques could be developed for retaining and moulding changed activity to fit poorly adaptable existing and new space. This adjust- ment of activity would also serve as a means to relieve the pressure of space to change, even if the space is of the more adaptable type. PART III EVAWUATION AND PRELIMINARY TEST CONCLUSION ADUMNM EVALUATION AND PRELIMINARY TEST Throughout the thesis nr reservations and qualifications have been made on each of the sections. The purpose here is not to repeat these coments but to briefly discuss the effectiveness of the two major parts of the study. The first part is the analysis of the problem, namly where adaptability is frustrated and what constitutes the physical environment. The second part contains the important components of the solution. I have tried to develop and justify what amounts to a nmber of check lists to outline the problem that can duplicate as guides to further research. and 'space' Splitting the analysis into 'activity' enabled a clearer discussion; it was an important first step that prevented many blurred boundaries of definition in what was changing the shape of the environment. As a result it can be more clearly seen what one needs to change to obtain better fits. So often adaptability and flexibility are discussed solely in terms of space and only infer the fact that activity is the dominant determinant. True that space characteristics are constraints to activity operation and that they have their own idiosyncracies, particularly if one is confronted with an established space context. But this study does give a more balance d view of the interrelationships between these two components. I think it clearly shows and specifies the powerful relevance of activity's demands of space and consequent demand on adaptability. Even though this may seem obvious, it is also obvious that at present much confusion reigns on the relationships between activity and space. What of the second part of the study, the components of the solution? Even more than in the previous sections specuation is the backbone of the discussion. This constitutes a weakness inasmuch as "pondering a subject in its different aspects and relations" (to quote Webster's dictionary on "speculation") inevitably mkes it hard to be objective, Bearing in mind that a subjective influence is at work there is still significant value to developing concepts. This is because they are a basis for further discussion and a starting point for testing any hypotheses. The space concepts are the more tangible aspects oe adaptability and contain many of the normal approaches to the problem. Often analogous to space, it was also interesting to speculate on the adaptability of activity, for two reasons. One, because in an existing situation this could be the principal way to obtain environmental adaptability. And second, more obviously, because together with the spatial type, the possibility of achieving adaptability is greatly enhanced. An important question to be raised is how can one use this information to design for adaptability? This my best be described by showing a prototypical problem to suggest how the coordination of findings could work. The procedure that will be used below is simply a drawing together of the various parts of the thesis -- search for a particular problem of fit and test the applicability of the concepts to find a solution. The organization of the approach is as follows: A To compare the individual space shaping characteristics from Figures 2 and 4 and evaluate the degree of inter-fit.16 B Apply the range of adaptability concepts for organizing the space or the activity and select whatever needed to solve problems in 'A'. C 'st to see if there is any conflict in these solutions with the different activity's behavior under change from Figure 1. D Apply a feedck of decisions to see how they affect earlier ones - this process would be cumlative. The detail I will use will be an enlargement of a part of the exatple given at the end o.f Part I, namely, to design a "university" environment that can most easily absorb the "large unit office;" obviously this will not use every piece of information in the thesis but it should serve to tie the various pcets of it together. Final qualifications are thiat, one, the reality of the exercise in terms of the activities used is not the mst important aspect, but rather to see if the ideas are usable. Secondly, financial constraints will not be an unduly limiting factor here. The example will be mostly suggestive, and hopefully simple - it is only intended to lend explanation to the above format. The example below was selected because of the many ideas that it touches upon. It should be remembered that this is a 'first-pass' that could change later to meet other activity/space characteristics. Remember, examination is oriented solely towards this characteristic. Exmle - "Room sie Freuency" (for "large unit office" fit with part "univcrsity") A. The fit between the two activities is good, but there are reservations. There are variations to this size; in the university context there are likely to be experimental areas larger than the norm; and in the office there is also often the need for larger, uninterrupted spaces. Problem here is how to meet the size variations and maintain divisions where needed? B. To meet the main problem from 'A' (a comn issue of varying room sizes over time) a number of adaptability concepts can be used. An unspecified, non-specialized form would suit; however, there are two conflicts: on the one hand the structure is likely to be multi-story to shorten travel distances in the size of the unit. This compliestes this concept but does not exclude it in a less pure form. On the other hand it conflicts with specialist units of university activity, unless these functions are no-prmanet. Internal-mobile units would therefore be of significant use; this would also help the general flexibility of specialist equipmnt associated with both activities, that is, artifacts more readily. Any zoning or concentrations of structure or services would be Videl uninterrupted space. enable it to move its spaced for obvious reason of obtaining Another method that can be used to met unique space variations could be tempora zones for say, the experimental areas, which are demountable and adjustable to new space demands. (This would have to be coordinated closely with structural zoning.) How can adaptable activity help? Efficient organization and control of operations will certainly aid adjustment to any space that is not absolutely suitable. control. Both activities have the potential for this Minimizing the number of fixed activities or at least concen- trating them to leave space free is also a help to allowing more flexible space use and activity operation. Any misfits of activity networks sponsored by space that will not adapt easily will be relieved by a go. comonication network as will the use of activity distributions that have equal value for resolving their own problems, thus reducing inter-group contact and complications. C. From Figure 1 one can observe that the amount of internal change is comparable between the activities, with the emphasis for the university being slightly oriented to more frequent minor adjustments; while both quite strongly experience change from operational reorganization. As this is mostly concerned with adjustment to changing activity variations there is not much conflict with 'B' above. Both activities are confronted with a heavy reliance on build-ups of activity intensity to meet expansion; in this case over-capacity of space would be of use to meet this demand, though this type of adaptability was not of particular help to 'B' above. In terms of room size frequency per se there is not much else to say about the problem of change. The only 'borderline' case is the internal accretive growth by departments that occurs in the university which would set up minor barriers to office activity, but this problem is circuvmvented by the solutions under 'B'. As with space, activity's problems of change are well met, but can be augmented by coping with the future by a constant review of needs. Thus both activity types might organize their long term fit into space rather than, or in addition to, having an absolutely flexible plan which is constantly adjustable. D. Normally in this section one would determine the ramifications of the above decisions on other decisions made for the remaining activity/space characteristics. If conflicts in means should occur 61 then adjustment and compromise would begin. I have preferred to use words in this exmple, in order to better explain what was occuring, but inevitably this becomes a more complex task. In reality this process would also take place by drawing, and mentaloperations would substitute for many words. The reason for making this point is that the network of operations woudl., I think, be easier to use and less complex than is apparent from the example. CONCIUSION Despite many cautionary notes I think a search and fit of the problems and means presented here can be made, and further, that it would produce some definitive and useful results. My reason for stat- ing this so positively is based on the belief that, firstly, as a result of the analyzing method the problem of where better fits could be applied, and the manner in which activities behave under change is becoming much more comprehendable through isolating some important adaptive characteristics And secondly, that the vocabulary of prototype solutions made available is a real and useful breakdown of adaptability concepts. This is to some extent reinformed by the successful limited testing of fit problems that I undertook both while examining the concepts, and in the above evaluative example. In conclusion I must say that this study is only the first step towards designing an adaptable environment. (In the Addendum I suggest some alternative, retrospective proposals.) I have not dis- cussed at length the importance of adaptability in terms of minimizing the stress of change, but have taken it to be understood that it is a significant and important goal. Starting with a complex problem I have tried to pull it apart and look at the pieces. Next, the pieces must be put together again, but hopefully we now have the advantage of being able to arrange and specify them in combinations to better suit particular situations and design needs. ADIENDM General As one might expect in an abstract, speculative situation, the point is seldom reached where the modification of ideas begin to be superfluous. Certainly this study is far from reaching this point. In retrospect, there are two principal alternative developments and refinements that can be made. 1. The use of activity types such as "hospital," "University," etc., Instead of trying to could be analyzed in a different format. find activity space and change characteristics of a complex unit For example, instead an alternative breakdown could be used. of using "university," use "teaching," "laboratory," "administration," "plant, " "commal space, " etc. This would certainly extend the task, but it would also allow finer definition of fit areas both between and within activities. This does not necessarily mean that one should discard the more general categories, for they will still be needed to discuss the overall change characteristics of the activity. 2. An alternative arrangement of the problem could further integrate parts I and II of the thesis. That is, "Space adaptability concepts" would be discussed by "activity type," evaluating the extent to which they permit the differences in "activity space demands" -- this would replace the effect of "space qualities" on the activity space demands. concepts Similarly, "activity adaptability *ould be discussed by "space qualities" evaluating the extent to which these qualities aid or hinder different activity concepts . There are a number of alternative ways of integrating various sections by activity and space, for example in the diagram below, 01 ACTIVITY PROBTEMS MSANS the diagonal o SPACE ACTIVITYSPC represent the suggestions made inmediately above; however, the verticals should also be possible. At present we have considered only the dotted line relationships. Further Research This section would normally appear in the main text of the thesis; however, it was necessary to be able to examine it in the light of the above general revision proposals. There are, as one might expect, a number of branches and details which research can take. I present below, a few of the most important areas. 1. Together with alternative activity breakdowns, it is important to expand the space shaping activity characteristics into more reliable and detailed information. difficult, but it is a long job. I suggest that this is not The reason for needing this information is that it is one of the principal statements of the problem to which concepts will be applied. 2. The activity characteristics that shapre space are for the most part rather gross. They could be divided and refined, but still remaining as common headings serving all activity breakdowns. For example, "Service areas and volumes" would be separated, and further divided by type of service, such as circulation, ancillary rooms, and mechanical. 3 Again, using a finer breakdown of activity type, one would want to examine in some detail the behavior of activity and space under change; this would be both within the activity, and as a conparative exaination. Approaching this one could use the typical characteristics I outlined; however, in addition it would be interesting to expand this list into what might amount to a number of progressicns or sequences for environment's reaction to change. 4. The senescence of space would have particular bearing in the long term use of space types and activity growth and change rates. One source is the U. S. Treasury Department which has published some depreciation rules for property by activity type. However, this may be of limited value as it becomes confused with functional obsolescence -- activity, not space behavior. Other studies on space should include inventories and examinations of existing available space types, their life span, rigidity, etc., plus important areas of research into rates and velocities of space type changes, as well as rates for activity types. 5. The inportant role of technological innovation has been mentioned before. Here I strongly reiterate that this aspect of future development is by no means integrated enough with design proposals. Often it is used as a 'gimmick' to solve a superficial problem, whereas it is in fact a fundamental tool to assist design, especially that of an adaptable nature. One would look for innovations in such things as materials, construction and structural techniques, communication and movement systems, environmental control, specialist equipment for individual activity, etc. 6. Environmental adaptability relating to activity and space must eventually be incorporated into other complementary areas of interest. Social adjustment to change, the psychological impact of space and activity systems on the individual's ability to accept change are but two examples of where research into adaptability will touch and run parallel to many adjacent interests. Others would include, for example, the non-physical (i.e.visual) structuring of the environment through periods of change. f. There really is no last point to make because the area of research is continually expanding. This outline list, after a very short while, will expand even more. However, an important aspect of any of the above research is to be sure and relegate all that is non-relevant and if possible establish priority systems to certain situations (though they have a propensity to be static). This may seem obvious but it is very easy in this type of study to reach a state of advancement that supercedes earlier work -- constant review is required. Only with the detailed experience and extensive research time spent working with the concepts and problems outlined in this thesis can we establish what is particularly relevant. with any confidence at present. I am in no position to do so APPENDICES 68 Appendix A For general interest and reference a further indication of activity characteristics under change is presented. An expansion of Figure I, this includes activity types not covered in detail in the nain text. ENTA'N IACTIVITY CHARACTE01STICS I- e or,- APPENDIX A 15EHAVIOR OF ACTIVITY AND GPACE UNDER reoakm x A G Mwevi lw*c^ Ofct(w* un4Crwadcft((i+( cill, &dw~In. ft;4(C..y ohsra A A FA1-IL 19 A IS __ __ __V_ r cXiz14RW~leu/ c wJ C*IAt-J e0 A ctviu .wyo c fer+ f7 fv I>-doc* rr At- Apedx B Presented below is a list of the space shaping activity characteristics that appeared to be less relevant to space design or too complex to handle now. Another reason for their exclusion from the main text is that the reduction in the number of qualities is a step towards making the information more mnageable. A. Intensity of Use - They are as follows: Human - measured in square feet of net floor space per person. B. Intensity of Use - Machine - (including non-productive equipment) measured as a percentage of machine area to total gross floor area. C. Internal Stability - a measure of the frequency with which internal rearrangement takes place. (Need to define the scales of rearrange- ment for activity types, i.e. complete reorganization or minor adjustment; and the frequency, i.e. once a year or once a week. Though the results may only be general, they might still be relevant if activities interchange.) D. Uncommnn Height - size in feet of any common space height at variance with the norm, even though it might be a sma3l part of the whole (e.g., special laboratories, entrance, lobbies, etc.) E. Typical Density - measured as a plot ratio; though site locations govern this characteristic to some extent, it could be thought of here more as a quality derived from activity operation (e.g. such factors as economic use of site, percentage of non-productive space, etc.). F. Enviroment Control level - degree and quality of heat, light, sound and air required for activity operation. G. Prestige Space - excess of quality and quatity over functional requiremnts. H. Quality level - cost per square foot of finish; perhaps averaging quality rather than a detailed breatdown. I. Open Space - required open space for activity operation as a percentage of total needs. J. Growth Index - a measure of the rate and velocity of growth. (e.g. as noted by Peter Cowan in his article, "Growth and Change in Hospitals"). K. Marg= Area - meaared in square feet, it is the mexinm size for a complete unit of activity type. It vill be generalized but perhaps useful as a guide for possible future fit problems. FOOTNOTES FOOTNOTES Harcourt Brace and 1. L. Mumford, The Culture of Cities (New York: Co., 1938), p. 440. 2. "Burolandschaft," Progressive Architecture, September, 1964, pp. 201-5. 3. An exception to the lack of information is in this section. Studies on the growth and change of hospitals have been conducted by the Joint Unit for Planning Research at London University under Peter Cowan. 4. Ibid. 5. See Appendix A for expanding this Figure to other activities. 6. P. Cowan and J. Nicholson, "Growth and Change in Hospitals;" a report from the Joint Unit for Planning Research, University College, London, p. T1. T. Room size frequency is measured here in a more simple form than that used by Peter Cowan (Peter Cowan, "Studies in the Growth, Change and Ageing of Buildins," Transactions of the Bartlett Society, Vol. 1, 1963, p. 58). He uses a longer and more sophisticated technique of determining room size frequencies by plotting all room sizes. 8. (a) Howard, J. T., Lecture Notes Course 4.53, ML.T., (derived from informtion on p. 25). 1964 (b) Dober, R. P., Campus Planning, Rienhold Publishing Corp., 1963, p. 75. (c) Architects Journal Information Library, London, January 1966. (Measurements taken. ) (d) Dober, g. cit. (Measurements taken.) (e) P. Cowan, "Studies in the Growth, Change and Ageing of Buildings," Transactions of the Bartlett Society, Vol. 1, 1963, p. 58. (f) American Standards Association, Standards. (g) Architects Journalog. February, 1964. cit., A. J. Information Sheet 1233, FOOTNOTES (continued) (h) Ibid. (Partially derived from.) (i) Rornbeck, J. S., "Stores and Shopping Centers - An Architectural Record Book," New York: McGraw Hill Co. (Measurements taken.) (J) Architects Journal, op. cit. (k) Bell, G. H., (ed.), "Hospital and Medical School Design, Vol. 1, Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingston, Ltd., 1961. (Partially based on.) (1) J. T. Howard, a. 9. cit. (Derived from p. 25.) K. Ignch, "Environmental Adaptability," Journal of the American Institute of Plannaers., February, 1958. 10. Grain - the fineness with which two characteristics are intermixed. 11. R. A. Smith,"Materials and Manufacture," ~he world of 1984, Vol. 2, R. Calder (ed.), Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1965. 12. G. Natta, "The Ascendency of Giant Molecules, "ibid. 13. A. Sampson, The Anatog of Britain Today. New York: Row, Inc., 1964, pp. 258, 259. Harper and 14. Michael, D. N.,The Next Generation, New York: Random House, 1965. 15. Meier, R. L., A Conmmications Theory of Urban G.owth, Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1962. 16. See page 33 for definition. 17. U. S. Treasury Department - Internal Revenue, "Depreciation Guide," Bulletin No. 32, 1965. Vintage Books, BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY Cowan, P. and Nicholson, J., "Growth and Change in Hospitals;" a report from the Joint Unit for Planning Research, University College, London, Cowan, P., "Studies in the Growth, Change and Ageing of Buildings, Transaction of the Bartlett Society, Vol. 1, 1963. Lynch, K., "Environmental Adaptability," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, February, 195T. Meier, R. L., A Com ni cations Theory of Urban Growth. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1962. Michael, D. N., The Next Generation, New York: Vintage Books, Random House, 1965. Mwford, L., The Culture of Cities, New York: Co., 1938. Harcourt Brace and Natta, G., "The Ascendency of Giant Molecules," The World of 19, Vol. 2, Calder R. (ed.), Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1965. "Burolandschaft," Progressive Architecture, September, 1964. Sampson, A., The Anatom Inc., 1924. of Britain Today, New York: Harper and Row, Smith, R. A., "Materials and Mnufacture," The World of1 Vol. 2, Calder R. (ed.) Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1965. U. S. Treasury Department - Internal Revenue, "Depreciation Guide," Bulletin No. 32, 1965.