Resonances for r -normally hyperbolic trapped sets Semyon Dyatlov University of California, Berkeley June 17, 2013 Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 1 / 20 Motivation Resonances are a discrete set of complex frequencies describing decay of waves/classical correlations for open systems Motivated by decay of linear waves on black holes, we study resonances for r -normally hyperbolic trapped sets Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 2 / 20 Motivation Resonances are a discrete set of complex frequencies describing decay of waves/classical correlations for open systems Motivated by decay of linear waves on black holes, we study resonances for r -normally hyperbolic trapped sets We obtain two resonance free strips in terms of the transversal expansion rates νmin ≤ νmax and a Weyl law in the band in between: λ − νmin −ε 2 +ε − νmax 2 −(νmin −ε) This is one of the very few known asymptotics for counting resonances. Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 2 / 20 Motivation Resonances are a discrete set of complex frequencies describing decay of waves/classical correlations for open systems Motivated by decay of linear waves on black holes, we study resonances for r -normally hyperbolic trapped sets We obtain two resonance free strips in terms of the transversal expansion rates νmin ≤ νmax and a Weyl law in the band in between: λ − νmin −ε 2 +ε − νmax 2 −(νmin −ε) This is one of the very few known asymptotics for counting resonances. Our result relies on the construction of a microlocal projector corresponding to resonances in the band, a Fourier integral operator We also get new information on microlocalization of resonant states Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 2 / 20 Motivation Motivation: ringdown on black holes Chandrasekhar '83: . . . we may expect that any initial perturbation will, during its last stages, decay in a manner characteristic of the black hole itself and independent of the cause. In other words, we may expect that during these last stages, the black hole emits gravitational waves with frequencies and rates of damping that are characteristic of the black hole itself, in the manner of a bell sounding its last dying notes. Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 3 / 20 Motivation Motivation Linear waves on (slowly) rotating Kerrde Sitter black holes e , g̃ ) (M g̃ u = f ∈ C0∞ , u |t <0 = 0. r− Open system: most energy escapes through the event horizons. r+ Two radial timelike geodesics, with light cones shown → +∞? What is the behavior of u (t ) as t Theorem [D '10, '11] There is a discrete set of resonances {λj } ⊂ {Im λ ≤ 0} such that ∀ν > 0, ∗ holds the following resonance expansion X ( , )= u t x Im Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) e −it λj Πj f (x ) + O(e −ν t ). λj >−ν Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 4 / 20 Motivation Motivation Linear waves on (slowly) rotating Kerrde Sitter black holes e , g̃ ) (M g̃ u = f ∈ C0∞ , u |t <0 = 0. r− Open system: most energy escapes through the event horizons. r+ Two radial timelike geodesics, with light cones shown → +∞? What is the behavior of u (t ) as t Theorem [D '10, '11] There is a discrete set of resonances {λj } ⊂ {Im λ ≤ 0} such that ∀ν > 0, ∗ holds the following resonance expansion X ( , )= u t x Im Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) e −it λj Πj f (x ) + O(e −ν t ). λj >−ν Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 4 / 20 Motivation Theorem [D '10, '11] Moreover, resonances satisfy a quantization condition, that is they lie asymptotically on a distorted lattice. The quantization condition agrees with the exact values computed in BertiCardosoStarinets '09 (shown here for a = 0, 0.05, . . . , 0.25) −0.095 −0.0955 −0.096 −0.0965 l=4 l=3 l=2 −0.097 −0.0975 l=1 −0.098 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 −0.285 −0.29 l=4 l=3 −0.295 l=2 −0.3 −0.305 [BeCaSt] N=2 l=1 −0.31 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Previous work: Sá BarretoZworski '97, BonyHäfner '07, DafermosRodnianski '07, MelroseSá BarretoVasy '08, WunschZworski '10, Vasy '10. . . + numerous results for Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets Λ=0 June 17, 2013 5 / 20 Motivation Theorem [D '10, '11] Moreover, resonances satisfy a quantization condition, that is they lie asymptotically on a distorted lattice. The quantization condition agrees with the exact values computed in BertiCardosoStarinets '09 (shown here for a = 0, 0.05, . . . , 0.25) −0.095 −0.0955 −0.096 −0.0965 l=4 l=3 l=2 −0.097 −0.0975 l=1 −0.098 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 −0.285 −0.29 l=4 l=3 −0.295 l=2 −0.3 −0.305 [BeCaSt] N=2 l=1 −0.31 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Previous work: Sá BarretoZworski '97, BonyHäfner '07, DafermosRodnianski '07, MelroseSá BarretoVasy '08, WunschZworski '10, Vasy '10. . . + numerous results for Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets Λ=0 June 17, 2013 5 / 20 Motivation How about (stationary) perturbations of Kerrde Sitter? Strategy for exact KdS: Resonance Quantization expansion condition Symmetries Perturbations destroy symmetries and our ability to handle individual resonances (similarly to the compact case). Strategy for perturbations: Long-time behavior of waves Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Quantitative Dynamical information about assumptions stable resonances in bulk under perturbations Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 6 / 20 Motivation How about (stationary) perturbations of Kerrde Sitter? Strategy for exact KdS: Resonance Quantization expansion condition Symmetries Perturbations destroy symmetries and our ability to handle individual resonances (similarly to the compact case). Strategy for perturbations: Long-time behavior of waves Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Quantitative Dynamical information about assumptions stable resonances in bulk under perturbations Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 6 / 20 Results Setup The structure of open ends/event horizons does not change our result (Vasy '10 for event horizons of KdS) =⇒ use a simpler model at innity: (Mx , g ) ' Rn e , g̃ ) = (Mx , g ) × Rt , (M outside of a compact set Dene resonances as poles of the meromorphic continuation of the resolvent of the Laplacian R ∆ ≥ 0: ( (λ) = (∆ − λ2 )−1 : Long-living resonances: Re λ the geodesic ow e 2 (M ) → L2 (M ), 2 2 Lcomp (M ) → L loc (M ), Im λ > 0; Im λ ≤ 0. L → ∞, | Im λ| ≤ C . tH , p (x , ξ) = |ξ|g : Depend on trapping for p Γ± = {ρ ∈ T ∗ M | e tH (ρ) 6→ ∞ p Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) as t → ∓∞}, Resonances for r -NH trapped sets K = Γ+ ∩ Γ− . June 17, 2013 7 / 20 Results Dynamical assumptions Γ± K are C r hypersurfaces (r = Γ+ ∩| Γ− 1) is symplectic νmin ≤ νmax are the expansion rates tH along Γ± transversally to K e of p µmax ≥ 0 rate of e is the maximal expansion tH r -normal pinching: p along K hyperbolicity: νmin > r · µmax Normally hyperbolic trapping, with Γ+ , Γ− , and K . νmin > 12 νmax Stable under small smooth perturbations: HirschPughShub '77 True for slowly rotating KdS (for SdS, K is the photonsphere) More general normally hyperbolic trapping (r = 0) appears for Ruelle resonances for Anosov ows [FaureSjöstrand '11] and quantum chemistry [GoussevSchubertWaalkensWiggins '10] Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 8 / 20 Results Dynamical assumptions Γ± K are C r hypersurfaces (r = Γ+ ∩| Γ− 1) is symplectic νmin ≤ νmax are the expansion rates tH along Γ± transversally to K e of p µmax ≥ 0 rate of e is the maximal expansion tH r -normal pinching: p along K hyperbolicity: νmin > r · µmax Normally hyperbolic trapping, with Γ+ , Γ− , and K . νmin > 12 νmax Stable under small smooth perturbations: HirschPughShub '77 True for slowly rotating KdS (for SdS, K is the photonsphere) More general normally hyperbolic trapping (r = 0) appears for Ruelle resonances for Anosov ows [FaureSjöstrand '11] and quantum chemistry [GoussevSchubertWaalkensWiggins '10] Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 8 / 20 Results Main theorem [D '13] For each xed ε > 0, there exist two resonance free strips {Re λ 1, Im λ ∈ [−(νmin − ε), − 12 (νmax + ε)] ∪ [− 21 (νmin − ε), ∞)} and in these strips, kχR (λ)χkL2 →L2 = O(1) for χ ∈ C0∞ (M ). Moreover, resonances between the two strips satisfy a Weyl law as h #{0 ≤ Re λ ≤ h−1 , Im λ > − 12 (νmax + ε)} = → 0: ∩ B ∗M ) + o (h1−n ). (2π h)n−1 Volσ (K h−1 λ − νmin −ε 2 +ε − νmax 2 −(νmin −ε) Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 9 / 20 Results What about exact Kerrde Sitter? M a >0 mass of the black hole speed of rotation, |a| Λ > 0 cosmological 2 9 ΛM < 1 <M constant, The metric is r -normally hyperbolic Λ1 µmax = 0. for or |a| 1: νmin > 0, However, the pinching condition ε 1: νmin > 12 νmax breaks down for a there exist two closed trajectories (equators) E± local expansion rate ν∼ ν satises √ 3 3 28M Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) as ⊂K = M − ε, such that the ε→0 on E+ , ν∼ p ε/2M M Resonances for r -NH trapped sets on E− . June 17, 2013 10 / 20 Results What about exact Kerrde Sitter? 0.25 a >0 mass of the black hole speed of rotation, |a| Λ > 0 cosmological 2 9 ΛM < 1 <M Λ1 µmax = 0. or |a| constant, 1 2 νmax 0.1 0.05 1: νmin > 0, 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a/M However, the pinching condition ε 1: νmin 0.15 The metric is r -normally hyperbolic for νmax 0.2 Mν M νmin > 12 νmax breaks down for a there exist two closed trajectories (equators) E± local expansion rate ν∼ ν satises √ 3 3 28M Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) as ⊂K = M − ε, such that the ε→0 on E+ , ν∼ p ε/2M M Resonances for r -NH trapped sets on E− . June 17, 2013 10 / 20 Results Previous work Resonant free strips for NH trapped sets: GérardSjöstrand '88, Dolgopyat '98, Liverani '04, Tsujii '10, WunschZworski '11, NonnenmacherZworski '13. Our gap {Im λ > − 21 (νmin − ε)} coincides with the one of NZ '13 (valid in more general situations) Our Weyl law saturates general upper bounds in strips: Sjöstrand '90, GuillopéLinZworski '04, SjöstrandZworski '07, Nonnenmacher SjöstrandZworski '11,'12, DatchevD '12, DatchevDZworski '12. Completely integrable cases: GérardSjöstrand '87, Christianson '07, Sá BarretoZworski '97, D '11 Bands of resonances/Weyl laws: Zworski '87, SjöstrandVodev '97, SjöstrandZworski '99, Sjöstrand '00,'11, FaureTsujii '12,'13 FT '13 shares some ideas with presented work. It applies in settings with lower regularity, but does not recover microlocal structure away from K . Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 11 / 20 Proofs Ingredients of the proof Fourier integral operator Π projecting microlocally onto resonant states for the band of resonances Left/right ideals of pseudodierential operators annihilating Π Local reduction to Taylor expansion Positive commutator estimates (replaced in this talk by wave propagation estimates) Grushin problems: resonances as zeros of a Fredholm determinant Trace formulas above and below the band of resonances, using microlocal analysis in λ Complex analysis (almost analytic continuation and argument principle) to obtain the Weyl law Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 12 / 20 Proofs Model case M = R, = xDx + P0 1 2i ( , ξ) = x ξ, p x , ( ) (x ) = e −t /2 f (e −t x ) U0 t f νmin = νmax = 1 The Taylor expansion f (e −t x ) = f (0) + O(e −t )L2 loc can be viewed as a resonance expansion: ( ) = U0 (t )Π0 f + O(e −3t /2 ), U0 t f Π0 f (x ) := f (0), ( )Π0 f = e −t /2 Π0 f U0 t A resonance at λ = − 2i and Π0 = δ0 ⊗ 1 is the projector onto the corresponding resonant state. Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 13 / 20 Proofs General case √ P = ∆, ( ) = e −itP U t Projector: Π : C0∞ (M ) → C ∞ (M ), Resonance expansion: for f χ∈ ∞ (M ), C 0 χ=1 near K , Fourier integral operator ∈ C0∞ (M ) living at frequencies ∼ h−1 ∞ modulo O(h ) errors, and kχU (t )(1 − Π)f kL2 = O(h−1 e −(νmin −ε)t )kf kL2 , e +ε t − νmax 2 kχΠf kL2 . kχU (t )Πf kL2 . e − νmin −ε 2 t kχΠf k L2 This is enough for two resonance free strips + u = Πu + O(h∞ ) for resonant states in the band. Also true for Kerr black holes, using VasyZworski '00 (note: high frequency régime!) Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 14 / 20 Proofs The projector Π Construct unique h -Fourier integral Γ− Π, associated to a canonical Λ ⊂ T ∗ M × T ∗ M , such that: operator relation ρ− K ρ+ Γ+ 2 ∞ Π = Π + O(h ), ∞ [∆, Π] = O(h ), microlocally near K V± ⊂ T Γ± π± : Γ± → K If (1) (2) ∩ S ∗M . The canonical relation Λ (ow lines of V± dashed). ∗ are the symplectic complements of T Γ± in T (T M ) and are the projections along the ow lines of V± , then Λ = {(ρ− , ρ+ ) | ρ± ∈ Γ± , π− (ρ− ) = π+ (ρ+ )}. Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 15 / 20 Proofs Transport equations To construct Π, we need to solve transport equations of the form p =f, H a where f a ∈ C ∞ (Γ± ), a|K = 0 ∈ C ∞ (Γ± ), f |K = 0. The unique solution is given by the integral Z a =± ∞ f ◦ e ∓tH p dt . 0 The integral converges: |f ◦ e ∓tH | = O(e −(νmin −ε)t ), p but is a smooth? Dierentiate along K : ∂k a = ± Z ∞ ∂ k f ◦ e ∓tH · ∂ k e ∓tH p p dt . 0 Therefore, r -normal hyperbolicity guarantees that a Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets ∈ Cr. June 17, 2013 16 / 20 Proofs Transport equations To construct Π, we need to solve transport equations of the form p =f, H a where f a ∈ C ∞ (Γ± ), a|K = 0 ∈ C ∞ (Γ± ), f |K = 0. The unique solution is given by the integral Z a =± ∞ f ◦ e ∓tH p dt . 0 The integral converges: |f ◦ e ∓tH | = O(e −(νmin −ε)t ), p but is a smooth? Dierentiate along K : ∂k a = ± Z ∞ ∂ k f ◦ e ∓tH · ∂ k e ∓tH p p dt . 0 Therefore, r -normal hyperbolicity guarantees that a Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets ∈ Cr. June 17, 2013 16 / 20 Proofs √ P = ∆, ( ) = e −itP , U t ( ) (x ) = e −t /2 f (e −t x ), U0 t f Resonance expansion: for f χ∈ ∞ (M ), C 0 χ=1 near K , Π ∈ I (Λ); Π0 f (x ) = f (0). ∈ C0∞ (M ) living at frequencies ∼ h−1 ∞ modulo O(h ) errors, kχU (t )(1 − Π)f kL2 = O(h−1 e −(νmin −ε)t )kf kL2 , e − νmax +ε 2 t kχΠf k Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) − L2 . kχU (t )Πf kL2 . e Resonances for r -NH trapped sets νmin −ε 2 t kχΠf k 2 . L June 17, 2013 and (3) (4) 17 / 20 Proofs To prove (3) for the model case, write (1 − Π0 )f = xf1 , ( )= f1 x f (x ) − f (0) x χU0 (t )(1 − Π0 )f = χU0 (t )xU0 (−t )U0 (t )f1 , To prove (4) for the model case, note that hD ha(x )Πf , Πf i and we depends only on R ( ) dx . a x kf1 kL2 . kf kH 1 ; , ( ) U0 t xU0 x Πf = 0 (−t ) = e −t x . and thus Then kχU0 (t )Πf k2L2 = hχ2t (x )Πf , Πf i, χt = U0 (−t )χU0 (t ), R 2 R t use that χt (x ) = χ(e x ) =⇒ χt dx = e −t χ2 dx . The general case is handled using the same ideas, but replacing x and hD by pseudodierential operators Θ− and ΠΘ− = O(h∞ ), Such Θ± Θ+ x solving Θ+ Π = O(h∞ ). (5) are not unique, but the sets of solutions to the equations form one-sided ideals invariant under the propagator U (t ). Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 18 / 20 Proofs To prove (3) for the model case, write (1 − Π0 )f = xf1 , ( )= f1 x f (x ) − f (0) x χU0 (t )(1 − Π0 )f = χU0 (t )xU0 (−t )U0 (t )f1 , To prove (4) for the model case, note that hD ha(x )Πf , Πf i and we depends only on R ( ) dx . a x kf1 kL2 . kf kH 1 ; , ( ) U0 t xU0 x Πf = 0 (−t ) = e −t x . and thus Then kχU0 (t )Πf k2L2 = hχ2t (x )Πf , Πf i, χt = U0 (−t )χU0 (t ), R 2 R t use that χt (x ) = χ(e x ) =⇒ χt dx = e −t χ2 dx . The general case is handled using the same ideas, but replacing x and hD by pseudodierential operators Θ− and ΠΘ− = O(h∞ ), Such Θ± Θ+ x solving Θ+ Π = O(h∞ ). (5) are not unique, but the sets of solutions to the equations form one-sided ideals invariant under the propagator U (t ). Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 18 / 20 Proofs To prove (3) for the model case, write (1 − Π0 )f = xf1 , ( )= f1 x f (x ) − f (0) x χU0 (t )(1 − Π0 )f = χU0 (t )xU0 (−t )U0 (t )f1 , To prove (4) for the model case, note that hD ha(x )Πf , Πf i and we depends only on R ( ) dx . a x kf1 kL2 . kf kH 1 ; , ( ) U0 t xU0 x Πf = 0 (−t ) = e −t x . and thus Then kχU0 (t )Πf k2L2 = hχ2t (x )Πf , Πf i, χt = U0 (−t )χU0 (t ), R 2 R t use that χt (x ) = χ(e x ) =⇒ χt dx = e −t χ2 dx . The general case is handled using the same ideas, but replacing x and hD by pseudodierential operators Θ− and ΠΘ− = O(h∞ ), Such Θ± Θ+ x solving Θ+ Π = O(h∞ ). (5) are not unique, but the sets of solutions to the equations form one-sided ideals invariant under the propagator U (t ). Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 18 / 20 Open problems Open problems Show existence of further gaps and bands, below the rst band of resonances. The main question is how to construct Fourier integral Π1 , Π2 , . . . operators projecting onto resonant states for each band. Obtain a quantization condition if the ow is completely integrable on the trapped set, recovering GérardSjöstrand '87, Sá BarretoZworski '97, and D '11. Get an optimal remainder and O(h O(h2−n ) in the Weyl law (we prove o (h −n ) 1 −n− ) should not be much harder), perhaps using the work of 2 Sjöstrand '00 on the damped wave equation. Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 19 / 20 Thank you for your attention! Semyon Dyatlov (UC Berkeley) Resonances for r -NH trapped sets June 17, 2013 20 / 20