TIJ1O1 COURSE OF STUDY OUTLINE The Ontario Curriculum Grades Ministry of Education Policy Document Upper Grand District School Board College Heights Secondary School Technology Department Head Department Jim Dix Date 2011/2012 Developed by Integrated Technology Type Course Title TIJ101 Prerequisites Course Code Lori Furfaro/Carol Beatson Grade 9 Co-requisites A - OVERALL EXPECTATIONS: Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will: A1 - dem onstrate understanding of how to develop products or provide services to m eet identified needs; A2 - identify ways to com m unicate design and research ideas and solutions through a variety of m edia; A3 - dem onstrate understanding of how to evaluate project work in relation to identified specifications, using quality control procedures; A4 - describe the scope of activities supported by com puter and inform ation technology; A5 - explain the fundam ental concepts underlying the creation of a com puter program . B - SKILLS AND PROCESSES Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will: B1 - fabricate products or deliver services using a design process and a variety of tools and equipm ent; B2 - share inform ation locally and globally using com m unication tools such as e-m ail; B3 - use a variety of com puter software applications for research, to solve problem s, and to docum ent the design process; B4 - identify production techniques and m aterials to m eet design specifications; B5 - use correctly a problem -solving m odel, such as the scientific m ethod or a decision-m aking m odel, com pleting all the required steps. C - IMPACT AND CONSEQUENCES Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will: C 1 - apply safety standards when using m aterials, tools, and equipm ent; C 2 - describe the environm ental effects of m aterials, processes, and resources; C 3 - dem onstrate understanding of how developm ents in technology influence people’s lives; C 4 - identify technology-based careers and their educational requirem ents; C 5 - apply acceptable-use guidelines/policies for software, equipm ent, and m aterials. Units Titles Times 1 Webpage Authoring with Dreamweaver CS3 22 hours 2 Animating with Fireworks CS3 22 hours 3 3D with SketchUp 6 22 hours Unit 1 Webpage Authoring with Dreamweaver CS3 Activity Name Overall Expectations Act 1.1: Creating My First W ebpage Act 1.2: Im age Mapping Act 1.3: Properties Inspector A1, A2, A3, C1 KU / APP A1, A2, A3 KU / APP A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C5 Categories all Focus intro to industry standard software expanding on linking to other websites building own basic website Marks Out of 10 26 100 Unit 2 Animating with Fireworks CS3 Activity Name Overall Expectations Act 2.1: Tweening A1, A2, A3, C1 Categories Act 2.2: Creating 2 Object Anim ation Act 2.3: W elcom e Message A1, A2, A3 all A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C5 all KU / APP Focus intro to anim ation technique expanding on content coupling anim ation with webpage Marks Out of 12 100 100 Unit 3 3D with SketchUp 6 Activity Name Act 3.1: Intro to Google Sketchup 6 Act 3.2: Creating an Apple iPod Act 3.3: Creating a P-51 Mustang Fighter Overall Expectations A1, A2, A3, C1 Categories KU / APP Focus Marks Out of introduction to industry recognized 3D software 100 A1, A2, A3 all expanding fam iliarity 100 A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C5 all applying software with industry application 100 Accommodations: Extra time and help is given to students who require it. In most cases, strong students work with weaker students to keep progress balanced. Those strong students who help, receive additional marks for their assistance. Occasionally, an activity or part of an activity may be modified to aid the progress of a weak student. Where individual assistance is needed, ie. test or quiz reading, a student will be sent to PSS. Formative Assessment in the Unit: Continual monitoring of student progress is done through each unit, supplying feedback on improvement and offering a chance to correct errors and improve mark by resubmitting assignments. For each unit, a unit test is written at the end of the unit. Unit Evaluation: Activities are worth 40% (combined) Culminating activity is worth 30% Unit tests are worth 20% (combined) Quizes are worth 10% (combined) The overall weighting of the 4 learning categories used in all evaluations: Knowledge and Understanding - 20% Inquiry and Design - 20% Communication - 25 % Application - 35% Final Course Evaluation: Term mark = 70% of final mark based on above categories. Final Evaluation mark = 30 % of final mark based on above categories. Final mark = Term + Final Evaluation, based on above categories.