The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Department of Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lie Theory and Geometry, May 19–24 2008 Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Outline The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction: a few things I didn’t learn from Bert Introduction Commuting algebras Commuting algebras: how representation theory works Differential operator algebras: how orbit method works Hamiltonian G-spaces: how Bert does the orbit method Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Orbits for reductive groups: what else to steal from Bert Meaning of it all References (more theorems, fewer jokes) Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Abstract harmonic analysis The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Say Lie group G acts on manifold M. Can ask about I I I topology of M solutions of G-invariant differential equations special functions on M (automorphic forms, etc.) Method step 1: LINEARIZE. Replace M by Hilbert space L2 (M). Now G acts by unitary operators. Method step 2: DIAGONALIZE. Decompose L2 (M) into minimal G-invariant subspaces. Method step 3: REPRESENTATION THEORY. Study minimal pieces: irreducible unitary repns of G. Difficult questions: how does DIAGONALIZE work, and what do minimal pieces look like? Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References The orbit method for reductive groups Plan of talk David Vogan Introduction I Outline strategy for decomposing L2 (M): analogy with “double centralizers” in finite-diml algebra. I Strategy Philosophy of coadjoint orbits: irreducible unitary representations of Lie group G m (nearly) symplectic manifolds with (nearly) transitive Hamiltonian action of G I “Strategy” and “philosophy” have a lot of wishful thinking. Describe theorems supporting m. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References The orbit method for reductive groups Plan of talk David Vogan Introduction I Outline strategy for decomposing L2 (M): analogy with “double centralizers” in finite-diml algebra. I Strategy Philosophy of coadjoint orbits: irreducible unitary representations of Lie group G m (nearly) symplectic manifolds with (nearly) transitive Hamiltonian action of G I “Strategy” and “philosophy” have a lot of wishful thinking. Describe theorems supporting m. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References The orbit method for reductive groups Plan of talk David Vogan Introduction I Outline strategy for decomposing L2 (M): analogy with “double centralizers” in finite-diml algebra. I Strategy Philosophy of coadjoint orbits: irreducible unitary representations of Lie group G m (nearly) symplectic manifolds with (nearly) transitive Hamiltonian action of G I “Strategy” and “philosophy” have a lot of wishful thinking. Describe theorems supporting m. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References The orbit method for reductive groups Plan of talk David Vogan Introduction I Outline strategy for decomposing L2 (M): analogy with “double centralizers” in finite-diml algebra. I Strategy Philosophy of coadjoint orbits: irreducible unitary representations of Lie group G m (nearly) symplectic manifolds with (nearly) transitive Hamiltonian action of G I “Strategy” and “philosophy” have a lot of wishful thinking. Describe theorems supporting m. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References The orbit method for reductive groups Plan of talk David Vogan Introduction I Outline strategy for decomposing L2 (M): analogy with “double centralizers” in finite-diml algebra. I Strategy Philosophy of coadjoint orbits: irreducible unitary representations of Lie group G m (nearly) symplectic manifolds with (nearly) transitive Hamiltonian action of G I “Strategy” and “philosophy” have a lot of wishful thinking. Describe theorems supporting m. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Decomposing a representation The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Given: interesting operators A on Hilbert space H. Goal: decompose H in A-invt way. Finite-dimensional case: V /C fin-diml, A ⊂ End(V ) cplx semisimple alg of ops. Classical structure theorem: W1 , . . . , Wr list of all simple A-modules; then A ' End(W1 ) × · · · × End(Wr ) V ' m1 W1 + · · · + mr Wr . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Positive integer mi is multiplicity of Wi in V . Slicker version: define multiplicity space Mi = HomA (Wi , V ); then mi = dim Mi , and V ' M1 ⊗ W1 + · · · + Mr ⊗ Wr . Slickest version: COMMUTING ALGEBRAS. . . Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Introduction Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . Commuting algebras 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . References Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Commuting algebras and all that The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Theorem Suppose A is semisimple algebras of operators on V as above; define Z = Cent End(V ) (A), a second semisimple algebra of operators on V . 1. Relation between A and Z is symmetric: A = Cent End(V ) (Z). 2. There is a natural bijection between irr modules Wi for A and irr modules Mi for Z, given by Mi ' HomA (Wi , V ), Wi ' HomZ (Mi , V ). P 3. V ' i Mi ⊗ Wi as a module for A × Z. Example 1: finite G acts left and right on C[G]. Example 2: Sn and GL(E) act on V = T n (E). But those are stories for other days. . . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Infinite-dimensional representations The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Need framework to study ops on inf-diml V . Finite-diml ↔ infinite-diml dictionary Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras finite-diml V ↔ C ∞ (M) repn of G on V End(V ) ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ action of G on M Diff(M) A = im(C[G]) ⊂ End(V ) Z = CentEnd(V ) (A) A = im(U(g)) ⊂ Diff(M) Z = G-invt diff ops Suggests: G-irreducible pieces of function space correspond to simple modules for G-invt diff ops. Which differential operators commute with G? Answer leads to generalizations of dictionary. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Differential operators and symbols Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T ∗ (M)) to fns on T ∗ (M) that are polynomial in fibers. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Differential operators and symbols Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T ∗ (M)) to fns on T ∗ (M) that are polynomial in fibers. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Differential operators and symbols Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T ∗ (M)) to fns on T ∗ (M) that are polynomial in fibers. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Differential operators and symbols The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Introduction Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras ∗ σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T (M)) ∗ to fns on T (M) that are polynomial in fibers. 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Differential operators and symbols The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Introduction Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras ∗ σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T (M)) ∗ to fns on T (M) that are polynomial in fibers. 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Differential operators and symbols The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Introduction Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras ∗ σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T (M)) ∗ to fns on T (M) that are polynomial in fibers. 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Differential operators and symbols The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Introduction Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras ∗ σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T (M)) ∗ to fns on T (M) that are polynomial in fibers. 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Differential operators and symbols The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Diffn (M) = diff operators of order ≤ n. Introduction Increasing filtration, (Diffp )(Diffq ) ⊂ Diffp+q . Theorem (Symbol calculus) 1. There is an isomorphism of graded algebras ∗ σ : gr Diff(M) → Poly(T (M)) ∗ to fns on T (M) that are polynomial in fibers. 2. σn : Diffn (M)/ Diffn−1 (M) → Polyn (T ∗ (M)). 3. Commutator of diff ops Poisson bracket {, } on T ∗ (M): for D ∈ Diffp (M), D 0 ∈ Diffq (M), σp+q−1 ([D, D 0 ]) = {σp (D), σq (D 0 )}. Diff ops comm with G ! symbols Poisson-comm with g. Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Poisson structure and Lie group actions X mfld w. Poisson {, } on fns (e.g. T ∗ (M)). ξf ∈ Vect(X ): ξf (g) = {f , g}. Bracket with f Lie alg hom g → Vect(X ), Y 7→ ξY . Call X Hamiltonian G-space if the Lie alg action lifts C ∞ (X ) % ↓ g → Vect(X ) Y fY % ↓ → ξY Map g → C ∞ (X ) same as moment map µ : X → g∗ . Example. G acts on M ⇒ T ∗ (M) is Hamiltonian G-space: Lie alg elt Y vec fld ξY on M function fY on T ∗ (M): fY (m, λ) = λ(ξY (m)) David Vogan Introduction Vector flds ξf called Hamiltonian; preserve {, }. Map C ∞ (X ) → Vect(X ), f 7→ ξf is Lie alg hom. G action on X The orbit method for reductive groups (m ∈ M, λ ∈ Tm∗ (M)). function f on X with {f , g} = 0 ⇔ f constant on G orbits. ? G action transitive ⇒ only [C, G] = 0 ! irr repn of G Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Our story so far. . . G acts on M ! T ∗ (M) Hamiltonian G-space. G-decomp of C ∞ (M) ! (Diff M)G -modules. σ The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (Diff M)G ! C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G ! C ∞ ((T ∗ (M))/G). Hope C ∞ (M) irr ⇔ G has dense orbit on T ∗ (M). Differential operator algebras Suggests generalization. . . Hamiltonian G-spaces Hamiltonian G-cone X graded alg Poly(X ). σ Seek filtered alg D, symbol calc gr D→ Poly(X ) carrying [, ] on D to {, } on Poly(X ). Seek to lift G action on Poly(X ) to G action on D via Lie alg hom g → D1 . Seek simple D-module W (analogue of C ∞ (M)). Hope W irr for G ⇔ G has dense orbit on X . Suggests: irreducible representations of G ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Method of coadjoint orbits The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Recall: Hamiltonian G-space X comes with (G-equivariant) moment map µ : X → g∗ . Kostant’s theorem: homogeneous Hamiltonian G-space = covering of G-orbit on g∗ . Includes classification of symp homog spaces for G. (Riem homog spaces hopelessly complicated.) Recall: commuting algebra formalism for diff operators suggests irreducible representations ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Kirillov-Kostant philosophy of coadjt orbits suggests b ! g∗ /G. {irr unitary reps of G} = G (?) MORE PRECISELY. . . restrict right side to “admissible” b orbits (integrality cond). Expect to find “almost all” of G: enough for interesting harmonic analysis. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Method of coadjoint orbits The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Recall: Hamiltonian G-space X comes with (G-equivariant) moment map µ : X → g∗ . Kostant’s theorem: homogeneous Hamiltonian G-space = covering of G-orbit on g∗ . Includes classification of symp homog spaces for G. (Riem homog spaces hopelessly complicated.) Recall: commuting algebra formalism for diff operators suggests irreducible representations ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Kirillov-Kostant philosophy of coadjt orbits suggests b ! g∗ /G. {irr unitary reps of G} = G (?) MORE PRECISELY. . . restrict right side to “admissible” b orbits (integrality cond). Expect to find “almost all” of G: enough for interesting harmonic analysis. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Method of coadjoint orbits The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Recall: Hamiltonian G-space X comes with (G-equivariant) moment map µ : X → g∗ . Kostant’s theorem: homogeneous Hamiltonian G-space = covering of G-orbit on g∗ . Includes classification of symp homog spaces for G. (Riem homog spaces hopelessly complicated.) Recall: commuting algebra formalism for diff operators suggests irreducible representations ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Kirillov-Kostant philosophy of coadjt orbits suggests b ! g∗ /G. {irr unitary reps of G} = G (?) MORE PRECISELY. . . restrict right side to “admissible” b orbits (integrality cond). Expect to find “almost all” of G: enough for interesting harmonic analysis. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Method of coadjoint orbits The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Recall: Hamiltonian G-space X comes with (G-equivariant) moment map µ : X → g∗ . Kostant’s theorem: homogeneous Hamiltonian G-space = covering of G-orbit on g∗ . Includes classification of symp homog spaces for G. (Riem homog spaces hopelessly complicated.) Recall: commuting algebra formalism for diff operators suggests irreducible representations ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Kirillov-Kostant philosophy of coadjt orbits suggests b ! g∗ /G. {irr unitary reps of G} = G (?) MORE PRECISELY. . . restrict right side to “admissible” b orbits (integrality cond). Expect to find “almost all” of G: enough for interesting harmonic analysis. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Method of coadjoint orbits The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Recall: Hamiltonian G-space X comes with (G-equivariant) moment map µ : X → g∗ . Kostant’s theorem: homogeneous Hamiltonian G-space = covering of G-orbit on g∗ . Includes classification of symp homog spaces for G. (Riem homog spaces hopelessly complicated.) Recall: commuting algebra formalism for diff operators suggests irreducible representations ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Kirillov-Kostant philosophy of coadjt orbits suggests b ! g∗ /G. {irr unitary reps of G} = G (?) MORE PRECISELY. . . restrict right side to “admissible” b orbits (integrality cond). Expect to find “almost all” of G: enough for interesting harmonic analysis. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Method of coadjoint orbits The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Recall: Hamiltonian G-space X comes with (G-equivariant) moment map µ : X → g∗ . Kostant’s theorem: homogeneous Hamiltonian G-space = covering of G-orbit on g∗ . Includes classification of symp homog spaces for G. (Riem homog spaces hopelessly complicated.) Recall: commuting algebra formalism for diff operators suggests irreducible representations ! homogeneous Hamiltonian G-spaces. Kirillov-Kostant philosophy of coadjt orbits suggests b ! g∗ /G. {irr unitary reps of G} = G (?) MORE PRECISELY. . . restrict right side to “admissible” b orbits (integrality cond). Expect to find “almost all” of G: enough for interesting harmonic analysis. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Evidence for orbit method With the caveat about restricting to admissible orbits. . . b ! g∗ /G. G (?) (?) is true for G simply conn nilpotent (Kirillov). The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras (?) is true for G type I solvable (Auslander-Kostant). Differential operator algebras (?) for algebraic G reduces to reductive G (Duflo). Hamiltonian G-spaces Case of reductive G is still open. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Actually (?) is false for connected nonabelian reductive G. Conclusion But there are still theorems close to (?). References Two ways to do repn theory for reductive G: 1. start with coadjt orbit, look for repn. Hard. 2. start with repn, look for coadjt orbit. Easy. Really need to do both things at once. Having started to do mathematics in the Ford administration, I find this challenging. (Gave up chewing gum at that time.) Structure theory for reductive Lie groups The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Reductive Lie group G = closed subgp of GL(n, R) | {z } Introduction s.t. G closed under transpose, and #G/G0 < ∞. Commuting algebras main ex From now on G is reductive. Lie(G) = g ⊂ n × n matrices. Bilinear form G-eqvt T (X , Y ) = tr(XY ) ⇒ g ' g∗ Orbits of G on g∗ ⊂ conjugacy classes of matrices. Orbits of GL(n, R) on g∗ = conj classes of matrices. Family of orbits: for real numbers λ1 and λn−1 , O(λ1 , λn−1 ) = matrices, eigenvalue λp has mult p. Base point in family: O1,n−1 = nilp matrices, Jordan blocks 1, n − 1. Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Structure theory for reductive Lie groups The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Reductive Lie group G = closed subgp of GL(n, R) | {z } Introduction s.t. G closed under transpose, and #G/G0 < ∞. Commuting algebras main ex From now on G is reductive. Lie(G) = g ⊂ n × n matrices. Bilinear form G-eqvt T (X , Y ) = tr(XY ) ⇒ g ' g∗ Orbits of G on g∗ ⊂ conjugacy classes of matrices. Orbits of GL(n, R) on g∗ = conj classes of matrices. Family of orbits: for real numbers λ1 and λn−1 , O(λ1 , λn−1 ) = matrices, eigenvalue λp has mult p. Base point in family: O1,n−1 = nilp matrices, Jordan blocks 1, n − 1. Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Structure theory for reductive Lie groups The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Reductive Lie group G = closed subgp of GL(n, R) | {z } Introduction s.t. G closed under transpose, and #G/G0 < ∞. Commuting algebras main ex From now on G is reductive. Lie(G) = g ⊂ n × n matrices. Bilinear form G-eqvt T (X , Y ) = tr(XY ) ⇒ g ' g∗ Orbits of G on g∗ ⊂ conjugacy classes of matrices. Orbits of GL(n, R) on g∗ = conj classes of matrices. Family of orbits: for real numbers λ1 and λn−1 , O(λ1 , λn−1 ) = matrices, eigenvalue λp has mult p. Base point in family: O1,n−1 = nilp matrices, Jordan blocks 1, n − 1. Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Structure theory for reductive Lie groups The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Reductive Lie group G = closed subgp of GL(n, R) | {z } Introduction s.t. G closed under transpose, and #G/G0 < ∞. Commuting algebras main ex From now on G is reductive. Lie(G) = g ⊂ n × n matrices. Bilinear form G-eqvt T (X , Y ) = tr(XY ) ⇒ g ' g∗ Orbits of G on g∗ ⊂ conjugacy classes of matrices. Orbits of GL(n, R) on g∗ = conj classes of matrices. Family of orbits: for real numbers λ1 and λn−1 , O(λ1 , λn−1 ) = matrices, eigenvalue λp has mult p. Base point in family: O1,n−1 = nilp matrices, Jordan blocks 1, n − 1. Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Structure theory for reductive Lie groups The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Reductive Lie group G = closed subgp of GL(n, R) | {z } Introduction s.t. G closed under transpose, and #G/G0 < ∞. Commuting algebras main ex From now on G is reductive. Lie(G) = g ⊂ n × n matrices. Bilinear form G-eqvt T (X , Y ) = tr(XY ) ⇒ g ' g∗ Orbits of G on g∗ ⊂ conjugacy classes of matrices. Orbits of GL(n, R) on g∗ = conj classes of matrices. Family of orbits: for real numbers λ1 and λn−1 , O(λ1 , λn−1 ) = matrices, eigenvalue λp has mult p. Base point in family: O1,n−1 = nilp matrices, Jordan blocks 1, n − 1. Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Structure theory for reductive Lie groups The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Reductive Lie group G = closed subgp of GL(n, R) | {z } Introduction s.t. G closed under transpose, and #G/G0 < ∞. Commuting algebras main ex From now on G is reductive. Lie(G) = g ⊂ n × n matrices. Bilinear form G-eqvt T (X , Y ) = tr(XY ) ⇒ g ' g∗ Orbits of G on g∗ ⊂ conjugacy classes of matrices. Orbits of GL(n, R) on g∗ = conj classes of matrices. Family of orbits: for real numbers λ1 and λn−1 , O(λ1 , λn−1 ) = matrices, eigenvalue λp has mult p. Base point in family: O1,n−1 = nilp matrices, Jordan blocks 1, n − 1. Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Structure theory for reductive Lie groups The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Reductive Lie group G = closed subgp of GL(n, R) | {z } Introduction s.t. G closed under transpose, and #G/G0 < ∞. Commuting algebras main ex From now on G is reductive. Lie(G) = g ⊂ n × n matrices. Bilinear form G-eqvt T (X , Y ) = tr(XY ) ⇒ g ' g∗ Orbits of G on g∗ ⊂ conjugacy classes of matrices. Orbits of GL(n, R) on g∗ = conj classes of matrices. Family of orbits: for real numbers λ1 and λn−1 , O(λ1 , λn−1 ) = matrices, eigenvalue λp has mult p. Base point in family: O1,n−1 = nilp matrices, Jordan blocks 1, n − 1. Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References One irreducible unitary representation V n-diml real. G = GL(V ) acts on M = PV = lines in V . The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction X = T ∗ (M) = {(v , λ) ∈ (V − 0) × V ∗ | λ(v ) = 0}/ ∼ . Relation is (v , λ) ∼ (tv , t −1 λ). Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Orbits of G on X : zero sec M, all else X1,n−1 . Moment map µ : T ∗ (M) → gl(V )∗ ' End(V ), µ(v , λ)(w) = λ(w)v . ∼ Have µ : X1,n−1 → O1,n−1 : one coadjoint orbit! hope X1,n−1 dense ⇒ C ∞ (T ∗ (M))G = C ⇒ C ∞ (M) irr. This hope does disappoint us: C ∞ (M) ⊃ constants, so rep is reducible. Also there’s no G-invt msre on M, so no unitary Hilbert space version L2 (M). Fix both problems: δ 1/2 = half-density bdle on PV . Smooth half densities C ∞ (M, δ 1/2 ) are irr rep of GL(n, R), irr unitary rep π1,n−1 on L2 (M, δ 1/2 ). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Family of irr unitary representations Natural generalization: replace functions on M = PV by sections of Hermitian line bundle. Two natural (GL(V )-eqvt) real bdles on PV : tautological line bdle L (fiber at line L is L); and Q ((n − 1) -diml real bundle, fiber at L is V /L). Given real parameters λ1 and λn−1 , get Hermitian line bundle H(λ1 , λn−1 ) = Liλ1 ⊗ (∧n−1 Q)iλn−1 . Define 2 π1,n−1 (λ1 , λn−1 ) = rep on L (M, δ 1/2 ⊗ H(λ1 , λn−1 )). These are irr unitary representations of GL(V ); naturally assoc to coadjt orbits O(λ1 , λn−1 ). Same techniques (still for reductive G) deal with all hyperbolic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of matrices diagonalizable over R. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Family of irr unitary representations Natural generalization: replace functions on M = PV by sections of Hermitian line bundle. Two natural (GL(V )-eqvt) real bdles on PV : tautological line bdle L (fiber at line L is L); and Q ((n − 1) -diml real bundle, fiber at L is V /L). Given real parameters λ1 and λn−1 , get Hermitian line bundle H(λ1 , λn−1 ) = Liλ1 ⊗ (∧n−1 Q)iλn−1 . Define 2 π1,n−1 (λ1 , λn−1 ) = rep on L (M, δ 1/2 ⊗ H(λ1 , λn−1 )). These are irr unitary representations of GL(V ); naturally assoc to coadjt orbits O(λ1 , λn−1 ). Same techniques (still for reductive G) deal with all hyperbolic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of matrices diagonalizable over R. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Family of irr unitary representations Natural generalization: replace functions on M = PV by sections of Hermitian line bundle. Two natural (GL(V )-eqvt) real bdles on PV : tautological line bdle L (fiber at line L is L); and Q ((n − 1) -diml real bundle, fiber at L is V /L). Given real parameters λ1 and λn−1 , get Hermitian line bundle H(λ1 , λn−1 ) = Liλ1 ⊗ (∧n−1 Q)iλn−1 . Define 2 π1,n−1 (λ1 , λn−1 ) = rep on L (M, δ 1/2 ⊗ H(λ1 , λn−1 )). These are irr unitary representations of GL(V ); naturally assoc to coadjt orbits O(λ1 , λn−1 ). Same techniques (still for reductive G) deal with all hyperbolic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of matrices diagonalizable over R. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Family of irr unitary representations Natural generalization: replace functions on M = PV by sections of Hermitian line bundle. Two natural (GL(V )-eqvt) real bdles on PV : tautological line bdle L (fiber at line L is L); and Q ((n − 1) -diml real bundle, fiber at L is V /L). Given real parameters λ1 and λn−1 , get Hermitian line bundle H(λ1 , λn−1 ) = Liλ1 ⊗ (∧n−1 Q)iλn−1 . Define 2 π1,n−1 (λ1 , λn−1 ) = rep on L (M, δ 1/2 ⊗ H(λ1 , λn−1 )). These are irr unitary representations of GL(V ); naturally assoc to coadjt orbits O(λ1 , λn−1 ). Same techniques (still for reductive G) deal with all hyperbolic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of matrices diagonalizable over R. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Family of irr unitary representations Natural generalization: replace functions on M = PV by sections of Hermitian line bundle. Two natural (GL(V )-eqvt) real bdles on PV : tautological line bdle L (fiber at line L is L); and Q ((n − 1) -diml real bundle, fiber at L is V /L). Given real parameters λ1 and λn−1 , get Hermitian line bundle H(λ1 , λn−1 ) = Liλ1 ⊗ (∧n−1 Q)iλn−1 . Define 2 π1,n−1 (λ1 , λn−1 ) = rep on L (M, δ 1/2 ⊗ H(λ1 , λn−1 )). These are irr unitary representations of GL(V ); naturally assoc to coadjt orbits O(λ1 , λn−1 ). Same techniques (still for reductive G) deal with all hyperbolic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of matrices diagonalizable over R. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Family of irr unitary representations Natural generalization: replace functions on M = PV by sections of Hermitian line bundle. Two natural (GL(V )-eqvt) real bdles on PV : tautological line bdle L (fiber at line L is L); and Q ((n − 1) -diml real bundle, fiber at L is V /L). Given real parameters λ1 and λn−1 , get Hermitian line bundle H(λ1 , λn−1 ) = Liλ1 ⊗ (∧n−1 Q)iλn−1 . Define 2 π1,n−1 (λ1 , λn−1 ) = rep on L (M, δ 1/2 ⊗ H(λ1 , λn−1 )). These are irr unitary representations of GL(V ); naturally assoc to coadjt orbits O(λ1 , λn−1 ). Same techniques (still for reductive G) deal with all hyperbolic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of matrices diagonalizable over R. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, real sm , define coadjt orbit The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction O(sm +itm , sm −itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval sm ± itm mult m}. Commuting algebras Base point in family: Differential operator algebras Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Parameter sm corresponds to twisting by one-diml char of GL(V ): cumbersome and dull. So pretend it doesn’t exist. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, real sm , define coadjt orbit The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction O(sm +itm , sm −itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval sm ± itm mult m}. Commuting algebras Base point in family: Differential operator algebras Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Parameter sm corresponds to twisting by one-diml char of GL(V ): cumbersome and dull. So pretend it doesn’t exist. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, real sm , define coadjt orbit The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction O(sm +itm , sm −itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval sm ± itm mult m}. Commuting algebras Base point in family: Differential operator algebras Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Parameter sm corresponds to twisting by one-diml char of GL(V ): cumbersome and dull. So pretend it doesn’t exist. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, real sm , define coadjt orbit The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction O(sm +itm , sm −itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval sm ± itm mult m}. Commuting algebras Base point in family: Differential operator algebras Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Parameter sm corresponds to twisting by one-diml char of GL(V ): cumbersome and dull. So pretend it doesn’t exist. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, define coadjt orbit O(itm , − itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval ± itm mult m}. David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Base point in family: Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures The orbit method for reductive groups dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, define coadjt orbit O(itm , − itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval ± itm mult m}. David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Base point in family: Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures The orbit method for reductive groups dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, define coadjt orbit O(itm , − itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval ± itm mult m}. David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Base point in family: Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures The orbit method for reductive groups dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, define coadjt orbit O(itm , − itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval ± itm mult m}. David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Base point in family: Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures The orbit method for reductive groups dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References And now for something completely different. . . V 2m-dimensional real vector space, G = GL(V ). Fix real tm ≥ 0, define coadjt orbit O(itm , − itm ) = {A ∈ End(V ) | eigval ± itm mult m}. David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Base point in family: Om,m = {A ∈ End(V ) nilpotent, Jordan blocks m, m}. Corresponding repns related to cplx alg variety X = complex structures on V , dim X = m2 . Have K -invariant projective subvariety Z = orthogonal cplx structures The orbit method for reductive groups dim Z = (m2 −m)/2 = s. Turns out (Schmid, Wolf) X is (s + 1)-complete, which means Stein away from Z . X has G-invt indef Kähler structure, signature ((m2 − m)/2, (m2 + m)/2); underlying real symplectic mfld is O(itm , −itm ) (any tm > 0). Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Actually can also twist by character | det |ism of GL(V ), but we’re pretending that doesn’t exist. Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups References Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Differential operator algebras Conclusion Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm Introduction Commuting algebras ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Actually can also twist by character | det |ism of GL(V ), but we’re pretending that doesn’t exist. Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups References Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Differential operator algebras Conclusion Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm Introduction Commuting algebras ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Actually can also twist by character | det |ism of GL(V ), but we’re pretending that doesn’t exist. Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups References Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Differential operator algebras Conclusion Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm Introduction Commuting algebras ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Actually can also twist by character | det |ism of GL(V ), but we’re pretending that doesn’t exist. Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups References Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Differential operator algebras Conclusion Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm Introduction Commuting algebras ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). 1/2 Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). 1/2 Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). 1/2 Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, 2 X = space of cplx structures2on V . n = dimC (X ) = m , s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = The orbit method for reductive groups L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Problem: holomorphic sections (case m > 1) exist only for p ≥ 0; Conclusion they extend to cplx Grassmannian of m-planes in VC , give fin diml References (non-unitary) rep of GL(V ). Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). 1/2 n,n−s t Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hc (X , L m ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). 1/2 Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). 1/2 Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, 2 X = space of cplx structures2on V . n = dimC (X ) = m , The orbit method for reductive groups s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Canonical bdle is ωX = Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. Good news: infinitesimally unitary for suff neg L. References Bad news: cond on p complicated, Hilb space is tiny (dense) subspace. 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). 1/2 n,n−s t Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hc (X , L m ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Conclusion Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , The orbit method for reductive groups X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm ≥ 0. What we learn: interesting orbits are those with tm + m ∈ Z. These are admissible orbits. (Duflo). 1/2 Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. ≥ 0. The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. ≥ 0. The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Pre-unit for tm This is Serre duality plus analytic results of Hon-Wai Wong. Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. ≥ 0. ≥ 0. The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Pre-unit for tm Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. ≥ 0. ≥ 0. The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Pre-unit for tm Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. ≥ 0. ≥ 0. The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Pre-unit for tm Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. ≥ 0. ≥ 0. The orbit method for reductive groups Representations attached to O(itm , −itm ) David Vogan Brought to you by Birgit Speh. dim V = 2m, n = dimC (X ) = m2 , X = space of cplx structures on V . s = dimC (maxl cpt subvar) = (m2 − m)/2. Point x ∈ X interprets V as m-diml complex vector space Vx . Defines (tautological) holomorphic vector bundle V on X . Top exterior power of V is a holomorphic line bundle L. Every eqvt hol line bdle on X is Lp , some p ∈ Z. Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Canonical bdle is ωX = L−2m . Very rough idea: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Γ(Lp ). Fin-diml, not unitary. Conclusion Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , Lp ). Inf unit for p ≤ −m. References 1/2 Better: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn H 0,s (X , L−tm ⊗ ωX ). Inf unit for tm Best: O(itm , −itm ) ! repn Hcn,n−s (X , Ltm ⊗ 1/2 ωX ). Pre-unit for tm Call this (last) representation π(tm ) (tm = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Inclusion of compact subvariety Z gives lowest O(V )-type: V (tm + 1)-Cartan power of m (V ). (Shift +1 since ωZ = ωX1/2 ⊗ L−1 .) Parallel techniques deal with elliptic coadjt orbits (that is, orbits of semisimple matrices with purely imaginary eigenvalues. ≥ 0. ≥ 0. Quantizing nilpotent orbits For GL(n, R), nilp coadjt orbits = special points in families quantize by continuity (see below). of semisimp orbits For other reductive groups, not true: many nilpotent orbits have no deformation to semsimple orbits. Kostant-Rallis idea: nilp coadjt orbit OR has natural K -invt cplx structure Oθ holomorphic action of KC . Get repn of K that quantizes Oθ ; look for a way to extend it to G. Carried out by Brylinski and Kostant for minimal coadjt orbit in many cases. Rossi-Vergne idea: Given semisimple orbits, quantizations {O(λ) | λ dom reg} {π(λ) | λ dom reg adm}. Repns make sense (but may not be unitary) for “all” admissible λ (not dominant or regular). Continuity above means limiting nilpotent orbit O(0) quantized by π(0). Rossi-Vergne idea: smaller nilpotent orbits O0 (contained in O(0)) should be quantized by smaller constituents of representations π(λ0 ), with λ0 admissible, not dominant. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Quantizing nilpotent orbits For GL(n, R), nilp coadjt orbits = special points in families quantize by continuity (see below). of semisimp orbits For other reductive groups, not true: many nilpotent orbits have no deformation to semsimple orbits. Kostant-Rallis idea: nilp coadjt orbit OR has natural K -invt cplx structure Oθ holomorphic action of KC . Get repn of K that quantizes Oθ ; look for a way to extend it to G. Carried out by Brylinski and Kostant for minimal coadjt orbit in many cases. Rossi-Vergne idea: Given semisimple orbits, quantizations {O(λ) | λ dom reg} {π(λ) | λ dom reg adm}. Repns make sense (but may not be unitary) for “all” admissible λ (not dominant or regular). Continuity above means limiting nilpotent orbit O(0) quantized by π(0). Rossi-Vergne idea: smaller nilpotent orbits O0 (contained in O(0)) should be quantized by smaller constituents of representations π(λ0 ), with λ0 admissible, not dominant. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Quantizing nilpotent orbits For GL(n, R), nilp coadjt orbits = special points in families quantize by continuity (see below). of semisimp orbits For other reductive groups, not true: many nilpotent orbits have no deformation to semsimple orbits. Kostant-Rallis idea: nilp coadjt orbit OR has natural K -invt cplx structure Oθ holomorphic action of KC . Get repn of K that quantizes Oθ ; look for a way to extend it to G. Carried out by Brylinski and Kostant for minimal coadjt orbit in many cases. Rossi-Vergne idea: Given semisimple orbits, quantizations {O(λ) | λ dom reg} {π(λ) | λ dom reg adm}. Repns make sense (but may not be unitary) for “all” admissible λ (not dominant or regular). Continuity above means limiting nilpotent orbit O(0) quantized by π(0). Rossi-Vergne idea: smaller nilpotent orbits O0 (contained in O(0)) should be quantized by smaller constituents of representations π(λ0 ), with λ0 admissible, not dominant. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Quantizing nilpotent orbits For GL(n, R), nilp coadjt orbits = special points in families quantize by continuity (see below). of semisimp orbits For other reductive groups, not true: many nilpotent orbits have no deformation to semsimple orbits. Kostant-Rallis idea: nilp coadjt orbit OR has natural K -invt cplx structure Oθ holomorphic action of KC . Get repn of K that quantizes Oθ ; look for a way to extend it to G. Carried out by Brylinski and Kostant for minimal coadjt orbit in many cases. Rossi-Vergne idea: Given semisimple orbits, quantizations {O(λ) | λ dom reg} {π(λ) | λ dom reg adm}. Repns make sense (but may not be unitary) for “all” admissible λ (not dominant or regular). Continuity above means limiting nilpotent orbit O(0) quantized by π(0). Rossi-Vergne idea: smaller nilpotent orbits O0 (contained in O(0)) should be quantized by smaller constituents of representations π(λ0 ), with λ0 admissible, not dominant. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Quantizing nilpotent orbits For GL(n, R), nilp coadjt orbits = special points in families quantize by continuity (see below). of semisimp orbits For other reductive groups, not true: many nilpotent orbits have no deformation to semsimple orbits. Kostant-Rallis idea: nilp coadjt orbit OR has natural K -invt cplx structure Oθ holomorphic action of KC . Get repn of K that quantizes Oθ ; look for a way to extend it to G. Carried out by Brylinski and Kostant for minimal coadjt orbit in many cases. Rossi-Vergne idea: Given semisimple orbits, quantizations {O(λ) | λ dom reg} {π(λ) | λ dom reg adm}. Repns make sense (but may not be unitary) for “all” admissible λ (not dominant or regular). Continuity above means limiting nilpotent orbit O(0) quantized by π(0). Rossi-Vergne idea: smaller nilpotent orbits O0 (contained in O(0)) should be quantized by smaller constituents of representations π(λ0 ), with λ0 admissible, not dominant. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Quantizing nilpotent orbits For GL(n, R), nilp coadjt orbits = special points in families quantize by continuity (see below). of semisimp orbits For other reductive groups, not true: many nilpotent orbits have no deformation to semsimple orbits. Kostant-Rallis idea: nilp coadjt orbit OR has natural K -invt cplx structure Oθ holomorphic action of KC . Get repn of K that quantizes Oθ ; look for a way to extend it to G. Carried out by Brylinski and Kostant for minimal coadjt orbit in many cases. Rossi-Vergne idea: Given semisimple orbits, quantizations {O(λ) | λ dom reg} {π(λ) | λ dom reg adm}. Repns make sense (but may not be unitary) for “all” admissible λ (not dominant or regular). Continuity above means limiting nilpotent orbit O(0) quantized by π(0). Rossi-Vergne idea: smaller nilpotent orbits O0 (contained in O(0)) should be quantized by smaller constituents of representations π(λ0 ), with λ0 admissible, not dominant. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Quantizing nilpotent orbits For GL(n, R), nilp coadjt orbits = special points in families quantize by continuity (see below). of semisimp orbits For other reductive groups, not true: many nilpotent orbits have no deformation to semsimple orbits. Kostant-Rallis idea: nilp coadjt orbit OR has natural K -invt cplx structure Oθ holomorphic action of KC . Get repn of K that quantizes Oθ ; look for a way to extend it to G. Carried out by Brylinski and Kostant for minimal coadjt orbit in many cases. Rossi-Vergne idea: Given semisimple orbits, quantizations {O(λ) | λ dom reg} {π(λ) | λ dom reg adm}. Repns make sense (but may not be unitary) for “all” admissible λ (not dominant or regular). Continuity above means limiting nilpotent orbit O(0) quantized by π(0). Rossi-Vergne idea: smaller nilpotent orbits O0 (contained in O(0)) should be quantized by smaller constituents of representations π(λ0 ), with λ0 admissible, not dominant. The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Meaning of it all The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan My first class from Bert began February 4, 1975. In the first hour he defined symplectic forms; symplectic manifolds; symplectic structure on cotangent bundles; Lagrangian submanifolds; and proved coadjoint orbits were symplectic. After that the class picked up speed. Many years later I took another class from Bert. At some point he needed differential operators. So he gave an introduction: “You form the algebra generated by the derivations of C ∞ .” That’s Bert: mathematics at Mach 2, always exciting, and the explanations are always complete; you’ll figure them out eventually. The first third of a century has been fantastic, and I hope to keep listening for a very long time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Meaning of it all The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan My first class from Bert began February 4, 1975. In the first hour he defined symplectic forms; symplectic manifolds; symplectic structure on cotangent bundles; Lagrangian submanifolds; and proved coadjoint orbits were symplectic. After that the class picked up speed. Many years later I took another class from Bert. At some point he needed differential operators. So he gave an introduction: “You form the algebra generated by the derivations of C ∞ .” That’s Bert: mathematics at Mach 2, always exciting, and the explanations are always complete; you’ll figure them out eventually. The first third of a century has been fantastic, and I hope to keep listening for a very long time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Meaning of it all The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan My first class from Bert began February 4, 1975. In the first hour he defined symplectic forms; symplectic manifolds; symplectic structure on cotangent bundles; Lagrangian submanifolds; and proved coadjoint orbits were symplectic. After that the class picked up speed. Many years later I took another class from Bert. At some point he needed differential operators. So he gave an introduction: “You form the algebra generated by the derivations of C ∞ .” That’s Bert: mathematics at Mach 2, always exciting, and the explanations are always complete; you’ll figure them out eventually. The first third of a century has been fantastic, and I hope to keep listening for a very long time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Meaning of it all The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan My first class from Bert began February 4, 1975. In the first hour he defined symplectic forms; symplectic manifolds; symplectic structure on cotangent bundles; Lagrangian submanifolds; and proved coadjoint orbits were symplectic. After that the class picked up speed. Many years later I took another class from Bert. At some point he needed differential operators. So he gave an introduction: “You form the algebra generated by the derivations of C ∞ .” That’s Bert: mathematics at Mach 2, always exciting, and the explanations are always complete; you’ll figure them out eventually. The first third of a century has been fantastic, and I hope to keep listening for a very long time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References Meaning of it all The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan My first class from Bert began February 4, 1975. In the first hour he defined symplectic forms; symplectic manifolds; symplectic structure on cotangent bundles; Lagrangian submanifolds; and proved coadjoint orbits were symplectic. After that the class picked up speed. Many years later I took another class from Bert. At some point he needed differential operators. So he gave an introduction: “You form the algebra generated by the derivations of C ∞ .” That’s Bert: mathematics at Mach 2, always exciting, and the explanations are always complete; you’ll figure them out eventually. The first third of a century has been fantastic, and I hope to keep listening for a very long time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References References The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan W. Graham and D. Vogan, “Geometric quantization for nilpotent coadjoint orbits,” in Geometry and Representation Theory of real and p-adic groups. Birkhauser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1998. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! B. Kostant, “Quantization and unitary representations. I. Prequantization,” pp. 87–208 in Lectures in modern analysis and applications, III. Lecture Notes in Math., 170. Springer, Berlin, 1970. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY D. Vogan, “The method of coadjoint orbits for realBERT! reductive groups,” in Representation Theory of Lie Groups. IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 8 (1999), 179–238. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! D. Vogan, “Unitary representations and complex analysis,” inRepresentation Theory and Complex Analysis (CIME 2004), Andrea D’Agnolo, editor. Springer, 2008. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References References The orbit method for reductive groups David Vogan W. Graham and D. Vogan, “Geometric quantization for nilpotent coadjoint orbits,” in Geometry and Representation Theory of real and p-adic groups. Birkhauser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1998. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! B. Kostant, “Quantization and unitary representations. I. Prequantization,” pp. 87–208 in Lectures in modern analysis and applications, III. Lecture Notes in Math., 170. Springer, Berlin, 1970. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY D. Vogan, “The method of coadjoint orbits for realBERT! reductive groups,” in Representation Theory of Lie Groups. IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 8 (1999), 179–238. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! D. Vogan, “Unitary representations and complex analysis,” inRepresentation Theory and Complex Analysis (CIME 2004), Andrea D’Agnolo, editor. Springer, 2008. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERT! Introduction Commuting algebras Differential operator algebras Hamiltonian G-spaces Coadjoint orbits for reductive groups Conclusion References