18.336 Mid-term Solutions 1 0.9 Problem 1 (30 points): Velocity ei(θm−φn) , (a) Plugging in 0.8 0.7 and employing the 0.6 vg / a usual trig identites, we nd: sin(φ/2) = ±aλ sin(θ/2) 0.5 0.4 0.3 This gives a group velocity of: vg = dφ/dθ/λ 0.2 0.1 cos(θ/2) vg =q . a 1 − (aλ)2 sin2 (θ/2) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 β∆x/π = θ/π 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 This is actually exactly the same as the pset 3. It clearly is 1 for |aλ| < 1, decreases to θ = π . If we've forgotten for frog wave equation, for θ = 0 and, 0 for β∆x = what the plot pulse in the signal-processing community). show that it decreases monotonically. If we Since the gure showed a pulse with slower dvg /dθ ) = (2u0 v − take its derivative, the numerator of 0 uv )/2v 3/2 (u/v oscillations at the left, and there are no 1/2 0 boundaries to change the pulse direction, by the product rule): we conclude that we are looking at the leftgoing pulse. − sin(θ/2) · [1 − (aλ)2 sin2 (θ/2)] + cos(θ/2) · (aλ)2 sin(θ/2) cos(θ/2) Problem 2 (30 points): Stability = − sin(θ/2) · [1 − (aλ)2 ] ≤ 0 (a) The simplest thing is to consider a at solution (ux ut = σu and thus eσt . More geni(βx−ωt) erally, we can look at a wave e , and plugging this in we see that −iω = −iaβ+σ , or β = ω/a − iσ/a, which leads to solutions σx/a that grow as e . This is exponentially growing towards the right if a is positive and to the left if a is negative, and is there- so the curve must be monotonically decreasing, with zero slope at θ =0 that it must be concave downward, by tak- d2 vg /dθ2 , obtaining: − cos(θ/2) · [1 − (aλ)2 sin2 (θ/2)] − 3 sin(θ/2) · (aλ)2 sin(θ/2) cos(θ/2) of propagation θ = π. a σ(x) not constant via the coordinate-stretching Rx exp[ σ(x0 )dx0 /a] constant σ , ω = aβ + iσ so approach where we get plot must look something like Fig. 1 (which growth. Or, for aλ = 0.9). every Fourier component grows in time as (b) The pulse must be travelling to the eσt . Another way to show that all constantσ solutions are exponentially growing is to write u(x, t) = f (x − at, t), which yields the equation ft − afx = −afx + σf , and we see σt that ft = σf so that f (x, t) = f (x, 0)e . left. The reason is that we saw from part (a) that faster spatial frequencies (larger more slowly than smaller growing in the direction regardless of the sign of this argument can be generalized to Putting this together, we conclude that the is which gives fore exponentially = − cos(θ/2) · [1 + 2(aλ)2 sin2 (θ/2)] ≤ 0, with equality (zero curvature) only at = 0), has solutions that grow as and negative slope elsewhere. Furthermore, we can show ing the numerator of for leap- slower oscillations (this is called a chirped looks like, with a little more work we can looks like (recall that vg /a vs. θ/π |aλ| = 0.9. Figure 1: Group velocity group velocity for the leap-frog method from θ. θ) travel At the start, the pulse has the same oscillation frequency everywhere in its envelope, but eventually (b) Plugging in the usual the trailing edge of the pulse will have faster unm = g n eiθm , we nd: (g − 1) = −iaλg sin θ + σ∆t, oscillations and the leading edge will have 1 or just set the value of quire 1 + σ∆t |g| = q ≤ 1 + σ∆t, that 1 + (aλ)2 sin2 θ φ(0) = 0. φ(2π) = 0 φ at a point, e.g. re- By periodicity, this means too, and thus we have just changed periodic boundary conditions into Dirichlet boundary conditions (at least in which is a sucient condition for stability as 1d)! we showed in class. So, it is unconditionally stable. Note that the problem does to do with whether (c) Cal is over-simplifying the denitions. Saying it is stable doesn't mean that in a nite time as it ing = d˜k /k 4 , com4 pared to the exact solution ck = dk /k . As we showed in class, the L2 error in u is exactly equal to the L2 error in the Fourier coecients, which is the sum of two terms: a discretization error and a truncation error for |c̃k − ck |2 + |k|≤M X |k| > M . |ck |2 . |k|>M |c̃k − ck |2 = |d˜k − 1 1 dk | /k = O( M 2` ) k8 . A sum of 1/k 8 is a convergent series and is just sum number for large M , 1 so we get O( 2` ). The second sum is of terms M 1 |ck |2 = |dk |2 /k 8 = O( |k|2`+8 ); when summed, 1 this gives O( 2`+7 ) by the usual series bound. M Obviously, the rst term dominates, and so the 1 overall error is O( ` ). M The rst sum is of terms 2 8 Extra credit (5 points): Poisson (a) A singular matrix means that the solution is not unique, and indeed that is the case here: we can add any constant to φ and it still solves the same equation. (b) To x this, we just need to specify a specic solution φ R dierential equation). The collocation solution will be c̃k s X ρ that does not have φ has a discontinuous slope ρdx = φ0 (2π) − φ0 (0) by integrating the will be one for which (since |k| ≤ M , If we take our formulation zero integral, we will still get a solution, but it t → ∞. for φ to zero, which is equivalent to requirφdx = 0, another possible choice (albeit from (b) above and plug in a Problem 3 (30 points): Accuracy c̃k R dierence scheme). converges to the exact solution, which blows in the φ a slightly harder choice to enforce in a nite- well-posed, So, there is no contradiction: the solution the missing Fourier coecients with solution For our spectral cient of ∆t → 0. which is a condition for Lax's theorem too). up as have anything solution in class, we set the zeroth Fourier coef- And indeed, the exact solution doesn't blow up in a nite time either (it is not ρdx = 0...the is still not unique regardless. doesn't blow up. Rather, it means that it doesn't blow up R that we want out of all the innite possibilities. The simplest way is to 2