CONTINUITY FOR MAXIMAL COMMUTATOR OF BOCHNER-RIESZ OPERATORS ON SOME WEIGHTED HARDY SPACES LIU LANZHE AND TONG QINGSHAN Received 17 May 2004 and in revised form 3 November 2004 We show the boundedness for the commutator of Bochner-Riesz operator on some weighted H 1 space. 1. Introduction Let b be a locally integrable function. The maximal operator B∗δ ,b associated with the commutator generated by the Bochner-Riesz operator is defined by δ B∗δ ,b ( f )(x) = sup Br,b ( f )(x), (1.1) r>0 where δ Br,b ( f )(x) = Rn Brδ (x − y) f (y) b(x) − b(y) d y (1.2) and (Brδ ( fˆ ))(ξ) = (1 − r 2 |ξ |2 )δ+ fˆ (ξ). We also define that B∗δ ( f )(x) = sup Brδ ( f )(x), (1.3) r>0 which is the Bochner-Riesz operator (see [8]). Let E be the space E = {h : h = supr>0 |h(r)| < ∞}, then, for each fixed x ∈ Rn , Brδ ( f )(x) may be viewed as a mapping from [0,+∞) to E, and it is clear that B∗δ ( f )(x) = Brδ ( f )(x) and B∗δ ,b ( f )(x) = b(x)Brδ ( f )(x) − Brδ (b f )(x). As well known, a classical result of Coifman et al. [4] proved that the commutator [b,T] generated by BMO(Rn ) functions and the Calderón-Zygmund operator is bounded on L p (Rn ) (1 < p < ∞). However, it was observed that [b,T] is not bounded, in general, from H p (Rn ) to L p (Rn ) and from L1 (Rn ) to L1,∞ (Rn ) for p ≤ 1. But, if H p (Rn ) is replaced p by some suitable atomic space Hb (Rn ) and HB1 (Rn ) (see [1, 6, 7, 9]), then [b,T] maps p n p n continuously Hb (R ) into L (R ) and HB1 (Rn ) into weak L1 (Rn ) for p ∈ (n/(n + 1),1]. The main purpose of this paper is to establish the weighted boundedness of the commutators Copyright © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2005:2 (2005) 195–201 DOI: 10.1155/IJMMS.2005.195 196 Maximal commutator of Bochner-Riesz operator related to Bochner-Riesz operator and BMO(Rn ) function on some weighted H 1 space. We first introduce some definitions (see [1, 6, 7, 9]). Definition 1.1. Let b, w be locally integrable functions and w ∈ A1 (i.e., Mw(x) ≤ cw(x) a.e.). A bounded measurable function a on Rn is said to be (w,b)-atom if (i) suppa ⊂ B = B(x0 ,r), −1 , (ii) aL∞ ≤ w(B) (iii) a(y)d y = a(y)b(y)d y = 0. A temperate distribution f is said to belong to Hb1 (w) if, in the Schwartz distributional sense, it can be written as f (x) = ∞ λ j a j (x), (1.4) j =1 where a j ’s are (w,b)-atoms, λ j ∈ C, and ∞ j =1 |λ j | < ∞. Moreover, f Hb1 (w) ∼ ∞ j =1 |λ j |. Definition 1.2. Let w ∈ A1 . A function f is said to belong to weighted Block H 1 space as (1.4), where a j ’s are w-atoms (i.e., a j ’s satisfy Definition HB1 (w) if f can be written 1.1(i), (ii), and (iii) a(y)d y = 0) and λ j ∈ C with ∞ λ j 1 + log+ 1 < ∞. λ j (1.5) j =1 Moreover, f HB1 (w) ∼ ∞ + j =1 |λ j |(1 + log (( i |λi |)/ |λ j |)). Now, we formulate our results as follows. Theorem 1.3. Let b ∈ BMO(Rn ) and w ∈ A1 . Then the maximal commutator B∗δ ,b is bounded from Hb1 (w) to L1w (Rn ) when δ > (n − 1)/2. Theorem 1.4. Let b ∈ BMO(Rn ) and w ∈ A1 . Then the maximal commutator B∗δ ,b is ∞ n bounded from HB1 (w) to L1, w (R ) when δ > (n − 1)/2. Theorem 1.5. Let b ∈ BMO(Rn ) and w ∈ A1 . Then the maximal commutator B∗δ ,b is ∞ n bounded from H 1 (w) to L1, w (R ) when δ > (n − 1)/2. 2. Proof of theorems Proof of Theorem 1.3. It suffices to show that there exists a constant C > 0 such that for every (w,b)-atom a, δ B (a) 1 ≤ C. ∗,b Lw (2.1) Let a be a (w,b)-atom supported on a ball B = B(x0 ,R). We write Rn B∗δ ,b (a)(x) w(x)dx = |x−x0 |≤2R B∗δ ,b (a)(x) w(x)dx + |x−x0 |>2R B∗δ ,b (a)(x) w(x)dx ≡ I + II. (2.2) L. Lanzhe and T. Qingshan 197 For I, taking q > 1, by Hölder’s inequality and the Lq -boundedness of B∗δ ,b (see [2]), we see that I ≤ C B∗δ ,b (a) Lwq · w(2B)1−1/q ≤ C aLwq w(B)1−1/q ≤ C. For II, let b0 = |B(x0 ,R)|−1 II ≤ B(x0 ,R) b(y)d y, ∞ k+1 k k=1 2 R≥|x−x0 |>2 R + (2.3) then b(x) − b0 B δ (a)(x)w(x)dx ∗ ∞ δ k+1 k k=1 2 R≥|x−x0 |>2 R (2.4) B∗ b − b0 a (x)w(x)dx = II1 + II2 . For II1 , we choose δ0 such that n+1 n−1 < δ0 < min δ, 2 2 (2.5) and consider the following two cases. Case 1 (0 < r ≤ R). In this case, note that (see [8]) δ B (z) ≤ C 1 + |z| −(δ+(n+1)/2) , (2.6) we have, for |x − x0 | > 2| y − x0 |, a(y) δ+(n+1)/2 d y B(x0 ,R) 1 + |x − y |/r −(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n ≤ C |B |(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n 2k+1 B w(B)−1 . δ B (a)(x) ≤ Cr −n r (2.7) Case 2 (r > R). In this case, note that β δ ∇ B (z) ≤ C 1 + |z| −(δ+(n+1)/2) (2.8) for any β = (β1 ,...,βn ) ∈ (N ∪ {0})n and |x − x0 | > 2| y − x0 |, where ∂ ∇ = ∂x1 β β1 ∂ ··· ∂xn βn , (2.9) by the vanishing condition of a, we gain a(y) y − x0 δ+(n+1)/2 d y B(x0 ,R) 1 + x − x0 /r −(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n ≤ C |B |(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n 2k+1 B w(B)−1 . δ B (a)(x) ≤ Cr −(n+1) r (2.10) 198 Maximal commutator of Bochner-Riesz operator Combining Case 1 with Case 2, we obtain II1 ≤ C ∞ 2k+1 R≥|x−x k =1 ≤C ∞ 0 |>2k R b(x) − b0 |B |(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n −(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n × 2k+1 B w(B)−1 w(x)dx 2−k(δ0 +(n+1)/2) w(B)−1 2k+1 R≥|x−x k =1 0 |>2k R (2.11) b(x) − b0 w(x)dx. Since w ∈ A1 , w satisfies the reverse of Hölder’s inequality as follows: 1 |B | 1/ p p B w(x) dx C ≤ |B | B w(x)dx (2.12) for any ball B and some 1 < p < ∞ (see[10]). Using the properties of BMO(Rn ) functions (see [10]), and noting w ∈ A1 , then B w B2 · 1 ≤C B2 w B1 (2.13) for all balls B1 , B2 with B1 ⊂ B2 . Thus, by Hölder’s and reverse of Hölder’s inequalities for w ∈ A1 , we get, for 1/ p + 1/ p = 1, II1 ≤ C ∞ k =1 2 −k(δ0 +(n+1)/2) w(B) 1 × 2k+1 B ≤ C bBMO ∞ k2 −1 k+1 2 1/ p p 2k+1 B (2.14) w(x) dx −k(δ0 −(n−1)/2) k =1 1/ p p 1 B k+1 b(x) − b0 dx 2 B 2k+1 B k w 2 B |B | 2k B w(B) ≤ C. For II2 , similar to the estimate of II1 , we obtain −(δ0 +(n+1)/2) Brδ b − b0 a (x) ≤ C bBMO w(B)−1 |B |(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n x − x0 , (2.15) thus II2 ≤ C bBMO ∞ k =1 ≤ C bBMO ∞ −(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n w(B)−1 |B |(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n 2k B 2 −k(δ0 −(n−1)/2) k =1 w 2k B k w 2 B |B | 2k B w(B) ≤ C. This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.3. To prove Theorem 1.4, we recall the following lemma (see [5, 10]). (2.16) L. Lanzhe and T. Qingshan 199 Lemma 2.1. Let w ≥ 0 and {gk } be a sequence of measurable functions satisfying g k ∞ L1, w ≤ 1. (2.17) Then, for every numerical sequence {λk }, λk gk k ∞ L1, w ≤C λk + log λj λk . (2.18) j k Proof of Theorem 1.4. By Lemma 2.1, it is enough to show that there exists a constant C such that δ B (a) 1,∞ ≤ C ∗,b Lw for each w-atom a. (2.19) Let a be a w-atom supported on a ball B = B(x0 ,r). We write w x ∈ Rn : B∗δ ,b (a)(x) > λ ≤w x ∈ 2B : B∗δ ,b (a)(x) > λ + w x ∈ (2B)c : B∗δ ,b (a)(x) > λ = I + II. (2.20) For I, by the Lq -boundedness of B∗δ ,b for q > 1, we gain I ≤ λ−1 B∗δ ,b (a)χ2B L1w ≤ Cλ−1 B∗δ ,b (a) Lwq · w(B)1−1/q ≤ Cλ−1 aLwq · w(B)1−1/q ≤ Cλ−1 . For II, let b0 = |B |−1 B b(x)dx, (2.21) notice that B∗δ ,b (a)(x) = b(x)Brδ (a)(x) − Brδ (ba)(x) = b(x) − b0 Brδ (a)(x) − Brδ b − b0 a (x) ≤ b(x) − b0 Brδ (a)(x) + Brδ b − b0 a (x) δ ≤ b(x) − b0 B∗ (a)(x) + B∗δ b − b0 a (x), (2.22) we have II ≤ w +w x ∈ (2B)c : b(x) − b0 gµ∗ (a)(x) > x ∈ (2B)c : gµ∗ b − b0 a (x) > λ 2 λ 2 (2.23) = II1 + II2 . Similar to the proof of Theorem 1.3, we get II1 ≤ Cλ −1 = Cλ−1 (2B)c ∗ ∞ k =1 II2 ≤ Cλ−1 b(x) − b0 B δ (a)(x)w(x)dx 2k+1 B \2k B (2B)c b(x) − b0 B δ (a)(x)w(x)dx ≤ Cλ−1 bBMO , ∗ B∗δ b − b0 a (x)w(x)dx ≤ Cλ−1 bBMO . (2.24) 200 Maximal commutator of Bochner-Riesz operator Combining the estimate of I, II1 , and II2 , we gain w x ∈ Rn : B∗δ ,b (a)(x) > λ ≤ Cλ−1 bBMO . (2.25) This completes the proof of Theorem 1.4. Proof of Theorem 1.5. . Given f ∈ H 1 (w), let f = j λ j a j be the atomic decomposition for f . By a limiting argument, it suffices to show Theorem 1.5 for a finite sum of f = Q λQ aQ with Q |λQ | ≤ C f H 1 (w) . We may assume that each Q (the supporting cube of aQ ) is dyadic. For λ > 0 by [3, Lemma 4.1], there exists a collection of pairwise disjoint dyadic cubes {S} such that λQ ≤ Cλ|S|, Q⊂S |S| ≤ λ −1 −1 λ |Q| χQ Q λ Q , S ∀S, Q⊂S Q (2.26) ≤ Cλ. L∞ Let E = S S, where for a fixed cube Q, Q denotes the cube with the same center as √ Q but with the side-length 4 n times that of Q. Then, |E| ≤ Cλ−1 f H 1 . Set M(x) = δ 2 S Q⊂S λQ aQ , N(x) = f (x) − M(x). By the L boundedness of B∗,b and the well-known argument, it suffices to show that w x ∈ Ec : B∗δ ,b (M)(x) > λ Because B∗δ ,b (M)(x) ≤ S δ Q⊂S |λQ |B∗,b (aQ )(x), w x ∈ Ec : B∗δ ,b (M)(x) > λ ≤ Cλ−1 ≤ Cλ−1 f H 1 (w) . (2.27) we have Ec B∗δ ,b (M)(x)w(x)dx ∞ λQ ≤ Cλ−1 k+1 k k=1 2 Q\2 Q S Q ⊂S (2.28) B∗δ ,b aQ (x)w(x)dx, similar to the estimate of Theorem 1.3, we get, when x ∈ Ec , −(δ0 +(n+1)/2) B∗δ ,b aQ (x) ≤ C bBMO w(B)−1 |Q|(δ0 +(n+1)/2)/n x − x0 + C b(x) − b0 w(B)−1 2−k(δ0 +(n+1)/2) , (2.29) L. Lanzhe and T. Qingshan 201 thus, by Hölder’s and reverse of Hölder’s inequalities for w ∈ A1 , we obtain w x ∈ Ec : B∗δ ,b (M)(x) > λ ≤ Cλ−1 w(B)−1 ∞ λ Q k2−k(δ0 +(n+1)/2) w 2k Q S Q⊂S k =1 ∞ λ Q ≤ Cλ−1 k2−k(δ0 −(n−1)/2) S Q⊂S ≤ Cλ −1 (2.30) k =1 λQ ≤ Cλ−1 f H 1 (w) . 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