CAMPUS POLICY Now is the tie for all good men to POLICY NUMBER: 1000-001 PAGE NUMBER: Page 1 of 3 CHAPTER: 1000 ATHLETICS SUBJECT: Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee EFFECTIVE DATE: June 16, 2008 OPR: ATHLETICS VC: Administration and Finance I. SUPERSESSION: APPROVED: by Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor on June 16, 2008 POLICY A. The mission of the Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee (IAAC) is to serve as the primary oversight group for all aspects of the University's intercollegiate athletics program. It shall work closely with the UCCS Athletic Director to recommend policies and serve as a sounding board for the department. The campus philosophy of "studentathletes" shall guide the committee in all of its actions. The IAAC reports directly to the Chancellor. Since it serves in an advisory role, it shall submit written reports of any motions to the Chancellor and copies of these reports will be sent to the President of the Faculty Senate. II. AUTHORITY FOR CAMPUS POLICIES Authority for the creation of campus administrative policies is found in The Laws of the Regents, 1990, Article 3 Section B.8, which states: The chancellor of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs shall be the chief academic and administrative officer responsible to the president for the conduct of affairs of the Colorado Springs campus in accordance with the policies of the Board of Regents. The chancellor shall have such other responsibilities as may be required by these Laws, the Board, and as may be delegated by the president. III. PURPOSE The purpose of the Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Committee Campus Policy is to provide a description of the membership and functions of the committee. The functions of the committee include: 1. Advise on the sanction of individual sports, conference affiliation and association memberships. 2. Assist the Athletic Director in compliance with the regulations as established by the governing body of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). 3. Recommend policy on issues concerning intercollegiate athletics. CHAPTER: 1000 ATHLETICS SUBJECT: IAAC Mission POLICY: 1000-001 EFFECTIVE: June 16, 2008 PAGE: Page 2 of 3 4. Link the intercollegiate athletic programs to the university's academic programs in every way possible. 5. Monitor and assist in the development of departmental budgets. 6. Assist in interviewing and recommending coaching candidates to the director. 7. Serve as an appeals board when departmental avenues have been exhausted. 8. Hear and act on eligibility appeals in accord with established policy. 9. Meet monthly during the school year. IV. DEFINITIONS “IAAC”- Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory committee; primary oversight group for all aspects of the University's intercollegiate athletics program and guided by the studentathlete. “NCAA”- National Collegiate Athletic Association; governing body of which the University is an active member. V. PROCEDURES A. Membership 1. Four Faculty Members. One shall be the Faculty Athletics Representative. The remaining three will be recommended by the president of the Faculty Senate, and appointed by the chancellor or the chancellor's designee. These members will serve staggered 3 year terms (one replaced each year) and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. 2. Two staff members are recommended, one by the president of the Staff Council, and one by the Professional Exempt Staff Association (PESA), and appointed by the chancellor. Staff serve two-year terms, with one member appointed each year. Staff may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. 3. Three students, a student athlete recommended by the captain's council and two students recommended by the student government executives, all appointed by the chancellor. Students serve one-year terms and may be re-appointed. 4. Ex-officio members: a. UCCS Athletic Director (voting except on eligibility appeals) b. VCSS or designee (voting) c. UBAC member (voting) d. Academic Coordinator for Athletics (non-voting) e. Financial Aid representative (non-voting) 5. Members Emeriti: The committee may have up to two faculty member emeriti or two retired staff. 6. The chair of the committee shall be one of the four faculty members. The term of this elected position shall be one-year. Elections shall be held in the last meeting (May) of the spring semester. CHAPTER: 1000 ATHLETICS VI. SUBJECT: IAAC Mission POLICY: 1000-001 EFFECTIVE: June 16, 2008 PAGE: Page 3 of 3 RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of the IAAC Chair and the UCCS Athletic Director to ensure adherence to the provisions of this policy. VII. HISTORY IAAC policy approved by Chancellor: April 11, 2002 VIII. ATTACHMENTS: None