Annual Primary Mathematics Conference Monday 11 June 2012

Annual Primary Mathematics Conference
Monday 11th June 2012
At the National STEM Centre at the University of York
Are you part of the primary mathematics teaching community?
You are invited to attend an inspiring day of workshops with opportunities to discuss
mathematics education with a broad range of colleagues.
With Key Note speakers Jenni Back - Engaging Mathematics for All
Your choice of workshops includes:
 using hand held gaming devices to engage children
 modelling use of the Numbers and Patterns file
 reasoning and questioning in the classroom
 VAKing up your maths
 using Numicon
 using the outdoors as inspiration
 learning about the impact of the MaST programme
Cost £125
Lunch, refreshments and inspiring resources included
Coffee, registration and exhibitions start at 9am. Key Note speech starts at 9.30am.
To attend apply before 28th May 2012:
Complete the attached booking form indicating the workshops you would like to attend
Or download the booking form from the ‘News’ tab at
Either email with the subject ‘Primary Maths Conference’ to:
Or post FAO: Mary Perham, The National STEM Centre, University of York, Heslington Road,
YO10 5DD
Apply by 17th May and pay an early bird price of £99.
Workshop choices
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Intervention and Supporting SEN
Modelling use of the Numbers and
Patterns file
Building to Algebra in the Primary phase
Clare Rafferty
How do we recognise, engage and
support those children who struggle to
grasp ideas in Number and Shape? This
practical workshop from a mathematics
subject leader and SENCO will offer some
fresh ideas and an opportunity to share
some of your own.
Ems Lord
Is your school making the most of the
Numbers and Patterns resources? How
can they support primary mathematics
leaders develop mathematics in the Early
years and Key Stage One? How do the
phases work? Find out the answers to
these questions and more in this session.
Corinne Angier
From the foundation stage onwards
children recognise and play with patterns
and structures. This workshop will
consider how teachers can enable
children to develop and articulate this
aspect of their mathematics that will later
be expressed in formal algebra.
Changing Teaching – the MaST
2 x 2 ............. by more
Using hand held gaming devices to
engage children
SHU MaST Teachers
Teachers who have recently completed
the two-year Mathematics Specialist
Teacher programme at Sheffield Hallam
University describe their experience. They
will focus on how it has impacted not only
on their own classroom, but also on the
teaching and learning of mathematics
across their schools.
Joe Murray
How many themes can you teach [or
learn] starting with a 2 by 2 grid....with
extensions? The workshop will aim to
explore the flexibility of this simple idea
and go on to develop many problems
from one. A practical and fun approach to
learning some key topics. Bring a USB
stick for more ideas.
Martin Smith & Josh Lane
This session focuses on how teachers
harness the use of technologies to
understanding and language development
through active dialogue in context. A
variety of tools and applications will be
explored that are sure to motivate and
engage our 21stCentury learners.
VAK up your Maths!
Using natural materials and the outdoor
environment to enhance learning
Jane Fisher
Exploring ways to engage all learners by
planning in visual, auditory and
kinesthetic elements to your Maths
sessions. The session will share a range of
strategies - visual elements such as
models and images and the use of story
books, auditory elements, especially
using songs and raps and kinesthetic
activities - with art, drama and PE ideas.
Sue Lowndes
In this interactive and practical session
participants will engage in practical
activities, work collaboratively, share
conversation and consider how to use
Numicon to help children to develop their
understanding and knowledge of
mathematics. Participants will experience
the power of the Numicon approach,
using concrete and visual equipment.
Kim Mitchell
A practical session on the use of natural
materials and the outdoor environment
which has scope for development across
the whole primary phase. Delegates are
asked to bring photographs of ‘things’
mathematical taken outside their own
setting for creation of a resource in the
workshop. Photographs may include:
buildings, number plates, gates, digital
pads, interesting shapes... be as
imaginative as you like.
SPACE as an inspirational context
Engaging parents in mathematics
How can we develop reasoning skills in
the primary classroom?
Jim Doran
A primary mathematics specialist teacher
will lead you through his own experiences
of building reasoning skills across his
primary school through the use of key
questions. The session will model plenty
of practical examples using effective
questioning which you can take back to
try out in your own classroom.
Sue Andrews
‘Curiosity’ the NASA Mars rover is due to
land on Mars in August 2012. This session
describes two hands on activities that can
be carried out in the KS2 classroom that
give an insight into the science and
mathematics associated with landing the
rover both in a safe place and where it is
able to gather good scientific data.
Lisa Ashmore
We recognise how important parental
support can be in promoting positive
ideas about mathematics and helping
support children’s learning. This workshop
will offer practical advice for teachers on
setting up and running a parents’
workshop.....and some activities which
worked for us.
Annual Primary Mathematics Conference
Monday 11th June 2012
At the National STEM Centre at the University of York
8.45am – 9.15am
Coffee, registration and exhibition
9.15am – 9.45am
NCETM: the new landscape
Key Note speaker - Jenni Back
9.45am – 10.45am
Jenni will share some ideas about how we can involve all the
children in our classes in activities that challenge them
mathematically and help them to make sense of mathematics. She
will draw on both her development of mathematical tasks for the
NRICH website and recent research into how Hungarian teachers
introduce children to mathematical ways of working.
10.45am – 11.15am
Coffee and Exhibition
11.15am – 12.15pm
Session 1 choice
12.15pm – 1.15pm
Lunch and Exhibition
1.15pm – 2.15pm
Session 2 choice
2.30pm – 3.30pm
Session 3 choice
Booking form for the Primary Mathematics Conference
on the 11th June 2012
Mr / Mrs / Ms / Dr / Other
(delete as appropriate)
First Name
Job Title
School / College
Email address
Invoice to be
sent to:
Workshop Choices
Please mark to indicate your first and second choices for each session.
Session 1
1st choice
2nd choice
Session 2
1st choice
2nd choice
Session 3
1st choice
2nd choice
Workshop places will be allocated on a first
come first served basis. We will endeavour
to allocate selected choices where ever
possible though this cannot be guaranteed.
If you require accommodation this is available on site for £47 B&B. Please request this when
applying to attend the conference.
The National STEM Centre is situated on the University of York campus, co-located
within the National Science Learning Centre building.
We very strongly recommend that you use public transport to get to the Centre.
Parking at the University is extremely limited. It is significantly easier to arrive by train and
then to take a bus/taxi.
By car
The Centre is located on the University of York campus next to the North Car Park, at the top
of Siwards Way.
However, parking at the University can often be extremely difficult during office hours and
you may find that the North Car Park is full (pay and display £6.00 per day). A change
machine is located within the Centre if required. Alternative car parks are available on
campus, but please be advised that these may be a significant walking distance from the
By train
If you are arriving by train you may either take a bus (No. 4 or 44) or a taxi from York Station.
Journey time will vary depending on time of day, but should not be longer than twenty
By taxi
Ask for North Car Park, Siwards Way (the National Science Learning Centre and Hull/York
Medical School building signs are visible from the car park). Fare is approximately £7.00.
By bus
The number 4 and 44 bus services run from the front of the railway station to the University
every ten minutes. Fare to the Centre is £2.00 return. The scheduled journey time from the
railway station to the University Campus at Heslington is twenty minutes. (Please note that
there are two flights of steps from the bus stop to the Centre building.) Get off at bus stop 2,
and go up the steps to your left. Follow the signs for Hull/York Medical School. Take the path
to the left and follow the pedestrian signs up the stairs. The Centre building is to the right in
front of you.