I ntat. J. Math. Math. Si. Vol. 3 No. 4 (1980) 713-717 713 A TOPOLOGICAL PROPERTY OF B (N) ANASTASE NAKASSIS United States Geological Surve,y Reston, Virginia 22070 U.S.A. (Received June 15, 1979) In this paper we prove that the Stone-Cech-compactlflcatlon of the ABSTRACT. natural numbers does not admit a countable infinite decomposition into subsets homeomorphic to each other and to the said compactlfication. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Stone-Ceh-ompaifiaion. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. 54D30, 54D35. INTRODUCTION. Let N be the discrete topological space of all positive integers and let B(N) be its Stone-Cech-compactlflcatlon. Then to each decomposition of N into a finite union of infinite sets, viz. homeomorphic to N, corresponds a finite decomposition of B(N) into subsets homeomorphic to each other and to (N). to hold for countable decomposition of N. i/i, i Indeed, if N Ths propertY fails =i=l Zi 1,2,..., and let V be an infinite subset of N such that V for all i. let f map Z Z i i into is finite Then f has a continuous extension over 6(N) which we shall also denote 714 A. NAKASSIS by f and the following hold a. is compact but V is since b. f maps V- onto O. c. V-V is not a subset of %.Z i not. because f maps Z i onto 1/i, i=1,2,... Nevertheless, it is impossible that (N) might have some other countable decomposition into subsets homeomorphic to each other and to (N). Indeed, an assertion that this is the case, wrong as we will prove below, appears as an exercise in Dugundji’s OPOIOgy (Exercise 9, page 256, Chapter XI, Eleventh Printing). 2. REbULTS. In this section we will prove that the assumption that (N) admits a countable decomposition into subspaces homeomorphic to is self-contradictory. e suppose therefore that that this union is disjoint and that all of @(N). kJ U discrete subspaces Under this assumption me will prove that N intersects infinitely many . U.’s are (N) (N) Ui’s and that it is contained in their union. Then, N and we will the least element of i prove that the set thus formed has a closure that is not a subset we will pick from each U of U i. That, of course, Ui ill be a contradiction. have then LEYIA I. POUF. LEMA 2. not void. For every subset T of N and every subset A of (N), T is open in N (N is discrete) and N is IocaIIy compact. There are infinitely many i’s such that UifN is TOPOLOGICAL PROPERTY OF 8(N) PROOF. 8y the previous remarks N is the union of the (UiN)’s. If 715 Oi(%N, Uil% N uir N @ and therefore for i k+l, k+2,..., then (2) and this is impossible. Hence the lemma. On the basis of this lea,a, -e can consider the family [Ui i 1,2,3,... . as the union of two families, The first is infinite countable and contains all U intersect e shall refer to it in the future as s which i j The second may be void, finite or infinite countable and contains all Ui’s which do not intersect N. Let Zi Vif We shall refer to it as N, I=I,2,3,... (3) and let A be the set formsd by picking the least element of each Z Then we can construct . family {M(t) t is a real elements are infinite subsets of A and satisfy, (s((t) number] if s -hose t, then is void or finite. One-ay to construct such a family is to enumerate the set of all rationals Q, Q sequence rn(k, t r N, n to choose for each real t a n k=l which converges to t and has infinitely many terms different from t, and to put, Then, For every t, M(t) LEmIA 3. PROOF. l(t) M(t) is not. For every t, Y(t) is an open subset of LEM[?,A 4. PROOF. is compact and E l(t)k)h-l-TE @(N). and the union is disjoint. xtend i A. NAKASSIS 716 N a function that is 0 on continuously over (t)l’i(t’) PROOF. (--)-) is finite and (t’) and I on 3 N-;(t (6) (t)((t’). is open in @(N) mhich Therefore, is Hausdor ff. By the t’. If t LEPTA 5. then (t) I(t)(m(t’) M(t)m(t’). same token, (M(t) is open and r(t)((t’) U(t) and ro LEmA 6. every t, = is finite) . () (o) P(t). d(t) # Let f be a function which maps Z i onto I/i. If x is in O. On the other hand, f(Z.) I/i. Hence M(t), then f(x) PROOF. M(t) the lemma. every For LEMA 7. t, U(t) is an open-closed set in P and for t 7( t’ every t and t’ u()nu(t’) PROOF. (t) That U(t) and Lemma 4. the fact that M(t} is open-closed foIloms from the construction of U(t)U(t’) That and M(t’) are is a follows from Lemma 5, end subsets of N. set and ’s J is a countable j is an uncountable set of pairwise disjoint sets, there Since the union of all U(t) . t_ V’s and t’ such that U(t’) does not meet any V j ’s or a point in LE|(IA PROOF. U(t’). U(t’). 8. j ’s. Let x be Then, x does not belong to V j, j=1,2,3,... x does not belong o Z. by the very construction of On the other hand, Indeed, me remark that: Vj Zj is a subset of (h) -..,LJZi. TOPOLOGICAL PROPERTY OF (N) The V .’s have the discrete topology and J (vj and (,b) If k , (vj zj)Clzj j, then zj)n Zk- Vjn Vk (vj If every neighborhood of x in would meet it. zj)Czj # (12) j . (N) (13) met Vj- Zj, then U(t’) 5inca this is not the case, then x is not in V j -Zj. Hence the lemma. LEA g. PROOF. x does not belong to j is a subset of P. j=1,2,3,... If x were in U(t’) would meet hood of x, and in particular t he j, every neighbor- But this is not CaS e. As a result of Lemmas 8 and 9, me see that a non-empty subset of with j, j. (N). (N), U(t’), by construction does not have any element in common Therefore, our supposition was false. REFERENCES 1. Dugundji, James. 2. Kuratowski, C. 3. Nagata, Jun-iti. To_o!ogy, Allyn Toplogie and Bacon, Inc., Boston, 1976. I at_l!, arsaw, 1948, 1950. loderq Genera’l T.p_olo_y, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1968.